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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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My plan is to try voice training first and if I can't get a passable voice that comes out without effort with a year on HRT I'm going for a surgical option.


Quote from: Jessika on November 17, 2014, 01:49:42 PM
I was thinking after Laser/Electro hair removal, Being on HRT at least a year and after name changes on Documents. My voice is my biggest downfall thou.

I think everyone's priority system is different, no doubt influenced by available resources. I had surgery long before starting electro, even though many start electro long before even going full-time. I think if Yeson had been around/known when I transitioned, it would have been pretty high on my list.


This when to get it talk made me think of another question. I have a pretty passable voice already but it definitely gets lower after a big talking day or i struggle to talk with out clearing my throat. Does anyone else have the same problem? And if you did and have been to Yeson is this something surgery resolved? I never had this problem using a deep voice before trying to speak in a higher pitch.


Quote from: ElleA on November 17, 2014, 11:10:28 PM
This when to get it talk made me think of another question. I have a pretty passable voice already but it definitely gets lower after a big talking day or i struggle to talk with out clearing my throat. Does anyone else have the same problem? And if you did and have been to Yeson is this something surgery resolved? I never had this problem using a deep voice before trying to speak in a higher pitch.

Let me tell ya, I used to be good at raising my pitch and holding it for a little while, but I got tired so fast and my voice got super weak. After Yeson, I don't even have to force to keep it up. It actually seems easier to hold it up than to keep it down now!


I really hope so I so sick of being so weak in the afternoons


Quote from: ElleA on November 18, 2014, 12:15:02 AM
I really hope so I so sick of being so weak in the afternoons

I feel you. That's why I just told myself, I'd rather get it done, and never have to worry about those problems ever again! And, in my case, Dr. Kim solved a couple of other problems I had at the same time! One being this breathing problem I've had since I was a kid. My vocal chords didn't close all the way at the top, so it caused me to run out of breath quick, which also made my voice weaker. And because of my "personal pitch shift" I used to do by squeezing my vocal chords, I caused my vocal folds to be asymmetrical over time. He fixed that too ^_^!! So like, 3 problems in one go!!


BTW ... my frequencies have gone up quite a bit! And I've regained more power in my voice! AND I've been inspired by Olivia to do 1 video a month! So I'll do a compilation of sorts.

I also went and dug up the oldest Rainbow Passage from Pre-OP that I could find :)!!



Quote from: Wynternight on November 17, 2014, 11:20:30 AM
There's no way I could cut salt out.  I like salt. I love it since starting HRT and have, in fact, been craving it. I use salt then add salt to my salt then salt my salt so I'm having salt with my salt.

Yo dawg, I heard you like salt so here's some salt for your salt whilst you salt your salt!


Yep I like bacon too, I like salt on my salty bacon :) Oh and pickles, I love a nice spicy salty pickle  :laugh:


*cocks gun* NEVAH TAKE MY BACON AWAY!!! lolll


Thats AWESOME Lovelyjmi, its gotta be like living a dream to have a PERMANENT voice like that  ;D

So COOL  8)



Quote from: Eva on November 18, 2014, 08:41:18 AM
Thats AWESOME Lovelyjmi, its gotta be like living a dream to have a PERMANENT voice like that  ;D

So COOL  8)


Sqweee... I hope it sticks! Like many before me have said, you gotta work a little for it too! I just so happen to be good with using my voice and I've had so much experience in the past with it. But, I'm trying my best!! I dread month 4 though!! Botox wearing off will be something to get used to!


Hey guys!! I got a message from Jessie at Yeson to pass onto people looking into VFS!

"Nowadays our centre is getting busier than ever so if you have anyone interested in our procedure around you, please inform them
that they should make an appointment 4~5 months in advance. At the moment, the earliest one available for VFS surgery is March. (Probably there are some in February as well but I should check them out)
Only within a few weeks, January and February were all fully booked out due to the increasing number of local patients as well. I usually inform my patients that they should make an appointment 1~3 months in advance
but things got different here now so I need your help to spread this news that they should make an appointment 3~5 months in advance to others if possible :) "

Take note of that :)!! <3


Your old voice actually doesn't sound that bad even though it's not in the full female range. However the new one is pretty amazing.


Quote from: lovelyjmi on November 20, 2014, 10:38:09 AM
Hey guys!! I got a message from Jessie at Yeson to pass onto people looking into VFS!

"Nowadays our centre is getting busier than ever so if you have anyone interested in our procedure around you, please inform them
that they should make an appointment 4~5 months in advance. At the moment, the earliest one available for VFS surgery is March. (Probably there are some in February as well but I should check them out)
Only within a few weeks, January and February were all fully booked out due to the increasing number of local patients as well. I usually inform my patients that they should make an appointment 1~3 months in advance
but things got different here now so I need your help to spread this news that they should make an appointment 3~5 months in advance to others if possible :) "

Take note of that :)!! <3

Yeah they told me 4 months when I contacted them. So I figure in January I will schedule them and hopefully I'll get my appointment before Christmas, LOL.


