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Started by Kevin Peña, December 29, 2012, 12:42:36 PM

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Superman vs. Goku?



Quote from: Malachite on December 29, 2012, 06:17:33 PM
Then again, Goku has many transformations and he can just call on Vegeta to turn into Super Vegito.  If all else fails, Goku can just turn into an ape and smash Superman.

Nope, Goku doesn't have his tail anymore so he can't turn into an Oozaru.  I think Goten still has his tail, but Goten != Goku.  Does Superman have laser vision?  Can Goku get a mirror and reflect that back at him?

Quote from: DianaP on December 29, 2012, 06:06:18 PM
Read that article I put up earlier. Superman essentially gave Death the finger. There's a scan of it somewhere.

Death's cool, he likes cats.  He also doesn't kill you, He only shows up when you're dead. :P
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Kevin Peña

In the DC universe, Death is a personification, yet still a tangible being, just like in Marvel. He tried to kill Superman, but Superman just wouldn't quit. That's power.  :P

If Superman were trying to kill Goku with his heat vision, he would be cutting loose, making his heat vision so hot that it would melt the mirror before being reflected. It's hotter than the inside of the sun. Plus, why would Goku have a mirror in the middle of a fight?


Quote from: DianaP on December 29, 2012, 08:41:09 PM
In the DC universe, Death is a personification, yet still a tangible being, just like in Marvel. He tried to kill Superman, but Superman just wouldn't quit. That's power.  :P

If Superman were trying to kill Goku with his heat vision, he would be cutting loose, making his heat vision so hot that it would melt the mirror before being reflected. It's hotter than the inside of the sun. Plus, why would Goku have a mirror in the middle of a fight?

I haven't though that far yet... maybe he found something reflective, yelled out "shiny!", and then picked it up just as Superman was firing his heat vision?

I'll keep thinking...
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Quote from: DianaP on December 29, 2012, 06:06:18 PM
Read that article I put up earlier. Superman essentially gave Death the finger. There's a scan of it somewhere.

Besides, did you ever hear of the Cocktail effect? It's the ability to decide what you hear. For example, you can have a conversation on a busy train or at a... cocktail party (hence the name). Superman can hone in on Goku. Even if he doesn't, at his speed, he can search the entire vicinity easily. And if that fails, the spirit bomb only works on evil people, which Superman is not.  :P

And you can't disorient Superman with noise. His super-strong ears' equilibrium isn't easy to disturb.  :)

wait, do you mean superman doesn't have CAPD?  :P

Kevin Peña

No, he doesn't. However, he can drag several planets with ease.



Goku could just use the Dragonballs to move planets.  Much less effort :)
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.


Kevin Peña

The dragon balls only work once per year. Superman being able to move planets on his own is a useful battle attribute in the sense that he has strength (more strength than Goku  :P). Besides, what would Goku want to move a planet for, and where?

Anywho, you can't use dragon balls in a death battle.  :( (Only the characters' own powers)


I count 5 uses/year.  2 from the Earth balls (after Dende modified them), and then 3 from the Namek set.  But yes, no Dragonballs in a death battle...

Goku would want to move Earth to counteract global warming (I just stole the idea from Futurama).

The problem with Superman is that his only weakness is Kryptonite, but we already agreed that Goku wouldn't use it :(.  Has anybody tried to measure Superman's power level so that we can compare that to Goku's?
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Kevin Peña

I know that there are 5 wishes, but they only work annually. Can't make too many wishes, or you'll release the evil dragons again.

Also, the creator of DBZ has stated that power levels are meaningless.  :P

Superman (Weaker post-crisis):
1. Pulling Earth out of orbit from close proximity to the sun with Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter.

2. Slowing the fall of the Spectre, who is made of Eternity, with Wonder Woman.


Quote from: EmSchuma on December 29, 2012, 10:21:38 PM
The problem with Superman is that his only weakness is Kryptonite, but we already agreed that Goku wouldn't use it :(

I never agreed to this.

Anyway Goku could use the dragon balls to give superman CAPD and then spirit bomb him during the period of days/weeks/longer it would take superman to adjust (clearly he's gone evil  if he's fighting goku, he was always working for the soviets anyway).


