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2 Days Post Op

Started by JessicaR, June 01, 2011, 08:51:53 PM

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  I'm honored to finally be able to post here as one of you :-)  It's been exactly 2 days since my SRS with Dr. Suporn... He just came in and said that bleeding is good... Told me to rest, etc.. I get the bandages off on Saturday: I can't wait to see. I can't feel much but pain but I can feel that "they" aren't there anymore :-) So tired... more later



awesome stuff! the first 3-4 days were a blur for me.. it's great to see you have the strength to be on the computer! ;)
*steals one of your broccoli fruit boxes* xP


When I woke up I thought it was wednesday. Turns out it was thursday. Signed a few papers, then back to sleep  :)

Congrats and heal well!



Congrats and welcome to the other side, i am just a little over 3 weeks post op myself having had surgery with Dr. Mcginn, i hope your healing goes quickly.


I am a Mcginn Girl May 9 2011



  MY fruit box!

  You can have the broccoli one... just leave me the carrot ones ;-)

"No sexual thought, two month..."



Soon I shall be the only pre-op left.  But it is great you are on the other side.


Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


Quote from: Janet Lynn on June 01, 2011, 10:21:36 PM

Soon I shall be the only pre-op left.  But it is great you are on the other side.

Not quite Janet.

But as much as we may feel left behind, you especially, and I hope I, have contributed enormous encouragement and support. The world doesn't just change on its own.

Every person who gets there is another victory, another individual whose life is going to be a lot better.

We can all take so much form that.

And to Jessica, at the risk of repeating myself, Woo Hoo!!!

Re: Joyce


      Welcome to the other side.  It's lovely here--nice and calm and peaceful.  I felt that the minute my eyes opened.  After that, I was just happy to be.

      I hope that your healing is easy, rapid and total.  Be patient and do everything they say to do.  It sounds dumb, but I've heard of far too many patients who either quit too soon or don't follow the prescribed regimen. 



Jessica, So glad to hear your surgery went well. Hopefully I will be getting it too before long-at least this still the goal.

Janet-I love the cartoons-says it quite well and I couldn't agree more. Our day is coming!



Welcome to the club! I wish you smooth sailing from here on!
Better watch out for the skin deep - The Stranglers




Congrats Jessica,
Glad to hear you are feeling well.


Any one hear from Jess?



Here I am...  8 days post op now!  I have to admit that I haven't been on Susans all that much; I've been spending lots of time chatting with the international cast here at the hotel. I've also been corresponding with family and friends... spending LOTS of time on facebook.

  As I sit here writing I am in zero pain :-) One of the most remarkable things that occurred to me a few days ago is that, considering what was just done to my body, I feel pretty damn good. I left the hospital on Tuesday afternoon; I made the mistake of over-doing things when I got back to the hotel. I paid for it that night with fatigue... this operation really does take alot out of you.  The only issue has been my urinary catheter. During surgery, Dr Suporn had trouble getting the bleeding around my new opening to stop and that bleeding continued, on and off, for a few days after. The catheter is usually taken out at the same time as the packing but he felt better about leaving the cath in until Friday.. It would have been rather inconvenient if I got all the way back to the hotel to find I couldn't pee on my own. As a result, I've acquired a new pale yellow clutch purse that I have to carry everywhere. I've been concealing the urine bag in a pocketbook but you can still see the tube going from the purse up under my skirt. Truth be told I'm not spending much time in public so it's not really embarassing.. just a pain in the ass to carry around.
   Other than that, I feel pretty good... I'm taking things slowly and trying to drink lots of water. There is one major side effect of SRS, however, called, "I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror naked" syndrome. I don't have words to describe the feeling.... I simply look "right." I've been told that there's less swelling than usual... but even with the swelling I am EXTREMELY pleased with the cosmetic result. I just can't believe it... After 40 years, I finally have the right parts.

    I've also made fast friends with someone I met here, just before my surgery; hers was scheduled the day after mine. I know it's an odd time and place but I find myself thinking about her constantly... I haven't felt that way about someone for a long time and it feels really nice :-)  I've been wondering if she feels the same way. I know we're only here through the month's end but being close to her would really be special. Funny how people connect...




Quote from: JessicaR on June 09, 2011, 12:24:45 AM
There is one major side effect of SRS, however, called, "I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror naked" syndrome. I don't have words to describe the feeling.... I simply look "right."

LOL. I did the same thing and felt the same way  :)
Glad to hear your doing well



I can relate to the extra bleeding and catheter issues. I ended up with extra swelling such that I couldn't pee. I had to like push the labia open and really try hard for a few days before the swelling went down enough to pee without so much effort



I can see you girls enjoying not seeing anything extra down below when you undress.  I don't like to get undress as I get disphoria not having anything there.  My packer doesn't glue on so even when I wear it I still hve nothing when I undress.