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Big Movies You Hated!

Started by Alexandra, February 28, 2006, 12:40:06 AM

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I think the movie "Pearl Harbor" with Ben Afleck was terrible.  What was Jerry Bruckheimer thinking when he produced this garbage?   

"Enemy of the State" was also pretty dumb.  Had great actors, but there was no real plot to the storyline.  Everything in it was based around technology, much of which does not exist in the way they portray it.  Especially the part where they take an existing 2 dimensional video clip from the lingerie store and flip it around on a computer screen to show the scene from another angle?  Yeah right!!!   

Thought "Super Troopers" was way too silly for me to get into it. 



If it helps you feel better, Ben Alfecks career has been pretty much down the tubes since that turkey!  8)


Another old thread that needs to be revived:   

Movies I really hated:

Dawn of the dead
Zombie lake
Dream house
Monsturd (seriously)
The eight legged freaks------->
Donny Darko
The Blade

yeah...horrible films.......

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Starship Trooper has to top the list.  I love the book.  They shreded the storyline when they made the movie.



Quote from: Chaunte on July 28, 2006, 10:59:43 PM
Starship Trooper has to top the list.  I love the book.  They shreded the storyline when they made the movie.


Yes, but it had Denise Richards in it. :)



The ultimate worst movie ever:

Desiree (1954) with Marlon Brando

Stupid movie
Stupid concept
Absolutely no regard for history
How dare the producers!
I can never watch any movie with Marlon Brando again.

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Quote from: Nero on July 28, 2006, 11:33:40 PM
The ultimate worst movie ever:

Desiree (1954) with Marlon Brando

Stupid movie
Stupid concept
Absolutely no regard for history
How dare the producers!
I can never watch any movie with Marlon Brando again.


That's only because you weren't around to talk him out of it.  Give him a break. :)  :icon_chillpill: :icon_baby:



Have you witnessed this travesty, this complete mockery, this historically inaccurate piece of...?

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


No.  :eusa_shifty:  Don't mind me.  :eusa_whistle:



I hate most Nicolas Cage movies

Especially Raising Arizona. Not only hate it, abhore it. Those that talk about it just sound dumber than dirt. Absolutely a worthless movie that celebrates stupidity.

The English Patient. Why I ask. Why?

Tears of the Sun. One Bruce Willis movie I just had to prematurely ejectulate.

Worst movie you have to see

Garbage Pail Kids the movie. Soooo bad it was fun. Just pure aweful. I have never seen such a bad movie.
Dont believe me, read how others reviewed it. I know I wanted to gash my ears and eyes out from the horrendous images, songs, sounds, and what they call a plot, hehe.
QuoteIt's just amazingly bad on every level, and if you've never seen it, believe me when I say that it's thirty times worse than anything you could imagine...
In fact, the movie left such a bad taste in my mouth, I threw away all my GPK cards the second I got home from seeing the ten minutes of it I could actually stomach.

or this one from amazon
  1 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

One of the worst movies ever made!!!!, December 4, 2005
Reviewer: A. R SCOTT "Alesha Scott" (Houston, Texas) - See all my reviews
This movie is very gross. This movie is horrible. The movie is a disgrace to the movie industry. I am so glad that I had got this cheap. I will be getting rid of it. It would be an insult to my dvd collection for me to keep this video. This movie is a waste of everything used to make this movie. It was also a big waste of my time. "Howard the Duck" was better than this. This movie was just flat out horrible.!!!! I used to collect GPK stickers I thought they were cool. To see this movie I am just apalled I didn't know there was a movie out there so horrible..
BTW they gave it a impossibly rare 1 out of ten.

There are five words the world will likely never see again: "Produced by Topps Chewing Gum." For that, we can all be quite thankful...
the resulting movie gave new meaning to the phrase "bad idea." In comparison, going into Vietnam wasn't so bad.

Needless to say, this movie is a disaster. And one wonders why celluloid was wasted on this movie. Children are starving.



I am not sure about SUPERMAN RETURNS..... I fell asleep 15 minutes into the film and my friends woke me up at the end.

I guess it was kinda boring?



