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Started by Amazon D, September 05, 2012, 09:26:01 AM

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Amazon D


Are you ready to join with people all over the world to create lasting solutions? You've come to the right place. THRIVE Solutions Groups are self-organizing all over the planet and now you can search for groups in your area, or start your own. THRIVE groups share best practices with each other, so you can benefit from each other's experiences and progress.

The THRIVE Solutions Model is based on a whole-system approach comprised of twelve interconnected sectors that cover the primary areas of human endeavor. By identifying key problems in each of these Sectors and coming up with solutions that are good for all of them, we will avoid having unforeseen impact in a Sector seemingly distant from the immediate concern at hand. Both the structure and process of the model are based on nature's design principles.

The THRIVE Solutions Model is designed to keep people in a given community informed about all that is happening beyond their own area of focus, and to facilitate the sharing of needs and resources – locally, nationally and globally – so that on any issue a full range of participation is easy to come by.

Please sign up on our email list to receive updates about and participate in the THRIVE Movement.

I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D


You can also watch a feature-length documentary on this subject called Race to Zero Point:
go to video above the word SUPPRESSION
YOU. or see the google site for this video = Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point


SEE THE SURGE  car with electro magnetic engine at 1 hour and 10 minutes on the video

I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

I believe the time has come for nothing less...

"Everything is connected to everything else in my opinion - hardcore physics, outer fringe physics, cosmology, you name it, biology, electro-chemistry, it's all part of the one universe. All fossil fuels, all nuclear fuels – get them out of the way and employ technologies that work in the natural sense, with the space time continuum and with nature ... mankind really needs to get its act together instead of focusing on greed and war and oil and focus on a more promising future in medicine, health, energy, environment, and really get a roll on, similar to the NASA project when everyone was excited about going to the moon, so that mankind has something better to do than pick on its neighbors, fighting over race, color and things like that ...The technology itself has to come out into the world."
- John Hutchison, New Energy and Anti-gravity Inventor

New Energy Conference coming up November 9-11, 2012 in Hillversum, Holland. Tickets on sale now - check it out!
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Hmm, I can't help but be skeptical. I'm not familiar with this Thrive Movement but at first glance I am reminded of the Zeitgeist movies and the Chem-trails/911/Illuminati conspiracy theories. The free energy movie I've seen and it was pure hokum from start to finish.

I'm not sure if the people behind are for real or if it is some kind of a scam on their part (I'm leaning towards the latter), but I've known and met a lot of people that buy this stuff wholesale, and the common denominator always seem to be a lacking understanding of fundamental physics and have an unrealistic view of how the world works.

I've spent many evenings in heated discussions with some people I know trying to educate them on whats wrong with the theories and "science" they adhere to but it almost always seem to end with them telling me I've been brainwashed and duped into believing in the false science infused into the corrupt school system by the oil companies, big pharma, J.D Rockefeller, Rothschild, Dupont and the Bush family.

There's always some evil behind the scenes puppet master pulling the strings fooling everyone into thinking cakes can't be divided into 3 or more halves. So many people out there think cars running purely on water are real but suppressed and hidden by the oil companies, but fact of the matter is that you can't get something from nothing. As far as energy goes water is already spent, but few knows what this means. A car running on water alone is the equivalent of paying for groceries with the money you just spent on ice cream or running a clock on an unwound spring. Nature just doesn't work that way.

In my opinion skepticism is a healthy thing, but too often it is grossly misplaced. Just because some slick spokes person or  fancy movie say what we like to hear doesn't make it true. They make all sorts of out of this world fantastic claims shrouded in a cloak of fancy techno-babble, but yet for some reason many people are unwilling to even entertain the possibility that these people are simply mistaken, or worse yet, trying to scam you.
"Of course!"

Amazon D

My brother is a physist and yes i know nothing comes from nothing but they talk about many forms of free energy and they say its not really free except it is in the air around us. The air around us is not filled with nothing.. there are waves as shown by a magnet.. you have to see the video..

besides the groups are for people to create and join to make the world a better place and so people don't have to be complacent anymore and can get involved to make the world better instead of relying on scientist and politicans
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Sara Thomas

"...water is already spent, but few knows what this means."

I'm not making a case for cars that run on water, Maria, but I'm not sure of what you mean by the above (I reckon myself among the many...).

Water is remarkable for it's storage of potential energy: mechanical, chemical, and otherwise.

I looked at the Thrive site earlier: I like the concept of folks collaborating, and sharing knowledge... [and I am just too brain-dead  to elaborate. what comes to mind is that David Byrne song, 'In The Future'... "there will be so much going on that no one will be able to keep track of it" ]

I ain't scared... I just don't want to mess up my hair.


Quote from: Amazon D on September 05, 2012, 04:12:29 PM
My brother is a physist and yes i know nothing comes from nothing but they talk about many forms of free energy and they say its not really free except it is in the air around us. The air around us is not filled with nothing.. there are waves as shown by a magnet.. you have to see the video..
I am familiar with the claims (I believe this is what's referred to as vacuum energy), but the problem is that this is all theory akin to Maxwell's demon. If it were possible to extract energy out of thin air using nothing but household items and and secondhand electronics it would be widespread. Seriously, there would be nothing stopping people from doing it if it were indeed possible.

