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Christian Crossdressing

Started by Male-CD, November 30, 2005, 06:01:04 PM

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I am 18 years old and have been crossdressing off and on since my early teen years (13 or 14.) It all started one day when my parents were gone and I went walking down the hallway and saw a pair of my mom's panties hanging in the laundrey room...with nobody looking and a deep curiosity, I slipped them on. Now I wear panties 24/7. I have searched the internet completely upsidedown trying to find out about Christianity and crossdressing. I consider myself to be a full pledged Christian and I didn't want to be doing something I shouldn't be doing. Most Christian sites say that crossdressing is okay...still some say it's not. I don't believe it is a sin unless you over-do it. (Making yourself look completely like a girl.) That is not my desire and it's not the reason I wear panties. I wear panties because I think they are much more comfortable then anything available in the mens department.

The only thing I am concerned about is my parents....I still live in my parents home and they have no clue about my panty wearing. It's not the crossdressing that's bothering me, it's my parents not knowing and me still living under their roof. Does anybody have any suggestions about what I should do? (BTW: They caught me one time with a bunch of panties in my room and they weren't happy about it at all. That is kinda pulling me back from telling them.) Anyway, any advice is appreciated!


Well hi there, and welcome to Susan's  :)  Check out the Wiki and the site rules and make yourself at home. 

As usual, I will put forth my disclaimer to avoid any confusion. I am not transgendered so for the cross-dressing issues I am not qualified to answer, but believe you me, you will get plenty of replies and insight from other members that will more than make up for what I lack! We're a friendly bunch, too....  :)

I'm a Christian, too, friend, so first off I welcome you in the name of Christ.  I can very well understand how you would have some inner struggle about whether your words/thoughts/actions are in line with your religious and/or spiritual values.  What I have learned over the years is that the Bible is not a rule-book and God is not a police officer.  He is not peering down from heaven waiting for you to screw up so that He can smite you.  He certainly doesn't want for us to be so burdened by the Law that we live our lives in fear and walk on eggshells. 

The Gospel of Christ proclaims freedom to all who claim it.  Not only freedom that comes in the afterlife, but freedom for life here on earth. It does not mean we are free to sin because God will forgive us anyway; to believe that is to make a mockery of Christ's sacrifice.  It does mean we have the freedom of knowing that we cannot do anything to make God love us more....and we cannot do anything to make God love us less. It means that we do good for the sake of doing good, because we love God and others--we do not do good to earn brownie points in Heaven. It means that in all of our frailties and imperfections, we can repent, confess, and move on, and not be laden with guilt and shame. 

QuoteMost Christian sites say that crossdressing is okay...still some say it's not.
So my first suggestion is this: yes, ask yourself questions, try to earnestly seek that which is the right thing to do in any given situation.  But don't let a web-site tell you what your personal morality, ethics, or values should or should not be.  Examine your heart...examine God's to Him...and listen for can read all the books, listen to all the preachers, find all the websites, memorize the Bible, but none of that will give you what it is truly important, which is communion with your Heavenly Father.  Only God can give you the answers you seek; He speaks through people, books, events, His word, nature...but you cannot replace His wisdom or His companionship with those things. 

Quote(Making yourself look completely like a girl.) That is not my desire and it's not the reason I wear panties. I wear panties because I think they are much more comfortable then anything available in the mens department.
Personally, why you wear women's panties is of little concern to me either way.  KNow what?  I sometimes buy men's shoes, men's shirts, men's fragrances, for various reasons. I love ties (but I've never worn one).  If I were Roman Catholic I'd want to be a monk, not a nun. They have cooler-looking clothes and they chant better.  Do ya' think God cares?  How do we know that men's and women's underpants didn't start out looking the same? Who dictates what 'men's' and 'women's' stuff is, anyway? 

Do you think God is more concerned about the clothes on your body, or whether you help clothe the poor?  Does He care more about the letter of the law, or the spirit of the law?  Would He rather have children that never break the rules, are always clean, neatly groomed, pay the tithe, never miss church on Sunday, and yet who love little and look down their noses at people?  Or would He rather have us a little scruffy and ragged and yet with big hearts of love, trust, joy, peace, compassion? 

