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HRT - Is it possible to only partially transition?

Started by -Brianna-, May 13, 2010, 05:38:47 PM

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First let me say that I have never really spoken about this to people before, so I apologize beforehand I it seems politically incorrect or foolish sounding. I have a lot of respect for what transgendered people go through and are willing to endure to be what they feel inside.

I am a 25 year old male who has been into cross dressing since a very young age. I would love to learn how to apply makeup and pluck my brows/grow my hair out but never wanted to freak my girlfriend out. I have always felt an attraction towards being a female and have always wanted to be more feminine. I guess I am slightly Bi sexual, but I prefer to date only women. I tend to be somewhat feminine/submissive in my relationships. I have always felt slightly uncomfortable with being a male, but I feel I don't feel I have any major issues with it compared to people with GID and what not. (I Really feel for you guys/gals)

My question is: Is It possible for someone to  be a "closet transsexual"? Or maybe lean towards more of an androgynous feel? I am considering taking Hormones, but I don't want the full effects. I want to slightly feminize my body, but I still want to be able to pass as a male or at the very least be androgynous. Is it possible to take a lower dose of hormones and develop really small breasts? The other female characteristics would be a big bonus too but not as much of a concern. The only effect I am concerned about would be the erectile dysfunction/libido changes, would there be anyway around this? If i went off would I be functional again? I  don't think I would be brave enough to handle all off the major stuff like coming out the the family and people treating me differently/making fun of me because I look weird and they don't understand etc. (You guys/gals are really brave!) I am very slender, coming in at about 140 Lbs and not much muscle mass. I am also on the tall side coming in at around 6'1. Don't know if it matters since i know HRT is pretty unpredictable.

I feel like I would be wasting a psychiatrists time if i went to see one, although I have never been a particularly happy person. I don't think it is related to my gender but i'm not so sure anymore. I am not crazy enough to try this on my own since I don't want to die/have a stroke/have my liver fail. I guess what i'm really asking is: Am i being a foolish? Should I just be happy that I am a somewhat functioning male? At 25 i know the window is closing pretty fast, so id like to lay this to rest.

Little Dragon

I dont think doctors or psychologists would give you hormones because you have to live your life as a woman 100% before they can prescribe them.

Little Dragon

Quote from: ƃuıxǝʌ on May 13, 2010, 06:23:08 PM
That actually depends on where you live and who you see.
There are a number of members here who are on HRT but are not full time or even part time.

I think in the UK its full time, or at least thats what Ive heard ;D Haven't seen any therapists or consellors yet, but hoping to change tha tin september.


Quote from: Little Dragon on May 13, 2010, 06:15:41 PM
I dont think doctors or psychologists would give you hormones because you have to live your life as a woman 100% before they can prescribe them.
There are not only those who get HRT when part time, Androgynes are getting HRT to attain cross sex traits.
As to the OP's questions and statements...Mild discomfort with your birth gender is mild gender dysphoria.
And HRT is a miles may vary situation. You can not be assured of an outcome. You might never get any breasts or you could get rather large ones. (ussualy they are small for MTF but that is no gaurenty.)
And sexual yes you will lose function if you go on female hormones. Take them long enough and well ...that could become permanant.
Transition is not a game or a way to fulfil a fetish. (at least it shouldn't be)
One should only consider HRT when one NEEDS it.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


It's usually required to see a therapist first- the Standards of Care that we have to go by suggest 12 sessions but I got mine after only 1. As for hormones, a small dose isn't any different than a large dose, it just takes longer. The effect is cumulative, so for only partial results you would have to stop at some point rather than continue with even a small dose.

Also I want to say thank you for being so considerate in your post. It might be a good idea to see a gender therapist for a few sessions just to help you work this out and see how you want to proceed. Once you get the mental effects of hormones you might not want to stop. But it all depends on the individual. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide. ;)

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.

Eva Marie

As others have said, HRT is generally a bad idea for someone that is not prepared for the consequences, or is not fully committed to the transition process. And there are possible severe side effects to be concerned with also. You need to do your own research and decide if the benefits outweigh the possible risks for your own situation.

As far as feminizing, you might look into herbs. Do your own research (there are forums that discuss herbs in the context of breast growth, even for males). In spite of the prevailing wisdom here they DO work, albeit slowly. The product i took wasn't exactly "herbal" but it is generally discussed on those herb boards too. And it's over the counter, so no need for offshore pharmacies.


Little Dragon

Quote from: riven1 on May 14, 2010, 09:50:08 AMAs far as feminizing, you might look into herbs. Do your own research (there are forums that discuss herbs in the context of breast growth, even for males). In spite of the prevailing wisdom here they DO work, albeit slowly. The product i took wasn't exactly "herbal" but it is generally discussed on those herb boards too. And it's over the counter, so no need for offshore pharmacies.

I've tried taking a few herbal supliaments from Holland&Barret in an attempt at feminizing but they didnt do anything for me :( Could you tell me what herbs you think works?

Is it against forum rules to discuss herbal medicines?


When in doubt see a psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist/whathaveyou :P, it helped me a lot seeing one, for my gender issues, but really just understanding myself in general. Just because you talk to one doesn't mean you have to make any decisions, or that your in any way transgender, it's just talking ;).

As far as hormones go, you could just take an anti-androgen to stop any further masculine development, but from what I've heard long term you'll need to have some type of sex hormone (testosterone, or estrogen) or it can have dangerous effects on your health (osteoporosis or something like that). Females hormones you would have much more noticeable changes, but like you said HRT is unpredictable, that includes effects on libido. I could give you my personal experiences but it really wouldn't do much good.

