Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Topic started by: sarah1972 on January 25, 2018, 12:39:32 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on January 25, 2018, 12:39:32 PM
This seems to be a good place for everyone to document your journey. Time for me to also jump on the bandwagon...

I'll start off with where this journey has taken me so far:

I admitted to myself being trans in April 2016 after a nasty episode of post party depression. Told my wife in May. She was shocked but so far is sticking around and trying to be as supportive as she can, even tough it is not easy for her at all. We have a beautiful daughter who is now 22 month old and we are still committed to each other.

Started Therapy in October of 2016 (there was a big work assignment over the summer which prevented an earlier start).
Took my first pill of E January 3rd, 2017. Came out at work June 1st, 2017 and live full time ever since.

This is where I am today in a nutshell...

I use this thread to just document some of the odd, fun and also the sad things happening these days :-)
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on January 25, 2018, 12:52:06 PM
Jan, 25th 2018 - Men are strange beings.

Last night I had one of these moments where I thought what kind of strange beings men are.

So here is what happened: I am on a 6 week work assignment / trip. I had a lose dinner appointment with one of our sales guys for last Monday. Spent all weekend doing my hair, did my nails, dressed up pretty, spent extra time on makeup. There is nothing romantically going on, but I wanted to have the feeling of been taken on a date.

Then he ditches me for a night in New York :D (To be fair: he had meetings in NY and decided to stay)

So... I complain to my girlfriend (who happens to work in inside sales) that I am all dressed up for a nice dinner and get left pretty much at the altar. This was mostly a fun comment to her.

Then I forgot about the entire incident.

Last night I get a call from him, that he just picked up a nice dinner take out and that he will stop by work and bring me dinner. Which was really lovely. Turns out my girlfriend nudged him.

Guess... we talked him into feeling guilty for cancelling dinner :D

Then it hit me: There have been sooo many cases where I have been talked into a guilt trip before but I never realized how easy it is.

Made me feel extra female and powerful  ;D  ;D ;D #GirlPower (OK - I do feel a bit bad about it)
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on January 25, 2018, 01:12:46 PM
Jan 25th - Weddings

Recently a lot of people around me are getting married. Some again and some for the first time. Others are waiting for proposals (desperately).

Soooo... for the last three weeks I desperately want to be a bridesmaid :D In a pretty dress with nice hair, attending the bachelorette party.

Guess my Hormones are going crazy these days...
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on January 26, 2018, 02:31:30 PM
Jan 26th - ARGGHHH Post regarding guys

Earlier this week I had posted about an issue in a bar which deeply disturbed me.,233293.0.html is the full post.

I had some time yesterday to finally figured out why this was bothering me more than it should. I lost a sense of security that night. SO far I have felt pretty safe being out and about. I have had nightmares about that specific town where someone tries to grab me (give me the presidential handshake) and then discovers a big surprise and I ended up beaten up in the hospital.

While this guy may have really not meant any harm, it was a stern reminder that anything can happen anytime and anywhere. That is why I can't easily get over it. Need to work on my situational awareness I guess.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jessica on January 26, 2018, 02:41:25 PM
Hi Sarah 🙋 love that you started this.  It's a great way to condense your travels in one thread.

Jessica Marie 💁
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Megan. on January 26, 2018, 03:24:37 PM
Yay, the Sarah thread! Ty for starting one, I will enjoying reading on your adventures!

Your comment on the 'bar incident' and feeling vulnerable is interesting. I have yet to find myself in such a situation,  though I'm not niaeve enough to think it won't happen. I'd like to think I'll stand up, defend myself and be strong, but I wait to see how I really react!


Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on January 29, 2018, 11:33:21 PM
Jan. 29th Whirlwind weekend...

Some of you know, I am on a 6 week work assignment away from home. Customer was very nice and allowed me one weekend home to see my baby girl and my wife and before they could even think about the offer I had jumped on Amtrak and off I went...

Was nice to see them! But also a big change in life. While I am on site in a Hotel, I do feel a lot more feminine than when I am back home. Interesting... I am full time, so it is harder to explain. Maybe having a wife and kid around makes me almost fall back into a more male role even tough I don't want to. Also while working home office, I am more "soccer mom" with plain clothing and usually no makeup. Being on the road for work is dressing up every day and spend the 10 minutes on makeup every morning.

On a positive note: For the first time I had a kid on a playground ask the dreaded question: "Are you a boy or a girl?" and when I asked what she thinks, she immediately said "girl". I had to wipe off a few tears and just left it at that. Big smile in my face. Completely made my day!

Also made up for the messed up morning: Was lucky to be home, main sewer line clogged but we noticed early enough to avoid any big drama. Had to get it cleaned out and may look at a full replacement soon. Guess I have to cut back hair removal to pay for that adventure.

Still a pretty normal and boring suburb soccer mom weekend... Bit of drama, keeping the kid entertained, doing laundry, go shopping, pick up meds and did work a little bit.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jessica on January 29, 2018, 11:39:43 PM
On a positive note: For the first time I had a kid on a playground ask the dreaded question: "Are you a boy or a girl?" and when I asked what she thinks, she immediately said "girl". I had to wipe off a few tears and just left it at that. Big smile in my face. Completely made my day!

This was a wonderful thing to happen to you!  It made me smile too just reading it.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on January 29, 2018, 11:43:31 PM
Hi Sarah,

  Listen to the kid. We all know your a girl and so do you. Just keep believing that and you're okay.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on January 30, 2018, 07:56:28 AM
Quote from: Laurie on January 29, 2018, 11:43:31 PM
Hi Sarah,

  Listen to the kid. We all know your a girl and so do you. Just keep believing that and you're okay.


Yes I do believe in myself being a women... Every day I look down my chest and see my little A cups confirms it (as long as I don't look any deeper at least).

Getting this kind of confirmation from a kid is actually very affirming. First kids always tell the truth. And she did not know me or my history. So I do seem to at least give off enough female vibes to get kids to gender me correctly. Yes, she questioned it and that will always happen since Testosterone had enough time to damage my body but still, she saw me as a women.

The other issue is that these places are still a bit stressful for me, especially indoor play grounds. Dad's have been known wanting to protect their kids from the evil trans ness of the world and if anything would ever happen, it would devastate my wife and impact me too. So I am usually very careful. So far so good. Every now and then I get a confused look but that was really it. Maybe having my wife and kid there with me makes it a bit safer but I don't know....

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 01, 2018, 12:56:31 AM
Winding down after a long work day. Found a web site which tries to guess your gender and age based on a photo you upload...

Right and wrong. (well... right and right BUT you never tell a women how old she looks, it should have said 32)

I did run a few more photos. Pre-transition it guessed me between 5 and 10 years older. Starting around 6 month HRT, it started detecting female and now consistently female :-)

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Kendra on February 01, 2018, 02:50:20 AM
45 minus taxes and credit card interest equals 32.  :P

It is so rewarding to see ourselves roll back a bit of visible age as transition jolts us into taking better care of ourselves.  HRT is a factor but there is more than that - I see so many of us (in either gender direction) realizing the importance of health and making good long term decisions once we have a better understanding of our true selves.   
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 01, 2018, 09:44:07 AM
Quote from: Kendra on February 01, 2018, 02:50:20 AM
45 minus taxes and credit card interest equals 32.  :P

It is so rewarding to see ourselves roll back a bit of visible age as transition jolts us into taking better care of ourselves.  HRT is a factor but there is more than that - I see so many of us (in either gender direction) realizing the importance of health and making good long term decisions once we have a better understanding of our true selves.

Ha... good idea.

This worked better: (
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Bari Jo on February 01, 2018, 10:40:07 AM
Ooh a new blog.  Iove reading about people's lives especially when they are full time.  thanks for starting your thread.  Everybody has such unique experiences, it's awesome.  that playground scene is precious too.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on February 01, 2018, 06:54:51 PM
Hi Sarah,

  I tried that with 3 pictures of me. They all got me as female, but it got the age wrong all 3  times. I am 65. It came up with 60 then 46 and lastly 55. I should have tried on of my old persona.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 03, 2018, 08:16:24 PM
Feb 3rd. Mojito

Sitting in a dull hotel room in boring Stamford CT, drinking Mojito and watch servers crash.

Wow - that is a start to a post  ;D Initially my post for today was planned to take about "normality" So... How did I get here? Me drinking any alcohol is such a rare occurrence that it is a great indicator of a day going sideways. In no way related to my transition. Just a bad day at work.

I have talked about this large project I am involved in. We have pretty much been working and testing for the past 9 month and invested many engineering years. Project is supposed to go live next Wednesday and we have been hoping for a quiet weekend before the large bulk of users come online Monday. Last tests seemed to be pretty successful and I was hoping for a quiet "go-live"

And what happened? System broke down around noon and was down for over 90 minutes!!! Something that cannot happen once we got life. Rarely had such a bad meltdown with our system. Not a good sign for the next three weeks. My co-worker was about to quit on the spot. Still not sure what happened, While I am writing this I am also on the phone with our developers trying to figure out what happened...

Interestingly enough... I was pretty calm over it. I had a similar issue 18 month ago, and I would have had meltdown over meltdown. What a difference a few hormones make.

Anyways, back to the topic of normality.. Yes, this is my normal life. All this happening now as Sarah. In a dress and heels. and happy.

Guess the Mojito is taking it's toll, I'll continue my thoughts on normality another day.

Sorry for the rant...
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on February 03, 2018, 09:50:16 PM
Hi Sarah,

  Having worked on mainframes, servers, disk arrays as well as the smaller stuff for over 40 years, I think I can say I know the stress such things can cause. When you are working on a down system that "Cannot be down" it is about as high as it gets. I feel for you Hun.
I once took over for my supervisor on a mainframe that would crash whenever it felt like it. He had been there for 2 weeks and I was there for 9 days after. This was the Las Vegas sewer system's Computer and they had a billing cycle coming up with a couple million of dollars at stake. I spent more time on the phone coordinating thing and speaking to people way about my pay grade in my company and the City's than I did working on the problem. We did got it resolved though in time and on my watch. It was a very obscure problem with a simple fix.
  These things will get worked out and things will be okay again. Meanwhile ((((HUG))))

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 03, 2018, 10:09:36 PM
Thanks Laurie! Hugs back to you!

I know we will get through it. It is the third time I am doing this special thing, so I am starting to get used to it. I also know that the next time in two years, we will try again with a brand new technology stack, So we start all the testing over again.

What is interesting tough is how my attitude has changed from the last time 18 month ago. I was ready to quit or jump of the next bridge (depending on the day). This time I am calm, smile and just try to get it fixed. I know my post does not sound that way.

What has changed? My Hormones have changed. I don't deal with my gender dysphoria which free's up space to deal with other stuff... So I am thankful for the blue pills I can take every day which bring me so much joy and happiness :-)

(and now I better stop drunk writing)

Quote from: Laurie on February 03, 2018, 09:50:16 PM
Hi Sarah,

  These things will get worked out and things will be okay again. Meanwhile ((((HUG))))

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 04, 2018, 06:04:39 PM
Feb 4th - Normality

I live a life of a soccer mom for most parts. A boring soccer mom living in the suburbs. With an SUV. Dropping of my kid at day care in yoga pants and flip flops. I take my day-to-day fashion cues from other soccer moms. They have accepted me into their inner circle But you know what? Boring soccer mom is good. Very good. Recently I came to a point of calm normality. I am on hormones for 13 month, out at work and living full time for 7 month. It all feels natural now.

I can easily handle a full work day in heels, my makeup routine for everyday is down to 10 minutes and I only keep an emergency stash of male cloths. People very rarely use my dead name and at least strangers use almost always the correct gender. People who know me still slip up, but that is understandable.

The first few month after admitting I am trans where plagued by doubts and fears what is about to happen. Starting therapy 6 month later finally helped confirm (I know a long time but there was some work stuff interfering). Once I started hormones, I had a fabulous first 6 month. I had strength, energy was happy all day and started accepting myself.

Oddly enough, the next 6 month have not been all good. I had all kind of dysphoria and really struggled a lot with how to move forward. What surgeries and when? How to improve my marriage and the realization that against all I thought I did develop genital dysphoria.

Somehow I got out of it and now I am in normality mode. It just feels normal. I do my nails every two weeks, my hair is shoulder long, work and customers are fully accepting and I am generally in pretty good mood. Love my new life every minute.

There is still a lot on my mind: The surgery discussion I need to have with my wife to figure out timing, Name / Gender change I keep putting off due to the rules in Germany being just ridiculous. Hoping for my hair to grow a bit longer. Refine my manners. But you know.... I am still calm about it. It will happen once timing is right.

So... Back to the big game and monitoring my servers.  ;D
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 07, 2018, 12:50:03 AM
Feb. 7th - One of the Girls

Feeling like being part of the girls this week :-)

I have mentioned the project I am working on before. In a nutshell, this project happens every two years. My customer is bringing together several hundred professionals to work on this every two years and a lot of them are repeat participants, only about 30% are new each time.
This will be my third time.
First time I had no idea what was going on with me.

The second time I had already admitted to myself I am trans but I was not out. So it was interesting. Secretly wearing girls jeans, pantyhose and clear nail polish. I pretended to lose a bet so I can paint my nails purple. I did tell one of my closest friends about it back then. I still pretty much was male.

Now it is the third time doing this. 100% myself, 100% girly. While I have been working with the customer constantly, usually as soon is this over we start planning and building the next one, it was really interesting to see how all the temporary workers would react.

Overall it has been a total success. I am pretty much accepted into the girls club! Out of several thousand conversations so far, only two slip ups of my old name, no misgendering at all. And that applies to the "old timers" as well as the newbies. I have to admit there have been a few questioning looks but there is nothing I can do about that... I am seen and treated just as one of the women there :-)

It was very odd to see the "yearbook" from last time and my old self in the right top corner. Some mentioned they remember me from the last two times. This is even better since it really shows how normal it seems to them that I am finally myself. Still waiting for a few of the "old time" friends to show up here...

Makes me very, very happy :-)

Slow night tonight before the craziness starts tomorrow through the end of February...
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 13, 2018, 01:59:32 AM
Feb 13th - twenty-seven

Ha... I take this. Still feels like I am 27 years away from passing...


Besides that: Just collapsed at work from exhaustion. Fun - and 13 more days to go.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 14, 2018, 02:40:34 AM
Feb 14th - On Happiness, what a change

Been at work for almost 12 hours now and craziness finally calmed down for today. For the past 4 weeks I have been working anywhere between 80 and 100 hours per week, most of it overnight in a high stress environment. Two more weeks to go.

Last time I did this, I ended up standing on the ledge of a bridge. So I was very nervous. I also started on Chantix and my doctor was extremely worried since Chantix can increase suicidal thoughts.

My life right now is work and sleep. Nothing else. My body and brain are completely exhausted. I am battling severe migraines. I am dehydrated most days.

But guess what? I am still happy every single day. Feeling calm (with one 5 minute exception), at piece and just do my stuff. Morning makeup is down to 5 minutes if needed (15 if I really want to look fancy). I made through 13 out of the 15 pair of shoes so far... 

Every night I find a few minutes to read my baby girl a bed time story via face time. And if I do it from the car. We are both really looking forward to it. I do miss her.

Anyways. This is such a different experience than last time around. Thanks to the right hormones in my body...

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Kendra on February 14, 2018, 01:04:08 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on February 14, 2018, 02:40:34 AM
> But guess what? I am still happy every single day.

Sarah, a huge accomplishment - especially under such stressful work conditions.  If you work any more you'll be cramming 25 hours into a day. People who haven't been on the ledge don't understand just how impossible it can seem to achieve happiness, and getting there isn't a simple wish - developing the positive life you deserve may require difficult choices and challenges.  And even more so, achieving happiness as a natural state instead of the exception.  I am proud of you. 
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on February 18, 2018, 01:42:45 AM
Feb 18 - Tears (of Happiness)

It is almost 2:30 AM, I am still sitting at work. (0 more minutes and another 12 hour shift is over. Tonight I shed so many tears of happiness.

As many know, I am married and while my wife is generally supportive, she is struggling big time with my transition and I know it. She cannot get used to my new name and pronouns. I keep telling her I don't mind and that I know how hard it is. She also refused to tell her parents out of fear of their health and maybe out of shame.

Long story short... she takes to them earlier this week, and her dad made once again a "funny" comment about my hair, even tough I was not even around (claiming I better go to a women hairdresser). In the past we have both ignored such comments but this time my wife just had enough of it... And she pretty much told him that I do see a women's hair dresser since I am a women (and then broke the news about me being trans), They took it better than expected and aside great concern about her, have been OK with it. This will now make a lot easier. No sorting out or cropping photos or hiding when they do FaceTime.

Now to top of this week, she replied to an email discussion on a family get together on my side - a thing she usually does not do - and for the first tie ever... when she talked about me used "she" and "Sarah"... I would sooo love to hug her right now. Will do that once I am back from my work trip.

One happy girl tonight.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Kendra on February 18, 2018, 04:48:42 AM
So glad you are past another hurdle. 

I had also received an increasing number of "wow your hair is getting really long" comments in a puzzled or negative tone of voice.  After coming out, comments suddenly switched from negative to positive, or none at all - in all cases much easier to deal with.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on February 18, 2018, 11:24:04 AM
Sarah I am so happy for you and your wife. This is a big step for her and for you. Just her referring to you as Sarah is wonderful but standing up to her Dad for you is awesome and shows how much she is trying. May you two and your daughter be reunited soon.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on March 12, 2018, 11:07:20 AM
Feb 12 - Back
I have not gone away... After my crazy project, i just took almost two weeks away from my computer and mostly kept to it. Catching up on sleep, go to various doctors, hair removal and sleep some more. It was so necessary to take that time to recover and regain energy.

Not much news on the transition front - I think I am really in a somewhat boring phase where I take my hormones, live my life and wait for a good time to take the next step.

My project ended Jan. 25th, final credits have rolled and that was it for this time. Now starting to plan the 2020 project! Not much more to tell than before, everything worked out well on a technical level. As mentioned before, i have been fully accepted into the "girls club".

An update on the shoes: I ended having worn 14 out of 15 and had 6 incidents where I did not really have matching shoes for my outfit. Only ones I did not wear have been the snow boots (no snow)...

I have to admit, it was very hard to get back into a "normal" life. For 42 days, my day consisted of sleep, shower, makeup, work, eat, take makeup off, sleep.
Then bam I was back to my regular life.
Work, sleep, laundry, cooking, doing the dishes, take care of the kid, chores at the house, the honey do list, paying bills etc... I have to admit it took a bit to get back into it. I am still somewhat adjusting. I have to admit that not having all this to worry about all this certainly helped me focus on my transition a bit more. Now I am back to "soccer mom" most days (jeans, top, flats or sneakers).

While I do life full time at home, I also feel I am holding back a bit so my wife has an easier time dealing with everything.

I end this post with a picture taken during my project, there is a bunch of pictures where I do look better but they contain other people, so this is it...

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Megan. on March 12, 2018, 11:31:37 AM
Yay awesome! Looking great and all official [emoji5]

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on March 27, 2018, 12:14:59 PM
Mar 27 - 2 years, part 1

It has been pretty much 2 years since I admitted to myself that I am trans and told my wife. Wow what a ride! I'll split this post in two parts, this first part is just a quick recap and the "sad parts".

To recap my journey since: After some serious post party depressions 2 years ago, I did figure out that wearing a dress calmed me down and helped. One thing leads to another, I found Susan's and shortly thereafter had to admit to myself that I should have always been a girl. Coming out to my wife happened without much thought being put into it and she was pretty shocked.

I did take a few months and started therapy in September / October and by the end of December I was cleared for HRT. January 2017, I took my first blue pill (and a white one and a pink one) as a "trial" but after about 6 weeks feeling totally awesome, I knew it was right. In June 2017 I finally came out at work and started living full time since.

So where do I start? I guess I start with the "downs". Number one being that my wife is still taking it pretty hard and suffering. She does try her best to be supportive and I can be Sarah, but I do know that deep down, she is hurt and misses the old me. It is getting better over time and she is attending a local spouse support group, but we do have a long way to go. We hope to get her into a local therapist who is also fluent in her native language to make her communicate easier. This all makes me feel pretty bad about doing this to her and I have to admit I do slow down my transition a bit to make it easier for her but I do suffer from it. I guess this is the price of trying to keep our marriage intact, which is certainly a goal we have.

What I never thought is that some of my dysphoria shifted. When I embarked on that journey, I was very convinced that I could not be bothered about using wrong pronouns and name. Well, now I am. And most recently I started correcting people and state clearly how I want to be addressed. Same applies to Genital Dysphoria. Given how much time each week I spent looking at surgeons, I know I need to take a next step in the future.

I also have to say that many days I am impatient about my transition. I want bigger breasts, a prettier face, longer hair. My voice being a major issue. But it all takes time. And having a busy work and family life does not help either.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on March 27, 2018, 12:51:17 PM
Mar 27 - 2 years, part 2

It has been pretty much 2 years since I admitted to myself that I am trans and told my wife. Wow what a ride! I'll split this post in two parts. This second part is about the happy moments and the goals for the next year.

Coming out did go extremely well. All my friends and family have been very accepting. Work was a total blast and out of the four I was concerned about, three sent super supportive messages within minutes. Customers have been great, I did get new ID badges all over the place and I am referred to as Sarah. HR changed my email address and ever since I am Sarah.

My Parents have been great, they still mix name and pronouns, but they get much better. My sister only complained that she always wanted a sister.

I really do consider myself very lucky.

Living my life as women and dressing appropriately has become an every day and mostly easy thing (well, not.... 20 pair of shoes and NONE fits my planned outfit... and the constant struggle about having a whole closet full of nothing to wear).

I am a lot more mentally stable. Even in high stress times, I have been very stable. I do still have dark moments, but they are much more focused in terms that I do know exactly what causes them over this general sadness.

Being out and about has been very easy and I have so far not had any kind of negative feedback or encounter. For most parts, I do not even get any looks and even my wife commented recently that she does see a questioning look sometimes which usually resolves itself by me being recognized as women. I am far away from fully passing but apparently, I can get by pretty well.

I do get a whole lot more male attention than I want. Anything from opening doors, offering seats or carrying heavy stuff for me on the positive side, to horny stares and d*** pics. Guess the last two have been really eye opening of what women have to endure every day and comparing notes confirmed my suspicion. I am still into women, so all their advances are lost in space.
I found 3 amazing girlfriends, one of which has known early on and they have been at my side helping and listen to all my new #GirlProblems. They also come to me with their worries.

In many areas I have been fully accepted into the girl's club (all the juicy stuff I have been told by the neighbors cis women was a clear affirmation... I know who had which procedure done secretly without their husbands knowing and a few more things I'll not share)
I have somewhat developed a style for myself and it seems to be working pretty well, need to complete some of it and with summer coming up there will be a bit additional cloths shopping I need to do.

So what's next for me?

For the next year of my transition I have a few goals. First and foremost, I do want my wife to get better and finally start therapy. I am trying to softly push.

I also want to get over being tired all the time. Not sure what it is, the first 6 month on hormones have been awesome and I had a lot of energy, now I am always exhausted. May need another trip to the doctor to see if there are any physical issues.
I want to work out more, need to lose my belly fat for pool season and I do want to find time for voice training.

There are a few tough subjects I must tackle with my wife. Legal name / gender change for one and surgery. Something we have been putting off discussing but I do notice I want to have girl parts pretty bad. We need to figure out where our relationship will go and what will happen around the dreaded topic of intimacy. Now that I am a girl, I have completely different needs and I do miss cuddling a lot, even a hug would be nice. I also found that around the 10 month mark of HRT, my desires came back after they had vanished around the 5 month mark.

Well, guess that is a lot and a lot to digest.

Let's see where my journey takes me.

Her his pretty much a before and after picture 2 years apart:


Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Kendra on March 27, 2018, 06:13:11 PM
Sarah, wow - what a transformation.  And so much is going well.  You have a lot on your plate, and what you have achieved is amazing. 
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on March 29, 2018, 11:01:20 AM
Mar 29 - new Avatar and lots of smiles

Just a short post today...
Decided to update my Avatar. The picture is courtesy of Laurie who stopped by on her road trip. How much fun meeting her.

Guess I am starting to be seen more and more as women. My little princess had to go for her 24 month checkup and it was my turn. Not a single "sir" during the entire visit, "Your Mommy is going to hold you", "Can you sign the HIPAA form ma'm" etc... All culminated in the doctor stating "You are doing a great job with her and so does Daddy". This totally made my day. Especially given that I had no makeup, just jeans, heeled boots and a sweater. I completely slipped through as mommy of my kid. The doctor ended up being a bit puzzled since I did have this giant smile on my face all the sudden.

Same yesterday going shopping (OK, I was wearing a dress). Correctly gendered, used female fitting rooms and the lady at the eye brow booth was just wondering where my friend is (I usually go with my wife). So she could remember the two women coming at lunch for eyebrow threading and was wondering why I can alone.

Fitting room had a funny sticker "Monitored by same sex security staff". Which made me wonder if they have a MTF on staff.

Anyways, that is it in short.

Have a beautiful day full of rainbows and glitter !
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jessica on March 29, 2018, 11:55:15 AM
Just found this thread Sarah!  I have to catch up.
I love your avatar!
Laurie is a peach , isn't she!
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 30, 2018, 05:36:58 PM
@ Sarah1972  Seeing your new Avatar/Profile photo makes me very happy for you.   I don't know why I didn't see it yesterday on your thread, but I missed it.   So anyway, I just want to tell you that you look terrific and happy in that photo.
I enjoy following your updates frequently but I guess I better check more closely next time you feel the need to change your Avatar and/or add a photo for us all to see.

Hugs and best wishes to you, Sarah, in your journey.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: CarlyMcx on March 30, 2018, 11:00:22 PM
I tried my profile photo on and it guessed I am a 27 year old male.

Not happy here.....
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 02, 2018, 06:27:40 AM
Quote from: CarlyMcx on March 30, 2018, 11:00:22 PM
I tried my profile photo on and it guessed I am a 27 year old male.
Not happy here.....
Ha, yeah, sometimes it is quite off. I had everything from 27 / female over mid 40 / male to 76 / female. It was about 50% right on gender and only once got my age right. If this is the future of Artificial Intelligence, then I am very worried. My current Avatar comes back as 41 / female, I'll take that.

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 30, 2018, 05:36:58 PM
@ Sarah1972  Seeing your new Avatar/Profile photo makes me very happy for you.   I don't know why I didn't see it yesterday on your thread, but I missed it.   So anyway, I just want to tell you that you look terrific and happy in that photo.
I enjoy following your updates frequently but I guess I better check more closely next time you feel the need to change your Avatar and/or add a photo for us all to see.

Hugs and best wishes to you, Sarah, in your journey.

Aww, Thanks Danielle... I am truly blushing, maybe I just see myself much more critical than others do. I still see a guy in a dress but given how often no one notices, I seem to be doing at least OK.

Quote from: Jessica on March 29, 2018, 11:55:15 AM
Laurie is a peach , isn't she!

Yes, she is. I love following the reports and seeing all the reports of people Laurie has met on her trip. There is so much positivity she spread, people coming out of their shells.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Bari Jo on April 02, 2018, 07:09:39 AM
Sarah, I love your thread.  You are constantly moving forward in your timeline, I love it.  I'm sure your wife loves you and will start that therapy, it's obvious she's sticking with you from your writing.  I hope at two years I can be as accepted and at peace as you.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jayne01 on April 02, 2018, 08:11:53 AM
Hi Sarah, I just found your thread. We are both similar age and questioned our gender around about the same time. It was mid 2015 for me. I didn't really accept that I am transgender until mid 2017, though. My wife is also struggling with my transition.

Your before and after photos show a wonderful transformation so far. It's awesome how you are just one of the girls now, living a life of normallness  (is that a word?). I am looking forward to reading more of your story.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on April 02, 2018, 05:59:53 PM
  Hi Sarah, I enjoyed our visit as much as you did. I do not wonder you got correctly gendered. I and many others have told you that you look good. I did not see a male sitting across from me in that diner. I saw a delightful lady with enviable looks. Sorry I arrived so late but really happy I did get to meet you.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 02, 2018, 11:03:23 PM
Apr 2 - Ups and Downs

Well, this will be a bit different than the usual more upbeat posts.

After the awesome Thursday, I did somewhat get hit Friday and over the weekend. The outfits I bought also required a new bra, and I was so happy that Amazon had a Playtex 38A (95A). Based on other bra's I have I should be about an A cup. Well, guess I am not. They are there, I can see / feel them but after 15 month I have not even managed an A cup. While I really do not want big cleavage, I was hoping for a B and given how they started and still hurt, this is a disappointment. I went as far as looking up local surgeons for BA. Guess, I have not much of a choice.

Also found some awesome Ecco Shoes. Mary Jane's with a light heel, great for these long days at customers. Guess what? They don't fit either. I do own other Ecco women shoes the same size and they fit perfectly. Three pair of shoes in 1 week I had to ship back. Very frustrating.

And I cannot shake the additional pounds. No curves either (and I really want some curves)

So, I do have a good case of body dysphoria right now.

There are just days where I feel so stuck in my transition.

And my kiddo is teething. The last 4 teeth, she is really suffering and it completely breaks my heart.

But i have to pull it together. Tomorrow will be another day.


Title: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 02, 2018, 11:43:05 PM
Forgot the ups...

My wife did my hair today. Full root touch up and fixed what I messed up when dying my hair by myself 10 weeks ago. Looks awesome now...

Quote from: sarah1972 on April 02, 2018, 11:03:23 PM
Apr 2 - Ups and Downs

Well, this will be a bit different than the usual more upbeat posts.

After the awesome Thursday, I did somewhat get hit Friday and over the weekend. The outfits I bought also required a new bra, and I was so happy that Amazon had a Playtex 38A (95A). Based on other bra's I have I should be about an A cup. Well, guess I am not. They are there, I can see / feel them but after 15 month I have not even managed an A cup. While I really do not want big cleavage, I was hoping for a B and given how they started and still hurt, this is a disappointment. I went as far as looking up local surgeons for BA. Guess, I have not much of a choice.

Also found some awesome Ecco Shoes. Mary Jane's with a light heel, great for these long days at customers. Guess what? They don't fit either. I do own other Ecco women shoes the same size and they fit perfectly. Three pair of shoes in 1 week I had to ship back. Very frustrating.

And I cannot shake the additional pounds. No curves either (and I really want some curves)

So, I do have a good case of body dysphoria right now.

There are just days where I feel so stuck in my transition.

And my kiddo is teething. The last 4 teeth, she is really suffering and it completely breaks my heart.

But i have to pull it together. Tomorrow will be another day.


Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 03, 2018, 07:40:12 AM
Apr 3rd - Girl Problems

Soooo.... I read my last two posts again and burst out laughing.#GirlProblems. And then some #GirlProblems. Weight, breast size, shoes, hair and I did not even mention nails.

Thinking back 3 years ago, I did not have such problems. I could not care less. So this is a good thing, shows how much my mindset has changed...

Guess another day made a difference. Stand by for more exciting updates ;D
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: josie76 on April 03, 2018, 07:51:45 AM
Sarah, that one statement a few posts back is perhaps the most important. The one where you said how you feel happy!  ;)

Sometimes having girlproblems are the best  ;D
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 04, 2018, 12:30:39 PM
Apr 4 - Viva Las Vegas

Packing my bags. Off to Las Vegas for a few days tomorrow morning. Yeah I know... Not for fun. For work actually. At least it is all expenses paid (minus the spa and any gambling of course).

Apparently my work decided to send a handful of dedicated employees to our annual customer conference and the following trade show.

This will be my first attendance since being full time. And while pretty much all my company knows, most have not seen me since last June. Then add to this the 1,500 customers at the conference and even more during the trade show itself. In 22 years in this industry, I have collected quite a bunch of contacts and people I know. I have changed my LinkedIn but not sure all have gotten the message, I keep bumping into people who still don't know. I did check the attendee list and I do know quite a few and noticed several names who do not know yet.

To add even more to the fun, I have been assigned a "Greeter" role for the conference main event and every single guest attending will have to walk past me.

So... this will be tremendous fun and quite surprising for a few folks. And yes, I will be there entirely as Sarah. Proudly showing off whatever assets I have collected so so far. My biggest challenge was to get enough "Smart Business Casual" outfits... and given the temperatures in LV I need to be a bit flexible.

I'll report back how it all goes.

Guess I start needing a Sarah Tracker... A week later I'll be in Montreal, then Boston area in May and early June, then off to Berlin. Crazy, I was hoping travel will slow down a bit.

Back to packing. It is pretty much 4 days, so how many shoes do I need :D
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 04, 2018, 12:50:18 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on April 04, 2018, 12:30:39 PM
Apr 4 - Viva Las Vegas

Packing my bags. Off to Las Vegas for a few days tomorrow morning. Yeah I know... Not for fun. For work actually. At least it is all expenses paid (minus the spa and any gambling of course).

Apparently my work decided to send a handful of dedicated employees to our annual customer conference and the following trade show.

This will be my first attendance since being full time. And while pretty much all my company knows, most have not seen me since last June. Then add to this the 1,500 customers at the conference and even more during the trade show itself. In 22 years in this industry, I have collected quite a bunch of contacts and people I know. I have changed my LinkedIn but not sure all have gotten the message, I keep bumping into people who still don't know.

To add even more to the fun, I have been assigned a "Greeter" role for the conference main event and every single guest attending will have to walk past me.

So... this will be tremendous fun and quite surprising for a few folks. And yes, I will be there entirely as Sarah. My biggest challenge was to get enough "Smart Business Casual" outfits... and given the temperatures in LV I need to be a bit flexible.

I'll report back how it all goes.

@ Sarah:  Your planned business trip sounds very exciting.... especially your out of pocket expenses for spa... and please be very careful about the gambling...   you do realize of course that all of the bling, bright lights and fancy surroundings are paid for by the gamblers!!!

Well, that is good news that you are considered a dedicated employee and therefore invited to the trade show and conference..... and you will be going as Full-Time female Sarah ... very neat....   so, now you won't have to pack an extra suitcase with your old male-mode clothing.  ....  but you will need a much bigger suitcase(s) for Full-Time female mode....  lots of shoes, outfits, cosmetics, hair accessories, etc.... and be sure to bring your bikini or one-piece....  it's a new world for us that have gone Full-Time.

.... and you will be a Greeter at the Conference and very visible to all... I have an idea, I am obviously an experienced Greeter and I am very sociable....  you might put a word in for me with your company and I can try to find a flight to Vegas tonight... and I will bring my little black dress and black patent high heels....... just a thought!!

Obviously all of us on Susan's will be looking for your update... with photos of course.

Hugs, and have a great time as Sarah full-time.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 04, 2018, 01:10:40 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on April 04, 2018, 12:50:18 PM
@ Sarah:  Your planned business trip sounds very exciting.... especially your out of pocket expenses for spa... and please be very careful about the gambling...   you do realize of course that all of the bling, bright lights and fancy surroundings are paid for by the gamblers!!!

Well, that is good news that you are considered a dedicated employee and therefore invited to the trade show and conference..... and you will be going as Full-Time female Sarah ... very neat....   so, now you won't have to pack an extra suitcase with your old male-mode clothing.  ....  but you will need a much bigger suitcase(s) for Full-Time female mode....  lots of shoes, outfits, cosmetics, hair accessories, etc.... and be sure to bring your bikini or one-piece....  it's a new world for us that have gone Full-Time.

.... and you will be a Greeter at the Conference and very visible to all... I have an idea, I am obviously an experienced Greeter and I am very sociable....  you might put a word in for me with your company and I can try to find a flight to Vegas tonight... and I will bring my little black dress and black patent high heels....... just a thought!!

Obviously all of us on Susan's will be looking for your update... with photos of course.

Hugs, and have a great time as Sarah full-time.

Having your support there would be awesome! Let me see if I can twist some arms at work...  ;)

The really good news about gambling is that in 10 trips to Vegas, I have never invested more than $ 20 per trip. I am just not really into it, maybe also because I have seen friends with quite some troubles around gambling. The other thing is that every Las Vegas Trip was around trade shows. And having to talk to customers for 10 hours / day and then wine and dine customers just meant I wanted quiet. The last few times, I booked a hotel on the strip without casino (yea, unbelievable but there is one). This time I have no choice, work puts me in one of the golden towers. 

Male mode clothing is in boxes for the past 6 month. Right around the time of going full time, I had one more business trip in male cloths and I was literally running to the hotel past my meetings to get changed.
And yes, I bought a bigger suitcase. No more carry on for me. I notice I get a bit smarter about what I back, I usually travel at least one week per month, often more, so I am starting to have some decent routine. But it is still different than before where I could pretty much get by for a week out of a back pack. As women you would be looked at pretty oddly.

The hotel has an awesome pool area... Hope I'll have a quiet minute to actually jump in (no bikini yet, that is a post surgery topic - but I do have some pretty cute two piece or one piece swim suits). There is also about 20 lbs between me and a bikini...

LBD... yes, there is Fashion Mall across the street. Don't fit in mine at the moment. But I'll bring one evening gown just in case. Maybe a cocktail dress?

I'll sure have some photos.. I think there was talk about an interview for some promotional video too...
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 05, 2018, 09:47:02 PM
Apr 5 - Travels

I heard some are waiting for an update on my travels... Here you go.

Got out of bed at 5:00 AM .... made coffee ... [Fast Forward] ... got dressed ... did makeup [Fast Forward] ... Uber ...Airport.

So far all went great, was correctly gendered when dropping off my luggage (even tough I had a male ID). Same at the security checkpoint. With Precheck I only had the metal detectors and that one tripped over my heels. So shoes had to come off. Did have plenty of time to get to the gate, get some water and breakfast. Flight was fine.

Luggage made it too, including 7 pair of shoes (for 5 days).

Then a bit of a work drama started and I got busy for a bit until this was squared away and one of my girlfriends (and coworker) texted and asked to meet up for Lunch. We were both in a mood and decided to opt for the Endless Pour option along with lunch. Well, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. We did have a lovely girls afternoon which ended with some pool time.

I did bump into a few more coworkers, but I guess the bulk won't be here until tomorrow.

Only one misgendering the entire day - somehow Uber drivers are really the worst. One corrected Sir... Ma'm, which is fine. This is really remarkable given that I had to show my ID at various occasions, with the buzz cut and clearly stating "male".

So, nothing too exciting (yet). First official events will start tomorrow.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 05, 2018, 11:22:56 PM
Many thanks, Sarah, for posting your first Vegas update.  It was nice to hear that your travel there was uneventful and your first day at the pool with endless adult beverages went well.

The TSA pre-check is certainly a good thing for everyone including transitioners.  I have a feeling though it is just becoming a money-grab for the TSA as more and more people sign up and pay for it, it becomes less advantageous because the lines won't move as quickly.  I experienced that when I did some air travel in January....  some of the pre-check lines were long and slow.

Inquiring minds here want to know all about your trip and also we eventually want to see some pictures.   
Remember, many of us here on Susan's are your biggest and fiercest fans and are always interested in what you are up to.... but we do understand that "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"...

Have fun, stay safe and come back home a happy woman.   Oh, and if you win the jackpot while gambling, a donation to Susan's Place is probably in order... LOL.   .... and you could share some with your friends here also.
Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Kitty June on April 06, 2018, 01:50:10 AM
This has been a great thread. It sounds as though things are going amazingly well.
I would like to make a suggestion though.
"Lose" your license and get a new one. If your state does Real ID it can be a pain, but you do get a new picture [emoji2]


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Bari Jo on April 06, 2018, 03:54:52 AM
Hi Sarah, sounds like your work loves you and has great faith in you making you a greeter.  I'm glad you are mostly getting gendered correctly.  Oh how I hope my future has that.  Right now it's still 100% male.  Probably now is the time for a new license too.  I'm waiting till I'm happy with how I am being gendered.  I don't want to be stuck with a bad license picture that also genders me male.  At the moment, I'm just not femme enough for a good pict.  I have to also do the passport same time, OOF.

Looking forward to the rest of the Vegas rundown.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 06, 2018, 10:46:30 AM
Aww - thanks for all the replies....

@Bari Jo - You are on a great way and you will be correctly gendered in no time. For me it started gradually once in weeks, then once in a week and then became more and more regular.

I have two reasons for not changing my ID yet... The stupid German laws (I am a German Citizen) which make it a giant pain and even more my wife who had issues when I mentioned a possible legal name and gender change; one day she will come around and most likely suggest it. Changing my US ID is easy, local courthouse is pretty quick and a few forms + $100 is all it takes. For many reasons I do not want my US ID and my German ID's to mismatch. I have some hope the German Law will change soon, there are some great proposals. That would make everything a lot easier.

@Kitty June: Love the idea of losing the license to get a new photo... My State is actually implementing Real ID over the summer, so I need to get a new one (they did a few years ago but have not waited for the federal standard, so now they have to do it again). With all my travels, it is somewhat important to get one. So I may just wait for them to start issuing Real ID compliant licenses and then get a new one. I would love to take this opportunity to actually change name and gender, but as mentioned above it is complicated.

@Alaskan Danielle: Yes, TSA Pre is really odd. I have had cases where TSA Pre took longer than regular security, but with TSA Pre, they force you through the then "slow" line. And it is a money grab - and they found an even better one: The Clear Program which allows you to bypass the TSA Pre Line... With a concierge and biometric ID check. Off course for an annual fee. I did get TSA Pre in combination with Global Entry since I was doing a fair share of international travel. For Gambling: I'll put $20 on Roulette. You get to pick color or number. If I win, it will go to Susan's and into cookies in the staff lounge.

What else happened: I did not mention a few nerf wracking minutes yesterday. After touch down, I get a text from my wife that my Dermatologist called, so I do check home voice mail and the only thing on there is "Please call us back as soon as possible". Now I had given them permission to leave an extended and full message on my voice mail. Of course I was a wreck for a few minutes, decided to find a quiet spot and call them just to learn that my Skin Biopsy came back as normal / benign and that I should come back at some point to get checked again. While happy, I was also a bit upset, they could have just said all is fine in the message.

OK, time to get ready for the day. Some setup support this morning, then Meetings and a Welcome Mixer late afternoon. The real convention starts tomorrow (Friday) morning @7:30 with staff briefing and my greeter role will be at 5:30 PM.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 06, 2018, 12:55:36 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on April 06, 2018, 10:46:30 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@Alaskan Danielle: Yes, TSA Pre is really odd. I have had cases where TSA Pre took longer than regular security, but with TSA Pre, they force you through the then "slow" line. And it is a money grab - and they found an even better one: The Clear Program which allows you to bypass the TSA Pre Line... With a concierge and biometric ID check. Off course for an annual fee. I did get TSA Pre in combination with Global Entry since I was doing a fair share of international travel. For Gambling: I'll put $20 on Roulette. You get to pick color or number. If I win, it will go to Susan's and into cookies in the staff lounge.

What else happened: I did not mention a few nerf wracking minutes yesterday. After touch down, I get a text from my wife that my Dermatologist called, so I do check home voice mail and the only thing on there is "Please call us back as soon as possible". Now I had given them permission to leave an extended and full message on my voice mail. Of course I was a wreck for a few minutes, decided to find a quiet spot and call them just to learn that my Skin Biopsy came back as normal / benign and that I should come back at some point to get checked again. While happy, I was also a bit upset, they could have just said all is fine in the message.

OK, time to get ready for the day. Some setup support this morning, then Meetings and a Welcome Mixer late afternoon. The real convention starts tomorrow (Friday) morning @7:30 with staff briefing and my greeter role will be at 5:30 PM.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OK Sarah, 
YES, TSA pre-check was really good before lots more travelers signed up.  It's always all about the money!!!

I pick "black" and you pick your lucky number...   hmm, a donation for cookies... and since I am baking the cookies, that would be very nice but not needed!!!  It might be best to give it to Susan's Place to help run the site

I have also instructed my doctor's and their nurses to leave a more informative voice mail.   I many times inevitably get a call from my doctor about 5 minutes before they close their office and go home... and the message they leave is just "call us back" or is cryptic at best.  Then of course I am on pins and needles all night waiting till their office opens in the morning to call back and then of course my doctor is busy and can not talk to me on the phone.... ughhhhh, very frustrating for certain!!

Oh, I do  want to hear about your Welcome Mixer today....  only 2 or 3 drinks so you are then able to write a coherent message, or you could have more drinks and wait till later to write..... again, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Oh and your Greeter role tomorrow in your fancy dress and heels.... we will need a picture of that for sure.

Best wishes as always,
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 06, 2018, 05:22:04 PM

I thought I smile more on the picture.. oh well...
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 06, 2018, 05:25:55 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on April 06, 2018, 05:22:04 PM

I thought I smile more on the picture.. oh well...

@ Sarah: There you are... pretty in pink! 
Pink top and pink phone!!
Thanks for posting your picture... was that taken at the Welcome Mixer?
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Allison S on April 06, 2018, 05:38:09 PM
Looking great Sarah! So professional! And your hair grew, so pretty [emoji4]

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 07, 2018, 02:26:05 AM
Apr 6 - Day 1

Just a quick update... Everything worked out great today. One former co-worker asked a few questions about my changes since I had not seen him since I transitioned, but we had talked in between. Got to talk to a lot of people I know. Even customers of very conservative organizations have been really awesome about my change and we picked up talking like nothing has ever changed.

So, overall - uneventful from a trans perspective. Pretty exciting outside of that, lots of new and exciting stuff happening in the industry and I am really looking forward to tomorrow when the real conference starts.

@Alaskan Danielle - yes, that was basically the outfit for today. Picture is right before I left my room for a meeting. I did end up dropping the jacket, it was just way too warm. Tripped over my heels in the morning, I guess it looked like I am still drunk.
Came up with the glorious idea of secretly taking of my heels during Dinner... Never again. Someone I knew came up to the table for big hugs and I could not get out of the booth since I could not get my heels back on fast enough  ;D And at the end my feet had swollen a bit, so I barely fit back in. Lesson learned.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 12, 2018, 10:34:11 PM
 Apr 12 - catching up

I dropped off the face of the earth for a few days while I was sorting out a few things. Guess I do owe some updates on the rest of my convention and trade show.

It remained pretty uneventful from the trans perspective. One or two slips in using Sarah and he but that was it. No one used my old name (well, that was a tongue twister for anyone non-german). All in all pretty boring.

A big thing for me was that I finally managed to consistently  use the ladies room. Something I have so far avoided but now feel I do pass well enough that I can do that and I was wearing clearly female attire. I know I could always fall back and go to my room, but that would have been quite a walk.

Day 2 was the main day and I did get to talk to so many customers and colleagues (we are spread around the world, so many have never seen me). Also bumped into some of the more conservative customers I have done projects for in the past (very religious) and I got a big smile and "Hi Sarah". Apparently my LinkedIn update last Summer made the rounds with them, so they all knew. I did surprise one or two people who had not known, but as usual no one asked any questions, used Sarah and she.
Day 2 ended with the big party where I was supposed to greet all the guests. Turned out plans had changed slightly and the only thing we had to do was to distribute about 1,500 hats in the parties theme (Havana Nights) after the main stage events ended. Got that done pretty quickly given that there was Mojito waiting... I have to admit after 14 hours in 4 inch heels, my feet did hurt a little bit.

Day 3 was mostly a wrap up of the conference. Some really interesting sessions (at least for me, not sure how much more are interested in debating the effect of UHD HDR on post production processes). After the main brunch, I did get interviewed by our social media team and caught up on a bit of sleep. Went out for Dinner and Drinks with the bosses.

Day 4
Day 4 was trade show day - I did get to attend a trade show for opening day. This time with corporate logo on my blouse (yes, I did receive blouses with the corporate logo in January). After the staff meeting I did not have any other meetings scheduled, so I could explore the show floor a little bit and also continue chatting with customers and colleagues.

I did surprise a few people from previous job (they did know but had never seen me since I did go full time last June). They where amazed by all the changes.

Also bumped into two of my former bosses (well... a few layers above me back then), both very well known females in the industry and I have to admit they have always been role models. I have rarely seen someone being so genuinely happy for me and my transformation. There was such a new strong bond with both of them. One had attended a big panel on women in the workplace and she included me when saying "In the end it is up to us women to change it". Wow. That felt so inclusive. Then we discussed footwear for trade shows (yeah, my heels had to go after lunch and I ended up with flats).  I can tell you my heart jumped when these two power women included me in the girls club.

In kind of a last minute meet, I bumped into a friend who used to work on my team (also cis female) and we have since built a really great and fun friendship. I was already on my way to the airport and she offered to drive me and I bought coffee in exchange. We only had about 90 minutes but we had a blast. She was a bit more curious and we did go through my transformation album. Did get a lot of compliments for my look from her, which means a lot since she is really pretty,

Well, she dropped me off at the airport, I got on a plane and after an exhausting red-eye I made it finally back home.

And for everything else: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Day 2 outfit:

Day 3 outfit:
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 13, 2018, 09:20:42 AM
Apr 13 - surprise

Every now and then my wife still truly surprises me. Yesterday we went out for a lovely lunch at the waterfront and decided to go for a nice walk afterwards. Finally having sun and decent temperatures made this a great day.

All the sudden she brings up the topic of "needing to find a nickname" my daughter can use so I do not get constantly outed at the playground or other public places. For the longest time I was under the impression, she would like to stick to "Papa" or "Daddy" which would have been OK even tough I know that i get regularly outed.

So... Anyone have any good suggestions?
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Kendra on April 13, 2018, 10:19:46 AM
Pick a foreign language... one that's meaningful to your family's heritage, or for a country your daughter may have expressed interest in.  That way she can use the term for "mom" or "dad" without triggering a gender identity for most casual observers.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 16, 2018, 03:05:47 PM
Apr 16 - rushing

Time for a very quick update... Thanks @Kendra and all the others for chiming in on the name suggestion.

Weekend was over in no time between starting music classes with our daughter, long overdue yard work, dinner with friends, laundry and a little bit of spring cleaning. Now I am trying to get a million things done for work before heading for a quick overnight trip to Montreal. Travel does not really slow down. I had already packed up all the warm winter cloths and had to get a few back out due to the cold up north.

On more positive news: finally decided to join gym to get in shape for pool season (thanks to @Alaskan Danielle for all the gym talk). Did some research and talked to one of my girlfriends about the place she goes to which also offers child care, so I can easier integrate it into the busy schedule. In fact, we will all join and I really hope they have some "completely out of shape" classes for me.

On the negative side: I still have not gotten my taxes done. As usual around this time of the year they are stuck around 50% completed. Waiting on some information from health insurance to see what they cover out of network and a few pieces of paperwork from my side business. So unfortunately it will be an extension this year (Sorry @Alaskan Danielle for disappointing you). On the bright side, as it looks right now I do not owe taxes. But given my work schedule I did not expect any different to be fair.

OK, got to go to the post office...

Hugs everyone!

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 16, 2018, 03:23:13 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on April 16, 2018, 03:05:47 PM
Apr 16 - rushing

Time for a very quick update... Thanks @Kendra and all the others for chiming in on the name suggestion.

Weekend was over in no time between starting music classes with our daughter, long overdue yard work, dinner with friends, laundry and a little bit of spring cleaning. Now I am trying to get a million things done for work before heading for a quick overnight trip to Montreal. Travel does not really slow down. I had already packed up all the warm winter cloths and had to get a few back out due to the cold up north.

On more positive news: finally decided to join gym to get in shape for pool season (thanks to @Alaskan Danielle for all the gym talk). Did some research and talked to one of my girlfriends about the place she goes to which also offers child care, so I can easier integrate it into the busy schedule. In fact, we will all join and I really hope they have some "completely out of shape" classes for me.

On the negative side: I still have not gotten my taxes done. As usual around this time of the year they are stuck around 50% completed. Waiting on some information from health insurance to see what they cover out of network and a few pieces of paperwork from my side business. So unfortunately it will be an extension this year (Sorry @Alaskan Danielle for disappointing you). On the bright side, as it looks right now I do not owe taxes. But given my work schedule I did not expect any different to be fair.

OK, got to go to the post office...

Hugs everyone!

:  Thanks for posting your update.... that is good news about getting to the gym...  just watch our for those male and female admirers that will be flocking to wherever you are working out in the gym.   In my case I am still having difficulty getting rid of the gym Male Suitor#2.

Oh, yes....  disappointment and shock, LOL  ;).... you have not yet filed your taxes??? 
The good news is that you may not owe any taxes so when you do the extension you probably won't get hit with interest and penalties.   .... and your side business, you have been paying adequate quarterly estimated taxes, right?
As you most certainly know, you gotta get your extension turned in, either postmarked or E-filed by Tuesday.  I hate extensions... they just double paperwork and stress.

YES, pack warm clothes for your Montreal trip.... quite a change in temperature from your Vegas trip for sure.

Again, thanks for your update... and keep warm.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 16, 2018, 04:24:30 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on April 16, 2018, 03:23:13 PM

:  Thanks for posting your update.... that is good news about getting to the gym...  just watch our for those male and female admirers that will be flocking to wherever you are working out in the gym.   In my case I am still having difficulty getting rid of the gym Male Suitor#2.

Again, thanks for your update... and keep warm.

Like that poor little puppy following me around in Las Vegas? Creating incidents to bump into me to say "hello?" How can I train him to bring cookies and espresso?

I need to get so much better detecting this, in most cases one of my friends had to point out that someone was showing unusual high interest and was flirting... Poor guys. I need to find a good way of telling them nicely that they would not have a chance since so far I have only attracted male interest.

Gym to be fair is making me a bit nervous about being outed, but we will see. Certainly not ready for the ladies locker room, so I have decided to change at home or hope they have a family changing room. I do the bathroom now but for the locker room, I want to be a bit further down the winding path of transition...
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 17, 2018, 10:03:22 AM
At Montreal Airport to update my Nexus card since I got a new Passport last year. Both Nexus Card and Passport Show "Male"...

The officer asks: "How are you related to this person?" And later calls me back "Madam" and gave me a full set of instructions how to get my gender updated for "whenever the new papers come"....

I have tears in my eyes ruining my makeup....
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 17, 2018, 02:28:56 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on April 17, 2018, 10:03:22 AM
At Montreal Airport to update my Nexus card since I got a new Passport last year. Both Nexus Card and Passport Show "Male"...

The officer asks: "How are you related to this person?" And later calls me back "Madam" and gave me a full set of instructions how to get my gender updated for "whenever the new papers come"....

I have tears in my eyes ruining my makeup....

My dear Sarah:   Oh my, oh my..... that is terrible... but at least he called you to come back and he then gendered you correctly and even took the time to give you instructions to get it all changed.   I can imagine that they see all kinds of people and all kinds of ID and would most certainly get confused on occasion....  too bad the occasion was when you came through the line.   
Now, dry your eyes, fix your makeup, and hold your head high and be the beautiful full-time woman that you are....
Have a safe trip and return safely home.
HUGS for you,
and all the best to you,
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 17, 2018, 03:21:36 PM
Hi @Alaskan Danielle -

Love your new Costco Avatar... May I guess who took the picture?

I re-read what i wrote, I should have added that I had "Happy Tears" in my eyes. I perceived it as a very positive incident. I have come far enough that a government official thinks my ID is not me, made me truly happy. And all this in 15 month HRT. I know I have a long way to go, but each one of these incidents is truly affirming that I am on a good track.

The lady was also very embarrassed but we had a really good laugh about it and I explained that Germany requires me to wait another 2 years (3 years RLE for gender change). Now I hope that Germany finally signs the suggested bill to make name and gender change a simple form.

Everything else worked fine, just wrapping up my meetings :-)

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on April 17, 2018, 02:28:56 PM

My dear Sarah:   Oh my, oh my..... that is terrible... but at least he called you to come back and he then gendered you correctly and even took the time to give you instructions to get it all changed.   I can imagine that they see all kinds of people and all kinds of ID and would most certainly get confused on occasion....  too bad the occasion was when you came through the line.   
Now, dry your eyes, fix your makeup, and hold your head high and be the beautiful full-time woman that you are....
Have a safe trip and return safely home.
HUGS for you,
and all the best to you,
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jayne01 on April 17, 2018, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on April 17, 2018, 03:21:36 PM
Hi @Alaskan Danielle -

Love your new Costco Avatar... May I guess who took the picture?

I re-read what i wrote, I should have added that I had "Happy Tears" in my eyes. I perceived it as a very positive incident. I have come far enough that a government official thinks my ID is not me, made me truly happy. And all this in 15 month HRT. I know I have a long way to go, but each one of these incidents is truly affirming that I am on a good track.

The lady was also very embarrassed but we had a really good laugh about it and I explained that Germany requires me to wait another 2 years (3 years RLE for gender change). Now I hope that Germany finally signs the suggested bill to make name and gender change a simple form.

Everything else worked fine, just wrapping up my meetings :-)
Hi Sarah,

When I read your post, I interpreted it as happy tears and was going to congratulate you. Then I saw the other replies and thought I had misread your post. I was a little confused, so rather than say the wrong thing and risk upsetting you, I thought I would wait until you replied. Thanks for clearing that up. So now, officially, congratulations on not being recognised as the male person your documents suggested. Also, it is great that the lady understood and was willing to offer advise on how to change your documents.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 18, 2018, 08:04:15 PM
Another business trip comes to an end. Really not much more to report. The immigrations officer took his 10 seconds to compare my passport to the Chica in front of him. A bit unnecessary since I use Global Entry and I do get fingerprinted...

Once I get out of this metal tube, it will be a quick drive home.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 21, 2018, 10:25:15 PM
Apr 21st - things I said I never do

1. Join a Gym
Since reading so many fun Gym adventures in a another thread, I thought it is about time. That and my scale slowly inching up in the last three month (well, pretty quickly to be fair). And the cute dresses I have which need a more toned body.
So we decided to join a gym. Not easy in this area, most are way overcrowded or insanely expensive. We somewhat settled for a medium priced place, went to get a tour and sign up. Unfortunately not in walking distance but they have child care and a pool. Also a friend of ours and their kid are there too.

I had filled out a pre-registration before going and since I still have a male ID, I chose male. They instantly changed it to female and I got the full female fitness questionnaire. So I am now in their computer as female and Sarah. Pretty nice. And did not even have to say anything.
Tomorrow I'll need to go shopping for gym shoes and see if my workout cloths still fit.
Last step will be to get over my expert level procrastination. Plan is Monday morning between dropping kid of at Daycare and starting work. That will be something new, usually during that time I relaxed on the couch and had a coffee...

25 lbs to go...

And this brings me to #2

2. Women Locker Room
Something I was not planning on even looking at until I have my ID changed or my surgery. But the guy giving us the tour pretty much told us: "And there is the women's locker room. Take a look and I'll see you on the other side". Well, what can I do? Lucky I had was carrying my kid and could hide behind her. Unfortunately I did not see too much, our baby girl was going crazy, so I don't know if they have individual stalls for showering, guess I have to go again...
Not sure how I deal with it when I go for exercise - they do have a steam room and a sauna in the locker room which is really tempting.

3. Things from the past
I had phase where I thought heels are a turnoff - I wanted "grounded people". Well, I am looking at anything from 1 inch to 7 inch right now. And I can walk in all of them.
Dye my hair... Yeah, it looks sooo much better, and I like the red shimmer I had today.

And much more I gave up since becoming female  ;D
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 21, 2018, 10:58:48 PM
Quote from: sarah1972 on April 21, 2018, 10:25:15 PM
Apr 21st - things I said I never do

1. Join a Gym
Since reading so many fun Gym adventures in a another thread, I thought it is about time. That and my scale slowly inching up in the last three month (well, pretty quickly to be fair). And the cute dresses I have which need a more toned body.
So we decided to join a gym. Not easy in this area, most are way overcrowded or insanely expensive. We somewhat settled for a medium priced place, went to get a tour and sign up. Unfortunately not in walking distance but they have child care and a pool. Also a friend of ours and their kid are there too.

I had filled out a pre-registration before going and since I still have a male ID, I chose male. They instantly changed it to female and I got the full female fitness questionnaire. So I am now in their computer as female and Sarah. Pretty nice. And did not even have to say anything.
Tomorrow I'll need to go shopping for gym shoes and see if my workout cloths still fit.
Last step will be to get over my expert level procrastination. Plan is Monday morning between dropping kid of at Daycare and starting work. That will be something new, usually during that time I relaxed on the couch and had a coffee...

25 lbs to go...

And this brings me to #2

2. Women Locker Room
Something I was not planning on even looking at until I have my ID changed or my surgery. But the guy giving us the tour pretty much told us: "And there is the women's locker room. Take a look and I'll see you on the other side". Well, what can I do? Lucky I had was carrying my kid and could hide behind her. Unfortunately I did not see too much, our baby girl was going crazy, so I don't know if they have individual stalls for showering, guess I have to go again...
Not sure how I deal with it when I go for exercise - they do have a steam room and a sauna in the locker room which is really tempting.

3. Things from the past
I had phase where I thought heels are a turnoff - I wanted "grounded people". Well, I am looking at anything from 1 inch to 7 inch right now. And I can walk in all of them.
Dye my hair... Yeah, it looks sooo much better, and I like the red shimmer I had today.

And much more I gave up since becoming female  ;D

Dear Sarah:  Well, Hmmm, I think that maybe my postings about my gym experiences perhaps along with some other member's posts might have influenced you to try out the gym... hopefully you go with some other women, makes it a lot more fun and enjoyable... and the old adage.... "safety in numbers" comes to mind, particularly  when my creepy Suitor #2 was basically stalking me at the gym, my gym women friends come to my rescue and will run him off when he comes near my workout area. 

Oh yes, the women's locker room scenario is quite a formidable gauntlet for most trans-women to be sure.... take my word for it but I took a leap of faith that I passed well enough as a female that the gauntlet of the formidable women's locker room now is just a distant memory for me.
If they have private or semi-private changing stalls and/or showers that might relieve some of your anxiety but if not, you could always just change out of some of your more sweaty clothing and then go back to your home to shower and cleanup until you feel more comfortable about all of this.
Regarding heels, for me at work or going out nicely dressed, I mostly wear 2" to 4" heels, anything higher tends to draw too much attention to me for my liking.... plus I am more comfortable wearing those heel heights all day instead of the higher heel shoes.  I am only 5'4" so I can easily wear higher heels to make me look taller.
***NOTE: By the way, heel height is not measured from the back of the heel but rather from the front of the heel to the soul of the shoe.  Many girls that think that they have 4 or 5" heels in reality only have 3 to 4" heels depending on the design of the shoe.

Thank you for posting and sharing your latest update... I am glad you made it home from your last business trip to Montreal... hopefully you packed enough warm clothes to wear while there.
I will be eagerly looking for your next posting on this thread of yours.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jayne01 on April 22, 2018, 02:42:28 AM
Hi Sarah,
It's good how the gym correctly registered you as female and as Sarah, even though your ID says something different.

Heels! I like them, but I'm not sure I could ever pull it off. I would probably twist an ankle. Maybe small heels someday.

Looking forward to dying my hair sometime to hide the grey. I used to make fun of my wife for constantly dying her hair and now I want to do it too.

These are problems I never imagined ever having to worry about. [emoji846]

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 22, 2018, 08:09:25 PM
Thank you for your replies and following along.

Gym shopping is done! New Gym shoes (the last two pairs  bought ended as street shoes) and two new workout tops! I should be ready for this adventure. Little wrinkle: It will have to be later in the day. Quarterly Operational Review conference call and a dentist appointment interfered. Let's see tomorrow, but now that I put it out here that I will go Monday and with all the encouragement received here, I have little chance.

On the bright side: Just signing up for gym made me lose almost 3 lbs! (and the healthier food of the last week).

22lbs to go...!

@Jayne01 - Ha, yes, all the problems I never had. But the fun outweighs those. I am super lucky with my hair: My wife is a trained hair stylist and was kind enough to look after my hair. I did one attempt myself and she liked what I did but professional hands are just sooo much better.
I started reading your Jayne thread.... Over 700 posts! I have some serious catching up to do.

@Alaskan Danielle - I am lucky to work home office, so changing at home is not a big deal. Unfortunately they have no lockers outside the changing rooms, so I have little choice. Passing is not a big worry anymore, given my past few weeks (with the added playground experience today where another mom called me she). At least that gives me the advantage of being able to take a better look to see how the changing room and showers are set up.
Creepy men are a bit of a concern, but we will have to see how it turns out. Maybe I just need to put a big (very fake) diamond ring on my left hand to deter possible advances  ;D
Unfortunately all my girlfriends are at least 4 hours away, so I guess it will be me alone in the beginning. Maybe I can get the other mom from daycare who recommended the gym to join, but our schedules may not line up. So... I can always try to see if there are regulars and make new friends :-) I would prefer to have someone with me the first few times, I do not really have an idea what I am doing. We have been discussing a few personal trainer sessions to get me started.
Maybe choosing "Orange Sorbet" in "Lose Fit" was not the best choice... I really like that color tough!

I made a Montreal clothing mistake once where I though I can handle freezing temps just in a suit (long time ago), so this time I took a very warm, long winter coat and warm boots. No freezing for me! It was almost a bit too warm at times but overall a good choice.

More of this adventure tomorrow!
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on April 22, 2018, 08:38:12 PM
Hi Sarah,

  Looks like I got behind on your thread (I was distracted) But I see you did your Vegas trip well and now are onto the gym and weight loss. Good for you girl. You know you will need to stay out of that diner if you hope to reach your goals? I just wanted to say thank you for the evening meet up. I was glad we were able to get together even though the powers that be tried to prevent it from happening. Next trip though I'm calling for a sleep over at Moineeka's. I'm sure Ann won't mind host all the DC area girls at their place. Wouldn't that be fun?

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 22, 2018, 10:22:21 PM
Hi Miss Laurie!
So great to hear from you. I read your road trip came to an end recently and you are back home. After we met, I had a feeling like there was a big magic force pulling you faster and faster across the country! Glad you two have been able to spend some quality time!

You mentioned in your road trip thread our meeting was like old fri meds meeting again after a long time - that is the best description and I truly enjoyed our evening.

Oh... the Diner has healthy options too. Tried them last week...

What a great idea to see if we can pull off a larger meeting when you are in the area next time! There are many great places in case we do not want to all invite ourself to Moni's place...

I will let you know if I make it out West.

You remember our discussion about the fear of using the ladies room? And then we went? Well, it is becoming so much easier since! Thanks for nudging me a bit.

Quote from: Laurie on April 22, 2018, 08:38:12 PM
Hi Sarah,

  Looks like I got behind on your thread (I was distracted) But I see you did your Vegas trip well and now are onto the gym and weight loss. Good for you girl. You know you will need to stay out of that diner if you hope to reach your goals? I just wanted to say thank you for the evening meet up. I was glad we were able to get together even though the powers that be tried to prevent it from happening. Next trip though I'm calling for a sleep over at Moineeka's. I'm sure Ann won't mind host all the DC area girls at their place. Wouldn't that be fun?

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on April 23, 2018, 01:26:14 AM
 Hi Sarah,

  Yes, I got home last night. I have a lot of story telling to do in the thread to catch up though. I don't think as many are reading it this time probably due to my tardiness at keeping it updated. I do remember talking about the lady's sacred grounds and have to say I am still not comfortable with invading them. There is no way I'm using the men's room though. I'm glad it's become easier for you.
  Please do let us know if you do make it out west again. And I'm sure Ann wouldn't mind a sleep over. She's the one we need to convince. Meinnie doesn't matter in these decisions she'll do as she's told.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 23, 2018, 05:29:51 PM
Apr 23rd - New Day

I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats dying to learn more about my Gym adventures  ;D

As already indicated, there was a bit of a scheduling issue. One called "Quarterly Operations Review" and then a Dentist appointment to fix a crack in am on-lay (partial crown).

Full of motivation, I got up in the morning and got ready. Dropped kid at daycare and jumped on the conference call. Rushed from the call to the dentist and what was supposed to be a 20 minute quick fix ended in a 90 + minute root canal. Followed by running to the pharmacy getting antibiotics and prescription strength ibuprofen.

At noon I was seriously considering to give up on the gym plan today. BUT... Giving up on day 1 would have been such a defeat and I would have disappointed my dear readers.


So - Yeah me! I got myself to really go! And I did change my shoes in the women's locker. Not sure the bright orange was a good idea. I was the one and only person not wearing grey / black.

Given that this was my very first time ever, I just did some light cardio + some back strength machine stuff. About 15 minutes in I get an alert about an urgent conference call to be starting 15 minutes later. So I really maxed out the time and left after 25 minutes, pretty much changing back into my street shoes on the way out. Hopped on the call in the car and stopped to pick up my kid on the way.