Quote from: wickham_kendra on July 29, 2006, 10:42:11 PM
I hate most Nicolas Cage movies

Especially Raising Arizona. Not only hate it, abhore it. Those that talk about it just sound dumber than dirt. Absolutely a worthless movie that celebrates stupidity.

The English Patient. Why I ask. Why?

Tears of the Sun. One Bruce Willis movie I just had to prematurely ejectulate.

Worst movie you have to see

Garbage Pail Kids the movie. Soooo bad it was fun. Just pure aweful. I have never seen such a bad movie.
Dont believe me, read how others reviewed it. I know I wanted to gash my ears and eyes out from the horrendous images, songs, sounds, and what they call a plot, hehe.

or this one from amazonBTW they gave it a impossibly rare 1 out of ten.


LOL, looks horrible just by looking at the title and everyhing else...

Okay I just thought of another winner...ABERRATION; the special effects are just out of this world. >:D




Brokeback Mountain. I might catch some flack for this, but I thought the storyline was underdeveloped, and that "true love" everyone talks about the film depicting is B.S.! I saw no true love... just 2 guys who liked fishing and f****** together... and destroying the lives of their poor wives. Good acting, but that was about it. I just felt so sorry for the women in the film.

Nobody take this as a knock against gay men... that's not what I'm saying at all. But there are much better gay male movies out there, like the British film Beautiful Thing, which I recommend to anyone.

"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

Check out my blog at


I have to agree with the underdeveloped story line comment.  It wasn't a movie I would recommend to people, just because there wasn't much to the movie.



Poseidon Adventure (new one): A bunch of ridiculously slow and stupid people with terrible reflexes and a twelve year old kid got out alive. And the hot chick died. What?

Please, no more SUPERHERO movies.
X-Men, I, II, III
The Fantastic Four
Spiderman I, II
On and on and on and on...

Seriously. Everything that is coming out these days is a half-baked romantic comedy, a remake, a sequel, or a SUPERHERO movie. It's making my eyes bleed. Come out with something original, please...


Quote from: Draeden on September 25, 2006, 09:00:58 PM
The Fantastic Four
Spiderman I, II

I agree!...LOL....and Lake placid, deep blue sea, mimic 2, hollow man 2, Firewall, ...and I'm sure I'll come up with more.. >:D

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


I love Lake Placid! And Spiderman 1&2. However, I often find it's the little-publicized films that end up being some of the best, like a flick that came out last year called Pretty Persuasion. It's not for the faint of heart or overly moralistic, but it's a great movie.

"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

Check out my blog at


  Anything by Bruce Willis.....  P U !!!! 

  Fight Club --- I took it back the same night I rented it and told the guy who recommended it that he owed me a new movie (didn't work but oh well).

  My memory is too bad to remember all the movies I hate. 


National Treasure.  My parents loved the movie, so I don't know what my problem was.  The whole thing just seemed sort of wishy washy.  The "adventure" was plodding, and there weren't many interesting visuals.  Plus, there was the silly gee-whiz patriotism that they laid on a little thick.

But worst of all was Sean Bean, as the friendliest villain in any Bruckheimer movie.  I really love Sean Bean, and he was just wasted here.

I really hated Snakes on a Plane, too.  It wasn't a big production, but most of the internet thought it'd be all hilarious, but it didn't have the courage of its convictions.  It was often too serious to live up to the promise of its title.  I caught myself thinking "I sure hope they get off this plane soon and do something interesting.  Oh, wait, this is the whole movie."  I was so bored.


I am not familiar with most of the modern day movies.
so I will take you back into time.
I hate all the movies where the blonde bimbo falls in front of the monster...
I hate all the usual stereotype gay movies where they are so flaming it should burn the film itself.
I hate movies wherein the guy "I" think is the hero..dies.
new poseiden...kurt russel dies..
say what?  damn-it-jim.......I like the dude man.
not cool.
I hate black movies that feel it is okay to use derogatory names against whites,, but whites are not allowed to call THEM names?  NO! no 2 sets of rules.

so any who way......

this is just grouchy ole me.
I have MY set of values....probably ain't yours...but oh well.
