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ever been caught crossdressing? how did it make you feel ?

Started by cc43, December 29, 2008, 09:50:47 PM

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I always wore my mothers clothes, lipstick, makeup, her big high heel shoes. Once at maybe age 7 or 8 I thought my parents had left for a long time so I dressed up nice. Both my parents came back too soon, found me with lipstick, nail polish etc... My father was upset, however my mother already knew I was a little girl anyway.

Miss Jill Thorn

why should it matter if we get caught crossdressed after all we are what we are , female inside ,I'm proud of being a female inside and have accepted  that
:-* :-*


Jill1, good for you.

I've never been ashamed except I hated to dissapoint my father long ago when I was a little boy. In hindsight with my mother I should have moved forward then to become a little girl. My mother offered to help me change & visit doctors, she knew I was a little girl. Somehow I guess to please my father I played little boy outside & hid my true identity inside until I left one week after high school.

Anyway for young girl friends, follow your heart, if you are a girl let all know & be glad. Move forward if you can early before the T stuff does too much damage to your body.


once time i caught to my father. then blame me. i feel shy. then i never caught again.  i did thing more carefully.

big kim

Never been caught but there were a few near escapes!


There were certain polaroid photos that I'm hoping my mom and sister never saw, but I think they did.


I used to be good at hidding my stash of clothes but when I moved out of my mum and dads house I got a bit sloppy
I put my washing in the machine and went to work later that day my mum and sister
Came over and my mum hanged out my clothes ( in doors) and my sister saw all them all

I went red when I came back from work and found out what happed but on one said a thing to me however I needed to ask who sorted out my stuff that is how I found out who did it


I remember when I was 15 yrs old.  My mom went off 2 work and I played hookie "sick" from school so I could dress.  After she left I went into my sis's room and got a pair of her white panties and bra she left b4 going 2 college.  Put them on and went n2 my mom's room and pulled out a pair of drk beige pantyhose slipped them on.  Went 2 her closet and got a white blouse and white slip and put them on.  Next was a black knee length skirt and matching blazer that went with the skirt.  Last was sum 3in high heels.  Next was the make up.  Lipstick, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, ect.  Was no beauty queen but made me feel more fem.  After I was done I went down stairs and enjoyed listening to my high heels on the hard wood floor.  Sat down and watched sum tv all dressed up.  After a bit I went n2 the kitchen to get sum water.  As I was in the kitchen I heard the front door open and my mom was home.  I heard her high heels on the floor and go up the stairs.  I was nervous and scared as I had no where 2 go.  I could have went outside but didn't want the risk of being seen by neighbors or someone. or being locked out if she checked the door and found it unlocked..  B4 I knew it she was back down the stairs and then heard her coming towards the kitchen and then BLAM face 2 face.  I was so scared n shacking.  My mom didn't say anything and just stood there and turned around and left.  I was so freaked I went up stairs and changed and waited for my mom 2 come home after work.  When 5 o"clock rolled around she came home.  I was in my room waiting for the firing squad.  After a bit she knocked on my door and asked me 2 come to her room.  When I went in she had a suitcase sitting on the bed and told me 2 open it.  There was pantyhose, panties, bra's, blouses, skirts, slacks heels ect. In the suit case.  She started the asking me questions about my cding and told me about a few shows she saw of cross dressing, and found it to better for both people 2 be supportive than to alienate or force the issue of stopping.  Which could have drastic outcomes.  I was so excited and relieved of my not having 2 hide and about getting sum things from my mom.  Who also put some make up in a bag for me with a few how to articles on putting make up on.  After which she told me I could keep the case in her room so when I had friends over I wouldn't have to worry about them finding it.  I agreed I turned around feeling better and as I was going to my room she said hey aren't u 4getting something.  And tapped the suit case.  She grabbed a few pairs of her heels she didn't wear anymore and put them in the case b4 she closed it. As I grabbed the case she told me she will take me shopping 2 get me some fem things that will fit me better.  As some of my mom's stuff was a little big on me but still looked good.  I said that sounds good and went n2 my room 2 try on my clothes and knowing I really didn't have to be sneaky anymore.  Just not parade around and showing it off as much.  Kind of out of sight out of mind as my mom was getting used to the idea of me dressing as a gurl.   So how did it make me feel...I was scared, nervous, excited, and happy by the time the day ended. 

Miss Jill Thorn

:-* :-*


I was caught in my bedroom wearing my mom's beige satin paneled OBG and a pair of her stockings when i was 15. I thought I was home alone and she was out but alas I was surprised as she burst into my room.Luckily I was only looking at one of her woman;s magazines and nothing else. she was astounded and when she calmed down slightly said " I thought someone was in my lingerie drawers!". I was humiliated but Iconfessed and after a prolonged discussions she began to accept and understand me. she kept my secret and to some extent helped me become more of the gurlie-boi I wanted to become. SG

Miss Jill Thorn

wonderful ! it's my life I love me and what I  am ;D
:-* :-*


My grand parents caught me when I was 10y/o and I got beat so bad that I didn't even touch women's clothes until I was in my late teens. Since then, I have came straight to work after performing at a drag show a couple of times not aware of something until a coworker pointed out the girls ear rings or makeup remnants I didn't remove. It would make me blush but, I was born with out the ability to feel shame(that was inherited from my dad). 