Learned a few valuable lessons. Even a 25 minute workout requires an additional hour between driving back and forth as well as changing and showering afterwards. Also: Never forget water, get a cute gym bag and something to strap my iPhone to my upper arms. And buy a lock.

All running around like crazy but it did feel amazing having done even a 25 minute workout. Biggest thing was to go at all and not procrastinate even further. Somehow I do have a lot more energy than usual around this time. Sarah is a bit proud of herself. And maybe a bit high on painkillers.


Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 23, 2018, 05:40:21 PM
@Sarah,  I enjoyed reading your update...  oh yeah, if everyone else was wearing drab colors, you kind of stand out in that bright orange top but no worries, you are passable 100%.   

Oh no, I have never had a root-canal but it doesn't sound like a simple procedure.... so the pain pills are for the dental work? or for your exercise routines at your gym adventure?   or perhaps both???   

Oh yeah, a lock for the locker, a couple of water bottles, shoes and maybe a towel and a cute pink gym bag to put things in... and a phone strap....

So, anyway, I am surprised that after your painful dental visit that you felt good enough to go exercise at your gym.   Was there a trainer there ocassionally to give you some guidance? ... usually that is the case especially with newbies. 

I am glad that you are motivated to do positive things for your health and your weight loss... soon you will have to buy new, smaller size, clothes..... a nice problem to have for sure!!!!  You will not only feel better but you will feel better
about yourself.

I know that we have previously discussed this, but if you can buddy up with one or several others when you go to the gym, the time will pass more pleasantly and you can do some bonding and building friendships.

Thanks for keeping us all posted and for posting the picture of a tired Sarah in her bright orange top.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Laurie on April 23, 2018, 10:02:32 PM
  Good for you Sarah in your determination to get up and go. I've never been to a gym and would have no idea what to do there if I went. I applaud you for joining and going. Good girl!

  I took a nap after a late breakfast and went to the store to pick up some stuff for salads and fruit to go into the yogurt I bought for breakfast. (some my girlfriend introduced me to then deprived me of this last visit). I might get out and do some more grocery shopping tomorrow with I am out picking up my mail from the distribution center they've been holding for a week. If I get really ambitious I may go for a walk too.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 23, 2018, 10:31:06 PM
Thanks @Alaskan Danielle for reading & replying (I knew someone would sit on the edge of their chair)...

Tonight I am pretty happy about the pain killers and an ice bag. For my tooth. I'll safe the details but it is pretty uncomfortable. In college I decided to safe money and sign up for a medical trial. I did get two crowns and two fillings made out of an experimental material and they wanted to do long term follow ups on how the material is holding up. They never did and I forgot about it. Got a new dentist last year and he found that the material has cracked and pretty much destroyed the teeth below. So I saved a few dollars in college which I now have to re-pay. This is the last one to fix, then I only have one wisdom tooth to be removed.

I have to admit I was surprised myself. After all that happened today, I did not let this break my will to get this started. I really want to be fit again and I really want to get rid of that midsection fat. I have so many cute things I would love to wear but can't right now. The 10 lbs I added in the last 4 month show.  One of the other big factors is that I do want to be less tired and more productive. And I want to be healthy for my beautiful daughter.

I did feel pretty strange today. I knew if I would sit down for a longer period, I would just fall asleep. So I just kept going and going and going. I should be really exhausted, but these 25 minutes in the gym gave me a lot of energy.
I do have one free hour of a trainer to give me an introduction. But somehow the Gym really wants to sell you on personal trainers (and supplements and all kind of stupid stuff). Given my member estimate north of 2,500, they are printing money and should be offering better service. All I read is any mid prized gym in the area is about the same. Only gets better if I would be willing to pay > $150 per month. For now I was on my own. I am debating 10 hours of personal trainer just to get the right start and instructions on how to do this without hurting myself.

Hugs, Sarah

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on April 23, 2018, 05:40:21 PM
@Sarah,  I enjoyed reading your update...  oh yeah, if everyone else was wearing drab colors, you kind of stand out in that bright orange top but no worries, you are passable 100%.   

Oh no, I have never had a root-canal but it doesn't sound like a simple procedure.... so the pain pills are for the dental work? or for your exercise routines at your gym adventure?   or perhaps both???   

Oh yeah, a lock for the locker, a couple of water bottles, shoes and maybe a towel and a cute pink gym bag to put things in... and a phone strap....

So, anyway, I am surprised that after your painful dental visit that you felt good enough to go exercise at your gym.   Was there a trainer there ocassionally to give you some guidance? ... usually that is the case especially with newbies. 

I am glad that you are motivated to do positive things for your health and your weight loss... soon you will have to buy new, smaller size, clothes..... a nice problem to have for sure!!!!  You will not only feel better but you will feel better
about yourself.

I know that we have previously discussed this, but if you can buddy up with one or several others when you go to the gym, the time will pass more pleasantly and you can do some bonding and building friendships.

Thanks for keeping us all posted and for posting the picture of a tired Sarah in her bright orange top.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jayne01 on April 23, 2018, 11:55:51 PM
Hi Sarah,

I'm really glad you didn't bail out on your first  gym session. It's easy to find excuses not to do something, I'm speaking from experience of my own previous failed gym membership. Keep up with your positive attitude and before you know it you will be wearing all those cute outfits.

Sucks about the root canal! I've never had the pleasure. I hate dentist visits.

Thank you for not keeping us on the edge of our seats for too long. Keep your updates coming.

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 27, 2018, 11:27:37 AM
Apr. 27 - Gym Update

Just back from the Gym. Time for a quick update. OMG - Zumba is sooo going to out me.

I have been really in a bad mental state this week for so many reasons, so I am especially proud that I made it to the Gym 4 times this week! Gym and the regular updates in the "Hunted Prey" Thread keeps me going this week.

First three times was getting used to it with slow increases in workout. Between 30 and 60 minutes split between cardio and a few machines I picked for core and lower back strength (and to get rid of the fat deposits there). Today I then decided to go a bit crazy and went for a 60 minute Zumba Class.

OMG, this was awkward. First of all: I thought I signed up for Zumba not a Twerking Class. It was also not a beginners class and I stepped into a group which already had the full routine down.
I pulled up my big girl panties and opened the door realizing that "Step Aerobic on the Wii" and "Slow Dance in middle school" are really not a good base for a fast pace Zumba class. I also have to admit that while I do look pretty girly, my moves are still giving me away, especially in a Zumba class. I just cannot shake / move my hips well enough. It was also too fast paced for me and by the time I had mastered a move, i was two moves behind the group. And of course there is always a fear that I cannot tuck flat enough.

Anyways... I did NOT give up and made it through the class trying to keep up as much as I can. Yeah Me!

I also decided to use this more for a character study to add to the interesting people I keep seeing in the Gym. Here are some highlights

  • The one guy who sits on the two machines next to the entrance to the women's locker room for hours every day. Only small movements and eyes partially closed but you know he is looking.
  • All the guys who seem to live in the gym (big muscles and a six pack) - so not my type but they think they are the best and look down on all the newbies like me
  • The regulars - OMG some are really so nicely toned with cute curves in all the right places. Others look just great and all the hard work they put into this has paid off. (now talking about girls)

Zumba adds even more to the dynamic, especially since it was an all female group.

  • Two had a smaller cup size than I do (yeah, I have to admit I did compare)
  • The last row in the gym had the flashy neon colored workout tops (including me)
  • I was not the only one not able to keep up - made me feel less bad about myself.
  • One group of ladies may have mistaken the Zumba class as night out dancing and things did get quite steamy at times in that group (well, one girl particular)
  • The poor lady which seemed to be trying to get in shape for an upcoming wedding. She also squeezed herself into a wait cincher.

One of the other girls waved "bye - see you next time" - at least this was nice.

I hope I can keep up with this. I may not be able to continue 4 times a week, but i do not want to fall below 3 either.

Now I'll go back fighting hormonal emotions of a 14 year old and try to catch up with work. Have to prepare for overnight maintenance at a customer :-(

Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Jayne01 on April 27, 2018, 11:40:36 AM
Well done with going to all your gym visits. And VERY well done with not letting the Twerking deter you from the Zumba class. If you make the effort to go to the gym regularly, it will become habit and be easier to want to go. I should listen to my own advise and sign up to the local gym again. You are starting to inspire me with your positive attitude.


Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: sarah1972 on April 27, 2018, 11:50:18 AM
Quote from: Jayne01 on April 27, 2018, 11:40:36 AM
Well done with going to all your gym visits. And VERY well done with not letting the Twerking deter you from the Zumba class. If you make the effort to go to the gym regularly, it will become habit and be easier to want to go. I should listen to my own advise and sign up to the local gym again. You are starting to inspire me with your positive attitude.

Ha - the twerking was quite a distraction but not a deterrent. Guess I should train a bit at home.

I can always use a virtual Gym Buddy!

I have noticed that even with the little I have done so far, it is becoming harder to reach my target heart rate.
Title: Re: Sarah's New World
Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 27, 2018, 05:10:58 PM
    Snipped... my comments in RED:
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 27, 2018, 11:27:37 AM
    Apr. 27 - Gym Update

    I have been really in a bad mental state this week for so many reasons, so I am especially proud that I made it to the Gym 4 times this week! Gym and the regular updates in the "Hunted Prey" Thread keeps me going this week.
      **Good for you, getting to the gym 4 times in a week... at most I go 2 times a week but usually just one.

    First three times was getting used to it with slow increases in workout. Between 30 and 60 minutes split between cardio and a few machines I picked for core and lower back strength (and to get rid of the fat deposits there). Today I then decided to go a bit crazy and went for a 60 minute Zumba Class.
    **Oh yeah, slow increases in workout difficultly for sure.  Hmm, Zumba can be crazy fast and super energetic.

    OMG, this was awkward. First of all: I thought I signed up for Zumba not a Twerking Class. It was also not a beginners class and I stepped into a group which already had the full routine down.
    I pulled up my big girl panties and opened the door realizing that "Step Aerobic on the Wii" and "Slow Dance in middle school" are really not a good base for a fast pace Zumba class.
    **Ahhh, mistake not going into a beginners class... yes awkward... you probably felt like you had 2 left feet.... I have been there, I understand.

    I also decided to use this more for a character study to add to the interesting people I keep seeing in the Gym. Here are some highlights

    • The one guy who sits on the two machines next to the entrance to the women's locker room for hours every day. Only small movements and eyes partially closed but you know he is looking.
    • All the guys who seem to live in the gym (big muscles and a six pack) - so not my type but they think they are the best and look down on all the newbies like me
    • The regulars - OMG some are really so nicely toned with cute curves in all the right places. Others look just great and all the hard work they put into this has paid off. (now talking about girls)
    **ahhh, the male lurkers, particuarly suspicious it the guy at the entrance to the women's locker room.  If it were to become uncomfortable, a talk to the manager could solve the problem, or rather, his problem.
    **Well, the guys that seem to live there... they sound like the guy in the gym I have mentioned, Suitor#2.
    **Hmmm, the regulars,guys and the gals especially,killer curves and way too much energy.

    Zumba adds even more to the dynamic, especially since it was an all female group.

    • Two had a smaller cup size than I do (yeah, I have to admit I did compare)
    • The last row in the gym had the flashy neon colored workout tops (including me)
    • I was not the only one not able to keep up - made me feel less bad about myself.
    **I really don't compare cup size a lot, I am a C-cup and I have all that I care to have... many of the heavy duty workout gals do not have a lot of boobage.
    **Yes, for sure, the gym scene can be a fashion center and a place to display one's self.
    **Exactly, not everyone can keep up, that is nice to see especially if we can't keep up.


    One of the other girls waved "bye - see you next time" - at least this was nice.
    **Perhaps some new friends to buddy up with?
    I hope I can keep up with this. I may not be able to continue 4 times a week, but i do not want to fall below 3 either.
    **That is a wonderful goal. I can not devote more than 2 days a week to the gym.

    Now I'll go back fighting hormonal emotions of a 14 year old and try to catch up with work. Have to prepare for overnight maintenance at a customer :-(
    **Hmm, a cold shower is always a good option.

    Sarah:  This was a great update, thank you for sharing your gym experiences,really not too much different than my own.  Please keep your updates coming!!! :)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 27, 2018, 10:36:42 PM
    Thanks, @Alaskan Danielle  for taking the time and writing such a long response. I know you have so many other things on your mind right now and I hope it does not drive you crazy. Not much to add. I do not have the time either, but there are a few reasons why I try to go that often. Some parts may become more transparent in the next post, in other parts it is to bridge the time to become warm enough to swim a few times a week, usually late at night after work is all done.
    Oh – and cold showers don't help right now, may need to try filling my bathtub with ice cubes. ;D

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on April 27, 2018, 05:10:58 PM

    Sarah:  This was a great update, thank you for sharing your gym experiences,really not too much different than my own.  Please keep your updates coming!!! :)

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 28, 2018, 02:13:21 AM
    Apr 28 – the dark side.

    Here I am – pretty much two years ago I joined Susan's.

    And I should be thrilled. My wife stuck around, I have a beautiful kid, I am full-time and out to almost everyone, and I have yet to experience any adverse reaction. I have a good paying job and over the last few months have been gendered correctly – even by strangers – almost 100%.

    I should be dancing, singing and be just my happy self. And on the outside, I am for the most part.

    Behind all the pretty dresses and the makeup, there is a different world. One where I am feeling almost as bad as 2 + years ago. A world where I curl up in my bed crying at random times of the day. A world where I am stuck and depressed. And a world where I make no progress. Nowhere.

    Over the past few weeks, it has reached a tipping point where I am considering myself to be barely functional. Where really bad thoughts came back; thoughts I had hoped I had left behind. In a nutshell – another severe episode of depression.

    I am still not sure of the source or the trigger this time, and there are multiple components to it. Earlier this year I had to endure some pretty severe emotional abuse on a work assignment. It was not trans related, but I ended with a ten-day episode of the worst migraines ever. Initially, I did not think much about it, but I later realized that this had brought back long-buried memories of an emotionally abusive relationship (my only bad one I have had).

    Then puberty kicked in with a vengeance. My physical appearance became a huge issue and the 10 lbs I have added since the beginning of the year. I had kept my weight somewhat stable for almost a year. Not where I wanted it, but at least stable. I hate not having curves, and when I got a few new bras, I realized that after 15 months I had not even made it to an A cup. Typical 14-year-old stuff. And more drama I will not share but instead try to drown in cold showers.

    Add to this that I continually feeling exhausted and tired.

    My transition progress is stuck. Name/gender change is a nightmare several years out unless Germany finally changes some laws. While I initially thought I would not get any genital dysphoria, now I really want to have surgery. Also several years out.

    I have big fears of not being healthy enough to enjoy my time as Sarah and to be fit enough for surgery.

    I always feel guilty for the pain I have inflicted on my wife. She is trying so hard to be supportive, but I do now she hurts very much.

    Work is not going to well either; I am struggling with being asked to pretty much only do background administrative work which is a waste of my talents. So I have a hard time motivating myself. And I used to be an 80 hour/week person.

    All of these struggles, in the end, lead to me not having energy, and of course, things are piling up left and right.
    I am trying to pull myself out of this. Joining the Gym was one step to help get fit for the future, get my body in better shape, and hopefully, physical activity is supposed to fight depression.  My Therapist has unfortunately not been too helpful.

    Sorry for dumping this mess on all of you. Maybe writing down my thoughts helps sorting things out.

    I am not sure how to continue this journey; I also cannot go back from the mess I created. 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 28, 2018, 05:55:21 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 28, 2018, 02:13:21 AM
    Apr 28 – the dark side.

    Here I am – pretty much two years ago I joined Susan's.

    And I should be thrilled. My wife stuck around, I have a beautiful kid, I am full-time and out to almost everyone, and I have yet to experience any adverse reaction. I have a good paying job and over the last few months have been gendered correctly – even by strangers – almost 100%.

    I should be dancing, singing and be just my happy self. And on the outside, I am for the most part.

    Behind all the pretty dresses and the makeup, there is a different world. One where I am feeling almost as bad as 2 + years ago. A world where I curl up in my bed crying at random times of the day. A world where I am stuck and depressed. And a world where I make no progress. Nowhere.

    Over the past few weeks, it has reached a tipping point where I am considering myself to be barely functional. Where really bad thoughts came back; thoughts I had hoped I had left behind. In a nutshell – another severe episode of depression.

    I am still not sure of the source or the trigger this time, and there are multiple components to it. Earlier this year I had to endure some pretty severe emotional abuse on a work assignment. It was not trans related, but I ended with a ten-day episode of the worst migraines ever. Initially, I did not think much about it, but I later realized that this had brought back long-buried memories of an emotionally abusive relationship (my only bad one I have had).

    Then puberty kicked in with a vengeance. My physical appearance became a huge issue and the 10 lbs I have added since the beginning of the year. I had kept my weight somewhat stable for almost a year. Not where I wanted it, but at least stable. I hate not having curves, and when I got a few new bras, I realized that after 15 months I had not even made it to an A cup. Typical 14-year-old stuff. And more drama I will not share but instead try to drown in cold showers.

    Add to this that I continually feeling exhausted and tired.

    My transition progress is stuck. Name/gender change is a nightmare several years out unless Germany finally changes some laws. While I initially thought I would not get any genital dysphoria, now I really want to have surgery. Also several years out.

    I have big fears of not being healthy enough to enjoy my time as Sarah and to be fit enough for surgery.

    I always feel guilty for the pain I have inflicted on my wife. She is trying so hard to be supportive, but I do now she hurts very much.

    Work is not going to well either; I am struggling with being asked to pretty much only do background administrative work which is a waste of my talents. So I have a hard time motivating myself. And I used to be an 80 hour/week person.

    All of these struggles, in the end, lead to me not having energy, and of course, things are piling up left and right.
    I am trying to pull myself out of this. Joining the Gym was one step to help get fit for the future, get my body in better shape, and hopefully, physical activity is supposed to fight depression.  My Therapist has unfortunately not been too helpful.

    Sorry for dumping this mess on all of you. Maybe writing down my thoughts helps sorting things out.

    I am not sure how to continue this journey; I also cannot go back from the mess I created.
    Sarah, I am sorry you find yourself in this situation. (((((HUG)))))
    Let me start by saying that you have nothing to feel guilty about. Your wife has stuck by you because she loves you. I don't believe she is blaming you for any of the pain she is feeling. I am in a similar place with my wife. Yes, her pain is real and should be recognised, but it is not your doing. Ask yourself what kind of person would you be if you did not transition. Would that person be better for your wife? My guess is no. I wish I could give you a good solution, but I am also in need of that same solution for me and my wife. I am trusting that our love for each other will get us through these hard times. I have high hopes for a happy future for the two of us.....together. I am hoping the same for you. Blaming yourself and feeling guilty for something you have no control over doesn't help the situation.

    With your work, is it an option to make your concerns known and ask for more challenging work better suited to your talents?

    You are doing great with the gym. Keep at it. It is a good way to get your mind off things and it will keep you fit and healthy. Try not to focus on things that are out of your control. For example, the name change. Governments work in mysterious ways that often don't make sense. Concentrate on what you can control. Your health and fitness, supporting your wife and child, researching and preparing yourself for possible surgery. Maybe even think about looking for a more rewarding job.

    Definitely do not listen to those really bad thoughts. You are feeling depression which I can totally relate to. Ride out this storm. Like all storms in nature, this one will pass too. You don't need to apologise for dumping. That's what we are here for. Dump as much as you need to.

    How do you continue this journey? I don't know. You will find a way but not from a place of depression. The first thing you need to do is get yourself out of this depression, then you can make other decisions with a clear mind. We can try to help you as much as possible on here.

    Hang in there. I have complete confidence in you to get through this. Feel free to PM me anytime if you wish to speak in private.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Megan. on April 28, 2018, 06:43:03 AM
    Awww hun, have a big <hug>.

    Firstly, if you think you feel your therapist isn't helping you then raise it with them. Changing to another might be an option.

    Secondly, hormones! Welcome to the curling-up-in-ball-and-crying-for-no-reason club! Maybe speak with your GP and check they are in a good range,  but yes, girls do this,  and I reckon a good cry is great... after [emoji23]

    Thirdly, yes, the weight thing sucks. Mine's been creeping up too, I'm currently too heavy for surgery. I've (just today) started a Keto diet. Some others here do seem to have had some success with it, that along with exercise will get you where you want to be, but it'll take time and commitment.

    Keep strong, life has its ups and downs, it'll pick up again. X

    Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 28, 2018, 08:53:46 AM
    Dear Sarah:   I am sending you positive vibes, lots of big HUGS and I will be thinking of you constantly as I follow your progress with all that is going on in your life.
    Hang in there girl....  Life has a way of knocking us down, but it is like falling off of a horse, you gotta climb back on and continue riding.  The transition journey affects us in every way possible, relationships, family, job, etc, etc. 
    I will be following your updates as soon as you post them.
    Hugs, and more hugs... and as always I am wishing you well.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on April 28, 2018, 03:27:39 PM
    Hi Sarah,

      Yes, girl it does sound like you have some problems. As Jayne told you there are those you can do something about and those that you cannot. It's always been a practice to not worry about those you have no control over. The latter you just have to accept and continue on to those you can do something about. And again as Jayne (hate having to give her credit...not) said that depression has to be gotten out of first and ASAP. You followed where depression was leading me and believe me girl you don't want to go there. Fortunately there is something you can do about it. If your therapist isn't helping find one that can. You might even bring up an antidepressant. I can vouch that they can work to help get you out of those depressed thoughts. Just look what they did for me. As for your wife, I should just shut up... but maybe rekindling your love affair with her might help. Take her out. Do something special with her. Let her know how much she means to you. Woo her again.
        Just posting here about it is taking a step towards a solution as you are looking for help and sharing the load at least in a small way. You are also welcome to contact me if you need someone to talk to. You have my number.

    Luvs ya girl.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 28, 2018, 06:55:59 PM

    Just to add to what Laurie said (I don't want to agree with her either, she might get the wrong idea about me [emoji12]).

    Woo your wife again. Show her that you are still the same person she fell in love with all those years ago, you are just in a different outer wrapper now. You and I seem in a similar position in this regard. I find myself making attempts to sweep my wife off her feet as I once did. It's a little different now because we are already in love and married, but it is also reigniting sparks that were fading because of the dark clouds I had looming over me. Discovering I am trans has actually brought my wife and I closer together and we are going through the process of falling in love again only this time I am my true self. It's not easy, but it is sooooo worth it.

    Find a way out of your depression first. Depression has a nasty way of making obstacles along our path seem much bigger than they really are. You can do this. I know Laurie has, and I have too, fallen into that dark pit. Believe us when we tell you, there is nothing good down there. Follow us out of this dark place, we know the way. You know the way too. You have felt the bright, warm sun on your face. It is beautiful outside. Come out and show the world the beautiful Sarah you know you are and help make the world a little brighter. You have lots of friends here cheering for you.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 28, 2018, 10:20:52 PM
    Apr 28 - Post Meltdown

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read through my meltdown last night. Also many thanks to @Jayne01, @Megan., @Alaskan Danielle and @Laurie for the tremendous effort you put in your responses and your encouragement. I have read every single one and will respond in a bit more detail soon.  I am a bit better today.

    I also realized one issue I was just too blind to see: I had been put on a short term medication a few weeks ago which is well known for causing anxiety attacks, severe depression and more. Only 6 weeks left and I really cannot wait until it is over. I hope if I ever need it again, that there is a much better alternative. I am very convinced that this is part of what caused last night.

    So much in short, more soon. Thank you so much for being around to catch me, I hope I can one day re-pay this favor.

    Hugs and love...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Bari Jo on April 28, 2018, 10:31:20 PM
    I just missed helping, but still want to offer my support. I'm very much the junior and have many of the issues you do also.  I can really only offer hugs and say it's okay to cry it out sometimes.  As for the low feelings, I have found talking about them has helped me dramatically.  I used to bottle these things up, but that got me nowhere, now I talk things out with friends and family.  It really makes me feel better, and I think our relationships are stronger too. Anyway, I hope my limited experience can help.

    Bari Jo
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 28, 2018, 11:48:07 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 28, 2018, 10:20:52 PM
    Apr 28 - Post Meltdown

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read through my meltdown last night. Also many thanks to @Jayne01, @Megan., @Alaskan Danielle and @Laurie for the tremendous effort you put in your responses and your encouragement. I have read every single one and will respond in a bit more detail soon.  I am a bit better today.

    I also realized one issue I was just too blind to see: I had been put on a short term medication a few weeks ago which is well known for causing anxiety attacks, severe depression and more. Only 6 weeks left and I really cannot wait until it is over. I hope if I ever need it again, that there is a much better alternative. I am very convinced that this is part of what caused last night.

    So much in short, more soon. Thank you so much for being around to catch me, I hope I can one day re-pay this favor.

    Hugs and love...


    @sarah1972     Sarah, I am so very happy and glad to see that you are posting again after the meltdown ....and as you mentioned in your previous post reply...
    Quote"Sorry for dumping this mess on all of you. Maybe writing down my thoughts helps sorting things out."

    I always like to write out my feelings and find it most helpful when going through a personal tough time...  I like to write some of that on my posts here but if they get really personal I write it in my personal journal... I have kept personal journals since my Junior High days... they were called a Diary back then

    When I decided to transition in my very early 30's I started a dedicated personal journal documenting my decision process, my frustrations, my failures, my good times, my successes.... my problems with my family and old friends not accepting me, my old job problems and issues relating to my transition plans, my HRT progress, coming out and finally going full-time, etc, etc.
    The private personal journal I prefer to keep is old school pen and paper... I feel more comfortable and more willing to share my deepest feelings by actually putting my thoughts on paper... along with appropriate doodling of course... and some selected photos.... and I have kept it updated with frequent and current up to date entrees now that I have moved to my new job, my new town, and my new friends..... and of course my new Suitors are mentioned as well along with my interactions with all of my friends here on Susan's Place.

    ****I said all of this to let you and others know that it really does help to write things out, explore your feelings and thoughts... and get it out of your system... plus it can be edifying to read later, even years later as you review your life path.

    Hugs to you Sarah..... I know that you will get through this tough spot in your life...
    I will be looking for your updates.... please stay positive and optimistic.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 29, 2018, 02:40:25 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 28, 2018, 10:20:52 PM
    Apr 28 - Post Meltdown

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read through my meltdown last night. Also many thanks to @Jayne01, @Megan., @Alaskan Danielle and @Laurie for the tremendous effort you put in your responses and your encouragement. I have read every single one and will respond in a bit more detail soon.  I am a bit better today.

    I also realized one issue I was just too blind to see: I had been put on a short term medication a few weeks ago which is well known for causing anxiety attacks, severe depression and more. Only 6 weeks left and I really cannot wait until it is over. I hope if I ever need it again, that there is a much better alternative. I am very convinced that this is part of what caused last night.

    So much in short, more soon. Thank you so much for being around to catch me, I hope I can one day re-pay this favor.

    Hugs and love...

    Sarah, it is wonderful to see you back and feeling better. It is also good news that there is a very good chance that the medication may behind some of your depressed feelings. Not good that you are actually feeling depressed, but good that you have identified the outside influence. I hope that when you get off the meds, these feelings disappear. I don't have personal experience with any medication that can cause depression. I wonder if you can use this as an opportunity to learn how to manage depression (even if it is artificially induced), so that if you ever find yourself in this position in the future without being on the medication, you will be in a very good place to beat it. Is it an option to switch to an alternative medication now, so you don't have to suffer for another 6 weeks? Maybe it's worth talking it over with your doctor.

    I am glad that we have been able to help you in some way.

    I hope you feel back to your normal self soon. We are still here to help whenever you need it.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on April 29, 2018, 01:10:07 PM
    Sarah, sorry I didn't catch your post earlier.  I am glad you are now feeling better and identified one of the factors potentially causing this. 

    In years past I tried to compensate for depression by drinking too much alcohol (which is ironically a depressant), eating too much (which had consequences I found depressing), and being too busy to see a doctor for 15 years - not even a routine checkup.  Now I have the community here and life is so much better.  And a much better handle on health care.

    I agree with Jayne.  Let your doctor know you might have had an adverse reaction, they may have an alternative prescription for you.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 29, 2018, 11:39:28 PM
    Apr 29 – Busy week ahead

    Thanks again for all your heartfelt responses over the weekend. I am still trying to process all of them. While I am much better, it will take a bit to get out of this deep hole. At least the weekend was good, and I did stay busy with kids activities, shopping, laundry (4 loads), partial cooking and beginning to get our yard ready for the summer. Now I do feel I did accomplish at least a few things and it does feel good.

    After some consideration, I will not write a lengthy response to everyone's posts here. All your posts do say all there is to say right now an I just have to get over the next six weeks.

    So, I will try to return this thread to normal... Not sure when I have the time for an update with a very busy week ahead. Between another dentist appointment to finish last weeks work, therapy, gym, more yard work and my usual tasks this week will be over in no time. Oh – and then there is a one day trip to Connecticut Wednesday. Have to leave the house by 3:30 AM and will be back home by 11:00 PM.

    I hope I do not ditch the gym. Especially considering I am out of town Wednesday... Glad to have all of you to keep me on track!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on April 29, 2018, 11:48:18 PM
       We will be watching for that next update Sarah. You don't get off Scott free. You are to come post when you are having a difficult time with life. No if and or buts. You will do it. We cannot help you if you do not let us know you need help.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 30, 2018, 12:00:17 AM
    Quote from: Laurie on April 29, 2018, 11:48:18 PM
       We will be watching for that next update Sarah. You don't get off Scott free. You are to come post when you are having a difficult time with life. No if and or buts. You will do it. We cannot help you if you do not let us know you need help.

    Oh darn it! I am going to have to agree with Laurie again. People will start to talk!

    I just want to say we are here to help when you need it and enjoy the good times when you do not need help. Either way, we are here, so keep posting as much as you want, whether it be good times or difficult times.

    Take care of yourself. Oh, don't start putting ideas into your head about skipping out on the gym. It is doing you good, for both your physical and mental health.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 30, 2018, 12:22:02 AM
    Ha! No worries, Mrs. Laurie - I'll keep writing crazy posts. Maybe an Amtrak character study this time? Watching my ups and downs, it may be a few months but I fear there may be another meltdown in my future. And you will hear all about it ;D

    Jayne - I made some big plan this WE and I need to be in really good physical health for those... so thanks for kicking my butt preemptively.

    And of course: Thanks for offering to help if needed :-) There are moments where I debate if being so emotional is really good. Then I think, yes it is. I do not want to go back to my old life. This girl has just started conquering the world. One step at a time. In 3 inch heels.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on April 30, 2018, 12:00:17 AM
    Quote from: Laurie on April 29, 2018, 11:48:18 PM
       We will be watching for that next update Sarah. You don't get off Scott free. You are to come post when you are having a difficult time with life. No if and or buts. You will do it. We cannot help you if you do not let us know you need help.

    Oh darn it! I am going to have to agree with Laurie again. People will start to talk!

    I just want to say we are here to help when you need it and enjoy the good times when you do not need help. Either way, we are here, so keep posting as much as you want, whether it be good times or difficult times.

    Take care of yourself. Oh, don't start putting ideas into your head about skipping out on the gym. It is doing you good, for both your physical and mental health.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 30, 2018, 10:20:57 AM
    1 out of 3 done....

    Not sure if it was the fear of getting in trouble with Jayne & Laurie OR the curiosity of the creepy guy is sitting at the entrance of the women's locker again. Of course he did.

    Speaking of - I never updated this thread on my "locker room fear": 5 visit, 5 x locker room. I am still very nervous and try to hide in a corner. At least showers are private and I did use the restroom in there. Oh - and one time my wife was with me. So, this is getting easier too.

    This time I was smarter and decided to go to the gym before going to the dentist. At least I thought it is smarter. My kiddo could not decide which shoes to wear (wonder where she got that from), so we were late for daycare and I was late for the gym. Still did 45 minutes and then got stuck in traffic. So I ended up at the dentist in my gym cloths. Not the worst.

    Oh and yes, the sweater says "BABES UNITE"  ;D

    Given that I do not want draw attention and blend in, I realized, my gym outfits are a bit too flashy and a bit too tight. But then... I don't care. I am a proud trans women.


    Quote from: Jayne01 on April 30, 2018, 12:00:17 AM
    Take care of yourself. Oh, don't start putting ideas into your head about skipping out on the gym. It is doing you good, for both your physical and mental health.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on April 30, 2018, 11:30:30 AM
    It is another step in the right direction with the right attitude, You go girl!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on April 30, 2018, 12:05:30 PM
    I just caught up with things and I'm very happy you are sorting through all this.  With all the changes we go through, especially with medications, we have to remember that the side effects can do a number also.

    Hugs and smiles, Jess
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 30, 2018, 12:52:38 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 30, 2018, 10:20:57 AM
    1 out of 3 done....

    Not sure if it was the fear of getting in trouble with Jayne & Laurie OR the curiosity of the creepy guy is sitting at the entrance of the women's locker again. Of course he did.

    Speaking of - I never updated this thread on my "locker room fear": 5 visit, 5 x locker room. I am still very nervous and try to hide in a corner. At least showers are private and I did use the restroom in there. Oh - and one time my wife was with me. So, this is getting easier too.

    This time I was smarter and decided to go to the gym before going to the dentist. At least I thought it is smarter. My kiddo could not decide which shoes to wear (wonder where she got that from), so we were late for daycare and I was late for the gym. Still did 45 minutes and then got stuck in traffic. So I ended up at the dentist in my gym cloths. Not the worst.

    Oh and yes, the sweater says "BABES UNITE"  ;D

    Given that I do not want draw attention and blend in, I realized, my gym outfits are a bit too flashy and a bit too tight. But then... I don't care. I am a proud trans women.


    I have been looking very forward to reading a new update from you... and you included a photo too!!!!

    ~Is the creepy guy always there when you are there?   If so, I really think that you should talk to the management....  in most gyms they deal with this swiftly because they want their female customers to feel comfortable and to keep coming back.

    ~That was neat that your wife was with you on one of your gym visits...  I am so glad and happy for you that she is showing support for you in that way.   Did you invite her or did she tell you that she wanted to go with you when you told her that you were going. ???

    ~I also have been to my dentist in my gym clothes, not a problem....  oh and were you also wearing the "Babes Unite" sweater at the dentist office?  Neat!  And another tip especially since you and your wife are getting along better now... be very careful if you meet the Dental Hygienist there (just my own experience talking!!! :) )

    ~YES ... definitely be a proud trans-woman....   tight and bright gym clothes are wonderful !!!!!

    Thanks for your update....   
    ....  now I have my own update to write on my thread along with a new photo.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 30, 2018, 04:07:06 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 30, 2018, 10:20:57 AM
    1 out of 3 done....

    Not sure if it was the fear of getting in trouble with Jayne & Laurie OR the curiosity of the creepy guy is sitting at the entrance of the women's locker again. Of course he did.

    Speaking of - I never updated this thread on my "locker room fear": 5 visit, 5 x locker room. I am still very nervous and try to hide in a corner. At least showers are private and I did use the restroom in there. Oh - and one time my wife was with me. So, this is getting easier too.

    This time I was smarter and decided to go to the gym before going to the dentist. At least I thought it is smarter. My kiddo could not decide which shoes to wear (wonder where she got that from), so we were late for daycare and I was late for the gym. Still did 45 minutes and then got stuck in traffic. So I ended up at the dentist in my gym cloths. Not the worst.

    Oh and yes, the sweater says "BABES UNITE"  ;D

    Given that I do not want draw attention and blend in, I realized, my gym outfits are a bit too flashy and a bit too tight. But then... I don't care. I am a proud trans women.

    Sorry Sarah. I did not intend for you to fear me, but if it got the job done, then I am happy for you. As for creepy guy, I agree with Danielle, let management know. You have the right to go to the gym without being creeped out by other members. Do you think he is following you specifically or is he just a creep hanging outside the women's locker room?

    Great job with not letting your locker room nervousness control you. Keep doing what you are doing and eventually you will feel more at ease. Fake it till you make it, as they say, it seems to work.

    It is such an awesome feeling to be proud of who you are without any concern about what others may think. I am currently sitting on a crowded train, dressed as Jayne with my nice new well fitting bra........and a 4 day beard growth, in the way to get electrocuted. And I don't care what others may think of me. I am also a proud trans woman.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 30, 2018, 11:42:13 PM
    Grr... an important site announcement just killed my update post :-( I have to start over but I'll have to abbreviate, it is a bit late.

    It ended up being a pretty good day. I am far from over the Friday meltdown, but I have been feeling a lot better today - thanks to the help of every single one who took time to respond to my little meltdown.
    Biggest highlight today was the "10:00 AM Update" by @Alaskan Danielle - I am so happy for her that the suspense ended and it turned out to be one of our favorites. No matter where this journey takes them or if there will even be a journey, I was excited and shed  a few tears.

    Regarding the "creepy gym guy" - I think it is just the gym layout being a bit stupid. The entrance to the ladies (and the men's) locker room is lined with dead weight machines, and each machine only exists once in the studio. If he is focusing on two machines next to the entrance, there is no other place for him to go. And I might be considered a creep too - one of the regular machine I use for core strength is where? You guessed right, smack next to the entrance to the mens locker room.

    @Jayne01 - I have to apologize for the "fear" comment, not you. I was an a really goofy mute when I wrote my post. But i do appreciate the encouragement, so please keep it coming. I usually lose interest on things after about 2 month, so if you are up for it, keep poking!!

    So happy for you being out and about - a well fitting bra makes things so much easier. I did read a trick here about electrolysis: ask which area will be next and if you could "shave around it". Not sure it makes a big difference, I will not start until July. Glad you feel safe enough to take public transport these days! Every one of these occurrences is a bit step and you should celebrate all of them (at least I did).

    @Alaskan Danielle: Thanks for writing here first, you should have updated your thread first1 It does show what kind of warm hearted and caring person you are. No matter who manages to conquer your heart, this person will be very lucky!

    My wife actually asked me to join, I was not planning to go that day, but she wanted me to be there for her first gym visit so I can walk her through everything. We are both new to the gym scene. I was a bit worried about how she feels going to the locker room together. We do appear as friend in public, so no one would suspect anything and it turned out fine.

    And yes, the "Babes Unite" Sweater had to go to the dentist and to Town hHall to pay my water bill. Funny you mentioned the Dental Hygienist, I had similar thoughts and had to think about you at your breakfast. The Doctor actually got a bit annoyed because every chance I had, I did check for updates on your thread. And no worries, absolutely no danger from my Dental Hygienist. I totally dig her makeup skills but that is about it. It looks so perfect, every time. The front desk lady was a bit confused, especially after I apologized for losing track of time. But she looks confused no matter what, so nothing really new either.

    So much for tonight, sleep well all of you and have a great day!!
    Hugs - Sarah
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 01, 2018, 01:24:56 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 30, 2018, 11:42:13 PM
    Grr... an important site announcement just killed my update post :-( I have to start over but I'll have to abbreviate, it is a bit late.

    It ended up being a pretty good day. I am far from over the Friday meltdown, but I have been feeling a lot better today - thanks to the help of every single one who took time to respond to my little meltdown.
    Biggest highlight today was the "10:00 AM Update" by @Alaskan Danielle - I am so happy for her that the suspense ended and it turned out to be one of our favorites. No matter where this journey takes them or if there will even be a journey, I was excited and shed  a few tears.

    Regarding the "creepy gym guy" - I think it is just the gym layout being a bit stupid. The entrance to the ladies (and the men's) locker room is lined with dead weight machines, and each machine only exists once in the studio. If he is focusing on two machines next to the entrance, there is no other place for him to go. And I might be considered a creep too - one of the regular machine I use for core strength is where? You guessed right, smack next to the entrance to the mens locker room.
    Sarah, I am glad you are feeling better. As you know, these feelings do pass, but when you are in the middle of feeling them it just plain sucks. You know we are always here and happy to assist in whatever way we can.

    I too, was delighted to read Danielle's update today. I will leave it at that and saw other comments for her own thread. I don't want her to feel like she being stalked by a bunch of popcorn and ice cream eating crazy ladies sitting in the peanut gallery. [emoji41]

    @Jayne01 - I have to apologize for the "fear" comment, not you. I was an a really goofy mute when I wrote my post. But i do appreciate the encouragement, so please keep it coming. I usually lose interest on things after about 2 month, so if you are up for it, keep poking!!

    No need to apologise, Sarah. My reply was a little goofy in itself. As you get to know me, you will realise that I tend to be a bit of a goofball at times. I'm pretty sure I understood what you meant about fearing me.

    Here is another POKE!!! just in case. [emoji16]

    So happy for you being out and about - a well fitting bra makes things so much easier. I did read a trick here about electrolysis: ask which area will be next and if you could "shave around it". Not sure it makes a big difference, I will not start until July. Glad you feel safe enough to take public transport these days! Every one of these occurrences is a bit step and you should celebrate all of them (at least I did).
    I love my new bra. It is so comfy! My electrolysis has not been focussing on one area at a time. She has been doing my entire face and neck each session, thinning out the fuzz, so it continued to look as natural as possible. It's only the last few sessions where she is running out of areas to work on within the time of each session. I have asked her to no longer worry about trying to make it look natural and just do as much as she possibly can each time. I will write more about this in my thread so as not to Gina I your thread.

    I have never felt unsafe on public transport. The limiting factor has always been my own self confidence. People are pretty good around here. No one seems to bother anyone else. They are too caught up in their own lives. The biggest threat is possibly groups of teenagers just being teenagers, but I haven't had any issues so far.

    POKE!!! (Just in case!)

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 02, 2018, 04:34:03 AM
    May 2 - Early morning

    Busy girl today - traveling to Connecticut and back for a customer meeting, Train left at 4:50 AM, so I was out of bed at 2:20 - 10 minutes before my alarm (Thank you Spiro!!!). I'll be back home around midnight tonight.

    My sleep tracker gave me a lousy sleep score of 20 after 3 hours of sleep. Things just did not work as planned yesterday.

    Anyways, I am out and about. I should have really shaved my legs though #GirlProblems...


    So... no Gym today. Have some catching up to do during the rest of the week to meet my goals.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 02, 2018, 07:44:45 AM
    As far as excuses go for not going to the gym, that is not bad. Work just gets in the way of a good time. Just don't let it become a habit. I am ready to give you a gentle poke in the direction of the gym if necessary.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 02, 2018, 01:46:27 PM
    Ha! Great... Thanks for the poke... I did look at the gym website to see this week's Zumba schedule. Does this count?  ;D

    I'll keep you posted.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 02, 2018, 07:44:45 AM
    As far as excuses go for not going to the gym, that is not bad. Work just gets in the way of a good time. Just don't let it become a habit. I am ready to give you a gentle poke in the direction of the gym if necessary.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 02, 2018, 02:52:39 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 02, 2018, 04:34:03 AM
    May 2 - Early morning

    Busy girl today - traveling to Connecticut and back for a customer meeting, Train left at 4:50 AM, so I was out of bed at 2:20 - 10 minutes before my alarm (Thank you Spiro!!!). I'll be back home around midnight tonight.

    My sleep tracker gave me a lousy sleep score of 20 after 3 hours of sleep. Things just did not work as planned yesterday.

    Anyways, I am out and about. I should have really shaved my legs though #GirlProblems...


    So... no Gym today. Have some catching up to do during the rest of the week to meet my goals.

    Sarah:  Back in my old male mode job I hated those 1 day meetings with travel to and from taking up to a half a day or most of the time much more....   just like you are doing today....  waking up very early to commute to the airport to catch the earliest plane or train and then getting back home very late..... it makes for a very long day indeed.   I've been there and done that.  I was getting quite tired of missing "life"...   >:(
    Now that I am self-employed I am still working long days but I have very little, if any, business travel.   The only thing that I miss about my days of waiting at airports, train stations, hotel lobbies, rental car counters, etc.... is doing my favorite thing, people watching....  I don't even have a shopping mall in my small town to do that now.   :'(

    After my less than good day yesterday, I got home from work quite late and was so wound up I couldn't get to sleep, I rolled around in bed till about midnight or so and finally drifted off until about 4AM this morning,  then after going to the bathroom (thanks Spiro, LOL) I came back to bed and rolled around for an hour until about 5AM I gave up and just woke up and got my shower.   
    So, regarding your Sleep Tracker I suppose that my score would be similar to yours.   So, tell me, how does the scoring work?....  how bad is a score or 20?   What is the best score?  100?   How are the scores calculated ???

    Hmm, did you wear a pant suit or a skirt?....  From looking at the little picture that you posted it appears that you might be wearing a dress while sitting in the train....    Hmm, gotta shave those legs, girl !!!!

    My free and unsolicited advice to you......  do not get out of the habit of going to the gym... or other exercise activity, in my experience it is very difficult to get back in the groove after taking too much time off from those activities.  Regularly adhered schedules keep me on track, of course there are exceptions but exceptions should not be confused with excuses!! LOL  :D

    I trust that you will get a more restful sleep tonight and catch up with your beauty sleep.  Before you go to work tomorrow morning be sure to shave those legs of yours!!!!

    Thank you for your update today... I am always looking forward to reading about your day.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 02, 2018, 06:22:01 PM
    May 2 - On my way home...

    Two updates in a day!!! And this time almost a photo story...

    Meetings did go well!

    I am on my train home, having to decide between Atlantic Cod and Beef Tenderloin. Once again, Amtrak had a big meltdown in the North East Corridor and some trains are running 5 hours late. Talked to a lady about our train delay and she grabbed me and suggested to try re-booking which really worked out and I am only about 12 minutes behind schedule instead of hours.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 02, 2018, 02:52:39 PM
    Sarah:  Back in my old male mode job I hated those 1 day meetings with travel to and from taking up to a half a day or most of the time much more....   just like you are doing today....  waking up very early to commute to the airport to catch the earliest plane or train and then getting back home very late..... it makes for a very long day indeed.   I've been there and done that.  I was getting quite tired of missing "life"...   >:(
    Now that I am self-employed I am still working long days but I have very little, if any, business travel.   The only thing that I miss about my days of waiting at airports, train stations, hotel lobbies, rental car counters, etc.... is doing my favorite thing, people watching....  I don't even have a shopping mall in my small town to do that now.   :'(

    I don't mind a moderate amount of travel, but I agree, these one or two-day trips are really paying a big toll one life. Sometimes there is just no other chance due to other commitments. Unfortunately, at the moment I am traveling at least two weeks each month (on average 50%) but there may be some changes coming which would reduce the travel. Unfortunately, in my profession, it is hard to get a job with any less travel. I am still trying to track down if we have any projects in Alaska ;)

    I agree with people watching is so much fun! Right now my favorite place is actually the gym.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 02, 2018, 02:52:39 PM
    After my less than good day yesterday, I got home from work quite late and was so wound up I couldn't get to sleep, I rolled around in bed till about midnight or so and finally drifted off until about 4AM this morning,  then after going to the bathroom (thanks Spiro, LOL) I came back to bed and rolled around for an hour until about 5AM I gave up and just woke up and got my shower.
    Again, I am so sorry what happened and how much it affected you. I noticed you posting at some really odd times and was already worried! I hope you will have a much better night tonight.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 02, 2018, 02:52:39 PM
    So, regarding your Sleep Tracker I suppose that my score would be similar to yours.   So, tell me, how does the scoring work?....  how bad is a score or 20?   What is the best score?  100?   How are the scores calculated ???
    My Sleep Tracker is part of the Nokia Health system. It is an App and several devices can provide data into it. At the moment, I have a scale and a matt I put under my mattress to track my sleep. Activity and heart rate are being collected via my smartwatch. I really want to improve my health and get a fit. I also have two dresses I want to fit in  ;D ;D They are really cute (hot) but they require me losing some serious belly fat.

    Sleep tracking collects a bunch of metrics outside of the duration: Type and Depth of sleep, heart rate, snoring (yeah...), the Sprio breaks (Interruptions) and how regular I sleep.


    Today, the tracker notified me of a "great nap" while I was sitting at my customer. Turns out... My cat had a nice nap on my pillow!!

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 02, 2018, 02:52:39 PM
    Hmm, did you wear a pantsuit or a skirt?....  From looking at the little picture that you posted it appears that you might be wearing a dress while sitting in the train....    Hmm, gotta shave those legs, girl !!!!
    Ha... You have agreat eye! Dress it was.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 02, 2018, 02:52:39 PM
    My free and unsolicited advice to you......  do not get out of the habit of going to the gym... or other exercise activity, in my experience it is very difficult to get back in the groove after taking too much time off from those activities.  Regularly adhered schedules keep me on track, of course, there are exceptions but exceptions should not be confused with excuses!! LOL  :D

    I trust that you will get a more restful sleep tonight and catch up with your beauty sleep.  Before you go to work tomorrow morning be sure to shave those legs of yours!!!!

    Thank you for your update today... I am always looking forward to reading about your day.

    No worries about me skipping I really want to be fit as I have some big plans for the next one or two years. It seems like we finally get warm weather, so I can add swimming to my routine. I usually swim before sleeping and I hope that helps with my sleep too (it did over the last few years). I may reduce the gym to twice weekly and do 3 - 4 nights of swimming. The gym is about 20 minutes drive each way, so I can save that time too.

    But knowing me... Ask me again in 3 month. That is when I usually start losing interest...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 02, 2018, 08:56:07 PM
    Sarah: wow, another update today....  I am always eager to follow your journeys.

    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 02, 2018, 06:22:01 PM
    May 2 - On my way home...
    Two updates in a day!!! And this time almost a photo story...
    I also posted 2 updates today... including a photo ...  are you certain that we aren't related in any way?  Perhaps sisters separated at birth.   Let's see, I am 38 years old, so you would be a younger sister or an older sister... or maybe we are twins?
    Meetings did go well!
    I am on my train home, having to decide between Atlantic Cod and Beef Tenderloin. Once again, Amtrak had a big meltdown in the North East Corridor and some trains are running 5 hours late. Talked to a lady about our train delay and she grabbed me and suggested to try re-booking which really worked out and I am only about 12 minutes behind schedule instead of hours.
    I am glad that your meetings went well for you. .... Hmm, I would go for the Beef Tenderloin, medium rare please.
    I can't tell you how many wasted hours I spent in airports and train stations when I was traveling on business... I did have a club card for United and Delta which were very handy when stuck for hours... makes waiting much more bearable.   ...  Even the people watching gets old after a while.

    Ha... You have agreat eye! Dress it was.

    You look absolutely wonderful in your outfit, your hair, and you are wearing a fairly short dress too!!  Brave girl, especially since you didn't shave your legs this morning!!! :o

    I enjoyed your update and photo story immensely and I am glad that you were able to find a way to get home nearly on time instead of way later, hours later in the early morning.
    Write more when you can......
    Hugs and more hugs,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on May 02, 2018, 09:43:14 PM
    All I have to say is pretty good looking for a gal who has been up as long as you have.

    Get home and go to sleep.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 04, 2018, 11:35:09 AM
    I may need to keep my updates a bit shorter. While being on Susan's is so much fun, I have to cut back a bit to take care of so many other things in my life.

    So, in a nutshell: I came back home after 20 hours on the tracks and with a long meeting in between.
    Thursday was a bit of a bust, started with car trouble and after reading out the error code, I decided to drop it at the dealer. Got a loaner car for the next few days. Loaner car has a broken AC, no fun in 90+ temperature. All this followed by a lot of work conference calls and a pretty rough therapy session which kept me awake for quite a while.

    The broken car had one advantage: Today started with a stroller power walk to daycare and back, followed by a Zumba class. Was a bit tough today with my mind wandering all over the place I had a hard time keeping up. Hope a few more sessions and I do get the hang.

    Will be getting ready for swimming season over my lunch break, more conference calls in the afternoon and then see what the rest of the day has up their sleeve for me. Hopefully picking up my car again and I saw some cute sandals at DSW...

    Hugs everyone
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 04, 2018, 04:34:56 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 04, 2018, 11:35:09 AM
    I may need to keep my updates a bit shorter. While being on Susan's is so much fun, I have to cut back a bit to take care of so many other things in my life.

    So, in a nutshell: I came back home after 20 hours on the tracks and with a long meeting in between.
    Thursday was a bit of a bust, started with car trouble and after reading out the error code, I decided to drop it at the dealer. Got a loaner car for the next few days. Loaner car has a broken AC, no fun in 90+ temperature. All this followed by a lot of work conference calls and a pretty rough therapy session which kept me awake for quite a while.

    The broken car had one advantage: Today started with a stroller power walk to daycare and back, followed by a Zumba class. Was a bit tough today with my mind wandering all over the place I had a hard time keeping up. Hope a few more sessions and I do get the hang.

    Will be getting ready for swimming season over my lunch break, more conference calls in the afternoon and then see what the rest of the day has up their sleeve for me. Hopefully picking up my car again and I saw some cute sandals at DSW...

    Hugs everyone

    Sarah:  I agree with you about being on Susan's is so much fun... I have to be careful to not spend most of my free time on the Forums and instead concentrate on my office work and also at home, my housework and other issues.  Well, pending time on Susan's Forums, it is not only very enjoyable but also it can get addicting.  I have to be very careful to be certain that I get my office work done... so many distractions with the Forums and with all of the drama at my coffee shop and at my gym..... and my various Suitors.

    Broken A/C on your loaner car in 90+ degree temps.... not fun, not fun at all.  I would be sweating more that I did at the gym as shown in my selfie taken on Wednesday... I posted it on my thread today.   
    Just roll all the windows down and drive fast.   In my car I am still running the heater and defroster full blast.
    A/C Swimming?  Sandals? .... what are those thing that you speak of.

    Hmm, your therapy session... how did that go for you?  Are your sessions monthly??

    Yes, the stroller walk is great exercise... on many of the walking trails you will see mothers jogging with those special strollers that are made for that purpose.   
    Ahhh, the Zumba class, are you still in the beginners class or have you moved over to the more experienced class yet?... and are you twerking with the other ladies now?  :o   
    I have never cared for Zumba but it is quite a good workout.

    Picture of your new sandals next time you post ???

    Thanks for filling all of us in on your day.
    Hugs and well wishes,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 04, 2018, 08:20:34 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 04, 2018, 11:35:09 AM
    I may need to keep my updates a bit shorter. While being on Susan's is so much fun, I have to cut back a bit to take care of so many other things in my life.

    So, in a nutshell: I came back home after 20 hours on the tracks and with a long meeting in between.
    Thursday was a bit of a bust, started with car trouble and after reading out the error code, I decided to drop it at the dealer. Got a loaner car for the next few days. Loaner car has a broken AC, no fun in 90+ temperature. All this followed by a lot of work conference calls and a pretty rough therapy session which kept me awake for quite a while.

    The broken car had one advantage: Today started with a stroller power walk to daycare and back, followed by a Zumba class. Was a bit tough today with my mind wandering all over the place I had a hard time keeping up. Hope a few more sessions and I do get the hang.

    Will be getting ready for swimming season over my lunch break, more conference calls in the afternoon and then see what the rest of the day has up their sleeve for me. Hopefully picking up my car again and I saw some cute sandals at DSW...

    Hugs everyone
    Heya Sarah!
    I suppose you are allowed to keep your updates shorter so that you can get on with your life. Just as long as you keep the updates coming. We are very interested to know how you are going.

    I don't like the sound of driving a car with broken AC in hot weather! No fun at all. Glad to see you made it to the gym. Hopefully a few more sessions will have your mind focusing on the twerking instead of other stuff. It's good to give your mind a break every now and then so that you don't burn out.

    Enjoy the rest of your day. Hope you get your car back and working AC.

    Take care,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 04, 2018, 08:48:33 PM
    So... the car drama is still very much an active drama.
    As usual, the "check engine light" is really not very helpful. Before I dropped off the car, I decided to read the error out of the PCM and told the guy in the dealership, that it was a "P2440 - Secondary Air injection valve stuck on Bank" error which can have an influence on acceleration and a few other things. The guy just looked at me: What does that girl know. Women just have no idea of cars.
    Well, today I got the call... they have to order a "replacement part". Of course, I asked which part... and almost told him: women are always right. So now I have to wait two weeks for the part to show up. At least I got my car back, but I had to drive in 93 F heat 40 minutes to the dealership. Not sure what caused more sweat, the gym or driving in that broken loaner car they gave me. What is really concerning is, that this car is not even 9 months old and has less than 10,000 miles on it...


    The day turned out mostly OK, got a bunch of things done but still not all I wanted. Managed to curb my time on Susans.

    Apparently, there was a memo about sweaty gym pictures. Nowhere in the world can I compete, but here it is...


    Got to cut this short, kiddo has a fever we need to battle.

    Hugs - Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 05, 2018, 01:51:53 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 04, 2018, 08:48:33 PM
    So... the car drama is still very much an active drama.
    As usual, the "check engine light" is really not very helpful. Before I dropped off the car, I decided to read the error out of the PCM and told the guy in the dealership, that it was a "P2440 - Secondary Air injection valve stuck on Bank" error which can have an influence on acceleration and a few other things. The guy just looked at me: What does that girl know. Women just have no idea of cars.
    Well, today I got the call... they have to order a "replacement part". Of course, I asked which part... and almost told him: women are always right. So now I have to wait two weeks for the part to show up. At least I got my car back, but I had to drive in 93 F heat 40 minutes to the dealership. Not sure what caused more sweat, the gym or driving in that broken loaner car they gave me. What is really concerning is, that this car is not even 9 months old and has less than 10,000 miles on it...


    The day turned out mostly OK, got a bunch of things done but still not all I wanted. Managed to curb my time on Susans.

    Apparently, there was a memo about sweaty gym pictures. Nowhere in the world can I compete, but here it is...


    Got to cut this short, kiddo has a fever we need to battle.

    Hugs - Sarah

      I hate the "check engine light" .... it could indicate any of hundreds of problems, most not very serious, some are however ... and some are very expensive to repair.
    When it lights up in my vehicle, I pull over, get out and open the hood, and look inside...
    ...YEP, I checked, the engine is there!!! :D

    Why couldn't they have given you a different loaner car with A/C that works ???  Now, at least you have your car back with A/C that works, and a nice glowing "check engine light"   Some shade tree mechanics just remove the lamp!!!

    Regarding your sweaty gym picture.... I like your bright orange tank top.  Thank you for posting your picture.  I think that you look tired... and hot!...   
    hmmm, I am bad, perhaps I started something with my sweaty gym picture, and now yours...  and perhaps we will see more members post their sweaty gym pictures.

    In the gym, diid you see the creepy guy on the machine next to the women's locker room door today??
    I know that everyone wants to look beautiful and pretty in the pictures they post but what's wrong with posting pictures showing what it looks like to work out, exercise and to be improving our body and our health?

    I trust that your kiddo will be OK.... 
    ...hmmm, a fever in 94 degree weather, not good, please keep us updated.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 05, 2018, 02:40:30 AM
    Bummer about your car needing a "replacement part". Hopefully that will fix the problem. I don't know what it is about mechanics that makes them treat their customers as simpletons. It's probably not isolated to female customers either. I have had plenty of mechanics trying to talk to me (while in full male mode) like I don't have a clue about cars. I usually let them talk for a while then I correct all the errors they made and demonstrate that I actually know more about my car than they do. That usually shuts them up. Sometimes I am a little evil and set them up to fail by deliberately acting like I don't know what I am talking about. It's a test to see if they are trying to rip me off. Most fail the test.

    At least you got rid of the broken loan car. Loan cars are like rental cars, nobody cares about them. They get driven like they are stolen and probably only ever have minimal maintenance done on them. Not surprising not everything is working.

    I hope your kid gets well soon.

    I haven't yet caught up on your thread, that is my next stop after I post this message. No fear of seeing me in any kind of gym clothes, sweaty or not. But if I keep reading about going to the gym to get fit and healthy, some of that motivation might rub off on me. I may have to sign up to one of those gym places.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 05, 2018, 06:32:29 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 05, 2018, 02:40:30 AM
    Bummer about your car needing a "replacement part". Hopefully that will fix the problem. I don't know what it is about mechanics that makes them treat their customers as simpletons. It's probably not isolated to female customers either. I have had plenty of mechanics trying to talk to me (while in full male mode) like I don't have a clue about cars.


    I have to be fair to him. Not everyone even has the tools to read the error behind the check engine light. They have to hook up the diagnostics computer anyways, so they just read it again.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 05, 2018, 01:51:53 AM

      I hate the "check engine light" .... it could indicate any of hundreds of problems, most not very serious, some are however ... and some are very expensive to repair.
    When it lights up in my vehicle, I pull over, get out and open the hood, and look inside...
    ...YEP, I checked, the engine is there!!! :D
    Not a big fan of the Check Engine light either. And unless someone knows a bit about cars, there is no way to figure out how serious it is. I drove my old car for almost 18 months with a check engine light. I reset it when it got too annoying. On the old one, it was nothing serious. This time it is, so it needs to be fixed. AT least the car has a 7-year warranty.

    I was considering returning the car after the first two miles. But they had already let me stew for an hour before even having a car and I had a conference call to attend, so I just wanted to get home.

    We so must be sisters... I laughed at your check engine description. Every year our generator demands to "Check battery". And every time I reset the error I think: "Yes, the battery is still there. I am done checking."

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 05, 2018, 01:51:53 AM
    Regarding your sweaty gym picture.... I like your bright orange tank top.  Thank you for posting your picture.  I think that you look tired... and hot!...   
    hmmm, I am bad, perhaps I started something with my sweaty gym picture, and now yours...  and perhaps we will see more members post their sweaty gym pictures.

    In the gym, diid you see the creepy guy on the machine next to the women's locker room door today??

    I know that everyone wants to look beautiful and pretty in the pictures they post but what's wrong with posting pictures showing what it looks like to work out, exercise and to be improving our body and our health?

    No creepy guy this time  ;D. Mostly the same ladies in class.

    Yes, I do look tired. Unfortunately, we share sleep issues.

    True about pictures. Part of being a woman is looking sweaty after an exercise, having a bad hair day, messing up an outfit, just being a soccer mom all dressed down or running about town in sweatpants.  We do need a "bad hair day" thread and a "Nailed it" thread. I have a few pictures safely locked away I could drop in a "Nailed it" thread. Trying to copy a certain look and failing to a funny degree.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 05, 2018, 01:51:53 AM
    I trust that your kiddo will be OK.... 
    ...hmmm, a fever in 94 degree weather, not good, please keep us updated.

    Thanks for your concern. Fever is up and down, we out cold towels around her legs to cool her down. Discussing if we go to the doctor...

    Thanks @Jayne01 and @Alaskan Danielle for taking the time to respond here !

    Hugs - Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on May 05, 2018, 03:53:00 PM
      My last check engine light has cost me just over $500 to replace the pressure sensor in the gas tank and they said the ECM module wasn't talking to their diagnostic equipment and had to be replaced. They of course needed to order one. I okayed the future $500 repair and waited for the callback to bring it in again. It never came. Since the check engine light was now off and I had to get smog tested for registration, I took it in to the test station and it passed and the registration renewed. I did not get that call from the dealer. So I went ahead and did my visits before the road trip and then went on the road trip itself. To my knowledge I still have not gotten that call.
      On a side not my 4 wheel drive still has not been fixed either. It has been almost a year now. I procrastinate sooo dang well.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: davina61 on May 05, 2018, 04:09:11 PM
    Yes PIA all this electronic stuff, emissions (smog) test is part of what I do and we get a lot fail due to (on diesels) chugging around town or never getting full wellie and clogging up with soot. Petrol's as well can carbon up if not driven hard enough, EGR valves stick, throttle bodies gum up etc and if its French then the wiring corrodes
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 07, 2018, 09:54:22 AM
    May 7 - New week, new challenges

    Only a quick update this morning, maybe more a little later.

    Kiddo has been sick all weekend, some ugly stomach bug. I'll spare you the ugly details, but it included several loads of laundry and a Costco size pack of disinfecting wipes. Now I am waiting to shuttle my two girls to the doctor, then more house cleaning / disinfecting. I ended up taking Family Sick Leave to help care for everyone.

    The doctor visit will be interesting, it is the doctor who thinks I am my kids' mommy, so he will be even more confused since he sees two mommys today.

    So, the weekend was mostly shot.

    On the fitness front:

    I have to admit that gym three times a week when I have business trips will be challenging. I still made it two times last week and according to my fitness tracker had the most active day since I got the tracker two years ago.
    Weight, unfortunately, is stuck. I do however notice the general improvements since I started.

    24 lbs to go

    I did sign up for a 4 week 10,000 step challenge at work starting today. Given my history, this will really be a challenge but I am very motivated to make the challenge.

    Swimming is a few days out, water still needs to be fully balanced, I am waiting on a few replacement parts and I need some sunshine for the water to get warmer. It is only 17 C / 63 F and I do prefer 27 C / 80 F. Not sure I want to fire up the heater yet but I know latest in a week from now, I am done waiting. Also, have to dig around to find a cute bikini.  :icon_help:  :angel:

    A pretty funny story when I went to had the water tested yesterday at the place I have been going to for 10 years now. The owner called me "Mam" when I walked in and directed me to the counter for water testing. I did chat a bit with him while he runs all the tests and pretty much told him (as I always did) what I expect his tests to reveal. Then another customer called and while on the phone, he looked at me and did seem to recognize me after all. It did take him a good 15 minutes and he clearly was not sure. He kept treating me like a woman and I had to get a ton of explanations how to apply the chemicals.

    Then I did get the female perks of him carrying all the stuff to my car. I am really starting to enjoy these perks. I spend so much time looking pretty, they can at least repay by carrying my stuff. ;D ;D ;D Little do the poor guys know that I just prefer women, but they get a nice smile and thank you. >:-) Hope that is enough to make them continue doing it. Men are just so predictable... (Evil me).

    OK, we will get ready to see doctors now.

    Have a great week everyone, stay classy!

    Hugs, Sarah

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
    Sarah:  Well your detailed update calls for an equally detailed reply.
    Good to see your interesting update this morning.
    ~So sorry to hear about your kiddo... stomach bugs are not pleasant things for your daughter and for the parents...  lots of Lysol wipes and lots of chlorine beach....  clean, clean, clean, and more cleaning.. You gotta stop this awful bug.  You mentioned that you are taking "Family Sick Leave to take care of everyone"  .... is the rest of your family sick with the bug too?   Yes, please spare me the ugly details, I think I have an idea of what the details are.

    ~Interesting about the doctor visit.... mommy #1 and mommy #2. ;D   Unless your doctor lives under a rock, I am certain that he or she and the nurses have "seen it all" ...and with the privacy rules they have to abide by, I can't imagine that they will bat an eyelash at just about any situation that they see as far as transgenders and all the various alternative life styles.

    ~Wow, 3 times a week at the gym?  That is great if you can keep it up.  For me, I go once a week with my gym lady friends...  there are times that we might go a 2nd time in a week, but we are all busy and don't want to make a too aggressive schedule that we would be a slave to and then not have time for other things. 
    Don't you know by now that the scales are not your friend? ... along with mirrors and cameras... and we are our own most critical critics... we see what others don't see or don't even notice.   
    24 lbs to go....  well, for me, if I watch my food intake, portion control, work out at the gym and power walk around town a couple times a week I can drop perhaps 3 to 5 pounds per week.....  so maybe 2 months of determination and willpower will do it??  Dropping weight can be a strange and curious endeavor...  hitting a plateau can be frustrating and seemingly no matter what you do... hard and long workouts, starving yourself, etc....  doesn't seem to help to start losing weight again... persistence and patience and continuing on with your workout and diet regimen usually will eventually overcome the most stubborn weight plateaus.
    The 4 week 10,000 step challenge that you signed up for should really help.

    ~re swimming:   Not ready for that here although Spring weather is finally coming here...  after today the weather forecasters are calling for this week's daytime temps to be in the 60's.  It was above freezing last night and will be in the 50's today.... no more frost and the snow has receded up into the foothills.   
    Hmm, bikini pictures coming soon???
    I had to cheer for you when you said the owner/clerk called you ma'am and I then chuckled that he thought that he had to manspain things to you, his woman customer....  while some might consider that demeaning I think that you might consider the mansplaining incident an affirmation of your womanhood and a boost to your self-assurance.   
    I do kinda balk at the mansplaining stuff when I buy tires or get my truck fixed... they can sometimes treat me like a dumb woman.  I just grin and bear it.

