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ever been caught crossdressing? how did it make you feel ?

Started by cc43, December 29, 2008, 09:50:47 PM

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After staying up "playing'' with my wife all night I found myself late for work and quickly showered and changed back into my male clothes and went to work at my carpentry job. I was wearing sunglasses as it was summer and the sun was very bright but about midmorning I took them off to wipe the sweat from my face and caused quite a ruckus on our crew because in my haste I had neglected to clean the eye-liner and mascara from my eyes. Not much was said though until lunchtime when we carpooled to a area restaurant and I was the last out of the car and one of my friends turned around and said good naturedly " come on girl you can do your make up later" that actually made me feel pretty good.


I had a few close calls when I was younger, but got caught red handed by my brother once. He would always wake up before me and have to wake me up. It just so happened that the one occasion where he got mad because I wasn't waking up, he pulled my covers off of me and there I was lying there wearing a pear of pink panties. Obviously, I was completely speechless. He just walked out and went to eat breakfast. That whole morning we didn't say one word to each other, not even on the walk to the bus stop.

From that day on he never let me live it down. He would constantly make off-handed remarks about it, not directly, but in a way where it was a sort of inside "joke" between the two of us (joke is not the right word, more like tormenting). I was always scared he would tell my parents, and from that day on I started really trying to enforce the fact that I was male and stuff. I think that happened when I was like 10 or so, so for the next 11 years I was constantly being tortured by his comments until I came out at 21.

However, once I came out to the family, he immediately went into his room and started bawling. My mom and sister went in there and asked what was wrong, and he replied, "I feel so bad about how I've treated [her]." knowing all too well how he's made my life a living hell. I don't think he told anyone the specific reference to that morning, but I know now that he feels awful about how he treated me.


That's an awesome story.....maybe the fear of coming out and being yourself is far worse than keeping it all inside. after all if people can't except us for who we really are then really what's the point? I feel much happier and friendly being Tori because I don't feel so.......phony?


Quote from: Tori Lynn on December 29, 2008, 10:34:02 PM
maybe the fear of coming out and being yourself is far worse than keeping it all inside.

Yes, it is. Every single time before I finally came out to someone, I had so many fears about their reactions, what they'd think, but so far everyone has been nothing but supportive. My family still has some pronoun and name issues, but even they are doing pretty good, all but my dad, but he'll get there.


I got caught by my parents when I was younger. I boldy came up to my friends in full on drag when I was drunk once.


Quote from: SweetStephanie on January 01, 2009, 06:34:50 PM
I boldy came up to my friends in full on drag when I was drunk once.

Wow, how'd that turn out?


well my wife knows all about me and so do my adult children ,but i usually dont let myself be seen by them.but as i work part time in the morning and when i come home i will dress as everyone is at work.but my younger daughter is a teachers helper and some times she comes home early when their day is a half day and its on her callendar and i forgot to look at it one day and i was sitting in the living room when she came home and i was caught running up stairs.well after that during the jewish holidays my wife told me that my daughter was coming home early and i should dress even though they know and have seen my i just have to make sure that i am dressed as a guy when they come home. phylisanne ::)


It makes me feel crappy, stupid, confused, and another thing I cant explain
My family once noticed my sister's panties in our guest room closet, her one piece in my sink, her compression shorts 3 times in my closet, once confronted with my mom and sis finding a two piece in my closet as I was in the room, I said as a complete lie "Well I chafe down there, and use the bottom half to stop that, and my dad caught me wearing a sports-bra once when I was 9(Which I could have gotten away with, had I not told him I was ) So I guess they basically know, and would tell them, but I dont think I could go on full time(Even though I really want to) and just the way people think of you, my friends who id loose alot of, basically telling them I have lied constantly and that I feel so wronged and cheated. Plus, I want to make my parents to feel proud when people know Im their son, and be to proud of me.
So does anyone else think that basically that "I let the cat right out of the bag" and they know. Because I get some looks that kinda let me know.


Quote from: Kelsey on January 02, 2009, 12:19:01 AM
Plus, I want to make my parents to feel proud when people know Im their son, and be to proud of me.

