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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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Yeah the back of the throat nose-cam is just weird and that's it. It's not uncomfortable at all. It kinda bends around and doesn't cause any pain at all... At least it didn't for me.

The stuff they spray in there makes your nose feel dry for a while- that's about the only discomfort I noticed.

Jmi great video :) You are super spunky. I love it! Thanks for sharing it with us!


Hi Jenny I just wanted to thank you for putting this out there.... Also thanks to everyone else too Im only 1/2 way through this epic thread and Ive learned a lot  8)

Im into my 4th day of recovery from a similar procedure done by Dr Haben in NY...

Its going great so far I think and Im doing well with no real discomfort except for the occasional itchy throat... Water and sugar free cough drops have been my friends so far... Im not taking any kind of pain meds or even prescription cough meds at all... I tried some narcotic cough medicine at the hospital post op and I thought it actually made my itching worse... Ive been on nothing at all since then.... Just a few instances of very easy light coughing, clearing my throat... I do try to avoid that though....

I have no real trouble mostly not talking at all... Even living alone here aside from my dog its been surprisingly hard not to slip and say something... I guess I never realized how much I talk to myself...  My poor dog is kinda confused because I like to talk to him... SOON.... I hope he likes momma's new voice 8)

Anyway my question was for any of you Yeson girls... Could you please post your aftercare instructions??? I cant find anything anywhere on that... I was just told no talking for a week and no dietary restrictions...

Thanks again ;)


Very cool. You totally have a female voice now but it is a bit hoarse. Be careful there, maybe you are healing faster than others, but dont overdo it. If you were told by Yeson that it is ok to fully use it already, then of course it should be fine :) 

Quote from: lovelyjmi on November 15, 2014, 01:47:08 AM
And Anjaq, what I mean by them telling me to do my original voice, is not using my "trained" voice. The one where I sqweez my vocal chords. Because that, is not natural. My original voice was natural. So yea the contrast is big, but it's also real. And they want to show people what they can do to fix your natural voice. Not your trained one.
Ok, but I still would find it interesting. I had the inmpression that this was even worse than your original voice, with all the vocal fry in it...I tend to do the same when I am told to "do my old voice" ;)
It is really amazing how different those two voices are. I showed it to a friend who very often even with voices I consider well trained would say it still has maleness in it - she was telling me that it is 100% female, also in the "free" recordings. And this she really says very rarely :)

The difference is actually quite interesting. It's hard to explain with words, but in what I've learned on my own, you need to teach yourself to speak from the throat, and not from the chest. If you speak from the chest after surgery, which will happen because it is a habit from the male voice, it'll come out sounding weird and sound like a woman trying to speak like a guy (think Japanese anime where actresses do boy voices). But if you speak from the throat, and make it more breathy and sing songy, it comes out as very feminine. Likewise, if I had done the throat talking with the male voice, it would be very falsetto and weird sounding. It's kind of inverted now. Really, it's all about re-training your brain as Dr. Kim says.
Well but is that something related to surgery? I heard this description with others doing voice training as well and it seems to be really a key component.

@Eva - post op instructions are AFAIK no talking for 2 weeks, just a few words a day for another 2 weeks, then take it easy, full conversation only after 8 weeks. no spicy foods, alcohol, caffeeine or anything upsetting for the throat for several weeks. But the "Yeson girls" can certainly be more precise.

EDITED to be less offensive (sorry MegC)



OK I just read this entire thread, it took a while!!!

I am right now unable to talk at all and dreaming of results as good as what Ive heard here :o

Another question I have is if your all using the "trained" raised larynx position or just talking???

I guess I will find out for my self soon enough, I just hope for a result from Dr Haben as good as Yeson...

He did tell me to be prepared for a long rough recovery, at least a month before its gonna sound anywhere near good... 


Quote@Eva - post op instructions are AFAIK no talking for 2 weeks, just a few words a day for another 2 weeks, then take it easy, full conversation only after 8 weeks. no spicy foods, alcohol, caffeeine or anything upsetting for the throat for several weeks. But the "Yeson girls" can certainly be more precise.

Well WTF am I gonna eat and drink then, thats like half of my diet right there :-\

Really no salt??? I gotta have salt with my spiro...


Anjaq, what is up with you?

For far to long have I been sitting here reading all your comments  on surgical procedures and comparing them to your own AWESOME technique, and at the same time destructively pulling girls down to the ground from their euphoria for their achievements.

Instead of supporting them, you are telling them to hold back, to come back down from that state they are in. Literally dragging them down from their joy, robbing them of the feeling of accomplishment.