    ~Oh, and the perks of being a woman... I get to experience that benefit also, often when I buy coffee at the coffee shop, a guy (or a gal in some cases) that I hardly know wants to buy it for me.  ...   and with my suitors (including female suitor #4) even though I seriously offer to pay for my share, they don't want me to pay for anything...  lunches, dinners, movies, etc.  Men are so predictable for sure.  Like you said, we pay plenty in time and money to make ourselves pretty!!!   

    ***Oh, and along the lines of looking pretty... that reminds me, in a couple hours I am going to close for lunch an go get my hair trimmed, eyebrows fixed and a manicure... wanting to look pretty for my dinner with #4 tonight. :-*

    Great update, thanks for sharing it.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 07, 2018, 12:58:06 PM
    I'll just reply to @Alaskan Danielle's reply... might be the easiest...

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM

    Sarah:  Well your detailed update calls for an equally detailed reply.
    Good to see your interesting update this morning.
    ~So sorry to hear about your kiddo... stomach bugs are not pleasant things for your daughter and for the parents...  lots of Lysol wipes and lots of chlorine beach....  clean, clean, clean, and more cleaning.. You gotta stop this awful bug.  You mentioned that you are taking "Family Sick Leave to take care of everyone"  .... is the rest of your family sick with the bug too?   Yes, please spare me the ugly details, I think I have an idea of what the details are.

    Just got back from the doctor. Kiddo has officially a gastro-infection (also known as Noro Virus). The real good news is: It is pretty much over. The doctor said, latest Wednesday she can get back to day care. Right now she is just exhausted (Like Mommy #1), hence the family leave. Both are sleeping right now so I get a bit of a break.  Seems I only got mildly hit.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
    ~Interesting about the doctor visit.... mommy #1 and mommy #2. ;D   Unless your doctor lives under a rock, I am certain that he or she and the nurses have "seen it all" ...and with the privacy rules they have to abide by, I can't imagine that they will bat an eyelash at just about any situation that they see as far as transgenders and all the various alternative life styles.

    No blink at all, we just got addressed as plural "Mommys". I am sure they have a fair share of transgender kids and parents, so this should not be anything new to them. I still always cheer / flinch when it happens.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
    ~Wow, 3 times a week at the gym?  That is great if you can keep it up.  For me, I go once a week with my gym lady friends...  there are times that we might go a 2nd time in a week, but we are all busy and don't want to make a too aggressive schedule that we would be a slave to and then not have time for other things. 
    Don't you know by now that the scales are not your friend? ... along with mirrors and cameras... and we are our own most critical critics... we see what others don't see or don't even notice.   
    24 lbs to go....  well, for me, if I watch my food intake, portion control, work out at the gym and power walk around town a couple times a week I can drop perhaps 3 to 5 pounds per week.....  so maybe 2 months of determination and willpower will do it??  Dropping weight can be a strange and curious endeavor...  hitting a plateau can be frustrating and seemingly no matter what you do... hard and long workouts, starving yourself, etc....  doesn't seem to help to start losing weight again... persistence and patience and continuing on with your workout and diet regimen usually will eventually overcome the most stubborn weight plateaus.
    The 4 week 10,000 step challenge that you signed up for should really help.

    We will see what happens when I start adding swimming into the mix. For now I am just happy to get any exercise. Not sure I have a time line in mind. I know it is a combination of diet and exercise and mostly will power. One big factor is not traveling for work so much since it is way too much restaurant or fast food.

    I have hit plateaus before, it does then require to change one or two things in my routine and I am back at it.

    I know exactly why I am doing this, I have big plans and they need me to be very healthy to better get through them. So there is a lot of motivation. A even bigger motivator for me is hope that I can attend my kids graduation one day. Another reason to start getting healthy.
    And of course there is this cute dress which really does not look good with my body shape right now. 

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
    ~re swimming:   
    Hmm, bikini pictures coming soon???

    Uh... Not sure. That would scare people away, so most likely not. 

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
    I had to cheer for you when you said the owner/clerk called you ma'am and I then chuckled that he thought that he had to manspain things to you, his woman customer....  while some might consider that demeaning I think that you might consider the mansplaining incident an affirmation of your womanhood and a boost to your self-assurance.   
    I do kinda balk at the mansplaining stuff when I buy tires or get my truck fixed... they can sometimes treat me like a dumb woman.  I just grin and bear it.

    I know, just part of the game. First the guy in the car dealership, now the guy in the pool store. I have to admit that all this is to a good degree affirming. But I also know it may get old and annoying at some point. same thing happened about me catching guys stare at my behind... First few times it was affirming, now it is starting to get annoying.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
    ~Oh, and the perks of being a woman... I get to experience that benefit also, often when I buy coffee at the coffee shop, a guy (or a gal in some cases) that I hardly know wants to buy it for me.  ...   and with my suitors (including female suitor #4) even though I seriously offer to pay for my share, they don't want me to pay for anything...  lunches, dinners, movies, etc.  Men are so predictable for sure.  Like you said, we pay plenty in time and money to make ourselves pretty!!!

    I have not had that happen yet. But then I also rarely go out. At work, the highest ranking staff member pays, that makes it easy.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 07, 2018, 05:26:26 PM
    Hi Sarah,
    I'm glad Kiddo's virus is almost over. It must have been unpleasant for her, not to mention taking away from everybody's sleep. It's good you have taken time away from work to care for your ladies as well as getting some rest yourself.

    Congratulations on being one of Kiddo's two mummies. I know you get gendered correctly all the time these days, but I am guessing it still feels good for you when you are treated as just another woman without any question.

    I am happy to see you continuing to make the effort to go to the gym. 3 times a week is a big commitment. Great if you can keep it up. Twice a week is still good. Much better than my zero times a week. You need to keep going so that some of your enthusiasm rubs off on me. It might motivate me to sign up to a gym and start exercising. A healthy diet is just as important as exercise. Keep up the good work.

    Having experienced life as a man and now starting to see it from a woman's perspective, it is funny how men change their whole demeanour when talking to a woman. You can have a bit of fun listening to guys mansplaning things to you. I do see how it can get old after a while though.

    My train stop is coming up, so I need to wrap this up.

    Thanks for your update. I always look forward to hearing from you and learning how you are going.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 07, 2018, 10:00:06 PM
    About to call it a day.

    getting 10k steps done is quite a challenge for someone usually sitting in front of a screen all day long. 11,537 so far, but I had to add a brisk 30-minute walk after Dinner to get there.

    Sweating in the gym too (no pictures this time).

    A good day for my fitness. Mostly. There was the Haribo Temptation again...

    @Jayne01: My offer still stands if you are looking for a virtual gym buddy (or me returning the gym poking issue)  ;D

    Sleep well everyone! Stay classy internet!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 07, 2018, 10:22:59 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 07, 2018, 10:00:06 PM
    About to call it a day.

    getting 10k steps done is quite a challenge for someone usually sitting in front of a screen all day long. 11,537 so far, but I had to add a brisk 30-minute walk after Dinner to get there.

    Sweating in the gym too (no pictures this time).

    A good day for my fitness. Mostly. There was the Haribo Temptation again...

    @Jayne01: My offer still stands if you are looking for a virtual gym buddy (or me returning the gym poking issue)  ;D

    Sleep well everyone! Stay classy internet!


    Well done with getting your step goal today. 10k does take some effort to achieve in one day. I have a Garmin fitness watch. The daily step goal started at 10k and then the watch automatically adds or subtracts to that figure depending if you achieve your daily goal. If you achieve your goal, it increases it slightly for the next day and if you don't achieve it it reduces it slightly. Today my goal is at 11020, but I am currently only at 4642. My wife has been making sure to get her goal every day and it is over 15k!

    A virtual gym buddy sounds cool. Maybe I should start by getting on the treadmill we have at home.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 08, 2018, 09:15:35 PM
    May 11 - changed plans

    The plan for today was to give Mommy #1 a break and take Kiddo to the Museum. Hot Mommy #2 was all dressed and ready to go when we discovered, Kiddo has a nasty and quick spreading rash and blisters. So Museum got replaced by the doctors office. Second time in two days. Turned out to be not a gastro infection but Roseola after all... Hence the fever spikes over the weekend, the miserable feeling and now the rash. 
    Good news is - it is no longer contagious and she can be back in Daycare tomorrow.

    Just in time, since I have a short term trip to our company headquarters north of Boston Wednesday and Thursday. Still have to pack a few things and set the alarm to 4:45 AM...


    Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D. Lawn mowing (no sweaty pictures), shower (no shower picture either) and I just returned from a 45 minute walk / jog to get hit the step challenge.

    Somehow these night walks always make me a bit uncomfortable. While I do live in a very safe area and I do avoid a few streets, there is always some level of fear being my companion. Maybe also due to my nightmares about getting beaten up after some idiot tries to grab me and gets a surprise. Nothing I can do about it besides being strong and confident. Certainly nothing which stops me from being out.

    12,843 steps today.

    Somehow this thread turned into a "Mommy Thread" - Tomorrow I will review the Baby Brezza Formula Maker (Kind of a Keurig for Formula)  ;D ;D ;D

    Hugs - Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 09, 2018, 12:27:29 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 08, 2018, 09:15:35 PM
    May 11 - changed plans

    The plan for today was to give Mommy #1 a break and take Kiddo to the Museum. Hot Mommy #2 was all dressed and ready to go when we discovered, Kiddo has a nasty and quick spreading rash and blisters. So Museum got replaced by the doctors office. Second time in two days. Turned out to be not a gastro infection but Roseola after all... Hence the fever spikes over the weekend, the miserable feeling and now the rash. 
    Good news is - it is no longer contagious and she can be back in Daycare tomorrow.
    I do hope Kiddo is feeling better. I had to google Roseola, I didn't know what that was.

    Just in time, since I have a short term trip to our company headquarters north of Boston Wednesday and Thursday. Still have to pack a few things and set the alarm to 4:45 AM...

    You seem a little tired, but still looking great! Waking up anytime before 6am is uncivilised! I often have to get up at 3am when working a day shift. Do you think these employers have any idea that we would rather be asleep at that hour than preparing for work? I think it deserves some kind of beauty sleep disturbance penalty added to our income. Do you think they would go for that? [emoji12]

    Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D.
    Now you are just teasing me [emoji12]

    Lawn mowing (no sweaty pictures), shower (no shower picture either) and I just returned from a 45 minute walk / jog to get hit the step challenge.

    Somehow these night walks always make me a bit uncomfortable. While I do live in a very safe area and I do avoid a few streets, there is always some level of fear being my companion. Maybe also due to my nightmares about getting beaten up after some idiot tries to grab me and gets a surprise. Nothing I can do about it besides being strong and confident. Certainly nothing which stops me from being out.

    12,843 steps today.
    I'm sorry you are having these nightmares. It's always wise to keep your wits about you and be aware of your personal safety. It's good not to get too complacent about your surroundings, but you should also feel comfortable going out for a walk. I'm glad you are not letting this stop you from getting out and living your life.

    You are ahead of me with your daily steps, I am currently at 11,734, but I still have the rest of the afternoon ahead of me. I might just get ahead of you. Nah nah na nah nah! [emoji16]

    Somehow this thread turned into a "Mommy Thread" - Tomorrow I will review the Baby Brezza Formula Maker (Kind of a Keurig for
    Awesome! I have always wanted one of those formula makers. Don't have kids, but it is always good to keep informed![emoji16][emoji16]

    Take care,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 09, 2018, 12:36:19 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 08, 2018, 09:15:35 PM
    May 11 - changed plans

    The plan for today was to give Mommy #1 a break and take Kiddo to the Museum. Hot Mommy #2 was all dressed and ready to go when we discovered, Kiddo has a nasty and quick spreading rash and blisters. So Museum got replaced by the doctors office. Second time in two days. Turned out to be not a gastro infection but Roseola after all... Hence the fever spikes over the weekend, the miserable feeling and now the rash. 
    Good news is - it is no longer contagious and she can be back in Daycare tomorrow.

    Just in time, since I have a short term trip to our company headquarters north of Boston Wednesday and Thursday. Still have to pack a few things and set the alarm to 4:45 AM...


    Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D. Lawn mowing (no sweaty pictures), shower (no shower picture either) and I just returned from a 45 minute walk / jog to get hit the step challenge.

    Somehow these night walks always make me a bit uncomfortable. While I do live in a very safe area and I do avoid a few streets, there is always some level of fear being my companion. Maybe also due to my nightmares about getting beaten up after some idiot tries to grab me and gets a surprise. Nothing I can do about it besides being strong and confident. Certainly nothing which stops me from being out.

    12,843 steps today.

    Somehow this thread turned into a "Mommy Thread" - Tomorrow I will review the Baby Brezza Formula Maker (Kind of a Keurig for Formula)  ;D ;D ;D

    Hugs - Sarah

    Sarah:  It was great to see your update.... however it is NOT May 11 as your Update Title Header states... yet...  Here where I am tonight at almost 9:30PM and it is still May 8th Tuesday, May 9th is Wednesday, May 10th is Thursday, and finally, May 11th is Friday....   it must be the hormones!!!  Or I could be confused because of my hormones and the unexpected change in weather here from winter to spring in ONE day.... or perhaps the afterglow of my dinner date last night with female suitor #4 ???

    So sorry to hear about you sick kiddo.... but she seems to heal fast and will be ready for preschool tomorrow???

    Oh no, another business trip and waking up in the weee hours of the morning.... better you than me...  my trip to my office from my home is less than 5 minutes... in warmer weather I usually walk instead of drive.

    Ahhh, chocolate in the fridge....   I know that you are on a weight loss plan so for now you might want to keep the chocolate in the fridge and not in your mouth!!

    Oh my, your picture looks terrific... hot Mommy #2

    I am glad for you that you are sticking to your plans for walking/jogging for the 10,000 step challenge.  Keep up the hard work.

    Oh yeah, I hear you about walking alone in areas that don't have a lot of people around and outside... it is certainly scary for all women and in particular trans-women...  like you say if an idiot perpetrator grabs you and finds more than they bargained for you could be in big danger.

    Be safe on your trip tomorrow... Wednesday the 9th of May.   I hope that you are really supposed to travel tomorrow on May 9th instead of Friday May 11th....  As my dad always told me, "If you can't be good, at least be very careful"   He is a wise man.

    Hugs, Danielle
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on May 09, 2018, 12:38:45 AM
    Awwww the poor kiddo must be miserable. I hope she and mommy #1 feel better very soon.

    12k steps? Well that beat my walk today. I may have done 9k. about 4 - 4.5 miles. That's good enough for me. I understand the nighttime vulnerable feeling. I felt it the very first time I was out at night in an area I don't care for during the day. # blocks and back after a meeting. I haven't gone to another there yet.
    Have a good business trip Sarah.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 06:35:31 AM
    May 9th - Out and about

    Ups... Thanks @Alaskan Danielle for spotting the date! Unfortunately I have not (yet) invented time travel, maybe just my personal hope it might be Friday  8)

    Arrived at the Airport this morning at 6:30, quick throughs security. Off to a pretty good start. I also realized.... I am only a few days away from being full time for one entire year!!! More about this later on this channel, but I am counting down!

    Not much more to report, flight seems to be packed, rental car is arranged and I will see one of my work girlfriends tonight. The 3rd person I told about Sarah.

    Quote from: Laurie on May 09, 2018, 12:38:45 AM
    12k steps? Well that beat my walk today. I may have done 9k. about 4 - 4.5 miles. That's good enough for me. I understand the nighttime vulnerable feeling. I felt it the very first time I was out at night in an area I don't care for during the day. # blocks and back after a meeting. I haven't gone to another there yet.

    I have to admit where I am coming from: Less than 4k steps per day, no exercise for years, aside from a bit of swimming, and generally out of shape. I need to ramp up carefully.
    I guess the vulnerable feeling is something any women would feel. I know the area I am in is very safe but there are still a few incidents per year. And given my pre-op status, the danger is even higher.

    22lbs to go!

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 09, 2018, 12:36:19 AM
    Sarah:  It was great to see your update.... however it is NOT May 11 as your Update Title Header states... yet...  Here where I am tonight at almost 9:30PM and it is still May 8th Tuesday, May 9th is Wednesday, May 10th is Thursday, and finally, May 11th is Friday....   it must be the hormones!!!  Or I could be confused because of my hormones and the unexpected change in weather here from winter to spring in ONE day.... or perhaps the afterglow of my dinner date last night with female suitor #4 ???
    I can see the glow from here! It fills me with so much joy seeing you so happy.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 09, 2018, 12:36:19 AM
    Ahhh, chocolate in the fridge....   I know that you are on a weight loss plan so for now you might want to keep the chocolate in the fridge and not in your mouth!!
    Chocolate is for the mere purpose of luring a genie @Jayne01 into my area. I lost my desire for sweets with HRT. Got replaced by a new vice:

    Yes, it is a 5lbs glass. And there are 3 more where this came from  ;D ;D ;D

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 09, 2018, 12:36:19 AM
    Oh my, your picture looks terrific... hot Mommy #2
    Awww, thanks, you are so sweet [emoji173] - I was a bit worried that it may be too much party but was assured it looked fine, even for going to the museum (that was still the time I was planning on Museum)

    Today is a bit more conservative: light blue blouse, pencil skirt (love those), and pumps. Going to HQ after all.... Dress for tomorrow....

    More later today, only a few minutes till boarding! Stay Classy Internet!

    Hugs, Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 06:40:01 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 09, 2018, 12:27:29 AM
    Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D.
    Now you are just teasing me [emoji12]

    Busted! Just trying to earn my hooligan badge...  ;D ;D ;D

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 09, 2018, 07:03:51 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 06:40:01 AM
    Now you are just teasing me [emoji12]

    Busted! Just trying to earn my hooligan badge...  ;D ;D ;D
    As Vice President of the Susan's Hooligan Club, I hereby officially welcome you as a Newby Hooligan.

    VP Jayne SHC
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 09:57:08 PM
    May 9th - evening update

    Mostly uneventful day. Some interesting work meetings with good progress and a bunch of homework for me. Met one of my coworkers and girlfriends for dinner which was a really nice evening. We talked for almost 3 hours and she was asking a lot of questions on the progress of my transition, my future plans and how I was feeling. Somehow better than my therapist and I do feel a bit guilty for spilling all my puberty drama.

    She was the third person I told and she was always there to listen and give advice or even help.

    I also know that it will be some sort of catalyst helping me to unwind a few things, but I am also afraid that I will not sleep much tonight and I do feel a bit sick tonight.

    A few more meetings in the morning and then I am on my way back home.

    Unfortunately I did not bring sneakers and it is pretty cold outside, so I will not make my steps today :-( 8,123....

    Tomorrow is a new day :-)


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 09, 2018, 10:27:05 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 09:57:08 PM
    May 9th - evening update

    Mostly uneventful day. Some interesting work meetings with good progress and a bunch of homework for me. Met one of my coworkers and girlfriends for dinner which was a really nice evening. We talked for almost 3 hours and she was asking a lot of questions on the progress of my transition, my future plans and how I was feeling. Somehow better than my therapist and I do feel a bit guilty for spilling all my puberty drama.

    She was the third person I told and she was always there to listen and give advice or even help.

    I also know that it will be some sort of catalyst helping me to unwind a few things, but I am also afraid that I will not sleep much tonight and I do feel a bit sick tonight.

    A few more meetings in the morning and then I am on my way back home.

    Unfortunately I did not bring sneakers and it is pretty cold outside, so I will not make my steps today :-( 8,123....

    Tomorrow is a new day :-)



    Dear Sarah:  That was certainly a neat thing that the girlfriend of your co-worker was apparently so supportive and interested in your transition journey.  I suppose, as you hinted, that you perhaps provided TMI with your puberty drama... but consider it an education for your co-worker and his girlfriend that you spoke with at your dinner.

    Oh no... you are feeling a bit sick?  Left over bugs from your family's illnesses maybe? 
    I hope you get a good sleep so you can beat the sickness issues and do have a safe and uneventful trip home.  Maybe pick up something at the train station shops for your kiddos... stuffed animal, book, toy, candy ????... and of course with Mother's Day coming up on Sunday, you need to really step up to the plate and honor her with anything and everything she would like.... and actions that affirm your love for the woman that you married and the mother of your children....   I think that is good advice, especially coming from a single, never married trans-woman. :)

    Yes, tomorrow is a new day.
    Hugs and well wishes to you... and your family.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 10, 2018, 08:40:47 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 09:57:08 PM
    May 9th - evening update

    Mostly uneventful day. Some interesting work meetings with good progress and a bunch of homework for me. Met one of my coworkers and girlfriends for dinner which was a really nice evening. We talked for almost 3 hours and she was asking a lot of questions on the progress of my transition, my future plans and how I was feeling. Somehow better than my therapist and I do feel a bit guilty for spilling all my puberty drama.

    She was the third person I told and she was always there to listen and give advice or even help.

    I also know that it will be some sort of catalyst helping me to unwind a few things, but I am also afraid that I will not sleep much tonight and I do feel a bit sick tonight.

    A few more meetings in the morning and then I am on my way back home.

    Unfortunately I did not bring sneakers and it is pretty cold outside, so I will not make my steps today :-( 8,123....

    Tomorrow is a new day :-)


    Hi Sarah,
    Pretty cool your coworker's girlfriend is supportive and interested enough to ask lots of questions about your transition and how you are doing. I can see how that can feel better than talking with a therapist. Your "teen dramas" may possibly have been more info than most people want to know about, but don't feel too guilty about it, she would not have asked you so many questions and talked for so long if she wasn't interested.

    Sorry you are feeling a bit sick. Is it something your Kiddo passed on to you?

    Note to self: remind Sarah to take sneakers and other exercise clothes with her next time she goes away on a work trip so that she doesn't fall behind on her fitness goals!

    Hope you are feeling better.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 11:36:58 AM
    May 4th - MIA...

    Sarah's World Is Back!

    I guess a few noticed. Sarah and Sarah's World have been MIA for a few days. And you are right. Sarah had to work out a few things and in that process had to re-think a lot of things. I do want to thank one very special Lady here who kept on top of me to make sure I am getting through this. Thank you so much! Also thanks to all the other ones reaching out.

    I will not share more of my drama for now.

    So what happened in-between?

    I did keep up with my exercise!! Yeah me! One day I ditched the 10k steps - by the time I could go for a walk to catch up, it was almost midnight and I knew I did not have a chance. Did attend Zumba Friday and did my usual cardio / back strength routine this morning. Also peeked in one of the other group classes to see if this could be interesting. Unfortunately scheduling may not work out on those, so I just keep my routine for now. Still thinking of a couple of trainer sessions to improve what I do compared to my goals. Not having "gym friends" means I need to get my motivation and knowledge another way - keep in mind I have not been doing any planned exercise since I graduated middle school and left the swim team. (well I did swimming in the summer but that is it, nothing in the winter).

    I am starting to get more at ease about the ladies locker room - This morning I realized I could never change in a mens room anymore, just do not want to show off my breasts in a mens locker room. One day I may actually be confident enough to also use the showers (private stalls).


    It finally starts showing on the scale too:
    21lbs to go

    The only catch is... I lost almost a cup size. back to almost nothing...

    Kiddo is pretty much back to normal, still a bit exhausted and sleepy which is not all that bad since it allows Mommy #1 to relax a bit and regain some of her strength.

    Had a pretty busy weekend, Music Class, Farmers market, catching up on sleep, laundry, a visit to the Air and Space Museum and a nice dinner with friends.

    Now back to work...

    Sorry again for all the worries I have caused.

    Hugs - Sarah

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 11:36:58 AM
    May 4th - MIA...

    Sarah's World Is Back!

    I guess a few noticed. Sarah and Sarah's World have been MIA for a few days. And you are right. Sarah had to work out a few things and in that process had to re-think a lot of things. I do want to thank one very special Lady here who kept on top of me to make sure I am getting through this. Thank you so much! Also thanks to all the other ones reaching out.

    I will not share more of my drama for now.

    So what happened in-between?

    I did keep up with my exercise!! Yeah me! One day I ditched the 10k steps - by the time I could go for a walk to catch up, it was almost midnight and I knew I did not have a chance. Did attend Zumba Friday and did my usual cardio / back strength routine this morning. Also peeked in one of the other group classes to see if this could be interesting. Unfortunately scheduling may not work out on those, so I just keep my routine for now. Still thinking of a couple of trainer sessions to improve what I do compared to my goals. Not having "gym friends" means I need to get my motivation and knowledge another way - keep in mind I have not been doing any planned exercise since I graduated middle school and left the swim team. (well I did swimming in the summer but that is it, nothing in the winter).

    I am starting to get more at ease about the ladies locker room - This morning I realized I could never change in a mens room anymore, just do not want to show off my breasts in a mens locker room. One day I may actually be confident enough to also use the showers (private stalls).


    It finally starts showing on the scale too:
    21lbs to go

    The only catch is... I lost almost a cup size. back to almost nothing...

    Kiddo is pretty much back to normal, still a bit exhausted and sleepy which is not all that bad since it allows Mommy #1 to relax a bit and regain some of her strength.

    Had a pretty busy weekend, Music Class, Farmers market, catching up on sleep, laundry, a visit to the Air and Space Museum and a nice dinner with friends.

    Now back to work...

    Sorry again for all the worries I have caused.

    Hugs - Sarah
    Yay!! Sarah's back.[emoji16][emoji16][emoji16] Missed ya girl!

    I'm glad you have kept up with the exercise. Yes, it takes extra effort to get motivate without a group of gym friends. I'll give you s gentle poke if I notice you slackening off.
    <<<POKE>>> just testing the poker is working. [emoji12]

    I am also glad Kiddo is getting back to normal. Just so I'm clear, which of you is Mommy #1?

    I loved visiting the Air and Space Museum when my wife and I visited way back in 2006. If we ever get back that way, I'd like to visit it again.

    No need to apologise for worrying us, just don't do it again! Got it!!!!

    Happy to see you back

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 14, 2018, 12:03:35 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 11:36:58 AM
    May 4th - MIA...

    Sarah's World Is Back!

    I guess a few noticed. Sarah and Sarah's World have been MIA for a few days. And you are right. Sarah had to work out a few things and in that process had to re-think a lot of things. I do want to thank one very special Lady here who kept on top of me to make sure I am getting through this. Thank you so much! Also thanks to all the other ones reaching out.

    I will not share more of my drama for now.

    So what happened in-between?

    I did keep up with my exercise!! Yeah me! One day I ditched the 10k steps - by the time I could go for a walk to catch up, it was almost midnight and I knew I did not have a chance. Did attend Zumba Friday and did my usual cardio / back strength routine this morning. Also peeked in one of the other group classes to see if this could be interesting. Unfortunately scheduling may not work out on those, so I just keep my routine for now. Still thinking of a couple of trainer sessions to improve what I do compared to my goals. Not having "gym friends" means I need to get my motivation and knowledge another way - keep in mind I have not been doing any planned exercise since I graduated middle school and left the swim team. (well I did swimming in the summer but that is it, nothing in the winter).

    I am starting to get more at ease about the ladies locker room - This morning I realized I could never change in a mens room anymore, just do not want to show off my breasts in a mens locker room. One day I may actually be confident enough to also use the showers (private stalls).


    It finally starts showing on the scale too:
    21lbs to go

    The only catch is... I lost almost a cup size. back to almost nothing...

    Kiddo is pretty much back to normal, still a bit exhausted and sleepy which is not all that bad since it allows Mommy #1 to relax a bit and regain some of her strength.

    Had a pretty busy weekend, Music Class, Farmers market, catching up on sleep, laundry, a visit to the Air and Space Museum and a nice dinner with friends.

    Now back to work...

    Sorry again for all the worries I have caused.

    Hugs - Sarah

    By "Popular Demand" I am glad to see that Sarah's World is back up and running...  Yaaahoooo!

    Big congratulations are in order for you regarding your continued exercise regimen....
    ... wow wheee...  only 21 pounds to go.

    Oh yeah, I fully understand about the women's locker room and showers gauntlet... I am happy for you that you finally feel at ease there where you now belong... next step... the showers!!!!  Private stalls do help for sure. 
    I overcame that hurtle at the beginning of the year, as it turned out I was worried for nothing... and of course, like you, the men's locker room and showers are no longer a viable option because of dramatic and significant body changes thanks to HRT and external primping at a beauty salon.
    And, yes, having workout buddies and gym friends do indeed to keep you accountable for your commitment to a good exercise and workout plan....  I hope that you can get those kinds of realtionships developed soon... it really does help.

    Oh, for sure... dieting and loosing a lot of weight certainly does impact and reduce your breast size... that is why on so many threads here that it is mentioned that a weight loss program BEFORE HRT is most recommended.   But what is done is done and getting your weight down to where you want it is of prime importance anyway...  the breasts will continue to grow again as you stay on the hormones.   

    I love your picture... that is certainly one that I could use on my proposed "hot and sweaty" montage that I will hopefull start working on this summer.  With your permission of course.

    ** No worries about causing worries for your Susan's Place followers... we are just super-happy that Sarah is BACK!!!
    It is great to know that your extreme drama is mostly resolved now.... but in life there will always be drama... so keep after it and keep it trimmed down as it comes up... much like dandelions and other weeds.

    Hugs and well wishes... and looking forward to your continued updates as always.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 02:20:27 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 14, 2018, 12:03:35 PM
    Oh, for sure... dieting and loosing a lot of weight certainly does impact and reduce your breast size... that is why on so many threads here that it is mentioned that a weight loss program BEFORE HRT is most recommended.   But what is done is done and getting your weight down to where you want it is of prime importance anyway...  the breasts will continue to grow again as you stay on the hormones.   

    I had lost 30 lbs before starting HRT, pretty good - and I went into HRT at 160 lbs. After a year I was between 162 lbs and 165. Unfortunately at the beginning of this year it spiraled and maxed out at 175. Now I am at 171. So I am still almost 20 lbs below the weight I had mid 2016.
    My real goal is between 150 and 155 lbs and not have any fat around my waist (the DRESS of course)

    Not sure about the breasts, the last few month they stopped hurting and what i thought was a growth spur at the beginning of the year, turned out to be me getting fat  ;D ;D ;D Well, girls have their tricks.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 14, 2018, 12:03:35 PM
    I love your picture... that is certainly one that I could use on my proposed "hot and sweaty" montage that I will hopefull start working on this summer.  With your permission of course.
    Of course you can use it! not very sweaty and there may be better ones in the future - maybe after Zumba... many girls take selfies after class, so I would just fit right it...

    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
    I'm glad you have kept up with the exercise. Yes, it takes extra effort to get motivate without a group of gym friends. I'll give you s gentle poke if I notice you slackening off.
    <<<POKE>>> just testing the poker is working. [emoji12]
    I felt the POKE very strong this morning after waking up (preemptively!!!)

    and I'll <<<POKE>>> right back, I saw you got on the treadmill! Very proud of you girl! One day we may have to race @Alaskan Danielle if we continue the pace ;D ;D; ;D

    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
    I am also glad Kiddo is getting back to normal. Just so I'm clear, which of you is Mommy #1?

    If I am lucky, I am Mommy #2 (Hot-Mommy #2  :-*)

    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
    I loved visiting the Air and Space Museum when my wife and I visited way back in 2006. If we ever get back that way, I'd like to visit it again.
    We went to the Annex at the Airport, I know you saw pictures in the Steph2.0 thread. I heard they plan to expand it and it is just so amazing. This time, I did see it through kids yes which gave me a whole new perspective. If you are ever in the area, let me know and we go together! I am sure you can fill in a lot of nice technical details.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 03:12:21 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 02:20:27 PM
    If I am lucky, I am Mommy #2 (Hot-Mommy #2  :-*)
    I thought so. Just wanted to be sure. [emoji16]

    We went to the Annex at the Airport, I know you saw pictures in the Steph2.0 thread. I heard they plan to expand it and it is just so amazing. This time, I did see it through kids yes which gave me a whole new perspective. If you are ever in the area, let me know and we go together! I am sure you can fill in a lot of nice technical details.
    I really enjoyed both the annex and the main museum. What really impressed me was that most of the displays were the real thing, not replicas.

    I have an interesting story about the technical details, well interesting to me anyway. Before going on our trip to the USA, I had just completed some training on the Airbus A330. The main landing gear on this aircraft has some fancy wizardry that makes the landing gear shorter so that it fits into the hole when it retracts into the fuselage for flight. I was initially having trouble getting my head around how this shortening mechanism worked. Fast forward a few weeks and I find myself in the annex of the Air and Space Museum looking at the landing gear of an A340 (which is the same as the A330) and some nice museum curator had thought to cut out a section of the landing gear structure to get a look inside at this magical shortening mechanism. Soon as I saw the inside workings, I though "aha, that's how it works". I took some photos and sent them to my training instructor to use as a training aid in future courses.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with aircraft techno babble. You can have your thread back now. [emoji23]

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 03:21:58 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 03:12:21 PM

    Sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with aircraft techno babble. You can have your thread back now. [emoji23]


    Not a chance you could bore me with that! I do have a mechanical engineering degree (with a very odd specialty), so anything mechanical is always of great interest to me.

    Oh - and speaking of aircraft: I do operate my own ADS-B receiver. Being in close vicinity to three major airports, I do catch a lot of planes, including the famous Air Force One and the airplane of the German Chancellor... Pretty cool to see what is up in the air and how it changes. All the labs doing blood work operate their own fleet of gulf streams flying through the night only accompanied by FedEx, UPS and Amazon planes... Airspace is super packed during the day...

    I always had a dream to learn to fly either a plane (Cessna class) or even a helicopter. But i guess I never get to it....


    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 14, 2018, 07:32:36 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 03:21:58 PM
    I always had a dream to learn to fly either a plane (Cessna class) or even a helicopter. But i guess I never get to it....


    You can learn to fly at any age. I don't know what it costs over where you are, it has become quite expensive here in recent years. You never know what opportunities may present themselves in the future.

    Helicopters always fascinated me. I wanted to build one at one stage, a RotorWay Exec, or a Baby Belle. Lessons were way to expensive at the time, so I learned to fly fixed wing aircraft. Life kind of happened and I haven't flown in over 10 years. Talking with @Steph2.0 has gotten the flying bug biting me again. I really miss flying. Maybe once I get Jayne on track I can get back into it.

    You have me intrigued what your "odd specialty" in engineering may be!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on May 14, 2018, 11:57:54 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 03:21:58 PM
    Not a chance you could bore me with that! I do have a mechanical engineering degree (with a very odd specialty), so anything mechanical is always of great interest to me.

    Oh - and speaking of aircraft: I do operate my own ADS-B receiver. Being in close vicinity to three major airports, I do catch a lot of planes, including the famous Air Force One and the airplane of the German Chancellor... Pretty cool to see what is up in the air and how it changes. All the labs doing blood work operate their own fleet of gulf streams flying through the night only accompanied by FedEx, UPS and Amazon planes... Airspace is super packed during the day...

    I always had a dream to learn to fly either a plane (Cessna class) or even a helicopter. But i guess I never get to it....



    Whoa whoa whoa! Talking airplanes without me? What the heck?!

    Sarah, did you build your own Stratux ADSB receiver? That's what I use in the plane for ADSB in, showing traffic and weather, along with my navigation, in the iFly app on an iPad Mini. For those who don't know, Stratux is public domain software you run on a Raspberry Pi computer with a software definable radio USB module. It talks via WiFi to a tablet. I built one up myself, and have about $90 in the whole thing (not counting the iPad of course).

    As for flying lessons in the US, since 2008 there has been a new license available, called Sport Pilot. Day VFR only, max 2 seats, max gross weight 1320 lbs, max cruise 120 knots, etc. you can fly the kind of planes I do, and the requirements are half of what's needed for private pilot - 20 hours minimum training instead of 40. I think Light Sport training, plane and instructor, is about $120 an hour.

    If you ever get to Florida and the weather cooperates, I can show you what it's all about!

    - Stephanie
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 15, 2018, 06:40:34 AM
    Sweet! I have a very similar Setup, and I also built it myself. Raspberry PI, 2 Software Defined Radios for ADS-B (1090 MHz) and ULAT (970 MHZ). Tuned antennas on the roof. I am using a modified PIAware software which is more for stationary receivers. Stratux offers better options for pilots.
    My system also feeds the data to FlightAware and a few other sites, they all give you free premium accounts for sending data in and since I travel a lot, this is a pretty good deal. I also get Multilateration data out of feeding other sites which gives me more aircraft s on my screen.

    My initial setup was about $75. Now with the tunes antennas and really good antenna cables it is a bit more, but I also catch a lot more planes... real fun stuff.

    My neighbors already ask what is going on with all the antennas on my roof... (there is also a lightning detector, a TV antenna and a FM antenna as well as a weather station)

    Thanks for all the tips on flight lessons. This sounds very intriguing now. Even the 40 lessons does not sound too bad... for me it is primarily a time issue.

    I want to get back in my other time consuming hobby after taking a bit of a break and all the transition related activities are just eating too much of my day already... So I just watch planes on my screen....

    Quote from: Steph2.0 on May 14, 2018, 11:57:54 PM
    Whoa whoa whoa! Talking airplanes without me? What the heck?!

    Sarah, did you build your own Stratux ADSB receiver? That's what I use in the plane for ADSB in, showing traffic and weather, along with my navigation, in the iFly app on an iPad Mini. For those who don't know, Stratux is public domain software you run on a Raspberry Pi computer with a software definable radio USB module. It talks via WiFi to a tablet. I built one up myself, and have about $90 in the whole thing (not counting the iPad of course).

    As for flying lessons in the US, since 2008 there has been a new license available, called Sport Pilot. Day VFR only, max 2 seats, max gross weight 1320 lbs, max cruise 120 knots, etc. you can fly the kind of planes I do, and the requirements are half of what's needed for private pilot - 20 hours minimum training instead of 40. I think Light Sport training, plane and instructor, is about $120 an hour.

    If you ever get to Florida and the weather cooperates, I can show you what it's all about!

    - Stephanie
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 15, 2018, 06:03:56 PM
    Yaaaay! You have your profile picture back. Looking good, Sarah!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 16, 2018, 01:21:50 PM
    May 16th - Just a quick one

    Not really anything big to report at the moment. Just living my Sarah Life.
    I am at my forth week since I joined a gym. And I am still at it. Going two to three times a week. Still keeping up with my steps (ugh - last night I crossed the 10k line at 23:57 / 11:57 PM running around the suburbs). Weather is messing with my swimming plans. It does look sooo inviting, but nightly thunderstorms do not want me to be in the water.

    Besides that it is mostly day-to-day life. Shopping, going to the office, traveling, doctors appointments. Not a lot of excitement. But you know what? This is actually a nice change. Almost no-one suspects anything.

    Sarah out grocery shopping.

    And outside our headquarters at work.

    Well, and then there is all the special stuff: Still dealing with a bit of fallout from my recent meltdown. I have my last facial laser hair removal tomorrow, then it will be electrolysis for all the grey hair. 18 month HRT checkup coming and my first Mammogram this fall. And a PSA test. Very odd to think about having to do both, but it is what it is.

    Kiddo is mostly back to normal. Still a bit tired, but back to happy smiles and crazy ideas. And she is such a "girly girl", always wanting to wear the cute dresses and sparkly shoes. Wonder where she got all that from  :angel: :angel: :angel: (She bought her first pair of heels at 18 month, and she picked them, not us!!!)

    So much for now, bigger updates in the future.

    Thanks for taking the time to stay on top of my crazy little world...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 16, 2018, 02:24:54 PM
    Sarah:  What a happy and good news report, thank you for posting your today's update.
    As you indicated, you are busy with life... and I am so glad that you are keeping up with your gym and exercise commitments along with your "steps" program.   Sometimes walking/jogging, exercising and working out can be something that takes determination and will power to keep doing but in the end you will not only feel better but you will feel better about yourself....   plus you can look better in those clothing styles that you like.

    Ah ha, I had to chuckle about having a mammogram and then having a PSA test that also may also include the digital(finger) probe.....  women have their own types of exams, men have their own types of exams, as transgenders we get it all!!!!

    I am very happy that your meltdown is past history now and that you are doing well in your "crazy little world" (your words) .... and I am also glad that sickness has apparently left your household and that your daughter has mostly recovered.

    Again, thanks for your update, it was a joy for me to read....   and YOUR PICTURES !!!!  very nice indeed.
    Hugs and well wishes,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 16, 2018, 03:37:34 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 16, 2018, 02:24:54 PM
    Sarah:  What a happy and good news report, thank you for posting your today's update.
    Ah ha, I had to chuckle about having a mammogram and then having a PSA test that also may also include the digital(finger) probe.....  women have their own types of exams, men have their own types of exams, as transgenders we get it all!!!!

    Hugs and well wishes,

    Ha! Yes, Maybe I ask if they can do both exams at the same time  ;D >:-)

    What I did not know for a long time is that even after surgery, prostate exams will still be required, along with a whole new set of checkups I do not have to worry about now. The medical community (or the insurance lobby) is questioning the value of prostate screening altogether these days. Let's see what my GP thinks the next time I am there. Mammogram I have avoided so far and my doctor said there is a bit of time since they where still in growing pains. But she also said, she wants a baseline scan before the end of the year. Oh well. We can just make it a family outing to the radiology center.

    When I looked up transgender care guidelines of my insurance, they clearly stated they would cover both exams. Apparently they even pay for the more fancy 3D Mammogram.

    So true, we getting it all! Including a chance for a second Puberty.

    Gym is somewhat addictive. First few times, I was lucky to get through 30 minutes. Now I am over an hour and I just wanted to continue this morning... But work called.

    Thank you @Alaskan Danielle for being such a loyal follower of my thread!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 16, 2018, 06:39:51 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 16, 2018, 01:21:50 PM
    May 16th - Just a quick one

    Not really anything big to report at the moment. Just living my Sarah Life.
    Sarah, I can't tell you how happy it made me to read that. You are doing what we are all striving for, to live a normal life as our true selves.

    Your opening statement made the rest of your post so interesting, even the grocery shopping part.

    I enjoy reading all your updates, keep them coming no matter how "ordinary" you think no they might be. Those of us not yet able to  live as our true selves get hope and inspiration from people like you.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 16, 2018, 10:34:31 PM
    Aww @Jayne01 - Thanks so much, you are another one of the loyal readers here.

    The day is almost over for me, just came back from my nightly walk to get my steps logged. On my way, I stopped by our local drug store / pharmacy to get some gum and for the first time in ages, I have been misgendered and called "sir". In a skirt and a skimpy top. Very odd. To the clerks defense, he knows me for many years. It did not really bother me much, but I did stumble over it. Guess the next time I have to give him a little hint. Don't think he did it on purpose.

    Reminder to self: Pack shower stuff into the gym bag. 

    Sleep well everyone and stay classy internet!

    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 16, 2018, 06:39:51 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 16, 2018, 01:21:50 PM
    May 16th - Just a quick one

    Not really anything big to report at the moment. Just living my Sarah Life.
    Sarah, I can't tell you how happy it made me to read that. You are doing what we are all striving for, to live a normal life as our true selves.

    Your opening statement made the rest of your post so interesting, even the grocery shopping part.

    I enjoy reading all your updates, keep them coming no matter how "ordinary" you think no they might be. Those of us not yet able to  live as our true selves get hope and inspiration from people like you.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 18, 2018, 10:38:02 AM
    May 18 - More sweating

    First I do want to thank all of my friends here, it is amazing having such a great bunch around, with advice and help, no matter what the issue.

    Since there is really not much to report right now (sorry you have to wait a few more days for a bigger, more exciting update), I just have a gym update...

    Oh - Last Laser session today. Then a few months of Electrolysis....

    Last time I was compiling about not losing weight. Yeah, my diet may play a role too, but i did discover something else thanks to my body composition scale:

    I have lost almost 5 lbs of fat. YEAH!!!! but in return, I gained almost 3 lbs of muscles. For now I assume this is normal in the beginning and I hope that once I have some more muscle I'll simply burn more fat.

    After my vacation to Europe in June, I will most likely get a few personal trainer sessions so I get a better handle on my "problem areas".

    Here are a few more "sweaty" pics after Zumba this morning. @Alaskan Danielle: a few more you can pick from  for your collage ;D


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 07:56:04 AM
    May 21 - sunburn

    Usually not a picture I would post, but it has some relevance... I got sunburned during yard work over the weekend (yeah I know Mommy, always use sunscreen).
    Back to the relevance: when I looked at my back in the mirror, I had happy tears in my eyes, I could clearly see the (very cute) tank top I have been wearing. So happy to be where I am today compared to 3 years ago... My first real "girly" sunburn  :angel: :angel: And yes, I promise to be a good girl and wear sunscreen in the future.


    Busy week ahead with a lot of work and finally good enough weather to clean up the yard and add swimming to the exercise regime. I may have to reduce one of the other activities to conserve time.

    Have a great week everyone!

    Stay classy internet!
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 21, 2018, 08:06:56 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 07:56:04 AM
    May 21 - sunburn

    Usually not a picture I would post, but it has some relevance... I got sunburned during yard work over the weekend (yeah I know Mommy, always use sunscreen).
    Back to the relevance: when I looked at my back in the mirror, I had happy tears in my eyes, I could clearly see the (very cute) tank top I have been wearing. So happy to be where I am today compared to 3 years ago... My first real "girly" sunburn  :angel: :angel: And yes, I promise to be a good girl and wear sunscreen in the future.


    Busy week ahead with a lot of work and finally good enough weather to clean up the yard and add swimming to the exercise regime. I may have to reduce one of the other activities to conserve time.

    Have a great week everyone!

    Stay classy internet!
    I wonder if that photo would fit in with Danielle's Hot and Sweaty montage?

    That is a very red sunburn you got there. And yes, wear sunscreen next time. Nice moment though, with the happy tears for something as simple as getting a "girly" sunburn from wearing girly clothes. You are making me want to go buy more girly clothes and ditch all my boring boy clothes.

    Thanks for your update.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 21, 2018, 03:45:12 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 07:56:04 AM
    May 21 - sunburn

    Usually not a picture I would post, but it has some relevance... I got sunburned during yard work over the weekend (yeah I know Mommy, always use sunscreen).
    Back to the relevance: when I looked at my back in the mirror, I had happy tears in my eyes, I could clearly see the (very cute) tank top I have been wearing. So happy to be where I am today compared to 3 years ago... My first real "girly" sunburn  :angel: :angel: And yes, I promise to be a good girl and wear sunscreen in the future.


    Busy week ahead with a lot of work and finally good enough weather to clean up the yard and add swimming to the exercise regime. I may have to reduce one of the other activities to conserve time.

    Have a great week everyone!

    Stay classy internet!

    Sarah:   That is wonderful seeing your sunburn picture... and no, I am not condoning your sunburn, and you do indeed need to use sunscreen to protect your skin....
    ....but it brings back my own fond memories of my first experiences getting "girly" sun tan lines on my body...   tank tops, racer back tops and sports bras and bikini tops and an bikini bottoms too.... nothing like seeing sunburns, tan lines and tans in places not experienced before as my old male self...  particularly shocking was the seeing the suntan after wearing a thong bikini bottom.    At first all of that was shocking but it brought lots of my wonderful emotions to the forefront.

    Thanks for your posting... I loved your picture.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 08:48:16 PM
    I had a bit of regret today when I put on a tankini over the sunburn. Ouch. Now sunscreen is right next to the door. At least the water provided some cooling.

    @Jayne01 - Ha! Yes, go for it!! Isn't it turning winter where you are? Stay warm!

    @Alaskan Danielle - Glad I am not alone being happy about such minor things. I do envy your courage for bikini's, especially of the lesser fabric kind. I am just not good enough at hiding a few things to be able to pull it off. Maybe one day. But then - there is a lot I said I'd never do three years ago.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 10:42:43 PM
    Note to self: Even a "Barely Cup" hurts when jogging without appropriate support...  :(

    At least tonight I saw someone else jogging after 11:00 PM... made me feel a lot less lonely  :angel:
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 21, 2018, 10:51:56 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 21, 2018, 10:42:43 PM
    Note to self: Even a "Barely Cup" hurts when jogging without appropriate support...  [emoji20]

    At least tonight I saw someone else jogging after 11:00 PM... made me feel a lot less lonely  :angel:
    Oh yeah! I discovered that a few weeks ago. I ended up running with my arms folded across my chest to finish my workout. I can tell you that running that way is very awkward.

    Stay safe running out there at that hour of the night.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: krobinson103 on May 22, 2018, 02:25:37 AM
    Moving fast without a bra isn't an option anymore. Too painful. Good and bad...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 22, 2018, 11:02:09 PM

    Wow! it has already been one entire year full time. Time flies.

    I knew May was a big month for me and looking back I was not really sure which date I should use, so I decided to use the date I sent out an email to most people at work introducing them to Sarah. This was May 23rd, 2017 at 8:46 AM after quite an awesome week of firsts In this thread from last year (,223827.0.html)

    The subject line caused a lot of concern and I did get a few responses saying: "No problem about being trans, we were afraid you would quit" hahaha... I did choose the subject line on purpose.

    ** left click for larger view

    Just as a quick recap -
    I admitted to being trans in April 2016, started Therapy in October 2016 and Hormones January 2017. Starting coming out to friends in March 2017.

    It has been a fun, thrilling, exciting, incredible, interesting and tumultuous year. But it also had its challenges.

    I am out and about and visible every single day. I am Sarah.

    Before and After
    While thinking about this day, I did go through old photos and I did find a photo from August 2016. This was after coming out to my wife but before any therapy or Hormones. I was wearing a dress I still have, and I do have a picture in it from early May 2018. What a difference. The sad short haired male is gone and has been replaced by a bubbly and happy woman.


    One year in 60 seconds
    I have to admit, that I have been very lucky in my transition so far. Work took fantastic about my coming out, they changed my email address within a few days and sent me new business cards. All my customers have been great, they changed their systems. All of our friends have been great and very accepting. My family was very accepting and supportive. Parents in law are OK about it.

    My wife continues her best to be supportive, but I do know she is still struggling. So far we are both committed trying to make it work, and even her the normality of the new situation is actually helping her too.

    Over the past few months, my passing rate in public has dramatically increased and at least for people who did not know me from before, I do get gendered correctly about 99% of the time. I have been seen as my kid's mother at the doctor (Hot Mommy#2). So far I have been able to travel multiple times without issues, use the correct bathroom and the gym locker room. And I finally made it through the "awkward hair" phase. Still not able to do much with it, but it has reached a nice length. I graduated from Laser Hair removal, now awaiting Electrolysis. My other body hair has always been fairly spotty and is in nice female range (shaving every few weeks).

    Most days for me are just normal days. Get up, drop the kid at daycare, go to the gym, work, pick the kid up, go shopping and then household chores. I still travel a lot more than I want but in the end, it pays the bills, and I can fully travel as Sarah. The weekend is farmers market, music class, yard work and fun activities. Just normal life as Sarah. A lot of that is documented here in multiple posts.

    I am generally accepted into the "girls club" and I am generally treated like the women I am.

    I have met fantastic people during my journey so far. I have made so many new friends, on Susan's and beyond, and I am very grateful about every single one

    The entire year I have worn men's clothes twice early on and I hated it. All of them are now boxed up and waiting for a friend to pick them up for charity. I do have a decent new wardrobe, a good mix between a soccer mom and "Meghan Markle in the TV show Suits inspired" business style.

    Recently I started taking care of my fitness and body better to be able to celebrate many more of these special days hopefully.

    Oh... and for all the gatekeepers: 1 year RLE - done and dusted. That was easy.

    I am lucky to live in a very accepting area of the US and so far have not had any negative reactions. A few odd looks, especially early on. Nothing has been said to me and I have not heard anything being said behind my back. I am fully aware that this is only a matter of time until it happens and I need to be ready for that day.

    Fun moments over the past year
    ... being called "mom" by my kid's doctor
    ... The Canadian Customs Agent was asking me how I am related to the person in my ID's, and after I explained we laughed and she looked up all the steps I have to take whenever I am ready to change my name legally. So sweet.
    ... Being referred to as "moms" when out and about with the family.
    ... Meeting a parent of a trans child in a clothing store in the smallest of all towns in the middle of Pennsylvania. She made shopping for the dress I wanted so much easier by telling me about her son.
    ... A 70-year-old man in a store was insisting on carrying "heavy" items for me.
    ... Being offered seats and doors being held open.
    ... Getting the first pieces of mail for "Sarah."
    ... Seeing "Sarah [lastname]" in TV credits, last time it was still all my old name.
    ... Breaking out in tears over some of the sweetest things my kid did.
    ... Finally having emotions.
    ... Being kicked out of the men's room (yeah!)
    ... When signing up for Gym, they changed my gender to "female" even though they had my male ID right in front of them. They also pushed me through the ladies locker room for the first time.
    ... People I worked with walking right past me, not recognizing me after all these changes.
    ... Being hit on by a mid 20's nerd at the checkout of a computer store.
    ... Creating guilt trips in men and being brought a lovely dinner at work as a result of it.
    ... Using the words "Fine" and "Whatever" in stereotypically feminine manner.

    and so many more fun moments.

    I have been hit with puberty. A 38-year-old woman (well, I am 38 for a few times now) with raging teen hormones. Fun. I think I will subscribe to "teen vogue" next and get some glitter nail polish.


    The good days by far outweigh the bad days, so I am happy. I am also working very hard to change my attitude towards life.

    Admittedly, I do struggle now and then. I do know I did make the right decision and I don't want to nor can I go back to my old life. Parts of my struggles are caused by the initial thrills having worn off. There was so much adrenalin in the beginning. The first friend to tell, first time out in a dress in general public, starting hormones and coming out at work. And then there was a normal life. Just living as Sarah. And I did start missing the rush of the next step and the reward when crossing another bridge.

    While I have long stretches of really enjoying the "normal," I do get interrupted by wanting to take the next steps.

    Thanks to the current law in Germany, a name and gender marker change is nearly impossible. While the entire government wants to make changes, it just does not have any priority to them. I could change all my US documents, but that would only cause a lot of confusion, especially when traveling.

    My voice is still a significant giveaway. Not sure what to do about that yet. Maybe I need to invest the time in voice training. I have not lucked out in breast growth - stuck at an A cup, and that is shrinking due to my current weight loss.

    I am still very insecure about many aspects of my presentation and manners. I think there are still too many giveaways. I am seeking an excellent female mentor.

    And of course, I am still struggling with what I have done to my wife.

    I also list puberty in this category. It has caused a few issues too. And I cannot stand cold showers. (For all my German speaking friends: I am a "Warmduscher" - someone who only takes hot showers). And apparently "One Direction" split up. "Fifth Harmony" is on Hiatus, and I never liked Justin Bieber, so what am I gonna do now? That sucks.

    What will the next year bring?

    Continue to live my normal life. Yes, I am a suburban soccer mom. 

    My biggest hope for the next year of Sarah is to work on improving the relationship with my wife. This is the foundation for our happiness and moving forward on many other aspects of my transition.

    My next logical step is to look into surgery. Initially, I did not think this would be important to me, but it has become essential to me over the past year. I am also starting to consider BA. I was hoping for at least a B cup and I may need some help. Both are much further away than I want and there will most likely not be anything happen in the coming year.

    My parents and family will finally meet Sarah - for logistical reasons we only see each other every two years.

    And then just a few simple things: complete facial hair removal, add a few items to my wardrobe and get my first mammogram.

    Continue to improve my fitness, keeping up with the gym and other workouts.

    If you made it till here - Thank you so much for reading through all this.

    thank you all for your continued support!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 23, 2018, 12:35:10 AM
    Happy >-bleeped-<versary, Sarah.
    1 year old!!! Woooohooooo [emoji322][emoji322][emoji322][emoji324][emoji324][emoji324][emoji126][emoji126][emoji126]

    Wow! What an incredible journey it has been for you so far. You have come so far these past couple of years. From admitting to yourself to being trans, to your first time out as Sarah, to going full time, to living a normal life as your true self.

    I loved reading the summary of your journey so far with the list of fun moments. I had to laugh at your reference to glitter nail polish and teeny magazines. As you know, I am also having similar teeny puberty moments so I can totally relate.

    Your struggles also show that this is not an easy road we travel and we only transition because we have to. Your are traveling this road with style, facing each hurdle along the way with the strength you have found inside yourself and the support of your family and friends.

    I look forward to following you along your journey in the coming year and hopefully many years to come.

    Yay! It's Sarah's birthday!!! [emoji322][emoji322][emoji322]


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Cindy on May 23, 2018, 01:18:06 AM

    What a landmark! Well done Sarah, you have faced great battles and are winning in style.

    I do read the various threads with yourself, Jayne, Laurie and many others all on the transition highway. In some ways they bring back not so fond and some fond memories.

    What I can say is that after a while it does all get easier, I was having a coffee the other day and 2 guys were in the cafe and talking away and I was thinking. I wonder how I managed to try and be like them?

    I couldn't recall 'him' very well at all. Not sadly missed and almost forgotten!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Megan. on May 23, 2018, 06:05:34 AM
    Sarah, what a year! And NEVER say no to glitter polish, or I'll come over there and paint you from head to toe in the stuff [emoji3]. X

    Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 23, 2018, 07:56:09 AM
    Dear Sarah:   
    What a thrilling and exciting update marking your ONE YEAR coming out Full Time ANNIVERSARY!!!!
    .... and YES, I read it all, some parts of it, twice!!!

    Your descriptions, pictures and comments regarding your experience riding the roller coaster of HRT and transitioning to Full Time and now living your life as the "New You" are a wonderful testimony to your determination and willpower...
    ... and how you have conquered the obstacles that all of us that are considering transitioning, in the middle of transitioning or have transitioned CAN IDENTIFY WITH.

    Thank you for posting your inspirational story....  and the ride continues, please keep those updates coming!!!

    You have my Hugs and Admiration,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 23, 2018, 12:42:37 PM
    May 24th - Lion's Den

    Well, I had to go into the Lion's Den today. Virginia Outdoor Power Equipment, Co. Yes, it is exactly how anyone would picture it. Lots of lawn mowers, chainsaws, and more Testosterone than I ever had in my entire life.

    As usual, I was in a rush between Gym and Conference Calls (My boss had already called twice during Gym).

    So, here I am, in my all sweaty Gym clothes pulling up in my soccer mom SUV, ready to walk in.

    And I did. Got some really odd stares when I was very clear on what I want (Marine Grade Fuel Stabilizer). My butt also got a few looks (another one of these "normal" items, not very pleasant but unfortunately part of the game.) Men are just a funny species.

    Guess they all do not see a sweaty chic in gym clothes every day. I don't think anyone clocked me. And of course, I enjoyed having the door held for me :-)

    Thanks, @Jayne01, @Cindy, @Megan. and @Alaskan Danielle for reading through my giant long post, the encouragement and congratulations.

    I better get some glitter nail polish.

    @Cindy - Thanks for the encouragement. You are giving me a lot of hope that my emotional roller coaster will stop one day.

    You can see I am already shaking my head when it comes to stereotypical male behavior. There are still moments where I enjoy having both experiences... How do I get men to do what I want? Knowing how I was in my previous life, helps me find the trigger points. Not, that I am abusing it, but it is fun... And I don't mind getting a nice discount on a new laptop either.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on May 23, 2018, 01:54:13 PM
    Sarah I didn't get to your post yesterday but wow what a year and a great summary.  The comparison photo 19 months apart is incredible but shows only a fraction of how much you have changed inside.  You are inspiring many, and your future holds so much.   
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 23, 2018, 04:20:39 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 23, 2018, 12:42:37 PM
    May 24th - Lion's Den

    Well, I had to go into the Lion's Den today. Virginia Outdoor Power Equipment, Co. Yes, it is exactly how anyone would picture it. Lots of lawn mowers, chainsaws, and more Testosterone than I ever had in my entire life.

    As usual, I was in a rush between Gym and Conference Calls (My boss had already called twice during Gym).

    So, here I am, in my all sweaty Gym clothes pulling up in my soccer mom SUV, ready to walk in.

    And I did. Got some really odd stares when I was very clear on what I want (Marine Grade Fuel Stabilizer). My butt also got a few looks (another one of these "normal" items, not very pleasant but unfortunately part of the game.) Men are just a funny species.

    Guess they all do not see a sweaty chic in gym clothes every day. I don't think anyone clocked me. And of course, I enjoyed having the door held for me :-)

    Thanks, @Jayne01, @Cindy, @Megan. and @Alaskan Danielle for reading through my giant long post, the encouragement and congratulations.

    I better get some glitter nail polish.

    @Cindy - Thanks for the encouragement. You are giving me a lot of hope that my emotional roller coaster will stop one day.

    You can see I am already shaking my head when it comes to stereotypical male behavior. There are still moments where I enjoy having both experiences... How do I get men to do what I want? Knowing how I was in my previous life, helps me find the trigger points. Not, that I am abusing it, but it is fun... And I don't mind getting a nice discount on a new laptop either.


    Hiya Sarah,
    I'm glad you are having a bit of fun in the process of being yourself. Having a little knowledge of how men think from living life on both sides of the fence can have its benefits.

    Just like a theme park roller coaster, the emotional roller coaster can make you feel unwell, but oh what a rush it can be!!!

    You gave me this vision of a bunch of Neanderthals frozen in awe, staring at the hot chick who just walked into their cave speaking their language. Where they coherent enough to find the fuel stabiliser you were looking for? [emoji23]

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 23, 2018, 09:21:47 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 23, 2018, 04:20:39 PM
    You gave me this vision of a bunch of Neanderthals frozen in awe, staring at the hot chick who just walked into their cave speaking their language. Where they coherent enough to find the fuel stabiliser you were looking for? [emoji23]

    Hahaha, what a funny picture. But it did sum it up pretty nicely. It did get a bit quiet and the most prominent sound I heard was a chipmunk squeaking and running around.

    Took a second of disbelief stare, but then I was pointed to the shelf with the fuel stabilizer. And of course, I paid with a Macy's credit card (Macy's is a large department store chain and ONLY women have a Macy's credit card  :angel:) I just could not resist.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Nicole70 on May 24, 2018, 03:42:46 AM
    Wow Sarah, I've just caught up on your anniversary post, you have come so far in the last year and your two year photo comparison is virtually unbelievable, so happy for you.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 24, 2018, 09:37:51 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 23, 2018, 04:20:39 PM
    You gave me this vision of a bunch of Neanderthals frozen in awe, staring at the hot chick who just walked into their cave speaking their language. Where they coherent enough to find the fuel stabiliser you were looking for? [emoji23]

    Now I had another thought... They may have seen me walking in "Slow Motion"... Hahaha, guess a bit of self-confidence never hurts.

    Now... for an added quiz... which (really bad) movie is the "Slow Motion" quote/scene from??

    Quote from: Nicole70 on May 24, 2018, 03:42:46 AM
    Wow Sarah, I've just caught up on your anniversary post, you have come so far in the last year and your two year photo comparison is virtually unbelievable, so happy for you.

    <Blushing>  Thanks for the compliments Nicole!! <Blushing>
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 25, 2018, 02:44:03 PM
    May 24 - End of the week

    Ugh - it has been an insanely busy week between work, some other issues, a leak in our house's foundation and finding time for the kiddo. Oh, and me celebrating my one-year full-time anniversary. But it has been a good week overall, better than I had in a very long time.

    I am somewhat exhausted, and my sleep tracker is not happy about this week:


    In all this crazy, I only slacked two days on my fitness routine, where I spent 9 hours on the phone and then worked another 6. So I missed my 10k step goal these two days.

    I did my usual gym visits, including Zumba this morning. Different instructor, all new move combinations, and songs. And people stood in different positions, so I did not have my usual orientation. Being a rookie, I need someone with medium skills to tone it down for me.

    And I finally was brave enough to take a shower at the gym. Wise decision, the second I stepped out of the locker room, I had another day of back-to-back calls until now.
    Showers where packed with several classes ending at the same time Fridays, usually a situation I would bail.
    Yeah Me, I did not bail. Another hurdle is taken.

    The sad part is, weight went up a pound again :-(

    23 lbs to go. Guess more sleep would help.

    Work has been crazy, after almost a year, my new role in the company is finally shaping up a bit, and my Manager decided to dump a load of critical issues on my desk immediately. Anything from Staff freakouts to professional development planning, large RFP responses and more. During the 3rd call in one day on the same critical project, he was almost apologizing, and I told him that I had the best day at work for a very long time. And it was true. I do like crisis management. Not sure why, but it caters well to the way my brain works. Fast analyzing, quick conclusions, action plan, go. Love it.

    So - overall, this was a great week, and it seems I am finally getting out of the blues.

    I am still looking forward to a quiet three day weekend.

    Hugs, everyone! Stay classy Internet!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 25, 2018, 03:36:41 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 25, 2018, 02:44:03 PM
    May 24 - End of the week
    - - - - - - - -- -
    . Oh, and me celebrating my one-year full-time anniversary. But it has been a good week overall, better than I had in a very long time.

    I am somewhat exhausted, and my sleep tracker is not happy about this week:
    - - - - - - - - - - - --
    And I finally was brave enough to take a shower at the gym. Wise decision, the second I stepped out of the locker room, I had another day of back-to-back calls until now.
    Showers where packed with several classes ending at the same time Fridays, usually a situation I would bail.
    Yeah Me, I did not bail. Another hurdle is taken.

    The sad part is, weight went up a pound again :-(

    23 lbs to go. Guess more sleep would help.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    So - overall, this was a great week, and it seems I am finally getting out of the blues.

    I am still looking forward to a quiet three day weekend.

    Hugs, everyone! Stay classy Internet!

    Dear Sarah:
    I am so very glad to hear that your self-proclaimed that you have a "good week  overall, better than what you have had in a very long time.   I am certain that you one-year anniversary had a lot to do with it.

    Ahhhh, the women's locker room and shower gauntlet....  I've been there and done that....  the very first time is quite exciting in a frightful way....  like you said, another hurdle is taken.  I am happy for you.

    That is  wonderful.... "finally getting out of the blues"   ...   Life it too short to be unhappy and blue.

    Enjoy your 3 day long holiday weekend.    I know that I will enjoy mine too... and mine started today on Friday.
    4 days for I am back to my long weekend, hiking with friends, etc.   Finally the weather is cooperating...   Spring has sprung !!!!

    Thanks for posting your update... you have friends here that want to know!!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 26, 2018, 07:08:10 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 25, 2018, 02:44:03 PM
    May 24 - End of the week

    Ugh - it has been an insanely busy week between work, some other issues, a leak in our house's foundation and finding time for the kiddo. Oh, and me celebrating my one-year full-time anniversary. But it has been a good week overall, better than I had in a very long time.

    I am somewhat exhausted, and my sleep tracker is not happy about this week:

    In all this crazy, I only slacked two days on my fitness routine, where I spent 9 hours on the phone and then worked another 6. So I missed my 10k step goal these two days.

    I did my usual gym visits, including Zumba this morning. Different instructor, all new move combinations, and songs. And people stood in different positions, so I did not have my usual orientation. Being a rookie, I need someone with medium skills to tone it down for me.

    And I finally was brave enough to take a shower at the gym. Wise decision, the second I stepped out of the locker room, I had another day of back-to-back calls until now.
    Showers where packed with several classes ending at the same time Fridays, usually a situation I would bail.
    Yeah Me, I did not bail. Another hurdle is taken.

    The sad part is, weight went up a pound again :-(

    23 lbs to go. Guess more sleep would help.

    Work has been crazy, after almost a year, my new role in the company is finally shaping up a bit, and my Manager decided to dump a load of critical issues on my desk immediately. Anything from Staff freakouts to professional development planning, large RFP responses and more. During the 3rd call in one day on the same critical project, he was almost apologizing, and I told him that I had the best day at work for a very long time. And it was true. I do like crisis management. Not sure why, but it caters well to the way my brain works. Fast analyzing, quick conclusions, action plan, go. Love it.

    So - overall, this was a great week, and it seems I am finally getting out of the blues.

    I am still looking forward to a quiet three day weekend.

    Hugs, everyone! Stay classy Internet!
    Hey Sarah!

    What a week for you! So good to see your manager is giving you more of the type of work you like doing. It is very satisfying to be busy with challenging work and finding ways to meet those challenges.

    I hope the leak in your house foundations is nothing too serious.

    Well done in keeping up with your fitness routine while being so busy. And congrats on braving the gym showers. I am way too shy for that. Even changing clothes in a locker room I usually wait till there is no one else around. Even more so now that I have some boobs....Yikes!!!! How could I ever explain that in a men's locker room. [emoji23]

    Hope you have a great 3 day weekend...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 28, 2018, 06:17:39 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 26, 2018, 07:08:10 PM
    Hey Sarah!

