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First dose is tomorrow march 7th!

Started by Delilah.Rhyan, March 06, 2019, 11:32:27 PM

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Saw the endo today and she gave me scripts for t blocker and the injection. The pharmacy didn't have the stuff yet but said they will tomorrow. So I get my first weekly injection tomorrow. I'm so excited!
My question is for others that started on the injections, did you notice anything the first week. I know most stuff is a few months away, I'm mainly curious about mood stuff and other nonphysical. I know the physical takes a long while.

Thanks to anyone who replys!

Ricki Wright

Whoot! I am so happy for you. Please stay hydrated as the t-blockers may encourage frequent restroom breaks. Not everyone does however so please don't be concerned if that is not your case.

Welcome to the first day of your life.

I see you. I support you,

At 5 I forgot who I am. Fortunately, who I am protected me all these years until I remembered. Whatever else happens, I will live the rest of my life whole.
My story:,244130.0.html
HRT 07Nov18


 I found by the end of the first month effects were undeniable.

You will find a type of light euphoria you have not felt before.

Best wishes, Kirsten.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


Congratulations, Delilah, as today is your first day of HRT. You'll remember taking your first tablet(s) and being first injected forever!

I started HRT 13 months ago on E Patches and T Blocker Tablet and within one month I felt calmness and peace and shortly afterwards my mind cleared and my concentration improved.

I wish you every happiness and success on your HRT journey.





We don't call it vitamin E for nothing!  ;D

For many of us estrogens have saved our lives.

My first dose may have been mainly psychological, but after a week or two, I never felt so good. I was in love with life. This was a feeling I have never experienced before. That is when I knew I must transition. With the help I found here at Susan's Place, the rest is history. Thank you all very much.


I'm looking forward to reading about the results.  I have an appointment with an endocrinologist next month.
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


Congratulations Delilah! 🌸🌸🌸

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



Congratulations Delilah, I recently started HRT also (2-22-2019) Many of the other women here have described their experiences and I think you can reasonably expect to encounter some, if not all, of them! Personally I was prescribed pills and I found the euphoric feeling was concentrated in the first week and gradually became less noticeable. I have a generally light-hearted go lucky attitude about life I didn't feel before. You will always remember your first HRT administration, regardless of route!

Try not to obsess with running to the mirror every morning scrutinizing your appearance, changes will happen but YOUR changes are unique to you. I've been talking with others on this site about breasts for instance and how one lady didn't have much in the way of growth in like 3 or more YEARS on HRT. I've had breast growth in the first two weeks and I'm 50 years old. So as you can see your route and age play little roles in your results but they are not determining factors in what you might expect.I did have to pee more in the first 3 to 5 days then the diuretic effect of spiro leveled off and I use the restroom normally now.

I'm so happy you are moving forward in your journey. Enjoy the scenery. My Therapist said " Go slow and let the positive experiences soak into your soul"

It's quickly becoming a saying on SP:   "Welcome aboard the E train"   Next stop: Princess-villle!

1968 Born male but actually girl
1978 Played in girl clothes
1988 Dressed in girl clothes
1998 Wanted to be a girl socially
2008 Trying lying to myself
2018 Dreamed of becoming a girl
12-8-2018 Knew I was a woman
2-22-2019 Started HRT

Northern Star Girl

Quote from: Delilah.Rhyan on March 06, 2019, 11:32:27 PM
Saw the endo today and she gave me scripts for t blocker and the injection. The pharmacy didn't have the stuff yet but said they will tomorrow. So I get my first weekly injection tomorrow. I'm so excited!
My question is for others that started on the injections, did you notice anything the first week. I know most stuff is a few months away, I'm mainly curious about mood stuff and other nonphysical. I know the physical takes a long while.

