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'Androgene' clothes

Started by Enki, November 19, 2009, 07:15:26 PM

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Hi everyone,

I'm going to skip a long story I had in mind about why. I'll just bother you with 'what'.  ;)

Well, just a little bit 'why' than. I feel genderless. My body is considered male (whatever). I envy woman for all the beautifull clothes that are available for them. For me, male clthes are to boring, to 'male'. So I've been searching for clothes that fit my feeling of genderlessness without getting the feeling of crossdressing. I do like the feeling of silk on my legs, but wearing a pantyhose just looks redicoules, so that's no option. So, what i am searching for are clothes that are male, but with a female look or visaversa.

For instance, I found this skirt that is interesting, but not yet quet what I'm looking for: . And within the gothic-fashion-scene there are some interesting clothes, but they are mostly to 'gothic', see for instance:

Does anyone of you know some good resources for clothes that have both male and female elements?




Go shopping online, not to buy but to look & get a feel for what moves you. Then go shopping in stores, malls, or whateverer & try stuff on & look in the mirror. If it fits & looks good on you it's good. If I tried to dress you up like a barbie doll, that would be restricted to my opinion.


It might sound silly, and I don't know where you are, , but you could try a kilt or similar.
Right now I am wearing a Fijian 'Sulu".  It's the wrap around skirt that is traditional for Fijian men, simply a length of print fabric you wrap around and tie in a particular way. 
I have a old work issue shirt on that I found , must be 20 years old, but it gives me a bit of a waist too. 
Hope this gives you a few ideas.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Thanks, but do you know any interesting online stores where I can nose around for ideas? I concidered kilts, but also there I didn't quit find what I'm looking for. Fijian 'Sulu' sounds interesting. I'm going to do a search about that. I also asked someone who makes clothes to think about some intersting things for me.

Love, Enki