    What a week for you! So good to see your manager is giving you more of the type of work you like doing. It is very satisfying to be busy with challenging work and finding ways to meet those challenges.

    I hope the leak in your house foundations is nothing too serious.

    Well done in keeping up with your fitness routine while being so busy. And congrats on braving the gym showers. I am way too shy for that. Even changing clothes in a locker room I usually wait till there is no one else around. Even more so now that I have some boobs....Yikes!!!! How could I ever explain that in a men's locker room. [emoji23]

    Hope you have a great 3 day weekend...


    Admittedly - I could not use the men's locker room anymore. My breasts are super small and sure there are men with way bigger "moobs" but it is a psychological thing. I would feel extremely uncomfortable. I would have to make sure that I change at home.
    I am also very nervous about the women's locker room - after all, Virginia offers almost no protections based on Gender Identity, so I assume I could potentially get in trouble. I can only hope. make it undetected until being trans becomes a protected class. Until then I just try to blend in and make myself as small as possible.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 28, 2018, 06:37:02 AM
    May 28 - Surprise

    Memorial Weekend is almost over and tomorrow it is back to work. So far it has been very relaxing, something I really needed after the sleep deficit raked up last week. Lots of family time, shopping and today we will try to catch up on housework.

    Our town has their annual Memorial Day Event with a mix of arts and crafts show and carnival. Carnival was heaven for a two-year-old and we had to drag her away since she was getting exhausted in 32 C / 90 F temperatures and blaring sun. I am amazed how many rides such a small kid can go through. The lesson for next year: Buy the day passes...

    Due to the rapid heat up, afternoons have had rain and a few rumbles of thunder and we decided to rather go spend a few hours at the mall, I still needed a bit more summer outfits. Kiddo could ride the mall train too, at least there we have a multi-ride pass. Overall Mall is usually a cheap entertainment for bad weather. You would be surprised, how many parents ride the escalator for hours with their kids.
    I did get two new dresses and since VS had a nice panty sale, I could replenish. The first (cheap) ones I bought during the early days of my transition are starting to fall apart. I also got a nice crop top dress at the arts and crafts show.

    All in all, an uneventful weekend.


    Those of you following this thread along know about Facebook being the final frontier for coming out due to my wife's worries about her friends' reaction. Some have made transphobic remarks in the past. While I did get away setting my gender correctly as female, there was no way I could post a current picture.

    To my big surprise... My wife posted a picture of me and kiddo on the carousel last night!!! While most of me is hidden, I am clearly visible and if you zoom in you can see the painted fingernails, earrings and me clearly wearing (one of the new) dresses. I almost fell off my chair. Something I had not expected to happen in the next year. We also negotiated another carousel selfie I had taken which I could post. I ended up finally updating my profile picture to the carousel picture.
    Admittedly, the picture is most likely ambiguous, it is still a huge step forward for us.

    There was a bit of a sad part in me: Since I started my fitness regime, I had already mentioned losing fat on my breasts which resulted in quite some shrinkage and I now also realized having lost some fat in my face and some of the softness I liked so much and made me more feminine is gone. I have seen my old male self in the mirror a few times and he was gone forever.

    Here is at least my half of the carousel picture...


    For those of you who have served... Thank you for your service!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 28, 2018, 09:05:24 AM
    Dear Sarah:   
    Yes, indeed, the holiday weekend is coming to a close and for us working folks that are not retired it is back to the salt mine tomorrow-Tuesday.   Hey, but I enjoy my work, and of course the next door coffee shop scene. It will be interesting to get back into the groove and routine again.

    Today, like you stated is Memorial Day... and it is a day for us here in the USA to honor those that have served and are serving to protect our freedoms and our country.   
    Thank you to those on Susan's that have made that personal commitment.  THANK YOU does not say enough about how I feel about that subject. 

    Regarding your higher temps, that sure changes things as far as how we tolerate the longer days especially when out and about in the open air at craft shows, walking-jogging-running and exercising... and the dreaded yard work...   keeping hydrated is the key.
    Getting into the air-conditioned mall was the smart move...  your kiddo could be entertained riding the mall train and you could do some serious shopping.
    Higher temps here where I am but that means high 50's to mid-60's........ much more tolerable.

    Well.... your big surprise regarding your wife posting on FB your carousel picture of you all pretty in your female mode with painted nails, earrings... and your new dress.  I am so very happy to hear that you and her seem to be on a good path together.

    Oh yeah, for sure, while it is good that you are losing your desired weight, but unfortunately along with that you are losing some of the female features that you have been happy to have......  not to worry however... as you continue your journey all of that and more will come back....   the important thing is to get to a healthy body weight and shape that will be more compatible to your goals and your new clothing.

    Well, for me, the last day of my vacation holiday long weekend is kind of a let down....  in some ways I will be glad to get back into my routine and in other ways I will be sad to see the holiday activities come to an end... a quandary for sure... but that is LIFE.

    So, Sarah, thank you for posting your good news report about your holiday weekend....
    I am always looking forward to following your updates about your journey and your goings on in you and your family's adventures.

    Hugs and well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 28, 2018, 05:03:29 PM
    You painted a funny picture in my mind of the escalators being full of parents and their kids going for rides up and down with queues forming for the famous escalator ride!

    I don't like hot summer temperatures. Low 30's C (90's F) are about my limit before I start getting grumpy at the sun. Especially if there is associated high humidity. Retreating into the air conditioned mall was a wise move. And as Danielle already said, stay hydrated.

    That is a big step forward with Facebook! Hot Mommy #2 is looking good on the carousel. I guess time will tell what kind of reaction the photo will get on Facebook. I feel as though I am missing out on something not having an active Facebook account. It seems like everybody is on Facebook.

    The loss of some of the feminine softness from the fat loss is a two steps forward one step back kind of thing. You are still making a net gain with your progress. You are getting fitter, which is never a bad thing and the hormones are still performing their magic. You will get back to where you want to be with the benefit of being healthier and also being able to rock those dresses you are wanting to wear. Short term pain for long term gain!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 28, 2018, 07:19:59 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on May 28, 2018, 05:03:29 PM
    You painted a funny picture in my mind of the escalators being full of parents and their kids going for rides up and down with queues forming for the famous escalator ride!
    Pretty accurate picture. First time I noticed, it was 5 dads, me and a total of 9 kids... up and down and up and down. Still cheaper than 2x$5 for the mall train... guess most moms where just happy to get all the disturbance out of their way... I was the only Mom doing it while my SO met a friend for coffee. Kept us busy for a good 90 minutes [emoji23][emoji4][emoji23][emoji4]

    The loss of some of the feminine softness from the fat loss is a two steps forward one step back kind of thing. You are still making a net gain with your progress. You are getting fitter, which is never a bad thing and the hormones are still performing their magic. You will get back to where you want to be with the benefit of being healthier and also being able to rock those dresses you are wanting to wear. Short term pain for long term gain!


    Guess for now I just have to accept being "Tischlers Tochter" (a german phrase referring to a "woodworkers daughter", an analogy to how flat a board of wood is.)[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

    I think the English term is "flat as an ironing board" 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 29, 2018, 08:02:55 AM
    May 29 - random thoughts

    I think there is a new trend here to post 3 random thoughts, so here we go:

    On Facebook I would select "Sarah - is feeling Silly"

    #1: If I would be a vegetable, I would be a cute-cumber (I know, soooo bad but I cannot forget since I heard it)

    #2: Where did I see this really cute dress and where can I get a skort for Zumba?

    #3: Never knew female hygiene articles are considered gifts. Maybe I can stock up on sale, wrap them nicely and give it to my cis friends?

    Have a great new week everyone!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on May 29, 2018, 08:08:02 AM
    Oh no....... a cute-cumber? that is soooo bad! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on May 29, 2018, 09:43:11 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 29, 2018, 08:02:55 AM
    >#3: Never knew female hygiene articles are considered gifts. Maybe I can stock up on sale, wrap them nicely and give it to my cis friends?

    That'd be wingin' it. 
    Post-GCS I found the ones without wings are best.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 29, 2018, 09:47:58 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 29, 2018, 08:02:55 AM
    May 29 - random thoughts

    I think there is a new trend here to post 3 random thoughts, so here we go:

    On Facebook I would select "Sarah - is feeling Silly"

    #1: If I would be a vegetable, I would be a cute-cumber (I know, soooo bad but I cannot forget since I heard it)

    #2: Where did I see this really cute dress and where can I get a skort for Zumba?

    #3: Never knew female hygiene articles are considered gifts. Maybe I can stock up on sale, wrap them nicely and give it to my cis friends?

    Have a great new week everyone!


    Sarah, very nice to see your happy update on your thread.

    Oh yeah,  "random and unrelated thoughts". ... I think that @Roll  ELLIE started that on her thread a couple days ago.
    When I get all caught up with work after trying to recover from my holiday vacation I will surely have many l more than just 3 random thoughts to tell everyone about...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Roll on May 29, 2018, 10:25:45 AM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 29, 2018, 09:47:58 AM
    Sarah, very nice to see your happy update on your thread.

    Oh yeah,  "random and unrelated thoughts". ... I think that @Roll  ELLIE started that on her thread a couple days ago.
    When I get all caught up with work after trying to recover from my holiday vacation I will surely have many l more than just 3 random thoughts to tell everyone about...

    I haven't been keeping up too well with being slammed the past few days with family visiting and my step mom's surgery, did people really adopt my 3 random things that was itself totally random post? :D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 29, 2018, 11:00:31 AM
    Quote from: Roll on May 29, 2018, 10:25:45 AM
    I haven't been keeping up too well with being slammed the past few days with family visiting and my step mom's surgery, did people really adopt my 3 random things that was itself totally random post? :D

    Aww... Sorry for stealing your idea @Roll. I thought it was funny, so I wanted to continue :D Hope you don't mind!

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 29, 2018, 09:47:58 AM
    Sarah, very nice to see your happy update on your thread.

    Oh yeah,  "random and unrelated thoughts". ... I think that @Roll  ELLIE started that on her thread a couple days ago.
    When I get all caught up with work after trying to recover from my holiday vacation I will surely have many l more than just 3 random thoughts to tell everyone about...
    I can't wait for your 3 random thoughts @Alaskan Danielle - but first, take all the time you need to recover from your hiking weekend.

    Oh - there are many more random thoughts in my head... some of which would get me in real hot waters here :D Maybe I share a few more in the next few days :-)

    Quote from: Kendra on May 29, 2018, 09:43:11 AM
    That'd be wingin' it. 
    Post-GCS I found the ones without wings are best.
    Hahaha, nice pun!

    Yeah, there are so many more thoughts and questions I have on this topic, starting with the question if they can make music too. Could we get Kotex to follow Sephora and offer free classes?
    And lastly the odd memory of the strangest question I ever got: "Do Trans-women use tampons?" Not sure if the person wanted to mock me or if she had a genuine interest. I did feel compelled to provide a long answer...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 30, 2018, 10:36:14 PM
    May 30 - Early Morning Gym Shocker

    So, today I had one of these strange moments where my heart almost stopped beating... I was done with my workout and sat down for a minute in the locker room to check on work drama emails when one of the employees of the gym came in and announced "Ladies, there will be a guy in your locker room!". Multiple times. My brain started racing and played through all the possible scenarios.  Of course, I just kept my head down, stared at my phone when I heard the second part "It is the maintenance guy turning on the Sauna". OMG... Everyone scrambled to get somewhat covered.
    That was a bit too much of a scare early in the morning. I just grabbed my stuff, changed shoes and left for the moment. Not sure I really need to be worried, so far no problems, but who knows.

    Reminds me, I have not talked about the gym in a while.

    Yeah, I am still at it. Still 2 - 3 times per week. Still doing my steps. This week weather was finally well enough for me to start swimming. So far I am back at 1/2 mile but I want to increase within a week to about a mile 3 - 4 times per week. Lucky enough, swimming counts into my 10k step challenge. I certainly notice the effects. Once I am back from Germany I may splurge on a few personal trainer lessons.
    Oh - and the former "creepy" guy has now been reclassified... He is just a total character. The gym is just such a great place for character studies.

    It is a somewhat odd place, they have close to 200 cardio related machines (treadmill, cross trainer, stepper etc), three studios (one is for spin class), a basketball court and an indoor pool. Add to that a lot of weight machines and you get the picture. So one of these giant places. Unfortunately, anything different in our area is unaffordable, there are a few very niche boutique places but we would not fit in there.
    The class schedule is a bit annoying, most classes are during the workday and they have a lot fewer classes than some of their other locations. I may need to go to one of the other locations if I want to do another class.

    On some trans-related news: My facial skin has certainly changed a lot recently. So much softer and smoother.

    Two more weeks until we leave for vacation! One more work trip (New York) end of next week.

    Tiem for me to catch some sleep... As usual: Stay classy Internet.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 30, 2018, 10:51:36 PM
    Sarah:    Great update and an "exciting" time for you at the gym with the "guy in the ladies locker room" scenario.   That is enough to give any trans-woman a heart attack or perhaps pee their pants.

    It was nice to hear about your workout and exercise routines.   Oh, and the "creepy guy" in the gym is just a "character" now?   Does he still stay on the machine near the entrance to the womens locker room?  (that sounds creepy to me)   In my gym the "creepy" guy there is finally leaving me alone... I can thank my gym girlfriend group for that and being my bodyguards.

    Oh, Sarah, that is such great news about the good changes in your facial skin.

    ahhhhh, vacation coming up for you..... the anticipation of vacations is certainly a way to keep motivated at work until then.

    Again.... great update.   Get a restful sleep tonight.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 02, 2018, 01:52:44 AM
    June 2nd - Soccer Mom

    Sometimes I wonder if it is worth posting updates about boring normal life and I am torn about it. I do however believe that normal is something many of us hope for and seeing that being trans and having a normal life might be encouraging.

    So... what is going on in my life?

    It is Saturday 2:00 AM and I am monitoring a large system upgrade at one of our customers. Fun. Progress bars, database migrations and more hotfixes to deploy. We may get lucky and it will all be over in a bit.

    Over the Summer our little town has a concert series Friday nights and we put kiddo in the radio flyer, texted her daycare buddy and all met for some great music and running around while the U.S. Navy Band Country Current played some nice music. And this soccer mom right in the middle. In a skirt, flats and a cute top (yeah, Hot Mommy #2 is back.) Once again one of these events where I am just being seen as one of the moms. The only issue was 90F and it felt like 85% humidity, I would have qualified for a "hot and sweaty" picture after running behind two kiddos...

    "All my Ex's live in Texas" threw me off for a moment... hahaha... yes, there is a (one) Ex in Texas.


    More of the same fun tomorrow when the local Moms Inc. has their annual summer party (yeah!!) hope it will not be a washout, there is more rain announced.

    Besides that... 13 year wedding anniversary! Went for a nice lunch together and I am truly lucky she has not run away yet. I also take it as a good sign that we still go and celebrate this day.

    Next week will be busy, a two-day work trip to New York (with Girls Night Out) and then prepare for the Germany vacation to see our families... They all get to meet Sarah for the first time.

    That is it for now... Now I need to troubleshoot a few issues, apparently, the upgrade did not all go as planned :-(

    Hugs, Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on June 02, 2018, 10:04:50 AM
    Normal days that show you just living life is never boring.  It reminds us that there is more to living than transition.  It grounds us to reality, rather than getting lost in a dream.
    Not that anyone can't live the dream, one has to live reality too.

    Hugs and smiles, Jess
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 02, 2018, 10:10:24 AM
    Good morning Sarah:    I am not quite the early bird (or night owl) that you are...  although I was up about an hour and a half ago at 5:30am this morning, my time.
    Hmmm, you sure appear to burn the candle at both ends... there are times that I do that as well, but long term it does indeed have an impact on my disposition. 

    It is now 7:00am here and I am heading to my office for just this moroing... a half day... after all it is Saturday.  It is supposed to be a beautiful sunny day here with temperatures getting in the warm range... up to 65 degrees today...  tank top and shorts maybe going for a walk around town or on the nearby trails through the woods here???   

    No way are your updates boring, curious folks like me enjoy following other's lives and their goings on....  I like to see and read about the activities of my friends  (i.e. YOU).  Please keep your thread going and updated frequently even if nothing earth shaking is happening I enjoy reading your thread.

    Well, your 2:00AM system upgrade for your customer... your are definitely burning the midnight oil.   I was doing that for well over a month or two during March and April with the tax time work rush at my office.  Those late nights can really take a toll on our bodies and mind. 

    You upcoming activities sound fun....
    *The Summer concert series on Friday nights sounds like a nice family event....
    *and of course the annual summer Party for Mom's Inc.....   Be certain to post your picture there as Hot Mama #2
    *Your New York business trip with a Girls Night Out sounds fun. 
    * And your upcoming vacation back to Germany to introduce you and your wife's family and friends there to "Sarah" for the first time....  I am crossing my fingers for you that all goes well.

    Congratulations of your 13th Wedding Anniversary....  Kudos to you and your wife for sticking together through all of your life events together. .... and many more happy wedding anniversaries to come.

    Again, Sarah, thank you for posting your thread update  .... so sorry the computer system upgrade did not go as well as your thread update.

    Hugs and well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 02, 2018, 03:33:22 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 02, 2018, 01:52:44 AM
    June 2nd - Soccer Mom

    Sometimes I wonder if it is worth posting updates about boring normal life and I am torn about it. I do however believe that normal is something many of us hope for and seeing that being trans and having a normal life might be encouraging.

    So... what is going on in my life?

    It is Saturday 2:00 AM and I am monitoring a large system upgrade at one of our customers. Fun. Progress bars, database migrations and more hotfixes to deploy. We may get lucky and it will all be over in a bit.

    Over the Summer our little town has a concert series Friday nights and we put kiddo in the radio flyer, texted her daycare buddy and all met for some great music and running around while the U.S. Navy Band Country Current played some nice music. And this soccer mom right in the middle. In a skirt, flats and a cute top (yeah, Hot Mommy #2 is back.) Once again one of these events where I am just being seen as one of the moms. The only issue was 90F and it felt like 85% humidity, I would have qualified for a "hot and sweaty" picture after running behind two kiddos...

    "All my Ex's live in Texas" threw me off for a moment... hahaha... yes, there is a (one) Ex in Texas.


    More of the same fun tomorrow when the local Moms Inc. has their annual summer party (yeah!!) hope it will not be a washout, there is more rain announced.

    Besides that... 13 year wedding anniversary! Went for a nice lunch together and I am truly lucky she has not run away yet. I also take it as a good sign that we still go and celebrate this day.

    Next week will be busy, a two-day work trip to New York (with Girls Night Out) and then prepare for the Germany vacation to see our families... They all get to meet Sarah for the first time.

    That is it for now... Now I need to troubleshoot a few issues, apparently, the upgrade did not all go as planned :-(

    Hugs, Sarah
    Hi there Soccer Mum! (Yes, Mum is spelt with a U [emoji16] )

    Of course it is worth posting "boring" normal life stuff. Not only does it give hope to those of us who are yet to reach that normal life, but you are a friend and many of us are interested in hearing about your life.

    I'm with do you manage such a busy schedule? Not only does it seem like you are burning the candle at both ends, but it also seems like you are burning in it in the middle! If you are not working, you are being soccer Mum or going to the gym or late night runs. Sarah, I am in awe of your ability to juggle such a busy lifestyle.

    Too bad your customer's upgrade didn't go as smoothly as you had hoped. I know the feeling of watching the progress bars, hoping it gets to the end without any problems and then an error pops up. It really sucks when it happens at 2 or 3 am.

    The Friday night concert series sounds like fun. Hot Mommy #2 chasing after Kiddo and her daycare buddy in the hot weather.... definitely sounds like it would qualify for a "hot and sweaty" picture.

    Congratulations on your 13 year wedding anniversary. Your wife sounds like a really great lady, but she is also married to a really great lady, so it's no surprise she has chosen to stick around. My wife and I celebrate our 17th anniversary in September. It is always an occasion worth celebrating, even if it's just going out for a meal together.

    Oh, I loooove New York! Hope your work trip goes well and have a great time at the girls night out. I hope the Germany vacation also goes well when the family meet Sarah. Got my fingers crossed for you.

    Keep your "boring" updates coming!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 02, 2018, 09:41:32 PM
    June 2nd - Update

    I feel like my dear readers deserve an update after I cut last nights post short.

    I left off having to focus on the customer's system upgrade since we experienced a few hiccups which turned out to be nothing. After testing everything we could call it a night around 5:30 AM and I was in bed at 6:00 for two hours. A bit longer than expected but we added some additional maintenance to what we did last night. 6 hours is not too bad. I have had things go wrong and it took 30+ hours to fix them...

    Overnight and weekend work is not uncommon, most of our customers use their systems 24/7 and it is hard to get any maintenance windows. While I am in the lucky situation that I can delegate a lot of these upgrades to my team, there are always a few I want to do myself. Long customer relationship and their high profile status is one thing, the other is to keep my feet on the ground. At least to some degree. One thing I have learned is that once you get into management, it is way too easy to lose touch with the real world.

    The Moms Inc. summer party was postponed to Monday due to rain so we ended up spending most of the day at home. Kiddo and I had some quality cuddling time and took some super cute pictures of us, later we spent quite some time building Lego houses.  I did not join her for music class

    I think I had mentioned I caught a cold... which now morphed into a full-on sinus infection, so I am somewhat handicapped these days, hope it will pass soon. It really limits my ability to get anything done. Maybe one of the old male things I should keep around is the "man-flu" 😂😂

    Thanks for your concern about my busy schedule @Jayne01 and @Alaskan Danielle. There is a lot to it, a lot I am not ready to share here in public. Most days I try to spend some time with kiddo after daycare. Then I just continue working at night or just do a bit of household like folding laundry.

    Mostly I can live on 5 - 6 hours of sleep but it does catch up on me. Not a good thing to lose weight and I also think it is a vicious cycle with some of my depressive episodes. Anyways, it is what it is until I can figure a few things out.

    Tomorrow will be big laundry day for me, I am really running low on clothes now. I m still a bit short on summer clothing.

    Hugs to all of you!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on June 02, 2018, 11:45:16 PM
    Sounds like it's time for a clothes shopping spree!  Summers here!

    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 02, 2018, 09:41:32 PM
    June 2nd - Update

    Tomorrow will be big laundry day for me, I am really running low on clothes now. I m still a bit short on summer clothing.

    Hugs to all of you!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 03, 2018, 09:20:33 PM
    June 3rd - Passing and Facebook

    After so much normal, it may be time for a more trans related post...

    This has been on my mind for quite a while: How much does having a 2-year-old kid affect your passing? Especially when I am alone with her? Am I seen as her mom even tough if I where alone I may have a harder time passing? Is having a kid helping? Sometimes I do believe it does help and I have had clear situations where I was called her mom simply because I was the woman with her. Not sure I will ever know the answer to this.

    Well, Facebook is taking an interesting turn. As my regular readers know, I have only changed my gender marker on Facebook but nothing else. Last weekend my wife had posted a picture of me - it was somewhat obscured, so it could have gone both ways. I was allowed to post a selfie and this weekend I did get the OK to post a picture of me and kiddo I took yesterday. Again, somewhat obscured. Apparently, a few people now start asking questions. Given that a lot of things I like and share are trans related, it is pretty obvious what is going on. Guess the day I cannot hide it is closer than I think.

    Besides that? It was way warmer in Fairbanks, AK than it was here (by about 10 F) and it was another rainy day. More Lego building and indoor activities.

    And as a last follow up to my sleep and it being a vicious cycle... only 7 days of good sleep last month, guess I should not be surprised how I feel.


    OK, back to folding laundry.

    Hugs everyone! Stay classy Internet!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 04, 2018, 07:28:18 PM
    Hi Sarah,
    Good news that the upgrade hiccups were not anything major and you managed to slip in some extra maintenance while you were there. A 24/7 operation doesn't leave much time for maintenance, I guess you take whatever opportunities present themselves.

    Too bad the summer party got rained out. At least you got to spend quality time with Kiddo. LEGO is so much fun! My wife and I recently went birthday present shopping for my 3 year old niece. We kept looking at all the different LEGO in the store trying to find something. We said that it would be good to have some LEGO at home for when our niece visits, for "her" to play with. The reality is we want to play with it ourselves. [emoji23]

    Sorry your cold got worse. A sinus infection does not sound pleasant. You sure you aren't just making excuses to skip on the gym? I better give you a POKE just in case. [emoji16] I do hope you feel better soon.

    Running low on clothes sounds like a good reason to go shopping. Wait for me! I'll be right over.....


    I think you might be right about a young child helping with passing. I strongly believe that most people are not very observant. If they see a woman and child, the natural assumption is that the woman is the child's mother. Also, their attention will probably be more focused on a cute 2 year old than the accompanying adult.

    I have been avoiding Facebook all together. I have an account which I never use and I am worried that if I create a new account for Jayne, it will somehow link itself to my old account, outing me to everyone. You might be right about being fully outed sooner than you think through Facebook. I'm guessing that is what you want, otherwise you would not have changed the gender marker or posted any photos.

    Oh goodie! More LEGO building. You are making me jealous. I am going to have to go to a toy store and treat myself to some LEGO blocks.

    Try getting some more sleep. I'm sure you are doing the best you can with your busy schedule. Being sleep deprived definitely catches up on you.

    Thank you for your updates. I am always looking forward to read about how you are going.

    BIG Hug!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 08, 2018, 02:23:59 PM
    June 8th - Meeting with a view and updates

    My dear readers, many of you may have noticed a bit of a break I took from posting here and I appreciate some of your reaching out to check in. Things are mostly fine, I just had to become better about time slicing my day. Between family, work, transition, and fitness there was very little time left and looking at my sleep tracker made me realize I need to change a few things. Looking at my day, I all the sudden realized how much time I spend on social media. While I love being on Susan's I am planning to be much more mindful of my time spent here. I caught myself writing the same message for over two hours. I am not leaving, just reducing my activity a little bit.

    Last time I posted was on Sunday while folding laundry. Wow. Finished at 3:30 AM. Wow. I think this was really the trigger for me to tip back a bit.

    Right now I am on a train from New York home. Meetings ended a bit early and I could re-book to get home a bit earlier. Some of the saved hours will go down the drain in rush hour traffic, but I am still home significantly earlier than planned.

    Pretty nice having meetings on the 27th floor in New York :-)


    The morning started pretty wild... I just typed the hotel name into Google Maps and started walking, happy that it was only a few blocks. Arrived, was greeted by a lovely concierge (female) and tried to check in... Wrong hotel ;D;D;D... Concierge intercepted me on my way out and started hitting on me in a very, very sweet way... hahaha... Not even 30 minutes in town and this happens. Asked my plans for the day and the evening, go a bit touchy-feely.... and to be clear, not in the usual concierge way, this was hitting on me. Made me smile a lot.

    Last night I had a nice Dinner with a coworker at Havana Central at Times Square. A really awesome "Girls Night Out". Little bit of work chat and then the "girl" stuff started: Her crushes, my crushes, puberty, One Direction. Fashion choices, fitness... Sometimes having teeny emotions in my age is fun... I can legally drink too!!! (And yes, there where fruity drinks with little umbrellas involved - sorry @Jayne01  And a lot about my transition. I told her about my quest to find a cis-female mentor. She offered to help as much as she can (so sweet of her) and then went on to giving me a bunch of tips. Telling me that I pass so well that there is no need to overdo it by being too girly - guess I was lucky having decided not to wear the hot pants I had just bought ;D ;D.

    Since it was a workday, we called it pretty early, I got back into my hotel and had to deal with a bit of work crisis. Part of my job is to step in in cases of a customer in crisis mode. Something I am usually pretty good at, and now having a team allows me to delegate a few things too. Also had to catch up with some of my other girlfriends... (Yeah, girls chat a LOT more)

    Besides that, the week was one I rather forget. Between a fight at home, a fight at work and one of our cats being in the ER for two nights, a fairly expensive car service, a sinus infection and a few other things, I am really looking forward to the weekend. One thing did get me through the week: @Alaskan Danielle's approach to happiness. Being busy also takes my mind off the constant thinking about transition. AT the moment there is nothing else I can do besides living, so that is what I need to focus on these days.

    The 10,000 step challenge at work ended June 4th as well. Overall I did pretty well, on average above 10k steps for a total of 315,419 logged steps. Given that my usual average is around 4k, this is. great improvement. Unfortunately so far no effect on my body weight. Sinus infection did not allow for swimming and even gym visits were skipped or reduced to a light workout. I am still at it, which makes me happy. During my Germany trip, I just have to compensate with more walking. Much easier in the big city :D


    The weekend will be mostly preparations for our trip to Germany.

    So much for now, got to catch up on work e-mails for a bit.

    Stay classy Internet.

    Hugs - Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 08, 2018, 07:14:36 PM
    Whaaaaaat!!!!! Fruity drinks AND umbrellas and I don't get an invite????? I guess I'll let you get away with it, given the distance between us. When we do finally meet, I want an umbrella in my drink! [emoji23]

    Glad your meeting finished early and you can get home quicker. What an awesome view you had. How could you concentrate on work without staring out the window?

    Yea, I agree with you cutting back on something's to better manage your days. You have been burning the candle at both ends lately and it has caught up with you.

    I gotta run of myself now......I wanted to reply to your post quickly, let you know you have my support always.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 11, 2018, 10:45:58 AM
    June 11th - Odds and Ends

    Just a few random things today.

    The weekend was great, met with an old co-worker who had a 6-hour layover in town and we took him on a sightseeing tour through Washington, DC. Besides that the usual toddler music class and then starting to plan out more of our trip to Germany beginning this Friday. Still so much to organize from cell phones, data plans to puzzle together a calendar to maximize who we can meet in only a few days. The weekends will be cornered by family get-togethers, first my wife and then my family. Both of which know about Sarah but have never met Sarah in person. I don't expect any issues. I was warned about one uncle who could either make a few stupid comments or could get handsy depending on his alcohol level. We will see, I am well trained in avoiding him anyways.

    Speaking of odd encounters: So far I have been lucky that I never had any negative reactions. I knew this streak has to end at some point. And while I still got away pretty well, I did get a really disgusted look when I picked up food Saturday night at a local burger place. We usually order there at least once a month and they have been really great so far. This time it was all new staff and the guy at the register somehow clocked me and let me feel how disgusted he was. I really don't care much,  I was prepared for this to happen at some point.

    Also, a comment my wife made totally made up for this: We talked to friends of ours on the phone trying to arrange a get-together in Berlin. We ended up deciding to meet at their place and they ended up saying I should be a bit careful in their neighborhood. My wife immediately chimed in: Unless someone knows me from the past, there is very little chance of me getting made, I do look so female.

    Everything else is an up and down. Overall, the glass is 3/4 full right now. I may just take a smaller glass, then it is full.  ;D

    Oh - I have not posted a gym picture in a while. Here you go... I realize I look pretty destroyed :D... Hey, this is life.

    Stay classy internet!!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 11, 2018, 11:10:41 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 11, 2018, 10:45:58 AM
    June 11th - Odds and Ends

    Just a few random things today.

    The weekend was great, met with an old co-worker who had a 6-hour layover in town and we took him on a sightseeing tour through Washington, DC. Besides that the usual toddler music class and then starting to plan out more of our trip to Germany beginning this Friday. Still so much to organize from cell phones, data plans to puzzle together a calendar to maximize who we can meet in only a few days. The weekends will be cornered by family get-togethers, first my wife and then my family. Both of which know about Sarah but have never met Sarah in person. I don't expect any issues. I was warned about one uncle who could either make a few stupid comments or could get handsy depending on his alcohol level. We will see, I am well trained in avoiding him anyways.

    Speaking of odd encounters: So far I have been lucky that I never had any negative reactions. I knew this streak has to end at some point. And while I still got away pretty well, I did get a really disgusted look when I picked up food Saturday night at a local burger place. We usually order there at least once a month and they have been really great so far. This time it was all new staff and the guy at the register somehow clocked me and let me feel how disgusted he was. I really don't care much,  I was prepared for this to happen at some point.

    Also, a comment my wife made totally made up for this: We talked to friends of ours on the phone trying to arrange a get-together in Berlin. We ended up deciding to meet at their place and they ended up saying I should be a bit careful in their neighborhood. My wife immediately chimed in: Unless someone knows me from the past, there is very little chance of me getting made, I do look so female.

    Everything else is an up and down. Overall, the glass is 3/4 full right now. I may just take a smaller glass, then it is full.  ;D

    Oh - I have not posted a gym picture in a while. Here you go... I realize I look pretty destroyed :D... Hey, this is life.

    Stay classy internet!!



    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for sharing your latest update. 
    It is so nice to hear about how your wife supports and encourages you.... and for you to hear all the nice things that she says to you.   As you know, you are very fortunate in that regard....   acceptance of spouses of thier transgender partners can the most difficult issues to deal with.  It is wonderful to hear the stories from you and others here that have a supporting spouse.  You are very fortunate indeed.

    I am certain that you certainly know how you will handle the "handsy" uncle.... from how you stated that,  it sounds like that even without alcohol involved he may still have "roaming" hands.   Kicking him you know where if it gets to be a problem.

    The new cashier at the Burger Place....possibly clocking you,  just ignore him like you are doing...  and go on keeping your "glass full"

    Hey, I like the "hot and sweaty" gym picture.... but what happened to that bright orange top that you had worn in previous gym pictures???    I notice these things.

    Keep on keeping on.   As as you are preparing for you Germany trip, be certain to pack all that you will need.  Women of course require a twice as big suitcase versus Men....  but you know that because you have already done traveling as a full-timer.  It is fun to think about of course.

    Again, thank you for keeping your thread and your readers updated... and thank you for posting your latest picture.
    Hugs and hugs,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 11, 2018, 02:17:57 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 11, 2018, 10:45:58 AM
    June 11th - Odds and Ends

    Just a few random things today.

    The weekend was great, met with an old co-worker who had a 6-hour layover in town and we took him on a sightseeing tour through Washington, DC. Besides that the usual toddler music class and then starting to plan out more of our trip to Germany beginning this Friday. Still so much to organize from cell phones, data plans to puzzle together a calendar to maximize who we can meet in only a few days. The weekends will be cornered by family get-togethers, first my wife and then my family. Both of which know about Sarah but have never met Sarah in person. I don't expect any issues. I was warned about one uncle who could either make a few stupid comments or could get handsy depending on his alcohol level. We will see, I am well trained in avoiding him anyways.

    Speaking of odd encounters: So far I have been lucky that I never had any negative reactions. I knew this streak has to end at some point. And while I still got away pretty well, I did get a really disgusted look when I picked up food Saturday night at a local burger place. We usually order there at least once a month and they have been really great so far. This time it was all new staff and the guy at the register somehow clocked me and let me feel how disgusted he was. I really don't care much,  I was prepared for this to happen at some point.

    Also, a comment my wife made totally made up for this: We talked to friends of ours on the phone trying to arrange a get-together in Berlin. We ended up deciding to meet at their place and they ended up saying I should be a bit careful in their neighborhood. My wife immediately chimed in: Unless someone knows me from the past, there is very little chance of me getting made, I do look so female.

    Everything else is an up and down. Overall, the glass is 3/4 full right now. I may just take a smaller glass, then it is full.  ;D

    Oh - I have not posted a gym picture in a while. Here you go... I realize I look pretty destroyed :D... Hey, this is life.

    Stay classy internet!!


    Hey there Sarah,

    I'm glad you had a great weekend with a busy week ahead of your Germany trip. This is an improvement of your less than great week last week. You have a fantastic attitude towards any potentially negative experiences. You handled the cashier at the burger place with style, not letting his mini mind get to you. Whatever problems he may have with you are his problems and his problems alone. You also found a way to turn a 3/4 full glass into a full glass. Get a smaller glass, I never thought of that. Thinking outside the box.....excellent!

    What a nice comment for your wife to make about you to your friends in Berlin. She sees you for who you are.

    Good to see you are still keep my up with the gym. I haven't given you any gym reminder pokes lately, but you haven't needed any.


    PS: Danielle, you always beat me at replying to posts. I will have to start getting up earlier in the morning so I can get my 2 cents in before you. [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 11, 2018, 02:46:55 PM
    Aww... Thanks for your reply Danielle.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on June 11, 2018, 11:10:41 AM

    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for sharing your latest update. 
    It is so nice to hear about how your wife supports and encourages you.... and for you to hear all the nice things that she says to you.   As you know, you are very fortunate in that regard....   acceptance of spouses of their transgender partners can the most difficult issues to deal with.  It is wonderful to hear the stories from you and others here that have a supporting spouse.  You are very fortunate indeed.
    I am fully aware of how lucky I am. We still have a very long road ahead of us and to be fair: I do not know the destination yet. I hope we can work it out.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on June 11, 2018, 11:10:41 AM
    Hey, I like the "hot and sweaty" gym picture.... but what happened to that bright orange top that you had worn in previous gym pictures???    I notice these things.

    Hahaha... I have two orange and the grey top. Just depends on which ones are clean and how I feel. This mornings choice was primarily dictated by "what is the first one I can grab, I am already late"

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on June 11, 2018, 11:10:41 AM
    Keep on keeping on.   As as you are preparing for you Germany trip, be certain to pack all that you will need.  Women of course require a twice as big suitcase versus Men....  but you know that because you have already done traveling as a full-timer.  It is fun to think about of course.
    Yeah, packing will be a challenge. I already got some odd looks when I declared I "take only a few shoes" and ended up with 6 pairs. I really hate handling luggage, so I decided we will travel light this time with smaller suitcases. I guess I have to make a few compromises to accommodate this. Five pairs of shoes should do it.  ;D ;D

    Quote from: Jayne01 on June 11, 2018, 02:17:57 PM

    Good to see you are still keep my up with the gym. I haven't given you any gym reminder pokes lately, but you haven't needed any.


    I did slack a bit between all the stress and being sick. I still went twice a week, but my steps did not all add up. In parts also because I forgot to take my watch to New York last week. Berlin will be good, the big city allows for a lot of walking.

    I hope I can get at least two gym visits this week. Maybe three.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 11, 2018, 02:55:46 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 11, 2018, 02:46:55 PM
    Aww... Thanks for your reply Danielle.
    - - - - - - -
    Yeah, packing will be a challenge. I already got some odd looks when I declared I "take only a few shoes" and ended up with 6 pairs. I really hate handling luggage, so I decided we will travel light this time with smaller suitcases. I guess I have to make a few compromises to accommodate this. Five pairs of shoes should do it.  ;D ;D

      Well, when traveling you can always find a store and buy what you forgot to pack....  I have had to do that at times... shoes, tops, socks, hair accessories, makeup, personal hygiene items like toothpaste, deorderant, perfume, etc.

    Don't leave home without your credit card!!!
    Now, is you wife is the same size that you are, you could share???
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 11, 2018, 03:05:18 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on June 11, 2018, 02:55:46 PM
    Sarah:  Well, when traveling you can always find a store and buy what you forgot to pack....  I have had to do that at times... shoes, tops, socks, hair accessories, makeup, personal hygiene items like toothpaste, deorderant, perfume, etc.

    Don't leave home without your credit card!!!
    Now, is you wife is the same size that you are, you could share???

    Ha - we have something else in common. It would not be the first time I have to buy something while traveling, in fact, it happens fairly frequently. I still remember early on in my transition going into the hotel store to buy a female deodorant and the clerk explained that she thinks they are so much better than any male version. I did not tell her anything, just smiled and agreed with her. Little did she know. And yes, as long as I have a credit card, I will be fine.

    I am really not too worried this time and since it is summer, we do not need any warm and heavy clothes. It is also not a business trip where I need to wear something different every day. We can do laundry in between.

    My wife and I are the same height, but I am a few clothing sizes smaller. Ther is also another aspect: I do not want to invade her wardrobe. She needs to have her own, I have my own. This has been an issue before and I do understand why. 



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 23, 2018, 03:50:08 AM
    Hi Sarah,

    Loving your new avatar!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 23, 2018, 01:14:59 PM
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 23, 2018, 01:19:00 PM
    Wow! Look at you! You look fantastic!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 23, 2018, 01:22:09 PM

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on June 23, 2018, 01:26:20 PM
    Wow!  You look absolutely beautifiul. 

    Did they design that floor to match your dress? 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 23, 2018, 01:35:38 PM
    I love your dress! You even had time to change your hair between photos.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 23, 2018, 02:55:58 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 23, 2018, 01:22:09 PM


    Dear Sarah:   My oh my.......  beautiful woman in a beautiful dress?   
    Did you get that new dress as a gift? ...
    ... or did your use your credit card as we discussed in our recent comment exchange !!!!!   
    Very pretty, both the dress and the beautiful model ....  :-*
    Hugs and hugs,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on June 23, 2018, 05:42:34 PM
       Very nice pictures Sarah, You are looking GOOD! it that lovely dress. Love it!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 24, 2018, 09:44:12 AM
    Thanks @Laurie, @Jayne01 and @Kendra for your sweet comments.

    Thanks @Alaskan Danielle for your sweet remarks. Admittedly I had the dress for a while, just needed an occasion to wear it. Ordered from my favorite online store. My parents golden wedding anniversary was the perfect backdrop to get dressed all fancy.

    I have learned a few "tricks of the trade" to help with the looks. Now I need to find the next occasion to wear this dress (or one of the other fancy ones I have).

    Guess even this soccer mom cleans up nicely [emoji23][emoji23]

    Thanks again for your comments!



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on June 23, 2018, 02:55:58 PM
    Dear Sarah:   My oh my.......  beautiful woman in a beautiful dress?   
    Did you get that new dress as a gift? ...
    ... or did your use your credit card as we discussed in our recent comment exchange !!!!!   
    Very pretty, both the dress and the beautiful model ....  :-*
    Hugs and hugs,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 24, 2018, 09:56:56 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 24, 2018, 09:44:12 AM
    Thanks @Laurie, @Jayne01 and @Kendra for your sweet comments.

    Thanks @Alaskan Danielle for your sweet remarks. Admittedly I had the dress for a while, just needed an occasion to wear it. Ordered from my favorite online store. My parents golden wedding anniversary was the perfect backdrop to get dressed all fancy.

    I have learned a few "tricks of the trade" to help with the looks. Now I need to find the next occasion to wear this dress (or one of the other fancy ones I have).

    Guess even this soccer mom cleans up nicely [emoji23][emoji23]

    Thanks again for your comments!



    Dear Sarah:  Yes indeed, soccer mom does clean up nicely ::) ;)....  the "tricks of the trade" have done you well.
    Oh yeah, the fancy dresses are indeed fun to wear and they really give the feminine touch to our looks, however I have trouble finding appropriate events to be able to wear a few of my fancier dresses.   Perhaps if I lived is a large city there would be more opportunities. 
    Most people that "dress up" here consider jeans and a sweatshirt appropriate.   I was able to get all dressed up for my date with shy guy suitor #3 recently.  We went to the nicest restaurant in town.... and I was the only one there wearing a dress and heels, I felt as if all eyes were on me.

    Anyway, Sarah, thanks for sharing your pictures with us... 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 25, 2018, 10:11:39 PM
    June 25 - Airports

    Going through airport security in Frankfurt today was a bit interesting... my kiddo had called me daddy, so they asked which gender applies. After a bit of consideration I suggested to set the scanner to "male" since I had not tucked due to the long flight. Of course the machine complained about my breasts and I got some added pad down. Even tough It felt like betrayal to myself, I much prefer an upper body pad down to someone touching my junk...

    Anyways. Besides that no further problems...

    Back home from vacation with a longer report to follow in the next few days...


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 25, 2018, 10:19:37 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 25, 2018, 10:11:39 PM
    June 25 - Airports

    Going through airport security in Frankfurt today was a bit interesting... my kiddo had called me daddy, so they asked which gender applies. After a bit of consideration I suggested to set the scanner to "male" since I had not tucked due to the long flight. Of course the machine complained about my breasts and I got some added pad down. Even tough It felt like betrayal to myself, I much prefer an upper body pad down to someone touching my junk...

    Anyways. Besides that no further problems...

    Back home from vacation with a longer report to follow in the next few days...



    Hello Sarah... wow, vacations always seem to end way too quickly.... or were you ready to get going back home??  I  trust that you had a wonderful time being involved in all of the family events...  were you in "Sarah-mode" the entire time of your Germany visit?   I hope that acceptance and affirmation were the words that describe your time there.

    Oh yeah, airports are fun... the scanners see a lot more clear detail than most people know about.  I remember when I first went full time and had to go through TSA .... more stressful than my first date as Danielle...  !!!! >:(

    Yes, I will be looking for your longer update... as I am certain that all of your followers will be as well.
    Travel safe and welcome home soon.
    Hugs, and well wishes,
    Danielle :)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 25, 2018, 10:20:09 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 25, 2018, 10:11:39 PM
    June 25 - Airports

    Going through airport security in Frankfurt today was a bit interesting... my kiddo had called me daddy, so they asked which gender applies. After a bit of consideration I suggested to set the scanner to "male" since I had not tucked due to the long flight. Of course the machine complained about my breasts and I got some added pad down. Even tough It felt like betrayal to myself, I much prefer an upper body pad down to someone touching my junk...

    Anyways. Besides that no further problems...

    Back home from vacation with a longer report to follow in the next few days...


    Welcomes me back Sarah. Looking forward to the report of your holiday.

    I'm sorry.....I had to laugh a bit at the airport scanner dilemma. I was thinking of some of the security staff at the airport where we work and imagining their brain going into meltdown as they try to process how to deal with such a situation in the most "politically correct" manner. Don't think of it as a betrayal to yourself. You chose the option that would give you the least discomfort. I would rather have my breasts patted down than my junk too.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 26, 2018, 05:49:39 AM
    I have to admit the security screener was very professional about it. She asked me to step into the scanner, then stepped in herself and asked very quietly. No one around did take any notice. Even the pad down happened very professionally. Overall, I am grateful and happy with how I was treated. And of course, she had to ask seeing a woman stepping into the scanner who had been called "Daddy" just a few seconds earlier. In the end, this just allowed things to move forward much faster. The person seemed to have had at least some sensitivity training and adhered to it. I think she felt more awkward than I did.

    I do count it as a good experience.

    I also have to be fair that this will most likely happen a few more times being pre-op, especially on airports outside of the US where I cannot claim TSA-Pre or Clear to get through everything. I did like that Frankfurt had two dedicated "family" lines, given all the stuff you have to take when boarding a plane with a two-year-old,

    Quote from: Jayne01 on June 25, 2018, 10:20:09 PM
    Welcomes me back Sarah. Looking forward to the report of your holiday.

    I'm sorry.....I had to laugh a bit at the airport scanner dilemma. I was thinking of some of the security staff at the airport where we work and imagining their brain going into meltdown as they try to process how to deal with such a situation in the most "politically correct" manner. Don't think of it as a betrayal to yourself. You chose the option that would give you the least discomfort. I would rather have my breasts patted down than my junk too.


    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on June 25, 2018, 10:19:37 PM

    Hello Sarah... wow, vacations always seem to end way too quickly.... or were you ready to get going back home??  I  trust that you had a wonderful time being involved in all of the family events...  were you in "Sarah-mode" the entire time of your Germany visit?   I hope that acceptance and affirmation were the words that describe your time there.

    Oh yeah, airports are fun... the scanners see a lot more clear detail than most people know about.  I remember when I first went full time and had to go through TSA .... more stressful than my first date as Danielle...  !!!! >:(

    Yes, I will be looking for your longer update... as I am certain that all of your followers will be as well.
    Travel safe and welcome home soon.
    Hugs, and well wishes,
    Danielle :)

    @Alaskan Danielle - Very glad to be back. Yes, vacations tend to end very quickly and abruptly. I am Sarah and had no reason to hide it the entire time, I did not even bring a "backup" piece of male clothes, stuck to the ladies room and was accepted very well. Just tried to blend in nicely. I have to admit I had one set of female clothes which could have gone both ways (shorts and a few tops) but even then, we broke the news pretty quickly.
    Well, I did use the men's room once, just out of convenience to avoid a long line, wearing a short and a sweater. OMG, this felt so awkward, not only for me but also to many of the other men. Guess next time I just have to play the game and stand in line

    I agree, the first few times flying as Sarah where a bit nerve wrecking. Since I travel so much, I got used to it quickly. I still wonder every time if there will be any questions. This being the first time and the positive experience I had certainly help calm my nerves.

    The plane was two hours delayed but then everything went fine. Kiddo owned the entire plane. Managed to read the first half of Alaska Nights.

    Glad once more for having Global Entry... Helped to bypass immigration line and customs line. The other nice part about Global Entry is that it usually does not cause any issues with my changes. It uses fingerprints to authenticate me as who I am, so they usually do not blink a bit about the gender mismatch.

    And our two cats were so excited for us being back.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 26, 2018, 10:27:55 AM
    June 26th - Vacation Update

    As some may have noticed, I have been [retty absent in the past two weeks. We have been on a family vacation to see both of our families back in Germany. This is a trip we try to do every two years. None of them had met Sarah in person, but they all knew about my transition.

    This trip had quite a bit of importance to us as well. Seeing how I get treated and accepted, primarily by her family, would be a big factor in how my wife felt about my transition. Same about how I acted in public and what reactions we would get.

    For me, it was a very strange vacation and trip. Most likely also because it did start out with a pretty bad car accident in Germany and me being in shock for half the time. No one was hurt, but I still struggle with this. The car is pretty damaged tough.

    We started out in Berlin with a really lovely garden party organized by my in-laws. Oddly enough, this is one of the rare occasions where the entire family comes together, we are somewhat a catalyst for them. Everything went well, no one really said anything. Creepy uncle kept his hands to himself and people shielded me from him. His wife asked about preferred name and pronouns (she was the only one and I thought this was really very nice. We had a lot of fun and everyone welcomed me the same way they always had.

    Over the next few days, we met with some of them in smaller settings, did a bit of shopping, dealing with the fall out from the earlier accident and just did a bit of low key things. Kiddo never arrived in the German time zone, so she was jumping around till 2:00 AM every night, so we got a lot of slow starts in the day. My transition was never any topic for discussion. Unfortunately, they also all used my old name. I had offered it to them to make it easier but I want to be fair it was harder than I thought.

    I also got a chance to meet up with an old co-worker and finally had a chance to be all Sarah again. Somehow with my wife around, I always hold back a little bit to give her more time. Berlin has absolutely fabulous public transportation and for years living there, I did not even own a car and even when I rarely drove. This time I did feel a bit uncomfortable. Not sure how people would react but no one noticed. I had a lovely conversation with an older lady on the bus and a dad told his lively kids to sit still "next to a lady" (me).


    We wrapped Berlin up with a nice dinner at my in-laws and then traveled to Bonn for my parent's golden wedding anniversary. Finally, an occasion to dress up!! My family has been pretty good about my new name and was fully accepting. Hotel was way fancier than my usual accommodations and we did enjoy the luxury. It used to be the former guest house of the German Government high above the Rhine River.


    The party itself was nice, kiddo got to meet all her nieces and nephews, food was great and there were plenty of occasions to talk. Again, my transition was never really a topic but I felt well accepted as "Big Sister" to my brothers and my sister.

    I had already shared some of the "dressed all fancy" picture... for good measure, here is one more (never really noticed how much of a see-through dress it is when teh light is coming from the back)


    Next day we all got together for a museum tour and the three of us rounded off the weekend with some alone time with my parents.

    The trip back home was a usual trip with a kiddo on an airplane. Tons of hand luggage to lug around. Due to cost reasons, we had decided on a vacation airline and of course, they just do not have their act together compared to all the larger airlines. Two hours delay each way, no communication why and how long. But overall uneventful (besides the body scanner story I had posted yesterday).

    I have one more day to catch up and decompress before heading back to work and I am planning to make the best of it.

    As usual, the 10 days were over way too fast and I am still left with the feeling that there was never enough time for some real deep conversations.
    I had hoped the vacation would give my wife and I some time to talk about us and how we continue our relationship. Due to my shock from the accident, I really did not feel like talking about anything, so, unfortunately, I have missed a good opportunity. I know my wife is struggling and we did touch on one small subject. I also know she downgraded the state of our relationship to "just friends" from "best friends" previously. This hurt a lot I have to admit. I do know it is my own doing and fault for causing her so much pain, so I better accept it.
    It was a very strange thing: A friend of ours had posted a picture on Facebook of us three from a few weeks ago and I was wearing a dress. She mentioned that we are all tagged and I told her I'll talk to my friend since I am not fully out on Facebook to protect her. She suggested to allow it on my timeline but to limit visibility. I tried my best but of course: way too many people saw it, including some she did not want to tell. One of her other friends had seen a picture she had actually posted a while ago (the carousel picture) and figured it out that way.
    I am not sure how she feels about all this, we have been rushing around so much that we had little time to talk about it.

    On the brighter side: Everyone was accepting, even the few who did not get told until we met them. I hope this does help her, but I don't know what her family said behind my back.

    I did come back very different than on previous vacations and I am not sure in what state I am. Right now I have a long laundry list of things to do and to keep my mind of things. I guess the next few days will show. Certainly not the place I wanted to be in.

    So much for an update.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 26, 2018, 10:53:22 AM
    Dear Sarah:  Thank you so very much for posting your "long version" update to your thread and telling us about your family overseas vacation.  All in all, besides the car accident (that is not a good way to start a vacation away from home)  and the relatives that kept using your old dead name....  your update is certainly upbeat and a apparently pleasant time was had with all the family....
    One thing that concerns me however is that see-through dress that you wore....  ya know Sarah, cis-women own and wear slips for a good reason !!!!   But I suppose that the so called fashion role models that we have been exposed to lately, the celebrities, seeing what they wear or don't wear makes your see-through dress look like something a conservative church lady would wear.  By the way, you looked absolutely stunning and beautiful in the dress pictures that you posted. ;)

    I really hope that your optimistic attitude regarding your wife's continued reaction to your transition continues and that you can once again be upgraded to "best friend"   .....   I find that interesting that she took the initiative to change that particular status indicator.....   I fully understand why you felt "hurt" when you notice that.  I trust that you and her can come to a final plan to co-exist in a happy and close loving way, like it should always be between a married couple.

    So, anyway Sarah.... thank you for getting us all updated....  now, for you it is back to the Salt Mine... you know what they say about work.... "Work is the yeast that raises the dough"

    Love ya girl,
    Hugs and continued well wishes,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 26, 2018, 11:20:57 AM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on June 26, 2018, 10:53:22 AM
    One thing that concerns me however is that see-through dress that you wore....  ya know Sarah, cis-women own and wear slips for a good reason !!!!   But I suppose that the so called fashion role models that we have been exposed to lately, the celebrities, seeing what they wear or don't wear makes your see-through dress look like something a conservative church lady would wear.  By the way, you looked absolutely stunning and beautiful in the dress pictures that you posted. ;)

    So, anyway Sarah.... thank you for getting us all updated....  now, for you it is back to the Salt Mine... you know what they say about work.... "Work is the yeast that raises the dough"

    Love ya girl,
    Hugs and continued well wishes,
    @Alaskan Danielle

    Dear Danielle,  Aww - Thank you so much for all the compliments on my outfit... I am blushing. Makes me want to dress up a lot more  :angel: :angel:.

    Hahaha... Yes, the picture is not advantageous. Good thing I did wear panties and full body shapewear (One of the girl tricks.) Quite an effort to go to the restroom in such an outfit (hooks in the crotch from shapewear, then making sure everything is back in place.) The dress only became "see through" in this kind of backlight situation. I may have more and better pictures once they are distributed in the family.  I know I would not have been allowed to wear it if it would have been too revealing. Thankfully I have someone who prevents me from making stupid fashion mistakes.

    Good thing is that this week will be three days, next week 2 days of work, so I can ease into it again (I take Monday off, Tuesday is a company holiday and Wednesday, of course, is 4th of July).

    Love you too Danielle  :-*



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 27, 2018, 11:05:55 AM
    Yeah me. 🎂 34. Again. 😂😂 💕💕🐹💁😇😇🥨🥨🎂
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 27, 2018, 12:44:58 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 27, 2018, 11:05:55 AM
    Yeah me. [emoji512] 34. Again. [emoji23][emoji23] [emoji177][emoji177][emoji194][emoji136][emoji56][emoji56]🥨🥨[emoji512]

    Happy birthday, Sarah! 34, eh? I thought you were still in your 20's. Hope you have a great day! Woooohoooooo! Sarah has a birthday.

    Love ya girl,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Chelsea on June 27, 2018, 02:17:07 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 27, 2018, 11:05:55 AM
    Yeah me. 🎂 34. Again. 😂😂 💕💕🐹💁😇😇🥨🥨🎂

    Yeah!! Happy Birthday Sarah!  Hope you have a great one!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 27, 2018, 07:13:26 PM
    Guess I really need to go on a serious diet. I was walking through town with my two year old, when a guy walked up and congratulated for "the next one being on its way". I just blushed smiled and said thank you. But I know I am just fat, not pregnant. [emoji23]🤷‍♀️[emoji23]🤷‍♀️[emoji23]🤷‍♀️

    Thanks @Jayne and @Chelsea for the Birthday wishes... [emoji847][emoji847][emoji847]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 27, 2018, 08:43:15 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 27, 2018, 07:13:26 PM
    But I know I am just fat, not pregnant. [emoji23]🤷‍♀️[emoji23]🤷‍♀️[emoji23]🤷‍♀️
    Are you completely sure about that? Maybe you should get one of those sticks to pee on to be certain! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 27, 2018, 09:08:28 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on June 27, 2018, 08:43:15 PM
    Are you completely sure about that? Maybe you should get one of those sticks to pee on to be certain! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
    Given that I could eat chocolate covered pickles right now, I tend to agree... [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 27, 2018, 09:10:59 PM
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Sonja on June 27, 2018, 11:09:52 PM
    Happy Birthday Sarah!

    Have a great day!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on June 28, 2018, 10:12:28 PM
    Birthday? BIRTHDAY? I missed your birthday? Well poo, Happy belated Birthday Sarah.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on June 29, 2018, 06:42:35 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on June 27, 2018, 07:13:26 PM
    Guess I really need to go on a serious diet. I was walking through town with my two year old, when a guy walked up and congratulated for "the next one being on its way". I just blushed smiled and said thank you. But I know I am just fat, not pregnant. [emoji23]🤷‍♀️[emoji23]🤷‍♀️[emoji23]🤷‍♀️

    Thanks @Jayne and @Chelsea for the Birthday wishes... [emoji847][emoji847][emoji847]

    Dear Sarah:   Most cis-girls would have been very upset or quite angry if that happened to them....   I don't make any comments to any woman regarding pregnant or not... unless it is just so obvious, then I just have to say something and maybe start a brief and friendly conversation.
    I guess the fact that you were walking with your little 2 year old and that you convincingly lappeared female was the catalyst for that comment from a well meaning passerby.
    Frankly you should look at this as very affirming about your transition success.  You not only look completely female, as that is your goal achieved, but it is even better that you appear to be a pregnant female... it just doesn't get any better than that!!!

    Enjoy the chocolate covered pickles.....  oh, and at WalMart the pregnancy test kits are less than $10.

    Oh, where is your update regarding how you celebrated your birthday???   :icon_birthday:
      ...cake?? party???  birthday hats?  gifts??
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 29, 2018, 04:03:35 PM
    Thank you @Laurie and @Sonja for the birthday wishes.

    Thank you @Alaskan Danielle for your nice comments and I noticed the timestamp. I hope you still get enough sleep these days between being busy at work, all your activities at Susan's and of course your sprawling social life.

    Yes, I do owe a bit of a birthday update. The week is almost over and I wonder where it went.

    For some odd reason, I am not much of a Birthday celebrating person. Has not been important to me in a very long time. I do keep thinking for the reason, there must be some deeply hidden bad birthday memory which has not yet surfaced. Transition has brought back a lot of long forgotten and deeply hidden memories. I still managed to celebrate a little bit. We had a nice lunch at a nearby place we have never been to but wanted to go for a very long time. It turned out to be a great place and I am sure we will go again, very tasty too and the leftovers ended in a salad that night. The real highlight of the day was going to feed ducks in a local park, something Kiddo enjoys a lot and she had a blast. We then went for ice cream at a nearby custard place. That is where the guy congratulated on my pregnancy.

    I completely agree with you @Alaskan Danielle, I would never ask anyone if they are pregnant. I talked to my cis female neighbor about it and she also confirmed that this is not really appropriate. I also have to admit I was really excited about the comment (maybe the glow of a pregnant woman??). Yes, this was one of the most affirming moments I had in a long time for me, He only saw a women with a child on her hand. So yes, a very passing moment.
    I also know that assuming pregnancies can be very triggering to trans women. And not only to trans women, for cis-women as well. We struggled for more than 10 years before we got lucky, even though with a lot of help. And there have been many times in these 10 years where any questions related to us not having children or any assumption of a pregnancy would have caused serious meltdowns.

    Back to happy thoughts... I have my OB/GYN checkup next week, I can ask her to run a test to make sure. (Still feel odd as pre-op FTM going to an OB/GYN, but she takes care of my hormones too and I really like her). I know this time I will be due for a mammogram referral, so I better make sure I am not pregnant. Also good to know about the cheaper tests at Walmart. Our pharmacy next door charges almost double.

    Th rest of the week was a bit of a blur, I was in a melancholic and funky mood most of the time. It finally got a bit better when I went sweating in the gym this morning... Not having been to Zumba for a  few weeks really set me back on the routines, so I have to be more diligent. I never realized how much of an impact gym has even outside the scheduled times. The week after next, I'll also start my personal trainer sessions. Something I splurged in to finally get some guidance on workouts.

    I am looking forward to the extra long weekend (I took Monday as comp time, Tue and Wed are company holidays). Might allow for some long overdue yard work. We made a last-minute effort to invite a few friends for BBQ and pool party on the 4th, but we have been too late. We still do a BBQ for ourselves, hopefully in a nicely cleaned up yard.

    Got to get back to my fashion drama for tonight. It is only another installment of "Summer Concert On The Town Green" but I keep tormenting myself what to wear. To some degree going on a date would be easier, guess I still need to amend my wardrobe. Reminds me of a nice little thing my sister sent me several months ago: "An entire closet full of nothing to wear". She is sooo right about this.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 29, 2018, 04:24:10 PM
    I forgot one more thing... the continuation of the Facebook drama.

    Some of my regular readers remember the little issue we had where a picture of me in a skirt was seen by some of my wife's coworkers and started raising questions which caused her some distress. She was back at work today for the first time since leaving for vacation and it did turn out that it was not the picture I had shared. It was primarily the carousel picture she had posted after Memorial Day which was seen by several coworkers who then noticed the nail polish and started digging deeper.

    Her co-workers then discovered all my transgender related shares and likes and figured it out that way. Her HR lady, who knows about my status, told her it has been a topic of discussion on some of the gatherings they had in the past few days. Apparently, everyone so far has reacted pretty well but the transphobic coworkers are currently on vacation, so we will see when they return.

    She took it very well and said that she does not want to be over-cautious anymore and that she wanted to share this picture since it was so cute (I have posted that picture before).  Maybe that finally makes things easier.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Megan. on June 29, 2018, 04:41:45 PM
    Sorry for the drama, but sometimes when these things happen, it gives everyone a charge to move beyond them. I hope it goes well. X

    Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on June 29, 2018, 05:04:43 PM
    I completely agree and we both see it that way. This is a catalyst to break down the Facebook Frontier...

    Quote from: Megan. on June 29, 2018, 04:41:45 PM
    Sorry for the drama, but sometimes when these things happen, it gives everyone a charge to move beyond them. I hope it goes well. X

    Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on June 29, 2018, 06:48:47 PM
    "A wardrobe full of nothing to wear". I love it! I can't wait to have such a wardrobe. [emoji23][emoji23]

    The Facebook thing sounds like it is working out for the best. Continuing to keep a secret can be worse than having the truth out in the open. So far, the good reaction from your wife's coworkers is excellent. That places the transphobic coworkers in the minority, so if they were ever inclined to cause any issues, they may rethink their actions due to peer pressure against them. Those type of people usually need peer support to boost their egos. On the other hand, they may not be as transphobic as you think now that someone close to their circle of acquaintances turns out to be trans. I am hoping that when they return from their vacation, things will go smoothly.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Oh, didn't you know? A birthday is at least a week long festival. [emoji322][emoji322][emoji322][emoji322][emoji323][emoji323][emoji323][emoji323][emoji323][emoji324][emoji324][emoji324][emoji324][emoji324][emoji324][emoji322][emoji322][emoji322][emoji322][emoji512][emoji512][emoji512][emoji512][emoji512][emoji512]

    Have fun at your OB/Gyn check up. [emoji16] Please let us all know how the pregnancy test goes. I am dying to know what the results will be.... Was the guy who complimented you on being pregnant correct in his assessment? [emoji15]

    Big HUG,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 01, 2018, 11:02:38 AM
    Hey Sarah,

    Thought you could slip in a new profile pic without anyone noticing did you? You look great btw!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 01, 2018, 11:19:19 AM
    Hahaha! It was worth a try, wasn't it??. Thanks for the compliments.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 01, 2018, 11:02:38 AM
    Hey Sarah,

    Thought you could slip in a new profile pic without anyone noticing did you? You look great btw!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 01, 2018, 12:18:23 PM
    Dear Sarah:  WOW-ZERS...  nice new avatar picture!!!
    Very lovely looking... you are !!!! 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: davina61 on July 01, 2018, 12:32:15 PM
    I spy some one looking fab, well done love
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 06, 2018, 01:36:08 PM
    July 6th - Catching up

    I guess I do owe an update to my readers.

    There is not much new I want to report here. I did have my 6 months OBGYN checkup today. I did get my E dosage increased a little bit since I was at the lowest end of the target range. Everything else seems to be fine. Due to the dosage change, I also got another pass on the mammogram since she is hoping for more feminization now. Apparently, my T is on the higher side, so we discussed how to address that.

    I did post about my 4th of July in @Alaskan Danielle 's Hunted Prey thread, here is a quick repeat:
    Thanks, @Alaskan Danielle For asking. I hope your BBQ was a great hit and I can't wait to read the report on it.

    So my 4th of July plans took an odd turn. We have been late inviting people from the get-go and most already had plans, so we were left with two other families to join us. As usual, we were going crazy preparing food and I spent two days pressure washing the house, driveway, and deck as well as cleaning up the yard. All of this while our area was under an excessive heat warning (up to 107 F heat index, 41C and real temps of up to 99F / 37C, so I looked like a hot sweaty mess) and finally our yard and house looked like we can let people again. Things we have simply neglected in favor of spending time with our kiddo.

    So... One of the invited families did get stuck moving houses and the other canceled around 11:00 AM right when we set out to start cooking. With all the heat, we actually saw it as a blessing in disguise and stopped any further work. Ended up going to a local event for kids but discovered that 15-minute lines for 2 minutes in the bounce house are not worth it and we ended hanging at the pool for a bit before receding into air-conditioned rooms again. Thanks to Willis Carrier for inventing the AC.

    We will cook the prepared rotisserie pork roast over the weekend when temperatures go down.

    Besides that? I had one of the toughest therapy sessions in a long time and there is a lot I need to think about and consider. I am not sure how much I will be posting until all this is figured out and I did regain some basic control of myself.

    In the meantime I wish all of you the best, stay strong and keep trucking!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 06, 2018, 01:54:59 PM
    Hey girl,

    Here is big (((((HUG)))))

    Thanks for updating your thread to let your fan fan club know what you're up to. Sorry you had such a tough therapy session. Take as much time as you need to think things through. You know how to reach me, I'm always here for you.

    Stay strong and hang in there.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on July 06, 2018, 02:05:57 PM
    Sarah, occasionally stepping back and taking time to plan things out is a great thing.  I've found the decision to pause and think is sometimes more difficult than the task itself.  I know you'll do well. 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 07, 2018, 02:37:32 PM
    Uggghhh.... 15 people in line. No, not for free ice cream... for the ladies room!


    @the Zoo
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 07, 2018, 02:57:38 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 07, 2018, 02:37:32 PM
    Uggghhh.... 15 people in line. No, not for free ice cream... for the ladies room!


    @the Zoo

    Dear Sarah... well that is certainly one of the very few advantages of being a male... the shorter restroom lines.  hang on, don't wet your pants.
    At the Zoo with your family or just with kiddo???
    How are the temperatures there today???? 
    Here it is 63 degrees and a few little rain showers... I'll take it!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 07, 2018, 04:39:27 PM
    Yes, the male restroom did not have a line. But in a colorful summer dress this was not an option. I barely made it. I need to get used to calculate a 10 minute wait into the mix. Spiro does make this even worse...