Thanks to anyone who replys!
Dear Delilah:
This such exciting news for all of us to read.   Obviously your officially starting of HRT today is a big event and a date that you should make note of in your journal.
Right away you will certainly experience the emotional and mental high of finally getting going on the medical portion of your transition journey.
You are very correct that the physical changes will take some time, usually for many, the first 1 - 3 months you may notice changes in your breasts, soreness in your nipples, lumps or breast buds forming behind your nipples, and then slow but continued breast growth.
Beyond that there will be changes in body smell, softness of skin, rounding of facial features and some changes in your body curves.   All of this depends entirely on how the HRT works with your unique body and your genes.

What you read about others transition timelines most likely will not be exactly like your own.   Some will experience more significant changes more rapidly and others will experience less significant changes less quickly... but changes will happen... 
The saying here on the forums is YMMV, Your Mileage May Vary,  again it is up to your unique body as to how much and how fast it will change as a result of your HRT regimen.

One thing is for sure, PATIENCE IS REQUIRED... not much happens very quickly with HRT.
The saying that "I want is ALL and I want it NOW" does not apply.

Please continue to keep  us all update with your progress and any comments that you wish to share.
We are your biggest fans and we are rooting for your success.

Hugs and best wishes,
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: Delilah.Rhyan on March 06, 2019, 11:32:27 PM
Saw the endo today and she gave me scripts for t blocker and the injection. The pharmacy didn't have the stuff yet but said they will tomorrow. So I get my first weekly injection tomorrow. I'm so excited!
My question is for others that started on the injections, did you notice anything the first week. I know most stuff is a few months away, I'm mainly curious about mood stuff and other nonphysical. I know the physical takes a long while.

Thanks to anyone who replys!

Congratulations Delilah!

I think for me just the fact of starting HRT took a huge burden from me and led to an ease I had not felt for... a long long time :D.  At first I feel like it was primarily psychological, but by the third week I noticed my libido plummeting and the calmness increase and my body/social dysphoria decrease.  I can actually look in the mirror and smile at myself without it being an affirmation exercise that feels fake. I also am much more chatty and seeking social gabbing at work (where I have been practically a hermit for over 13 years).

Is is hormonal or psychological?  Probably both. Who cares!  It's working!  That said, I have a long way to go, but I feel increasingly hopeful and optimistic, even when I feel crappy.
Trans-cendental Musings Blog and Art:



So I clearly need to check this more. It is really nice to have so many girls who have been through this before and are supportive. So my first week is done, I do not think I noticed many changes from vitamin E. However I am really happy with the shrinkage in my balls from the T blocker, that happened fast and I did not expect it to be fast but so awesome. Otherwise no other noticeable changes for me. My therapist said I should expect more mood changes this week, I will keep posted on what I experience.

Allie Jayne

That is so awesome Delilah! I know how long we all dream of the day, which never seems to come, but it has for you! My prescription is in the mail, disappointed the postman didn't come today, so I have to wait until Monday. I was surprised when my Endo told me my T was so low I didn't need blockers, so I am starting off with Estrogen patches. I am simply not allowing myself to expect change, so each change will be a surprise!!!




Allie that is awesome, we will be pretty close in schedule then! Good luck to you.


Quote from: Allie Jayne on March 15, 2019, 12:19:35 AM
That is so awesome Delilah! I know how long we all dream of the day, which never seems to come, but it has for you! My prescription is in the mail, disappointed the postman didn't come today, so I have to wait until Monday. I was surprised when my Endo told me my T was so low I didn't need blockers, so I am starting off with Estrogen patches. I am simply not allowing myself to expect change, so each change will be a surprise!!!



Hello Allie

I note from your other posts that you are of similar age to me - I was born in 1955.

I hope you are able to start HRT on Monday March 18th - you'll remember applying your first patch forever! It is good that it is not necessary for you to have T Blockers. I am on both E Patches and T Blockers and I shall be updating my thread here on HRT Board next week.

Wishing you success and happiness on your HRT journey.





