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Can anyone smell the difference between men and women after HRT and SRS

Started by Lyndsey, December 10, 2015, 11:15:08 AM

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Hi people
I know this is a crazy question but before I transitioned and had SRS I never could smell any natural big differences between men and women. Now after transition and SRS M to F . I can tell you if a man has been in a room of in my presents. Is this strange?? I don't mean cologne. LOL!! But I can smell that a man has been in the room or place before me.

Help me am I weird
Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.


You are not.

Many say their sense of smell increased.

Some had changes in height and foot size... being a big smaller...

and some said they could see colours different...


Tessa James

I treasure my olfactory senses and love the smells we have.  I love the natural smell of a hot man or woman and found my own odors changed within a week of starting HRT years ago.  I also share your sense of greater acuity in recognizing and responding to those wonderful odors.

You ability to sense those smells when someone has been in a room recently do seem especially keen.  Are you part bloodhound Hon? ;) ;D  You know I'm kidding but i do love my dog and he keeps his nose quivering constantly.

Here's to good taste and fine smelling people ;D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


What is funny my shoe size has gone from a size 8.5 women's to 7.5 women's and my hight has gone from 5'-5" to 5'-3" I never really thought about that. But yes me nose is on overdrive. I smell a lot more than I ever did.

Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.


I can't speak to SRS since I'm not there yet but some time after I started HRT I couldn't believe how much more I noticed how men smell.

It's kind of freaky actually......  Sometimes it really pleasant and sometimes it's *really* gross when they have B.O.!

Start therapy:                            Late 2013
Start HRT:                                 April, 2014
Out everywhere and full time:      November 19, 2015
Name change (official):                            February 1, 2016
I'm a Mommy! (Again) :                             January 31, 2017
GCS consultation:                        February 17, 2017
GCS, Dr. Gallagher (Indianapolis, IN)  February 13, 2018


Quote from: Emjay on December 10, 2015, 02:45:48 PM
I can't speak to SRS since I'm not there yet but some time after I started HRT I couldn't believe how much more I noticed how men smell.

It's kind of freaky actually......  Sometimes it really pleasant and sometimes it's *really* gross when they have B.O.!

I have to agree with you some times it can be a bad smell and others can be ok but I have never ever noticed this before HRT and even worst sense SRS. I had had lots of changes and I'm only 7 weeks Post-op I can't even imagine how much difference there will be a year or two from now. I know it will be a lot. It already has been for me sense post-op. Hang On It Is A Ride!! Wahoo!! Loving it.
Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.


Well, this is interesting. I have a very keen sense of smell, despite being essentially pre-everything in my transition. It's apparently a genetic thing, or that's what my father claimed it to be. We figured it out after I had one evening noticed that my towel had been used by my little brother, by just happening to smell his scent on said towel. I went to complain about this to dad, and he was....mildly surprised. He looked this up, and it is apparently an actual thing.
So, yeah. I can recognise people by scent only. Too bad that this also makes things that smell really bad or otherwise have a really strong scent (namely, manure, sweat, most deodorants, certain foodstuffs, some people etc...) an absolute pain to be around for me.
There is a better tomorrow.


I noticed this pretty quickly within 3-4 months of HRT anyways. SRS i cannot speak to. I definitely notice men smell better (usually) and different. Women i do not notice a significant difference for and certainly my spouse smells lovely to me - but i am biased there.



I could before HRT but my sense of smell is very much enhanced now


Some guys smell really turns me on and some are repulsive. I hate men's cologne in any shape or form and some perfumes force me to leave the area.


Hi All

I'm not talking about mens cologne here i'm talking about a natural smell think about it can you tell?

Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.

Elsa Delyth

Men's armpit odor apparently calms women, and hastens ovulation. Women can also apparently tell how attractive a man will be based on smelling their perspiration, fairly consistently. Men can also apparently smell fertility, and consistently rank clothing worn by women during high fertility periods as more alluring than ones worn during low fertility periods.