Stella Stanhope

Oh deary me! There's been some real epics about being busted on this thread! Thankfully most of the situations didn't result in too much embarrassment. (It is horrible to read about the family humiliation rituals though. Family should be more understanding - or at least open-minded enough to want to know why - instead of simply meating out the punishment).

As for getting caught at work or out-and-about though - I'm now daydreaming about making an action film like Die Hard, where the hero has to catch the bad guys, but is more worried about getting captured or killed because he decided to secretly wear his favourite Hello Kitty undies that day. This is his nightmare. Never-mind the gun fights and the explosions and the evil henchmen and the evil plots, he's just frightened of those damn panties being revealed to his old colleagues in the police!

(Note: The twist in the story would be when the bad guys raid his house and hold his soft-toy collection hostage).

Anyone want to guess the title of this awesome and completely imaginary movie?  ;D

Btw- this is a very timely post. As I was busted half an hour ago by my student housemates!  ;D
I stupidly left my washing in the machine, and (being a weekend) my housemates decided to do their washing. So in removing my stuff to do their garments, they have just observed a range of frilly items and maxi-dresses (I'm big on floral patterns this year, too). No one has said anything, but there is one of those slightly awkward atmospheres in the house tonight, especially as Silence of the Lambs was playing and it features the infamous character of Buffalo Bill...  :P They're a nice bunch in this house though, so I'm sure I'll be fine. 

Since coming-out (to myself) and subsequently dressing-up around the house and outdoors, as opposed to just in the bathroom (which is what I did for twelve years) I've been busted many times - usually with hilarious results. And on one occasion in particular - crashing into my own car whilst riding a golf buggy in 5" heels.
There are no more barriers to cross... But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis... I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.

When you find yourself hopelessly stuck between the floors of gender - you make yourself at home in the lift.




In all, three times over some 40 years.  The first two, while pretty significant back then, are nothing today but memories.  I had started crossdressing with bra and panties about 7th grade (that would have been 1971) The city was a suburb of Oklahoma City. About the same time we had moved. . .

My first real items were a 34B bra and pair of panties, which had been pilfered from my girlfriend who lived down the street.  (she did not know.)

At the time, I still had a large can of, get this, tinker toys in the closet.  I stashed the cloths in the top, under the lid.  Seemed like a GREAT place, till one day when I came home and my mother was sitting at the kitchen table with the things out on the table. . Seems like the next hour was a bad dream as she was giving me the third degree about where I got them and why.  Questions I could barely answer myself at that time. . .Thankfully, she never told my father AND she did not make me "march down there and return the things."   Very embarrassing at the time.

Fast forward two years, I was in 9th grade, and had gotten a one piece girls gym suit.  It was not even that cute in retrospect.  I had put on a bra, panties and foam pads under the gym suit and promptly fell asleep on the couch.  Brilliant!  Mom comes home and  BOOM, Caught again. . .This time she just told me to go and take those things off and put some regular cloths on.  No questions, no third degree.  . In retrospect, I guess she was becoming somewhat accepting at this time.

My mother died a few years later quite unexpectedly and took the secret to her grave, or so I thought. ..

Sometime around 1985 I got involved with the one girl that never approved of my crossdressing.  Mind you, she did not forbid it or anything. . just thought it was weird or something.  Fast forward a couple of years and we have a acrimonious break up.  She does everything she can to try to ruin me.  Tells all my friends, parents anyone she could get to listen.  I decided at that point, I was not going to be blackmailed and any time someone told me what she had said, I would just acknowledge that, yes, I was an occasional crossdresser.  What was amazing was that NO ONE cared. . . I even told my dad (without details) and he said my mother had said something about a "Fascination" with women's clothing a few years before. . ."  Well, at least at that point, the cat was out of the bag!  Nothing else was said, but did I feel better when I told him that, yes it was true, I did occasionally wear lingerie.  No questions, no problems. . . (of course too, I was out of the house by then)

The last one, was about a year ago, and quite the embarrassment.  The current wife and I have been married since 2007.  She has 3 children, one of which (the Eldest)  is out living with his paramour, and had given us a granddaughter.  Generally,   he and I get along pretty well.  He did NOT know about the crossdressing.  Then there is another younger brother who was 15 at the time as well as a sister who is 12.  They both had been told and knew that I wore lingerie and such.  In fact the boy used to get a kick out of teasing me by patting me on the back to see if he could feel bra straps or not. .. Last year for christmans, he gave me one of those stupid clips that convert the back of your bra to a T Back. .   I can't complain, he is good with it and the fact that he teases me says a lot.  Sister is a little more uptight, but recently asked to borrow some of my "girl socks"  That was a trip. . . loaning my step daughter girls clothing!