You of all, who has done so much "research" on the subject, should know that females MODULATE their voices in different situations, like when they are reading, talking to strangers, close relatives or singing. Heck even dudes use a mixed voice when they are singing - in fact, there is a whole how to find your mixed voice for dudes on youtube.

The surgery is like tuning the guitar, tuning it UP and getting rid of the male edge of the voice, hence the increased frequency.

So instead of dragging people down, cherish them for their accomplishment and LEARN from it! Stop comparing it to what you do right now, 'cause that is NOT COMPARABLE!

I can only say again what my sister told me: "You still kind of have the same voice, but with the male edge taken away from it". Mind you that I had 175 - 178hz trained voice, and after my VFS at Yeson I'm now at 220 when I speak normally with other people. 190 when I talk to relatives and over 220 when I'm reading. Why? I'm unintentionally modulating my voice. Every women does that. Men does it the other way, they make their voice deeper to show dominance and masculinity.

Okey, there, I've said it. Now considering the status you have on this page, you can ban me if you want to, or smite me. But I stand by these words from pure observations over several threats and posts...



I apologize if it came across like I wanted to pull anyone down. I am not quite sure what you refer to MegC . In respect to J-Mi I was only trying to prevent her from overusing her voice now at week 6 - since I read so many times my thosw who have been to Yesons that this is not a good thing - I was just trying to say to be a bit careful until week 8.

I am not sure what I said. but I did not want to hurt anyone. I guess it is time for me to go into my hut and brood for a while instead of being on the forums, if I start to pull people down by my comments. I can then brood if I will take that date I was aiming for or not. It turns out it is far from perfect now that I have an exam put right in the middle of my proposed time window. But I guess I should just be quiet for now, listen to my feelings and then book that date in February. The consultation in Berlin last week showed me that a local surgery is no option at all and his amazement at the one person he saw who was at Yeson was just saying it all. So I guess within the next 3 Weeks or so the decision will fall about me and until then I will just not interfere.

And I was not trying to say anything bad about J-Mi s voice. I find it amazing at only 6 weeks to have that clearly and undeniably female voice - its really cool and J-Mi is so happy in the video, I totally can feel with her.

Bye for now



Quote from: anjaq on November 16, 2014, 05:47:10 PM
I apologize if it came across like I wanted to pull anyone down. I am not quite sure what you refer to MegC . In respect to J-Mi I was only trying to prevent her from overusing her voice now at week 6 - since I read so many times my thosw who have been to Yesons that this is not a good thing - I was just trying to say to be a bit careful until week 8.

I am not sure what I said. but I did not want to hurt anyone. I guess it is time for me to go into my hut and brood for a while instead of being on the forums, if I start to pull people down by my comments. I can then brood if I will take that date I was aiming for or not. It turns out it is far from perfect now that I have an exam put right in the middle of my proposed time window. But I guess I should just be quiet for now, listen to my feelings and then book that date in February. The consultation in Berlin last week showed me that a local surgery is no option at all and his amazement at the one person he saw who was at Yeson was just saying it all. So I guess within the next 3 Weeks or so the decision will fall about me and until then I will just not interfere.

And I was not trying to say anything bad about J-Mi s voice. I find it amazing at only 6 weeks to have that clearly and undeniably female voice - its really cool and J-Mi is so happy in the video, I totally can feel with her.

Bye for now

All is good, but I do agree with MegC ... you do come across like that, but honestly I don't care at all. I've had people pulling me left and right my entire life, and your comments won't affect my happiness. Now, that said, I only signed up here to help others who were thinking of going for Yeson. I care about other people because growing up no one really gave a crap about helping me.

I didn't come here to be lectured about not speaking. Yeson gave me the OK to speak more than most people at this point because I've healed a lot faster. I mention that in one of the videos. Sorry I don't like to sound like this or be negative, but your comments are exactly why I don't like joining a lot of communities online.

*rant over*


Quote from: Eva on November 16, 2014, 04:26:20 PM
Well WTF am I gonna eat and drink then, thats like half of my diet right there :-\

Really no salt??? I gotta have salt with my spiro...

You can have salt, just not a ton. Lightly salted things are ok as pretty much anything you buy in Korea has salt in it a tad. They usually tell you a lot of things in exaggeration only because a lot of people react differently to it. I DO avoid caffeine, spicy or alcohol like the plague but salty things.. ehhhh .. I still eat it, and I'm fine! =)) ..   


