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The fairy's treehouse- where Satinjoy is, one of the rare unicorns

Started by Satinjoy, November 19, 2014, 05:34:45 AM

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Greetings my dear ones.

I will be stepping back from the forum, but not leaving it.

If you wish to ask questions of Satinjoy the fairy, please feel free to do so on this thread.  Be advised there will be zero tolerance for any kind of violation of TOS, I will go straight to Cindy with that.

As to one piece of advice for everyone..... there is a wealth of history in this subforum like no other on earth.   Read of the sages and learn, and pass what you have learned on to others here.

I will be here occasionally, my time is extremely limited.

I remain,

Nails out, hair on, heart wide open, living free.


Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


And they are the most beautiful of their kind. ;)  No I could not entirely stay away.

I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


Oh, Satinjoy, I will truly miss your posts. It was you that made the forest a welcoming, friendly, warm place.

Yes, you.

I'll try to keep an eye on it. Since you, ativan, Shantel, and most of the others are gone, there are very few left who can keep a sense of history alive. I'm ill-suited for the job. I'm not a mainstream non-binary. I did a 180-degree transition and live as a binary woman. Only in grimy corners of my brain am I truly non-binary, and even in those I'd happily scour out all the male if I only could. I have no clue what it's like to want/need to present androgynously, no clue what doing that would involve, and no clue what sort of dysphoria precipitates from inability to find a sweet spot in between the binary genders. True, I have the gift of empathy, but that gift is known on occasion to desert me in spectacularly insensitive ways.

I'm the last person anyone ever choose to be the caretaker of the forest. I certainly didn't fit in with the folk that were there. When the "family" thread was started, it was clear I was seen as sort of a distant relative (when I was mentioned at all), the great-great grandfather who visits from The Home periodically to offer some banal commentary that always starts "In my day..." Most of the posts in the "what sort of creature are you..." thread went over my head as I watched the others trade words full of emotional content that completely eluded me.

If you hadn't been there, I wouldn't have bothered.

But you always made me feel as if my posts had value. That even though I wasn't tuned in to the zeitgeist of the place, you went out of your way to convince me that my words had been heard and understood.

I'm not one to hold onto the past. I'll move past this quickly, adjust to the new reality, and fit in the best way it can. You and I will (I hope, I hope) continue to be friends, but a voice of warmth will be lost, and I have no choice to mark its passing and ride the emotional wave of chagrin that it generated.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Kel the dormouse sneaks in and leaves an acorn on the table - one with a phoenix painted on it.

She still lives  in the forest and has no plans to leave yet..


And the table is set for three, candles still burn, insence.

There is a reason I remain here on this thread.

It is you my dears, I care a lot.

Come in and dine, we have meager food, mostly bitter herbs, but I remain.

There are others here too.

But I won't endangered myself either.  I will never again speak of pain, sacrifice, etc  but the history is here.

Don't underrate yourself suzi.  You are more than you think.  Honest to the core.  And Kelly and Julie, you know I feel strongly.for you both.

And for many others too.


Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The Julie girl knocks shyly on the door hoping to be allowed in if only for a moment.  Her heart is broken but her soul remains with her beloved friends.  Some of whom now live in a different part of the forest, but still within the bounds of magic.
I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


Come in girl.

Nice of you to drop in, I was just about to leave and lock the door.

Perhaps I will stay a little longer.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Approaching the unicorn she says,  "I have given the anger over to God, I am grateful that you remain to help guide my spirit.  Our friends are well, and I have joined them in the west.  I seek acceptance from and for all, and will come back and forth for as long as the young ones continue to seek truth and I am helpful.  Do you have anything good to eat? "
I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


Kel the dormouse also pops in to the treehouse with a collection of acorns.. And a smile and a warm heart.


I think I will stay a while.  Friends remain.