Just a few things to consider... I don't think anyone goes to their grave saying, 'I wish I would have been more of a legalist', but many go to their graves wishing they had been more understanding, more truthful, less judgmental...

Another thing to consider is that the scriptures are often taken very literally, and very much out of context.  There were very different circumstances in ancient Israel that led to the institution of certain regulations.  Quite frankly, I do not think for one minute that trans-genderism is sinful.  You are wearing women's clothes because they're comfortable, not because you're trying to have a disguise to rob a bank in....who's to say that Christ Himself wouldn't be more comfortable in girl clothes?

QuoteI still live in my parents home and they have no clue about my panty wearing. It's not the crossdressing that's bothering me, it's my parents not knowing and me still living under their roof.
Well, friend, yes, you're under your parents' roof, I understand that. Believe it or not, they don't need to know everything that goes on.  Sure, if they knew that you wear women's panties, they wouldn't be happy.  Some religious parents would not be happy if they found out their kid masturbated....most parents really don't want to know this type of information, unless they are acting as police officers, intent on discovering some terrible thing about people so they can give them a thrashing and assert their moral 'superiority'.  

I don't think you need to tell them. Don't let your guilt cause you to engage in self-sabotaging acts.  You feel guilty that you're doing something you know your parents disapprove of--the issue right now is not your parents dispproval, but your relationship with yourself and with God.  It sounds as if you're not comfortable with who you will hurt yourself if you go around 'confessing' to people who will be less comfortable with you than you are. 

Fear of discovery is another issue that I am not qualified to answer.  Someone else will surely step in, though. 

Bottom line, though, and I hope you never lose sight of this, is that God created you and is wild about you.  Nothing you think,say, or do comes as a surprise to Him, he understands you more than you understand yourself.  He loves you completely, infinitely, and nothing about you will ever, ever change that. 

QuoteI don't believe it is a sin unless you over-do it. (Making yourself look completely like a girl.)
One last thing:  Everyone here is entitled to their viewpoint, and is welcome here as long as they follow they rules.  There are about as many types of people to be found here as there are individuals!  :)  If you think total cross-dressing is a sin, you've a right to that view, but remember that other cross-dressers are our brothers and sisters here on Susan's, as well as people who have different religious views, and God loves them as much as He does you and I.  Remember to be respectful of diversity and of each individual that you encounter here. 

By the way, how shall we address you?  You didn't sign your name, so for now I just call you 'Friend'...  I hope I've been of some help to you and that i didn't scare you off with my long-winded reply.  I also hope it makes some sense---I got less than 4 hours sleep last night!  :D  You are among friends here, so I hope you'll stick around for a while.  As Cassie would say,  'Good journey'....


Jillieann Rose

I'm Jillieann a 54 year old Christian. I first accepted Christ at age 18. I wasn't raised in a Christian family, but God still found me. Holiness is one of the big things in our church.

I also wear panties all the time and often a sports bra. I hate men's underwear.

QuoteDo you think God is more concerned about the clothes on your body, or whether you help clothe the poor?  Does He care more about the letter of the law, or the spirit of the law?  Would He rather have children that never break the rules, are always clean, neatly groomed, pay the tithe, never miss church on Sunday, and yet who love little and look down their noses at people?  Or would He rather have us a little scruffy and ragged and yet with big hearts of love, trust, joy, peace, compassion? 

Well said Valerie.

Jesus is concerned with our heart (what we do or don't do to others and ourselves) not our outward appearance. God wants us to be all we can be, remember he create each of us with or gifts, talents, experiences and desires. I've just finish teaching a small group in the Doing Life Together series on being Developing Your SHAPE to Serve Others it's a continuation of the Purpose Driven Life. Check it out if you haven't it may help.

Myself I'm a CD plus and I would love to look like a woman most of the time if I could.

If you're a CD and your only desire is to wearing panties and you think your parents would be upset than don't tell them.
At your age will be out on your own soon.

