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"You had me fooled!"

Started by lacitychick21, June 25, 2008, 02:07:32 AM

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The one that gets me is, "Wow!  The surgeon did a really good job!"  WTF?  What surgeon do they think they're talking about?

Quote from: Kate on June 27, 2008, 08:28:58 AM
I have someone who routinely asks me, "So, have you had any surgeries yet?"

So, how about answering, "Ya, I had my tonsils out at age eight."
"Anyone who attempts to play the 'real transsexual' card should be summarily dismissed, as they are merely engaging in name calling rather than serious debate."
--Julia Serano

Ms Bev

When I came out at work over a year ago, one coworker said, "If you were in Jamaica, you would be stoned".  Reply: "I WAS stoned in Jamaica!.......But that was back in the 70's.

Of course, way too many asked about know....did you have the surgery?  I've told them I'm like an old car.....some old parts, some new parts, and a few carefully remanufactured parts.

At first, I was considered pathetic.  Then, they (not everyone, but a lot) were confused.  Why didn't my customers see a man?  Only because the coworkers knew me before.  THEN, they decided I was deceptive, hence an immoral scum bag.  Only such would deceive.  But, they became VERY confused when they decided that I am indeed lesbian, as witnessed by my occasional looks at attractive (to me) women, and to a large extent by my growing lesbian clientele.
Now, many don't know what to think anymore, and are starting to accept me as a woman, grudgingly sometimes.
The thing after all this that pissed me off is when I caught many of the male workers looking down my blouse , and I think THAT is something that truly disturbed them.......that they LIKED it, and in the end, I was just another unobtainable dyke, which, trans or not, I would be, as I have a partner.
Mostly now, everything's good goes.


1.) If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance. 
2.) The more I talk to my married friends, the more I
     appreciate  having a wife.


This is something I'm really dreading. Not because of how it will make me feel... at least not primarily... but because I tend to have an inbuilt reflex whereby I have a sarcastic comeback for everything, and it's only usually a few seconds afterwards that my brain engages and I think "hang on, that might not have been meant that way".

If a guy said to me, "So, do you have a d*ck or what?" Then the first words out of my mouth, without a doubt, would be either "Well I'm talking to one, does that count?" or "Sure, do you want to see it? Hang on while I fetch you a mirror."

Natura nihil frustra facit.


Quote from: Leiandra on June 27, 2008, 09:20:12 AM
I have a sarcastic comeback for everything, and it's only usually a few seconds afterwards that my brain engages and I think "hang on, that might not have been meant that way".

Early-on in my transition, when people were still "slipping" fairly often with pronouns and names, a coworker of mine referred to me as HE. I reflexively and instantly corrected him by yelling, "SHE!!!!!" He stopped in mid-sentence, and I swear I saw tears forming in his eyes... and he just walked out of the office without saying another word.

It was then I realized I was pushing TOO hard, expecting and demanding too much from everyone. They really were trying, they DID care, and I was ruining things by being so touchy about it all. I went and apologized to him, and from then on just let things unfold without interference or demands on my part. And it's worked out great.



Quote from: Beverly on June 27, 2008, 09:07:40 AM
When I came out at work over a year ago, one coworker said, "If you were in Jamaica, you would be stoned".  Reply: "I WAS stoned in Jamaica!.......But that was back in the 70's.

ROFLMHO Now that should be nominated as Comeback of the Year!



In other news, that would be the first person, myself included who remembered much more about Jamaica after getting off the plane.  Ja mon.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Ms Bev

Quote from: Kate on June 27, 2008, 09:34:53 AM
.......... I swear I saw tears forming in his eyes... and he just walked out of the office without saying another word.

It was then I realized I was pushing TOO hard, expecting and demanding too much from everyone. They really were trying, they DID care, and I was ruining things by being so touchy about it all. I went and apologized to him, and from then on just let things unfold without interference or demands on my part. And it's worked out great.


I'm very happy that it has worked out this way for you, Kate.  Many others have had more negative experiences than positive.  I thank my mom for bringing me up to never back down.  She a tough lady, she was.  Thank you so much, Mom.

1.) If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance. 
2.) The more I talk to my married friends, the more I
     appreciate  having a wife.


Peeps can be so foolish sometimes ::)  did you slap him?  he deserved it as a compliment!