Pheromones though, are odorless, and rather are detectable more in how they make us feel, rather than actually smelling like anything. Body order, the stuff that we can smell, particularly in the more sheltered, less aired areas are actually produced by bacteria breaking down sweat into acids, and the smell isn't produced by the body itself (poo always smells bad, it seems, lol).

People definitely have distinctive smells, but this is usually a combination of the products they favor, their hygiene habits, and their bacterial cultures.

Though I think that it's perfectly possible to rate someone's "natural odor" as more pleasant than another person's, based on how they make us feel ,or our reactions to their pheromones rather than the odor itself, which may actually be more pungent than someone's odor that is "less pleasant" as it were.

My answer: I smoke, so no, I don't smell much.
"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." Emma Goldman.


Since starting cross sex hormone therapy, I've noticed that I have virtually no body odor.  This likely is the result of having little to no testosterone in my system.  I haven't noticed that I can detect the odor of women, but as far as men go if they scrimped on the deodorant the odor makes me want to get away from them fast.


Jenna Marie

I definitely noticed this after a few months of HRT (didn't see a new change after GRS, though). Most men smell off-putting to me now, though very occasionally one smells yummy.


Quote from: Jenna Marie on December 11, 2015, 09:10:04 AM
I definitely noticed this after a few months of HRT (didn't see a new change after GRS, though). Most men smell off-putting to me now, though very occasionally one smells yummy.

Hi Jenna

OMG do I agree with you here Most men Smell bad but i have smelled a few that were pleasant altho very rare. LOL ???

Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.


Quote from: Elsa Delyth on December 10, 2015, 09:46:04 PM
Men's armpit odor apparently calms women, and hastens ovulation. Women can also apparently tell how attractive a man will be based on smelling their perspiration, fairly consistently. Men can also apparently smell fertility, and consistently rank clothing worn by women during high fertility periods as more alluring than ones worn during low fertility periods.

Pheromones though, are odorless, and rather are detectable more in how they make us feel, rather than actually smelling like anything. Body order, the stuff that we can smell, particularly in the more sheltered, less aired areas are actually produced by bacteria breaking down sweat into acids, and the smell isn't produced by the body itself (poo always smells bad, it seems, lol).

People definitely have distinctive smells, but this is usually a combination of the products they favor, their hygiene habits, and their bacterial cultures.

Though I think that it's perfectly possible to rate someone's "natural odor" as more pleasant than another person's, based on how they make us feel ,or our reactions to their pheromones rather than the odor itself, which may actually be more pungent than someone's odor that is "less pleasant" as it were.

My answer: I smoke, so no, I don't smell much.

Hay sweetie
You smoke so that would defiantly put you out of the smell category. OMG I hate the smell of smoke and can smell it even when the person in the car 100yards ahead of me is smoking.   :-\

Hugs Lyndsey
Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.


Both my sensitivity to smells and how I respond to them have changed. Before, I felt like my sense of smell was rather dull... Like smells just didn't affect me much unless they were particularly strong. Now, I'm rather sensitive to them. Strong smells are now a bit too much for me and can make me feel a bit nauseous at times. I pick up on subtle smells better and at greater distances. A few nights ago I even smelled somebody from across the street. I was in my driveway and she was going into her house. It was particularly windy, so of course the wind carried her scent but I could smell her as strongly as I could if she were standing in front of me. I thought that was pretty odd. Thankfully she smelled nice. :P As for men, I've noted that some men that I'm not quite as attracted to have more of an unpleasant odor, while men I find attractive tend to have pleasant odors even if it's sweat and they should smell gross. The gym is a perfect example. Even early in my transition I noted some hot sweaty guys walk by me and their scent affected my arousal. It's all pheromones I'm sure, and it all makes sense, but still pretty weird noticing these changes.