    A few weeks ago, I was wearing shorts and a t-short style top and decided to skip the long line for the male restroom. I still got so many odd looks and I felt so uncomfortable in the men's room. Never again. I just don't belong there any more.

    All three of us went to the Zoo today, it was a nice refreshing 80F (26C) and pretty dry air. What a change from 100F with high humidity.

    Hot Mommy #2 and Kiddo waiting for Hot Mommy #1 coming back with ice cream...


    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 07, 2018, 02:57:38 PM
    Dear Sarah... well that is certainly one of the very few advantages of being a male... the shorter restroom lines.  hang on, don't wet your pants.
    At the Zoo with your family or just with kiddo???
    How are the temperatures there today???? 
    Here it is 63 degrees and a few little rain showers... I'll take it!!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 07, 2018, 05:44:16 PM
    Hi Sarah,

    Looking good there girl! Glad the temperature cooled down from the heatwave a few days ago. Did Kiddo have fun at the zoo? Ice cream is always a nice treat.....for everyone, not only Kiddo.

    15 minutes waiting for the bathroom! Yikes! Sounds like a recipe for an unfortunate incident. I have a solution for you, without having to use the male bathroom. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 08, 2018, 11:04:23 PM
    July 8th - My List

    I think I'll start my own numbered list. A list of creepy and odd encounters with men since I am full time. All the assigned numbers are immediately retired. I'll only include memorable moments. There have been a few nice attempts of guys hitting on me too.

    I'll recap #1, and #2 before I'll talk about #3

    #1 was a mid 20's nerdy guy working the checkout at my local computer store. He kept asking about my afternoon plans and pointed out his shift will be over soon. Yeah, I am not a cougar.

    #2 was the odd incident where some guy sitting next to me in a hotel bar had to show off pictures of his privates.

    #3 is the latest and he wanted to immediately marry me. Happened this afternoon. I had stopped at a convenience store to get a drink on my way to Home Depot. The parking lot was pretty empty, besides my car only a beat up black truck with the hood open was there. The owner hollered over how hot it is. Since I was busy texting with @Jayne01 I did not react. So he walks over and repeats his comment which I kindly confirmed expecting to be asked for a dollar. Instead, he inquires: "Are you married?" Which I confirmed. He was really disappointed which he pointed out along with stating that he would marry me if I ever become available. Ugh. No, No and No again. Has he not heard that a woman wants to be courted for a while?

    I am sure this list will grow. 

    After each encounter, I keep thinking "You do not know what you would be in for" and at the same time I am lucky that this was all so far. Aside from the car slowly following me when jogging at night once.

    Aside from being married, I still prefer women anyways. They are much sweeter and more subtle.

    Besides that? Almost finished my little yard project, short 3 stones and a bag of sand. Home Depot was disappointing: Not a single person asked to help while I was loading my cart with almost 1,000lbs and then load that into my car.

    The added E seems to be helping a bit, I hope it remains that way.

    Have a great week everyone,


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 08, 2018, 11:18:51 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 08, 2018, 11:04:23 PM
    July 8th - My List

    I think I'll start my own numbered list. A list of creepy and odd encounters with men since I am full time. All the assigned numbers are immediately retired. I'll only include memorable moments. There have been a few nice attempts of guys hitting on me too.

    I'll recap #1, and #2 before I'll talk about #3

    #1 was a mid 20's nerdy guy working the checkout at my local computer store. He kept asking about my afternoon plans and pointed out his shift will be over soon. Yeah, I am not a cougar.

    #2 was the odd incident where some guy sitting next to me in a hotel bar had to show off pictures of his privates.

    #3 is the latest and he wanted to immediately marry me. Happened this afternoon. I had stopped at a convenience store to get a drink on my way to Home Depot. The parking lot was pretty empty, besides my car only a beat up black truck with the hood open was there. The owner hollered over how hot it is. Since I was busy texting with @Jayne01 I did not react. So he walks over and repeats his comment which I kindly confirmed expecting to be asked for a dollar. Instead, he inquires: "Are you married?" Which I confirmed. He was really disappointed which he pointed out along with stating that he would marry me if I ever become available. Ugh. No, No and No again. Has he not heard that a woman wants to be courted for a while?

    I am sure this list will grow. 

    After each encounter, I keep thinking "You do not know what you would be in for" and at the same time I am lucky that this was all so far. Aside from the car slowly following me when jogging at night once.

    Aside from being married, I still prefer women anyways. They are much sweeter and more subtle.

    Besides that? Almost finished my little yard project, short 3 stones and a bag of sand. Home Depot was disappointing: Not a single person asked to help while I was loading my cart with almost 1,000lbs and then load that into my car.

    The added E seems to be helping a bit, I hope it remains that way.

    Have a great week everyone,


    Hi Sarah,

    The odd and creepy list! Interesting!

    I have an image in my head of #1 nerdy guy using every ounce of courage to talk to the hot mommy who graced his checkout. The poor kid was probably heart broken. [emoji23]

    #2 was just downright creepy. Eeeeewwww!!

    #3 was quite bold with his proposal.

    How rude of the Home Depot staff not offering a lady some help with all that heavy lifting! Glad your yard project is progressing well.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 09, 2018, 01:12:28 AM
    Dear Sarah:   Assigning number designations to your mostly unpleasant and unwelcome encounters with the males that you come across sounds amazingly similar to my method of keeping track of my suitors.

    It is interesting and quite a coincidence that your #2 was described in about the same way
    as my creepy gym guy Suitor #2  ...
    *** I like how @Jayne01 described your #2...   "#2 was just downright creepy. Eeeeewwww!!"

    The number designations really help all of your readers and followers to keep track of your "exploits"  !!

    From time to time I accidently mix my numbers up so it is good that I review it on my thread occasionally.  I think you might consider doing the same... but you can not use the same number again for others... but you can keep adding numbers of course.

    Thank you for posting.... very interesting!!!!!
    Hugs and well wishes,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 09, 2018, 10:12:30 AM
    @Alaskan Danielle
    Dear Danielle - Thanks for your nice reply, I did not mean to steal your idea. Sometimes my engineering mind comes through and I am usually a fan of numbered lists. I cannot compete with your list, you have a majority of positive experiences and you have made some great friends.
    I am also in a completely different stage of my life being married and having kids.   

    Ewww... your #2 sounds way more creepy than before.

    I'll keep my list limited to the creepy encounters. And admittedly, even though they are creepy they were also to some degree "affirming" my womanhood. So far I have not met any ">-bleeped-<s". Even though it is somewhat affirming, it always left me with an odd feeling afterward and I increased my situational awareness. Most cis women I know go through similar experiences on a regular basis. It seems to be part of being a woman. Maybe a bit more since I still feel I stick out. I am really trying hard to blend in but then there is also the strong need to feel feminine.

    Even more affirming are the nice and flirty incidents I have not included. There was a female concierge in NY asking me out very nicely and very flirty. There was a guy at a deli insisting I was at the same New Years party he attended - I did not even notice his attempts to flirt after a 14 hour work day until my friend bumped me and told me about his flirting. There was a nice female flight attendant I chatted with for a long time in a hotel, she even managed for me to let down my guard and I gave her contact info (she never contacted me).
    But again, while I enjoy receiving such flirty attempts, I am dealing with enough and I am in a stage of my life where dating is just not going to happen. I am trying hard to get everything back on track at home.



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 09, 2018, 01:12:28 AM
    Dear Sarah:   Assigning number designations to your mostly unpleasant and unwelcome encounters with the males that you come across sounds amazingly similar to my method of keeping track of my suitors.

    It is interesting and quite a coincidence that your #2 was described in about the same way
    as my creepy gym guy Suitor #2  ...
    *** I like how @Jayne01 described your #2...   "#2 was just downright creepy. Eeeeewwww!!"

    The number designations really help all of your readers and followers to keep track of your "exploits"  !!

    From time to time I accidently mix my numbers up so it is good that I review it on my thread occasionally.  I think you might consider doing the same... but you can not use the same number again for others... but you can keep adding numbers of course.

    Thank you for posting.... very interesting!!!!!
    Hugs and well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on July 09, 2018, 10:34:18 AM
    Oh, Sarah, you should enjoy the affirmation - as long as it doesn't get too creepy. At nearly 60, I can count the number of times I had a guy say something nice to me on one finger. Literally. Even if you have no intention of acting on those encounters, they give a nice indicator on how well you're doing.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 09, 2018, 08:49:09 PM
    Sarah, I like your avatar. You look like a cute and cuddly teddy bear! [emoji16]

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 09, 2018, 09:05:42 PM
    Hahaha... I like cute and cuddly. Guess bear shaped is much better than being called pregnant.

    Now back to pickles and ice cream.

    Hugs, Sarah

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 09, 2018, 08:49:09 PM
    Sarah, I like your avatar. You look like a cute and cuddly teddy bear! [emoji16]

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 09, 2018, 09:14:48 PM
    Mmmmm pickles and ice cream!

    I just ate scrambled eggs with chopped sliced chicken mixed in for breakfast. Something about chicken and eggs mixed together seems wrong [emoji23]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 09, 2018, 09:25:16 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 09, 2018, 09:14:48 PM
    Mmmmm pickles and ice cream!

    I just ate scrambled eggs with chopped sliced chicken mixed in for breakfast. Something about chicken and eggs mixed together seems wrong [emoji23]

    @Jayne01   @sarah1972

    My favorite weird thing with pickles
    is a sliced dill pickle and peanut butter sandwich.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on July 09, 2018, 09:29:57 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 09, 2018, 09:14:48 PM
    Mmmmm pickles and ice cream!

    I just ate scrambled eggs with chopped sliced chicken mixed in for breakfast. Something about chicken and eggs mixed together seems wrong [emoji23]

    So... when you ate it, which came first?

    Silly Stephanie
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 09, 2018, 10:40:39 PM
    Quote from: Steph2.0 on July 09, 2018, 09:29:57 PM
    So... when you ate it, which came first?

    Silly Stephanie

    I don't know. I was thinking the same thing as I was eating. The answer was too hard to figure out for my pretty little head. It tasted good though.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 11, 2018, 09:10:57 AM
    Dear Sarah: The word I just got from a good friend of mine that is somewhere near your area for a few days at a conference is that it was 96 degrees there yesterday....

    Yesterday, here, it never got above the mid-60's ... that is a 30+ degrees delta... Wowzers!!!

    Today is a good day for you and your family to go to an air conditioned mall, or perhaps the swimming pool... or just stay home in your Air Conditioning.   Well, it is just 10:00am there now so it will be somewhat cool until early afternoon when things will really heat up.

    Hugs and COOL well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 11, 2018, 11:13:04 AM
    @Alaskan Danielle:

    Thanks for your nice post and your concern. I am very sorry about your friend, especially if they are not used to this kind of temperatures. What makes everything worse is that our area usually has very high humidity. There is a lot of talk about the "swamp" in my area but it turns out that it is somewhat of a legend that Washington, DC is built on a swamp.

    The current heat wave has been going on for a while now and we have seen temperatures close to 100 F (107F with heat index). The weekend was fairly nice (compared), only about 80 F each day, so we could enjoy the Zoo and I did a yard project on Sunday, now we are back to mid 90's. Also somewhat common in the summer. This year, the stretch of extreme temperature seems to be longer than usual.

    We try to stay cool and I am grateful to be able to afford an air-conditioned home.  The pool has hit 90F last week, so the cooling effect is somewhat limited, but we try to go every day. Especially to allow our kiddo to burn off energy, she is really getting antsy if she cannot run around for at least one hour every day, but the temperatures are too dangerous. Maybe the mall is really a good idea. Or I have to take her to the gym and set the treadmill to high speed for her.

    Oh, and of course, having to wear some level of top and a bra outside along with the long hair is also not really helping. I did order a new bikini at least for the pool. We do have a really nice yard but we rarely use it due to the weather.

    We also had several days of bad air quality, I have an AQM (Air Quality Monitor) close by, and I have seen it go to "Very unhealthy" a few times in the past two weeks. The ozone and general pollution add to it and the local weather service advises against prolonged outdoor activity.

    I have a very limited "operating temperature" range, in the summer it is between 74F and 80 F. But right now, I would really prefer 60's.

    I also have to admit that I am complaining on a very high note here, compared to friends I have in Arizona (near 100F) and Dubai (109F right now), it is almost cold here.

    I hope you are not cold and can enjoy the clean and fresh air!



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 11, 2018, 09:10:57 AM
    Dear Sarah: The word I just got from a good friend of mine that is somewhere near your area for a few days at a conference is that it was 96 degrees there yesterday....

    Yesterday, here, it never got above the mid-60's ... that is a 30+ degrees delta... Wowzers!!!

    Today is a good day for you and your family to go to an air conditioned mall, or perhaps the swimming pool... or just stay home in your Air Conditioning.   Well, it is just 10:00am there now so it will be somewhat cool until early afternoon when things will really heat up.

    Hugs and COOL well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 12, 2018, 08:08:32 PM
    July 12th - Hope, Maybe?

    It ended up being a surprisingly productive and good day. Given what I have been through the past four weeks, I do take any little glimpse of hope.

    Maybe just staying busy helped.

    Woke up early and with only one snooze -- did the trash -- got an early start on work emails -- showered -- played with kiddo for a few minutes -- took the car to shop (they finally got the replacement part) -- conference calls and more emails -- worked with a "Master Trapper" to get rid of our Raccoon problem (seems they are gone) -- more calls and emails -- updated several documents for work -- even more calls, at times two in parallel -- did some work for Susan's -- picked up kiddo from daycare and took her to the gym for the first time (they have a supervised child play area) -- Dinner -- bedtime story for kiddo -- catching up on emails -- writing this post. Still, have to review one more thing for work.

    I have not had such a productive day for a long time and it really feels good. Let's try again tomorrow.

    Oh - yeah, I had bailed on the gym for a bit. First I was traveling, then I just could not do it. At least now, I am back at it. And my 26 personal trainer sessions are scheduled. Next Wednesday I'll start. Knowing that I can take kiddo and she can have fun while I sweat will make everything a lot easier. It also allows her to burn some energy without having to fear a heat shock. Too bad I cannot just put her on a treadmill and let her run :D

    Baby steps.

    Stay strong everyone!!

    On some other news: EVen though there was some progress regarding Facebook in the past few weeks, it all came to a grinding hold. I could have stuck my head into the sand or find a different way. Now I have a brand new Instagram account for Sarah 🤗 and I can just control who will see my posts much easier.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 13, 2018, 06:46:13 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 12, 2018, 08:08:32 PM
    July 12th - Hope, Maybe?

    It ended up being a surprisingly productive and good day. Given what I have been through the past four weeks, I do take any little glimpse of hope.

    Maybe just staying busy helped.

    Woke up early and with only one snooze -- did the trash -- got an early start on work emails -- showered -- played with kiddo for a few minutes -- took the car to shop (they finally got the replacement part) -- conference calls and more emails -- worked with a "Master Trapper" to get rid of our Raccoon problem (seems they are gone) -- more calls and emails -- updated several documents for work -- even more calls, at times two in parallel -- did some work for Susan's -- picked up kiddo from daycare and took her to the gym for the first time (they have a supervised child play area) -- Dinner -- bedtime story for kiddo -- catching up on emails -- writing this post. Still, have to review one more thing for work.

    I have not had such a productive day for a long time and it really feels good. Let's try again tomorrow.

    Oh - yeah, I had bailed on the gym for a bit. First I was traveling, then I just could not do it. At least now, I am back at it. And my 26 personal trainer sessions are scheduled. Next Wednesday I'll start. Knowing that I can take kiddo and she can have fun while I sweat will make everything a lot easier. It also allows her to burn some energy without having to fear a heat shock. Too bad I cannot just put her on a treadmill and let her run :D

    Baby steps.

    Stay strong everyone!!

    On some other news: EVen though there was some progress regarding Facebook in the past few weeks, it all came to a grinding hold. I could have stuck my head into the sand or find a different way. Now I have a brand new Instagram account for Sarah [emoji847] and I can just control who will see my posts much easier.


    Hey girl!

    Firstly, I accidentally deleted the whole reply I just typed, so I am retyping it again from memory. Doh!!!

    Glad you had a productive and good day. You certainly accomplished a lot and seem to have a bit of a spring in your step. Or since I can't see your step from here, maybe I should say you have a spring in your text! [emoji16]

    I am happy to see you return to the gym. Their supervised play area is convenient and good for Kiddo to burn some calories while Hot Mommy #2 is also burning calories. She is your little gym buddy. Speaking of gym buddies, I have neglected my poking duties to keep you from bailing on your gym visits. Sorry about that, I will try to do better. POKE!!! Better late than never, right? [emoji23]

    Being busy has been good for you. As @Alaskan Danielle will tell you, busy people are happy people.

    Hope tomorrow is as good or better for you.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 13, 2018, 12:15:17 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 13, 2018, 06:46:13 AM
    Hey girl!

    Firstly, I accidentally deleted the whole reply I just typed, so I am retyping it again from memory. Doh!!!
    Oh no! Sorry to hear.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 13, 2018, 06:46:13 AM
    I am happy to see you return to the gym. Their supervised play area is convenient and good for Kiddo to burn some calories while Hot Mommy #2 is also burning calories. She is your little gym buddy. Speaking of gym buddies, I have neglected my poking duties to keep you from bailing on your gym visits. Sorry about that, I will try to do better. POKE!!! Better late than never, right? [emoji23]
    Oh... the POKE felt like a kick this morning and I flew right into (Twerking Class) (Zumba) PHYSICAL THERAPY!!! ;D ;D
    I then rewarded myself with a shopping trip to Lululemon.

    But speaking of @Jayne01 : POKE back... how is your training progressing?

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 13, 2018, 06:46:13 AM
    Being busy has been good for you. As @Alaskan Danielle will tell you, busy people are happy people.

    Yes, @Alaskan Danielle 's quote came to my mind writing my post...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 13, 2018, 12:59:15 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 13, 2018, 12:15:17 PM
    Oh... the POKE felt like a kick this morning and I flew right into (Twerking Class) (Zumba) PHYSICAL THERAPY!!! ;D ;D
    I then rewarded myself with a shopping trip to Lululemon.
    Tweaking class! That's funny...I can see it now, new members showing up at the reception desk asking "excuse me, could you direct me to the twerking class please?" [emoji23] [emoji23]

    I had joined our nearest gym a little while back. It didn't have any classes. It's just a small gym, open 24 hours with minimal staff. It's basically  a place with gym equipment to use on your own.

    But speaking of @Jayne01 : POKE back... how is your training progressing?
    Oh right......I am supposed to be how's the weather in your part of the world? [emoji57]

    Yes, @Alaskan Danielle 's quote came to my mind writing my post...
    If you are ever in search of a good quote, you know who to turn to.

    Time for me to got to work now. Have a great day.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 13, 2018, 09:29:39 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 13, 2018, 06:46:13 AM
    Glad you had a productive and good day. You certainly accomplished a lot and seem to have a bit of a spring in your step. Or since I can't see your step from here, maybe I should say you have a spring in your text! [emoji16]

    Hope tomorrow is as good or better for you.
    It was a lot less productive, primarily because I was remotely attending a large sales review with a customer we try to land. Pretty much got on the phone at 9:00 AM and off at 6:30 PM. Gladly I could take a break for twerking class and a very short lunch break. Even while shopping or picking up the car from service I continuously stayed on the call and participated. It is seen as a big deal, so it was important. I did get a bunch of other things for work while on the call. I should count this as productive. Pending a final review, the customer was ready to sign in the end.
    Before I even went to the gym, I did a 2 mile stroller walk to drop kiddo off at daycare, I did extend the walk a bit for added exercise.

    Overall... another good day.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 13, 2018, 06:46:13 AM
    I am happy to see you return to the gym. Their supervised play area is convenient and good for Kiddo to burn some calories while Hot Mommy #2 is also burning calories. She is your little gym buddy. Speaking of gym buddies, I have neglected my poking duties to keep you from bailing on your gym visits. Sorry about that, I will try to do better. POKE!!! Better late than never, right? [emoji23]

    It was about time for me to get back. I could not believe how much of an impact it makes.

    I did check my body scale and I could tell muscle mass declining the second I stopped. It also seems to have an impact on mental health.

    Having childcare there is a great benefit and was part of why we chose the specific studio.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 15, 2018, 09:41:25 PM
    July 15th - Weekend Update

    With the steamy weather in our area, we decided to take it easy this weekend, so not a lot of productive outcome but still a nice weekend.

    Saturday we started with a visit to our local Farmers Market to get a bit of fresh produce as well as get some breakfast (Garlic-Parmesan Bratwurst). On the way back, we stopped at a playground so kiddo can blow some steam off. Had one of the dad's throw me some flirtatious looks and smiles even though it was all three of us. Our kids are the same age, so they played for a bit.

    Coming home, my latest fashion order had arrived (new skirted bikini and a few other things) and then we decided to go buy shoes for kiddo. Like any other kid, her feet are still growing so quick, we can barely keep up. Of course, she fell asleep and we decided to drive a bit further, allowing her to sleep a bit more. Might have been a very good decision, the DSW store we went to is further out but they had a lot more size 11 shoes than any other I had seen. We wanted to only buy kids shoes but all ended with new shoes. Ended the trip with some grocery shopping, dinner and then I did a few small house repairs.

    Sunday started really lazy and we did not really know what to do. I did stumble over a German Festival in Maryland, just a bit north of Baltimore and we decided to go. For a minute I had considered wearing my traditional German outfit, but looking at the temperature I wanted less fabric around me (a lot less). It was OK but after about one hour we had enough, kiddo wanted to run and also demanded ice cream. Closest place Google spit out was the "Firehouse Creamery" about 30 minutes away. Awesome enough, there is a playground very close by and we could stop by friends of ours who just moved about a minute away from the Creamery. Three birds with one stone. Can't get better than that.

    So, nothing special, just a nice family-focused weekend. I do hope the temperatures give us a break soon, I would really love to do some work in the yard.

    This is one of the outfits I had ordered (minus the shoes, they are old). Also what I did wear today.


    Have a great week everyone!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 16, 2018, 04:57:25 AM
    Hi Sarah,

    Glad you had a nice weekend. The garlic-parmesan bratwurst sounds good! I have some fond memories from farmers markets during a trip to France a few years ago. We found some really tasty produce and cheese and bread. I have not been able to find any good farmers markets close to home.

    You're looking good in today's outfit, it's no wonder you were having flirtatious looks coming your way!

    Kiddo is a girl after my own heart with her desire to shop for shoes. If I am ever struggling to choose between 2 pairs of shoes, well option 1 is of course to buy both pairs, but if I am forced to only choose 1 pair, I will send you a message to get Kiddo's opinion. [emoji16][emoji16]

    The German Festival turned out to be a good find which led to ice cream and seeing some friends. And Kiddo got to play at the playground and eat ice cream. Did I mention the ice cream? Mmmmmmm I like ice cream.

    So it seems like your weekend was productive after all. You don't need to complete chores to be productive. Quality family time is very productive in its own way.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 16, 2018, 08:05:13 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 16, 2018, 04:57:25 AM

    You're looking good in today's outfit, it's no wonder you were having flirtatious looks coming your way!
    Must be the skirt... I was wearing it this morning when I walked to daycare, and a bunch of drivers turned their heads. Playgrounds are also rumored to be a good place for flirting, so I am not surprised this happened on a playground.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 16, 2018, 04:57:25 AM
    So it seems like your weekend was productive after all. You don't need to complete chores to be productive. Quality family time is very productive in its own way.


    Given how I felt the last months, I do count any day without dark thoughts of this world being better without me as a good and productive day. 4 in a row is almost a streak.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 17, 2018, 01:05:00 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 16, 2018, 08:05:13 AM
    Must be the skirt... I was wearing it this morning when I walked to daycare, and a bunch of drivers turned their heads. Playgrounds are also rumored to be a good place for flirting, so I am not surprised this happened on a playground.

    Given how I felt the last months, I do count any day without dark thoughts of this world being better without me as a good and productive day. 4 in a row is almost a streak.

    Dear Sarah:  Not only playgrounds, but also small town coffee shops are a good place for flirting...
    ...take it from me, I know this beyond a shadow of a doubt..

    Thank you for posting your new Avatar photo... and your photo of your new outfit that you had ordered.
    ... you are beautiful for sure, it is no wonder you are the recipient of random flirts.

    4 days in a row of having a good and productive day, I am happy for you...
    and I am trusting that your days of dark thoughts will be far and few between.

    Thank you for keeping us updated.

    Hugs and well wishes as always,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 18, 2018, 10:09:12 AM
           O Sister, Where Art Thou?    ??? ??? ???

    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 18, 2018, 03:09:40 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 18, 2018, 10:09:12 AM
           O Sister, Where Art Thou?    [emoji47] [emoji47] [emoji47]

    @Alaskan Danielle :
    Thank you so much for checking in Danielle! Friends checking in on each other is so valuable and can sometimes be a lifesaver, especially if they go silent. I have checked in on friends and I also have to admit I needed some checking in until a few days ago.

    Also thanks for all the nice compliments!

    At the time of your post, I was actually at the gym. As you may recall, my gym had a special on personal trainer sessions and I finally was able to schedule my first session with Bryan (the trainer). I did buy a bulk of 26 sessions and also get one free session, so 27 total. A good opportunity to show off my brand new workout skirt - the one I bought last Friday. Maybe not my favorite for 1:1 sessions, but certainly for Zumba class. I realized I need matching tops now.
    The session was about what I had expected. It is good to finally have some guidance on working out and he created a training plan for me with a mix of core, back and chest exercises. I do cardio on my own in addition to the trainer sessions. OMG - I will so feel my sore muscles tomorrow, I have to find the time for some swimming later today to relax my muscles. And of course, I will also feel all kinds of muscles I did not even know I have. I will need a few sessions to get into enough shape to get through the entire program. Hope I am fit enough Friday for Zumba [emoji2]

    I was actually surprised I made it through the entire workout after I badly bumped my left knee yesterday while scrambling with some unsafe utility power conditions after a power outage. Kiddo saw my bruised up knee and grabbed her cold pack from the fridge, walked up to me and put it on my knee. This was followed after a few seconds with the assessment "Better" (of course it was not, but it was sooo cute. She did it again a few times over the evening.

    Besides that? I am on the 7th day of doing reasonably OK. Of course, this now means I also have some energy to finally catch up and I am fairly busy, so I spend less time online. Mostly catching up on neglected maintenance around the house. Also trying to sleep a lot more.

    And then there is a lot of texting with my BFF girlfriend [emoji171]. It is invaluable, to be able to talk about all kind of transition-related issues as well as many other topics. We are just like 14-year-old teen girls 🤷‍♀️. Shifting some of my online activities from Facebook and Susan's to Instagram may also have resulted in less posting here.

    Plans for this afternoon have changed a bit and I will be heading to the playground later with kiddo. Oh - I ordered the same skirt on two more colors  [emoji1] [emoji1] Wonder if I should wear the skirt today...

    The being flirted with is really nice and affirming and I decided for myself to enjoy it for a bit with some reason and clear boundaries. Now my next goal is to make someone buy me a drink [emoji1] [emoji1] 
    Gym has not really panned out as a social hub to meet people. This may be related to the area itself. Everyone is constantly overbooked and never has time for even a quick chat. I also do not really have regular times in the gym due to my work schedule. Maybe I need to start to frequent the local coffee shop.

    So, my life seems to be going a whole lot better than even 10 days ago. I am also starting to take care of myself again. I do hope this trend continues.

    Thanks again for checking in Danielle. I am still working on the Alaska Trilogy remarks...


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 18, 2018, 06:37:19 PM
    New Problems

    Well sort off. The usual conundrum of selecting an outfit...

    It took me 20 (twenty) minutes to decide what to wear to the playground [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    This was the result...


    No worries, I would not want it any other way [emoji4][emoji4][emoji847]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 18, 2018, 07:08:59 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 18, 2018, 06:37:19 PM
    New Problems

    Well sort off. The usual conundrum of selecting an outfit...

    It took me 20 (twenty) minutes to decide what to wear to the playground [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    This was the result...


    No worries, I would not want it any other way [emoji4][emoji4][emoji847]

    @sarah1972   .... Looking good Sarah.... make certain that your wedding ring is displayed prominently... that will help fend off the flirters that start getting too frisky.   I don't have a wedding ring so I carry Bear Pepper Spray with me and if necessary I also have a baseball bat closeby.

    Back in our old pre-transition days it only took a few minutes to select what to wear... and the tops and bottoms didn't have to match nor did the shoes have to match anything...  but it is a whole new world for us.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 18, 2018, 07:23:36 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 18, 2018, 03:09:40 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle :
    Thank you so much for checking in Danielle! Friends checking in on each other is so valuable and can sometimes be a lifesaver, especially if they go silent. I have checked in on friends and I also have to admit I needed some checking in until a few days ago.

    Also thanks for all the nice compliments!

    At the time of your post, I was actually at the gym. As you may recall, my gym had a special on personal trainer sessions and I finally was able to schedule my first session with Bryan (the trainer). I did buy a bulk of 26 sessions and also get one free session, so 27 total. A good opportunity to show off my brand new workout skirt - the one I bought last Friday. Maybe not my favorite for 1:1 sessions, but certainly for Zumba class. I realized I need matching tops now.
    The session was about what I had expected. It is good to finally have some guidance on working out and he created a training plan for me with a mix of core, back and chest exercises. I do cardio on my own in addition to the trainer sessions. OMG - I will so feel my sore muscles tomorrow, I have to find the time for some swimming later today to relax my muscles. And of course, I will also feel all kinds of muscles I did not even know I have. I will need a few sessions to get into enough shape to get through the entire program. Hope I am fit enough Friday for Zumba [emoji2]

    I was actually surprised I made it through the entire workout after I badly bumped my left knee yesterday while scrambling with some unsafe utility power conditions after a power outage. Kiddo saw my bruised up knee and grabbed her cold pack from the fridge, walked up to me and put it on my knee. This was followed after a few seconds with the assessment "Better" (of course it was not, but it was sooo cute. She did it again a few times over the evening.

    Besides that? I am on the 7th day of doing reasonably OK. Of course, this now means I also have some energy to finally catch up and I am fairly busy, so I spend less time online. Mostly catching up on neglected maintenance around the house. Also trying to sleep a lot more.

    And then there is a lot of texting with my BFF girlfriend [emoji171]. It is invaluable, to be able to talk about all kind of transition-related issues as well as many other topics. We are just like 14-year-old teen girls 🤷‍♀️. Shifting some of my online activities from Facebook and Susan's to Instagram may also have resulted in less posting here.

    Plans for this afternoon have changed a bit and I will be heading to the playground later with kiddo. Oh - I ordered the same skirt on two more colors  [emoji1] [emoji1] Wonder if I should wear the skirt today...

    The being flirted with is really nice and affirming and I decided for myself to enjoy it for a bit with some reason and clear boundaries. Now my next goal is to make someone buy me a drink [emoji1] [emoji1] 
    Gym has not really panned out as a social hub to meet people. This may be related to the area itself. Everyone is constantly overbooked and never has time for even a quick chat. I also do not really have regular times in the gym due to my work schedule. Maybe I need to start to frequent the local coffee shop.

    So, my life seems to be going a whole lot better than even 10 days ago. I am also starting to take care of myself again. I do hope this trend continues.

    Thanks again for checking in Danielle. I am still working on the Alaska Trilogy remarks...



    Dear Sarah:  Thank you for posting your update, I really didn't mean to bug you too much... just a little bugging is all I intended.  Yes, it is nice that people miss our presence particularly when things get a little crazy.
    Oh, and my compliments on your photos are always justified.

    It's good to hear that your Zumba class is going well for you.   If that is a regularly scheduled class with many of the same people attending... wouldn't that be a good place to start making friends and aquaintances that you can possibly work out with on a regular basis????

    That is a cute story about your kiddo getting you an ice back and saying "better"  ... cute and sweet for sure.

    Hmmm, your BFF girlfriend.... you need to tell us more, your followers are a curious bunch.

    OK now, you need to post a followup regarding your time at "flirt central" at the playground today...  like you stated it is most affirming and confidence building to be the recipient of sincere flirting....  As you are aware from my threads and comments... I know this for a fact!!!

    I am so happy to hear that your last 7 to 10 days have been good for you...  a nice change from the down times that you were recently going through.   Yes, more sleep, taking better care of yourself, and tending to priority tasks works wonders for you attitude about life... and for your well-being.

    Again, thank you for updating all of us....  we are rooting for you always.
    Hugs and well wishes,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 18, 2018, 09:38:05 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 18, 2018, 07:08:59 PM

    @sarah1972   .... Looking good Sarah.... make certain that your wedding ring is displayed prominently... that will help fend off the flirters that start getting too frisky.   I don't have a wedding ring so I carry Bear Pepper Spray with me and if necessary I also have a baseball bat closeby.

    Back in our old pre-transition days it only took a few minutes to select what to wear... and the tops and bottoms didn't have to match nor did the shoes have to match anything...  but it is a whole new world for us.


    @Alaskan Danielle
    Awww, you are way too kind. I noticed the light makes my breasts look a lot bigger than they are. I have to mark the spot where I stood.

    Yes, a wedding ring may fend off the easy cases. Some of the guys on my "creepy" list may need the bear pepper spray. The other good news is that I am still only interested in women, so all male attempts off flirting hit a brick wall anyways.

    It is a very exciting new world! Sure it was easier before but I always hated how I looked. I am starting to get better in my selections, trying to find things which can be easier combined. But then, of course, that is not what I want to wear that day and I am back to my old mantra: "A closet full of nothing to wear".
    Kiddo is also very picky about what she wants to wear, and recently I heard a big sigh: "not sure who is the bigger drama queen when trying to pick an outfit" followed by my wife stating that she now knows where kiddo has it from.

    Playground update: Nothing to report. We stayed for about an hour and had a lot of fun. No flirting that I noticed. 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 19, 2018, 02:15:32 AM
    Hey there girlfriend! Sorry for the delay in my reply. I was unplugged for a day while crossing the pacific. I did intend to catch up on the flight from LA to Chicago but the inflight wifi wasn't working. Hmph! [emoji23]

    I am a little incoherent right now, due to lack of sleep, but I will do my best to make sense.

    Glad you finally got to start working with a personal trainer. It should make a world of difference having someone trained in physical fitness guide you and help push your limits. Once you have done the 27 trainer sessions, you should have a solid foundation to continue on your own. It doesn't seem you need a poke but here is one anyway because it's my job....POKE! [emoji16]

    Kiddo is so adorable with her nursing skills. I imagine the fact that she thought to get an ice pack on her own and then assess your knee as being better would have been enough to make you forget about your knee pain for a while. How sweet!

    You look good in your playground outfit. 20 minutes to decide what to wear? How long does it take to pick an outfit for a special occasion? This is a good problem to be having. I have not encountered that problem yet. My wardrobe is very tiny, something I am hoping to fix real soon.

    I better get to sleep. It is getting hard to focus on the screen as I type.

    Hugs [emoji171]
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 19, 2018, 09:35:30 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 19, 2018, 02:15:32 AM
    Hey there girlfriend! Sorry for the delay in my reply. I was unplugged for a day while crossing the pacific. I did intend to catch up on the flight from LA to Chicago but the inflight wifi wasn't working. Hmph! [emoji23]
    Hey girl! [emoji171]

    I am so glad to hear you made it to Chicago safely. I think Inmarsat makes data capable sat phone, that should help with the texting withdrawal. You need to contact United and see if they can compensate us for the emotional stress we had due to the broken wifi. Maybe you need to take an emotional support animal the next time. A chipmunk maybe.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 19, 2018, 02:15:32 AM
    Glad you finally got to start working with a personal trainer. It should make a world of difference having someone trained in physical fitness guide you and help push your limits. Once you have done the 27 trainer sessions, you should have a solid foundation to continue on your own. It doesn't seem you need a poke but here is one anyway because it's my job....POKE! [emoji16]

    Kiddo is so adorable with her nursing skills. I imagine the fact that she thought to get an ice pack on her own and then assess your knee as being better would have been enough to make you forget about your knee pain for a while. How sweet!
    Right now I can barely walk stairs. Kiddo needs a much bigger ice pack for me. I know I just need to get used to it and I really hope I am fit for Zumba tomorrow. Oh, and here is a "POKE" back. Get your training shoes on and put some miles under your feet. (Well, kilometers for you). Yes, the idea is to get a good headstart with the personal trainer, then continue by myself. Even though it was a great deal, it is still too expensive in the long run.

    Quote from: Jayne01 on July 19, 2018, 02:15:32 AM
    You look good in your playground outfit. 20 minutes to decide what to wear? How long does it take to pick an outfit for a special occasion? This is a good problem to be having. I have not encountered that problem yet. My wardrobe is very tiny, something I am hoping to fix real soon.
    Yeah, deciding on important outfits is torture. It took me a few days of thinking to decide what to wear to my parent's wedding anniversary. The dress was a quicker decision than the shoes. Then all the shapewear I had to decide on to make me look pretty. It is still a lot of fun and I do indulge it.

    Enjoy Chicago!!!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 20, 2018, 12:11:10 PM
    I know you all have been missing sweaty hot gym pics...

    Here you go...


    Hugs - Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on July 20, 2018, 12:17:17 PM
    You are looking pretty awesome there Sarah!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 21, 2018, 02:35:40 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 20, 2018, 12:11:10 PM
    I know you all have been missing sweaty hot gym pics...

    Here you go...


    Hugs - Sarah

    Dear Sarah:  Wow-whee... you look great in you gym picture... I like your new tank top... what happened to your orange top?   What is that you are wearing? Shorts? or a Mini-skirt?   Showing off your legs aren't you???   Well, if you got it, flaunt it, the old saying goes.
    Thank you for sharing and keeping us all up to date... 
    Oh, any more flirting to report at the playground when you take kiddo there???
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 21, 2018, 05:49:21 PM
    Aww... thanks @Jayne01 and @Alaskan Danielle -

    The previous week I splurged with a trip to lululemon and bought two skirts after Zumba. Skorts actually - a combination of short and skirt. Many of the women in Zumba wear skorts , so I wanted to fit it.

    My legs took a turn to the worse since I discovered a few spider veins. I may not be able to show them off much longer.

    Oh - the neon orange tops are still around, I did wear one during the personal trainer session. They are just in the laundry.

    On a positive note: I managed to talk to one of the ladies from Zumba afterwards. We were in the same section in the locker room. Pretty nice, hope to continue next time.

    No new playground adventures [emoji16]

    Today was a bit of an odd day for me, it took quite some energy not to fall back into where I was a few weeks ago. We have had 12 straight hours of heavy rain which did not help much with either. Over 3 inches so far (79mm) and no real end in sight.

    I started another round of research for my next transition steps and learned a few new and interesting things.

    So much from my end of the world...



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 21, 2018, 06:05:11 PM
    Dear Sarah...  I kinda figured it might have been a skort that you were wearing... very popular in the warmer weather... and skorts do show off your legs...

    I am glad that you are making efforts to find workout friends that will make your exercise much more enjoyable as you engage in girl talk while at the gym... and perhaps you can build a little gym group that meets at the gym on a regular basis, kinda like my gym-girls group that I have mentioned on my thread.... lots of fun, make exercise much more enjoyable.

    Oh yes, rainy days can bring on depressing times,....  time to pick up a good book and get your mind off of less happy thoughts.  There is a thread that I am certain that you have heard of that might be worth reading....   ;)
                       "Positive Mindset... put away negativity" (,238255.0.html)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts today....  I am always rooting for you.
    Hugs and hugs and hugs,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on July 21, 2018, 06:18:50 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 21, 2018, 05:49:21 PM
    Today was a bit of an odd day for me, it took quite some energy not to fall back into where I was a few weeks ago. We have had 12 straight hours of heavy rain which did not help much with either. Over 3 inches so far (79mm) and no real end in sight.

    I started another round of research for my next transition steps and learned a few new and interesting things.

    So much from my end of the world...



    Hi Sarah1972

    I have read a few of your posts along your journey but never posted in your thread before but was so enjoying reading your thread that I thought I would. I was interested to read the stuff about Zumba as I have a cis GF who is an instructor, she has been telling me I should be doing it and she may be right but just at the moment I can't physically do half the stuff you do in Zumba....lucky for me she lives in New Zealand otherwise I would not escape her as easily as I do. It looks like terribly hard work to me...but then I guess no pain no gain.

    I love the rain it always puts me in a wistful mood, its one of the things I never ever thought I would miss...but where I live now rain comes infrequently and when it does its just normally a short shower..we will occasionally get a showery days in the winter but nothing like what your are describing...

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 21, 2018, 08:08:45 PM
    Hi Liz -

    Welcome to my thread, I am glad to meet a few more of my readers!

    My regular Friday Zumba class has a fairly interesting mix of participants: The majority is at it for several years. Usually, we are around 20 women and one man. I think he is trying to hit on one of the ladies, so he is excused. He is actually doing fairly well. We also have one lady in her early 70's (I overheard her talking about her age) and while she is doing great, she is taking it easy as well. There is another regular lady who usually takes it very easy on the moves.

    You might want to give it a try yourself, follow as much as you can. I have seen many participants making moves easier for themselves.

    It also largely depends on the instructor, there is one instructor I actually like more since everything is a bit slower but it does not work with my schedule.

    The lady I talked to last time mentioned that it takes 7 - 10 classes to get the hang of it. I think I may need a lot more.  I just try my best. I can usually coordinate 2 of the three movements: feet and hips. If I have to add arms, it has to be a song I have been doing for a while. New songs usually throw me off for a few times.

    I still believe I look really awkward doing it, so I try to hide in the last row. I always fear my moves will give me away one day, I just do not have the flexibility in the hips (twerking class). It does get better though.

    I still enjoy it very much and if I can fit it into my work schedule, I do go.

    Not even sure how I ended up with Zumba, in parts due to the class fitting into my schedule and I also wanted one group activity which is typical "girly". If you would have asked me 3 years ago, I would have made a lot of bad jokes about it. Even a year ago, I would have still made jokes...

    If you are ever in my area, we should go together!

    Hugs, Sarah

    Quote from: ElizabethK on July 21, 2018, 06:18:50 PM

    Hi Sarah1972

    I have read a few of your posts along your journey but never posted in your thread before but was so enjoying reading your thread that I thought I would. I was interested to read the stuff about Zumba as I have a cis GF who is an instructor, she has been telling me I should be doing it and she may be right but just at the moment I can't physically do half the stuff you do in Zumba....lucky for me she lives in New Zealand otherwise I would not escape her as easily as I do. It looks like terribly hard work to me...but then I guess no pain no gain.

    I love the rain it always puts me in a wistful mood, its one of the things I never ever thought I would miss...but where I live now rain comes infrequently and when it does its just normally a short shower..we will occasionally get a showery days in the winter but nothing like what your are describing...

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on July 22, 2018, 07:04:35 AM
    Thanks for the Zumba invite Sara, but aren't we in different countries? I am in Adelaide Australia but if you live here I am keen so count me in... LOL

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 22, 2018, 10:49:17 AM
    Quote from: ElizabethK on July 22, 2018, 07:04:35 AM
    Thanks for the Zumba invite Sara, but aren't we in different countries? I am in Adelaide Australia but if you live here I am keen so count me in... LOL


    Yes, we are in different countries. I keep trying to lure Australian members here with the promise of Zumba classes... I may have to rethink my approach [emoji23]

    I know I am siding with your friend in New Zealand with my enthusiasm for Zumba [emoji23]


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 22, 2018, 10:57:01 AM
    While we cannot compete with the breathtaking landscape up north, we at least had similar temperatures this morning (mid 60's).

    This is about as romantic as it gets unless you like the view of high rises...


    We ended Saturday with a little over 5 inches or rain (129mm). A book might have been a good idea. Instead we opted for Indiana Jones night. I had seen it before, so I continued my research into GCS.

    For the remaining Sunday we expect more rain. We may end up going into one of the Museums we have close by.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 22, 2018, 11:07:06 AM
    Wait what?! I can't even tell that you used to be male! Your shift went very very well!!! ;)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 22, 2018, 11:18:49 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 22, 2018, 10:57:01 AM
    While we cannot compete with the breathtaking landscape up north, we at least had similar temperatures this morning (mid 60's).

    This is about as romantic as it gets unless you like the view of high rises...


    We ended Saturday with a little over 5 inches or rain (129mm). A book might have been a good idea. Instead we opted for Indiana Jones night. I had seen it before, so I continued my research into GCS.

    For the remaining Sunday we expect more rain. We may end up going into one of the Museums we have close by.



    Dear Sarah:  Thanks for your update...  rain is good, sunny is good.... and snow is good in reasonable quantities, all in moderation of course.   
    Very hot and humid weather is not good, also bitter cold icy and snowy blizzaard  weather is not good either.

    I love the picture that you posted...  it makes me want to bring a loaf of cheap bread there, sit on a bench, and feed the ducks...

    Every area of the country, of the world, has it's own form of beauty.  In my area, it is mountains, lakes, snow, constant daylight or constant darkness, star filled nights without street light pollution, etc.   Sometimes I tend to not look around and appreciate the scenery in my area because it its always around me...  We all need to take time to smell the roses and enjoy what is available where we live.

    Yes, good indoor activities, especially with kiddo in tow, would be a museum, or perhaps a G rated movie at a big screen theater (with buttered popcorn of course)...  A suitable lunch out with your family... or if kiddo is entertaining herself for a while, yes.. a good book would be in order.

    Thanks for keeping your followers updated with your life events.
    Hugs and hugs..... and stay dry.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on July 22, 2018, 01:50:40 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 22, 2018, 10:57:01 AM
    > Instead we opted for Indiana Jones night. I had seen it before, so I continued my research into GCS.

    Which movie - was it Raiders of the Found Gender?
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 22, 2018, 09:16:34 PM
    Hm - my blood tests came back. E is lowest over the last 3 tests (90) even though I am on a higher dose. Since my doctor does not want to do implants, I may have to look at injections. Not my favorite but patches don't really work for me. On the bright side: My T is the lowest ever, at around 4.5.

    We skipped the Museum after discovering a line almost 2 blocks long. We ended up strolling the new waterfront and took a peek at the fish market. Splurged in some "i-cake" as kiddo says (ice cream).

    Busy week coming up for me.

    Quote from: Kendra on July 22, 2018, 01:50:40 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 22, 2018, 10:57:01 AM
    > Instead we opted for Indiana Jones night. I had seen it before, so I continued my research into GCS.

    Which movie - was it Raiders of the Found Gender?

    OMG @Kendra - I seriously peed myself laughing about this. Yeah, Indiana Jones movie titles can be easily adjusted to match our special circumstances...

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 22, 2018, 11:18:49 AM
    I love the picture that you posted...  it makes me want to bring a loaf of cheap bread there, sit on a bench, and feed the ducks...

    @Alaskan Danielle
    Ha, Danielle, you would be kiddos best friend. We actually did exactly that, brought a bag of cheap bread and some leftovers from my wife's bread baking hobby and fed the ducks. Kiddo loves feeding them and we actually go regularly. She can run around quite a bit too since it is a large recreation area.

    I did look at the pictures again I took today and I have to say, they really turned out nice. It was a really nice day too, and yes, there are many more very pretty areas around where I live. If you have ever seen the Great Falls after a day of rain, then you can imagine the power of nature. Taking time to smell the roses is sometimes a lost art. It has been years since I saw an unobstructed sky, I think Montana a few years ago was the last time. I need to get out more...

    Quote from: SallyChoasAura on July 22, 2018, 11:07:06 AM
    Wait what?! I can't even tell that you used to be male! Your shift went very very well!!! ;)

    Aww... Thanks, @SallyChoasAura! You are so sweet. I still see a few male features I want to work on, and of course, voice is still a struggle. Overall I am happy about the changes. Especially looking at my HRT before/now picture

    August 2016 vs. May 2018...

    Thanks to all my readers taking the time to read and comment here.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on July 22, 2018, 09:53:47 PM
    WOW Sarah, the photos comparing August 2016 to 21 months later... incredible difference.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 22, 2018, 10:03:21 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 22, 2018, 09:16:34 PM
    Hm - my blood tests came back. E is lowest over the last 3 tests (90) even though I am on a higher dose. Since my doctor does not want to do implants, I may have to look at injections. Not my favorite but patches don't really work for me. On the bright side: My T is the lowest ever, at around 4.5.

    We skipped the Museum after discovering a line almost 2 blocks long. We ended up strolling the new waterfront and took a peek at the fish market. Splurged in some "i-cake" as kiddo says (ice cream).

    Busy week coming up for me.

    Which movie - was it Raiders of the Found Gender?

    OMG @Kendra - I seriously peed myself laughing about this. Yeah, Indiana Jones movie titles can be easily adjusted to match our special circumstances...
    @Alaskan Danielle
    Ha, Danielle, you would be kiddos best friend. We actually did exactly that, brought a bag of cheap bread and some leftovers from my wife's bread baking hobby and fed the ducks. Kiddo loves feeding them and we actually go regularly. She can run around quite a bit too since it is a large recreation area.

    I did look at the pictures again I took today and I have to say, they really turned out nice. It was a really nice day too, and yes, there are many more very pretty areas around where I live. If you have ever seen the Great Falls after a day of rain, then you can imagine the power of nature. Taking time to smell the roses is sometimes a lost art. It has been years since I saw an unobstructed sky, I think Montana a few years ago was the last time. I need to get out more...

    Aww... Thanks, @SallyChoasAura! You are so sweet. I still see a few male features I want to work on, and of course, voice is still a struggle. Overall I am happy about the changes. Especially looking at my HRT before/now picture

    August 2016 vs. May 2018...

    Thanks to all my readers taking the time to read and comment here.



    Guuuurrrl what chu talking about? I can't find anything wrong in the new picture! Stop worrying so much~!🤩
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on July 23, 2018, 04:24:24 AM
    Wow whata difference really have changed a heap haven't you. Thanks for the update...and oh Yes while Zumba classes are enticing you may need a little more than that LOL but thanks anyway

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 23, 2018, 06:19:45 AM
    @ElizabethK, @Kendra, @SallyChoasAura -

    Thank you so much for the compliments about my changes. I think I will have to keep this dress and wear it once a year for a progress picture  ;D

    It was actually funny finding this picture and realizing it was one of the early dresses I had bought.

    I recently put together a picture review of the 3 and a bit years since discovering the real me for a new social media thing I am trying. It was really interesting to compare and I realized that one big step forward was a 6-week work assignment in February of 2018 where I only had to focus on work and looking pretty. It was also about 1 year into growing my hair and it finally was long enough to look somewhat decent. Day to day life sometimes means shortchanging Sarah.

    Anyways, I am very happy with my progress. There are a few funny (and very affirming) stories I have talked about earlier.

    Thanks again for reading my stories.

    Have a great week everyone!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 23, 2018, 05:31:21 PM

    I could not find a good thread for this Kendra, so I'll have to post it here...


    Guess I owe you a coke [emoji3]


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 23, 2018, 05:42:44 PM
    Pst...  hey you should give me all your cokes...

    (I may have an addiction to my carbonated goodness.)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on July 23, 2018, 11:35:28 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 23, 2018, 05:31:21 PM
    > I could not find a good thread for this Kendra, so I'll have to post it here...

    huh what?  Ok now I'm baffled.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 24, 2018, 06:47:56 PM
    I heard that some of my readers are questioning.... what happened to the orange workout gear? It is well alive...


    A new time for me to go after work and it was packed. I was also accompanied by kiddo and her friend from Daycare along with one of the other hot moms from Daycare....

    Today regular workout, tomorrow with my trainer and Friday Zumba... busy workout week.

    Hope one day it will show.

    Hugs, Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 25, 2018, 03:03:05 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 24, 2018, 06:47:56 PM
    I heard that some of my readers are questioning.... what happened to the orange workout gear? It is well alive...


    A new time for me to go after work and it was packed. I was also accompanied by kiddo and her friend from Daycare along with one of the other hot moms from Daycare....

    Today regular workout, tomorrow with my trainer and Friday Zumba... busy workout week.

    Hope one day it will show.

    Hugs, Sarah

    Dear Sarah:   
    I will fess up... I am one of the guilty ones asking you about your orange workout top. 
    I recall that when you first wore it at the gym that you were very self-conscious and worrying that it made you stand out.....  I would think you are over that now ... is my assumption correct?   
    Oh and the pinks sneakers look great on you and make the statement "I am a woman"  !!!!

    That is terrific that you are making workout buddies too.... other hot moms...  ;) ::)

    Thank you for posting your good-news update.... 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 25, 2018, 05:54:20 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 25, 2018, 03:03:05 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 24, 2018, 06:47:56 PM
    I heard that some of my readers are questioning.... what happened to the orange workout gear? It is well alive...


    A new time for me to go after work and it was packed. I was also accompanied by kiddo and her friend from Daycare along with one of the other hot moms from Daycare....

    Today regular workout, tomorrow with my trainer and Friday Zumba... busy workout week.

    Hope one day it will show.

    Hugs, Sarah

    Dear Sarah:   
    I will fess up... I am one of the guilty ones asking you about your orange workout top. 
    I recall that when you first wore it at the gym that you were very self-conscious and worrying that it made you stand out.....  I would think you are over that now ... is my assumption correct?   
    Oh and the pinks sneakers look great on you and make the statement "I am a woman"  !!!!

    That is terrific that you are making workout buddies too.... other hot moms...  ;) ::)

    Thank you for posting your good-news update.... 

    Congratulations! Your post was reply #300 on this thread!!!!

    I have to admit, the main reason for using other tops is our laundry schedule. I am back to going to the gym twice a week at least, often 3 times, so I need several outfits. I was nervous about sticking out initially, by now I am fine wearing them. As you know best, the gym is still a pretty complicated place for trans women - even more for pre-op.

    I am still a bit nervous about the locker room and try to be in and out as quick as I can. Bathrooms are also only in the locker rooms, so in case I have to go (thanks Spiro) it is another trip. And then, of course, the shower problem. Usually, I postpone showers until I am back home but I have realized that on some days I do not even make it out of the gym before getting sucked back into work which makes finding a time to shower a bit tough. So if I use the showers, I keep my panties on until I am in the stall and either wrap or hold a towel in a way that it hides a bit.

    One problem is that I am living in one of the many states without any protection for Gender Identity. I am not sure what the worst case scenario could be. I am registered as female at the gym but my ID still says male.

    I am very lucky that I have not had any problems yet. I had one odd look once when staff announced male maintenance personnel will be entering the women's locker room. I saw one woman throwing a very questioning look towards me as if she thought I am the "male". I just continued what I was doing, finished changing and went my way. Usually, I can find a private corner but with some of my shifted schedule, I had to share my little nook which then, of course, requires communications to coordinate.

    I am also wondering if my personal trainer has figured it out yet. I am sure he did, he should know enough about anatomy to detect it. I do tuck for the sessions, even though this can get really uncomfortable.

    Anyways, I am getting more comfortable and of course, that allows me to maybe make some friends there one day.

    Going with one of the other daycare moms is actually fun for the kids. They get additional play time and since they are best friends, they love it. I can give my wife an added 2 hours of "me" time and she usually surprises us with a nice dinner.
    We had talked about going at the same time for a while, just never really managed to go. We don't exercise together, she is attending one of the very fancy extra classes which are not covered in my membership. I just do cardio workouts. With the weather as it is, it is hard finding activities for a very active 2-year-old, so this is a good compromise where we all benefit.

    I still have to talk to the other mom and give her a heads up about my locker room use. She has seen me transitioning over the past 18 months our kids are in the same daycare. Last time I made sure that we would change at different times. She is super accepting so I don't expect any issues, this is mostly courtesy and to avoid any weirdness.

    I had my second trainer-led session today and I hope I will not be sore for four days again.

    Not much else to report in my life. Days have been OK but admittedly not as great as last week. Lots of things to think about and I ended with a few sleepless nights which then makes things worse.

    I have to run, book travels for my next few work trips.

    Hugs everyone!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 26, 2018, 10:34:35 AM
    July 26 - Hunted Prey

    I did steal today's tagline. It sure starts feeling this way recently...

    I am sure you remember the creepy strange guy at the convenience store recently.

    Now I had another advance, much sweeter tough. As I had mentioned before, I decided to move some of my online activity to Instagram after hitting a bit of a wall what I can post on Facebook. WIth my account being set to private, I have to approve new followers.

    Sooo... last night I get this new contact request from a guy - I would say end 30's. Based on what I could figure out, he is following one of my longtime friends. While I already had a strange feeling, I still approved his request.

    And guess what? Immediately had a private message. It all started out very normal and he was kind of sweet and kind. Single dad. At this point, I already knew where this is heading and I did not get disappointed. Of course, within the first 15 messages, he asked if I am married. Following up with inquiring if I am "happily married". I tried to be really sweet and asked him if he is disappointed which he confirmed. I think he was really shocked when I mentioned my wife. I did encourage him not to give up his quest.

    Anyways, I managed to keep the conversation on light chatter and it ended up being a pretty sweet conversation. But I have also learned another valuable lesson... Hunters are everywhere and of course, I need to be careful even online. As usual, I do not give out location information or any more personal details but there is some on my feed.

    We will see if he continues to contact me and I may still decide to block him at a later point. What I know is that I will be a lot more careful about accepting requests. I felt a little bad for him, I am neither into men nor am I in the dating pool. Almost a double rejection. He seemed to handle it OK.

    I was always in control and did not feel weird anywhere in our conversation. So I do book this as a positive experience. Feels nice to get some sweet attention. 

    Anyways, so much for my fun morning...

    And no, I will not stop posting hot mommy pictures...


    WIth that - have a great Thursday everyone!!

    Hugs, Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 26, 2018, 11:02:37 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    Regarding your just posted UPDATE  July 26- Hunted Prey

    Welcome to my world....  not only do I feel like The Hunted Prey in my real life roamings around my town but I made a choice to no longer on Facebook or any other social site now which has really cut down on unsolicited and unwanted cyber-hunting that is directed at me.

    While being the Hunted Prey is certainly confidence building, and is a boost to self-assurance....  if it goes to far, to fast, and is a constant barrage from certain people, it starts to become creepy and can turn into stalking.  So, Sarah, please be careful, especially in your situation of being happily married and with a kiddo.  You do not want to do anything that will jeopardize that or even give the appearance of something more than very casual going-ons.

    Sometimes, I have to be downright straightforward and very direct with some of the individuals that appear to be engaging in "hunting" stalking me... telling them to STOP ... and sometimes Blocking emails, texts, phone calls and avoiding going to where they may be are my only solutions.

    A note of concern:  You stated that after many messages and you telling him that you were happily married....
    ... "I did encourage him not to give up his quest."
    I trust that was a typo and you meant to state that you encouraged him to give up his quest.

    As MTFs we know from personal experience how the male half thinks... any reply, any communication at all, any time they see you look at them.... they consider it a Green Light to be encouraged to attempt and relentlessly continue their pursuit. 
    If you have ever been on the on-line dating sites you should know that if you reply to a rude and crude unsolicited message, you will just encourage pursuit and more replies....  I know that this sounds rude but ignore and do not reply  is the best option... although it makes me feel badly, there is no other way in my opinion to handle these things.
    It is a big learning lesson for me being a Full-time middle aged single blonde woman in a small town where I have very little competition and there are lots of men (and women) on the hunt.

    Oh, enough of that....
    YES, your followers do indeed want to see any pictures that you feel free to post...
    ...including your Hot Mama #2 pics, that gives us a good update on your progress of achieving your transition goals.

    Thanks for your update this morning...  being the Hunted Prey can be flattering and a good feeling as long as it doesn't get out of hand with those that you don't want to be hunting you.

    All of the above was just my personal opinion.... nothing more than that.
    Hugs and well wishes.... be careful and be safe.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on July 27, 2018, 01:41:24 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 26, 2018, 10:34:35 AM
    July 26 - Hunted Prey

    IWe will see if he continues to contact me and I may still decide to block him at a later point. What I know is that I will be a lot more careful about accepting requests. I felt a little bad for him, I am neither into men nor am I in the dating pool. Almost a double rejection. He seemed to handle it OK.

    I was always in control and did not feel weird anywhere in our conversation. So I do book this as a positive experience. Feels nice to get some sweet attention. 

    Anyways, so much for my fun morning...

    And no, I will not stop posting hot mommy pictures...

    WIth that - have a great Thursday everyone!!

    Hugs, Sarah

    Hi Sarah

    I guess if you feel good about it then it is a positive experience.

    I have a dozen or more random men waiting for Facebook friend request replies from me. Apart from 2 of them I have no idea who any these guys are. The other two I know they are mutual friends with some acquaintance I have but other than that, are unknown. The one and only time I have ever responded to a random kind of request I ended up getting my first genitalia as a rule I don't bother anymore unless they are friends of friends I know  :D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 27, 2018, 06:25:41 AM
    Sooo... Guess, letting my guard down was not such a good idea after all.

    The Instagram guy got a bit too interested. Asked for video chat time (I told him clearly I don't do that) and when I told him I am busy, he offered to come and help. I was still thinking of letting him off easy but after chatting with my BFF 💜 about it and reading @Alaskan Danielle and @ElizabethK ' advice, I decided to just block him. I don't think he would have gotten the message. Having knowledge of how men work, did not help him either. I was very clear with him that I am married, have a kid and that I am into women.

    For the cam question, he does get a designation on my creep list...
    #4 - Instagram >-bleeped-<

    He also got a ">-bleeped-<" designation. My Insta feed is very forward about my transition and only 5 pictures down, I had a before/after picture. My BFF 💜 brought up the ">-bleeped-<" topic and that was pretty much the point where I decided to block.

    Quote from: ElizabethK on July 27, 2018, 01:41:24 AM

    Hi Sarah

    I guess if you feel good about it then it is a positive experience.

    I have a dozen or more random men waiting for Facebook friend request replies from me. Apart from 2 of them I have no idea who any these guys are. The other two I know they are mutual friends with some acquaintance I have but other than that, are unknown. The one and only time I have ever responded to a random kind of request I ended up getting my first genitalia as a rule I don't bother anymore unless they are friends of friends I know  :D

    Ugh - sorry @ElizabethK. Getting such pictures is just really disturbing. I never got any online but in a bar... It certainly left me with a sense of discomfort. On Facebook, I delete most requests if I don't recognize people. Even on LinkedIn, I have become a lot more selective.

    I will take my reader's advice seriously and be a lot more careful.

    Anyways, too bad.... it was fun while it lasted.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 27, 2018, 11:33:40 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 27, 2018, 06:25:41 AM
    Sooo... Guess, letting my guard down was not such a good idea after all.

    The Instagram guy got a bit too interested. Asked for video chat time (I told him clearly I don't do that) and when I told him I am busy, he offered to come and help. I was still thinking of letting him off easy but after chatting with my BFF 💜 about it and reading @Alaskan Danielle and @ElizabethK ' advice, I decided to just block him. I don't think he would have gotten the message. Having knowledge of how men work, did not help him either. I was very clear with him that I am married, have a kid and that I am into women.

    For the cam question, he does get a designation on my creep list...
    #4 - Instagram >-bleeped-<

    He also got a ">-bleeped-<" designation. My Insta feed is very forward about my transition and only 5 pictures down, I had a before/after picture. My BFF 💜 brought up the ">-bleeped-<" topic and that was pretty much the point where I decided to block.

    Ugh - sorry @ElizabethK. Getting such pictures is just really disturbing. I never got any online but in a bar... It certainly left me with a sense of discomfort. On Facebook, I delete most requests if I don't recognize people. Even on LinkedIn, I have become a lot more selective.

    I will take my reader's advice seriously and be a lot more careful.

    Anyways, too bad.... it was fun while it lasted.



    Dear Sarah:   Oh, oh.... and Oh no....  please be careful, this is what I was concerned about and why I stated what I did in my previous reply comment that I posted yesterday.

    I will say no more....  (which is really hard for me) :) ;)
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 27, 2018, 12:54:39 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle

    Hi Danielle -

    Yes, you called it. I know. And thanks for letting me off easy on this one  [emoji1] I deserve a lot more...

    The sudden interest in me is really flattering, something I have never experienced, not even in male mode (yeah, I was more of a hunter for a long time). It is also very scary and I am sometimes not sure I handle it right. It is incredibly affirming for the most part - even though my last suitor turned out to be a >-bleeped-<, it still felt nice.

    I guess in parts I am still struggling with the fear of not being seen as a woman, so these small pieces of affection/attraction are so affirming.

    I am also wondering if there is a difference in male and female hunters. Males seem a lot more aggressive ....

    As some of you know, I am struggling with a lot of my emotions. I really want to be a good mom to my kiddo and I still have some hope I can repair things at home. I caused a lot of issues with my transition. So I am working hard to get my emotions and feelings under control so I don't hurt any more people.

    It is almost comical: I fought so hard to have emotions and now they are just confusing and I want to tame them down. 🤷‍♀️

    I am always open and interested in making new friends, online and offline. And I have been very lucky to meet so many awesome people in the past two +  years and made some great friends. While I have to admit having moments where I dream of more, I know my place.



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 27, 2018, 11:33:40 AM

    Dear Sarah:   Oh, oh.... and Oh no....  please be careful, this is what I was concerned about and why I stated what I did in my previous reply comment that I posted yesterday.

    I will say no more....  (which is really hard for me) [emoji4] [emoji6]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Michelle_P on July 27, 2018, 01:53:06 PM
    For what it's worth, on Facebook I have limited both friend requests and commenters to "friends of friends".

    When I allowed anyone to send friend requests I got quite a few from men even with that big ole "Lesbian" right under my name on my page. Lots of "overseas soldiers" with oddly empty and newly created Facebook pages. [emoji849]

    I only accept friend requests in social media from people I know, or who send me a convincing argument why via another channel.

    Messenger requests from strangers are cheerfully discarded.

    John Scalzi has it right. "Your hate mail will be graded."

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 27, 2018, 02:06:08 PM
    Quote from: Michelle_P on July 27, 2018, 01:53:06 PM
    Lots of "overseas soldiers" with oddly empty and newly created Facebook pages. [emoji849]

    Wow - yes, my Insta guy was an "overseas soldier" too... On picture on his feed...

    Unfortunately, Instagram does not offer as much control over privacy than Facebook... But I had set my account to private, I still fell for accepting his request... So I guess, my fault...

    Maybe time to start a new social network...

    Aside from the usual care women have to take, we have to take the added care based on our past.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on July 27, 2018, 03:08:14 PM
    Quote from: Michelle_P on July 27, 2018, 01:53:06 PM... or who send me a convincing argument why via another channel ...

    you mean like:
    Hi, this Laurie person said I should accost ... pester ... contact you.
    I am typing this from on top of my fridge .....
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 28, 2018, 01:53:13 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 27, 2018, 02:06:08 PM
    Wow - yes, my Insta guy was an "overseas soldier" too... On picture on his feed...

    Unfortunately, Instagram does not offer as much control over privacy than Facebook... But I had set my account to private, I still fell for accepting his request... So I guess, my fault...

    Maybe time to start a new social network...

    Aside from the usual care women have to take, we have to take the added care based on our past.



    Dear Sarah:   Yes indeed...  when I started transitioning 4 years ago, I have distanced myself from FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc...   I no longer have any accounts with the dating sites or any of it.   My local coffee shop provides all the friendship, acquaintances and the ability to meet and greet the townspeople that I am involved with... eye to eye, in person.... that works the best for me.   There is no way that they can hide behind a computer screen. 
    Please be careful out there... it can be a dangerous jungle!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: krobinson103 on July 28, 2018, 02:25:29 AM
    Starting to get a few of those of Facebook myself as I add current photos. Usually I just ignore the overly friendly ones. If they get no response they tend to leave you alone and really... what use is some dude halfway around the world to me anyway? It is odd to be 'hunted' as such but also gives me a sense of progress. People actually notice me even if it is in a creepy kind of way.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 28, 2018, 07:24:10 AM
    Quote from: krobinson103 on July 28, 2018, 02:25:29 AM
    People actually notice me even if it is in a creepy kind of way.

    I agree and I have those mixed feelings too...

    Love your avatar picture @krobinson103!

    Hugs, Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 28, 2018, 07:31:34 AM
    July 28 - weekend plans

    Hello my dear readers, I am wondering what everyone is up to this weekend? Seems like we did survive the last weeks' rain (over 9 inches total) and there is some sun on the horizon...

