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Started by Imreallyconfused, February 27, 2013, 08:12:17 PM

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So, right now I'm watching Attack on Titan, Amnesia, and The Devil is a Part Timer.

Attack on Titan: Soooo gooood. Seriously, folks. Probably the best Anime to come out since Full Metal Alchemist. Go onto Crunchyroll and watch the first 10 minutes. If it hasn't hooked you by then then, well, I dunno.

Amnesia: It's... an interesting twist to  the reverse harem trope. Normally I hate harem anime, mostly because the main characters end up being such Mary Sues that I just want to gouge my eyes out, but despite the main character's Mary Sueness  in this one, the plot is leaving me guessing.... and that's saying a lot. It's a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be.

The Devil is a Part Timer: This one's on Hulu Plus. Concept: Satan from an alternate dimension retreats to Modern Japan after a stunning defeat to recoup. However, he finds himself powerless and human when he gets there so he is forced to get a part time job at Mc Donalds to make ends me. Hilarity ensues. This is far, far better than it has any right to be.



I'm into the classics.
My current fav is still Macross Plus. I love some Sharon Apple.
I used to like Ninja Scroll but as life has moved on and perception has changed it's a bit too derogatory towards women for my tastes.



Attack on Titan is absolutely amazing. That series is one for the books.

The Devil is a Part Timer is really good too. Really funny is you ask me, but it works out great with the action and suspense.

You should try Samurai Bride. That is one that will make you laugh a lot, but keep your eyes glued to the screen with the action and a bit of ecchi.

Vera C

Admittedly, I haven't seen any anime aside from the stuff I used to love. I think FMA Brotherhood was the last series I watched. :P I've seen stuff that's been suggested to me, but it never really hooked me. I still absorb manga though.

Vera C

Also, I'm glad to see love for Ronin Warriors. That show was awesome!  ;D


I'm an old-school anime fan; however, it's because I've been into old-school anime for a long time and not just because what I like is considered old-school now. ;D

I'm a sucker for Takahashi - Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku and Ranma 1/2 are some of my favorites (my wife even walked down the aisle at our wedding to a song from Maison Ikkoku). I really recommend Kimagure Orange Road, Bubblegum Crisis, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Rose of Versailles, and Irresponsible Captain Tylor for those who have not seen anything that came out before DVD (though some of them are now :))

I'm trying to keep up with the "new" stuff, but the last series I really got into was Full Metal Alchemist, still have yet to see Brotherhood. Attack on Titan does look promising though, I'm playing catchup with it.


Quote from: Yukari-sensei on June 25, 2013, 06:59:44 AM
I'm trying to keep up with the "new" stuff, but the last series I really got into was Full Metal Alchemist, still have yet to see Brotherhood. Attack on Titan does look promising though, I'm playing catchup with it.

FMA:Brotherhood is quite good, but it caused quite a rift with me an other FMA fans. Most people think it's better than FMA, but I honestly think that the original is better. This seems to piss a lot of them off, for some reason. Just because I put Brotherhood at 9/10 and the original at 9.5/10, it doesn't mean I don't think it's good, or not worth watching. It is. It's just the first was better.

I've decided to break down and watch Berserk. Hoo boy. It's... okay. The animation is terribad, but a lot of people think highly of it, so I'm willing to give it a pass if the script is decent. And it's okay so far. Right now it's only saving grace for me is that it's got music from Susumu Hirasawa, who I totally adore. (FYI, he's also the guy who scored Paprika and Paranoia Agent.)

At least it's better than Amnesia. Oh, God, that show could have redeemed itself at the end and made it worth watching, but between it ending with a Deus Ex Machina (Literally) and it basically being a rape fantasy about the lead character.... yeah. Do. Not. Watch.



(There are anime threads in the entertainment section.  ;) )
My favourites (in order) are Hellsing, Baccano!, and Durarara!!, and I also like Soul Eater, Death Note, Bleach, and Monster. An anime of Blood Lad is going to start soon that I am excited for. I prefer manga to anime, but like both. I recently started reading Doubt and Jack Frost (the latter is a manhwa).


Quote from: Shodan on June 25, 2013, 07:36:19 AM
FMA:Brotherhood is quite good, but it caused quite a rift with me an other FMA fans. Most people think it's better than FMA, but I honestly think that the original is better. This seems to piss a lot of them off, for some reason. Just because I put Brotherhood at 9/10 and the original at 9.5/10, it doesn't mean I don't think it's good, or not worth watching. It is. It's just the first was better.

I've decided to break down and watch Berserk. Hoo boy. It's... okay. The animation is terribad, but a lot of people think highly of it, so I'm willing to give it a pass if the script is decent. And it's okay so far. Right now it's only saving grace for me is that it's got music from Susumu Hirasawa, who I totally adore. (FYI, he's also the guy who scored Paprika and Paranoia Agent.)

At least it's better than Amnesia. Oh, God, that show could have redeemed itself at the end and made it worth watching, but between it ending with a Deus Ex Machina (Literally) and it basically being a rape fantasy about the lead character.... yeah. Do. Not. Watch.

Since you brought up Paprika and Paranoia Agent, did you ever watch Perfect Blue? I loved the reaction my mom had to watching that when it first came out on VHS... As a direct result, my mother never had the same disregard for anime that my father does (She bought all of FMA on DVD when it came out... for herself :))


I.... don't think I have. I can't believe that slipped through the cracks.



whenever anyone in real life asks if i watch anime i cringe....
I do watch it, but not often, but i dont want them to get the impression i watch the typical stupid ones... there's already people saying my style is too anime :/ to see my arts and crafts :U


Not sure what I dislike more (when connected to anime).

Guys toooooo incapable of realizing that a certain specific hair style (best described as 'merely hair growing on a head never cut or brushed and with no assurance of being washed much') and a clothing choice best described as 'unlikely to have a significant other that is organic', that seem immune to the revelation they are the iconic representation of males that like anime.

Or anime that seems too out of touch with the reality that breasts and nipples and quasi sex scenes is not doing anime any real good and it has sure gotten out of hand lately. And seems likely to be only of use to the above other thing I dislike about anime.

But fortunately there is a lot of good fun anime out there, that has nothing of the latter above, and can appeal to either gender.

Was amused to find that my son has found a rather nice girl, that is ok with watching anime. He's been indulging some of my very vast collection with her recently.

I never hide that I like anime, but, I do make a point of not liking entirely the anime that is no better than tabloid TV.
And I always make a point of mentioning that anime is not always about persons in the above example, and to be called Otaku, well it's dumb to wear that label considering what a proper translation containing context involves.
Otaku, = loser. It's not Japanese for fan or geek. Saying you are Otaku means you are a loser. THAT'S what the word actually means.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


My favorites are Evangelion, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Outlaw star.
Trying to take it one day at a time :)


I've seen several anime. The ones I can remember are:
Ranma ½
I My Me, Strawberry eggs
Cheeky Angel
HRT on and off since January 20, 2014
Diagnosed with GD: March 2018