I'm not going to watch the the Zero Point Energy video again but I'm guessing it is the video you are referring to. It really doesn't matter what is shown in a video if there are no real-world results. And just what is stopping these guys from faking their demonstrations anyway?

besides the groups are for people to create and join to make the world a better place and so people don't have to be complacent anymore and can get involved to make the world better instead of relying on scientist and politicans
I'm all for people making the world a better place but people need to be realistic in their thinking. Like I said, I haven't looked into this Thrive Movement/Movie yet, this is the first time I hear about it, but it looks a lot like a sequel to the Zeitgeist/What-the-bleep-do-we-know hoopla of a few years ago.

I also notice you have quoted John Hutchison. I don't know if you got this quote from the movie or not, but if you did then it does not bode well for the Thrive Movement. This guy is a known fraud.
"Of course!"


Quote from: Sadie May on September 05, 2012, 04:39:02 PM
"...water is already spent, but few knows what this means."

I'm not making a case for cars that run on water, Maria, but I'm not sure of what you mean by the above (I reckon myself among the many...).

Water is remarkable for it's storage of potential energy: mechanical, chemical, and otherwise.
What I mean is that water is the waste product. It is what you have left after you have spent your fuel. It is true that you can store energy as in steam or a lake up in a mountain. However, you can't make an engine run on water like you can with gasoline but this is exactly what the water-car proponents are suggesting. There's a widespread belief out there that this is possible but the oil companies in collusion with the auto-makers are suppressing the technology with murder and intimidation. Just a few years ago I was hanging out watching TV with a guy when there was a news report about a company by the name Genepax that had invented a car that ran on water alone. I couldn't believe how a serious news agency could be taken in like this. My friend however was ecstatic about this wonderful technology finally being free from the clutches of the evil corporate monster. I laughed at him and told him it was a scam for sure. He called me brainwashed and close-minded.

"Of course!"

Sara Thomas

Right... gotcha. I've never looked into it, myself... and any idle time I've spent thinking about it has me surmising that it would have to be accomplished through the separation and combustion of hydrogen - but that certainly doesn't seem feasible with our current technology... if ever.
I ain't scared... I just don't want to mess up my hair.


Quote from: Sadie May on September 05, 2012, 06:13:26 PM
Right... gotcha. I've never looked into it, myself... and any idle time I've spent thinking about it has me surmising that it would have to be accomplished through the separation and combustion of hydrogen - but that certainly doesn't seem feasible with our current technology... if ever.
It will never happen. It's not a matter of technology but physics. In a perfect world scenario it will take the same amount of energy to break the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the water molecule apart as you get when you recombine them in a combustion chamber or a fuel cell, therefore it will never be possible to run a car off of water alone. Breaking water down into hydrogen and oxygen in a car makes little sense as the energy you spend doing it could be better used to drive the wheels instead.

Now, there are certain chemical compounds that will break the bond in the water molecule when it comes into contact with the water. I have also seen this demonstrated in so called water-cars. The only problem is that you'll have to continually replenish the supply of these compounds as they are being spent in the process. In effect they are the fuel, not the water, just like the wood, coal or gas in a steam engine.
"Of course!"

Amazon D

tHE THRIVE MOVEMENT IS MORE THAN JUST ENERGY.. its about people working together to make a better world ...

watch the video before you judge
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Ok, so I've watched the first hour of this movie now. I can't comment on the making-a-better world aspect of it since nothing like that was covered in the part I saw, but I seriously question the sincerity of the makers of this movie. I don't know what their agenda is but the movie starts out with the statement "All fact in this movie has been independently confirmed" and then just about all that follows are lies and deceptions. Maybe independent confirmation has a totally different meaning to Forster Gamble than the rest of the world but it seems to me that anyone willing to put in a little time and effort will be able to deduce that almost none of what is being said is true. For instance, why are they claiming crop circles are made by alien visitors? We know for a fact crop circles are made by humans, and there is no way anyone can convince me Foster Gable doesn't know this too. So why is he lying to us? Because the end justifies the means? And what's with this torus-fetish? They are completely putting the cart in front of the horse in thinking the torus shape has some magical properties that give rise to energy.

The movie, at least the part I saw, was exactly as I expected it to be. JD Rockefeller, Rothschild, Dupont, GWB and the Illuminati manipulating us through the media and the educational system and suppression of miraculous energy and medical technology by murder and intimidation. The movie follows the standard propaganda format. In rapid fire sequence we are showered with unrelated bite sized twisted facts of truth but nothing is substantiated or explained. It's a good old Gish Gallop and logical fallacies run rampant.

I'm sorry if I sound like a Negative Nancy here but I find the dishonesty of this movie offensive. I'm all for people making a better world but I don't see how misleading and lying to people will achieve that. We have enough real problems here on earth that we don't need to distract people with imaginary ones. In my opinion movies like this help make things worse, not better.
"Of course!"

Amazon D

Not a negative nancy just a republican one
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Quote from: Amazon D on September 08, 2012, 04:24:48 PM
Not a negative nancy just a republican one
My political affiliation, whatever it may be, has little to do with my critique of Foster Gamble and his movie. Anyone who wishes to and are willing to put in a little effort can see for themselves that this guy is not being truthful.
"Of course!"

Amazon D

Quote from: MariaMx on September 10, 2012, 06:39:31 AM
My political affiliation, whatever it may be, has little to do with my critique of Foster Gamble and his movie. Anyone who wishes to and are willing to put in a little effort can see for themselves that this guy is not being truthful.

Oh you mean mitt romney .. yea i agree he sures distorts the truth
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Quote from: Amazon D on September 10, 2012, 04:18:00 PM
Oh you mean mitt romney .. yea i agree he sures distorts the truth
No, I was not talking about Mitt Romney, although I'm sure he does it to.
"Of course!"