    For us - not much exciting.

    Today will be the usual mix of a farmers market and then later visit the ECStrong festival, an effort to support a local town which did get hit hard with flooding, they had their entire downtown wiped out twice within a few years. It is about one hour away but we both have a strange connection to this town.

    Sunday I am planning to build a little playhouse for the kiddo in the yard, maybe adding a sandbox too.

    I also have to do a bit of laundry and pack my bags for a two-day business trip to New York. I am looking forward to it, especially since I can meet one of my friends and we usually have some fun girls time together. (sometimes involves fruity drinks and dancing).

    I hope everyone has a fun and enjoyable weekend!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 28, 2018, 10:26:16 AM
    Dear Sarah:   It sounds like you will have a busy weekend.   Really! 9 inches of rain!  WOW ... I have watched some of the NEWS photos and stories about the flooding and everything, and then down in the Southwest in California there are very dry and are having terribly destructive wild-fires.... then in the paradise called Hawaii there is a Volcano that has gone berserk and has destroyed property and homes.   I am thinking that where I am I am quite fortunate...  at least I am fortunate until the big earthquake hits my area.

    I love Farmers Markets... is this a family event with you, your wife, and your kiddo?

    Please tell me a little more about the playhouse that you are going to make for kiddo....  I remember my "playhouse" when I was a kid... it usually turned out to be a big cardboard box with holes cut into it for the windows and doors.

    Have a great time in NYC... that business trip is on Monday and Tuesday I assume.  and with your social stuff dancing and fruity drinks... just, please, be safe and be careful.

    Thanks for letting us all peek into your life.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on July 28, 2018, 04:30:50 PM
    Hi Sarah

    Its Sunday morning 6:30 am here in Adelaide. Its been raining over night and the forecast is for possible showers. Looks like a day spent in the warmth as its only going to be 50F 13C here today, not very warm and most of the day will be in the 40's I should think more so than the 50's not that it matters that much its still cold. Its cold for us warm weather Aussies... ;)

    We are having a visit from my daughter today who loves clothes shopping.. She has had a clear out of her old/new clothes she doesn't want or no longer fit her or that she now does not like, she is bringing over 3 large garbage bags full of clothes for her mother to look through.  I am hopefully going to get a chance to spend a couple of hours trying out the macro lens Cindy lent me. For someone who does not work I seem to have great difficulty setting aside time for my own stuff. LOL  ;) I would expect the rest of the day will be spent keeping out of the rain and cold although if the middle of the day is anything like yesterday it was lovely in the sunshine despite the cool day.

    Hope you have an enjoyable time at the markets...I always fancied my ability to construct things like cubby houses etc but the results of my attempts resemble a nailed together debris pile more so that an actual useful structure.

    Enjoy your weekend

    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 29, 2018, 01:37:16 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 28, 2018, 10:26:16 AM
    Dear Sarah:   It sounds like you will have a busy weekend.   Really! 9 inches of rain!  WOW ... I have watched some of the NEWS photos and stories about the flooding and everything, and then down in the Southwest in California there are very dry and are having terribly destructive wild-fires.... then in the paradise called Hawaii there is a Volcano that has gone berserk and has destroyed property and homes.   I am thinking that where I am I am quite fortunate...  at least I am fortunate until the big earthquake hits my area.
    The weather this July has been quite extreme. We finally got two days of sunshine but next week will be rain every day again. And kiddo's daycare is closed for vacation. We got really lucky this time, but we have had some weather-related issues earlier this year. This time we lost power for a few hours but thanks to all the preparation I do, we are protected....

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 28, 2018, 10:26:16 AM
    I love Farmers Markets... is this a family event with you, your wife, and your kiddo?
    Yes, we all go. It is a fairly small one, maybe 25 vendors offering local farm produce, bread, coffee and interesting enough even Alaskan  Salmon... We usually go every Saturday morning. Often meet a few friends from town there too.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 28, 2018, 10:26:16 AM
    Please tell me a little more about the playhouse that you are going to make for kiddo....  I remember my "playhouse" when I was a kid... it usually turned out to be a big cardboard box with holes cut into it for the windows and doors.
    Oh yes, I loved when my parents went and got boxes of appliances. Nothing better than a cardboard box from a washer or dryer. Play fun for days. We have done similar but this one is a bit more permanent. Originally I just wanted to buy bare wood and build from scratch but then we saw an awesome kit... Still needs some plants for the door but kiddo has already started cooking a delicious meal for us.
    While building I had to think of the cabins in Hard Luck. Guess if everything fails, I can have a second career building cabins in remote villages of Alaska....



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 28, 2018, 10:26:16 AM
    Have a great time in NYC... that business trip is on Monday and Tuesday I assume.  and with your social stuff dancing and fruity drinks... just, please, be safe and be careful.
    Thanks for your concern - No worries, one of the reasons why I go with a local is to be safe.

    Besides that, the festival was fun - on a farm in Maryland with all kind of music, food, and craft. Bounce houses for kiddo.
    I need to learn a bit about fashion for such events... a strapless summer dress and light-heeled sandals are not the best choices. Sneakers or boots would have been better and jeans maybe too.


    We are all struggling with a cold and I hope it will be better before I head to NY tomorrow. I am glad I take the train, so I don't have any issues with pressurized cabins and my cold head. Trains for me are the most convinient way to get to NY, about the same time than flying and I can work the entire train ride. Free wifi and power at every seat is an added bonus.

    Quote from: ElizabethK on July 28, 2018, 04:30:50 PM
    Hi Sarah

    Its Sunday morning 6:30 am here in Adelaide. Its been raining over night and the forecast is for possible showers. Looks like a day spent in the warmth as its only going to be 50F 13C here today, not very warm and most of the day will be in the 40's I should think more so than the 50's not that it matters that much its still cold. Its cold for us warm weather Aussies... [emoji6]

    We are having a visit from my daughter today who loves clothes shopping.. She has had a clear out of her old/new clothes she doesn't want or no longer fit her or that she now does not like, she is bringing over 3 large garbage bags full of clothes for her mother to look through.  I am hopefully going to get a chance to spend a couple of hours trying out the macro lens Cindy lent me. For someone who does not work I seem to have great difficulty setting aside time for my own stuff. LOL  [emoji6] I would expect the rest of the day will be spent keeping out of the rain and cold although if the middle of the day is anything like yesterday it was lovely in the sunshine despite the cool day.

    Hope you have an enjoyable time at the markets...I always fancied my ability to construct things like cubby houses etc but the results of my attempts resemble a nailed together debris pile more so that an actual useful structure.

    Enjoy your weekend


    @ElizabethK - Ugh - sounds really cold where you are. Hope you could take the time to take some great macro photos. Being able to build thing scan always come in handy. Even though I am a bit handicapped these days, don't want to ruin my nails... But I still do it. While I was lazy this time, I have the tools and skills to build such a house from scratch.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 29, 2018, 01:54:26 PM
    Dear Sarah:   Thank you for posting your terrific update... and I have to say that you look great in your summer dress...  be careful with all of the flirts that receive when wearing that for sure.

    Oh my.... the playhouse kit sure makes it easier than scratch-build....
    WOW, to be a kid again with a playhouse like that!!!  If you have nearby neighbors that have kids, your yard will be a gathering place for sure.

    Have a productive business trip to NYC ....  and I am glad that you will get some fun time too with your local friend.

    Please, as I know you will, please keep us posted with your updates.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on July 29, 2018, 02:20:23 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 29, 2018, 01:37:16 PM
    > Free wifi and poser at every seat is an added bonus.

    I'm not sure... unless that's a typo, I'd skip that one and take a different train.  :D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 29, 2018, 03:20:15 PM
    Quote from: Kendra on July 29, 2018, 02:20:23 PM
    I'm not sure... unless that's a typo, I'd skip that one and take a different train.  :D

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on July 31, 2018, 05:45:22 PM
    July 31st - New York

    Funny enough - not much to report. Typical business trip... getting up, travel to meetings, attend meetings, go to the hotel, have dinner, sleep, more meetings and travel home.

    Well... Dinner was so absolutely lovely. When I have a chance in New York I meet with one of my girlfriends from work and we usually end up chatting away for a few hours, catching each other up on our lives. This is always the highlight for my New York trips. Just some nice extensive girl talk... And yes, a little bit of fruity drink...
    We skipped the dancing 💃🏽, I was still exhausted from a cold over the weekend. Maybe next time...


    Followed by some more girl talk with my BFF 💜

    On one of my next trips, I am considering a trip to the Langone Center...

    This was just another Sarah being Sarah trip. It is all so normal now, in most parts I do not even think anymore, it just happens automatically and I would most likely not know how to be a man again.

    I am starting to get smarter about packing my bags, I usually pack last minute, and I am much better about packing efficient. no more 5 pairs of shoes for a business trip. 2 pairs and some flats for backup. The makeup bag for such short trips is just bare minimum, and often times function replaces fancy. I really hate lugging luggage...

    Oh- and no worries, no additions to the creepy guy list 😂. As usual, I keep my situational awareness up but it is getting into a normal female range.

    This is it - Hugs, Sarah

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 31, 2018, 05:56:40 PM
    Dear Sarah:   Thank your for posting your good news report, except of course for skipping the dancing... but like you said, maybe next time.

    I am glad to see that you are learning the tricks of the trade with packing your bags....  so many things a girl needs on a trip but we do need to budget our suitcase space carefully.... and if you are on a trip and need something that you forgot to pack or find out that you want something,..... well, you have your Credit Card !!!!! ;)

    Oh, and I am also glad that you are being more careful about your emotions.... you don't want to add guys to your creepy list.    But, as you know, when I was with my gym girls group at our regualar workouts....
    my Creepy Guy Suitor #2 ... approached me unannounced, unwanted, and unsolicited....  this stuff happens, that is why I was glad that I was with my group, they swooped in and kept him away from me.   We also need to do things in groups many times to be safe.   Safety in numbers, as they say.

    Thank your for your update,
    Hugs and Hugs,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 02, 2018, 02:16:18 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on July 31, 2018, 05:45:22 PM
    July 31st - New York

    Funny enough - not much to report. Typical business trip... getting up, travel to meetings, attend meetings, go to the hotel, have dinner, sleep, more meetings and travel home.

    Well... Dinner was so absolutely lovely. When I have a chance in New York I meet with one of my girlfriends from work and we usually end up chatting away for a few hours, catching each other up on our lives. This is always the highlight for my New York trips. Just some nice extensive girl talk... And yes, a little bit of fruity drink...
    We skipped the dancing [emoji1437], I was still exhausted from a cold over the weekend. Maybe next time...


    Followed by some more girl talk with my BFF [emoji171]

    On one of my next trips, I am considering a trip to the Langone Center...

    This was just another Sarah being Sarah trip. It is all so normal now, in most parts I do not even think anymore, it just happens automatically and I would most likely not know how to be a man again.

    I am starting to get smarter about packing my bags, I usually pack last minute, and I am much better about packing efficient. no more 5 pairs of shoes for a business trip. 2 pairs and some flats for backup. The makeup bag for such short trips is just bare minimum, and often times function replaces fancy. I really hate lugging luggage...

    Oh- and no worries, no additions to the creepy guy list [emoji23]. As usual, I keep my situational awareness up but it is getting into a normal female range.

    This is it - Hugs, Sarah

    Hey there Sarah,
    I've noticed it has been a while since I posted on your thread.

    I love the playhouse you built for Kiddo. I am soooooo jealous. Makes me want to be a little girl just so I could play in it. I don't remember such awesome toys when I was a kid. Children these days have the coolest toys! I bet Kiddo is loving it.

    I'm glad you made some time on your business trip to catch up with your friend for girl talk (and fruity drinks [emoji126][emoji126][emoji126] ). Sounds like a lot of fun. [emoji16] Sorry you had a cold to tire you out. I hope you are feeling better.

    And then girl talk with your BFF [emoji171] is always a load of fun.

    I love how you say Sarah being Sarah feels so normal without even thinking about it. Of course you don't know how to be a man. That is because you are a woman!

    Packing smarter and lighter has an added benefit besides being easier to lug your luggage. It leaves space for any necessary shoe purchases made while you are away. [emoji16]

    I am also glad no more creepy guys made it onto your list. It's not the kind of list you want to be long.

    Keep in doing what you are doing. You are rocking it girl...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 04, 2018, 10:26:08 AM
    ..... Just wondering....
    ... what is my forums friend @sarah1972 up to this weekend? ???

    I am thinking that her readers and followers of her thread are due for an UPDATE !!!!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 06, 2018, 03:03:23 PM
    Aug 6 - man flu or worse

    Before I get in even more trouble for not updating my thread  ;D ;D ;D -

    Not much going on in my life. I was fighting a cold all last week and over the weekend, I debated with my 💜BFF👩‍❤️‍👩 if I am still allowed to have a man flu.

    Today I went to the doctor and the nurse wrote down all my symptoms. when the doctor came into the room, his first question was: "Do you feel like a truck run over you?" - I burst out laughing since I had to think of kiddo saying "Big Truck, Big Truck. Of course, laughing in my condition was not a good idea. He just looked at me and told me I have Pneumonia.
    A quick check and his thought was confirmed.

    Now I am on a high dose fast acting antibiotics for the next 10 days. Kiddo sounds similar then I do and my wife took her to the doctor to have her checked out too...

    So, no man flu. Just run over by the pneumonia truck...

    I still love how considerate the doctor's office is... They have "Sarah" on every piece of paper right next to my legal name and I overheard the receptionist speak of "Miss <last name>". I have a fairly uncommon last name for the US, so there is little doubt she was talking about me.

    A few quiet days of sleep and hopefully I feel better.

    Besides this? Not much new. My electrologist is back after her surgery and I was hoping to see her tomorrow. Have to cancel that. The doctor also advises canceling the gym for a week or two.

    I guess - just another normal week behind me. normal should be good, right?

    Hugs, Sarah

    P.S. while I I gladly part with each and any part of masculinity.... I do want to keep man flu 😷 😂😂😂😂 ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 06, 2018, 03:35:59 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 06, 2018, 03:03:23 PM
    Aug 6 - man flu or worse

    Before I get in even more trouble for not updating my thread  ;D ;D ;D -

    Not much going on in my life. I was fighting a cold all last week and over the weekend, I debated with my 💜BFF👩‍❤️‍👩 if I am still allowed to have a man flu.

    Today I went to the doctor and the nurse wrote down all my symptoms. when the doctor came into the room, his first question was: "Do you feel like a truck run over you?" - I burst out laughing since I had to think of kiddo saying "Big Truck, Big Truck. Of course, laughing in my condition was not a good idea. He just looked at me and told me I have Pneumonia.
    A quick check and his thought was confirmed.

    Now I am on a high dose fast acting antibiotics for the next 10 days. Kiddo sounds similar then I do and my wife took her to the doctor to have her checked out too...

    So, no man flu. Just run over by the pneumonia truck...

    I still love how considerate the doctor's office is... They have "Sarah" on every piece of paper right next to my legal name and I overheard the receptionist speak of "Miss <last name>". I have a fairly uncommon last name for the US, so there is little doubt she was talking about me.

    A few quiet days of sleep and hopefully I feel better.

    Besides this? Not much new. My electrologist is back after her surgery and I was hoping to see her tomorrow. Have to cancel that. The doctor also advises canceling the gym for a week or two.

    I guess - just another normal week behind me. normal should be good, right?

    Hugs, Sarah

    P.S. while I I gladly part with each and any part of masculinity.... I do want to keep man flu 😷 😂😂😂😂 ;D

    Dear Sarah: 
    You must have read my mind....   I had just started to compose a reply comment on your thread here to ask you what was happening in your life after your NYC business trip and also this last weekend.

    Hmmm, man flu???   I don't think the Flu Germs really care, female or male, they are nasty bugs.... and what did you say the doctor said that you had....
           Pneumonia !!!!
    OMG, that is definitely not a good thing.

    So, what is the diagnosis and story with your wife and your kiddo... flu??? bad cold? ???

    Yes, indeed, rest, lay low, no hard activities such as gym or your 10,000 steps... or anything out in the heat.  Stay in, stay comfortable, drink lots  (water), take your prescribed meds and get healed up.

    That was nice about your visit with the doctor and their office... gendered correctly and considerate... wonderful for sure.   Certainly a very nice experience "Miss" Sarah.

    So, next week you will probably bounce back to your normal healthy self, but still take it a little easy and follow your doctor's orders, you don't want this bouncing back on you.   

    Ahhh, then next week you will be seeing your "electrocutionist"  ... how is the hair removal going for you so far???

    Thank you for your awaited update... you just barely avoided getting a nasty gram message from me wondering where you are>????    It would have been a nice message or comment on your thread... nothing nasty, just me expressing concern.

    Hugs, and get well soon.... and yes, normal is good.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 06, 2018, 04:12:56 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 06, 2018, 03:03:23 PM
    Aug 6 - man flu or worse

    Before I get in even more trouble for not updating my thread  ;D ;D ;D -

    Not much going on in my life. I was fighting a cold all last week and over the weekend, I debated with my [emoji171]BFF[emoji1299] if I am still allowed to have a man flu.

    Today I went to the doctor and the nurse wrote down all my symptoms. when the doctor came into the room, his first question was: "Do you feel like a truck run over you?" - I burst out laughing since I had to think of kiddo saying "Big Truck, Big Truck. Of course, laughing in my condition was not a good idea. He just looked at me and told me I have Pneumonia.
    A quick check and his thought was confirmed.

    Now I am on a high dose fast acting antibiotics for the next 10 days. Kiddo sounds similar then I do and my wife took her to the doctor to have her checked out too...

    So, no man flu. Just run over by the pneumonia truck...

    I still love how considerate the doctor's office is... They have "Sarah" on every piece of paper right next to my legal name and I overheard the receptionist speak of "Miss <last name>". I have a fairly uncommon last name for the US, so there is little doubt she was talking about me.

    A few quiet days of sleep and hopefully I feel better.

    Besides this? Not much new. My electrologist is back after her surgery and I was hoping to see her tomorrow. Have to cancel that. The doctor also advises canceling the gym for a week or two.

    I guess - just another normal week behind me. normal should be good, right?

    Hugs, Sarah

    P.S. while I I gladly part with each and any part of masculinity.... I do want to keep man flu [emoji40] [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] ;D
    Hey there Sarah! (((((HUG)))))

    Sorry your (wo)man flu turned into pneumonia. That is not a nice feeling. As Nurse Danielle said, follow your doctor's instructions and avoid strenuous activities like the gym at least for a week. I won't give you any gym pokes until you are better. And make sure to take all your meds. You need to take the full course of antibiotics, even if you start feeling better before you are through the course.

    I hope Kiddo and your wife don't also have pneumonia. Let Kiddo nurse you better. She is a good nurse. I remember when she went to get an ice pack to make your knee better when you banged it.

    Your [emoji171]BFF[emoji1299] says you cannot have man flu. It is now woman flu. You can milk much more sympathy this way. [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]

    Feel better soon. I'll be thinking of you!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 06, 2018, 05:28:00 PM
    Awww - thanks @Alaskan Danielle and @Jayne01 for your sweet words and concerns. Yeah, a lot of sleep seems to be a good thing. I can barely make it down the stairs, so working is really limited.

    So... The Results are in:

    Hot Mommy #1: no cold and healthy.
    Kiddo: Cold and a mild ear infection.
    Hot Mommy #2: Pneumonia.

    Yesterday I actually fainted and had to lay down in the morning and kiddo was super concerned. She brought me a pillow and a blanket, then grabbed a pillow for herself and lay down next to me. Every time I think about it I have tears running down my eyes. She is only 28 months old and soooo sweet.

    @Alaskan Danielle - You asked about hair removal.

    I have done 6 months of laser so far and it seems I have reached the limit of laser. Before I could start electrolysis, my technician needed a surgery which put a two months break on everything. I was supposed to start back up tomorrow. I have to admit, I am very lucky in general. I do not have a lot of body hair. Arms and legs I can get away with less shaving than an average cis-women. Just my face needs some work. I hope another 6 months of electrolysis and my face is done. I also plan to ask for genital hair removal. I know, not all surgeons require it but since I have not decided on a surgeon yet, it might be best to get a head start.

    Thanks for pushing me Danielle - I know it is your big heart and general concern of not seeing your friends for a few days. If I have learned one thing is that having friends checking in on someone can be a lifesaver.
    I have had to check in on friends and I have had the need to be checked on. Sometimes this has to go on for a few days, a few times a day. In the end - it did end well.

    So, Thank you Danielle!

    And of course, thank you to my 💜BFF👩‍❤️‍👩...

    Time for some sleep,


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 07, 2018, 02:55:46 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 06, 2018, 05:28:00 PM
    Awww - thanks @Alaskan Danielle and @Jayne01 for your sweet words and concerns. Yeah, a lot of sleep seems to be a good thing. I can barely make it down the stairs, so working is really limited.

    So... The Results are in:

    Hot Mommy #1: no cold and healthy.
    Kiddo: Cold and a mild ear infection.
    Hot Mommy #2: Pneumonia.

    Yesterday I actually fainted and had to lay down in the morning and kiddo was super concerned. She brought me a pillow and a blanket, then grabbed a pillow for herself and lay down next to me. Every time I think about it I have tears running down my eyes. She is only 28 months old and soooo sweet.

    @Alaskan Danielle - You asked about hair removal.

    I have done 6 months of laser so far and it seems I have reached the limit of laser. Before I could start electrolysis, my technician needed a surgery which put a two months break on everything. I was supposed to start back up tomorrow. I have to admit, I am very lucky in general. I do not have a lot of body hair. Arms and legs I can get away with less shaving than an average cis-women. Just my face needs some work. I hope another 6 months of electrolysis and my face is done. I also plan to ask for genital hair removal. I know, not all surgeons require it but since I have not decided on a surgeon yet, it might be best to get a head start.

    Thanks for pushing me Danielle - I know it is your big heart and general concern of not seeing your friends for a few days. If I have learned one thing is that having friends checking in on someone can be a lifesaver.
    I have had to check in on friends and I have had the need to be checked on. Sometimes this has to go on for a few days, a few times a day. In the end - it did end well.

    So, Thank you Danielle!

    And of course, thank you to my [emoji171]BFF[emoji1299]...

    Time for some sleep,


    Hi Sarah,

    Glad to hear Hot Mommy #1 is healthy and Kiddo only has a cold and mild ear infection. I seem to remember ear infections to be quite common when I was a kid, is that still the case?

    I am sorry you have pneumonia. That has got to really suck. It sounds unpleasant. Please feel better soon.

    Kiddo is such a special child. I even have tears in my eyes reading about her sweet actions. I remember not too long ago she was nursing your knee with an ice pack she thought to retrieve from the fridge on her own. Please give her a great big hug from Mrs Jayne. She is so sweet.

    Rest up and follow the instructions of Nurse Kiddo for a speedy recovery.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on August 07, 2018, 05:28:43 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 06, 2018, 03:03:23 PM
    So, no man flu. Just run over by the pneumonia truck...

    I still love how considerate the doctor's office is... They have "Sarah" on every piece of paper right next to my legal name and I overheard the receptionist speak of "Miss <last name>". I have a fairly uncommon last name for the US, so there is little doubt she was talking about me.


    Besides this? Not much new. My electrologist is back after her surgery and I was hoping to see her tomorrow. Have to cancel that. The doctor also advises canceling the gym for a week or two.

    I guess - just another normal week behind me. normal should be good, right?

    Hugs, Sarah

    P.S. while I I gladly part with each and any part of masculinity.... I do want to keep man flu

    Hi Sarah pneumonia is not pleasant to be dealing with I hope you are feeling better soon. Its great to hear when other come across real human beings like the people at your Dr's office where they treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve. Great stuff.

    Lets hope you can catch up with your face torturer soon to get some zapping done  :icon_yikes:

    Take care
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 07, 2018, 02:07:25 PM
    OMG... OMG... What a sweet surprise


    First time ever Sarah got some cute flowers - and even delivered!!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 07, 2018, 03:12:39 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 07, 2018, 02:07:25 PM
    OMG... OMG... What a sweet surprise


    First time ever Sarah got some cute flowers - and even delivered!!!

    Dear Sarah: 
    Wow-whee.....  super nice....   very terrific getting flowers...
    I have a couple thoughts on who might have sent them to you.... 
    Congratulations for sure... they will certainly help you to feel better while you are recovering !!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 07, 2018, 04:53:07 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 07, 2018, 02:07:25 PM
    OMG... OMG... What a sweet surprise


    First time ever Sarah got some cute flowers - and even delivered!!!
    Oh that is so sweet Sarah. I love the flowers. Did they come with a card? It looks like you have adopted some of Danielle's suspenseful writing skills..... who are they from?

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on August 07, 2018, 08:46:25 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 07, 2018, 02:07:25 PM
    OMG... OMG... What a sweet surprise

    First time ever Sarah got some cute flowers - and even delivered!!!

    That's so cool, Sarah! In the old days I didn't understand flowers. It seemed like such a waste. Now I "get" them - and the first time I got them I was in tears. The flowers are not just beautiful, but it's the special feeling they represent that make them so wonderful. Congratulations on having someone who cares enough to do such an awesome thing for you!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 08, 2018, 07:10:58 AM
    Ugh - recovering from Pneumonia can take several weeks. Not good. While yesterday was a bit better, this morning I feel like a truck run over me again. climbing stairs or any other activity is still a challenge. Maybe I focus on binge-watching today. It is day 3 of the antibiotics and I really hope they take effect before the weekend, otherwise, I am looking at a hospital stay.

    Yesterday was OK and I actually decided to go for electrolysis. Seems like I am very lucky, based on yesterdays progress my beautician estimates I should be mostly done in about 20 hours. Guess the 20 months of HRT and 6 months of laser prior did already make a difference. She also mentioned that the hair does come out easy. While it is uncomfortable, it is somewhat bearable so far but she already said she will numb my face once she get's closer to my lip and chin area. She had to do this even for laser, so she knows I am sensitive...

    And of course, the highlight yesterday where the cute flowers my BFF💜 sent me!

    Quote from: Steph2.0 on August 07, 2018, 08:46:25 PM
    That's so cool, Sarah! In the old days I didn't understand flowers. It seemed like such a waste. Now I "get" them - and the first time I got them I was in tears. The flowers are not just beautiful, but it's the special feeling they represent that make them so wonderful. Congratulations on having someone who cares enough to do such an awesome thing for you!


    Ha @Steph2.0 - You are right, flowers are something to get used to for me as well - at least on the receiving end... I think the last time I got a flower I was not even 20, from a classmate. It is such a nice feeling !

    My wife has asked on occasion if she now needs to get me flowers but her tone indicated that she did not like the idea, so I declined her offer. I am bringing flowers on occasion and do not plan to stop. This is one of the small parts of normality I can easily keep up with.

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on August 07, 2018, 03:12:39 PM
    Dear Sarah: 
    Wow-whee.....  super nice....   very terrific getting flowers...
    I have a couple thoughts on who might have sent them to you.... 
    Congratulations for sure... they will certainly help you to feel better while you are recovering !!!

    @Alaskan Danielle -
    Thanks, Danielle for your comment! Yes, they certainly helped me feel better, especially after the day we had yesterday. You are right, it is one of the most amazing feeling knowing to have friends caring and worried enough to send such a cheerful gesture. I am truly blessed having a few very awesome friends! One in Alaska and one in Australia...

    @Jayne01 -
    Hahaha Jayne 👩‍❤️‍👩 ... Yes, there is a card. The card mentions my 💜BFF💜 👩‍❤️‍👩 being the sender... Now, of course, I keep the suspension up! But I am sure most of my readers have figured out who the BFF is is now. 😂😂😂 - they just need to follow the emojis.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 08, 2018, 08:18:33 AM
    Hiya Sarah [emoji1299]

    Sorry the pneumonia has run you over like a truck again. [emoji171][emoji171] I don't think I have ever had pneumonia, it sounds like something I would remember. Please rest and drink lots of fluids, and of course, follow the wise directions of Nurse Kiddo.

    I am glad you enjoyed the flowers [emoji1299][emoji171]. Yes, it's a. Good idea to keep up the occasional flowers for your wife. It is a simple gesture that can bring a smile to her face. I also do the same for my wife at random intervals, usually not when it is "expected", such as Valentine's Day, birthday, Christmas, etc. I save the flowers for random days, just because I feel like it. She appreciates them more that way because there is no marketing pressure from retailers "telling" me to give flowers.

    Feel better soon.....please!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 08, 2018, 01:56:41 PM
    Awww --- Thank you for the well wishes Jayne [emoji1299][emoji171] and of course I thank you even more for the beautiful flower surprise... Oops,  I decided to spill the secret before the forum breaks out in rumors  ;D ;D ;D

    Quote from: Jayne01 on August 08, 2018, 08:18:33 AM
    Hiya Sarah [emoji1299]

    Sorry the pneumonia has run you over like a truck again. [emoji171][emoji171] I don't think I have ever had pneumonia, it sounds like something I would remember. Please rest and drink lots of fluids, and of course, follow the wise directions of Nurse Kiddo.

    I am glad you enjoyed the flowers [emoji1299][emoji171]. Yes, it's a. Good idea to keep up the occasional flowers for your wife. It is a simple gesture that can bring a smile to her face. I also do the same for my wife at random intervals, usually not when it is "expected", such as Valentine's Day, birthday, Christmas, etc. I save the flowers for random days, just because I feel like it. She appreciates them more that way because there is no marketing pressure from retailers "telling" me to give flowers.

    Feel better soon.....please!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 08, 2018, 02:13:13 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 08, 2018, 01:56:41 PM
    Awww --- Thank you for the well wishes Jayne [emoji1299][emoji171] and of course I thank you even more for the beautiful flower surprise... Oops,  I decided to spill the secret before the forum breaks out in rumors  ;D ;D ;D

    @sarah1972    cc:  @Jayne01
    Dear Sarah:  No worries there.... most anyone that can read and can see your postings and Jayne's postings has known for a long time about who your BFF is....  and there was never a doubt in my mind about who sent the flowers to you.   
    No secrets any longer and any rumors are now dispelled.

    It is important to have those around you and close to you to be at your side with an available shoulder to cry on, an arm to hold you up, and actions, comment and thoughts that give you the emotional and physical boost that you need when you need it.   
    I am so very happy for you.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 08, 2018, 03:13:38 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on August 08, 2018, 02:13:13 PM
    It is important to have those around you and close to you to be at your side with an available shoulder to cry on, an arm to hold you up, and actions, comment and thoughts that give you the emotional and physical boost that you need when you need it.   
    I am so very happy for you.


    @Alaskan Danielle :
    Dear Danielle - You also deserve a lot of thanks for being exactly such a friend you describe. Even reaching out when you sense something is wrong or simply being open to receive messages and provide your view and wisdom. So thank you so much for being such an awesome friend (now I cry a little bit, thanks hormones)

    Hugs, Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 08, 2018, 07:17:41 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 08, 2018, 01:56:41 PM
    Awww --- Thank you for the well wishes Jayne [emoji1299][emoji171] and of course I thank you even more for the beautiful flower surprise... Oops,  I decided to spill the secret before the forum breaks out in rumors  ;D ;D ;D
    I am glad you liked the little surprise. I am always here for you just as I know you are there for me.

    Your BFF [emoji171][emoji1299][emoji171]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 08, 2018, 07:23:46 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on August 08, 2018, 07:17:41 PM
    I am glad you liked the little surprise. I am always here for you just as I know you are there for me.

    Your BFF [emoji171][emoji1299][emoji171]

    @Sarah197  @Jayne01
    Dear Sarah and Jayne:
    Aweee, so very sweet indeed... is a wonderful sight to see as friendships blossom.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on August 10, 2018, 12:10:24 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 08, 2018, 07:10:58 AM
    Ugh - recovering from Pneumonia can take several weeks. Not good. While yesterday was a bit better, this morning I feel like a truck run over me again. climbing stairs or any other activity is still a challenge. Maybe I focus on binge-watching today. It is day 3 of the antibiotics and I really hope they take effect before the weekend, otherwise, I am looking at a hospital stay.

    Yesterday was OK and I actually decided to go for electrolysis. Seems like I am very lucky, based on yesterdays progress my beautician estimates I should be mostly done in about 20 hours. Guess the 20 months of HRT and 6 months of laser prior did already make a difference. She also mentioned that the hair does come out easy. While it is uncomfortable, it is somewhat bearable so far but she already said she will numb my face once she get's closer to my lip and chin area. She had to do this even for laser, so she knows I am sensitive...

    And of course, the highlight yesterday where the cute flowers my BFF💜 sent me!

    Hi Sarah

    Great news about the electrolysis another 20 hours and you may be done is fantastic. I too got a great result from laser and it reduced my dark hair to about 5 % of its original amount. I need to go back for more Electrolysis but  have a few other things to take care of. I found 4 small lots of Emla (saran wrap/gladwrap covered face) spaced around my face, 10mg Valium and I could tolerate and hour. I lasted 6 minutes the first time I ever went LOL

    I hope you are feeling better cute were the flowers from BFF.  ;D  It is such a lovely feeling to receive flowers...Hope you are feeling better soon

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 11, 2018, 10:03:32 PM
    Well, seems like manicure, pedicure or both are somewhat mandatory this week as Susan's member... Of course, I did not want to let you have all the fun. I splurged in a 90 minuted luxury pedicure... with leg and foot massage, hot stones, oils, exfoliation and more...

    Treating myself was kind of a necessity given that I am still battling my Pneumonia and sinus infection. I can barely walk 500 m nor do anything else much.

    Hope my dear readers weekends are turning out much better...

    Hugs, Sarah

    Oh - I know, pictures or it did not happen, here you go:


    And the result: (yeah, I know, I better paint the wood than my nails but nails make me really happy...)

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 11, 2018, 10:38:52 PM
    Dear Sarah....  lovely pictures and a great update.   I am so envious of your luxury ped and other work that you had done.    All of that should help you to recover fully soon.... and it certainly helps your emotions and general mood.
    Thanks for your posting... it is always a joy to read your thread updates.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 11, 2018, 11:41:21 PM
    Good for you Sarah, for treating yourself. Remember, you promised we both spoil ourselves together when I come to visit. I will hold you to that promise. [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]

    I think it's time you told this pneumonia to move. You have graciously played host to it long enough. Please get better soon.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 13, 2018, 03:31:30 PM
    Well, not the kind of picture I wanted to share today. Back at the doctor. Still no feeling better. Now I also have a sinus infection and pneumonia has not gotten to the point the doctor would expect. So, the first round of antibiotics did not really help...

    Now I am on second line very potent antibiotics as well as an inhaler.  :(  :(  :(


    The weekend was me lying on the couch mostly.

    I managed to go feeding ducks with kiddo and take her to the playground. She was happy riding the playground train and carousel and did not run around too much. So I have been taking it really easy.

    Hope everyone has a great week!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Megan. on August 13, 2018, 03:43:18 PM
    Sry ur still feeling poorly,  sending hugs and love. I hope the new drugs help you back to full health. X

    Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 13, 2018, 04:26:47 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Oh me, oh my  .... I am now very, very worried and even much more concerned about you...
    I am trusting that the 2nd round of new antibiotics and you following doctors orders and MY orders and orders from @Jayne01 that you will get over this soon...  It appears that your recent travels to Germany and NYC are not healthy places to visit for you!!!  LOL   :o

    You did not look like a happy camper in the picture that you posted.... PLEASE GET WELL SOON and please keep us updated.   Meanwhile get back in your easy chair or on your couch, grab a good book, drink lots of liquids and LAY LOW.

    Sending well wishes, positive thoughts and my prayers for you....
    Hugs and more hugs and well wishes....

    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 13, 2018, 03:31:30 PM
    Well, not the kind of picture I wanted to share today. Back at the doctor. Still no feeling better. Now I also have a sinus infection and pneumonia has not gotten to the point the doctor would expect. So, the first round of antibiotics did not really help...

    Now I am on second line very potent antibiotics as well as an inhaler.  :(  :(  :(


    The weekend was me lying on the couch mostly.

    I managed to go feeding ducks with kiddo and take her to the playground. She was happy riding the playground train and carousel and did not run around too much. So I have been taking it really easy.

    Hope everyone has a great week!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 13, 2018, 05:42:04 PM
    Oh Sarah! What am I going to do with you? Did you not get my message to get better? [emoji847][emoji847][emoji847] You are not allowed to be sick. It's against the law you know! So please feel better soon! [emoji171][emoji171][emoji171]

    I hope the new antibiotics will do the trick. And seriously!!! What's up with you adding a sinus infection to the list? The pneumonia wasn't enough for you? Jeeez!!!

    Rest, drink fluids and hurry up and get better. PLEEEEAAAAASE!!


    Hugs and extra get well hugs!!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 13, 2018, 07:36:13 PM
    @Megan. , @Alaskan Danielle, @Jayne01 -

    Thanks all for your concern and all the getting well wishes.

    I forgot to mention dehydration needs to be added to the list. Seems like doing nothing all day also included not drinking. I am sure that does not help either. I am trying to get better about drinking water now. My electrologist had already complained about it last week.

    Anyways, I had to be back to work today, I did take all of last week off. At least I work home office but there is a lot to catch up on. Hope I make it through the week.

    If things don't get better by the end of the week, I am due for x-rays...

    Thanks again for your concern!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 13, 2018, 10:54:21 PM
    Get well soon. [emoji171][emoji171][emoji171]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 14, 2018, 11:12:30 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 13, 2018, 07:36:13 PM
    @Megan. , @Alaskan Danielle, @Jayne01 -

    Thanks all for your concern and all the getting well wishes.

    I forgot to mention dehydration needs to be added to the list. Seems like doing nothing all day also included not drinking. I am sure that does not help either. I am trying to get better about drinking water now. My electrologist had already complained about it last week.

    Anyways, I had to be back to work today, I did take all of last week off. At least I work home office but there is a lot to catch up on. Hope I make it through the week.

    If things don't get better by the end of the week, I am due for x-rays...

    Thanks again for your concern!



    Dear Sarah:   hmmm, dehydration... if I remember correctly comments on your thread wishing you get well thoughts from @Jayne01 and myself have frequently included "drink lots of fluids"   .....   

    Perhaps I need to restate the words in big and bold writing so you can more easily understand and follow our caring advice.
        "Mach's dir gemütlich, trinke viel Wasser und ruhe dich gut aus."

    Hugs and well wishes, and GET WELL SOON... Gute Besserung
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on August 14, 2018, 04:15:53 PM
    Sarah I hope the best for a quick recovery and get some much needed rest!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 15, 2018, 05:52:19 PM
    Thanks, @Kendra, @Jayne01 and @Alaskan Danielle for the repeated getting well wishes. I think Danielle's use of German Language may have made a difference... My electrocutioner said I am better hydrated.

    Overall, it seems the second line antibiotics are starting to help. I am on the third day and I do begin to feel better.

    Right in time to pack my bags and fly to Montreal for two days...

    Thank you so much again for checking with me! It does mean a lot to me!

    Hugs, Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 15, 2018, 05:56:05 PM
    Das sind gute Neuigkeiten! Ich bin froh, dass du dich endlich besser fühlst.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 16, 2018, 06:53:07 AM
    Well - here we go... at the airport again, heading to Montreal for two day work meetings.

    Little hick up this morning going through security... the Clear machine pulled up a pre-transition picture since I never bothered to change it... [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] has to show an additional ID until they believed it is me. Wow - guess the HRT is changing me....

    Nothing much more to report. I am feeling a little better but also know I have ways to go....

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Hugs, Sarah

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 16, 2018, 10:49:39 AM
    Dear Sarah....   well, I take it that you must be starting to feel better now, or at least I hope so....
    ....  you evidently are done with resting and laying low.   

    That was certainly a good moment and a good sign that the HRT is doing it's magic,
    the security people needed more ID to make sure the 'new you" was really you!!!   How fun!!!

    Thanks for including your latest photo.  I love your white top... but where is your big smile???  I just hope that you are feeling good and well enough to be traveling on business....   after your business day today perhaps you should get back to your hotel room, get into your night clothes and try to relax and rest... I don't want to see an update from you about another relapse in your recovery.

    Have a good trip... do your job well and get back home to your wife and kiddo, they will be glad to see you again....
    Hugs, and continue to get well soon.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 16, 2018, 10:55:59 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle
    Aww... thanks for the compliments on the outfit - yeah, I do like this top, it fits right into the discussion on showing shoulders.

    It may have been a bit early to travel, unfortunately, I am not good at office politics and have to play nice for a few months, so I did not have much of a chance. I would have preferred to take another week off and fully recover but I had to be back at work Monday and in Montreal today. It was a short night too.

    I was cleared by the doctor to travel "if I feel well enough" and there was certainly a good amount of improvement. I may pay for it next week.

    The trip so far is going well, we had a good first day of meetings and a team dinner. Montreal has changed so much since I have been here first and it did become a really vibrant and interesting city. And of course, the food is always worth a trip here. It is also Pride Week and there are rainbow flags everywhere. If I would have known earlier, I may have stayed another night. Discovering a few new areas of town is a nice bonus.

    I am back in my hotel, makeup is taken off and I am ready for bed...

    Thanks so much for checking in and posting here!



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on August 16, 2018, 10:49:39 AM
    Dear Sarah....   well, I take it that you must be starting to feel better now, or at least I hope so....
    ....  you evidently are done with resting and laying low.   

    That was certainly a good moment and a good sign that the HRT is doing it's magic,
    the security people needed more ID to make sure the 'new you" was really you!!!   How fun!!!

    Thanks for including your latest photo.  I love your white top... but where is your big smile???  I just hope that you are feeling good and well enough to be traveling on business....   after your business day today perhaps you should get back to your hotel room, get into your night clothes and try to relax and rest... I don't want to see an update from you about another relapse in your recovery.

    Have a good trip... do your job well and get back home to your wife and kiddo, they will be glad to see you again....
    Hugs, and continue to get well soon.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 16, 2018, 11:36:07 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thanks for taking your time to update and respond to my reply... even when you are out of town on a busy work day.  Thank you...  but please don't get run down and let your recovery go back into a relapse... get a good sleep, drink lot of water, and even though you are working again, try to not over-exert yourself.... all of that is certainly easier said than done... but do it anyway... orders from Doctor Danielle.

    Ahhh, Pride Peek in Montreal... like you stated it would have been nice if you would have been aware of it !!!

    Keep getting well and get enough rest that you can recover fully.......
    I will be looking for your next report when you feel so led to post it.

    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 16, 2018, 10:55:59 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle
    Aww... thanks for the compliments on the outfit - yeah, I do like this top, it fits right into the discussion on showing shoulders.

    It may have been a bit early to travel, unfortunately, I am not good at office politics and have to play nice for a few months, so I did not have much of a chance. I would have preferred to take another week off and fully recover but I had to be back at work Monday and in Montreal today. It was a short night too.

    I was cleared by the doctor to travel "if I feel well enough" and there was certainly a good amount of improvement. I may pay for it next week.

    The trip so far is going well, we had a good first day of meetings and a team dinner. Montreal has changed so much since I have been here first and it did become a really vibrant and interesting city. And of course, the food is always worth a trip here. It is also Pride Week and there are rainbow flags everywhere. If I would have known earlier, I may have stayed another night. Discovering a few new areas of town is a nice bonus.

    I am back in my hotel, makeup is taken off and I am ready for bed...

    Thanks so much for checking in and posting here!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 17, 2018, 05:07:06 AM
    Hiya Sarah,

    You look great in your latest photo. I think you may need to make it your new avatar. I too love the top.

    I'm really glad you are starting to feel better. Hopefully the plane trip won't have any negative effects on your health. Try to stay rested as much as possible and keep hydrating. Lots and lots of water! Being sick combined with the spiro will leave you very dehydrated. Water, water, water! DRINK IT!!!!

    I'm not surprised the customs machine didn't recognise you with a pre transition photo. Looks like time for you to update the photo in the system. I was hoping for the passport machine to reject me when we returned from our recent holiday, but alas, the machine still thinks I look like male me. Oh well. 🤷‍♀️

    Too bad you didn't learn of the pride week before hand. Any chance of changing your flight home and staying an extra day? My wife and I, along with my parents, were in Montreal 2 years ago on the way to Nova Scotia to visit my wife's family. I like Montreal, it's a nice city.

    Sorry you have to deal with office politics. They exist in every workplace. I am not good at the office politics either, so you are not alone in that regard.

    Hope your second day of the trip is as good as the first.

    Big hugs! [emoji847][emoji847][emoji847]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 17, 2018, 05:17:44 PM
    Thanks, @Jayne01, @Alaskan Danielle -

    well, I am sitting at the airport again waiting for my flight home to take off. No issues today going through security  ;D

    I am pretty exhausted and I am looking forward to being in my bed in about 4 hours or so. It may have been better to stay at home, but one of the VP's made positive remarks on my performance during the meeting... And I was texting with my BFF 💜👩‍❤️‍👩 most of the time 😂😂😂 - she tried to lure me into buying more shoes and it took some self-control to resist.

    If the weather is ok, we will be going to a hot air balloon festival this weekend...

    So much for now - time to board...

    What are my reader's plans for the weekend?

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

    Hugs Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 17, 2018, 05:52:41 PM
    @sarah1972    cc: @Jayne01
    Dear Sarah: I am glad that your trip went well and you even got kudo from one of the bosses..... and heck, why not?... buy those new shoes.

    I really hope that you are following the recovery advice of  Dr.Jayne and Dr.Danielle....

    Hmmm, hot air balloon festival......... sounds like fun.  Your kiddo will enjoy the sights of all those colorful balloons too.

    My plans..... nothing spectacular this weekend, I have worked hard and long this week and I am looking forward to reading a good book, or two.  Might be a meal out and/or game night with a friend, nothing firm yet.

    Always nice to see your updates............. and Wow-Whee, your new picture.  You should consider, as @Jayne01 suggested, using it as your new Avatar/profile photo.  You are definitely looking good!!!

    Hugs and well wishes and continue to get well soon.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on August 17, 2018, 06:36:40 PM
    Nice photos Sarah!  I love Montreal!  Its only a 5 hours drive for me.  We were there at the end of last summer for a weekend get away.  There are a lot of nice restaurants to choose from and funky shops to peruse.

    Rest well tonight!  Its always good to be in your own bed.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 18, 2018, 05:04:07 AM
    Hi Sarah,

    Love your new profile pic! You are looking really great in both your airport pics.

    Danielle, I tried very hard to get Sarah to buy new shoes. I am a bit of an enabler. 🤷‍♀️ She did stay strong and resist the temptations. We did somehow manage to make a deal involving a dress and shoes, but I cannot divulge anymore information than that. [emoji23]

    Sarah, good work with getting positive attention on your performance from one of the VPs. I'm glad the BFF [emoji171][emoji1299] texting wasn't too much of a distraction. I hope the plane trips did not adversely affect your recovery from pneumonia.

    Have fun at the hot air balloon festival. I hope the weather behaves itself for you. I'm sure kiddo will love it. Post a couple photos if you get the chance. It will be an impressive sight to see a whole bunch of hot air balloons all gathered in one area.

    My weekend is work Saturday night and then Sunday is the first day of my four day break. My wife and I might go try a local German restaurant that has had some good reviews. We have been talking about going there for quite a while and never made it yet.

    Thanks for the update.


    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 17, 2018, 05:17:44 PM
    Thanks, @Jayne01, @Alaskan Danielle -

    well, I am sitting at the airport again waiting for my flight home to take off. No issues today going through security  ;D

    I am pretty exhausted and I am looking forward to being in my bed in about 4 hours or so. It may have been better to stay at home, but one of the VP's made positive remarks on my performance during the meeting... And I was texting with my BFF [emoji171][emoji1299] most of the time [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] - she tried to lure me into buying more shoes and it took some self-control to resist.

    If the weather is ok, we will be going to a hot air balloon festival this weekend...

    So much for now - time to board...

    What are my reader's plans for the weekend?

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

    Hugs Sarah
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on August 18, 2018, 06:24:04 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 17, 2018, 05:17:44 PM
    Thanks, @Jayne01, @Alaskan Danielle -

    well, I am sitting at the airport again waiting for my flight home to take off. No issues today going through security  ;D

    I am pretty exhausted and I am looking forward to being in my bed in about 4 hours or so. It may have been better to stay at home, but one of the VP's made positive remarks on my performance during the meeting... And I was texting with my BFF 💜👩‍❤️‍👩 most of the time 😂😂😂 - she tried to lure me into buying more shoes and it took some self-control to resist.

    If the weather is ok, we will be going to a hot air balloon festival this weekend...

    So much for now - time to board...

    What are my reader's plans for the weekend?

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

    Hugs Sarah

    Love the outfit

    Hope the hot air ballooning went well. I have always wanted to try is beyond me why you would resist the call of a nice pair of shoes...I mean, can a girl really have too many pairs of shoes? I mean really? LOL

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 19, 2018, 12:06:30 PM
    Thank you so much for the compliments on my photos @LizK, @Jayne01, @JudiBlueEyes and @Alaskan Danielle.

    We had a bit of a late start getting to the airshow. Me still not being fully recovered may have been part of this. We still arrived just in time for the flight show itself.
    Unfortunately, the weather was not all that great and they kept delaying the balloon start since hot air balloons need fairly quiet conditions. They wanted to try again at 6:00 PM but our little one had clearly enough for the day, so we went for ice cream and then drove home.

    It was still a lot of fun and we learned to be better prepared (bag of kids outdoor games and chairs for us).

    Trans wise it was somewhat interesting - my first trip to the backwoods of Virginia and there you never know. Especially the dreaded bathroom topic. There are enough crazies who would beat, hang and shoot a trans person in the ladies room. I had to pull together all my female confidence to actually go. Since I followed Danielle's and Jayne's advice to get my hydration up the SPiro is in full effect again. No way I could have hold it. It all worked out fine, I did not get made and could safely go.

    For those aviation interested ones, here are a few pictures: (left click to enlarge)

    This was one of their younger pilots doing spirals and loopings

    The lineup of all the planes they used during the show...

    This is the plane they used to show someone climbing around on the wings and standing on top of the plane. If you left click and zoom in, you can see the guy hanging between the wings.
    While he was hanging there and while he stood on top of the plane, they flew loopings and other fun things. He also decided to hang with his feet of the wing. Of course in air show height, it would not make much sense to even have a parachute, so he did it without. Pretty crazy.

    Hope you all had a fun weekend - How was your book, Danielle???


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 19, 2018, 02:51:40 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Great pictures and a wonderful summary of your day.
    Perhaps it is good that your kiddo was done for the day early... just before you ran out of steam !!!!

    ahhhh, it is good that you passed the bathroom test, yes, indeed, in very rural and back woods areas of the country we will find that trans acceptance is not very prevalent and we have to be very careful.  We never know what kind of reactions we would get if outed abruptly by local strangers.

    A lot of what I stated on my thread right before I came out to my little town revolves around those thoughts.  I am still the only transgender that my town might have seen or met and certainly I am not aware of another in my town.

    Continue to get well soon and keep the water flowing.....  LOL
    Thanks for sharing your events of the day and your wonderful photos.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 19, 2018, 04:07:32 PM
    Hi Sarah,

    Too bad the weather didn't behave for the balloons. That would have been a cool sight. There is a small airport 10 minutes from my home where they launch balloons for joy flights. I often see them flying in the early dawn on a clear day when I'm driving home after a nightshift. They fly that early because of the calmer weather so early in the morning. I think they also need to be back on the ground by a certain time for regulatory reasons due to the close proximity to Sydney airport airspace. I once saw a balloon that couldn't get back to the airport in time because of non cooperating winds and was flying only a few metres above the roof tops in my neighbourhood attempting to land in a nearby clearing. That was an odd sight to see. [emoji3]

    Wing walkers on planes that are in flight are a special kind of........crazy is a word that comes to mind. [emoji23] Did kiddo enjoy the flight show or was she more interested in looking at the planes themselves on the ground? She seems to have a fascination with fixing broken planes. Maybe I can take her on as my apprentice... [emoji3][emoji3]

    Good girl!!! You have taken the advice to drink more water. The spiro had other ideas about what to do with all that water. The fun of being on this medication. Its side effects can sometimes be inconvenient. I'm sorry you have to be fearful and extra cautious to use the bathroom. That is not an issue in the city, where people are so absorbed in their own busy lives to even take notice of other bathroom users let alone make some kind of issue out of it.

    Thanks for the airshow photos. As they say, photos or it didn't happen! [emoji23] And rounding out the day with ice cream is always nice. You can't go wrong with ice cream, for kids or adults!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on August 19, 2018, 05:01:04 PM
    Hi, Sarah.

    I always love airshow and aircraft pictures.  Thanks for posting them.  I think it takes a special kind of nut to hang onto the outside of a plane doing aerobatics!  I am glad you and your kiddo had a good day.

    I am sorry to hear that going to the bathroom was stressful, but glad that it turned out okay.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 20, 2018, 09:49:52 AM
    OMG... OMG... What did I do?

    I just signed Sarah up for a 5k run. Given that right now, I can jog for about 2 minutes before everything hurts, this will be a real challenge. Yeah I know, I am so badly out of shape and was never a runner...

    I have till mid November to figure this out  ;D ;D

    I start thinking the transition was less of a challenge for me than the 5k run will be  ;D ;D ;D

    My only two sports medals so far are for watching sports TV  ;D ;D

    I will master this too, the same way I mastered my transition.

    Hugs and have a great week...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Dena on August 20, 2018, 03:33:40 PM
    A suggestion for the 5K is to lay out a practice track for the full distant. Start with walking the entire distance which should take you a little over an hour. Once your comfortable with that, walk until your near the end then jog the last little distance. If your able to handle that, start your jog a little earlier and hopefully by  the time of the run you will be ready to go the distance.

    I'm staying away from anything other than a fast walk because my evening walk is completely paved and I don't want to beat up on my joints. So far I have no problems with my legs and I would prefer not to develop them.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 20, 2018, 03:43:38 PM
    Thanks, Dena! this is some great advice. The good thing is that the track is only one street over from my house, so I can actually practice on the real track without a problem...

    During the 10K challenge I did occasionally walk almost the 5k course. I also tried jogging parts of this but after a very short time, my anterior muscles hurt so badly. I was able to extend the time and hopefully, by November I can do the entire track... It only seems to be a training issue.

    I am mostly recovered from Pneumonia and I am planning to resume training this week.

    Thanks again for the tip - oh, and Happy Birthday, @Dena !!!

    Quote from: Dena on August 20, 2018, 03:33:40 PM
    A suggestion for the 5K is to lay out a practice track for the full distant. Start with walking the entire distance which should take you a little over an hour. Once your comfortable with that, walk until your near the end then jog the last little distance. If your able to handle that, start your jog a little earlier and hopefully by  the time of the run you will be ready to go the distance.

    I'm staying away from anything other than a fast walk because my evening walk is completely paved and I don't want to beat up on my joints. So far I have no problems with my legs and I would prefer not to develop them.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 20, 2018, 04:38:32 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 20, 2018, 09:49:52 AM
    OMG... OMG... What did I do?

    I just signed Sarah up for a 5k run. Given that right now, I can jog for about 2 minutes before everything hurts, this will be a real challenge. Yeah I know, I am so badly out of shape and was never a runner...

    I have till mid November to figure this out  ;D ;D

    I start thinking the transition was less of a challenge for me than the 5k run will be  ;D ;D ;D

    My only two sports medals so far are for watching sports TV  ;D ;D

    I will master this too, the same way I mastered my transition.

    Hugs and have a great week...

    Sarah! That's awesome! It will be a good challenge for you and something to work towards.

    Poke! Poke! Poke! They are some training pokes for you. You can do this and it will also be a lot of fun on the day. I used to be like you, barely able to run 100m. It's a matter of finding your own comfortable pace and maintaining that pace. Go girl!!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 23, 2018, 08:28:50 PM
    Aug 23 - Bad Hair Day

    the title says it all... too windy, too sunny, too tired  ;D

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 23, 2018, 09:17:12 PM
    I think you look great! I like that look.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 27, 2018, 11:15:48 AM
    Dear Sarah,
    PLEASE don't be so critical of yourself!!!  I think that you look terrific in that picture....  your hair looks fine, and your outfit looks great.   .....    but what is missing is a great big smile !!!!!

    I have been missing your day to day, regular life events, updates.....
    What are you up to these last few days....

    A message from your update starved follower,
    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 23, 2018, 08:28:50 PM
    Aug 23 - Bad Hair Day

    the title says it all... too windy, too sunny, too tired  ;D

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 30, 2018, 09:37:38 AM
    Aug 30 - Misc

    It has been a week since I last posted something on here, even more on a larger update. To be fair, not much exciting has happened. I am still trying to recover from Pneumonia and it has been a few weeks now. Everyone said it can take up to 6 weeks. I may have jumped back into work a bit too early but it was necessary. Work right now is a bit in a holding pattern while I am awaiting some larger organizational changes being announced. I am preparing for the (very busy) work after already. I can take the time to take it a bit slow and give my body added time to get back on track.

    During recovery, I also skipped on the gym but finally went back this week to pick up my personal trainer sessions. Ouch, now I have all sore muscles. I did discuss my upcoming 5k and we added a good part to help with leg strength.

    I think I had mentioned that I started electrolysis for my face. Laser did a great job on the dark hairs and now the white and light grey hairs are due. The non-shaving part hits me a lot harder than I had anticipated. I do work home office, so I have not too many interactions with coworkers or customers. But then there is normal life: daycare drop off and pickup, playground, every now and then shopping and of course the gym. The gym is particularly hard since I have managed to not out myself and I am accepted and seen as a woman. But with 5 days of not shaving? I may need to move my personal trainer sessions to another day until I am done.
    On the bright side: I picked up my wife at a doctors appointment this week - not shaved for 4 days and I decided to wear ambiguous clothing: shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers. I was still greeted as "ma'am", so even the somewhat beard did not trigger a misgendering.
    I am still very anxious every time I have to set foot outside my house. At least I am making great progress and it should be over in no time. My electrologist also pointed out that my "bottom area is next" Good plan (see later).

    On other trans-related topics: I am starting some serious planning for surgery, checking on things like legal implications, FMLA, Short Term Disability and scheduling a deep checkup to make sure I am in good shape for it. Of course, picking up the gym activity is also a big part of it. I'll also have to start reaching out to surgeons. My manager already knows that this is coming in the next 12 - 18 months.

    Things at home have gotten a bit better too.

    I hope all this will help me get out of the stuck feeling and the depressions I have battled recently.

    Labor day is coming up in the US and I have two added days off. I will use the time to build a new closet in one of our rooms. It has been sealed off for a while since we repurpose the room it was originally assigned to and we always wanted to open it from the adjunct room. Will be a fun little project to get me back into "house fixing groove" and will also finally allow us to store some off-season clothing. If time permits, there will be a few more small repairs here and there I could tackle. While I have set up shop, they are usually easier to do. The weather here seems to be a bust with a lot of rain in the forecast.

    If I get enough of all the construction, I can always take a break and go shopping for a nice evening outfit. I have an invite for some awards gala at the MGM, so I do need appropriate attire. I am almost wondering if I should splurge for a professional makeup that day. I certainly need to get my hair done too, the roots need a desperate touch-up. If I do I may see if I can find a professional photographer to take a few pictures.

    What are my readers up to over Labor Day weekend?
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 30, 2018, 10:48:50 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for your latest long awaited update....   7 days without hearing from you can trigger my curiosity and concern for your health and your transition journey....   
    I kinda figured that you were not being a good girl and laying low so you that you could recover quickly from your sickness.
    Pneumonia is a very serious condition and requires a longer recovery time than one usually allows.

    I trust that now you are getting near fully recovered and as you mentioned you will have to get yourself back in the groove at the gym and your walking... that is the hard part... getting your determination back and making yourself do workouts and your 5K training again.   It takes willpower for sure... especially since your body is not going to cooperate right away.

    That is great news about your hair removal stuff that you are doing....   and wow, still passing even not after shaving for several days!!!    That should be a confidence booster for sure.

    So, if you are willing to share regarding surgeries... what procedures will you be investigating for yourself???

    So glad to hear that your home life is getting better.   Carpentry mode at your home... ?   It can be quite therapeutic to do the odd fix-up and minor remodeling jobs at your home....   takes your mind off of things that you don't want to necessarily ponder!!!
    hmmm, a new closet... perhaps for your new expanding wardrobe??

    Ahhhh, a new evening outfit for the Awards Gala.... at the MGM...  in Vegas???  or more local to you??
    Oh, and professional makeup and primping at the salon, hair and nails,......   and Professional Pictures....
    I can hardly wait to see your update when all of that happens.....    WHEN is all of this happening?

    Again Sarah.... thanks for keeping us all up to date with your life....
    HUGS and well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 31, 2018, 01:28:36 AM
    Hiya Sarah,

    I was about to start poking you to see what is happening with your thread. Too much time has passed since your last update. As our lovely Alaskan Danielle would say "your followers are a curious bunch and want to know how you are going". It's great to see an update from you.

    I'm sorry you are still fighting the remnants of pneumonia. Perhaps now that you are back at they gym your health will improve so you can get rid of the pneumonia once and for all. Well done for getting yourself back to the gym. Having access to the personal trainer has come in handy for your upcoming run.

    Hang in there with the non shaving for the electrolysis. Soon, the reason you won't be shaving is because there will no longer be a need for it. That is something positive to look forward to. And you are still getting called ma'am with not shaving for 4 days. You do pass very well however I do understand your personal struggle with having to let the hair grow long enough for the electrologist to work with. Good luck with the "bottom area"!

    Your serious planning for surgery should be keeping your mind busy. I hope I his helps with keeping you out of depression. We are all here to support you if you need it. You also know I am available 24/7 if you need to talk.

    When you finish with your home construction jobs, you can come and paint my place. My wife has been wanting the walls painted a different colour for years. I always seem to find a good reason not to paint. My latest reason is "I've just discovered I am transgender and need to deal with that first". Amazing what lengths I will go to avoid painting. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

    Now the last part of your email sounds like lots of fun. Wearing a nice evening outfit for the gala event sounds awesome! I'd love to help you shop for that outfit. We need to establish a video link so I can be your remote shopping buddy. Be warned, I might be a bad influence and make you spend more than you plan to! [emoji56][emoji56][emoji56]

    Let me help you answer these 3 questions in your mind:
    QuoteI am almost wondering if I should splurge for a professional makeup that day.

    QuoteI certainly need to get my hair done too, the roots need a desperate touch-up.
    YES, spoil yourself![/b]

    QuoteIf I do I may see if I can find a professional photographer to take a few pictures.

    Big, humongous hugs!!!
    Jayne [emoji1299]

    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 30, 2018, 09:37:38 AM
    Aug 30 - Misc

    It has been a week since I last posted something on here, even more on a larger update. To be fair, not much exciting has happened. I am still trying to recover from Pneumonia and it has been a few weeks now. Everyone said it can take up to 6 weeks. I may have jumped back into work a bit too early but it was necessary. Work right now is a bit in a holding pattern while I am awaiting some larger organizational changes being announced. I am preparing for the (very busy) work after already. I can take the time to take it a bit slow and give my body added time to get back on track.

    During recovery, I also skipped on the gym but finally went back this week to pick up my personal trainer sessions. Ouch, now I have all sore muscles. I did discuss my upcoming 5k and we added a good part to help with leg strength.

    I think I had mentioned that I started electrolysis for my face. Laser did a great job on the dark hairs and now the white and light grey hairs are due. The non-shaving part hits me a lot harder than I had anticipated. I do work home office, so I have not too many interactions with coworkers or customers. But then there is normal life: daycare drop off and pickup, playground, every now and then shopping and of course the gym. The gym is particularly hard since I have managed to not out myself and I am accepted and seen as a woman. But with 5 days of not shaving? I may need to move my personal trainer sessions to another day until I am done.
    On the bright side: I picked up my wife at a doctors appointment this week - not shaved for 4 days and I decided to wear ambiguous clothing: shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers. I was still greeted as "ma'am", so even the somewhat beard did not trigger a misgendering.
    I am still very anxious every time I have to set foot outside my house. At least I am making great progress and it should be over in no time. My electrologist also pointed out that my "bottom area is next" Good plan (see later).

    On other trans-related topics: I am starting some serious planning for surgery, checking on things like legal implications, FMLA, Short Term Disability and scheduling a deep checkup to make sure I am in good shape for it. Of course, picking up the gym activity is also a big part of it. I'll also have to start reaching out to surgeons. My manager already knows that this is coming in the next 12 - 18 months.

    Things at home have gotten a bit better too.

    I hope all this will help me get out of the stuck feeling and the depressions I have battled recently.

    Labor day is coming up in the US and I have two added days off. I will use the time to build a new closet in one of our rooms. It has been sealed off for a while since we repurpose the room it was originally assigned to and we always wanted to open it from the adjunct room. Will be a fun little project to get me back into "house fixing groove" and will also finally allow us to store some off-season clothing. If time permits, there will be a few more small repairs here and there I could tackle. While I have set up shop, they are usually easier to do. The weather here seems to be a bust with a lot of rain in the forecast.

    If I get enough of all the construction, I can always take a break and go shopping for a nice evening outfit. I have an invite for some awards gala at the MGM, so I do need appropriate attire. I am almost wondering if I should splurge for a professional makeup that day. I certainly need to get my hair done too, the roots need a desperate touch-up. If I do I may see if I can find a professional photographer to take a few pictures.

    What are my readers up to over Labor Day weekend?
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on August 31, 2018, 10:45:38 AM
    Aug 31st - Surgery Plans

    Sorry for springing the surgery topic on everyone without providing more detail.

    Before I go there a few random updates:

    Squee... My GP doctor's office called for a follow-up appointment... asked for "Mrs. Sarah <last name>" So nice.

    And... today I can finally shave. One more zapping session. But I ran out of shaving cream. Too bad, now I have to buy a new bottle even though the end is near.

    Would be nice if the gala would be at MGM Las Vegas - it is not. It is MGM National Harbour, less than an hour drive away (depending on traffic).

    So - now for surgery.

    I have been thinking a lot about the four different options I have: Face, Voice, BA, and GRS. With every choice, I do have to consider my small family. Our closest relatives are on another continent and it is pretty much the three of us. Our kid is 30 months old and of course in a stage of her life, where I really do not want to miss out on a lot. The 6 weeks I missed due to a work assignment was something which took months to repair. I also know that she is usually scared of big changes, like even the wig I had in the beginning, freaked her out.

    My face is one of those things I am not sure about. Sure my nose and eyebrows could use some work but it is also not yet bothering me too much. It is also one of the most visible options.

    Voice - I have put off until I have tried voice training. This may be one of the things once I am done with all the zapping.

    BA - This is a lot higher on my list. After 20 months on HRT I am still a "38 barely", not even filling an A cup. I know my E levels are still on the lower end even tough I am maxed out on dosage. So there may be some hope for growth if I could eliminate the source of all evil.

    Which of course leaves the one I am currently starting to plan:

    GRS - I have been tossing around the three options (Orchi, cosmetic and full depth) - I know I would only have one surgery if possible, so Orchi was pretty much out. I also knew my preference was full depth vaginoplasty.

    I ended up discussing the options with y wife and she understood Orchi not being what I need and she even said, cosmetic may not be what I need/want. We also discussed that I need to check on a few things to make sure this does not have any impact financially and on our lives. She was under the impression I could not work for 2 years. I assured her, that under normal circumstances I can be back after a few weeks. I still have to check on FMLA and Short Term Disability.

    My preference would be a surgeon close by, to make things easier for her and our kid to visit and to avoid lengthy travel.

    The closest being Karen M Boyle in Baltimore. While she has worked with Dr. Blubond-Langer in the past, I did not find anything about her in this forum and some other places I looked.

    Of course, there is NYU and Dr. Blubond Langer as an option

    and then Dr. Keelee MacPhee in Raleigh. I know a few girls here had their surgery with her, so there is information around.

    Baltimore is easy for me to get to and initial visits to NYU could be combined with work trips. NYU has the longest wait list, which may be another thing to consider: timing. I know the next of my regular huge work assignments is coming too.

    So, this is where I am Lots of added research to do for me. I have the appointment at my GP where I will bring up the surgery and then also an appointment with my therapist to discuss this and see if she is willing to write a letter. We have talked about it before. I also want to ask her about the Psychiatrist I need in addition, maybe she has a good referral.

