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The Official "You Look Fabulous Darling" 9.0

Started by V M, March 24, 2018, 04:52:03 AM

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At my office today.

The stockings are too short, requiring a garter belt.

But later I thought it is not appropriate for an educator to reveal the garter belt in the campus, and I changed into plain band stockings. I have not seen any woman revealing the garter belt in the campus.

I purchased a bunch of the same style stockings with various colors from, but I may have to dump all of them into the trashcan, as they seem to be for petite women in East Asia  :-\ :-\

Just do it.
  • skype:barbie?call

Allison S

Quote from: barbie on May 08, 2018, 09:02:54 PM
Yes. Of course, it is OK. But if you want to hear ma'am, you may trim your eyebrows a little bit.

Hey Barbie, thanks for the advice. I did try to fix them a bit. You look beautiful in your photos by the way

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Category is... selfie in the ladies restroom  ;D



You look great Camouflage! The added volume in your hair is doing wonders! 💖

Haha and Barbie no I don't think visible garter belts are gonna work on campus either 😂



Quote from: Rachel_Christina on May 09, 2018, 02:22:14 AM
Haha and Barbie no I don't think visible garter belts are gonna work on campus either 😂

Yes. I changed into plain black stockings.
I stopped at a nearby barley field while coming back home from a mart where I bought some hair pins and other stuffs. Young girls, apparently tourists, were taking photos. It is a little bit chilly here.


Just do it.
  • skype:barbie?call


My six month birthday picture. Going out to eat with a friend.



Quote from: Mendi on May 09, 2018, 07:06:39 AM
My six month birthday picture. Going out to eat with a friend.

Happy six month birthday.  You are looking great!  Soon you might even smile in a picture [emoji23].  Keep rocking it twinsie!

Charlie Nicki

Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


Quote from: amberwaves on May 09, 2018, 07:57:30 AM
Happy six month birthday.  You are looking great!  Soon you might even smile in a picture [emoji23].  Keep rocking it twinsie!

Hih, that is me smiling, can´t you see it  ;D

Seriously. I´m not a person of big smiles, though I do laugh and smile for a good story.

I guess it is also a cultural thing, I know that in North America (USA) people tend to smile a lot, but here it is not so.

But I am happy the way things are turning out.


Quote from: Mendi on May 09, 2018, 12:06:47 PM
Hih, that is me smiling, can´t you see it  ;D

Seriously. I´m not a person of big smiles, though I do laugh and smile for a good story.

I guess it is also a cultural thing, I know that in North America (USA) people tend to smile a lot, but here it is not so.

But I am happy the way things are turning out.

You look fabulous! A smile is the best cosmetic we have, it's free, and it won't clog your pores.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn


Thanks Rachel and Nicki! Yes I'm very happy with my hair, I recently got it layered and it did wonders. No more triangle shape!


You look amazing.

An inspiration to us all, and such great taste in clothes.

I love you girl.

Take care

Jools >:-)

Sabrina Hope

Today's picture

Envoyé de mon LG-H873 en utilisant Tapatalk



Quote from: Camouflage on May 08, 2018, 11:02:55 PM
Category is... selfie in the ladies restroom  ;D

Very pretty! love the curls in your hair too.



Quote from: Togawa on May 07, 2018, 11:54:52 AM

Hi all. was goofing around at work and wanted to share this pic :)
Very seductive.... Great style!



A selfie I took while parked at the beach a few days ago. I drive for Lyft and I'll pull over frequently when I'm near the beaches. After I took my selfie and went and got a pizza and napped in my car. haha.


"life it what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon


Just do it.
  • skype:barbie?call

Alyssa Bree

Quote from: gg on May 11, 2018, 02:52:31 AM
A selfie I took while parked at the beach a few days ago. I drive for Lyft and I'll pull over frequently when I'm near the beaches. After I took my selfie and went and got a pizza and napped in my car. haha.


Awesome blossom! Fantastic!!
Your NEEDS drive your WANTS which drive your ACTIONS. To not take action is to not meet your needs.

I am like an archaeological excavation - being uncovered piece by piece, slowly...methodically... until all of the real ME stands proud in the light of day.


a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


Hey All...

Everyone is looking fabulous around these parts!... Just thought I would catch you up on the latest!.. I was honored when Dr Deschamps-Braly called and asked if I would take part in an article about his work that will be featured in the Times of London... (He had a long write up in The New Yorker recently as well) The Times has a Saturday magazine and that will be where this will be published... Anyway, I did a 30 minute interview by phone last Thursday and Saturday, we had a very professional photoshoot up in San Francisco! It was crazy fun!... I felt like a supermodel :) Who'd of thought you can begin your modeling career at 57 LOL!!! Don't have any of the official pics yet but here's a cell pic from the shoot!

Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr

Had a nice quiet birthday with my husband and I am getting ready for voice surgery a week from Wednesday... Guess that means I will have to shut up and take a break from my public speaking gigs for a while!... Here are a few random recent pics including a visit from an awesome and always fabulous partner in crime!

Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr
Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr
Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr
Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr
Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr
Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr

Onward We Go Brave Sisters!!!

Ashley :)

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" ... Ralph Waldo Emerson 🌸

"The individual has always had to struggle from being overwhelmed by the tribe... But, no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself" ... Rudyard Kipling 🌸

Let go of the things that no longer serve you... Let go of the pretense of the false persona, it is not you... Let go of the armor that you have worn for a lifetime, to serve the expectations of others and, to protect the woman inside... She needs protection no longer.... She is tired of hiding and more courageous than you know... Let her prove that to you....Let her step out of the dark and feel the light upon her face.... amg🌸

Ashley's Corner:,247549.0.html 🌻