Ok, So. mom and daughter are gone for the evening and I am at home alone.  Younger brother has gone over to big brothers house to play on the X-Box.  I am pretty confident, and am sitting in the bedroom on the computer wearing a bra and forms, panties, jeans and soft ballet shoes.  I also had the stereo up a bit.  At some point the brothers decide to come back and get something for the X-Box.  Elder brother does NOT have a key, but younger brother does.  Wifes family has a nasty habit of just walking in without knocking.  (which apparently, they have always done.)  Well, I thought I heard something, and the next thing I know, into the bedroom come walking Elder and younger brother. . .

. .
. . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .

"Ah, How about those dodgers? "

Seriously, there was a pregnant pause. . . I had to get up and tell them to get OUT of the bedroom for a minute and to let me change, which they did.  Exited bedroom a few minutes later and made a bit of small talk.  Told elder brother that now he knew my dirty little secret. and TOLD him he was sworn to secrecy.  So, they get what they need and leave. . . I am trying to assess the damage and the rest of the night passes. .

I later find out from younger brother, that elder brother had quickly driven home, laughing his ass off all the way.  Got home and spilled it NOT only to his paramour, but her mother as well. . . Fecal MAtter!  Apparently, they got a big kick out of it.  BUT. . .

I don't have to worry about taking off soft ballet shoes or flats when they come over.  I did speak with him at length and asked him to consider how embarrassing that could be.  I told him at that point that I really did not care if he told the rest of the family, but would prefer he NOT. . Seems most of her family know about it now. . .no one really said anything.. One night over at the wifes mothers house, we had a large bonfire going and well, many of us had had a beer (or several) and were feeling good. Got to discussing most everything.  Turns out my wifes, niece and husband (Early 20's) were into swinging and the conversation turned to sex.  Well niece asks me about "crossdressing" and I said, "Yes, its true. . . I underdress"  and explained what that was all about. . .

Well, at least after she had a few, she took off her shirt and showed her boobs.  . which was a nice treat for a 50 something guy.  I do feel strangely liberated about it now.  It can't hurt me, and most of the family is too distracted by other things to care. . .

valerie anne

I was caught by my best friend's mom when I was 12.

She was out and me and my best friend went to his bedroom. He tied his belt under my chest and pulled it really tight. I lifted my little boys boobs up over it to give me a bit of breast show.

His mom came in to find me cradling him in my arms with his mouth latched onto my left nipple.

I actually felt more aroused at being caught than nursing him! Later I tried smearing ice cream on my nipples to get him to suck me again, but he wouldn't.

I guess it was that boyhood suckling that lead me to CD, breast enhancement and bra wearing.     


Funny that I read this today... well because I got cought just few hours ago...
Well.. I had some clothes in the machine, and I though that I would pull them first so that my room mate doesnt see it..
Bad luck... when I cameto empty the machine, it was already well spreaded on the drying rack....

I don't mind so much because he already knew about my issue... but I would have prefered to keep the strings out of is sight ;)

Also,..Few month ago my roomates girlfriend cought me in the middle of the night...
I was painting at 4h30 in the morning like I often do... but that night I was painting in girl mode....
Well what a surprise for both of us when she went to the bathroom between her sleep...
We havn't ever spoke about it, but we smiled and laugh knowing what happened.
She is really cool, just like my roomy, so it's all fine.

I must even say that this helps me to get more confortable with it and less as a heavy secret lockup deap down.



I got caught by my wife I was wearing a bra panties and stockings she was shocked at first but she helps me pick my clothes she also helps me with my make up


I haven't been caught, but I think I did too good a job on Halloween. I'm pretty sure I outed myself or at least raised some suspicions.

valerie anne

I think I got rumbled at the Halloween dance as well!

We guys all had to dress up in drag gear provided by the ladies, but I was the only one who knew how to fasten my bra, how to roll my stockings up my legs, fasten my suspenders, walk in high heels and apply makeup.

After an hour or two, the other men were unfastening their padded bras and slipping off their heels. I continued to strut around, flaunting my boobs in my black plunge bra and tight white sheer top. I had shaved my legs too, and I looked good in sheer "barely black" stockings (I asked to wear these, which may have aroused some suspicions).   

As I have been using my electric breast pumps regularly, I actually filled out my bra quite well and didn't need any padding. One lady asked me if I found the bra too tight, and I intentionally said: "no I like to have some support".

I went home in full makeup, bra & heels, and I think many knew I was enjoying it all too much!     


How do feel about it, Valerie Anne? I must admit there was a sense of relief. I'm less concerned about people knowing now. I still scared to come out but less so now. The pic is from that night, by the way. My first outing dressed.