I am sick my dears I need to rest.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


May I fetch you some tea and your slippers?  I love you Satinjoy no matter where we meet.
I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


Ideally, a painter should not become conscious of her insights without taking the detour through her reflective processes, and in comprehensively to herself, all her progress should enter so swiftly into the work that she is unable to recognize them in the moment of transition. Alas, the artist who waits in ambush there, watching, detaining them, will find them transformed like the beautiful gold in the fairy tale which cannot remain gold because some small detail was not taken care of.

SJ, you are transformed, in your own personal journey at a place that is so interpersonally yours, no one and no one comment will ever take that away from you. Our journeys are analagous to our own inner selves despite many comments to the contrary.

You, Julie and so many others are enormously invaluable to the masses that truly need your wisdom.
Audaces Fortuna Luvat ... Fortune Favors the Bold  ;D

Eva Marie

Eva comes and leaves gifts of fruitcake and bacon for the non binaries. She remembers being very active here in another life :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Nice to see you, Eva and mt.  I am afraid I am not cordial, the truth is I am filled with grief.  I have lost my closest friends. My closest nb support, though you all remain.  And so I grieve.  We lost knowledge and heart and insight.

It is not good, what has happened, it has hurt the world of trans.  It offends the old artist deeply.  It should never have come to pass.  Much is lost now.

My time is limited, my emotions shut down, for safety.  It is unhealthy, but it is required.

I do not know what to do, I hide in a thread so I will not be played, the door is open, but for folk to come in.

I  am disillusioned, I thought it was a place to heal.  To learn how to survive, to celebrate truth.  Not my truth.  Each transperson truth, and where to find it.

But truth can hurt, and today I grieve.

Diamond cores.  Seems rarer than I thought.

What will Satinjoy do next, who will bait her now.  I hope no one, but they do.

An offensive identity.   A warning about sensitivity. 

Hard choices to make, my home is not safe.

They are gone.  My truth was rejected and scorned,  and some here laugh at the diamond core of the soul.

Laughter like when I was a child, the stuff that overthrew my emotions and taught me to hide.

Shall I hide again dear ones?  Or walk away.

I do not know.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Wherever you walk, I will be close.  The lands in the west entice, but there is much loving work to  be done here too.  Lord Ativan gave their blessing and will bear much of the load of counsel if asked.  There is beauty in this forest yet even though the fire of discord brought down many beautiful trees.  It is all real and all true.  I left the old house's door unlocked and a note on the table.  Blessed by a kiss and filled with hope. Whatever happens I will stay near for as long as I am useful and needed.
I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


     The fairy is sitting at her table in the treehouse,hands over her face softly weeping and ruminating with a broken heart about her past and her future, where will she find such kind and loving friends again in her life.Suddenly she hears the slightest of sounds and opens her hands to see the green warrior standing next to her smiling. The green warrior ,her mother it one motion sweeps the fairy up into her arms and against her bosom holding the fairy in her warm embrace to comfort her and speaks.  They were only words my daughter and they can only hurt you if you let them.They came from others who do not understand us for we are in our own way very unique in the forest. A blend of the two sides, never really one or the other but still able to be true to our core and heart and that is what really counts in the end. Cry no more for you now have the ability to grow and prosper in your life. Words are only words and  nothing more, remember the beautiful ones from friends and ignore the ones filled with doubt.
  Instantly the fairy found herself again sitting at her table she looked around but knew the warrior was gone. Her mother was like that, always there to comfort her but rarely noticed by others for she was truly a living part of the forest.


Sh'e kisses each one, fills her pocket with acorns. Walks to the door.

You know where to find me, Sh'e says.

Pm me if you do not.

Sh'e goes to the door, leaves it unlocked, and with a diamond encrusted cane, Sh'e silently left..

But you can still reach me my dear ones.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy.  :D
Full Time 18 June 2014
Esprit can be found at


Kel sits on the porch of the treehouse and mourns the loss of so many of the forests residents..


The mighty non binary elders are not lost, they have simply followed a path to a nearby forest home..

I'm just sweeping up under the faries treehouse, don't mind me..
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."