Quote from: Ashey on December 11, 2015, 11:47:30 AM
Both my sensitivity to smells and how I respond to them have changed. Before, I felt like my sense of smell was rather dull... Like smells just didn't affect me much unless they were particularly strong. Now, I'm rather sensitive to them. Strong smells are now a bit too much for me and can make me feel a bit nauseous at times. I pick up on subtle smells better and at greater distances. A few nights ago I even smelled somebody from across the street. I was in my driveway and she was going into her house. It was particularly windy, so of course the wind carried her scent but I could smell her as strongly as I could if she were standing in front of me. I thought that was pretty odd. Thankfully she smelled nice. :P As for men, I've noted that some men that I'm not quite as attracted to have more of an unpleasant odor, while men I find attractive tend to have pleasant odors even if it's sweat and they should smell gross. The gym is a perfect example. Even early in my transition I noted some hot sweaty guys walk by me and their scent affected my arousal. It's all pheromones I'm sure, and it all makes sense, but still pretty weird noticing these changes.

It is very funny how this has affected me as I would have never imagined that my seances would increase to the point of being crazy sensitive. I do have to say that I do Love It. ;D

Lyndsey Marie Burke- Started my journey February 2011 Full time on May 5th 2014 HRT June 6th 2014 Name change and on all records and court documents June 20th 2014 SCS October 20th 2015 with Doctor Marci Bowers in Burlingame California I'm a very Happy women and finally living what I should have been living my whole life. Expect the unexpected. I feel Blessed. Love, Live, Be Happy. Be safe.

Sharon Anne McC


Females have a far better sense of smell, taste, and touch than males. 

Your senses began increasing once you began ERT - it heightens the way you smell, taste, and how you touch and feel.

You can sense smells and tastes far better than before ERT.  Foods and flavours that you did not previously like are now enjoyable while what you once enjoyed can suddenly become distastefull.

I was on high-dose ERT but still presenting as male during my early transition.  My questions remain unanswered of my female disco dance partners (1979 - 1980).

     -  Did they not smell that I did not smell as a male?

     -  Did they not sense my kiss tasted different than a male?

     -  Or were they confused about me, presenting as a male, smelling as a female?

Perhaps you who have an active, on-going partner since beginning your transition can answer this question:

     -  Does she tell you that you smell or taste differently now that you are on ERT?

Here's my most extreme example how our ability to smell becomes acute.  I frequent a location where some employees work behind heavy plate glass windows.  One day, I smelled the aroma of a sandwich so I made a comment about it.  Someone outside the glass enclosure, a male, made a puzzled look at me and told me that he smelled nothing.  I went to the employees behind the glass and one of them said that he finished lunch a little while ago - a submarine sandwich.


1956:  Birth (AMAB)
1974-1985:  Transition (core transition:  1977-1985)
1977:  Enrolled in Stanford University Medical Center's 'Gender Dysphoria Program'
1978:  First transition medical appointment
1978:  Corresponded with Janus Information Facility (Galveston)
1978:  Changed my SSA file to Sharon / female
1979:  First psychological evaluation - passed
1979:  Began ERT (Norinyl, DES, Premarin, estradiol, progesterone)
1980:  Arizona affirmed me legally as Sharon / female
1980:  MVD changed my licence to Sharon / female
1980:  First bank account as Sharon / female
1982:  Inter-sex exploratory:  diagnosed Inter-sex (genetically female)
1983:  Inter-sex corrective surgery
1984:  Full-blown 'male fail' phase
1985:  Transition complete to female full-time forever
2015:  Awakening from self-imposed deep stealth and isolation
2015 - 2016:  Chettawut Clinic - patient companion and revision
Today:  Happy!
Future:  I wanna return to Bangkok with other Thai experience friends


Tessa James

Quote from: Sharon Anne McC on December 13, 2015, 10:00:52 AM
     -  Does she tell you that you smell or taste differently now that you are on ERT?


Oh yes, very soon after starting my E&S meds my long term partner could definitely appreciate the difference. 
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013