    Wow, this became a longer post than I thought. But now you know where I am :-)



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on August 31, 2018, 04:24:51 PM
    Hi Mrs Sarah <last name>,

    Thank you for this wonderful update. It definitely warrants some squeeeeeeeee's.

    The GP office asking for Mrs Sarah <last name>, the end is coming near with your zapping and the gala event will be so much fun to get all dressed up for. This is all very exciting stuff, worth a squeeeeee!!!

    But the surgery is super Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee worthy. I am so excited for you that I may just pee myself. [emoji15] Choosing between the different types of surgeries is a big personal decision. GCS is a big one that has been on your mind for quite some time now. Having a young child who is still at an age where she will accomplish lots of firsts in her life makes time away from home and recovery time an important consideration.

    Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! What an awesome and exciting update. I am very happy for you Sarah. I am also happy to see an avatar again. A photo of you would be better when you are ready to put one up again, but the cute characters you have now are better than nothing.

    Jayne [emoji1299][emoji171][emoji1299]

    Quote from: sarah1972 on August 31, 2018, 10:45:38 AM
    Aug 31st - Surgery Plans

    Sorry for springing the surgery topic on everyone without providing more detail.

    Before I go there a few random updates:

    Squee... My GP doctor's office called for a follow-up appointment... asked for "Mrs. Sarah <last name>" So nice.

    And... today I can finally shave. One more zapping session. But I ran out of shaving cream. Too bad, now I have to buy a new bottle even though the end is near.

    Would be nice if the gala would be at MGM Las Vegas - it is not. It is MGM National Harbour, less than an hour drive away (depending on traffic).

    So - now for surgery.

    I have been thinking a lot about the four different options I have: Face, Voice, BA, and GRS. With every choice, I do have to consider my small family. Our closest relatives are on another continent and it is pretty much the three of us. Our kid is 30 months old and of course in a stage of her life, where I really do not want to miss out on a lot. The 6 weeks I missed due to a work assignment was something which took months to repair. I also know that she is usually scared of big changes, like even the wig I had in the beginning, freaked her out.

    My face is one of those things I am not sure about. Sure my nose and eyebrows could use some work but it is also not yet bothering me too much. It is also one of the most visible options.

    Voice - I have put off until I have tried voice training. This may be one of the things once I am done with all the zapping.

    BA - This is a lot higher on my list. After 20 months on HRT I am still a "38 barely", not even filling an A cup. I know my E levels are still on the lower end even tough I am maxed out on dosage. So there may be some hope for growth if I could eliminate the source of all evil.

    Which of course leaves the one I am currently starting to plan:

    GRS - I have been tossing around the three options (Orchi, cosmetic and full depth) - I know I would only have one surgery if possible, so Orchi was pretty much out. I also knew my preference was full depth vaginoplasty.

    I ended up discussing the options with y wife and she understood Orchi not being what I need and she even said, cosmetic may not be what I need/want. We also discussed that I need to check on a few things to make sure this does not have any impact financially and on our lives. She was under the impression I could not work for 2 years. I assured her, that under normal circumstances I can be back after a few weeks. I still have to check on FMLA and Short Term Disability.

    My preference would be a surgeon close by, to make things easier for her and our kid to visit and to avoid lengthy travel.

    The closest being Karen M Boyle in Baltimore. While she has worked with Dr. Blubond-Langer in the past, I did not find anything about her in this forum and some other places I looked.

    Of course, there is NYU and Dr. Blubond Langer as an option

    and then Dr. Keelee McPhee in Raleigh. I know a few girls here had their surgery with her, so there is information around.

    Baltimore is easy for me to get to and initial visits to NYU could be combined with work trips. NYU has the longest wait list, which may be another thing to consider: timing. I know the next of my regular huge work assignments is coming too.

    So, this is where I am Lots of added research to do for me. I have the appointment at my GP where I will bring up the surgery and then also an appointment with my therapist to discuss this and see if she is willing to write a letter. We have talked about it before. I also want to ask her about the Psychiatrist I need in addition, maybe she has a good referral.

    Wow, this became a longer post than I thought. But now you know where I am :-)


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 02, 2018, 01:57:04 PM
    I did some reconnaissance on the Gala I am going later this month and found fotos/videos from last year...

    NO EVENING WEAR!!!! Business outfits. The only person in evening wear was one of the hosts.

    So disappointing. Especially since BFF[emoji1352]‍[emoji373][emoji171][emoji68]‍[emoji335] and I already went virtual dress shopping.

    There goes my fancy night out and all the pampering [emoji22][emoji22][emoji22]

    Well - if it fits, I will still keep the fancy dress for the next occasion. But now I still have to go shopping.

    My wife just said: it is sooo hard to dress as a woman, you can only do it wrong.

    Oh... and the men's outfits I saw? BORING!!! Or bad: why would anyone with a sane mind wear light brown shoes along with Wilma dark blue pin stripe suit. Serious? Also Sneakers are a total no go. Men. 🤷‍♀️

    Rant over.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on September 02, 2018, 02:26:43 PM
    It's not a real gala if the men aren't in tuxes and the women aren't in fancy dresses.  :P
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 02, 2018, 02:39:05 PM
    Quote from: KathyLauren on September 02, 2018, 02:26:43 PM
    It's not a real gala if the men aren't in tuxes and the women aren't in fancy dresses.  :P

    I know, right???? I found one or two women in a cocktail dress. But given that I prefer to blend in, my cocktail dress will stay home.

    I have some hope for a Gala in New York in May. That is a proper one, with tux, fancy dresses, high heels and red carpet... but that is sooooo far out...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Michelle_P on September 02, 2018, 03:04:11 PM
    Quote from: KathyLauren on September 02, 2018, 02:26:43 PM
    It's not a real gala if the men aren't in tuxes and the women aren't in fancy dresses.  :P

    In my world I would expect to see a good portion of the women in tuxes and the rest in fancy dress.  My world may be slightly non-normative with respect to the dominant culture...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on September 02, 2018, 07:12:16 PM
    OH NO!!!! How disappointing. It would have been so much fun to dress up fancy. The dress is beautiful and you would have looked absolutely stunning wearing it.

    Who is the organiser of this event?!!? I will give them a piece of my mind and make them change the dress code to a proper fancy gala event!!!! And I don't have many pieces of my mind to spare!!! [emoji23]

    You can still do the pampering and make yourself look smashing in a business outfit. You deserve some pampering.

    The gala event in NY sounds like they know how to do it right. Maybe something else will come up before May. You should contact your good friend in NY to see if she has any upcoming fancy events that you could invite yourself to! [emoji126]🤷‍♀️

    Jayne [emoji1352]‍[emoji373]

    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 02, 2018, 01:57:04 PM
    I did some reconnaissance on the Gala I am going later this month and found fotos/videos from last year...

    NO EVENING WEAR!!!! Business outfits. The only person in evening wear was one of the hosts.

    So disappointing. Especially since BFF[emoji1352]‍[emoji373][emoji171][emoji68]‍[emoji335] and I already went virtual dress shopping.

    There goes my fancy night out and all the pampering [emoji22][emoji22][emoji22]

    Well - if it fits, I will still keep the fancy dress for the next occasion. But now I still have to go shopping.

    My wife just said: it is sooo hard to dress as a woman, you can only do it wrong.

    Oh... and the men's outfits I saw? BORING!!! Or bad: why would anyone with a sane mind wear light brown shoes along with Wilma dark blue pin stripe suit. Serious? Also Sneakers are a total no go. Men. 🤷‍♀️

    Rant over.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 03, 2018, 01:37:51 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 02, 2018, 02:39:05 PM
    I know, right???? I found one or two women in a cocktail dress. But given that I prefer to blend in, my cocktail dress will stay home.

    I have some hope for a Gala in New York in May. That is a proper one, with tux, fancy dresses, high heels and red carpet... but that is sooooo far out...
    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you very much for posting your "Surgery Plans" update.   I am wishing you well and that everything proceeds as you are hoping....   thank you for sharing all of that with your followers.  Please keep us updated so we can rejoice with you when the good things happen... and of course if and when the not so good things happen, we can then support you with our thoughts and comforting words....

    As you are. I am so disappointed to hear that your MGM Gala is not quite the "gala" that was expected. 
    I fully agree with statement by @KathyLauren  ...
    "It's not a real gala if the men aren't in tuxes and the women aren't in fancy dresses.  :P"

    I am not yet certain that you should put away your little black dress quite yet....  I know that you must have business (female) friends that you can contact to get another opinion of what the dress code will be like....   if it were me, I would go in my LBD and black patent high heels anyway....  mainly because I really do not get an opportunity very often here in my situation to dress up like that.... but on the other hand perhaps your decision to fly under the radar might be prudent....   but please check it out with other attendees before you give up on the dressing up option.  It is so much fun to dress up with all of the adornments and all the preparation and pampering.

    Again, thank you for all of your interesting updates,  it is nice to keep up with your goings-on.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 07, 2018, 08:32:28 AM
    My dear readers -

    some of you may have noticed me being more absent from the forums than usual. For the past six months, I have been dealing with increased levels of anxiety and depressions and I currently do not have the energy to stay up to date on the forums.

    Getting increasingly worse, I have finally taken steps to get out of this situation after noticing that even the prospect of having surgery in 2019 did not pull me out of my troubles. I am extremely excited about this and I am really looking forward to being as whole as possible.

    I did have a major breakthrough in finding the cause of my depression late last night when I finally realized what the trigger moments have been. None of which are related to my transition. Finally, I have something to work on.

    I am not sure how long the process will be and how / when I will be more active again on the forum.  I know some of my friends are going through very exciting times, and I want to stay up to date on their journeys. I will not fully leave but will reduce my presence and activity here. I have a lot to work through and I have to fully focus on getting back to the happy and bubbly girl I was when I started HRT.

    So long!

    Love you all,


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on September 07, 2018, 08:46:29 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 07, 2018, 08:32:28 AM
    My dear readers -

    some of you may have noticed me being more absent from the forums than usual. For the past six months, I have been dealing with increased levels of anxiety and depressions and I currently do not have the energy to stay up to date on the forums.

    Getting increasingly worse, I have finally taken steps to get out of this situation after noticing that even the prospect of having surgery in 2019 did not pull me out of my troubles. I am extremely excited about this and I am really looking forward to being as whole as possible.

    I did have a major breakthrough in finding the cause of my depression late last night when I finally realized what the trigger moments have been. None of which are related to my transition. Finally, I have something to work on.

    I am not sure how long the process will be and how / when I will be more active again on the forum.  I know some of my friends are going through very exciting times, and I want to stay up to date on their journeys. I will not fully leave but will reduce my presence and activity here. I have a lot to work through and I have to fully focus on getting back to the happy and bubbly girl I was when I started HRT.

    So long!

    Love you all

    And we all love you, Sarah. I think we all go through what you are right now. I've watched it happen to many of our sisters and brothers here, and I had to take time off myself a few months ago, though I couldn't stay away long. Know that we'll be here to listen and help whenever you need us.

    Take care, sister.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 07, 2018, 05:25:07 PM
    My dear Sarah:
    Thank you for bringing your thread back to life.
    Yes, certainly take all the time you require to get back on track and to yours  happy place.
    Meanwhile if you leave your thread up your followers can review all the posts and lift events you have experienced and all the comments and replies.

    Whenever you feel free to come back and post then we will know where to find you.

    As always I am rooting for your success and happiness.
    Thank you for giving all of us a heads up....
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on September 07, 2018, 07:33:17 PM
    Hey Sarah!!!!

    I am so happy to see your thread has returned. This thread is an important part of your journey, documenting highs and lows and even everyday soccer mum non eventful times. It is a way for your online friends to be a part of your journey and to offer support and friendship. Also, any newcomers to the site that come across your thread could find some useful information to help them on their own journey by relating to something posted here.

    Take all the time you need away from the forum to find happy and bubbly Sarah. Please leave your thread here, it will be waiting for you to return, just as your many loyal readers will be.

    Finding the root cause of your depression is a massive breakthrough. Now you can work on how to manage it. Please get well soon, you will be missed while away from here, but your health is most important.

    Come back soon....

    Love you girl! [emoji171][emoji1299]


    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 07, 2018, 08:32:28 AM
    My dear readers -

    some of you may have noticed me being more absent from the forums than usual. For the past six months, I have been dealing with increased levels of anxiety and depressions and I currently do not have the energy to stay up to date on the forums.

    Getting increasingly worse, I have finally taken steps to get out of this situation after noticing that even the prospect of having surgery in 2019 did not pull me out of my troubles. I am extremely excited about this and I am really looking forward to being as whole as possible.

    I did have a major breakthrough in finding the cause of my depression late last night when I finally realized what the trigger moments have been. None of which are related to my transition. Finally, I have something to work on.

    I am not sure how long the process will be and how / when I will be more active again on the forum.  I know some of my friends are going through very exciting times, and I want to stay up to date on their journeys. I will not fully leave but will reduce my presence and activity here. I have a lot to work through and I have to fully focus on getting back to the happy and bubbly girl I was when I started HRT.

    So long!

    Love you all,


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 17, 2018, 12:06:11 PM
    Sept 17 - Intermediate update

    Thanks to everyone who has commented after my last update. It means a lot to know that I have so many friends caring about me. Like I care about all of you.

    For a quick update:

    Things are looking a little bit better these days. It seems the news meds are helping and a few people have noticed an uptick in my mood, including my wife. I still have ways to go but I am finally starting to get better and can focus again on what is important. I hope this trend continues so I am back to being a happy soccer mom soon.

    The weekend was fun and packed with activities. I also got some other important work done.

    We had a (funny) incident this weekend: We were out and about with my 30 months old daughter and my wife. At one point, we wanted to check/change her diaper and all went into the ladies room. The diaper was fine, and we pack up. My wife reminds me, that I wanted to go potty too while I was there (thanks Spiro) and off I go. not thinking much about it. The stalls were in an adjacent room to the sinks. All goes well, I come back to wash my hands and as soon as I turn around the corner, my kid decides to yell "Papa" through the entire ladies bathroom considerably happy to see me. I thought they would wait outside, but they decided to wait inside. And of course, the bathroom was packed with other women. Lucky enough, no one worried about a kid yelling but it could have gotten quite uncomfortable. At least it was in DC which has laws in place allowing me to use the bathroom matching my gender identity.

    I try hard to see it as a funny incident of "kids being kids" but of course it has me worried too and I need to figure out how to handle this going forward. The last thing I want is being outed and getting in trouble right in front of my little baby girl.

    So much for today...

    Stay strong everyone and have a great week!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 17, 2018, 01:15:15 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thanks for sharing your latest and long awaited update to your personal thread.

    I am so very glad that you are getting well and will soon be "Happy Soccer Mom" and "Hot Mama #2" once again.

    Wow,....  you handled being called Papa while your were in the Ladies Room very well, if that had happened to me it would have caused me to pee my pants....  your kiddo was innocent of course, but perhaps "next time" you might find a way avoid this distressing  opportunity for disaster!!!

    Again, thank you for your update.... get well soon and be certain to get your flu and pneumonia vaccination shots ASAP.

    Hugs and well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on September 17, 2018, 01:31:22 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 17, 2018, 12:06:11 PM
    Sept 17 - Intermediate update

    Thanks to everyone who has commented after my last update. It means a lot to know that I have so many friends caring about me. Like I care about all of you.

    For a quick update:

    Things are looking a little bit better these days. It seems the news meds are helping and a few people have noticed an uptick in my mood, including my wife. I still have ways to go but I am finally starting to get better and can focus again on what is important. I hope this trend continues so I am back to being a happy soccer mom soon.

    The weekend was fun and packed with activities. I also got some other important work done.

    We had a (funny) incident this weekend: We were out and about with my 30 months old daughter and my wife. At one point, we wanted to check/change her diaper and all went into the ladies room. The diaper was fine, and we pack up. My wife reminds me, that I wanted to go potty too while I was there (thanks Spiro) and off I go. not thinking much about it. The stalls were in an adjacent room to the sinks. All goes well, I come back to wash my hands and as soon as I turn around the corner, my kid decides to yell "Papa" through the entire ladies bathroom considerably happy to see me. I thought they would wait outside, but they decided to wait inside. And of course, the bathroom was packed with other women. Lucky enough, no one worried about a kid yelling but it could have gotten quite uncomfortable. At least it was in DC which has laws in place allowing me to use the bathroom matching my gender identity.

    I try hard to see it as a funny incident of "kids being kids" but of course it has me worried too and I need to figure out how to handle this going forward. The last thing I want is being outed and getting in trouble right in front of my little baby girl.

    So much for today...

    Stay strong everyone and have a great week!



    Oh dear yes! That could have been a very trying moment indeed Sarah. Kids say the darndest things don't they? ;D. Those were fun days. I wouldn't change them for anything. Wow! I just found your thread. I need to catch up.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 17, 2018, 08:29:05 PM
    Oh Sarah, that will be a story to tell years from now!   Like Danielle I probably would have had an "accident."  I'm sure the next time you'll say "meet me outside."
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on September 17, 2018, 11:48:17 PM
    Hey girl! I'm so happy to see an update on your thread. Getting your health back is of course the most important.

    The story with your kiddo in the ladies room was interesting and made me laugh at things kids say and do. I'm glad it didn't turn into an unpleasant situation for you. Perhaps if something like this happens in the future, reply to Kiddo in German. Hearing a foreign language may be enough to cast away any unwanted extra attention from others in the vicinity.

    Keep taking care of yourself.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on September 18, 2018, 03:08:33 AM
    Kiddo, ich bin eine frau.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on September 18, 2018, 06:30:29 AM
    Ach Kiddo, ich Heißen Mommy!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 18, 2018, 06:50:35 AM
    Hahaha!!! Your responses made my morning/day!

    @Alaskan Danielle, @JudiBlueEyes  - Yes, I got really lucky that I was already done peeing when this happened. (My kiddo would sometimes comment with "Empty" on that state.) Otherwise, I have to agree, I might have peed myself.

    @Donica - Oh yes, she is just in that age where she says the funniest things in the world. We burst out laughing frequently and of course, I love her to the moon and back.

    @Jayne - Respond in German might be an idea! I talked to my wife again and she said no one reacted oddly. So Everyone assumed she was yelling at someone outside. And yes, asking them to wait outside is a good idea for next time.

    @Kendra - Yes! Somehow I hear this in an intonation of the band Ramstein.

    @Steph2.0 - Well - given my outfit... you might be just right...

    Speaking of the outfit... That was interesting, first time I tried a strapless bra... took a bit of adjustment here and there but it did work out.


    maybe we need to pick up the discussion again of finding a different name/term for me.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on September 18, 2018, 07:59:38 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 18, 2018, 06:50:35 AM
    > Somehow I hear this in an intonation of the band Ramstein

    That band name is also what my size 4 dilator is called.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on September 18, 2018, 08:15:04 AM
    Quote from: Kendra on September 18, 2018, 07:59:38 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 18, 2018, 06:50:35 AM
    > Somehow I hear this in an intonation of the band Ramstein.

    That band name is also what my size 4 dilator is called.

    Lol! Touche! Appropriately named Kendra. Not much of a friend this Ramstein I understand. There's always pain in the relationship.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on September 18, 2018, 08:16:57 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 17, 2018, 12:06:11 PM
    Sept 17 - Intermediate update

    TWe had a (funny) incident this weekend: We were out and about with my 30 months old daughter and my wife. At one point, we wanted to check/change her diaper and all went into the ladies room. The diaper was fine, and we pack up. My wife reminds me, that I wanted to go potty too while I was there (thanks Spiro) and off I go. not thinking much about it. The stalls were in an adjacent room to the sinks. All goes well, I come back to wash my hands and as soon as I turn around the corner, my kid decides to yell "Papa" through the entire ladies bathroom considerably happy to see me. I thought they would wait outside, but they decided to wait inside. And of course, the bathroom was packed with other women. Lucky enough, no one worried about a kid yelling but it could have gotten quite uncomfortable. At least it was in DC which has laws in place allowing me to use the bathroom matching my gender identity.

    I try hard to see it as a funny incident of "kids being kids" but of course it has me worried too and I need to figure out how to handle this going forward. The last thing I want is being outed and getting in trouble right in front of my little baby girl.

    So much for today...

    Stay strong everyone and have a great week!



    From the mouths of babes...I am glad you were able to take it in such good humour. Its a tough one and I am not sure I have any answer other than to share that when I was in my first year of transition my Daughters and wife went shopping to "get me organised" with new was all going beautifully until my eldest daughter  (26) shouted to me across a couple of isles in a busy Kmart

    "Hey Dad do you like this colour" holding up a women's boatneck top...

    she never to this day even realised what she said and I have never told her, the only consolation was the empathetic look I got from an older woman standing beside me....if its any consolation as my transition has progressed they now know the importance of addressing me in public so they affectionately call me Lizzy Beth. This is something they came up with which is why it stuck...they still call me Dad in private and even now in public every now and doesn't bother me like it used too because I know how hard they try in all sorts of ways and how difficult it has been for them.

    Take care
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: krobinson103 on September 19, 2018, 02:53:47 AM
    My kids do that to me. I pass well these days so here I am in the supermarket with my 6 year saying daddy this and daddy that. Waiting in line you can see people looking at you most oddly. Daddy? She is Daddy? A frustrating problem. I gave up and just accept the odd looks.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 19, 2018, 08:21:45 AM
    Quote from: Kendra on September 18, 2018, 07:59:38 AM
    That band name is also what my size 4 dilator is called.

    Ah! Good to know. Another item for my pre-op check list:
    Find names for dilators


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on September 19, 2018, 08:46:52 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 19, 2018, 08:21:45 AM
    Ah! Good to know. Another item for my pre-op check list:
    Find names for dilators


    Oh no! One more thing to insert in the to-do list!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on September 22, 2018, 07:07:04 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 19, 2018, 08:21:45 AM
    Ah! Good to know. Another item for my pre-op check list:
    Find names for dilators


    it never ends does it.... but I guess, if I am going to get that intimate with them, I should at least know their names

    Added to pre-op checklist... :laugh:
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on September 22, 2018, 09:13:22 PM
    Hi Sarah,

       I cannot believe I have missed reading your thread so long that I just today found out you have be thinking about different surgical options. OMG i'm sorry. And heck CONGRATS on getting to this point in your transition. I hope you are able to figure things out and get that ball rolling soon. You might know that I have decided to work toward GCS (or GA as Kaiser calls it) myself. I did that on the 17th and posted a small update about it today. Go girl Go!
      I also took note of your depression post on the 17th with sadness. It can be so hard to come out of that. I know. I hope you are getting the help you should for it. Don't try to get past it by yourself. Please.
      I am with the rest of the ladies in the "out of the mouths of babes" issue. Someday you will be looking back on these instances with laughter. yes you will. But I do understand how it was ment with anxuity given where yu were and at this point in your transition. You'll live through it lady.
      I wish you all the best and look forward to more updates of the GCS and other journey escapades as time goes on. If you need someone to lend you an ear I have 2 and am available via skype.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Michelle_P on September 22, 2018, 09:34:28 PM
    Quote from: LizK on September 22, 2018, 07:07:04 PM
    it never ends does it.... but I guess, if I am going to get that intimate with them, I should at least know their names

    Added to pre-op checklist... :laugh:


    I just refer to them as Mr. Small, Mr. Medium, Mr. Large, and Oh My!...

    It's been 11 months, so, it's Oh My! twice a day...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on September 23, 2018, 04:19:31 PM
    Quote from: Michelle_P on September 22, 2018, 09:34:28 PM

    I just refer to them as Mr. Small, Mr. Medium, Mr. Large, and Oh My!...

    It's been 11 months, so, it's Oh My! twice a day...

    Oh Dear! Oh My! Ramstein! You devil! ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 25, 2018, 06:15:41 PM
    Sept 25 - Gala

    Some may remember me talking about the big Gala. A friend of mine is getting honored with an award tonight and he invited me to come. Unfortunately he got sick but there are a few other friends and coworkers here with me.

    Lucky I contacted the organizer about the dress code since my original plan for a nice evening gown would have been overdressed. Business professional was the dress code. So I had to go shopping again last weekend....


    On other news: in three weeks I had one r allowed bad day which als helped further identifying the triggers causing my anxiety.

    So I am getting better.

    I am continuing my quest for GRS and have scheduled a first consultation...

    So much for tonight,


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on September 25, 2018, 06:30:08 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 25, 2018, 06:15:41 PM
    Sept 25 - Gala

    Some may remember me talking about the big Gala. A friend of mine is getting honored with an award tonight and he invited me to come. Unfortunately he got sick but there are a few other friends and coworkers here with me.

    Lucky I contacted the organizer about the dress code since my original plan for a nice evening gown would have been overdressed. Business professional was the dress code. So I had to go shopping again last weekend....


    On other news: in three weeks I had one r allowed bad day which als helped further identifying the triggers causing my anxiety.

    So I am getting better.

    I am continuing my quest for GRS and have scheduled a first consultation...

    So much for tonight,


    Hey Sarah!

    Too bad your friend got sick. Did he get sick at the gala or before? At least you have other friends and coworkers there with you.

    I have to say, I think you are looking pretty awesome in that photo. I like the dress, it suits you.

    The best news in your post is that you are getting better! And also your first GRS consultation. Such wonderful news.

    Huge hugs to you! [emoji847][emoji171][emoji1299]

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on September 27, 2018, 06:47:21 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 25, 2018, 06:15:41 PM
    Sept 25 - Gala

    Some may remember me talking about the big Gala. A friend of mine is getting honored with an award tonight and he invited me to come. Unfortunately he got sick but there are a few other friends and coworkers here with me.

    Lucky I contacted the organizer about the dress code since my original plan for a nice evening gown would have been overdressed. Business professional was the dress code. So I had to go shopping again last weekend....

    On other news: in three weeks I had one r allowed bad day which als helped further identifying the triggers causing my anxiety.

    So I am getting better.

    I am continuing my quest for GRS and have scheduled a first consultation...

    So much for tonight,



    Hi Sarah

    I hope the Gala night went well and you enjoyed yourself. I love you dress but the shoes caught my eye  :)

    Oh dear and evening gown could have been a heap of fun but somewhat awkward LOL Good move on making the call

    Would love to hear how your evening went

    Take care
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 27, 2018, 07:33:16 AM
    Aww... Thanks, @LizK  and @Jayne01.

    I ended up buying three different dresses and the evening gown, now I am set for a while. What I like about this dress is that it can serve multi-purpose: Works for a business meeting and could also serve a slightly more formal occasion. I may need to get some more accessories, a colored scarf or something similar. It is a bit more on the conservative side but that is a good thing in business.

    Oh yeah, the shoes... There is a story behind them. I was on my way to a business meeting and stepped into the elevator of one of the New York high rises. In the elevator was another woman wearing these shoes. Of course, I complimented her on the shoes and asked her what brand they are. She told me how comfortable they are and that they are on sale... Needless to say, I spent the first 30 minutes of the meeting finding and ordering these shoes  ;D ;D ;D - And I have them in black and in brown. Just in case. And yes, they are comfortable. Made 5 hours of the event including long walks from and to parking much easier.  I am not much of a fan of driving in heels, so like many girls, I switched from and to flats in the car.

    The gala ended up being very nice. It was an award ceremony for minority-owned small businesses and suppliers to larger corporations. During the ceremony, there were a few very inspiring speeches. The program around the awards was also nice and funny.

    I am still debating with myself if I would like to see LGBT owned businesses included or if they would deserve their own ceremony and recognition.

    Prior to the award ceremony, there was a reception which made for an excellent place to observe and watch people. I am still trying to tune my behavior and my manners and occasions like this are an excellent learning ground. I did however not budge on food: They where service primarily very small plates with not much more than a sampler. It was a 5:30 event, so I was hungry and had to go 5 or 6 times for more  ;D ;D ;D

    This time I even managed a few quick conversations in the bathroom, something I usually avoid due to my voice. No issue at all.

    Anyways, so much for shoes and the event.

    As mentioned somewhere else, I do have scheduled a consultation for GRS with Keelee MacPhee on November 6th. I should have final appointment confirmation today so I can book flights and hotel. I will stay overnight, I am sure I will be very nervous leading up to this and don't want to have to travel right before. Lucky enough I have accumulated a ton of airline miles and I can finally make good use of them. Should be enough for 10 or more trips down there if needed. Driving would be fine too, it is only 4 hours.

    Recommendation letters are lined up and I should have them by that time.

    That is it for excitement today!



    Quote from: LizK on September 27, 2018, 06:47:21 AM
    Hi Sarah

    I hope the Gala night went well and you enjoyed yourself. I love you dress but the shoes caught my eye  :)

    Oh dear and evening gown could have been a heap of fun but somewhat awkward LOL Good move on making the call

    Would love to hear how your evening went

    Take care
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on September 27, 2018, 07:41:50 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 27, 2018, 07:33:16 AM
    Oh yeah, the shoes... There is a story behind them. I was on my way to a business meeting and stepped into the elevator of one of the New York high rises. In the elevator was another woman wearing these shoes. Of course, I complimented her on the shoes and asked her what brand they are. She told me how comfortable they are and that they are on sale... Needless to say, I spent the first 30 minutes of the meeting finding and ordering these shoes  ;D ;D ;D - And I have them in black and in brown. Just in case. And yes, they are comfortable. Made 5 hours of the event including long walks from and to parking much easier.  I am not much of a fan of driving in heels, so like many girls, I switched from and to flats in the car.
    Did I miss the what and where? Or is it a secret? Can't have too many shoes ......

    As mentioned somewhere else, I do have scheduled a consultation for GRS with Keelee MacPhee on November 6th. I should have final appointment confirmation today so I can book flights and hotel. I will stay overnight, I am sure I will be very nervous leading up to this and don't want to have to travel right before. Lucky enough I have accumulated a ton of airline miles and I can finally make good use of them. Should be enough for 10 or more trips down there if needed. Driving would be fine too, it is only 4 hours.

    Recommendation letters are lined up and I should have them by that time.

    Oh yeah, GRS, I suppose that's important as well :D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 27, 2018, 08:26:30 AM
    Quote from: Faith on September 27, 2018, 07:41:50 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 27, 2018, 07:33:16 AM
    Oh yeah, the shoes... There is a story behind them. I was on my way to a business meeting and stepped into the elevator of one of the New York high rises. In the elevator was another woman wearing these shoes. Of course, I complimented her on the shoes and asked her what brand they are. She told me how comfortable they are and that they are on sale... Needless to say, I spent the first 30 minutes of the meeting finding and ordering these shoes  ;D ;D ;D - And I have them in black and in brown. Just in case. And yes, they are comfortable. Made 5 hours of the event including long walks from and to parking much easier.  I am not much of a fan of driving in heels, so like many girls, I switched from and to flats in the car.
    Did I miss the what and where? Or is it a secret? Can't have too many shoes ......

    There is always a shoe sale somewhere! Yes, you are right... A girl can never have too many shoes. I know where my 2-year-old daughter got her shoe addiction from.

    Hi, I am Sarah and I am a shoe addict  ;D ;D ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 27, 2018, 12:53:15 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 27, 2018, 08:26:30 AM
    Did I miss the what and where? Or is it a secret? Can't have too many shoes ......

    There is always a shoe sale somewhere! Yes, you are right... A girl can never have too many shoes. I know where my 2-year-old daughter got her shoe addiction from.

    Hi, I am Sarah and I am a shoe addict  ;D ;D ;D

    Dear Sarah:
    Ah ha, you and @Faith are quite correct about shoes....
    It gets to the point that when I pack suitcases for trip of more than several days that I usually have a separate suitcase just for my shoes.
    It's is not anything like what men do, for dress shoes they may have one Black pair and one Brown pair ... and perhaps a pair of sneakers or walking shoes.   
    But of course, men's fashion is very limited and can be comparatively drab.... and shoes are not always coordinated with various colors and a myriad of styles as with women.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on September 28, 2018, 10:43:19 AM
    In keeping with my past comments in here, hope you don't mind, I got some new shoes on Saturday compliments of my loving wife. I wore them to work today ...


    please excuse the ugly feet in them. I probably should have taken a better picture. Oh well. :)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on September 28, 2018, 02:19:49 PM
    Sept 28 - Update

    My dear readers, time for a quick update.

    Let's start with my fitness regimen. My depression and the Pneumonia have caused a bit more of a break than I wanted. Add to that the electrolysis and the resulting beard which made me not go to the gym. I still kept up with my weekly trainer sessions and I do notice some strength improvements from that. Recently we focused primarily on leg strength in hopes it will help with my upcoming 5K. OMG - I am so far away from any reasonable time. I did walk/jog the entire route this morning for the very first time ever and it took 54 minutes for the 5k route. Way too long. I should be in the 30-minute area, something I am sure I will not accomplish, so I set my goal at 45 minutes. Still means a lot of work ahead. At least I have started training a bit more serious and I have 6 weeks left to get there. Guess I will be walking/running that route frequently until then or use the gym in bad weather.

    Swimming season is pretty much over by now, we are planning to close up the pool soon for the winter. I can still swim at the gym to stay on top of that too. I have not been to Zumba in ages, but I really want to pick this up again.

    Overall I have been feeling a bit better, it is the third week on medication and I do notice that my general mood keeps improving. Still lacking for a bit of energy but they told me it can take up to 6 weeks for that coming back. One bad day in 3 weeks is much better than one good day in three weeks like it used to be.

    My planning for surgery consultation continues. My therapist is working on the first recommendation letter and I have a psychologist who is aware that I may need a second one. My GP is informed and I am only waiting on the final appointment confirmation for Nov. 6th. I already put in for medical leave at work. Next week I'll start working with my insurance on coverage for the surgery. They do cover, but most surgeons are out of network.

    So, overall a lot of progress on many fronts.

    Quote from: Faith on September 28, 2018, 10:43:19 AM
    In keeping with my past comments in here, hope you don't mind, I got some new shoes on Saturday compliments of my loving wife. I wore them to work today ...

    please excuse the ugly feet in them. I probably should have taken a better picture. Oh well. :)

    Love your shoes and your feet look great too, certainly better than mine! Nothing to apologize for. Great to see your supportive wife.

    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on September 28, 2018, 02:49:16 PM
    Great updates Sarah. Congratulations on your upcoming consult for GRS. I hope everything goes well for you. I was invited to a Gala next weekend. I too need to shop for a formal evening gown. My new sandals should be here by then.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 28, 2018, 03:45:29 PM
    @sarah1972 :
    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for posting your Sept 28 update today.   I read all of your updates on your thread and everything that you post elsewhere on other threads with great interest and anticipation of knowing that things are going well for you and I will rejoice in that, and if I read that things are not going well for you, I will make certain that you are aware that you will be in my thoughts.

    Regarding you recent illness and your unfortunate and unplanned break from your 5K training, I know from personal experience that it can be difficult to get back in the groove and to have the motivation to get going with focused and regular training and exercise, and your Zumba again.   
    This takes raw determination and willpower to do things that you just don't feel like doing or can not do to the level that you desire.   I have been there, so I understand fully.

    A 5K race is just a tenth of a mile over 3 miles.   Most of us in fairly good shape can walk at a quick and fast pace of 15 minute miles (4 mph).... so a 45 minute 5K time would be quite achievable with some fast walking interspersed with a few bouts of jogging. ...   or if you can jog all the way with 10 or 11 minute miles it can be done in 30 minutes or so.   Then of course for runners that run along at a 6 or 7 minute mile pace it could be around 20 minutes or even quicker.   All in all, I am thinking that you should be able to get to your first goal of 45 minutes and perhaps with more intense training coupled with your continued good health you might just do it in 30+ minutes.   
    No matter what your time is, just do it, and accomplish and finish the 5K .... you will feel better for doing it and also feel better about yourself even if your time is slower than you wanted.

    I am so glad that you reported that you are feeling a bit better now... it will indeed take some time to get your energy level back.... bit by bit over time.   I am also glad to hear that your mood is getting more upbeat with less "down" days.

    I am thinking optimist thoughts for your planned November 6th Date with the doctor.  I trust that your appointment(s)  and your insurance all come through as you have planned.

    Like you stated:  "So, overall a lot of progress on many fronts."
    WE shall consider this very good news.

    Thank you for posting and sharing with your followers.
    Hugs, and as always I am wishing you well.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on October 01, 2018, 12:42:34 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on September 28, 2018, 02:19:49 PM
    QuoteIn keeping with my past comments in here, hope you don't mind, I got some new shoes on Saturday compliments of my loving wife. I wore them to work today ...

    please excuse the ugly feet in them. I probably should have taken a better picture. Oh well. :)

    Love your shoes and your feet look great too, certainly better than mine! Nothing to apologize for. Great to see your supportive wife.

    thank you Sarah (that was (is?) my Mom's name) funny story about the shoes. I was at my daughters last night and my granddaughter said, "you look weird grandpa" Ok, so, I'm in a skirt and nice top and those shoes.  I figured weird meaning not looking like a grandpa. My daughter got to asking her what was weird and drilled it down to the shoes. Apparently, to her, the tops look like the shells on (most) depicted mermaids bras and looked 'weird' on my feet. Well, ok then :P

    I hope your routine continues to improve along with feeling better. I never looked up a 5k, just over 3 miles you say? I walk that far in the evening a couple times a week. It takes me between 40-45 mins if I'm alone. An hour if my wife is with me. No jogging, just walking. I never really thought about it until your post.

    keep feeling better
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 02, 2018, 11:27:16 AM
    Oct. 2nd - Weekend update

    A bit late, but time for a quick weekend update.
    I had a really good weekend, the first in months. Saturday started with me swapping security cameras in a friends business, followed by one of those projects on my honey-do list. We had a raccoon family invading one of our sheds, so I had to make sure all the openings are closed. For the first time in a while, I managed to start and complete such a project in a single day and not push it off further. This is a great sign of me feeling a lot better recently.

    Oh, and I got to use a lot of my lovely power tools I had not touched in ages. Also got to shoot the only guns I own...


    You can see the little chicken fence frames I built for the openings, I had to build 7 of them and cover two more openings with wood boards. The picture shows two of my nail guns, not shown here is the brad nailer, framing nailer, the flooring nailers and of course every girl needs to have a roofing nailer. Still trying to figure out if I can wear them concealed  ;D ;D ;D

    In between, we enjoyed some fall pool time with our kid and cooked a very nice meal. Right now we are in the short period of time where we can actually use the outside and it is neither raining nor too hot or too cold. So we enjoy the great outdoors.
    Of course, I was exhausted the next day but we still had a great day.

    It seems all the meds are helping and I continue to improve.

    Oh - I got the final confirmation for my consultation with Keelan MacPhee for GRS and I already filled out all the new patient paperwork (hahaha, it is still 4 weeks away but apparently I cannot wait). This afternoon I'll arrange hotel and flights. So... good! Still considering a second consultation, maybe at NYU.

    So much for now,

    Have a great week!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on October 02, 2018, 11:41:04 AM
    Great update Sarah. Congrats on your GRS in 4 weeks. Whoohoo! That will get here fast. Yes, although they are very formidable weapons, the nail guns are a bit too big to conceal. I do however think they would be very intimidating ;D

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 02, 2018, 11:42:14 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    It was so very nice for me to see and to read your latest and very upbeat report for today.  I am so glad that you are getting back to your normal and happy self...  I have been missing that side of you lately....  Welcome back!!!

    Ahhh ha.... nail guns would be quite tough to conceal, and where do you put the air compressor?  Carry it on your back pack?
    While it might be nice to handle your power tools and other tools again, just be careful to not break a nail or mess up your manicure.

    Hmmm, it is strange to hear you talk about pool time... indoor or outdoor?
    Here, as I reported yesterday, we are getting cold weather now, plus there are no indoor or outdoor pools to enjoy...  we have to go to a lake or river, and they are cold even in the summer time.   About the only time I get into a pool any more is when me and my gal-friends go on our big overnight shopping trips to the big city....  we always try to stay in a hotel with a nice pool and a gym.

    Wow-whee... such good news to hear about your first GRS consultation happening in 4 weeks.... I will start the countdown timer but please keep us all tuned into your plans as they firm up.

    Thank you for sharing and posting, your followers are a curious bunch and we want to know!!!
    Hugs and as always, wishing you well,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 02, 2018, 01:00:32 PM
    My dear Danielle!

    Thank you so much for always reading and posting here. I am always looking forward to your posts on my thread.

    Oh - I got very lucky: I still had my nails nicely manicured from the gala event and I managed not to mess them up this time. There is the usual wear and tear which is normal after this amount of time but no damage due to my weekend activities.

    Nail guns are really hard to conceal due to the need for compressed air. There are a few battery powered ones but they are less powerful. Of course, they are also dangerous. I once managed to nail one of my fingers to the wall while trying to attach some molding. with a 2 1/2 inch nail. Not something I can recommend. I have become a lot more cautious since. They are still a lot faster when building things than using screws.

    I know it sounds odd to talk about pool time. We still have temperatures in the lower 80's during the day, so we can continue using the pool in our backyard, our house had a pool when we bought it.
    A few years ago, we decided to add a heater so we can extend the pool season a little bit in both directions. Usually, pool season here is Memorial Day through Labor Day. Depending on the weather, we have stretched this between mid-April and Halloween. It is nice to have only a few feet and be able to go swimming.
    I have just noticed that having long hair has deterred me from using the pool as much as I used to. Chlorine is bleaching the hair color more than I want and it takes almost 90 minutes to air dry. I used to swim a lot at night before going to bed but I don't like going to bed with wet hair. The pool is about 36 feet long and does allow for swimming laps. Over the winter we close it down. My gym has a similar sized pool in case I want to go for a winter swim and the local county recreation center has Olympic sized pools. In middle school, I used to be on the swim team and I still believe it is a very good way to exercise.

    Our kiddo really loves the pool too, next year we will get her a trainer. She will be 3 by then and it will be good for her to learn swimming.

    I am somewhat looking forward to normal temperatures, it is only another two weeks before I start setting up for the holidays and that works best in moderate temperatures. I also have more clothing for colder temperatures and I am looking forward to sweater dresses and heel boots...

    I do like winter and always hope for some nice snow. Last winter we had almost no snow at all and the year before it was fairly lame too. Every now and then we get these nice noreasters and we get up to 2 feet of snow in one day. Given the precipitation so far, I would not be surprised if we have a lot of snow this winter.

    If we do not get any snow, we may just pack our bags and visit a little town up north. I hear they have some very nice coffee  ;D ;D ;D Since we are all crazy about Christmas I want to take kiddo to North Pole, AK one year once she is a bit older.

    Ha, my mind is wandering all over the place. Making fun long term plans... And my BFF has to suffer from my 2/3 glass full perspective I have built over the past days. 

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on October 02, 2018, 11:42:14 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    It was so very nice for me to see and to read your latest and very upbeat report for today.  I am so glad that you are getting back to your normal and happy self...  I have been missing that side of you lately....  Welcome back!!!

    Ahhh ha.... nail guns would be quite tough to conceal, and where do you put the air compressor?  Carry it on your back pack?
    While it might be nice to handle your power tools and other tools again, just be careful to not break a nail or mess up your manicure.

    Hmmm, it is strange to hear you talk about pool time... indoor or outdoor?
    Here, as I reported yesterday, we are getting cold weather now, plus there are no indoor or outdoor pools to enjoy...  we have to go to a lake or river, and they are cold even in the summer time.   About the only time I get into a pool any more is when me and my gal-friends go on our big overnight shopping trips to the big city....  we always try to stay in a hotel with a nice pool and a gym.

    Wow-whee... such good news to hear about your first GRS consultation happening in 4 weeks.... I will start the countdown timer but please keep us all tuned into your plans as they firm up.

    Thank you for sharing and posting, your followers are a curious bunch and we want to know!!!
    Hugs and as always, wishing you well,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Laurie on October 02, 2018, 01:15:38 PM
     Hi Sarah,

      Yep you got to enjoy the weather there where you are because it is going to change real soon. We are currently enjoying warmer than normal weather here> we have come down to the upper 70s which is still a little above the average but not like the high 80s we had last week.
      Got to watch them raccoons, they love to get into everything and can be pretty vicious if cornered. They look kind of cute yeah but their temperament is a lot like a certain supreme court nomonee who show the world he was unfit to be on it. They can be nasty mean.
      Keep feeling good girl and keep us informed about what is happening on the home front.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on October 02, 2018, 02:17:04 PM
    Hiya Sarah!

    It's so nice to see you happy posting again. You did have me a little worried there for a while. I suppose I did the same thing recently. The joys of being in this amazing roller coaster ride! [emoji2]

    Oh my..... you have been a busy girl over the weekend!  I must admit that I have had prior knowledge of your going's on.....benefits of having a bff backstage pass. [emoji56] I've never owned a nail gun. I keep looking at them at the hardware store but talk myself out of it because I don't have a use for one. They are a pretty cool tool though. Speaking of carrying a concealed nailer.......I imagine you would need a rather large bag or purse. A thigh holster might make it a bit hard to walk. [emoji23] I remember when the fencing contractor came to put up our fence years ago, his team had these battery powered nailers, but the actual firing power to drive the nail came from a .22 bullet shell. The nailer took some kind of magazine of these shells and the battery only fired the trigger mechanism. Sometimes a shell casing would fall out of the empty magazine cases so our yard had several empty bullet casings that needed collecting afterwards.

    Ha, my mind is wandering all over the place. Making fun long term plans... And my BFF has to suffer from my 2/3 glass full perspective I have built over the past days.
    I am loving your 2/3 glass full perspective, it didn't cause me to suffer at all. That is one of the main things that helped me get out of my recent funk. Stay positive.....that kind of attitude rubs off on others too!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on October 07, 2018, 01:26:16 AM
    Hi Sarah

    Thanks for the update and you latest "mind wanderings" I have to agree with Jayne in that is great to know things are going ok for you.

    Quote from: sarah1972 on October 02, 2018, 11:27:16 AM
    Oct. 2nd - Weekend update

    A bit late, but time for a quick weekend update.

    Oh - I got the final confirmation for my consultation with Keelan MacPhee for GRS and I already filled out all the new patient paperwork (hahaha, it is still 4 weeks away but apparently I cannot wait). This afternoon I'll arrange hotel and flights. So... good! Still considering a second consultation, maybe at NYU.

    I am just catching up with your thread and noticed you snuck this in there. Nice one!! I bet you are looking forward to it. There is nothing wrong with being efficient with your paperwork...I know the feeling having just submitted a whole bunch recently myself...being excited/keen prior to having this is appointment is probably a good thing I would have thought...I guess if you didn't want it you wouldn't feel/respond  in the really positive way you did.  ;D

    Keep the updates coming

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on October 07, 2018, 01:57:57 PM
    I see you have snuck in a new avatar Sarah! Looking good girl in your traditional German outfit.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on October 07, 2018, 02:00:40 PM
    I love your new avatar Sarah. Yes, I was going to say Dutch, but ok, German dress?

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 07, 2018, 02:24:12 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    A full 5 days after your last posting on your thread and various reply comments by your followers....
    .... and NOW you have a brand new and beautiful Avatar/Profile picture of yourself that you just quietly slipped in there.... it is now time for you to post an update and a sentence or two about your new Avatar photo....  if I had to guess, it appears that your were at an Oktoberfest celebration perhaps yesterday (Saturday) ???  ???   

    Your followers of your thread are a very curious bunch, and we want to hear from you.
    Hugs and hugs and hugs,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 07, 2018, 09:18:26 PM
    Sept 7 - Octoberfest

    Has it really been 5 days since my last update? Thanks for the reminder @Alaskan Danielle ! And yes, you are such a good observer. I did sneak in a new profile picture today. I have however posted in other threads on the forum, so I guess my break is officially over.

    Not much to report over the past 5 days. Somehow I was a bit exhausted last week. I did confirm my appointment with Dr. MacKee and booked flight and accommodation. New patient paperwork is completed.

    This weekend was quite busy as usual with lots of activity.

    Saturday started out with music class for kiddo, then getting ready for our towns October Fest. One of the rare occasions where people are allowed to drink beer in public - well a fenced in area but still somewhat open. Complemented with the usual mix of arts and crafts, home remodel offerings, food and kids activities. Bands played at three stages. This time we only did a quick walkthrough - of course, kiddo and I dressed in traditional German dresses, called Dirndl. My wife a matching blouse. We did get quite some complimentary looks.

    Even more important however was the after party, traditionally hosted by our former neighbors. Something we have been looking forward to for quite a while. As usual, there was a great mix of people. It was a really nice evening with lots of laughs and conversations. We got fairly lucky since kiddo got some new toys and played nicely for quite a while, played with our host's dogs or just charmed everyone around. We could just enjoy the time.

    You waited long enough - here are finally some pictures (I know... pictures or it did not happen)

    And then, of course, the picture which I made my avatar earlier today.


    The Dirndl is imported from Germany and as good German Gal, I have to own one too... I guess next year, I have to wear the bow in the center (I let my dear readers guess for a while why.)

    Today we all slept in, I mowed the front yard so we can start setting up for Halloween. I also gathered parts of our decoration.

    So - that is it, just another normal weekend for us. Tomorrow I will be off due to Columbus Day. My wife has to work and I will plan some fun time with kiddo (daycare is closed too.)

    My dear readers, how was your weekend? I hope you all had a great time!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 07, 2018, 09:45:44 PM
    Hi Sarah.  I love that dress.  The color looks good on you.  It the position of the bow related to your marital status?  It sounds like you had a good weekend at the Octoberfest and the afterparty at your friends.  Cheers!  (I'm not sure what a proper German cheer or salute might be!) 

    It was rainy where I'm at so I stayed in today.  The wife and I took a nice long hike in the woods yesterday.  Was a great day for it.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 07, 2018, 09:50:27 PM
    Dear Sarah.... 
    Thank you for your terrific, informative and descriptive update about your Oktoberfest activities and your beautiful pictures of course showing you dressed in your traditional German dress....  and just because I am a blonde gal in Alaska doesn't mean that I just got off of the banana boat... I had a a German roomie when I was in college and as you already know, I can speak and read some Deutsch (German) but also I know about the traditional dress which is called a Dirndl ... If the bow is on the side, the woman is not married and advertising that fact.... and when the bow is in the center the woman is married and not available.
    Hmmm, what does your German wife think about you wearing the bow on the side instead of in the middle ???

    Again, Sarah, thank you for sharing your thoughts and your pictures.

    Well, as with your wife, I do not have Monday off.....  only banks and government offices around here recognize Columbus Day as a holiday and just about every retail business it is business as usual.

    What? You mowed the lawn today???   The lawns here have stopped growing because of the cold early winter-like weather...  snow and rain.  Have fun with your kiddo on Monday.

    Hugs and hugs, and please don't wait so long to post your next update to your thread.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 07, 2018, 10:25:05 PM
    That's what I thought was the answer to the bow question.  I didn't want to ask this!

    "Hmmm, what does your German wife think about you wearing the bow on the side instead of in the middle ???"

    Although inquiring minds are curious. 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 07, 2018, 10:28:57 PM
    Ha! Seems like many here know about the meaning of the bow position of a traditional German Dirndl...

    And I have to admit I did not pay attention and placed it on the wrong side. I should have worn it on the right.

    So, here you are:

    Left side - Woman is single
    Right side - Woman is in a relationship (traditionally used only for married women)
    Center - Woman is a virgin (also used to indicate undecided or in Facebook speak "It's complicated")
    Bow in the back either indicates a waitress or a widow.

    @Alaskan Danielle - Yeah. lawn mowing is still a requirement. We still had mid 80's today. Usually, our last mow is in mid-November... It seems another week of warm weather and then we will go into the fall. And I do remember your excellent German!

    @JudiBlueEyes - A hike sounds like a fun idea! So does staying in on a rainy day. Hope it is not too cold yet where you are.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 07, 2018, 10:36:00 PM
    Neither of us really noticed the bow on the wrong side. I did see it when I looked at the pictures today. and thought "oops".

    Not much of an issue at the after party... the overwhelming majority of the guests is was (is) not interested in women at all...



    Quote from: JudiBlueEyes on October 07, 2018, 10:25:05 PM
    That's what I thought was the answer to the bow question.  I didn't want to ask this!

    "Hmmm, what does your German wife think about you wearing the bow on the side instead of in the middle ???"

    Although inquiring minds are curious. 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on October 08, 2018, 12:36:58 AM
    Hey girl!

    Glad you had a busy weekend. Someone around here keeps saying that busy people are happy people! [emoji2] Your dirndl looks great on you. I had no idea about the positioning of the bow has different meanings. Good to know! It sounds like Kiddo also had a great time with her new toys and playing with the doggie. I'm sure she would have captured everyone's hearts dressed in her own traditional dress.

    I dislike mowing the lawn. Would you like to come here and mow it for me? I wouldn't want you to suffer withdrawal from not being able to mow your own during the winter months! [emoji12]

    Oh, it's been a while since I have given you a public gym poke on your thread, so here you go.......POKE! That is to keep you training for your run! [emoji56]

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on October 08, 2018, 03:45:38 PM
    I've always liked that type of dress. I didn't know it was called the traditional German Dirndl It looks cute on you Sarah. Sound like you all have a wonderful Octoberfest weekend. Thank you for the fun update.

    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 14, 2018, 11:28:00 AM
    Oct 14 - Fall

    Ugh - I am very close to getting another warning for not updating my thread. So here you are...

    The week has been somewhat busy with work and pleasure. Spend a few afternoons with kiddo on the playground while it was still nice and warm. Monday we spent all day together since I was off work and her daycare was closed. She is now at a point where she very clearly states what she wants to do as soon as we pick her up from daycare. Wednesday she made the right call and told us she wants to go into the pool! This was really the last day we could go before it got too cold.

    Weather here is always a bit odd, we have hot temperatures until late in fall, then one single storm front passes through and we get fall temperatures. This year it was the remanents of Michael which brought two inches of rain and the end of summer. As some of you know, I am a bit of a weather enthusiast and I have two weather stations in my backyard, so I know very well how much the temperature dropped. We went from 29.5C (85F) high temperature to 14.5C (58F) overnight.


    I know it is not as cold as some of you experience (especially our Northern Star @Alaskan Danielle). Now I have to pack away the sandals and short skirts and get the sweaters and boots out. Have to get used to boots again.

    In other news, I started bottom hair removal. It is kind of strange having someone work in that area. There are really a lot of very painful spots but for the most part, it is OK. As mentioned before I do a combo of Laser and Electrolysis. Laser to speed up the process and then Electrolysis for whatever is left. This will be a multi-months effort again and I should have really started earlier. Somehow I was too embarrassed to ask if my beautician would do it.

    I also received the first draft of the first confirmation letter for my surgery. I reached out to my insurance but have not heard anything yet. Given that it was Friday night, I did not expect much anyways.

    This weekend is paperwork weekend, I am filing away a ton of paperwork and get everything organized.

    So, overall I have been quite busy this week. 

    Hope you are all having a good weekend!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on October 14, 2018, 01:47:49 PM
    Great update Sarah! But isn't it Oct 14 - Fall hun? That's ok Sarah. We know what you mean. It finally got down into the mid 50's at night here too.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: davina61 on October 14, 2018, 02:26:40 PM
    As you have been to Octoberfest !!!! maybe you can tell me if this is any good as our resident German cook is missing (Julia!) . On offer in local German super market (not selling?) was a tin of Bauernschmaus , white cabbage  with potato and sausage. Well will try anything once
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on October 14, 2018, 02:39:56 PM
    Hi Sarah!

    It's great to see you are keeping yourself busy. Lovely to see you are getting a chance to spend plenty of time with Kiddo. She will grow up so fast and you don't want to miss out on these special moments together.

    The weather seems to be bonkers everywhere these days. We are having similar temperature shifts from day to day, where it will be 29C (85F) one day and 18C (65F) the next. This week the temps have somewhat stabilised but we have been having steady rain almost every day. I think I need to invest in my own weather station to start monitoring the crazy weather. It would be interesting to look for recurring patterns.

    Congrats on starting bottom hair removal. It's a hurdle to get over the initial embarrassment but soon becomes just another clinical procedure that needs to be done. I have been doing electrolysis down there, but haven't tried laser in that area. I have to agree that some parts are very sensitive, causing you to squirm, but a lot of it is quite bearable, not nearly as bad as I had imagined it to be.

    Yay!!!! for the surgery letter. Now you just need your second letter and to hear back from your insurance (hopefully with some positive news) and you will be all set. All that will be missing is a date!

    Thanks for keeping your thread up to date. As our favourite northern angel says, we are your biggest fans and a curious bunch that wants to know how you are going. [emoji2] (Sorry Danielle, didn't mean to steal your thunder but it's not very often I can get a reply in before your lightning fast responses! [emoji12])

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 14, 2018, 08:35:59 PM
    Quote from: davina61 on October 14, 2018, 02:26:40 PM
    As you have been to Octoberfest !!!! maybe you can tell me if this is any good as our resident German cook is missing (Julia!) . On offer in local German super market (not selling?) was a tin of Bauernschmaus , white cabbage  with potato and sausage. Well will try anything once
    I have to admit I had to google Bauernschmaus. Not a common meal
    In the area of Germany I grew up. When I looked up the recipe I realized that Bauernschmaus was served at the Oktoberfest After Party we all attended last weekend. It was quite delicious- I would have picked a different kind of sausage but besides that it tasted pretty good.
    This Bauernschmaus however was handmade from scratch so I cannot comment on the quality of canned food. Not sure what your German super market is, if it is your average Aldi or Lidl, then I can say that we had somewhat good luck with canned food from there. Still nothing beats home made from scratch...

    Let me know how it turns out!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 28, 2018, 09:43:45 AM
    Dear Sarah...   my East Coast sister.

    I love your new Avatar/Profile picture!!!!!  [emoji173]
    Heya girl, what is going on with you and your thread....   I need updates.   Your followers need updates....

    How is work going for you?   Any more business trips and/or Gala Events that you have to attend?

    ... and how is your wife and kiddo?

    Do you have your house and property all ready for the impending winter weather?   I prepared my place at the end of August and I am glad I did... it was like someone threw a switch to "instant" winter weather where I live.

    So, curious minds want to know.  Your followers are eager to follow.
    Every time I log in to the forums, I check  your thread......

    Hugs and hugs,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 30, 2018, 04:09:12 PM
    Oct 30 - Busy Bee

    I realize it has been over two weeks since I posted my last update and I already received the first warning  ;D.

    It has been a very busy time for me. It seems the meds and the added therapy seems to finally kick in and I am starting to conquer the long list of stuff I had not taken care of over the past few months of depression. Now that I finally start to catch up, I have also spent a lot less time here.

    So... what happened? A lot was just normal life as a woman.  Continued hair removal, worked out at the gym and have been really busy at work.

    We also decorated our house for Thanksgiving, as usual, this includes setting up some kind of scene as well as computer controlled lighting. This year we went for skeletons on a campfire. I also started building a huge arch with pumpkins which I will continue next year. Each pumpkin can light up controlled from my computer.
    Our town had their annual Halloween parade last week which we attended. It is usually over 2 hours with many participants and several thousand spectators.
    We will be out trick or treating tomorrow night.

    I hope trick or treating will not go too long, I have a 6:30 AM flight to Boston the next morning, I guess I have to leave home around 4:30 to be there on time. It will be a long day too, I'll fly back home the same day. That is the fun of my job, occasionally having to fly somewhere to give a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation. Since I do not want to miss trick or treat with the kiddo, I decided to fly the next morning before the meeting.

    Last weekend, we decided to go on a last minute road trip to the mid-Hudson area. We drove up Saturday, Sunday we focused on fun things for the kiddo to do. We visited a friend of ours and they have a kid the same age. They spent all morning playing together and chasing each other through the house. In the afternoon we went to a children museum and ended the day with a nice meal. Kiddo was so exhausted and fell asleep almost instantly. Since we all shared a hotel room, we got to sleep very early too, so it was kind of relaxing even though we drove 800 miles this weekend. I took off Monday to have an extra day. Kiddo was just so sweet and enjoyed all the being together time. Very unusal for me, I spend no time on the phone and did not even unpack my computer. I also barely checked in to the forum.

    I did get a big surprise from my wife during the trip, she started calling me "Sarah" in public. Something she has not yet done. My heart jumped a few beats.

    Transition wise:
    I talked to my insurance and in general, they cover GRS. I need to get the exact billing codes so they can validate again but as it stands right now, I do not even need pre-approval. Also since there is no in-network surgeon in reasonable driving distance, I can send in an appeal asking for a non-network doctor to be paid as in network (80%).

    And of course, my surgery consult is coming up next week.

    As mentioned in the beginning, I am feeling a lot better recently and finally get some of my focus back. I even noticed my typing speed has increased and I do move a bit faster. So, I am a lot better.

    @Alaskan Danielle -

    My dear Danielle [emoji173] -

    Thanks for poking me to update my thread. To answer your questions:

    Unfortunately, no Gala events coming up. Work has been cutting down on travel quite hard, so we try to travel a lot less. I do my usual quarterly trip to Montreal in December and you saw my day trip to Boston this week.

    We have started getting the house and yard ready for the winter, we are a little bit impeded by waiting for a pool safety cover. We will get into high gear once I am back from my surgery consult. This is also the usual start for our holiday setup, once the yard is winter prepared we will get that part started. This year kiddo will help me and I am very much looking forward too it.

    The weather here switched also very instantly, we still were in the pool one day and two days later it was thick coats and winter boots. I already put away all the sandals. Not as cold as where you are Danielle, but it dropped below freezing for a few nights. It is very strange, we had that happen a few years in a row now. It stays nice and warm, then we get two days of bad weather and a nice little storm come through and the next day it is cold.

    And then, of course, I am looking forward to my BFF visiting in early December... I heard rumors she has booked her tickets....

    So much for my lengthy update today. 



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on October 30, 2018, 04:40:59 PM
    Great update Sarah! It sounds like you guys are really enjoying life. I'll bet the Kiddo is happy to be able to help you this year. Have a safe to Boston.

    Thanks for the update!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 30, 2018, 05:15:01 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Wow... a very nice and timely update, and please notice that I was trying to be kind with my friendly reminder that you were due for an update on your thread....  and you did not disappoint!!!  Thanks for bringing your followers up to date with your life endeavors.

    I am so glad that you are getting over your depression and other ailments.   As you know, spending time here on the forums is optional to doing things like real life stuff.   You have a job, a wife, a kiddo, property to maintain, etc so of course your time on the forums and on other on-line recreational activities rightfully so plays second fiddle.

    Ahhh, time at the gym, busy at work, etc....  important tasks to be sure.   Have you been able to develop any gym buddies yet???   For me, the best thing about going to the gym on a regular basis is having fellowship with my gym-gals group, then after the gym of course more time together having a meal or game night or whatever.

    Wow, you went all out for Thanksgiving decorations....  much more elaborate than what I am doing.

    For Halloween night I am staying late at my office to give out candy to the town kids and some adults too.   No big costume event for me other than showing up as myself.

    Ahhh, I remember early mornings to catch business flights...  working for myself with my little business is so much more relaxed... a 5 minute or less drive to work, in the good weather I can walk it in about 20 to 25 minutes.

    It is good that you had your family drive to Hudson and that kiddo had a wonderful time... and you did too, no computer, nothing other than enjoying real life.

    Wow-zers... your wife calling you by "Sarah"   ... I would well imagine that your heart jumped when you heard her use your new name in public... wow, her acceptance of you has certainly taken a big turn to the positive.

    That is wonderful news regarding your insurance and GRS....  just keep continuing with your down-below (ouch) hair removal and  you will be ready.

    I am so very glad that you are feeling much better now.... no more sickness or depression... that is very good!!
    .... and your typing speed is up?  Perhaps we need to compare our speeds some day.

    I figured that your BFF  ::)  was either coming to visit you or you were going to visit your BFF.    Too bad I did not know any of my friends yet on the Forums when I was in my old job.   I traveled extensively and frequently, now I am just a home body... it is rather nice to not wake up in a different city on a regular basis.

    Thank you for bringing us up to date... 
    Hugs and hugs,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on October 30, 2018, 10:40:50 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle

    My dear Danielle - thanks for your nice reply! Always great to hear from you. No worries, I know I need to be poked every now and then and I really appreciate you reaching out and reminding me.

    It was an odd experience this weekend, to be mostly abstinent of the online world. I have to admit, I did not miss it too much. I did check in on two of my best friends here (including you!)

    Somehow I still have not made any gym friends. Part is that I usually have to rush after the gym to get back to work, sometimes I am already on a call when I walk out of the changing room. I do block time in my calendar but people still find possibilities to sneak in a meeting right after. The other part is simply the area. Everybody is in a rush all the time. There are a few regulars from Zumba class and we exchange a few words here and there.

    On the bright side: I know one other girl here has signed up for the same 5K run I do. So we get to meet and we are planning for a Zumba session together. 

    Ha, Halloween. We did not decorate as much as last year. Here is a little part of our setup. Colors keep changing and there is a spooky soundtrack to go along with the lights.
    ( I should go and paint their toenails... (not sure this would actually count for your "hot toe" collage.)

    I have to admit, my travel calmed down a lot in the past two years. There are a few times where I travel a lot, but outside of the Olympics, I have only been to Montreal twice and once more in December. And now the one day trip to Boston. I do remember times where I would be in a four or five different cities within one week. I realized this is not good when I stepped off a plane and had to call our office asking where I am and what I am supposed to be doing here. I am pretty happy about this, it gives me more time with my family and all the transition-related time hogs (like hair removal).

    Yes, I am very much looking forward to meeting one of my BFF's... I hope one day I can meet the other BFF too! When you mentioned going for a work trip to the lower 48, I was considering to fly out to where you are... I am also trying to convince my wife to take a trip to North Pole, AK so we can show kiddo the candy cane striped street lights and maybe stroll down Santa Claus Lane...  If a very well known little coffee shop is not too far out of the way, I'll stop by with a coffee for you! (Great, now I cannot get "Here Comes Santa Claus" out of my head, hahaha!)

    I am still not even close to your typing speed, but I did take the same test form August again, and I improved from 50 words to 70 - 75 words per minute. That is not bad and really shows how much better I can focus and concentrate, something I do notice when working on work stuff everywhere, emails, IM, and the lengthy documents we love to write.

    Thanks again for your lovely reply in my thread!

    Hugs and more hugs [emoji173]


    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on October 30, 2018, 05:15:01 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Wow... a very nice and timely update, and please notice that I was trying to be kind with my friendly reminder that you were due for an update on your thread....  and you did not disappoint!!!  Thanks for bringing your followers up to date with your life endeavors.

    I am so glad that you are getting over your depression and other ailments.   As you know, spending time here on the forums is optional to doing things like real life stuff.   You have a job, a wife, a kiddo, property to maintain, etc so of course your time on the forums and on other on-line recreational activities rightfully so plays second fiddle.

    Ahhh, time at the gym, busy at work, etc....  important tasks to be sure.   Have you been able to develop any gym buddies yet???   For me, the best thing about going to the gym on a regular basis is having fellowship with my gym-gals group, then after the gym of course more time together having a meal or game night or whatever.

    Wow, you went all out for Thanksgiving decorations....  much more elaborate than what I am doing.

    For Halloween night I am staying late at my office to give out candy to the town kids and some adults too.   No big costume event for me other than showing up as myself.

    Ahhh, I remember early mornings to catch business flights...  working for myself with my little business is so much more relaxed... a 5 minute or less drive to work, in the good weather I can walk it in about 20 to 25 minutes.

    It is good that you had your family drive to Hudson and that kiddo had a wonderful time... and you did too, no computer, nothing other than enjoying real life.

    Wow-zers... your wife calling you by "Sarah"   ... I would well imagine that your heart jumped when you heard her use your new name in public... wow, her acceptance of you has certainly taken a big turn to the positive.

    That is wonderful news regarding your insurance and GRS....  just keep continuing with your down-below (ouch) hair removal and  you will be ready.

    I am so very glad that you are feeling much better now.... no more sickness or depression... that is very good!!
    .... and your typing speed is up?  Perhaps we need to compare our speeds some day.

    I figured that your BFF  ::)  was either coming to visit you or you were going to visit your BFF.    Too bad I did not know any of my friends yet on the Forums when I was in my old job.   I traveled extensively and frequently, now I am just a home body... it is rather nice to not wake up in a different city on a regular basis.

    Thank you for bringing us up to date... 
    Hugs and hugs,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 30, 2018, 10:53:08 PM
    What a great photo Sarah!  I love the baby crib.  You really go all out.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on October 31, 2018, 07:23:07 AM
    Hey girl!