Ah, what a curious co-incidence for this thread as I just so happened to commence "HRT" (or, "Vitamin E") this past March 7th...within the confines of the New Moon even (iii). Fortunately, for me, the pharmacy was not out-of-stock and while I still do not fully understand how it all happened, cosmically (for I had expected to wait at least a good 10-21 days or so more), I received my Estradot patches in the mail on that very Thursday, after only having mailed off a payment (by check, to another State for processing) on the previous Monday. Mercury Retrograde? Sure! Regardless, I could not help but to smile at the suggestion, contained in the Novartis Pharmaceutical instructions with my transdermal regimen, that alternating the patches on Thursdays & Mondays was recommended. So, there was no question of starting that very evening (Thursday, March 7th [St. Perpetua, in the West]). Baseline numbers discarded, clinical effects (results) being the main focus.

For myself, taking into account psychological relief and some attendant, natural euphoria, I do think that a good deal of calmness was apparent, even within a few hours. Over the course of a few days, I could even perceive, at times (more so in the evening) the E 'penetrating' (or suffusing) my body with its most welcome harmonizing, re-balancing hormones, suppressing the rebellious T, here and there. One thing that has particularly struck me is this: true, I can be isolated at times, but work obligations and other interactions are such that I have had dealings, since starting with the Estradot, with numerous biological, or cis-gender, females, and I can swear (without being delusional) that I certainly sense that, on some level, something has been acknowledged, something has been perceived, without any words actually exchanged, that something is definitely 'in the air', i.e., that something is happening -- perhaps even a commingling of essences. I do recall from some reading years ago that, e.g., menstruating females, living in close quarters (as in a college dorm) can in fact synchronize their cycles to a large degree. If this, indeed, can happen, who is to say that other hard to detect, or difficult to demonstrate, synchronicities (or sub-conscious perceptions, even sympathies) cannot take place?

Well, here we are on Day 10. I find it remarkable for me to be so relatively calm; and, in addition, not to be so easily short-tempered. The physical is already happening, more within the body than outwardly apparent, but the groundwork is clearly, structurally, being put in place...and will only increase day-by-day. Sure, I held off for much too long (on the Estrogen [Oestradriol]); but, not anymore. All my patches are in place. I am so happy to be alive. Pulsating.

p.s. I decided against any additional T-blocker. There seems to be no real need, especially for an older (age) Transition such as myself (but of course everyone must make their own decisions). Why stress the bodily system (or liver)? Vitamin E alone can, seemingly, quite effectively work as an anti-androgen...given time, putting us (TW) in the physiologic "normal range" (for Labs), if that is desired, with biological females in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (Cunha FS, Domenice S, Sircili MH, Mendocina BB, Costa EM. Low estrogen doses normalize testosterone and estradiol levels to the female range in transgender women. Clinics. 2018; 73:e86).

And, while I must add that there is surely much T coursing through me just yet -and I did have a fairly strong spontaneous erection this morning (on the 10th day) it was a decidedly different erection- ; more concentrated (shorter) on the shaft, yet with arousal widely diffused along the scrotum, i.e., the entire Tunica Vaginalis. Already, there is little doubt that more of my body (the whole body...slowly) is becoming an erogoneous zone; and the mental component is ever so important in this, too. Not so narrow-minded one must be.

All the best,

*No Dosages Please*

Allie Jayne

Quote from: pamelatransuk on March 15, 2019, 05:18:36 AM
Hello Allie

I note from your other posts that you are of similar age to me - I was born in 1955.

I hope you are able to start HRT on Monday March 18th - you'll remember applying your first patch forever! It is good that it is not necessary for you to have T Blockers. I am on both E Patches and T Blockers and I shall be updating my thread here on HRT Board next week.

Wishing you success and happiness on your HRT journey.