Quote from: DianaP on December 29, 2012, 10:32:41 PM
Also, the creator of DBZ has stated that power levels are meaningless.  :P

True, the DBZ wiki says he's at something like 60,000,000 at some point... and Vegeta made all that fuss about 9,000.

Quote from: Carbon on December 29, 2012, 10:38:36 PM
I never agreed to this.

Sorry, I meant that Diana and I both said it.

Unfortunately, I haven't read a lot of comic books so I don't know as much about Superman as I should (Onward to Wikipedia!).  What's CAPD?  Wikipedia suggests "Central Auditory processing disorder" but I assume you mean something different :P
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King Malachite

Quote from: EmSchuma on December 29, 2012, 08:34:47 PM
Nope, Goku doesn't have his tail anymore so he can't turn into an Oozaru.
It was never specified which version of Goku the OP was talking about so kid Goku could be in the running.   :P
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

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Kevin Peña

Fighting Goku doesn't make Superman evil. It's a challenge. Besides, I'm talking about Goku's most powerful incarnate, Malachite... the GT version *gags*

That series wasn't very good...

Just one question: Why do y'all think that Goku would win? I have shown you that Superman is the stronger character, yet you still persist with Goku. I just want to hear an actual argument. ???

PS--> NO DRAGON BALLS! This is a battle between characters and their own individual powers.  :P
Besides, they're limited to the power of the eternal dragon, and I'm certain that Superman is stronger than Shenron if Piccolo could kill Shenron. Thus, Shenron can't harm Superman anyway. Even if Shenron could give Superman CAPD, Superman would kill him before he did anything.

King Malachite

Quote from: DianaP on December 30, 2012, 06:08:33 AM

Just one question: Why do y'all think that Goku would win? I have shown you that Superman is the stronger character, yet you still persist with Goku. I just want to hear an actual argument. ???

I have no actual argument.  I just like anime more.  LOL!
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Quote from: DianaP on December 30, 2012, 06:08:33 AM
Just one question: Why do y'all think that Goku would win? I have shown you that Superman is the stronger character, yet you still persist with Goku. I just want to hear an actual argument. ???

I've seen more footage of Goku than I have of Superman... I think I'm mostly rooting for him out of loyalty at this point. :)
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Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.



I dont' know what this website is but I'll just go with this since it's one of the first google results for "superman versus goku."

also the reason is that I'm only tangentially aware of both people and I feel like you are stipulating conditions that heavily favor super man.

Kevin Peña

Quote from: Carbon on December 30, 2012, 09:10:40 AM
and I feel like you are stipulating conditions that heavily favor super man.

Ok, to make the conditions clear, they are fair. Only Superman vs. Goku. It's that simple. Goku can't call on vegeta or the dragonballs, just as Superman can't call on Wonder Woman or Green Lantern or the Guardians of the Universe.

How can it be any more fair? One-on-one, mano-a-mano, no assistance from other people or magical wish-granting balls. If anything, suggesting use of the dragonballs is unfair since it wouldn't be Goku that did anything to win against Superman, but some magic dragon dude.

Kevin Peña

Well, I once again bring this, Carbon

Next, I found a few false points in that Goku article. First, Goku had to go Super Saiyan to lift 100 tons (shown in the canon manga), which Superman can easily do, and more. Next, Superman's heat vision doesn't exhaust him; he wasn't tired after destroying a Doomsday horde, only remorseful for having killed. Next, Superman is a lot stronger than that author is letting on. His heat vision isn't only enough to split the sea, but more than enough to split PLANETS with ease. Superman was actually trained in martial arts by Batman, Wonder Woman, Wildcat, and other great martial artists.

There are a lot more false points, but it would take A LOT of time to bring them all up. In short, read the article I provided, and you will see that the author of the "Why Goku Should Win" article picked the convenient tangential storylines in which a powered down Superman (to keep the plot interesting) is the main protagonist. The real Superman would beat Goku fair and square.

King Malachite

Quote from: DianaP on December 30, 2012, 05:20:03 PM
The real Superman would beat Goku fair and square.

It wouldn't be fair since the GT version of Goku is considered "non-canon" by many people so you can't use the "real" Superman against him.  That would be cheating and Goku would win by disqualification.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Kevin Peña

Well, GT is fair, seeing as to how the creator of DBZ acknowledged it. Not that it'll be enough.  ;)