Anyway it's good to meet you.
Jillieann :icon_wave:



So you feel ok about your crossdressing, as long as you don't wear a wig and do makeup? I'm not sure what you are saying here....but thats ok. :)

At least you did ask this:
QuoteDoes anybody have any suggestions about what I should do?

Well, you are young and you have pleanty of time to find yourself. You should concentrate on getting yoiur education and living your life right NOW. You have alot of time. It's ok. Mellow out :) You should slowly discover yourself....brick after brick.

God? He is way beyond your about concentrating on each of the lucky moments you are alive? Life is a gift...with every lovely sunset we all can see that. Don't worrie your pretty little head about all of in on being the best and honest person you can be. Then, with good karma it will all work out for you.

You do not say how old ya are....well if still in school.....buck it up and wait till you move away to really live as yerself. If out of school (and still home?)...go get a job, move away and live your live freely and honestly.

Good luck hon,


Hi There.

You've gotten some real good answers to your questions. As you have by now discovered we are a friendly bunch and some are more long winded than others. The important thing is that you are among caring people who will be happy to advise and guide you if you ask.

There is a lot of information here and a lot of life experiences. Read the stories of others who have and are making this journey. Visit the Wiki and learn all you can. We have a great staff who are working hard to make it up to date and inclusive. So let me extend you my official welcome.

Fix yourself a cup of tea or other(age appropriate) relaxing beverage, sit down, take your shoes off and set a spell.

Oh yeah, and drop by introductions and let us know what to call you other than hey you.  ;D

Good Journey,


P. S. Valerie. Keep posting like that and somebody is going to put blue stars next to your name.  and your little dog otto too. HeHeHeHeHe >:D


Thanks all for the friendly adive and encouragement! Let me say without hesitation that I am now a Susan's fanatic!! Thanks again!


Welcome to Susans,

Normally I would give you a little time to settle in but I've got to ask about this one.

QuoteI don't believe it is a sin unless you over-do it. (Making yourself look completely like a girl.)

Is that like only stealing a piece of cake and not the whole thing :). I ask because I can't see the difference between panties and the whole kit and caboodle.

Personally I don't see either as a sin unless it is intended to deceive for the reason of committing a sin. I may be wrong there cause as a twice married catholic I'm hardly qulified to comment. ;D

Anyway as someone said how about hopping over to introductions and giving us a name to call you by.

Hope you enjoy your time with us here at Susan's.



Thankyou Shelley!
I think that's actually more like what I meant to say. Go ahead and wear the whole kit and caboodle, just don't be decieving about it. Before I end this post, I need to say WAY TO GO VALERIE. Was that a piece of poetry or what? Valerie, if I had any kind of authority here, your stars would turn blue!

Your Crossdresser For Christ,


Well, Derek, then I'm glad you don't have authority! Blue stars mean extra responsibility, and I don't wanna' grow up yet!  Thanks for the compliment, though (you too, Cass, and Melissa, and Jillieann... :angel:)  Glad you're making Susan's home.... 



Trust me Valerie,

It's not the responsibility so much as Leighs whip. ;D




QuoteI don't believe it is a sin unless you over-do it. (Making yourself look completely like a girl

Hmmm,Derek, are you saying that to dress for personal pleasure is good, acceptable to god and being what god made you before birth is a sin?  sounds confused to me at least.  I and others are only dealing with the soul that god has given without asking, whats your excuse for doing  such things if you have no desire to actually Be female or look like one and is it a deception to be honest about who you really are?  Whats deceptive about facing all the consiquences of your convictions about yourself?  We are after all what we are and there are a great many who are not deceptive in the least about who they really are. Do you believe that medically documented Transsexuals are being deceptive by being open about who they really are rather then keep trying to be something we are not?  Now that would amount to deception, pretending to be our birth sex when at core we are not.

No anomosity here, jbut you dodged approximatly the same question from Shelley, implying you only ment that you believed many or most TG or TS people were only being deceptive so just asking the obvious out of curiosity in a view I don't understand in the least ..... help me out here, keeping in mind of course what Shelley asked about only stealing a piece of cake as opposed to taking the whole thing.

