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a compliment to you folks

Started by Michelle F, November 18, 2007, 06:03:27 PM

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Michelle F

I have read a ton on intersex issues and am seeing an edocrinologist right now because of my "differences". I just wanted to say that some of the intersexed web places feature people jumping on each other or making statements that just don't make sense. Anyway, some of the stuff I have read on here is very kind and accepting, some of it is very good and some of it is just plain brilliant, especially from Taylor.

Regardless of what label they ultimately put on me, I understand how so many just buckle under the pain of not quite fitting into male or female and being told lies their whole lives and being told by doctors or others; "you can't feel this way becuase you're a ....not a ...."

If you saw my picture you would understand in 1 second, what I mean by not fitting in.

A lot of people misconcieve that if you are intersexed you can go out in public as "either a man OR a woman" but for me it has been "neither a man nor a woman". It is tough because in my cabeza I feel like a girl, and about half my body is female, and I have monthly cramps that are right on schedule, but if I go out as a female, people will just think I have lost my mind. Too much man in the face + a lifetime of socialization as a male, yet I don't belong there, at least physically.

If I go out in public as a man, I have this female type of mannerisms, breasts to hide and just get percieved as a gay person or a transsexual, or a "what is that" person, lots of stares.

NO DISRESPECT  at all to gay people or transsexual, (believe me if there was an aversion, I wouldn't be here, ) but what I'm talking about is the right to be percieved as what you think you are in your head, which I think people on this site will readily relate to.

Anyway, I was particularily interested in the one post on here where the person has normal male genitalia, but has female insides, periods etc. You may just have one more sister out there who has the woman parts inside and the man parts outside, we should talk. I am having my cramps this weekend. I thought I was getting them and thought "no way it's just something I ate, or my nerves, then I checked the calendar and sure enough 21 days since the last ones. Somethimes they are 28 days sometimes 21 days, sometimes 30, but they are monthly, and yes from the neck down I look like a lady, with muscularish arms, and a "wackadoo". (some differences there, the outline of a vagina on my penis, with what looks like stretch marks or a scar  at the bottom, when I sit, my scrotum sticks out on the sides like a penis is coming out of vaginal lips, anyone ever hear of that, there are some differences between left and right testicles, and yet I get called a "normal man" by doctors and my mom swears to me that nothing was unusual about my birth and that no surgery was done, so I have no idea about the vagina shaped scar)

I would so like to find a girlfriend to talk with, although people I know are sympathetic, I think they are afraid that I will bite them or something. Shame and secrecy huh?

Anyway, hoping for a kind place to make a pleutonic friend here and for someone to be a good friend to.

I started this journey thinking my body would just eventually go male, and now have a wife who I love more than myself and 4 kids, but the intersex complications were just becoming more than a person could reasonably bear. I had to see a Dr. When he first saw me he almost sent me out the door saying "normal male, severe gynecomastia", but after seeing my hormone panels, his whole attitude got kinder and he knows I am not lying about feeling like a female. He wants to look inside my pevis which I will have done soon.

Anyway, here's to all those who don't wuite fit in but are valuable and special anyway.



No offense, but if you had kids, you are probably not IS.  Infertility is usually part of the package. 

Also if you were born primarily as male and have lived your life up to this point as such and transition to female, you are transsexual.  Intersex condition or not. 

It is common for people to misinterprate a hormonal condition for an intersex condition, but they are not always one in the same.  Did you get the gynecomastia when you were older...because that is not uncommon for males.  I could go on about incomplete and strange and delayed puberties.  Not to discount you entirely, but you should not jump to conclusions so quickly.

Michelle F



Amy , no offense but Michelle came here looking for someone to speak with to make her feel better.   Until the doctor truly gets to poke around inside... let's assume she is intersexed.

Michelle I hope an IS person connects with you to help you.  I do not have that issue or know enough about it.

Good luck



Hello Michelle,
  Sorry it took a while before I got around to answering you. I am IS. My MRI shows that I have one testi, one ovary, a uterus, breasts are B cup and I have a prtial opening behind the sack area and a highly sensitive area above it. My story mirrors yours so much. I presently have 3 kids and a fourth on the way. My doctor said it's 2 things that allowed this and I believe him. One is that with one testi that is healthy it was a hit and miss but I was fortunate enough to produce. Yes this is a rare thing in IS' but it is possible. the second reason he gave (though he isn't overly religious) is just by God's granting. People can say what they want to but I always believe God does grant things science tries but can't explain.
  I do understand your dilemma. You are woman with a malish body from shoulders on up being the most obvious to people. Trust me, once I realized I was not really male as I thought and starting living as the woman I am I felt happier and more at peace as has my wife. You will hear myths but you have to decide what to believe. One thing with me is a great hate for labels. I know people look at my situation and say I am IS. That's their entitlement I guess. I am woman and that is it. I feel labels are part of society being against groups. Marriage can work for us depending on the persons involved of course.
 If you wish to talk feel free to drop a line to me and I will respond.
                                                      Kim   :angel:


Quote from: daisybelle on November 19, 2007, 12:18:34 PM
Amy , no offense but Michelle came here looking for someone to speak with to make her feel better.   Until the doctor truly gets to poke around inside... let's assume she is intersexed.

Michelle I hope an IS person connects with you to help you.  I do not have that issue or know enough about it.

Good luck


Amy was just trying to be helpful. A HUGE number of transpeople are convinced they are intersexed when in reality they simply have a perfectly normal, typical body of their birth sex.

Michelle, I pray you find the answers you seek.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.

Michelle F

I will just pop back in here and say that I don't remember ever stating that I am intersexed, I simply described my body and certain people made the inference.

I am seeing a doctor who will diagnose me.

I have seen a trans- thereapist who told me to see a doctor because I am not trans

I only tried to give a compliment to the level headiness of this site and I still believe that is true.

Question: please see the following article, and tell me are thee people trans just because they were raised as female and then live as men later?

do their sister reject them and tell them I don't want anything to do with my brother?
do people tell them they are not intersexed when their bodies have obviously gone the other way
Do their parents tell them how disappointed they are that they "lost thieri daughters?"
Do they get fired from jobs if people find out that they once lived as another role?

Just a thought, maybe our definitions are screwed up not the poor people who scratch their heads and go: " what did I do wrong?"

and yes many tans people are convinced they are intersexed and are incorrect, who cares, they are human and deserve to be treated with total freedom and respect.

Good enough for now and thanks for the level headedness here


I apologize I jumped to that conclusion based on your posting in the Intersex talk forum, and your description.

You life does sound similar to KIM though.   Let us know what the doctors come up with.

Good Luck


Michelle F

well, looking back at the post I guess I did infer that I was, but I didn't mean to, I'll only say that my doctor has gone from "totally normal male, severe gyncomastia" to " the size of the breasts and the estrogen levels are very uncommon, not the usual reason for gynecomastia, I want to take some pictures of your insides".

This guy is a really experienced intersex doctor out of Harbor UCLA research facility, so I'm sorry if I made it a forgone conclusion.

still want to make friends,

KIM, wow I will find out how to contact you because regardless of my "condition" we are pretty much in the same circumstances. respect to you, and apologies for any misunderstanding.



  I didn't find any misunderstanding in your posts anywhere. I am always happy to help out where I can. Even if they do the tests and find you are not IS you are still woman none the less.
                          Kim   :angel:

Michelle F

Back at ya sis ;)

Thank you, and hang in there. society doesn't seem to have a pigeon hole for the intersexed, but I know my redeemer lives and doesn't make mistakes.



Question, more for Kim, just want to understand.

You stated you had children, so being intersexed and being able to produce Children is possible as you said you had a viable testes....

What about the ovary?  It seems it is somewhat functioning based upon the hormone level so does it produce eggs?

Please ignore if it is inappropriate to ask... just curious.



Hello Daisy,
  My ovary and uterus are both healthy and acoording to the medical doctor, If I had a full opening (vagina) I would have a 65-70% chance of producing. My vagina is only partially open, it is only so deep then it's like there's a wall-I have long fingers and can insert up to middle knuckle. In same aspect, I can orgasm both internally as a woman does basically and also through my penis obviously. If I am intimate through the penis I cannot control which type of orgasm I will have, but if I am intimate with my clitorial area/vagina area I will have internal orgasm,which is the best for me to be honest in terms of satisfaction. I am not shy to talk about my situation because I seem to knock a lot of scientific theories out of the ball park as myths and I love it  :laugh: and by sharing I can help people who are hung up on science as being the whole truth and feel there's no other option but what science says is real. Sure, I admit I may be on the rare side but I am still proof it can happen too so I feel balanced.
        Kim   :angel:


Hey, scientists at one point said the earth was flat....  go knock them all you want.  My brain is boggled over this -- wicked cool!!

I presume you would have to an in-vitro ensemination and then give birth via c-section, but the so did my wife(the c-section part) .   

Anway I will let the other girls and boys ask questions.