Also a question... don't you think small breasts/taking hormones would freak your girlfriend out just as much as using make-up and plucking your eyebrows? ;) :P


The current Standards of Care recognize the value of HRT for the treatment of gender dysphoria for other conditions besides transsexualism including androgyny. There is no need to be a closet anything, just be yourself


(Raising hand as an androgyne on a transition level hormone/testosterone blocker regimen for my GD)

I am built like a bean pole and have absolutely zero problems with the physical effects of HRT and presenting as a guy. And as far as increasing my need to transition? Estrogen has not only helped my self image as a female but made me feel more comfortable than ever presenting as a guy!
~VA (pronounced Vee- Aye, the abbreviation for the State of Virginia where I live)


If you live in the US you can get just about any treatment that you can buy.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


By the by, "bisexual" is not the word you're after, androgynous or genderfluid might be.
Bisexual is "sexual attraction to both men and women", not a gender identity, nor gender-behavior.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Quote from: Miniar on May 14, 2010, 06:50:23 PM
By the by, "bisexual" is not the word you're after, androgynous or genderfluid might be.
Bisexual is "sexual attraction to both men and women", not a gender identity, nor gender-behavior.

I'm a little confused too by the original post with the way Brianna switched from talking about gender to sexual preference in the middle of the paragraph.  Perhaps, bisexual rather than androgynous or genderfluid?

~VA (pronounced Vee- Aye, the abbreviation for the State of Virginia where I live)


As others here have said, it would be a really good idea for you to seek a therapist - preferably a gender therapist. I'm not going to comment on the state of your gender identity, because it's not easy to tell from your post; I don't know whether you're simply curious, or if you're really intensely transsexual but are afraid of the potential consequences. Either way it doesn't really matter, I suppose.

The thing is, if you want to maintain your sexual function and be 'active' rather than 'passive' then I really don't think you should be taking hormones. After a year I have absolutely no ability to penetrate any more, although I never really enjoyed that anyway. So if you're sexually passive, then HRT may work for you, from a sexual perspective. For the first 6 months my sexual desire was NIL. And then I started injectables and Androcur, and now all I can think of is being with cute men, but not just sexually, but cuddling and being really intimate. That surprised me, because Androcur is supposed to completely destroy sexual desire.

Is it possible to take hormones and still appear male? I would say it is possible. After a year I still have no problem presenting as male, although if I let my hair down in public rather than hiding it with a cap, and wear my male clothes, I do get a few stares. The way you dress and present yourself makes a huge difference to how people perceive you, I think. There's a girl on youtube - candifla - who used to do voice tutorials, and in those tutorials she routinely switches from a sonorous, manly voice, to a demure female voice at the drop of a hat. I swear to you, when she speaks in her female voice she LOOKS female. But when she speaks in her male voice in my mind she suddenly LOOKS male. So hormones aren't necessarily everything.

My breasts have grown, but not to the point where I can't hide them with a shirt. However, I wouldn't go to the beach without a shirt on now. If you enjoy the beach, and don't want to walk around topless with perky little tits peeking out, then don't start HRT. You will be able to hide your breast development unless you are very lucky like my friend who developed full, non-tubular C cups after 1.5 years on hrt (lucky b*tch!) while I am still miniature A's after 1 year, but then again I do restrict my calories quite a bit. So if you are desperate to go on hrt and want to hide your boobs, chances are a) you won't grow big ones anyway b) you can control their size to a certain extent by how you eat c) you can hide them with baggier clothes and jackets.

I think a lot of people take HRT without actually transitioning. I actually thought about this as well, but those thoughts for me came from a place of fear of going full time and being teased and judged, rather than any kind of peace brought on by hrt. I want to go full time, but don't feel ready - I need to work up the confidence. Others may never want to go full time, and just be happy having a feminine body and mind. Everybody has their own motivations, and if those motivations aren't about penetrative sex, then I believe it's okay to go go on hrt. If the motivation is to become feminine and to fulfil a fantasy sexual lifestyle involving penetrative sex, or any sex for that matter, then for your own sake you should avoid hrt like the plague, since there is a great chance that you will lose your sexual function and desire. When I started I knew this, and was prepared to never ever want to have sex again, so I am quite deligthed with how things have turned out for me in this regard.

Good luck with whatever path you choose!

Naturally Blonde

Quote from: -Brianna- on May 13, 2010, 05:38:47 PM

My question is: Is It possible for someone to  be a "closet transsexual"? Or maybe lean towards more of an androgynous feel? I am considering taking Hormones, but I don't want the full effects. I want to slightly feminize my body, but I still want to be able to pass as a male or at the very least be androgynous. Is it possible to take a lower dose of hormones and develop really small breasts? The other female characteristics would be a big bonus too but not as much of a concern. The only effect I am concerned about would be the erectile dysfunction/libido changes, would there be anyway around this? If i went off would I be functional again? I  don't think I would be brave enough to handle all off the major stuff like coming out the the family and people treating me differently/making fun of me because I look weird and they don't understand etc. (You guys/gals are really brave!) I am very slender, coming in at about 140 Lbs and not much muscle mass. I am also on the tall side coming in at around 6'1. Don't know if it matters since i know HRT is pretty unpredictable.

Taking HRT only may not make much difference to you and you could still pass as male. But the erectile dysfunction and libido changes will probably happen unless you stay on a low dose of hormones. As most of us are transsexual here we don't want those erectile functions!
Living in the real world, not a fantasy


Quote from: Naturally Blonde on May 16, 2010, 05:25:25 PM
Taking HRT only may not make much difference to you and you could still pass as male. But the erectile dysfunction and libido changes will probably happen unless you stay on a low dose of hormones. As most of us are transsexual here we don't want those erectile functions!

I agree with this. The effects of hormones on a person vary drastically sometimes.