Always curious about contraversial views.



QuoteIt's not the responsibility so much as Leighs whip.

Don't worry so much about the whip Shelley, Leigh doesn't reward bad behavior, she has much more terrifying tools in her kit if you get on her wrong side.



Now how does it go:

The masochist said to the sadist whip me whip me!!!

And the sadist stepped back and said noooo....


Thats about it Shelley, so don't worry so much about the whip, but when she tries to nail your ear to a post ..... RUN!



It will be a religious experience when I do.

You might tend to utter words related to religion like>> Holy or God or even Jesus.


Be just like you to put on ear plugs and just grin at the silence and tell her to quit screaming and squirming before she tore her ear off.


Jillieann Rose

Quote from: Terri-Gene on December 03, 2005, 05:24:47 AM
I and others are only dealing with the soul that god has given without asking ..........
is it a deception to be honest about who you really are? What's deceptive about facing all the consequences of your convictions about yourself? We are after all what we are and there are a great many who are not deceptive in the least about who they really are.........

The comments I first made were to prove to this young person that not all Christians feel that it is a sin to be who God made you to be. People always try to put God in a box but the hold idea is crazy and how can you constrain the creator of all into some preconceived notion from a finite human mind. I believe everything in the  Bible is true, but we, that is human kind, often twist what it say to suite or own purposes, so that we can feel better about ourselves and control other without taking any responsibility. God is than an excuse for intolerance bigotry and all sorts of atrocities. I wouldn't want to be in their shoe when they meet there maker face to face.   
I hope that Derek see from your posting, Terri, that it is a sin to not be all that God made you to be no mater what others may think or say and that it is not a easy way for us TG and TV ect...
Oh no! Now on on my soap box again.

Anyway I agree with what you wrote Terri and Shelley and I would like to see Dedeks answer.


Jillieann Rose

Sorry I did'nt mean to studder.


Actually, Terri has kinda confused me....and maybe I was a little confused when I posted for the first time. I don't let me try and say this again. I don't believe crossdressing is a sin. period! I do however believe that crossdressing can lead to other sins very easily, so we that do crossdress need to be carful...

I am curious about something however. I have my own beliefs about this verse in Duet, but this is the verse that every Christian who doesn't accept my crossdressing has hammered and will hammer me with. What are your thoughts about this verse?? I am not worried about it, but was wondering what the other people's thoughts were on it...

Duet 22:5 A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.



sorry if I confused you Derek, didn't mean to.  Your original post though seemed to indicate that you thought it was ok to wear the clothing of a woman but those of us who actually see ourselves as women and have a drive to blend into thier space are somehow in the wrong.  I just wanted you to expand on this to be able to see your true feelings as people do not always word things the way they mean them.

QuoteDuet 22:5 A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

As to the verse, I doubt there is a person here who has not heard this, we have had many discussions over the years about this and other references.  Being a political person and a social observer, I can see many reasons for such a verse from that time period and society.  Women were not to dress in the clothing of a man because that would allow them freedom of movement and control of thier environment.  Being able to recognise a woman as a female is a prime reason for the differences in mens and womans clothing.  It was a control technique to keep women subservient.  Also in original verses, a ban was put on men from wearing womans clothing but for the purpose of sneaking into another mans harem unnoticed, though that part is generally convieniently left out when people quote it.  Another reason for a ban on men in womens clothing was men were expected to fight, every able bodied man was in effect in the army reserve and during the frequent warfare of the period could be collected (drafted) at anytime.  If he were to wear womans clothing he would not be recognized as a soldger.  Or he may hide in the clothing of women to avoid battle or for protectoin.  Remember, There were political and environmental reasons for much of the wording of the old Testiment.  And never forget that with the coming of jesus the New Testiment, or HIS word replace the old teachings.  He said that one would not reach heaven by obeying any law except through HIM, and have you found any such thing coming from the word of JESUS?

NO, you will learn that I am not generally looking for arguments with anyone, but that I am a very litteral person and often take words EXACTLY as stated and will often question them if I have any desire to understand them better.  I am here for the education, like a lot of others.