You really shouldn't live for other people, live for yourself. What's the point of life if all you're doing is what you need to do to please others? Your parents shouldn't be proud of you because of what you do as their son, and other people shouldn't be proud of you because of what you do as your parent's son. They should all be proud of you for what you do...period.




Since I began crossdress, I have not tried to hide my clothes. Of course, there are some intimate itmes such as underwear pants and bras, which I should hide in my closet. Occasionally, my kids see them, and I do not care. My wife washes my women's underwear without any complaint. My kids also sometime see my wearing junior's thong, and they sometimes make fun of it.

I espeically care for my kids. I do not know whether it is a joke or not, but my two sons sometimes say they feel shame while going with me, especially when I coax them to go out instead of staying home to play computer games. For this reason, I wear long pants when visiting their school.

A week ago, my second son jokinly told me that he feels a shame with me because of my long hair. Then my first son said he is proud of me. He repeated it in a few days. About 2 weeks ago, he told me that he and his friends watched a local TV news in which I was interviewed regarding some fish species here. This is the first time he sees me on TV, and he seems to believe I am a famous person, despite my long hair. After this TV incident, he seems to say more frequently he is proud of me.

Next TV interview, I will wear makeup (this is a must).

Just do it.


I've been caught but not dressed up but rather with an anti-androgen drug, and i invented an excuse.

i am sure my parents would had felt more comfortable if i told them i had cancer and this was a treatment for cancer than them knowing i am transgender.


Quote from: Kelsey on January 02, 2009, 12:19:01 AM
and just the way people think of you, my friends who id loose alot of,

if you loose friends after coming out, are they really friends? they are friends to who you pretend to be and not who you are. no one want to be alone but anyone can make new friends any day.

family is another issue of course.


Quote from: barbie on January 04, 2009, 07:15:12 AM

Next TV interview, I will wear makeup (this is a must).


Hi Barbie,

just for me curiosity, what country do you live in?


Not some much caught, but caught out.
My stepmother found some knickers and a bra in my room under the pretext of 'spring cleaning', then her and my father went completely insane over it. I was accused of being gay and simply told to 'stop it'.
The issue was never raised again, except for the purpose of psychological torture (i.e. "you'll do what I say or I'll tell your friends/the rest of the family.")


I was caught by my parents often, but in reality I gave them a lot of things much worse than wearing lingerie to worry about.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I feel stupid. It sometimes makes me question what I am doing.
It does not happen so much now, partly because I don't try to pass as a male anymore. Occasionally when I get extra dolled up and I do something like trip over I feel extra self-concious, I hate feeling that way like people are looking and thinking "go figure, the >-bleeped-< fell over". I guess it is a confidence thing.

I think it was far more traumatic getting caught masturbating by my dad and having to put up with comments for years. I fixed that by just by not denying it.


I havn't cross dressed for about 20 years now ... thank God ... I look much better as a man.

Ohhh yeah ... I was caught and told to knock it off.


My mother found unmistakable evidence many times. Once I had a secret stash in my room of various pieces which included some horrid attempts at making a skirt out of jeans. One day during spring cleaning she and my brother discovered my stash and began making a scene of it, cracking jokes and everything.

I was mortified; it was one of the worst feelings in my life. I quickly grabbed everything I could from them and hid it in another room and began constructing an all too obvious lie.

Getting caught never feels good, but thanks to the LGBT community I feel better about myself and would likely fare much better today if it were to occur again.


I think i may have been suspected a few times (I would 'borrow' some of my mom's clothes); sometimes i know they didn't make it back to the right spot exactly or make it back before they were maybe noticed.  Plus i am almost certain that she knew i took some of her makeup, one lipstick in particular (which i broke and then tried to fix which ended up making a mess..ended up throwing that out :embarrassed:) ....then again maybe she didn't actually notice or suspect me.  I might have just been nervous about being caught and feeling a little guilty.  After all, she never really confronted me about any of this, she would just say something in passing like she didn't know where she had put something...if i thought i was suspected i would hide something back in her drawer, kind of tuck it away like it had been pushed accidently to the back or put a dress back between something in her closet, so that it was kind of my answer is maybe to being caught and anxiety to how i felt.