Thank you Pamela!
                             Yes, I was born 1954 so we are both boomers! I am sweating on the postman delivering my prescription so I can apply the first patch Monday, as directed. I was being super cool about this, but I admit to being a bit upset when the mailbox was empty last Friday, and now I am thinking of nothing else. After all, I have been dreaming of this for 60 years! I am really hoping the patches will reduce my dysphoria quickly as I have struggling with back to back colds and a constant cough for 7 months. The doctors have run out of things to blame, so the consensus is stress from my dysphoria, ergo reduce dysphoria and I should be able to overcome my cough! If this works, it will be a stark illustration of how dysphoria can ruin your health, and why it shouldn't be ignored.



Hi androgynosticka  :icon_wave:

Welcome to Susan's Place  :)  Glad to have you here, join on in the fun

How about stopping by our Introductions Forum and introducing yourself so more folks can get to know you a bit better  ;)

Here are some links to the site rules and stuff that we offer to all new members to help them along

Things that you should read


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Hello Androgynosticka

Congratulations also to you on starting HRT on March 7th. You'll remember applying the first patch forever!

I note your first 10 days have proved to be beneficial.

I wish you every happiness and success on your HRT journey.





Thank you V M for the warm welcome, along with the various links within Susan's Place. I have, over the years, picked up on various threads in the course of internet searches and read them, largely in passing. Now, though, finally, as of yesterday, I have joined the community, at least as a visitor. I see now, in turn, that there is a bit to learn and to become familiar with but I am very much looking forward to that and the beneficial exchanges and support to be found within a special community with such breadth and depth. I shall soon make my way to the Introduction area, but my next visit may just have to be the section on Intermittent Fasting. Another, separate search this morning (on Fasting) led me right back to Susan's Place; for it is my plan now to commence fasting in earnest this next week coming up (delayed onset of religious, Lenten Fasting) and I suspect that this could very well accelerate some changes, what with increased metabolization among other things (autophagy, etc.). It will be interesting to observe the effects, especially in the still early stages of the current, transdermal regimen. Now that I will soon have 14 days behind me, I can set aside "normal" dietetics.

Thank you also, Pamela, for the congratulations and the well wishes. I certainly will remember the very first, sustained dose on March 7th. In actual fact, there was another first dose back in January 2008, as I embarked on the "E Train" (with serious intentions), and I managed to be on the female hormones for approximately 30 days. However, at that particular point in time, the fates intervened as it were, and I met someone quite remarkable and well....I won't go into the details, other than to acknowledge that I felt compelled to disembark from the Train. Now, though, I am quite convinced that nothing will alter my present trip, or journey, although obviously a few details remain unclear (timeframe for various milestones, final destination, i.e., post-op or pre-op), although I do have an understanding of where I want to end up (post-op); yet, I am prepared to fine-tune and to make prudent adjustments as things unfold. As for 'decades of suppression' well I do know the (somewhat sordid for me) details of all that (!).

Best wishes to all,

p.s. a few additional notes: within the first ten days, I do believe that I had already noticed some subtle changes in the texture of my hair & skin (softer); also my gestures. Certainly, I have also become more tactile (and attentive). Doubtless, it will take time (as in puberty) for more pronounced changes to manifest themselves, but it was unmistakable that on the 11th day, some tenderness of the nipples even became apparent (more so on the right side). This is, perhaps, a tad surprising; but as Sophiaprincess has commented, she experienced breast growth in the first two weeks, despite being 50 (and my own 50th birthday fell on the 7th day of the present treatment). Variations in receptivity to the E are undoubtedly a factor. In any event, the presently flat breasts, but with enlarged nipples, are definitely getting a good deal more consideration these days (massages and so on). Last night and early this morning, I was also convinced that I could "smell" the Estrogen....(the olfactory sense is impacted; and what is being emitted by me is, too). Amazing, it is.


Wow first month has been a whirlwind. I love the way the meds make me feel. But I've been more up and down emotionally then I ever have been. The hardest part for me is my body dysmorphia has really really acted up and I get this feeling of dread that nothing will turn out like I want. Luckily other testimonies have told me I'm not alone in this, but it is still really hard.