Funny you mentioned the en-vitro and c section because there is a lab that is going to try that with IS that have the peoper organs to carry such as uterus etc. I stumbled across it last month on a pop up ad and haven't figured out where the dang thing came from before my blocker shut it down on me- they were looking for volunteers to go. Oh well, I am sure it'll surface again.
                                                               Kim   :angel:


Quote from: Michelle F on November 19, 2007, 01:16:19 PM
and yes many tans people are convinced they are intersexed and are incorrect, who cares, they are human and deserve to be treated with total freedom and respect.

No one insinuated otherwise. ???
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.

Michelle F

Well it seems I may have been percieved as "petting the cat backwards?"

I have seen transsexuals put down transvestites
I have seen intersexed people put down transsexuals
I have seen straight people put down gay people

I'm sick of it all.

I merely wanted to clarify my views that I don't care what anyone "is" except whether or not they are kind and as intelligent as they can be. OK?

Now on to another subject if I may, It says on your post that;

" Maribelle Reyes succumbed to AIDS on August 30, 2007 in Houston, TX, after being turned away from several treatment centers due to her transgender status"

Can they really do that? Is it the same in every state? Is there any wonder that I am trying to work with a doctor to show a paper trail for the way I look, when I haven't contributed to my appearance (other than having shoulder length hair and pierced ears) in any way?

I am absolutely terrified that no matter how smart I am or how hard I work I can be refused medical treatment or fired from a job because of the ways the laws are currently written?

I am SOLEY HERE to get an education from people who have been through this before, I am trying to find my own little place of safety in the world.

Last week while totally dressed as a man two women walked by me and said "can you imagine being married to that? You would come home and he would be wearing your clothes".

So I come here to find a little friendship and some people seem to be "grilling" me, telling me not to jump to conclusions and asking what I mean in my posts.

Sorry, I'm usually not so sensitive, but I didn't expect this.



Michelle ,

You can talk to me about anything.  I may not understand everything from your point of view, but  I will be honest and compassionate from my point of view.

You need a few hugs so here ---  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ( Virtual hugs from Daisy  :angel: )

Not sure what to say about those women  >:D who commented on you ---

Let me know if there is anything I can do.


BTW --- I like back brushing the kitties --- gets them riled up.


Quote from: Michelle F on November 19, 2007, 09:45:50 PM
Well it seems I may have been percieved as "petting the cat backwards?"

I have seen transsexuals put down transvestites
I have seen intersexed people put down transsexuals
I have seen straight people put down gay people

I'm sick of it all.

I merely wanted to clarify my views that I don't care what anyone "is" except whether or not they are kind and as intelligent as they can be. OK?

Now on to another subject if I may, It says on your post that;

" Maribelle Reyes succumbed to AIDS on August 30, 2007 in Houston, TX, after being turned away from several treatment centers due to her transgender status"

Can they really do that? Is it the same in every state? Is there any wonder that I am trying to work with a doctor to show a paper trail for the way I look, when I haven't contributed to my appearance (other than having shoulder length hair and pierced ears) in any way?

I am absolutely terrified that no matter how smart I am or how hard I work I can be refused medical treatment or fired from a job because of the ways the laws are currently written?

I am SOLEY HERE to get an education from people who have been through this before, I am trying to find my own little place of safety in the world.

Last week while totally dressed as a man two women walked by me and said "can you imagine being married to that? You would come home and he would be wearing your clothes".

So I come here to find a little friendship and some people seem to be "grilling" me, telling me not to jump to conclusions and asking what I mean in my posts.

Sorry, I'm usually not so sensitive, but I didn't expect this.


I don't know. I know about Maribelle, Robert Eads, and Tyra Hunter.
Robert Eads was a transman who died of ovarian cancer because no doctor would treat him.
Tyra Hunter was a transwoman who was in a car accident. When her male genitalia was discovered, the paramedics stopped working on her and stood around making jokes.

I don't know about the different state laws. Just that some medical 'professionals' have a problem treating transgendered people.

Please don't feel judged. We've just seen a lot of people here confused about the intersexed thing, that's all. Some hope they are intersexed to justify transition. Nobody's saying that's you, but we've seen it a million times before.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


    As I stated before, you are woman no matter what. This is the very reason I hate labels. My advice is to just know you are woman and wait until you get your tests done to find out what you have or haven't got inside you. But as I said at the very least you have the brain of a woman so therefore you are woman. Your body is not what defines your gender, it's your brain. Just be at peace with yourself dear and enjoy the journey forward.
                                                                   Kim   :angel: