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effective penises for transmen

Started by lilacwoman, January 25, 2010, 10:34:06 AM

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I was just sent a link to a page that offers a new surgery technique for guys needing a real working pack.
its on   no photos but maybe its better than the present sexchange surgeons are offering.


Harry Benjamin Syndrome Sufferers? I find that insulting.
"In this one of many possible worlds, all for the best, or some bizarre test?
It is what it is—and whatever.
Time is still the infinite jest."


Quote from: Radar on January 25, 2010, 10:42:11 AM
Harry Benjamin Syndrome Sufferers? I find that insulting.

Ya, they really need to come up with better terms, like transgender.

Well I guess it sounds interesting. I was hoping they'd come up with a new method. I'm still not sure if I want bottom surgery, but I'm still I long ways away from that right now, so I guess if they have a better method available when it is time, I might consider it.


Thanks for the update, Lilac. Good to stay abreast of these things. Though the cherry pie visual made me queasy.  :laugh:
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


There's a bit about the term Harry Benjamin Syndrome here:

I really hope no-one sends any money or anything else to the site advertising the procedure.

It may be kosher, but sounds bit like someone announcing the alternative fuel car.



er.. right.. now that I got that out of my system...

The fact they mention "pumps and rods" makes me go "meh" at it actually, cause I'm genuinely not interested in something that requires added machinery/hardware (no pun intended) to work right.....
Or at least, that's the stance I'm taking out of principle and will defend until I go "oh f it.. just gief the penis!"

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


"THE VG PROCEDURE - THE WAY TO A REALLY BE A MAN!" Because if you don't have a pound of flesh between your legs you're obviously not a man.  ::)

I hate the idea a lot of people have about ftm guys is that as long as it's big, dangles and looks kinda like a penis we'll be happy with it. It's amazing how some people are shocked that believe it or not, I don't want a phallo or any procedure that grafts a bunch of flesh together. What I have now already feels like a penis, why would I want to possibly lose that for a chunk of rolled up flesh?

अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत


that page made my head esplode (the male to female refs on top make me wonder if the author is smoking something good)

the streching of skin to glove the penis is a novel idea (when combined with tissue expansion) but it still leaves a void where there should be erectile tissue. (cue lab grown materials speech) glans construction is another issue (although I have an idea to fix that)

QuoteAs the recipients of neo-vaginas will have generally have no love for their wombs, tubes and ovaries and the outer lips will generally be sewn shut there is plenty of soft tissue that can also be latticed to ensure the necessary area and shape of neo-penis.
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.


Quote from: FlanKitty on January 25, 2010, 12:49:05 PM
QuoteAs the recipients of neo-vaginas will have generally have no love for their wombs, tubes and ovaries and the outer lips will generally be sewn shut there is plenty of soft tissue that can also be latticed to ensure the necessary area and shape of neo-penis.

I second that wtf. 

I guess it's nice that there is some development with a new technique, although it really sounds more like another way to do a phallo rather than the innovation that I'm sure we're all hoping for: a lab-grown, fully functional penis than can be grafted (blood vessels, nerves, and all).  What a feat of microsurgery that would be, to speak nothing of actually growing the thing in the first place...
"Be it life or death, we crave only reality"  -Thoreau


This way to do phailo would mean that the grafted semi-penis has "some" sensation.. I think that's the whole "hey, innovation!!" thing it claims.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Quote from: Eryk on January 25, 2010, 01:02:38 PM

I second that wtf. 
What's up with this site? Look at the title, it says "for male-to-female HBSS" It seems really sketch to me.


my friends say its HBS because there is quite a move going on in some places to rename true transsexualism as hbs to separate it from all the other transgenders who give sex change a bad name especially as the next DSM is really going to label us all on susan's and other forums with all sorts of made up names that basically mean we are all just mixed up perverts who need a good talking to rather than hormones or surgery or legal rights to change names and sex markers on all our passports, licences etc.
but i am surprised at the response as i was under the impression that wanting a decent looking penis was quite high on ftm wish lists in about the same ratio that mtf want a working vagina.
our paper had quite a feature a couple of years ago about a guy who changed sex then back again and there was mention of pumps and rods and things then he wanted to get a vagina again and its stuff like that that make it so difficult for us to be taken seriously.
as the technique blurb says patent applied for it might be a while before further detais are published anywhere. when i used to take a bit of interest in our local chemistry industry i regularly heard that patents take years to be passed in US.


I'm gonna be the odd one out and actually be happy at the news that someone in the medical field is actually trying to make forward motion with this--no picking at wording or tiptoeing around the PC line, I could care less what people call us so long as it's not meant in a derogatory fashion (which this article is not meant to do).

Glass half-full, this promises a more sensate neo-phallus than a phalloplasty, a more realistic size than a meta, improved appearance and doesn't leave huge scars on your arm/leg/stomach/ wherever they decided to take the graft from. I would like to actually see some pictures of this and a projected price (as I'm sure this will cost an arm, leg, and some choice organs) as well as a list of downsides, as this is written almost as a sales pitch.

Downsides is the hardware issue, of course...and I hesitate that they used the phrase "from across a room will look very real indeed". This just makes me want to see pictures even more before openly endorsing it.

In the end, if it truly lives up to all it says, this might be worth a look into in a year or so as something that will be available in my youth, vs waiting til I'm 40+ for them to grow and graft on a test tube-grown penis. I would also inquire into whether or not future surgeries such as a transplant would be viable for someone having this or similar genital surgeries.


i had to read this after seeing everyone's comments, and to be frank, i'm offended. in at least 2 places the author likens trans people to perverts or deviants

QuoteBlanchard has spent his career at Toronto's foremost domination dungeon - The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – where he gauges a male deviate's sexuality according to how erect his penis gets when shown a selection of pornography and knowing he is being videoed through two way mirrors. As Blanchard has seen thousands of times that having an erection is a wonderful thing for males his attitude to the problem of neo-vaginas for HBSmen is hard to understand as in fact his experience in determining the correct size and hardness of penises would be invaluable to the surgeons trying to come up with a really nice neo-penis.

domination dungeon? that has NO place in a so called medical text. this is a free site. it has no homepage. no connection with anything remotely official, just some names of doctors and syndromes (i thought i remembered HBS completely ignored transmen anyway)

Quotewill soon make a perfectly acceptable erection available in the same time that the CAMH deviates achieve theirs.
again, WTF. oh, i'd love to have an erection at the same speed as a pedophile, sign me up (/sarcasm)

QuoteAs the recipients of neo-vaginas (...)
what the hell? neo-vagina for a transman? you lost me there. i already have one, and it works fine....i really don't need a NEO one. especially when it sounds like their idea of neo-vagina is just chopping up what's there and letting it heal back together, effectively closing up the vagina. correct me if i read that wrong, but that's what i gathered. can we say third world mutilation procedure?

the whole tone of this website is patronizing at best, degrading at worst. like osiris said, it's more of the "you need a HUGE PENIS to be a Real Man"

and the whole "true transsexual" vs HBS debate is worn out. from what i've seen the FTM community is a lot more organized and a lot more cohesive than the MTF community; we really don't need that us vs them garbage
-=geboren um zu leben=-



"This surgical procedure can provide a penis of any length that will be healthy, natural coloured, fully sensate and from across a room will look very real indeed."

Not my idea of a successful result...


Y'know, I don't know about the rest of it but I'm not too keen on having my skin "latticed like a cherry pie top."

QuoteA cook takes a small circle of pastry runs a latticer over it to make lots of little cuts then pulls the pastry out into a much bigger circle – works well with cherry pies but how can this help the HBSmen?


what a strange bunch of people FtMs are!
I quote from the press release and it's me that is accused of the labelling that Blanchard and Co do!

lattice like a cherry pie would be done under anasthetic and seems perfectly acceptable as this is the stndard technique used to allow flexibility in some special skin graft tecniques..and my boss's daughter had it done on her leg after she had case of Compartment Syndrome which is leg suddenly swells with blood and could have been fatal if she hadn't been rushed back to theatre and had huge slices carved off then covered with latticed skin taken from front of her thigh in exactly the same place a surgeon took skin off mine years ago...he saw me as male and wasn't bothered about my legs but she is young woman and will now be very sselfconscious everytime she puts shorts on in summer just like I am now I've transitioned.

Post Merge: January 27, 2010, 02:05:32 AM

Quote from: DRAIN on January 26, 2010, 02:54:10 AM
likens trans people to perverts or deviants
(i thought i remembered HBS completely ignored transmen anyway)

I'm baffled about why HBSoC ignores transmen unless its a throwback to Harry Benjamin never seeing any?  And the editors of the later HBSoCs seems to be very homophobic to the point that they too can't imagine such a thing as a FtM. Or more likely, do they see FtM as lesbians in denial exactly as they say MtF are homosexuals in denial.  That Blanchard pushed the plesmythograph cos he is fascinated by men's erections but maybe hates the sight of aroused vaginas?

Post Merge: January 27, 2010, 03:08:34 AM

[quote - said -  from what i've seen the FTM community is a lot more organized and a lot more cohesive than the MTF community; we really don't need that us vs them garbage
Girls stick together but doesnt a FtM have a male brain?


Quote from: lilacwoman on January 27, 2010, 03:58:12 AM
lattice like a cherry pie would be done under anasthetic and seems perfectly acceptable as this is the stndard technique used to allow flexibility in some special skin graft tecniques..and my boss's daughter had it done on her leg after she had case of Compartment Syndrome which is leg suddenly swells with blood and could have been fatal if she hadn't been rushed back to theatre and had huge slices carved off then covered with latticed skin taken from front of her thigh in exactly the same place a surgeon took skin off mine years ago...he saw me as male and wasn't bothered about my legs but she is young woman and will now be very sselfconscious everytime she puts shorts on in summer just like I am now I've transitioned.

Well thank you, I didn't know.

Don't have any judgement of the technique then, I'd have to see a picture, you know?

Quote from: lilacwoman on January 27, 2010, 03:58:12 AM
[quote - said -  from what i've seen the FTM community is a lot more organized and a lot more cohesive than the MTF community; we really don't need that us vs them garbage

Girls stick together but doesnt a FtM have a male brain?

Hmm, well I'd like to think so but I'm not really 100% male. Years of it bathing in estrogen and living as female has to have some effect.


 Present techniques are very unsatisfactory involving taking strips of skin off the body and rolling them up to make a neo-scrotum and a sort of short stiffish tube that is stitched over the vaginal opening.

More errors. this site/story is a joke.


That wasn't even an article. They couldn't even get half their terms right.

I don't know about anyone else, but I sure as hell wouldn't be operated on by someone that couldn't grasp the ever so subtle differences between "neo-phallus" and "neo-vagina".

Quote from: lilacwoman on January 27, 2010, 03:58:12 AM
what a strange bunch of people FtMs are!
I quote from the press release and it's me that is accused of the labelling that Blanchard and Co do!

Nobody has had a go at you personally. They were having a go at the article. And fair enough, it was badly written.

Quote from: lilacwoman on January 27, 2010, 03:58:12 AM
I assumed perhaps naievely that FtMs have the same dislike of their genitals as MtFs do but apparently not and seems to be that the non-op FtM is about the same as the She-male in pretending to be transsexsual but actually loving their birth genitals.

Now I AM having a go at you. That was ignorant, offensive and uncalled for.

SRS is not the same for men as it is for women, and it is a fallacy to compare the two side by side. For one, women actually get something that looks and operates like the non-neo version (with some hard work and effort, of course). We don't get that option.

You see a lot of FTMs not wanting a bottom op yet because the RESULTS ARE CRAP.

A lot of us are holding out until the tech gets better. Right now with phalloplasty they don't look right, they don't move on their own, you can't feel through them, they cost as much as a house, they mangle what could be viable donor tissue in the future, and they have a nasty habit of turning black and dropping off.

Where the hell did you get the idea that we are "like" she-males (an offensive term in itself), not real transsexuals, and love our birth genitals?

It's got nothing to do with birth genitals. Most of us hate ours - it's just that the options we have to correct them are, well, absolutely pathetic at this point in time.

What so many of us are holding out for is a penis that looks and functions like the "real thing". We don't want to keep what we have - we WANT some decent SRS.

Every tiny advancment is a good thing, but there's a general feeling in the room that phalloplasty (or modified methods such as this one) won't able to deliver a decent looking, functional penile solution for quite a few decades yet.