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When is the best time to take progesterone?

Started by 2Wendy2, April 04, 2016, 04:03:20 PM

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I am 57, no major health issues but have had weight control problems all of my life. I am on no other medication with the exception of those described herein. BP averages 143/80 and Heart rate averages 80. Weight cycles between 200 and 250 (I know, I know...)

I have been on HRT for about 5 years, at first I was self directing and buying Estrogel and medroxyprogesterone off the internet. I became concerned about the safety and composition of these, I also found I was paying through the nose so I pulled the trigger and found a counselor willing to provide the letter and I went legit. I decided to cycle dosages as it makes more sense to me to do that since it is natures way in cis females.

I found a Doctor about an hour away with experience who is willing to work with me and oversee my transition. My dosages were staggered since I cycle. Since I cycle some days I take none others I take more.

I began seeing changes, especially weight gain which I attribute to the  medroxyprogesterone. So at my next visit 6 months later we added Sprio, changed progesterone types to Micronized Progesterone and increased estradiol. I take the estradiol sublingual and spread it out throughout the day.

My question revolves around the progesterone, I will be taking it 14 days a month, when I take 1 pill it's kind of obvious to take it at bed time, but the other days should I take all of them at bedtime or spread it out throughout the day? Also, has anyone ever let the pill melt in your mouth? Does that do anything?

Thanks for your guidance....


Mod edit: No discussion of dosages as per Terms of Service ToS


You might edit out exact dosage ... blood levels are allowed ... just not exact dosage of meds because of possible misuse, people react differently ...

bioidentical micronized estrogen or estradiol valerate it makes sense to use sublingually ...
if the liver encounters estrogen in the digestive tract it raises clotting factors...
so using it sublingually leads to less clotting ... also since part of it is metabolized by the liver it reduces strain on the liver and is more effective...
since levels rise fast and drop after a few hours it might make more sense spreading the daily dose in a few doses throughout the day...

bioidentical progesterne usually is dissolved in oil and comes in capsules...
it does not make much sense using them sublingually...
another possibility would be Proluton depot shots every few weeks ...

Some people cycle progesterone, for ten or fourteen days.
They say it makes them feel less bloated.

Some people take it continously, saying it makes for a more stable mood.

People react differently.

It may be possible to use small capsules and use one in the morning and one in the evening.
Some people take a big capsule once in the evening, and additionally one in the morning.
You might try the effects and what feels best for you.

Talk it all through with your doc.


Ms Grace

Hi, we do not allow discussion of dosages or self medication on this forum. It's good however that you have started seeing a doctor for your care, and to be honest, given they are monitoring your health and fitness, etc they should also be directing you on the best way to cycle. No one here is qualified to give medical advice, and even if someone else is cycling what is good for them may not be good for anyone else.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


I take Microgest and my endo advised me to take it twice a day to keep blood levels up. However since it makes me so sleepy I only take it once, in the evening before I go to bed.

I also have regular blood tests to check it.




Quote from: 2Wendy2 on April 04, 2016, 04:03:20 PM
My question revolves around the progesterone, I will be taking it 14 days a month, when I take 1 pill it's kind of obvious to take it at bed time, but the other days should I take all of them at bedtime or spread it out throughout the day? Also, has anyone ever let the pill melt in your mouth? Does that do anything?

Glad you switched over to micronized progesterone, it is safer and healthier, can even with Spironolactone help to reduce blood pressure. Estradiol also should improve blood pressure, more so when taken non-orally.

I take progesterone every day, twice daily due to short half-life. Some can only take at night as it makes them too drowsy and tired. I take mine with food to increase absorption and blood concentrations. Food increases absorption two-fold as shown by studies. Follow your doctor's directions.

Progesterone might lead to weight gain or make weight loss more difficult. Eating less carbs, especially refined and perhaps even whole grains if you are intolerant to carbs, will help with losing weight and improving blood pressure. Eating fat is inversely associated to weight gain as it does not stimulate insulin, the fat-storing hormone (read Gary Taubes). Insulin also augments sodium retention and thus blood pressure. Start eating less carbs, you will see your blood pressure naturally lower. Some even stop taking their blood pressure medications. :)

Cycling is NOT natural. Today, due to modern living, women have hundreds of menstrual cycles which have been associated with an increase in breast cancer risk due to the high rate of cell death and division that occurs, increasing the chance of mutations. Traditionally, women would spend many more years being pregnant or nursing and much less time cycling. Pregnancy and nursing have been inversely associated with breast cancer risk. Also, cycling leads to mood swings :(. I personally see no reason to cycle and only bad come from it. But, this should be decided between you and your doctor.

Quote from: Laura_7 on April 04, 2016, 04:20:03 PM
if the liver encounters estrogen in the digestive tract it raises clotting factors...

More so with non bio-identical estradiol. The risk is much less with estradiol/estradiol valerate.

Quoteso using it sublingually leads to less clotting ...

you will inevitably swallow some...

Quotealso since part of it is metabolized by the liver it reduces strain on the liver and is more effective...

Estradiol has not been shown in any study to put strain on the liver and increase liver problems, nor liver enzymes. The opposite has indeed been found, as it might protect against fatty liver and liver disease. Studies to support this. As long as you stay away from non bio-identical estrogen.

Quotebioidentical progesterne usually is dissolved in oil and comes in capsules...
it does not make much sense using them sublingually...

Can be taken sublingually but quite inconvenient and takes a long time.

Quoteanother possibility would be Proluton depot shots every few weeks ...

Containing 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate, also appears to be quite safe. Usually injected weekly to biweekly.

QuoteSome people cycle progesterone, for ten or fourteen days.
They say it makes them feel less bloated.

Due to antimineralocorticoid effect, similar to spironolactone. Also may make skin/hair less dry (spiro and estrogen make skin drier). Help with sleep/mood.

QuoteTalk it all through with your doc.

YES! Before you do anything. :)

I am not a medical doctor, nor a scientist - opinions expressed by me on the subject of HRT are merely based on my own review of some of the scientific literature over the last decade or so, on anecdotal evidence from women in various discussion forums that I have come across, and my personal experience

On HRT since early 2004
Post-op since late 2005