My old voice was in the higher male range and I think it's terrible and weak sounding... but thank you!

Edit: Plus getting called Mister on the phone, wasn't exactly making me feel very feminine... just saying...


Quote from: lovelyjmi on November 20, 2014, 02:36:38 PM
My old voice was in the higher male range and I think it's terrible and weak sounding... but thank you!

Edit: Plus getting called Mister on the phone, wasn't exactly making me feel very feminine... just saying...

Just curious, did you have any formal voice training? I mean voice feminization, not necessarily work related.

I have had training for work and public speaking (I work in television and media and I do talks at conferences and seminars sometimes) but nothing re feminization.


I went to speech therapy for a while, but if I didn't keep up with exercises every single day, it did no good for me. It just got to the point where I was straining my voice all the time :(! And Dr. Kim pointed that out too. I did it for 6 years... really took a toll on me.


Hello, I've read through this entire thread and sent Yeson an enquiry to see when I can get an appointment. While I wait, I was wondering if lovelyjmi or any of the other girls who have been through this could tell me, if you are (majorly) stealth before the surgery, and then you have it, are you likely to be outed by the healing period in the first 6 months?

Here's my situation: I've been stealth for about 5 years (why I don't have a profile pic), and in that time have moved, gone into a whole new line of work unrelated to the transition job, and met a partner who I told after we'd been together for a while, but who's family have no idea. I've known them over 3 years.

My male voice fundamental frequency is 104Hz. I was a super-bass in choir. My female voice fundamental frequency in normal conversation is 196Hz. I did a LOT of work to have the voice I have.

It's perfectly fine - low and raspy for a female but passable on the phone, and I can hold it in nervous situations, but my reason for this surgery is that I am capable of putting out noises of down to 75Hz when I sob heavily in a super resonant loud echoey way, and I cannot sing or yell because I just do not have the range in an alto register and when I yell I cannot keep resonance out of my voice. I also have to really suppress my laugh to not make a bellowing sound, and the MOST frustrating thing is that when girls around me start getting excited together their pitch goes up and up while I am stuck down around this super calm and steady range of vocalization which makes me seem like a zen never-flustered sort of woman when I am anything but. It REALLY gets in the way of bonding with women.

I believe my vocal chords are probably damaged - another reason I want this surgery - from when my voice dropped at 16. Suddenly I couldn't sing Time After Time with Cindy Lauper at the same pitch she could and I really really tried and pushed my voice up for years before I admitted defeat. I think it's damaged because I definitely have vocal tremor - I am totally unable to hold a note without vibrato, which I cannot control the level of - and I have no ability to quickly move between pitches to do melismas despite years of trying.

My vocal range is 75Hz to 622Hz when I use maximum volume - that's Eb2 to Eb5 - which sounds great on paper, but in reality I sound *ridiculous* in falsetto because it sounds so unnatural and strained: my break is around Eb4-G4, and I can't really enunciate words at anything above Bb4 in falsetto and have to really blow wind hard through my chords to get above that. I don't have a voice that can practically sing a scale in alto at all, and I can really only sound female for about 3 or 4 notes around C4 without extreme strain or resonance or lowness of pitch or ridiculous hollowness in the falsetto outing me. I can't even sing Happy Birthday To You without giving myself away as trans.

So I want the surgery for all these reasons. My question is: will I be stuck down around 104Hz for 3-6 months after the surgery, effectively outing me to anyone who hears me, and worst of all, exposing my partner to my low low voice in that range (which she has never heard and which I don't want her to hear for fear she will lose attraction to me - she's a pretty hardcore lesbian in terms of who she is attracted to).

I can work around it by being totally silent until my ability to speak at 196Hz is back, but I don't know if my partner could stand me not talking for that long as I am the outgoing one who talks the most between us, and she finds that comforting.

I'm also a little worried about losing the raspiness (like Demi Moore/Scarlet Johannsen) altogether as she finds that attractive, but I'll deal with that if it happens. I just really don't want to go through the rest of my life never sounding excited again.


Hiya!! While I'm certainly not 100% stealth, just because I'm kinda public eye due to my career choice, and that makes it hard to be stealth, I'm also very open minded about being trans only because I like to educate and help others in my position. SO with that said, I can guarantee, at least in my case, I've not been outed as male on the phone or in person ever since surgery :)! Which makes me extremely happy!


I won't likely be 100% stealth either but I'm hoping the voice at least gets me to "stealth" with strangers. I don't mind people who respect trans people knowing I am. However as I explained in my thread about training I may have to go into some extremely transphobic places and having a passable voice is a must.