Quote from: Jennygirl on November 16, 2014, 02:56:55 AM
Yeah the back of the throat nose-cam is just weird and that's it. It's not uncomfortable at all. It kinda bends around and doesn't cause any pain at all... At least it didn't for me.

The stuff they spray in there makes your nose feel dry for a while- that's about the only discomfort I noticed.

Jmi great video :) You are super spunky. I love it! Thanks for sharing it with us!

And finally, thank you Jenny!! <3 You're too sweet!!


When I read the stuff you can and can't eat and drink. I was like yeah that seems fine but the more I think about it, it feels like they just want you to have a healthy diet.


Quote from: ElleA on November 17, 2014, 12:37:54 AM
When I read the stuff you can and can't eat and drink. I was like yeah that seems fine but the more I think about it, it feels like they just want you to have a healthy diet.

Yea pretty much. It's just all about making recovery a lot faster! Don't get sick especially heh ... but really I think it's greatly exaggerated into making you more cautious. Which is fine if you ask me! They make you worry before hand, then you adapt better =))!


Quote from: lovelyjmi on November 16, 2014, 08:18:53 PM
Sorry I don't like to sound like this or be negative, but your comments are exactly why I don't like joining a lot of communities online.
Ok. I apologize. I will take a step back and not let my own fears and insecurities affect others. I need to "fight with my own demons" over this in private. Thanks for telling me though, both of you, so I wont bug more people with this now.
And dont get me wrong - I really think your voice is great J-Mi - I really did not mean to say it is not. And considering its 6 weeks, this seems to be amazing as you already are all full up and about and can already use it fully - way cool (y)

Ok, see you all in some weeks.



Quote from: lovelyjmi on November 17, 2014, 01:02:05 AM
Yea pretty much. It's just all about making recovery a lot faster! Don't get sick especially heh ... but really I think it's greatly exaggerated into making you more cautious. Which is fine if you ask me! They make you worry before hand, then you adapt better =))!

Well I didnt go to Yeson, just too far away for me... I was just told "no dietary restrictions" basically he said just use common sense and take good care of yourself...

So Im having my morning coffee, I did have a couple of bloody marys last night... Really I haven't changed anything but I have been eating less and a bit better... Thats mostly just because the weather here has been really cold and snowy though.... Also my tongue and taste has been messed up but thats coming back I think.....Good weather to sit around and do nothing in... I usually like to walk a few miles a day....

2 more days and then I gotta do some things that must get done, bad voice or not... Im gonna try to use it as little as possible though unless I all of a sudden make an unlikely miraculous recovery...   


Ahhh!! Right then!! I imagine it'd be the same thing any ways... it's hard to cut total salt out! I hope you get the voice you want =3 <3!!!


Quote from: lovelyjmi on November 17, 2014, 07:38:03 AM
Ahhh!! Right then!! I imagine it'd be the same thing any ways... it's hard to cut total salt out! I hope you get the voice you want =3 <3!!!

There's no way I could cut salt out.  I like salt. I love it since starting HRT and have, in fact, been craving it. I use salt then add salt to my salt then salt my salt so I'm having salt with my salt.

Yo dawg, I heard you like salt so here's some salt for your salt whilst you salt your salt!

Stooping down, dipping my wings, I came into the darkly-splendid abodes. There, in that formless abyss was I made a partaker of the Mysteries Averse. LIBER CORDIS CINCTI SERPENTE-11;4

HRT- 31 August, 2014
FT - 7 Sep, 2016
VFS- 19 October, 2016
FFS/BA - 28 Feb, 2018
SRS - 31 Oct 2018


At what stage of transition would you girls recommend going to Yeson if that were the place of choice?
My Fantasy is having Two Men at once...

One Cooking, One Cleaning.  ;D 



hahahahaha Wynternight, I'm totally with ya on that!! (btw sorry I never caught your name!)

Jessika, I couldn't tell you as it's been already 6 years for me since I've completed transition, but I'd imagine you could go whenever. However, lets see what everyone else thinks :)!!


I was thinking after Laser/Electro hair removal, Being on HRT at least a year and after name changes on Documents. My voice is my biggest downfall thou.
My Fantasy is having Two Men at once...

One Cooking, One Cleaning.  ;D 



Quote from: Jessika on November 17, 2014, 01:49:42 PM
I was thinking after Laser/Electro hair removal, Being on HRT at least a year and after name changes on Documents. My voice is my biggest downfall thou.

I know them feels *hugs* ... my biggest downfall, for me anyways, was my Jaw, and my voice.