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Transsexuals and Vegetarian/Vegan

Started by Valerie Elizabeth, May 01, 2009, 06:16:47 PM

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 I`ve been veg for two years. I love the animals and have high colesterole so that is why I am veg. I also didn`t eat non organic meat when I did eat meat. So most of the meat I ate was caught fish in Hawaii. I do however spend 500 $ a month on food for the family. We eat all organic here. I haven`t noticed any loss in weight or muscle mass though.


Quote from: Wendy on May 03, 2009, 05:46:15 PM
Actually billions of people in Asia eat very little meat.  At one time meat was a luxury and rich people ate it.  Basically all of North America likes meat. 

Now I love to cook and I love all varieties of food!  I have found that my veggie Indian friends from India tend to be thinner than their American counterparts.

I can lose weight if I cut portions but I weight the same as I did thirty years ago.

Small portions of meat are healthy for you.  You can stay lean if you eat good healthy foods and lots of varieties.  However fresh vegetables can be quite expensive.  I buy frozen stir fry vegetables and pay more for the vegetables than chicken.  Eggplant frequently is $1.49 a pound.  I can buy whole chickens at $.89 per pound.

Nuts are very healthy.  I love walnuts which contain Omega 3 and they cost about $6.00 per pound.  Round steaks/roasts cost about $4.00 per pound in one local store.

I know which stores sell which products at better prices.  I do spend a lot on good food.  I eat out infrequently.

Alcohol tends to be the biggest gainer of calories for me.  No less is alcohol full of calories it also reduces my willpower to stop eating.

I tend to know older TS folks.  Some are thin and some are heavy.  They all eat meat.

I think a day or two without meat is probably healthy.  However if you eat a healthy diet you can include many things.

Not sure about all of Asia! Most of the Pakistanis I know are big meat eaters. If you count in chicken as well I would say Indonesians (Javanese) too tend to eat meat very frequently although in small quantities and not in
steak form as in some Western countries.

Best burger I've ever eaten was in Jakarta!


Quote from: imaz on May 04, 2009, 07:50:16 AM
Best burger I've ever eaten was in Jakarta!

Well we are off topic but too funny!  I was working with a group of Indian Asians that were all vegetarians on a database project.  The management ordered meat for Americans and veggies for the Indians at lunch to be culturally sensitive.  After a few weeks the meat disappeared at lunch and the veggies were left.   I asked the Indians what was happening to the meat.  They told me they were enjoying the meat.  Of course some Indians where strict vegetarians.... and the Pakistanis would not eat pork but did like beef!

Eat mor chiken!


The exact pricing of my grocery trip last night for a multitude of frozen veggies, soy sauce, ranch, italian, cheese, BIG BAG OF RICE, lots of tomatoes/tomato sauce, 20 pounds of tofu, and various other groceries totalled up a whopping $70, for two people who eat enough for 5 people.

Yup, it's totally an expensive lifestyle.


I've been vegetarian for a total of 22 years out of my life. I was vegan for several years too, before I began transition. While vegan I was living on a lot of soy. Soy was practically my only source of protein. I was also consuming daily flax seeds and danggui (Angelica sinensis) for extra phytoestrogens. (None of which worked.) But once I started HRT, I became concerned that the weaker phytoestrogens from all the soy and everything might block the receptors from the pharmaceutical estrogen I was now taking. So I went off the vegan regimen and back to lacto-ovo vegetarian.

I simply like being vegetarian. My body and my mind just feel better this way, and I love vegetarian food. Meat has zero appeal for me.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


Quote from: Hypatia on May 05, 2009, 11:28:18 PM
I've been vegetarian for a total of 22 years out of my life. I was vegan for several years too, before I began transition. While vegan I was living on a lot of soy. Soy was practically my only source of protein. I was also consuming daily flax seeds and danggui (Angelica sinensis) for extra phytoestrogens. (None of which worked.) But once I started HRT, I became concerned that the weaker phytoestrogens from all the soy and everything might block the receptors from the pharmaceutical estrogen I was now taking. So I went off the vegan regimen and back to lacto-ovo vegetarian.

I simply like being vegetarian. My body and my mind just feel better this way, and I love vegetarian food. Meat has zero appeal for me.

Hypatia, years ago I took the pill form of photoestrogens, and pharmaceutical estrogen.  I think I just taxed my liver and spent a whole bunch of money.

By the way I have vegan genetic male friends that are very healthy.  I do think I would lose a lot of weight on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.


If you use skim milk, and lay off the butter.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls


Quote from: Hypatia on May 06, 2009, 12:40:24 AM
If you use skim milk, and lay off the butter.

Queen Latifa couldn't have been more accurate when she said, "butter is the secret to life."  Or maybe it was someone else, but she was at least in the movie.


Hi folks,

Name's Kate, some of you may remember me under the old user name GQPat.  Anyway, in reading this thread I'm surprised that no MTF-spectrum person has mentioned the moral quagmire that comes with being vegetarian/vegan and taking PREMARINE as the main source of estrogen. 

This is my case :(

I've tried other forms of estrogen and they just really >-bleeped-< me up emotionally in a way that PREMARINE doesn't (for those not in the know, PREMARINE stands for PREgnant MAre uRINE).  When I was on estrace I literally felt like I wasn't on HRT but the thought of going back to PREMARINE felt ethically wrong.  Even though, when I was taking PREMARINE I felt balanced, calm, centred, etc.

Now, I've simply resigned myself to the fact that I have to ingest animal products to function in the world.  It's not the worst thing but it's not ideal you know?

Sorry if this was really incoherent, I'm still a lil' sleepy.


P.S. It's nice to see that these boards are still active, it's been at least a year since I posted here.


Premarin, are you KIDDING?

As if that's the only drug on the planet that involves harm to animals.

How naive of you.


Quote from: Annwyn on May 07, 2009, 10:27:05 AM
Premarin, are you KIDDING?

As if that's the only drug on the planet that involves harm to animals.

How naive of you.

Never did I say that I thought it was the only drug that involves harm to animals, I simply talking about the fact that its the one drug that I have to take every single day, multiple times a day, to be able to function.

I really don't think my post deserved your level of condescension.



I'm an environmental vegetarian.  It's been harder to stay a vegetarian after starting T because I've been craving protein (MEAT). I just need to get better vegetarian protein sources.


Quote from: transdyke on May 07, 2009, 09:46:51 AM
Hi folks,

I've tried other forms of estrogen and they just really <not allowed> me up emotionally in a way that PREMARINE doesn't (for those not in the know, PREMARINE stands for PREgnant MAre uRINE).  When I was on estrace I literally felt like I wasn't on HRT but the thought of going back to PREMARINE felt ethically wrong.  Even though, when I was taking PREMARINE I felt balanced, calm, centred, etc.

Now, I've simply resigned myself to the fact that I have to ingest animal products to function in the world.  It's not the worst thing but it's not ideal you know?

Kate I guess you tried sublingual oestradiol.  If you use an endo they can get the doses right. Welcome back.
Quote from: Kayden on May 07, 2009, 12:11:26 PM
I'm an environmental vegetarian.  It's been harder to stay a vegetarian after starting T because I've been craving protein (MEAT). I just need to get better vegetarian protein sources.

Kayden if you do a lot of strength training and eat meat  you should be able to gain a pound of muscle each month.  However a protein shake will work well by itself or in combination with meat sources. 


Quote from: transdyke on May 07, 2009, 10:43:08 AM
Never did I say that I thought it was the only drug that involves harm to animals, I simply talking about the fact that its the one drug that I have to take every single day, multiple times a day, to be able to function.

I really don't think my post deserved your level of condescension.


There's blood all over just about anything you get in a pharmacy, not only animal blood but human blood as well.

Oh and well, you'll get over it.


If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC


Premarin didn't do beans for me. I only took it for the first few months and then switched to Estrace which helped me to feel really good. But once I started Delestrogen, mmm baby my body went to town on that stuff.
Here's what I find about compromise--
don't do it if it hurts inside,
'cause either way you're screwed,
eventually you'll find
you may as well feel good;
you may as well have some pride

--Indigo Girls

Star Hilliker

A lot of Transgender people are vegan because animals are oppressed just like them. This form of discrimination is known as speciesism.


Hi, Star!

Welcome to Susan's.

Thank you for joining in.  Please note that this thread is nine years old.  You might have more fun joining in a thread that is currently active, or starting your own thread.  A great place to post your own thread is the Introductions forum, where you can tell the members about yourself. 

For what it's worth, I am a vegan, and I agree with you.

Here is some information that we like to share with new members:

Things that you should read

2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Not a vegan here because I too am an animal, a predatory meat eater. And that's just how it is.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


I'm a pescatarian but slowly switching over to vegan. I have a lot to learn about nutrition before I make the switch, I wouldn't just go 'cold turkey' pardon the pun, at least not on a vegan diet. ;D
For me it's all about choice, taking control over what I fuel my body with. A high carb plant based diet agrees with me on many levels. I've done it in the past and was the fittest I'd ever been.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,