    You have been a busy bee indeed! It's such a delight to see you bouncing back out of your depression. I honestly don't know how you manage to cram so much into your days. I can barely keep on top of looking after myself. I have so many jobs around the house on my to do list and the list keeps growing, and I don't even have a kiddo to take care of. All I can say is well done!

    I love your skeletons around the campfire and the computer control pumpkin lights themed to cool! Have fun trick or treating with Kiddo. It should be fun for her getting dressed up and going around in search of treats.

    Hope your day trip to Boston goes well and you get back home in time before a Kiddo goes to bed.

    Your weekend family road trip sounds like it was some good quality family time together. Nice to also catch up with a friend and Kiddo had a playmate to entertain her. I'm glad that you also got a chance to unplug from work for the weekend.

    The most exciting part of your update was your wife calling you Sarah in public. That is a great step forward with her coming to terms with your new normal. Congratulations to both of you!

    You must feel so relieved since you learned that your insurance will be covering most of your GRS. And OMG!!! How exciting your surgery consult is only a week away. You could potentially have a surgery date by the time your consult is over! This is something you have been waiting for and now the process has been set in motion. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

    I can't wait to come visit and give you all those real world hugs that I owe you. I am counting down the days!

    My eyelids are getting heavy. Time for some beauty sleep.

    Jayne [emoji171][emoji1299]

    Quote from: sarah1972 on October 30, 2018, 04:09:12 PM
    Oct 30 - Busy Bee

    I realize it has been over two weeks since I posted my last update and I already received the first warning  ;D.

    It has been a very busy time for me. It seems the meds and the added therapy seems to finally kick in and I am starting to conquer the long list of stuff I had not taken care of over the past few months of depression. Now that I finally start to catch up, I have also spent a lot less time here.

    So... what happened? A lot was just normal life as a woman.  Continued hair removal, worked out at the gym and have been really busy at work.

    We also decorated our house for Thanksgiving, as usual, this includes setting up some kind of scene as well as computer controlled lighting. This year we went for skeletons on a campfire. I also started building a huge arch with pumpkins which I will continue next year. Each pumpkin can light up controlled from my computer.
    Our town had their annual Halloween parade last week which we attended. It is usually over 2 hours with many participants and several thousand spectators.
    We will be out trick or treating tomorrow night.

    I hope trick or treating will not go too long, I have a 6:30 AM flight to Boston the next morning, I guess I have to leave home around 4:30 to be there on time. It will be a long day too, I'll fly back home the same day. That is the fun of my job, occasionally having to fly somewhere to give a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation. Since I do not want to miss trick or treat with the kiddo, I decided to fly the next morning before the meeting.

    Last weekend, we decided to go on a last minute road trip to the mid-Hudson area. We drove up Saturday, Sunday we focused on fun things for the kiddo to do. We visited a friend of ours and they have a kid the same age. They spent all morning playing together and chasing each other through the house. In the afternoon we went to a children museum and ended the day with a nice meal. Kiddo was so exhausted and fell asleep almost instantly. Since we all shared a hotel room, we got to sleep very early too, so it was kind of relaxing even though we drove 800 miles this weekend. I took off Monday to have an extra day. Kiddo was just so sweet and enjoyed all the being together time. Very unusal for me, I spend no time on the phone and did not even unpack my computer. I also barely checked in to the forum.

    I did get a big surprise from my wife during the trip, she started calling me "Sarah" in public. Something she has not yet done. My heart jumped a few beats.

    Transition wise:
    I talked to my insurance and in general, they cover GRS. I need to get the exact billing codes so they can validate again but as it stands right now, I do not even need pre-approval. Also since there is no in-network surgeon in reasonable driving distance, I can send in an appeal asking for a non-network doctor to be paid as in network (80%).

    And of course, my surgery consult is coming up next week.

    As mentioned in the beginning, I am feeling a lot better recently and finally get some of my focus back. I even noticed my typing speed has increased and I do move a bit faster. So, I am a lot better.

    @Alaskan Danielle -

    My dear Danielle [emoji173] -

    Thanks for poking me to update my thread. To answer your questions:

    Unfortunately, no Gala events coming up. Work has been cutting down on travel quite hard, so we try to travel a lot less. I do my usual quarterly trip to Montreal in December and you saw my day trip to Boston this week.

    We have started getting the house and yard ready for the winter, we are a little bit impeded by waiting for a pool safety cover. We will get into high gear once I am back from my surgery consult. This is also the usual start for our holiday setup, once the yard is winter prepared we will get that part started. This year kiddo will help me and I am very much looking forward too it.

    The weather here switched also very instantly, we still were in the pool one day and two days later it was thick coats and winter boots. I already put away all the sandals. Not as cold as where you are Danielle, but it dropped below freezing for a few nights. It is very strange, we had that happen a few years in a row now. It stays nice and warm, then we get two days of bad weather and a nice little storm come through and the next day it is cold.

    And then, of course, I am looking forward to my BFF visiting in early December... I heard rumors she has booked her tickets....

    So much for my lengthy update today. 


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on October 31, 2018, 10:55:29 AM
    Great Halloween picture Sarah. That's how I feel after a long day. Dead tired lol. Nice tough with the baby crib. Be safe in Boston.

    Happy Halloween!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 01, 2018, 06:57:17 PM
    Nov 1 - Halloween recap (second try)

    Somehow my carefully types post vanished after I hit "post", so I just try again :-)

    Halloween turned out to be really nice. Temperatures during trick or treat where still 18C / 64F, so I could sport a shoulder free fancy top. I had bailed on a costume after I discovered, I currently don't fit into last years costume. Kiddo had a blast and we have been out for a good 90 minutes before she wanted to go back home. She collected over half bucket full of candy, not bad for such a little girl. Of course, she was dressed as a Princess. Maybe next year we can both go as a Princess, even though I am more of a Diva.

    For Halloween night, we usually add a few more things to our decoration, this year we had a bubble machine and a smoke machine for the campfire. Kiddo loved both and had a blast chasing after bubbles. (Picture below).

    Being out trick or treating is always one of these more stressful moments for me. While I do pass reasonably well, having to interact with many parents and treaters on our tour just add a little bit of stress for me. Lucky enough nothing happened, even though kiddo yelled "Papa" a few times.

    This morning was a really early start, I had to get up at 3:30 for my flight to Boston. Right now my return flight is over an hour delayed, so I use the chance to re-do this post. Meetings went fine and I used the opportunity to update my picture with the "Clear" system for expedited security procedures. My old picture was pre-transition and it had caused issues in the past.

    Besides that? I keep binge watching a TV series. It really made me very observant and thinking: There are romantic and (tasteful) seductive scenes in many episodes. I carefully try to observe the female behavior - which is of course vastly different than male behavior in similar scenarios. It really made me think how I would behave if it ever came to such a scenario again. I think this would take a lot of practice. Anyways, just crazy thoughts going through my head.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on November 02, 2018, 11:42:37 AM
    Your daughter look so cute chasing the bubbles. I'm glad you all had a wonderful Halloween. These are the must fun times when your children are young.

    Ah yes. The wonderful innovation of travel that we love so much. The airlines. Are they ever not late? Have a safe trip home Sarah.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on November 03, 2018, 06:02:54 PM
    Hi Sarah

    Really happy to see you posting an update. I too have found myself inundated with "life" and have not exactly been all over what everyone is up too. Sounds like your 800 mile road trip was a lot of fun for you all. Those are the kinds of events that make indelible memories for your family. How wonderful to have your wife use your real name. It is a big step for her and you and no doubt will mark the start of further changes. My family have developed their own "pet" names and ways of addressing me that respectful and fun and feminie. I think as you progress and your family become more comfortable with everything in general then using your correct name is the natural thing for a supportive person to do....doing it is an incredibly powerful affirmation.

    Halloween is not really a thing here in Australia although they have tried for the last 10 years to make it one...Aussies just don't seem to take to it....we never got a knock at the door. Good on you for getting out there in front of all those can always count on your kids to keep you grounded.

    So what was the TYV series? Just curious

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 04, 2018, 09:08:48 PM
    Thanks for your post Liz, I know how busy you must be with your big day not too far away.

    I have to admit, my wife has been incredibly supportive all along. Even though it is really hard for her and we still try to figure things out, but she did not run away and helps me wherever she can. You are right, the longer I am Sarah, the better and easier it gets for everyone and that in turn, helps improve the entire situation.

    You asked about the TV Series: It is called "The Americans". It is situated in the 80's towards the end of the cold war. The main premise is, that Russian KGB operatives are living as normal Americans in suburban America (funny enough, the Town they pretend to live in is one, I have lived in for 3 years). While they do run a Travel Agency, they also moonlight in all kind of spy activities. The entire situation gets really complicated when an FBI Agent moves in next door.

    It was on Amazon Prime...

    I hope you are not too nervous!



    Quote from: LizK on November 03, 2018, 06:02:54 PM
    Hi Sarah

    Really happy to see you posting an update. I too have found myself inundated with "life" and have not exactly been all over what everyone is up too. Sounds like your 800 mile road trip was a lot of fun for you all. Those are the kinds of events that make indelible memories for your family. How wonderful to have your wife use your real name. It is a big step for her and you and no doubt will mark the start of further changes. My family have developed their own "pet" names and ways of addressing me that respectful and fun and feminie. I think as you progress and your family become more comfortable with everything in general then using your correct name is the natural thing for a supportive person to do....doing it is an incredibly powerful affirmation.

    Halloween is not really a thing here in Australia although they have tried for the last 10 years to make it one...Aussies just don't seem to take to it....we never got a knock at the door. Good on you for getting out there in front of all those can always count on your kids to keep you grounded.

    So what was the TYV series? Just curious

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 04, 2018, 10:23:46 PM
    Nov 4 - Weekend Update

    As I am reminded by my BFF, only two more sleeps until my GRS consultation... I am already checked in for my flight. Still need to print all the paperwork (it is completed, just needs printing) and of course decide what to wear. I am ready for this!

    The weekend was a nice mix: Saturday was a relaxing day and we basically did not much all day long. Sunday I finally started getting the yard ready for winter. I was on a roll... started the day with blowing out the sprinkler system, then decided I could remove 2 bushes and a larger tree we wanted to have gone for a while. I made 1/2 cubic yard of wood chips out of it which is ideal composting material. Then I did winterize our pool, lowered the water level, blew out all the lines and plugged them Now I am waiting for a contractor to come and install a new safety cover... I have another weekend or two to finish everything up.

    I have not had that much energy in several months, and I noticed I get a lot more done in the same amount of time. Another sign of me feeling finally better. Not much more to report, guess the big update will happen Tuesday night :-)

    Oh - yeah, pictures or it did not happen... here you go...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on November 05, 2018, 01:51:25 PM
    You are now down to one more sleep. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I'm not sure who is more excited, you or me! [emoji1744]‍[emoji3601] This is a big day for you, one you have been waiting a long time for it to become a reality. I hope the consultation goes well and you feel comfortable with the surgeon to move to the next step.

    As I write this, you are on your way to the airport to catch a flight and I'm on my way to bed to catch some zzzzzz's. Safe travels.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 05, 2018, 02:46:48 PM
    Dear Sarah: 
    Thanks for posting your weekend update... you were a busy girl... and a picture of you with a chainsaw....  look out for women with power tools, both the woman and the power tool can be dangerous!!!

    Up here where I live all of the winterization around my home was done in September....  it sure has been very cold, down to -4 deg F last night and today only has gotten up to +7 deg F   ........ and more bitter cold to come this week.

    The days are definitely getting shorter and the nights are longer and now with the end of Daylight Savings Time last Sunday, it sure is getting dark very early in the afternoon....   Today Sunrise was after 9:00AM and Sunset will be before 4:00PM  ... and the days will continue to get shorter and colder as the winter solstice approaches on December 21...

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow and trust that your consultation goes as you have hoped...  I will be eager to read your report when you post your update.

    Thank you for sharing.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 05, 2018, 09:06:18 PM
    I keep thinking about your cold @Alaskan Danielle. Also the much shorter days. I really enjoy long days, even where I live, they are too short for me. I guess I would need a summer residence up north and a winter residence further south to make the best out of both worlds. The summer solstice is always a sad day for me since I know the days will get shorter fairly quickly. Around the winter solstice, it gets dark around 5:00 PM. I know, for you it is less than two hours of sunshine. I am glad you have such a tight knit community to keep each other entertained during the winter.You seem to be hit especially hard with with the cold this year.

    Late October / early November is usually the time we get our yard ready. Given that we still could swim in the pool mid October, sometimes up to Halloween, we are still not bad this year. We also made a last minute decision to get a custom made cover which had to be produced first before it can be installed. Once the yard is all cleaned up, I start setting up my Christmas lights.

    Am I now considered a dangerous girl with the power tools?  ;D ;D ;D And this was only the small chain saw... the large one is double the size  ;D - I shoudl mention I do have protective gear too, but a hard hat would have not looked good on the picture...

    I have safely arrived in Raleigh, lokking very much forward to tomorrow. I will provide an update after my consultation.



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on November 05, 2018, 02:46:48 PM
    Dear Sarah: 
    Thanks for posting your weekend update... you were a busy girl... and a picture of you with a chainsaw....  look out for women with power tools, both the woman and the power tool can be dangerous!!!

    Up here where I live all of the winterization around my home was done in September....  it sure has been very cold, down to -4 deg F last night and today only has gotten up to +7 deg F   ........ and more bitter cold to come this week.

    The days are definitely getting shorter and the nights are longer and now with the end of Daylight Savings Time last Sunday, it sure is getting dark very early in the afternoon....   Today Sunrise was after 9:00AM and Sunset will be before 4:00PM  ... and the days will continue to get shorter and colder as the winter solstice approaches on December 21...

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow and trust that your consultation goes as you have hoped...  I will be eager to read your report when you post your update.

    Thank you for sharing.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on November 06, 2018, 06:14:53 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 04, 2018, 10:23:46 PM
    Oh - yeah, pictures or it did not happen... here you go...

    Great update, and great picture.

    Every girl needs a chainsaw!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 06, 2018, 06:29:54 AM
    Great Picture!!! Do I see a chainsaw collage in our future???

    My second one is also a Husqvarna, extended blade.... the Stihl is actually just a pole pruner. But it was the right tool for the job...

    Well, the safety gear does look good on you! I should have known. My picture looks more like a tool advertisement where people with perfectly manicured nails and clean cloths try to sell power tools [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

    Quote from: KathyLauren on November 06, 2018, 06:14:53 AM
    Great update, and great picture.

    Every girl needs a chainsaw!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on November 06, 2018, 08:25:17 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 06, 2018, 06:29:54 AM
    > Husqvarna, extended blade.... the Stihl is actually just a pole pruner. But it was the right tool for the job...

    I hadn't heard of Dr. Stihl.  I went with a different GCS surgeon.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 06, 2018, 09:46:06 AM
    Quote from: Kendra on November 06, 2018, 08:25:17 AM
    I hadn't heard of Dr. Stihl.  I went with a different GCS surgeon.
    Hahaha! You won @Kendra! I was waiting for a GRS comment after posting this picture!!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on November 06, 2018, 09:53:11 AM
    Quote from: Kendra on November 06, 2018, 08:25:17 AM
    I hadn't heard of Dr. Stihl.  I went with a different GCS surgeon.

    Pole pruner. OMG.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 06, 2018, 10:10:10 AM
    Quote from: Steph2.0 on November 06, 2018, 09:53:11 AM
    Pole pruner. OMG.
    Hahahaha! I did not even realize what I did. Well, I met my "pole pruner" today.... guess my mind was preoccupied!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on November 06, 2018, 10:23:47 AM
    OMG, that went totally over my head until I saw Kendra's post!  I humbly bow to the pun-mistress!  :D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on November 06, 2018, 10:34:01 AM
    You girls are killing me. I nearly fell over laughing. I'm Stihl laughing so much that I don't even know how to reply.

    Jayne [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on November 06, 2018, 10:36:27 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on November 06, 2018, 10:34:01 AM
    I'm Stihl laughing

    I Saw what you did there.

    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 06, 2018, 10:44:34 AM
    Nov. 6 - Consult


    I guess I can use the time sitting at the Raleigh/Durham airport waiting for my flight to provide a quick update. I had an early morning consult with Dr. Keelee MacPhee and it went really well. She has spent a lot of time shadowing Macie Bowers, so she learned from the best. She has done well over 150 vaginoplasty surgeries and she keeps learning and perfecting. She also observed a few other surgeons and has created her own style. She seems to be focused on teh best possible result, good depth and is creative if needed, to the point of potentially using skin grafts if not enough tissue is available.

    A few other things stood out:
    - No need to stop Estrogen
    - Hair removal is not required but strongly recommended
    - Surgery takes about 4 hours, 2-day hospital stay and packing removal a week later. Technically I could go home after being discharged and come back a week later. I am debating this right now if I should stay or go home. Staying would have the advantage to be close in case of complications.
    - She has one of the toughest dilation schedules I have seen, one year 3 x daily. After that once a week.

    Overall, I really like her a lot. She is a very warm, compassionate and welcoming person.

    Technically I could have surgery as early as March, but considering our family schedule, end of May may be better.

    Well, I guess we have a winner for some "pole pruning" next year.

    So much for now, more to come as things shape up...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 06, 2018, 10:46:05 AM
    OMG @Jayne01, @Steph2.0, @KathyLauren and @Kendra: You are on fire today!!!

    We can all use some good laughs every now and then!



    Quote from: Jayne01 on November 06, 2018, 10:34:01 AM
    You girls are killing me. I nearly fell over laughing. I'm Stihl laughing so much that I don't even know how to reply.

    Jayne [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on November 06, 2018, 11:45:45 AM
    Great update Sarah! Congratulations on your Consultation. Pole pruner? hmmmm, I need one of those.

    I was just thinking if you and Kathy got together with your chainsaws, the two of you could prune a whole lot of poles in a very short time ;)

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 06, 2018, 11:58:41 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    I absolutely love your new selfie photo that you posted while at the airport.  You are very beautiful with your red dress, earbobs, and what did you do to your hair???  Little white streaks coming down from your temples???  You are styl'n girl....  You look so very happy and you have every reason to be happy. 

    It sure sounds like things went as well as you had ever hoped for regarding your surgery consultation.
    Definitely a big SQUEEEE moment for you...

    On your behalf I am now counting down to next Spring...   March?  or  May? 
    When you finally know please update all of us so we can keep you in our thoughts and remind you of your surgery date as it gets closer...  we don't want you to forget about your surgery appointment!!!! ;) 
    ...more happy times are ahead for you... !!!

    Thanks for keeping us all updated.
    Hugs and well wishes,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 07, 2018, 05:17:08 AM
    Aww - Thanks for your sweet post @Alaskan Danielle!

    The grey is my natural hair color... I had grey hairs starting in my early twenties. I am long overdue for a root touch up - or given the amount of grey a full overdue. This is one of the things, my wife is doing for me, so it needs to fit into both of our schedules. For a date? It seems to be shaping up in the second half of May, so around 200 days to go... Is it bad I am already starting to count down? I hope we can make a decision within the next few days.

    The entire day took a bit to sink in, but finally, on my way home from the airport people around me may have heard a few very loud squeeeeeee's It feels very good.

    There is still a lot of work to do, need to talk to the insurance again now that I have all the correct billing codes, then need to ask my insurance about Dr. MacPhee being treated as "In Network"; this would mean my insurance pays 80% instead of 60%. Need to get my second approval letter and plan out some more logistics. I think I also need to find names for the dilators.

    I am still all smiles and happy this morning which is really good since it confirmes how much I really want this.

    Ok, time to catch up on work.

    Thanks! and Hugs!


    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on November 06, 2018, 11:58:41 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    I absolutely love your new selfie photo that you posted while at the airport.  You are very beautiful with your red dress, earbobs, and what did you do to your hair???  Little white streaks coming down from your temples???  You are styl'n girl....  You look so very happy and you have every reason to be happy. 

    It sure sounds like things went as well as you had ever hoped for regarding your surgery consultation.
    Definitely a big SQUEEEE moment for you...

    On your behalf I am now counting down to next Spring...   March?  or  May? 
    When you finally know please update all of us so we can keep you in our thoughts and remind you of your surgery date as it gets closer...  we don't want you to forget about your surgery appointment!!!! ;) 
    ...more happy times are ahead for you... !!!

    Thanks for keeping us all updated.
    Hugs and well wishes,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on November 07, 2018, 06:04:31 AM
    Dear Sarah!

    I can't tell you how happy I am for you. I have already started counting down the "about 200" days with you. You should make that selfie your new profile picture. Your face is so full of happiness! This is very squeeeeeeworthy news. I'm sure Stephanie (@Steph2.0) may even issue you with a licence for a squeeeesplosion (TM).

    It's so nice your wife is helping with various things like doing your hair. Looking at your last selfie, you have got the makeup sorted out. You look stunning, and did I mention happy!!!

    The logistical stuff will keep you busy for a while. I hope your insurance will treat the doctor as "in network" so there are less out of pocket expenses for you. As for dilator names, given the earlier pole pruner discussion, one of them may need to be named "Stihl".

    It's so wonderful to see you this happy!

    Lots of big hugs!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 09, 2018, 08:08:12 AM
    Nov 9th - Downpayment




    I did it! Just got off the phone with Dr. MacPhee's office and I made the downpayment for my surgery on April 17th, 2019...

    159 days to go!

    Someone please come and crape me off the ceiling...

    Very excited!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 09, 2018, 08:24:24 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 09, 2018, 08:08:12 AM
    Nov 9th - Downpayment




    I did it! Just got off the phone with Dr. MacPhee's office and I made the downpayment for my surgery on April 17th, 2019...

    159 days to go!

    Someone please come and scrape me off the ceiling...

    Very excited!



    Dear Sarah:
    INDEED !!!!  Very, very, very happy and momentous moment for you.... 
    .... you have the date now, the countdown has officially started!!!

    If you are still stuck on the ceiling, it is certainly time to be scraped off... 
    I am so very elated and overjoyed that you have this very important task on the calendar now...
    We will all be counting down with you....   mark this special day in your personal journal, it will be a day to celebrate over and over again.

    Hugs and well wishes,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Lacy on November 09, 2018, 08:52:55 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 09, 2018, 08:08:12 AM
    Nov 9th - Downpayment




    I did it! Just got off the phone with Dr. MacPhee's office and I made the downpayment for my surgery on April 17th, 2019...

    159 days to go!

    Someone please come and crape me off the ceiling...

    Very excited!




    Congratulations on getting everything planned out! I hope those 159 days feel like they fly by for you!
    You should make a paper chain for the countdown!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on November 09, 2018, 10:01:57 AM
    Woo-hoo!  Congratulations, Sarah!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on November 09, 2018, 01:08:39 PM
    Whooo-hooo Sarah!!! Congratulations. 159 days and counting.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on November 09, 2018, 02:13:49 PM

    This is such wonderful news Sarah. I am happy for you beyond words! [emoji171][emoji171][emoji171] Only a few months ago you were wondering if this would ever happen and now in only a few months it will become a reality, a dream come true for you. 159 days will countdown to 0 before you even know it. Enjoy hanging from the ceiling, it's a great view from up there when you are being held up there by pure excitement. I wish I could give you a gigantic hug right now. Will you take a rain check for a few weeks time? [emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847]

    I love your new avatar too. That happiness is written all over your face.



    Super duper, humongous hugs!!! Loves ya girl!!! [emoji171][emoji171][emoji171]

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 10, 2018, 01:09:46 AM
    @Alaskan Danielle, @RealLacy, @KathyLauren @Donica, and @Jayne01

    Thanks for celebrating this special day with me. I just realized this date will be a bit more than 3 years after my coming out and 2 1/2 years after seriously starting my transition.  I start thinking I have accomplished a lot in such a short time. What an amazing ride it was, also thanks to your support.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on November 10, 2018, 01:11:33 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 10, 2018, 01:09:46 AM
    @Alaskan Danielle, @RealLacy, @KathyLauren @Donica, and @Jayne01

    Thanks for celebrating this special day with me. I just realized this date will be a bit more than 3 years after my coming out and 2 1/2 years after seriously starting my transition.  I start thinking I have accomplished a lot in such a short time. What an amazing ride it was, also thanks to your support.


    You have accomplished so much! You are a wonderful woman who I am very proud to call my friend. My best friend actually! [emoji171][emoji171]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Sarah1979 on November 18, 2018, 10:12:39 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 09, 2018, 08:08:12 AM
    Nov 9th - Downpayment




    I did it! Just got off the phone with Dr. MacPhee's office and I made the downpayment for my surgery on April 17th, 2019...

    159 days to go!

    Someone please come and crape me off the ceiling...

    Very excited!



    I'm so happy for you girl!!  I'm also so very happy to have met you today, it was a blast doing the run with you (even if I wasn't as fast as I should have been lol.)  Counting the days...


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 19, 2018, 09:04:43 AM
    It was great seeing you too and knowing to have a friend in the race. We have to talk about being "fast" I was still 1.5 x slower than you are, I think you did great (at least compared to what I was able to do)... You did a 10k in almost the same time than I did a 5k!

    We have to set up a proper get together in the next days!



    Quote from: Sarah1979 on November 18, 2018, 10:12:39 AM

    I'm so happy for you girl!!  I'm also so very happy to have met you today, it was a blast doing the run with you (even if I wasn't as fast as I should have been lol.)  Counting the days...


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on November 19, 2018, 09:27:33 AM
    Nov. 19 - Thanksgiving Week

    As you saw from the last two posts, I made it through my first ever 5k. Together with another Sarah 😊. While I really slacked on my training, I did accomplish a few things: I finished! I met my minutes per mile goal. I did not cross the finish line last and I did run larger parts of the course than ever before. It was also the fastest 5k time I had ever run/walked. Yeah, I still walked large parts due to leg cramps which seem to be a big issue for me.

    Anyways, I came in 346 of 404 women. Of course, there were frustrating moments too: There was a 10k on the same course, runners had to run two rounds. When I got to the 2-mile mark, I saw the first 10k runners pass me on their second round. I saw moms with double stroller just speed away and disappear in the distance. So I could have done much better, but I did the best I could at this point.

    After I recovered a little bit, I was ready to sign up for the next run. It is somewhat addictive. Since I joined our local "Mom's Running Group" I may see if I can find people in similar shape to just start training a bit more. (yeah I did that too).


    This is the after picture... still looking somewhat good and some AI things I am 36 (and female)... I take that!

    Besides that: This week will be incredibly busy for me setting up our Holiday decoration. I pretty much have a garage full of stuff I want to put out. Over the weekend, I did get the yard ready and hung the first few hundred lives. I also got most of the equipment out of a remote storage. I guess it will take me around two weeks, maybe a bit more. Again, I will do as much as I can. There are also other important things in my life, like my beloved daughter and my wife. And of course my ongoing transition-related activities.

    Here is a picture of some of the equipment I pulled out of storage... all hand build... Usually, I run a few miles of cable, tons of controllers and several 10,000 lights.


    For Thanksgiving it will be just the 3 of us. Both of our families are in Germany and they don't do Thanksgiving.

    On transition-related news: Not much. I keep working through paperwork around my surgery. I have scheduled all of my pre-appointments. Need to get the second letter.

    So much for today.

    Hope everyone stays warm!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on November 19, 2018, 10:56:37 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    Your updates are so enjoyable for me to read.

    Congratulations on completing your first ever 5K run... and it was was so nice that you were able to meet with and run with another Sarah... @Sarah1979 ... It is always very nice to meet and converse with like-minded friends.

    Wow, your equipment box is full of festive gadgets to make your holiday times very memorable and exciting for your family and friends... I am most certain that your Kiddo will be very excited to see the results of your efforts.

    Regarding your future surgery plans, please continue to keep your followers updated with the latest news.

    Thanks for posting and sharing.
    Hugs and more hugs,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on November 19, 2018, 04:14:12 PM
    Congratulations on your 5K success Sarah.

    Happy Holidays!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on November 19, 2018, 06:54:07 PM
    Hey girl!

    Congrats on finishing your first 5k run. You achieved some great goals worth celebrating. You finished! That's a great achievement in itself. You achieved your target average pace, and managed a personal best finish time. And most importantly, you have it your best shot. It feels good when you cross the finish line, doesn't it! Now you have caught the bug and are already thinking about signing up for the next run. Well done!!!

    What is the name of the AI that said you are female and 36? Sounds like a smart AI. Maybe I can somehow use the AI to reprogram the people at work who constantly misgendered me. [emoji23] [emoji1744]‍[emoji3601]

    Kiddo must be excited to see all the lights going up. You're making me want to create a similar light show on my house. Somehow I feel it's well above my skill level with computer control. Can't wait to see the end result. You put smiles on lots of people's faces with your lights show.

    The surgery paperwork must be very exciting paperwork to be filling out. I was going to suggest you put a countdown at the bottom of your posts so that we can keep track of how many days to go, but it seems you have already done that. I used tapatalk and the ticker tape gizmos don't show up unless I go to web view. Note to self: check web view for added features. [emoji56]

    Great update Sarah!

    Big hugs,

    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 19, 2018, 09:27:33 AM
    Nov. 19 - Thanksgiving Week

    As you saw from the last two posts, I made it through my first ever 5k. Together with another Sarah [emoji4]. While I really slacked on my training, I did accomplish a few things: I finished! I met my minutes per mile goal. I did not cross the finish line last and I did run larger parts of the course than ever before. It was also the fastest 5k time I had ever run/walked. Yeah, I still walked large parts due to leg cramps which seem to be a big issue for me.

    Anyways, I came in 346 of 404 women. Of course, there were frustrating moments too: There was a 10k on the same course, runners had to run two rounds. When I got to the 2-mile mark, I saw the first 10k runners pass me on their second round. I saw moms with double stroller just speed away and disappear in the distance. So I could have done much better, but I did the best I could at this point.

    After I recovered a little bit, I was ready to sign up for the next run. It is somewhat addictive. Since I joined our local "Mom's Running Group" I may see if I can find people in similar shape to just start training a bit more. (yeah I did that too).


    This is the after picture... still looking somewhat good and some AI things I am 36 (and female)... I take that!

    Besides that: This week will be incredibly busy for me setting up our Holiday decoration. I pretty much have a garage full of stuff I want to put out. Over the weekend, I did get the yard ready and hung the first few hundred lives. I also got most of the equipment out of a remote storage. I guess it will take me around two weeks, maybe a bit more. Again, I will do as much as I can. There are also other important things in my life, like my beloved daughter and my wife. And of course my ongoing transition-related activities.

    Here is a picture of some of the equipment I pulled out of storage... all hand build... Usually, I run a few miles of cable, tons of controllers and several 10,000 lights.


    For Thanksgiving it will be just the 3 of us. Both of our families are in Germany and they don't do Thanksgiving.

    On transition-related news: Not much. I keep working through paperwork around my surgery. I have scheduled all of my pre-appointments. Need to get the second letter.

    So much for today.

    Hope everyone stays warm!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Sarah1979 on November 20, 2018, 04:46:48 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on November 19, 2018, 09:04:43 AM
    It was great seeing you too and knowing to have a friend in the race. We have to talk about being "fast" I was still 1.5 x slower than you are, I think you did great (at least compared to what I was able to do)... You did a 10k in almost the same time than I did a 5k!

    We have to set up a proper get together in the next days!



    I'm looking forward to meeting up soon!  It was a great run, nice and small, I've kind of gotten tired of the gigantic 4,000 people runs.  Definitely going on my list of runs to do.  :) I think you did fine, you weren't even breathing hard when I met up with you again :) Looking good!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on December 05, 2018, 10:04:12 PM
    Dec 5 - BFF time - SQUEEEEEEEEEEE

    Big day today! After a long wait, I finally took a trip to the airport to pick up my BFF @Jayne01 !!!!!


    I was so excited to meet her in person and we had to poke each other a few times to make sure we both exist... We will fill the next few days with all kind of fun activities and of course some nice shopping trip! And finally, all the big hugs (and maybe a slap or two) we promised each other in days of texting.

    Besides that - it has been ages since my last update. Ever since my meds kicked into full strength I have been incredibly busy. Realizing how much was left on a "to-do" pile in 6 months of heavy depression and years of mild depression prior. I most likely was also severely burned out. In any case, I am working very hard to catch up on all this and preparing for the holidays.

    My day job is also keeping me busy and being able to better focus makes it a lot more fun again. There was also a trip to New York, Connecticut and back to New York and I just returned late last night from Montreal.

    So much in quick....

    Hope everyone is doing well!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on December 05, 2018, 11:31:44 PM
    Wonderful hope you gals have a great time together

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on December 06, 2018, 09:05:42 AM
    Sarah, seeing you and Jayne in the same photo is Awesome!! 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 06, 2018, 09:27:40 AM
    @sarah1972    @Jayne01
    To my dear beautiful friends and pretty ladies, Sarah and Jayne:
    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE  is an understatement for sure!
    I am going to add my WOW-WHEE and a Wow-zers to that!

    I am so envious of both you and that you were finally able to meet each other.  The picture shows TWO beautiful ladies.... you both look very pretty indeed.

    I will definitely be looking for your next updates regarding your fun times together.
    AGAIN, thank you for bringing us all up to date.

    Quote from: sarah1972 on December 05, 2018, 10:04:12 PM
    Dec 5 - BFF time - SQUEEEEEEEEEEE

    Big day today! After a long wait, I finally took a trip to the airport to pick up my BFF @Jayne01 !!!!!


    I was so excited to meet her in person and we had to poke each other a few times to make sure we both exist... We will fill the next few days with all kind of fun activities and of course some nice shopping trip! And finally, all the big hugs (and maybe a slap or two) we promised each other in days of texting.

    Besides that - it has been ages since my last update. Ever since my meds kicked into full strength I have been incredibly busy. Realizing how much was left on a "to-do" pile in 6 months of heavy depression and years of mild depression prior. I most likely was also severely burned out. In any case, I am working very hard to catch up on all this and preparing for the holidays.

    My day job is also keeping me busy and being able to better focus makes it a lot more fun again. There was also a trip to New York, Connecticut and back to New York and I just returned late last night from Montreal.

    So much in quick....

    Hope everyone is doing well!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 06, 2018, 10:15:22 AM
    Wow look at those two happy women!!  Great smiles. :)
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on December 06, 2018, 11:05:13 AM
    @Alaskan Danielle

    Thanks my dear Danielle - yes, we are both very excited to be able to spend some BFF time together.

    There is only one thing which would be better: if you where here with us. I hope one day we can meet in person and enjoy a coffee and some lovely conversation together.



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on December 06, 2018, 09:27:40 AM
    @sarah1972    @Jayne01
    To my dear beautiful friends and pretty ladies, Sarah and Jayne:
    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE  is an understatement for sure!
    I am going to add my WOW-WHEE and a Wow-zers to that!

    I am so envious of both you and that you were finally able to meet each other.  The picture shows TWO beautiful ladies.... you both look very pretty indeed.

    I will definitely be looking for your next updates regarding your fun times together.
    AGAIN, thank you for bringing us all up to date.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on December 06, 2018, 10:02:03 PM
    Dec 6th - BFF day 2

    I know you are dying to hear more about the adventures...

    Today we did the best thing Besties can do: SHOPPING!!!! Started early with breakfast at a local mall and then ventured into an outlet mall.


    I am sure by now you guessed it... we ended with the same jacket and the same purse!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

    Lots of chatting and talking in between. Ended the day with a nice dinner to get some sleep for more fun tomorrow.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on December 07, 2018, 02:14:32 PM
    Aww look at you two happy girls. How much fun is that, and matching coats too. Spending time with besties is the best. <<<SQUEEEE!!!>>>

    Warm hugs ladies!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on December 10, 2018, 09:22:07 AM
    Dec 10 - More BFF fun and an Auf Wiedersehen

    Using the German "Auf Wiedersehen" in the title which means "See you soon again", there is no real good English equivalent.


    Last night Jayne, me and my family had a lovely goodbye dinner which marked the end of four very exciting days with my BFF.  Afterward, I dropped Jayne off at her Hotel and we exchanged a lot more very emotional big hugs. It was very hard to let my Bestie go and to be fair I had to leave before I completely broke down in tears.  Coming home, I told my kiddo that Miss Jayne is leaving for Canada and I could see in her face how much she will miss Jayne too. She looked sad once she realized that it will be a bit before we meet again in April.

    Kiddo and Jayne got along so very well and they also had a great time together.

    What else has happened? We had a lot more BFF fun and tried to maximize the time together.


    Jayne helped to work on my Christmas decorations, it was so great having her; she was a natural and it is always a pleasure working with someone without having to explain anything.

    We also spent some more time at the mall, mostly being silly and add more to our "besties collection" - as you recall we already have matching jackets and purses. We added matching shoes (mine are coming in the mail in a few days, they did not have my size) and as a big token of our friendship, matching "Best Friends" necklaces.

    Jayne's visit was the best (early) Christmas Gift I can think of. I am so glad she came and we could spend time together. I can't wait to see her again in April (even though I'll be under anesthesia and heavy painkillers for most of the time).

    By now, Jayne is on her way to meet up with her wife.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on December 10, 2018, 09:39:30 AM
    I am so glad you girls had such a good time together!  It sure looks from the photos like you were having fun.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 10, 2018, 09:57:57 AM
    @sarah1972    cc: @Jayne01
    Dear Sarah:
    I am just about crying with joy over all of your descriptions of the wonderful visit that you had with your BFF.  I have to admit that I am very envious of the relationship that you and Jayne have developed and the good times that you and your family had with her during her Christmas visit.

    Thank you for sharing your fun pictures and fun times... her visit has certainly established in you two a new meaning to "BFF"

    Hugs and warm fuzzy thoughts to both you and Jayne, [emoji173]

    Quote from: sarah1972 on December 10, 2018, 09:22:07 AM
    Dec 10 - More BFF fun and an Auf Wiedersehen

    Using the German "Auf Wiedersehen" in the title which means "See you soon again", there is no real good English equivalent.


    Last night Jayne, me and my family had a lovely goodbye dinner which marked the end of four very exciting days with my BFF.  Afterward, I dropped Jayne off at her Hotel and we exchanged a lot more very emotional big hugs. It was very hard to let my Bestie go and to be fair I had to leave before I completely broke down in tears.  Coming home, I told my kiddo that Miss Jayne is leaving for Canada and I could see in her face how much she will miss Jayne too. She looked sad once she realized that it will be a bit before we meet again in April.

    Kiddo and Jayne got along so very well and they also had a great time together.

    What else has happened? We had a lot more BFF fun and tried to maximize the time together.


    Jayne helped to work on my Christmas decorations, it was so great having her; she was a natural and it is always a pleasure working with someone without having to explain anything.

    We also spent some more time at the mall, mostly being silly and add more to our "besties collection" - as you recall we already have matching jackets and purses. We added matching shoes (mine are coming in the mail in a few days, they did not have my size) and as a big token of our friendship, matching "Best Friends" necklaces.

    Jayne's visit was the best (early) Christmas Gift I can think of. I am so glad she came and we could spend time together. I can't wait to see her again in April (even though I'll be under anesthesia and heavy painkillers for most of the time).

    By now, Jayne is on her way to meet up with her wife.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on December 10, 2018, 11:48:00 AM
    My dearest Sarah, it was so lovely visiting you and your family for the past several days. From the minute we exchanged a giant greeting hug when you picked me up at the airport, it felt like we had known each other since childhood. I suppose you could say we have known each other since our teen years (the second time around, thank you HRT [emoji56][emoji4])

    I had a really wonderful time with you and kiddo completely stole my heart. She is utterly beautiful and so much fun to be with. Looking at the photos you posted brought a tear to my eye. It was so much fun hanging out with you. Saying Auf Wiedersehen last night was not easy. I had to cry myself to sleep. Can't wait to see you again when I return for your big day in April.

    Love you girl!



    Quote from: sarah1972 on December 10, 2018, 09:22:07 AM
    Dec 10 - More BFF fun and an Auf Wiedersehen

    Using the German "Auf Wiedersehen" in the title which means "See you soon again", there is no real good English equivalent.


    Last night Jayne, me and my family had a lovely goodbye dinner which marked the end of four very exciting days with my BFF.  Afterward, I dropped Jayne off at her Hotel and we exchanged a lot more very emotional big hugs. It was very hard to let my Bestie go and to be fair I had to leave before I completely broke down in tears.  Coming home, I told my kiddo that Miss Jayne is leaving for Canada and I could see in her face how much she will miss Jayne too. She looked sad once she realized that it will be a bit before we meet again in April.

    Kiddo and Jayne got along so very well and they also had a great time together.

    What else has happened? We had a lot more BFF fun and tried to maximize the time together.


    Jayne helped to work on my Christmas decorations, it was so great having her; she was a natural and it is always a pleasure working with someone without having to explain anything.

    We also spent some more time at the mall, mostly being silly and add more to our "besties collection" - as you recall we already have matching jackets and purses. We added matching shoes (mine are coming in the mail in a few days, they did not have my size) and as a big token of our friendship, matching "Best Friends" necklaces.

    Jayne's visit was the best (early) Christmas Gift I can think of. I am so glad she came and we could spend time together. I can't wait to see her again in April (even though I'll be under anesthesia and heavy painkillers for most of the time).

    By now, Jayne is on her way to meet up with her wife.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on December 10, 2018, 12:02:13 PM
    Wooo-Hooo! Two lovely ladies on a shopping spree  :icon_joy:
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on December 10, 2018, 12:16:51 PM
    Yeah Yoo-Hoo!!  What a great visit.  I'm glad you could spend time together.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on December 24, 2018, 11:45:54 AM
    Dec 24 - Christmas Eve

    Seems like I have not updated anything for the last two weeks. I have been around a lot less with lots of year-end work on my plate. I had to jump in knee deep to help out getting a lot of things over the finish line and negotiate a few others into next year.

    There are a few other reasons I won't discuss here for being around less.

    Nothing big new to report on my end. My life just moves along.

    On some positive news: Our Christmas Cards this year did no longer include my old name. All of the cards we sent out said, Sarah. I call this progress. Last year the majority was still under my old name.

    I have signed up for another 5K on new years eve (someone told me it is addictive). I better start training soon...

    Facial hair removal is almost completed and I have two more sessions before the end of the year. Then off to the remaining hairs down below. I want to have this wrapped up before March so there is enough healing time for April. We are working on some of the logistics now, trying to find an affordable place to stay for two weeks. Maybe some long-term stay suite.

    Kiddo will be home from daycare for a week. She has really excelled in "terrible two's" in the last few weeks and it has been exhausting at times. So we have to plan a lot of activity to keep her occupied and get her tired.

    This is all I can report for today.

    To all of you celebrating Christmas: Have a Merry Christmas! And to all a Great New Year!!!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Stevi on December 24, 2018, 12:19:13 PM

    Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year! right back!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on December 24, 2018, 12:24:33 PM
    Merry Christmas Sarah 🎄🎄🎄
    Good luck with your next 5K.....yes it is addictive.  Watch out for the increased need.  I went from 5K to 10K to 15K!  The next in March will be a 1/2 marathon and there may be a marathon in the future 🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️

    Hugs and smiles from a California girl
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: davina61 on December 24, 2018, 12:51:39 PM
    What a way to work the Christmas excess off , have a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year. XXXXXXX
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on December 24, 2018, 01:26:37 PM
    Merry Christmas Sarah! I'll wait till New Years to post another Happy New Year! I love your new avatar. Oh ya, and you only have a little more than a week to train for your upcoming 5K. Just sayin girl!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on December 31, 2018, 11:34:31 AM
    Dec 31st - Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everyone, may 2019 bring you peace, happiness, and a fulfilled life.

    My dear friends and readers - Another year comes to an end, time for a little review and a look forward.

    2018 was the first full year as Sarah. It was quite a mix between really good times in my transition life (6 weeks on a job assignment where I was seen 100% as a woman and which allowed me to make great progress), almost consistent passing and getting almost all facial hair removed. Add to that my surgery consults and booking my appointment for 2019. I started taking more care of me, joined a gym and completed my first ever 5k run.

    It also came with some very hard times. A work-related incident which clearly falls into "hostile work environment" and harassment. While it had nothing to do with my transition, it did throw me in a really bad cycle of anxiety and depression, something I still have not recovered entirely from. There were other job-related disappointments and I know I need to find new employment. I have a few things transition wise ahead of me and once those are completed, I will take on that task.

    My wife is still struggling to accept the new me, it is understandable, she knows me as male for such a long time. At the same time, it is hard since our relationship is certainly strained.

    2018 brought some new very good friends which I cherish every day. Transition wise, 2018 was fairly quiet with no new major milestones.

    What is in store for 2019? The next big step in my transition is planned for April! I am very much looking forward to this day and the planning will move into high gear in the next few weeks. I still hope for German law to change, allowing me to change my name without a tedious process. A name/gender marker change is still very high on my list. Otherwise, I have to wait till mid-2020 before I can start. On the other hand, most of 2019 will be surgery and recovery. Not sure how much more I will be able to handle.

    Our little one will start pre-school next year too.

    For today, I have another 5k planned and we are invited to a neighbors house tonight for New Year's Eve. Tomorrow will be the last day of my winter break, so I need to get ready for a new year at work.

    Funny story about the 5k: I went to a professional running store to buy good running shoes. They did a video analysis of my running the treadmill and measured my feet. The (very experienced) sales guy concluded: He may have one shoe for me but if that does not work, I might have to look at male shoes. He also asked if I tried male shoes before... I did admit I have used male sports shoes before, no need to tell him I wore male shoes for 44 years...

    What are your plans for New Year's Eve my dear friends and readers?



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on December 31, 2018, 11:50:54 AM
    Happy New Year Sarah!!! I have truly enjoyed following your thread. I seem to be in the same place for 2019 being mostly surgeries and recovery. I am so looking forward to this and following your journey through the coming year.

    Best wishes Dear Sarah!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 31, 2018, 12:18:32 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for your wonderful update, thanks for treating your followers to all of the most interesting details.
    Yes indeed, wishing you a very Happy New Year in 2019.  As it has been for you, this last year in 2018 has been a very eventful and full year for me as well.  We both have achieved successes in our journeys, and we have both conquered many of our fears and trepidation.

    *You are now planning another 5K running event... and when buying new running shoes asked if you ever wore men's shoes for perhaps a better fit !  ;)
    *You joined a gym and are working out regularly and enjoying your "spin" class and getting some social involvement with your spin classmates.
    *Even though you may be considering finding a new employment situation you have been successfully working mostly full-time as a woman in your work life.
    *Regarding your relationship with your wife, it can be understandingly stressful for you and for her but your recounting of your family times with your wife and kiddo do shed some light on your successes as being hot-mama #2 to your daughter and being a little more accepted by your wife.
    *Yes indeed, like you, I have also developed a lot of new friends... especially lots of new friends here on the Forums... it is such a pleasure for me to log in and find my friends and followers here waiting for my replies and comments.
    *Yes, for sure, your transition journey is repleat with good things like your facial hair removal and dressing much of the time at work and at home in full-time female-mode,  and the month of April will most certainly be a big month for you with your upcoming surgery... it will definitely mark one of your major steps in your transition journey.
    *Being invited to your neighbor's New Year's Eve celebration is just another confirmation and affirmation of the "new you" as Sarah.
    *Oh, and certainly a big milestone in your family, your Kiddo will be starting pre-school.... cherish these memorable moments, she will grow up in a flash way too fast.

    Thank you so very much for letting us all closely follow your life events this last year...
    As one of your biggest fans, I am always rooting for you. 
    I am looking forward to more of your updates and comments around the various forum's threads (including mine) whenever you feel so led to post them.

    Lots and lots of HUGS, and well wishes...   good luck on your 5K race, I will be looking for your results.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 31, 2018, 03:40:20 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Hello good friend.  I am so glad that we have found each other on the Forums.  It has been an extreme pleasure for me to share my thoughts and comments with you on your thread, my threads, and all the other threads that we meet on around the Forums. 

    I have so much enjoyed your updates as you continue on in your journey.
    Thank you for feeling free to share your life events with all of us.

    Obviously some bumps in the road that all of us experience so continue to hang on for an exciting ride.
    I am so very happy that I found you and your thread on the Forums this last year and I will be eagerly following your upcoming reports and updates in the New Year in 2019.

    Wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR  in 2019...

    Hugs and as always, well wishes.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 01, 2019, 10:24:03 PM
    @Donica - Thank you for the nice New Years Wishes! We really need a class of 2019 thread...

    @Alaskan Danielle - Thank you as well for your kind wishes!

    I forgot: I need to get back to Zumba. In the last few weeks, work has interfered too often with my 9:30 AM class. Thanks, for the reminder @Alaskan Danielle...

    Since you asked: The second 5k. A much smaller event, about 250 runners and with a good cause: to support research for type 1 diabetes. It was 7C / 44F and a light drizzle when I left my house. The race was in walking distance on a local trail which is heavily populated by runners and cyclists. It used to be a railroad line. I was also fighting with a sprained ankle and a light cold. Usually, conditions where I would have rolled up on the couch.

    But guess what? Sarah is much more determined, so I got dressed, put on rain gear and walked over to the starting line.

    I was glad, I took the rain gear, about 10 minutes into the race, it started raining again and night set in. Lucky we all did get some blinking lights so we could see each other

    It was only the fifth time I have done this distance (3 training runs(walks) in October / November and 2 races so far), no training in between. I still have to walk larger parts of the course.

    Anyways, I was determined and I completed the run. The new shoes helped and my shins did not hurt as bad as previously.

    I still ended in the bottom 10% - but I did improve my time by 106 seconds compared to the November run which I am happy about. Compared to other ladies in my running group, I still have to shave off a few more minutes per mile which will be my goal for next year. Given that I have to take a recovery break over the summer, I did postpone my 10k goal into 2020. It will take me a little while to get from couch to 5k.

    Winter is a bit harder to find more races close by, but I may find something in my running group and if not, there is a race on February 10th. I'd like to get at least one or two more into the books before my surgery.


    Sarah (105D9H)

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 02, 2019, 10:00:03 PM
    Jan 2nd - 2 Year HRT checkup

    Today I have completed my second year on HRT and had my regular checkup. Nothing exciting to report, Estrogen did get adjusted a little bit and I am supposed to come back about 6 weeks after my surgery to be re-tested and adjusted.

    As a (questionable) award, I also did get an order for a Mammogram. She feels I should have a baseline scan done now. I know for most cis woman this is a dreaded appointment and I am sure next year I will feel the same way but for now, it is just affirming.

    Overall feminization progress has slowed down a bit. My body still keeps changing a little bit, so does my face. I am still a "barely cup" but in recent weeks I had new growing pains and it is finally more than a handful. We will see what changes post op. I know I do complain on a very high note, given that I do pass almost at 100%, even without any makeup and I am generally accepted as a woman.

    A very interesting social experience was our neighbors New Year's Eve Party. A total of 4 couples including us, the group distributed 3 (males) to 5 (females). So did the topis: Beer and baseball in one group, shoes, heels and the changes in our local shops in the other group. It was so stereotypical. We only knew our neighbors walking in and it was just normal for me to be part of the women's group.

    One other happening which did show how much I changed was a comment by my (new) personal trainer. four years ago, I would have laughed with him, this time I was primarily annoyed: for a Bicep Exercise, he explained that I "should just imagine lifting my shirt like I would do on spring break" - Seriously? I guess, my mindset has also fully shifted.

    Anyways, so much for my 2-year hormone update.

    Stay Classy Internet!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 02, 2019, 10:59:10 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for updating all of us with your 2 year HRT checkup report.

    ahhhhh.... the female "gender" specific Mammogram test...   I have had 2 of those "titty squisher" exams and the last one that I had over a year ago the technician had no idea that I was a trans-woman until she looked at the previous mammogram report that just happened to have my dead name and wrong gender listed on it.  I could see that she had a questioning look on her face so I volunteered my "secret."  That is very affirming especially because I had taken my top and bra off for the exam.   It was a wonderfully confidence building experience for sure.

    Your subtle changes continuing with HRT... at least they are still progressing... and the new growing pains in your breasts should be considered very good news indeed.

    At your New Year's Eve party at the neighbors.... fitting in with the women's group conversation... very affirming for sure.  I am so very happy to hear your good report about that.

    Your new personal trainer talking about the Bicep Exercise.... yes indeed, "lifting your shirt like you were a coed on spring break"....  I would be annoyed also, especially that comment coming from a man.

    Regarding your finish time on the 5K "rain" run....  at least you participated and finished the run, that is the most important thing. 

    Thank you for posting your recent updates....  keep on keeping on toward your goal...
    Hugs and well wishes as always,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 03, 2019, 10:38:31 AM
    Good update Sarah!   My PCP has asked about when I would need a mammogram.  I have been on HRT for three years and starting about 6 months ago I've had soreness associated with another growth spurt!  I suppose I should look into it this spring.  My wife laughs at the thought!  Ha Ha! 

    I'm surprised at the comment from your trainer.  He obviously must feel comfortable with you to make that kind of statement, otherwise that comment is certainly out of place in today's environment.  Seriously!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on January 03, 2019, 11:40:43 AM
    Quote from: JudiBlueEyes on January 03, 2019, 10:38:31 AMMy PCP has asked about when I would need a mammogram.  I have been on HRT for three years and starting about 6 months ago I've had soreness associated with another growth spurt!  I suppose I should look into it this spring.  My wife laughs at the thought!  Ha Ha! 

    The energing standard in trans health care, I have heard, is that trans women should have regular mammograms if they are over 50 and have been 5 years on HRT.  There is nothing wrong with getting one sooner, though.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 03, 2019, 12:16:30 PM
    Quote from: KathyLauren on January 03, 2019, 11:40:43 AM
    The energing standard in trans health care, I have heard, is that trans women should have regular mammograms if they are over 50 and have been 5 years on HRT.  There is nothing wrong with getting one sooner, though.

    Dear Kathy:
    Exactly correct ...
    My Endo had me get a Mammogram soon after I started HRT because I had very fast breast development and just a year ago I was directed by my doctor to have a follow up Mammogram exam.   
    Everything was clear and no problems found, always a good thing to have the knowledge that there is nothing wrong.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 03, 2019, 02:01:02 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle , @KathyLauren @JudiBlueEyes -

    Yes, usually 5 years into HRT is the starting point. Some doctors want it earlier though, especially if you have a family history. I, unfortunately, have both breast and prostate cancer in my parents. And seeing my mom suffer I have to admit I rather go for a "tittie squeeze" sooner than later. My dad did get lucky but I am also on top of these tests and will have to be. Part of the early start - I am sure - is also that my doctor is an OBGYN by trade, so they are a bit more sensitive anyway. We are currently thinking of making this a "family trip". What will be interesting is that they want to do the mammogram mid-cycle. Guess it is good that I cycle progesterone.

    For the trainer: I will wait, if he continues like this I will ask for a different trainer. It was on the second session, so nothing which could be excused by us knowing each other for ages. I do think it is interesting how much more sensitive I got to this.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on January 03, 2019, 04:33:43 PM
    My Endo requested one for me just after 14 months HRT. I kept asking her to put it off but she wouldn't let me get out of it any more. It was affirming my first time and will just be a bother next year. And then comes the pap-smears after GCS. UGH! Welcome to women-hood.

    Congratulations on your two year HRT Sarah!!! I still have 7 months to go before my two year.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on January 03, 2019, 04:39:39 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 03, 2019, 02:01:02 PM
    Yes, usually 5 years into HRT is the starting point. Some doctors want it earlier though

    Interesting. Right after I came out to my family doctor he made the referral to go for my first one. That was after about 10 months on HRT, and I had just barely enough for the vise. I was 59 years old then, so maybe that's it.

    It was wonderfully affirming, though, when the tech asked me when my last one was, and I outed myself by telling her, "never," and why. She took a step back, her eyes went wide, and she told me she'd had no idea. That was 7 months ago and things have gotten even better since then. She made me promise that I'd go back and see her next time. She was so cool that I can't wait to go back in May - well, except for that squeezer thingy.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 03, 2019, 04:46:08 PM
    Quote from: Donica on January 03, 2019, 04:33:43 PM
    My Endo requested one for me just after 14 months HRT. I kept asking her to put it off but she wouldn't let me get out of it any more. It was affirming my first time and will just be a bother next year. And then comes the pap-smears after GCS. UGH! Welcome to women-hood.

    Congratulations on your two year HRT Sarah!!! I still have 7 months to go before my two year.


    Oh yeah, the pep smears. When it was time to say goodbye I just said that the next visits will bring more interesting stuff for her. She laughed and confirmed. She also seemed to know enough about dilation that I can avoid having to fly to NC with every issue.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on January 03, 2019, 04:47:24 PM
    @Sarah1972 @Alaskan Danielle @Donica @KathyLauren
    Well I'm certainly over the minimum age!  But I do have cancer risk as my prostate was removed a number of years ago. I should look into this sooner than later.  Thanks for bringing up this issue.   :) 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 03, 2019, 04:57:34 PM
    My family doctor asked too. But she is leaving this to my OBGYN. They are on the same online portal so they see what the other does.

    I filled out an appointment request form, now I have to wait for the radiology to get back to me with appointment suggestions. If they insist on mid cycle, it will be end of the month anyways since I missed this time.

    We will see there is so little to squeeze [emoji1744]‍[emoji3601]

    Hugs, Sarah

    Quote from: Steph2.0 on January 03, 2019, 04:39:39 PM
    Interesting. Right after I came out to my family doctor he made the referral to go for my first one. That was after about 10 months on HRT, and I had just barely enough for the vise. I was 59 years old then, so maybe that's it.

    It was wonderfully affirming, though, when the tech asked me when my last one was, and I outed myself by telling her, "never," and why. She took a step back, her eyes went wide, and she told me she'd had no idea. That was 7 months ago and things have gotten even better since then. She made me promise that I'd go back and see her next time. She was so cool that I can't wait to go back in May - well, except for that squeezer thingy.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 03, 2019, 05:06:59 PM
    I noticed one interesting thing: now that I am my authentic self and I have a daughter, I am a lot more diligent with screenings and checkups. I'll be in my mid 60's when she graduates college and I really want to see that. Maybe I make it long enough to walk her down the isle.

    I hope when you do your screenings, everything will come back OK for you.

    Quote from: JudiBlueEyes on January 03, 2019, 04:47:24 PM
    @Sarah1972 @Alaskan Danielle @Donica @KathyLauren
    Well I'm certainly over the minimum age!  But I do have cancer risk as my prostate was removed a number of years ago. I should look into this sooner than later.  Thanks for bringing up this issue.   :)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Anne Blake on January 03, 2019, 09:34:22 PM
    I don't know if it had already been mentioned but my OBGYN also sent me in for a bone density screening. I am glad she did because it indicated a couple of low readings and I have upped my calcium and D intake.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: krobinson103 on January 04, 2019, 01:42:09 AM
    Breast scans. Been thinking about that. Been 1 year and 3 months since I started HRT and there have many changes along with rather fast breast growth. Been thinking at some point I should get them checked just not sure when...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jenny1969 on January 04, 2019, 05:04:20 AM
    Following. I hadn't thought about breast exams........This is going to be interesting.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 04, 2019, 07:44:13 AM
    Quote from: Jenny1969 on January 04, 2019, 05:04:20 AM
    Following. I hadn't thought about breast exams........This is going to be interesting.
    Jenny - thanks for following.

    It is very rare that trans women get breast cancer, especially for late transitioning women. But there are a few documented cases. I believe (but have no proof) that the length of Estrogen exposure is a part, so the younger you start the more important these checks get.

    Official recommendation is to start after 45 and 5 years of HRT but this thread shows that many doctors start earlier. If insurance covers transgender services they also cover mammograms (and the dreaded prostate exams most of us will need)

    There is still a lot the medical community has to learn about transgender care.

    While I am sure it will wear off, it is very affirming. Since I get my hormones at a normal OBGYN office, it always is such a great feeling when I have to make my next OBGYN appointment. Makes me feel much closer to my actual identity. The same applies for Mammograms. Right now it is affirming but I know once they squeeze the vice on my very small barely cups, I will regret it....


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jenny1969 on January 05, 2019, 01:10:19 PM
    Thanks for the information......I am now being seen in the women's clinic too.  Not too sure how the cis women feel about me invading their space yet....Once I'm further into transition I think this will change...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on January 05, 2019, 01:26:50 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 04, 2019, 07:44:13 AM
    Jenny - thanks for following.

    It is very rare that trans women get breast cancer, especially for late transitioning women. But there are a few documented cases. I believe (but have no proof) that the length of Estrogen exposure is a part, so the younger you start the more important these checks get.

    Official recommendation is to start after 45 and 5 years of HRT but this thread shows that many doctors start earlier. If insurance covers transgender services they also cover mammograms (and the dreaded prostate exams most of us will need)

    There is still a lot the medical community has to learn about transgender care.

    While I am sure it will wear off, it is very affirming. Since I get my hormones at a normal OBGYN office, it always is such a great feeling when I have to make my next OBGYN appointment. Makes me feel much closer to my actual identity. The same applies for Mammograms. Right now it is affirming but I know once they squeeze the vice on my very small barely cups, I will regret it....



    Yes, It's a good idea to start early. Along with a annual mammogram, My Endo checks me for lumps every three months.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 15, 2019, 11:08:23 AM
    Jan 15 - Another First and Another second

    So glad Susan's is back up. Not having it made me realize how much I am relying on having it. We used the time for some other fun on Discord and in private communications to stay in touch with my friends.

    Another First
    As mentioned earlier, today was "boob squish" time - with 20lbs of pressure exerted.  4 images, two on each side, one from the top and one in a 45-degree angle. I joked she should grab the smallest pressure plate she has but she said she needed a larger one. Sweet of her recognizing my barely cups. She also asked twice if I am pregnant, guess I really need to work harder on my diet. I only responded with a "highly unlikely". I did not have to disclose my history and I don't think anyone even noticed. If they did, they did not even blink about it. The tech was a bit surprised about this being my first. So, it did hurt as expected, especially the 45-degree x-rays pressed against the sternum pretty hard. I made it through it and now I have to wait a week for the results to come in.
    Overall a very affirming experience.

    Another Second
    Last Friday, I met with a Psychologist for my second evaluation and approval for GRS. All went well and yesterday I did receive the letter (the second one!) Now I am all set and can start the insurance pre-approval process. I paid Dr. MacPhee's office to actually do this, so I need to send them everything and sync up to make sure it all get's done. Then I can just wait.

    The weekend was really lazy, we did get about a foot of snow over two days and our planned trip to see friends was first pushed by a day and then canceled. We rescheduled for later this months. Kiddo, of course, had a blast since it is the first time in her young life she consciously experienced snow. We spent a lot of time outside and of course built the mandatory snowmen. Hot Mommy #2 also had some fun... Snow Blower!!!! and a good workout cleaning some snow off the pool. The cover we have is only rated for 1 foot of snow.
    These snow events are always fun where I live. As usual, people stocked up supplies like there is no next day: Milk, Bread and Toliet Paper flew off the shelves. And of course, Monday schools, daycare, and even the Federal Government were closed. I know many here will just burst out laughing reading the struggle we have with even a little bit of snow (@Alaskan Danielle). Even the TV stations declare "Weather Alert Day's" and go into 24/7 full coverage. Little stupid, I grew up with at least 2 feet of snow between November and March, so I don't really get it.

    I still had to work given that I work home office. At least my wife was home since her work follows the Federal Government. She and Kiddo went on a playdate with Kiddo's best friend.

    Nothing much else to report, I am starting to get used to my new trainer in the Gym. He is a bit quirky but I have to admit he is starting to grow on me.

    Hope you are all doing well!

    Hugs, Sarah

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 15, 2019, 11:48:55 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    Snow fun with your young kiddo....their first snow experience...this is something they will  look forward to every year, it is so enjoyable to watch them as they navigate this new stuff called snow..... and of course you (Hot mama #2) can look forward to shoveling the sidewalk and porch and using your snow blower on your driveway.

    I was a little puzzled as to why there was a shortage of supplies at your local stores while folks were getting ready for the snow storm.   Here, we keep our food pantries full and stocked up, vehicle gas tanks full, extra gas for the generator, propane tanks full, and extra bottled water..... I am on a water-well that takes electricity to pump it, so if all else fails I will at least have some water other than melting snow or ice.

    I read your report on your thread about your "boob-squisher" event......  not too much fun.... but as it happened to you, for me the techs had no idea that I was not a cis-woman.......  very affirming as they apply more pressure.   It is tougher with smaller boobs.   My first mammogram was when I had just an A or a small B cup, and my last mammogram with my present C cup was much easier for the techs and for me.

    That was great to hear that you met with your Psychologist for your second GRS evaluation.... I am trust and hoping and have my fingers crossed for you that all goes well and progresses as you have planned.

    I am glad that you are getting along with your new trainer at your gym.....  that is always a good thing to be compatible with those that are directing your exercise routines.

    Thanks for keeping your followers updated....  we are always looking for what is going on in your transition life.
    Hugs and well wishes as always,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on January 15, 2019, 02:10:52 PM
    Thank you for your update, Sarah.  How very affirming to get your first mammogram!  I suppose I'll have that to look forward to before too long.  And congratulations on getting your second referral letter for surgery.  I am at a similar stage: both letters received, request in to insurance.  I hope you get your approval soon.

    I am with Danielle on snow preparations: we are always prepared.  A few years ago, we lived on an island with very expensive ferry service to the nearest town with real stores.  Everyone got used to stockpiling two or three weeks' worth of groceries and supplies, just to minimize ferry fares.  So a big storm was no big deal.  We are still a bit in that habit, and don't quite get the last-minute hoarding thing.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on January 15, 2019, 02:40:18 PM
    Great update Sarah! For sure, we don't know what we have until it's gone. I glad Susan's is back up and running. If it wasn't for the other social media outlets, we would hardly get to hear from each other.

    Though a bit painful, I'm glad you found the Booby Squish affirming as I did. Congratulations on receiving your two letters for GCS. I would be so excited I wouldn't be able to sleep.

    Here in SoCal we get a little snow once every ten years or so but it usually melts when it hits the ground. We only have to drive a half hour or so to get to the mountains where the snow stays for the winter. Right now we are in a nasty 4 day rain storm and unfortunately mud slides in the burn areas from last years fires. We will dig-out as usual.

    Good to here from you Sarah!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 15, 2019, 09:23:11 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle, @KathyLauren and @Donica - Thanks for your nice comments on my update.

    I found this interesting flyer about mammograms for transgender created by Fenway Health: It does contain quite some useful information. As usual, I don't get any results while there, I have to wait for a letter or a call to come back.

    The mammogram was also part of the surgery preparation, my OBGYN wanted it to be done beforehand. And yes, Donica, I am already at a point where I cannot sleep at times thinking about the surgery and especially the time after. I am really getting excited. We will see what my insurance says about the letters in a little while.

    I really need to ramp up preparations, there is still a lot to do to get ready. I want to clean out a storage room we have and transform it into a "Dilation Dungeon"... just some quiet room where I can get this done. We also want to change our nursery into a proper toddler room. Oh, and I do need to still find names for the dilators. I have started an Amazon shopping list for supplies. Also still need to book accommodation and file for FMLA and Short Term Disability since I plan to be away from work for 4 weeks.

    To round out this fun day, I had my nuts roasted a South Pole laser session. This strange feeling when the numbing cream stops working.

    We are generally on the well-prepared side. We usually have enough food in the house to last for a week or two. We have city water and a 5 stage filter system for drinking water. Milk for kiddo might be the only issue but worst case, she can go without by now. Since we live in the center of our town less than 200 yards away from the main power substation, outages are fairly rare and we are usually some of the first to get power back. We still have a natural gas powered standby generator which powers the essentials in our home like heating, lights and computer infrastructure. We can (and have) also cook just on generator power. Snow prep for us is mainly to gas up the snow blower and pull it out of the back end of the carport so we can get to it. While rare, we can get one of the nasty blizzards and we had at least two in the last ten years where we did get close to 2 feet within 24 hours (61 cm to be exact). During such events, I usually help out all the neighbors to get their driveways cleared out. Anywhere between 5 and 9 houses. We have also helped neighbors charge their phones during power outages. So, we don't have much to worry about, even if it hits unexpectedly. 

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 30, 2019, 09:32:15 AM
    Jan 30, long time... quick update

    Oh... I just realized I have been absent from my thread for 15 days. Well, I have been really busy.

    So here is a quick summary update:

    Mammogram came back negative but they did note the dense breasts as expected. That is good, at least no recall for added screening.

    Surgery planning is moving along, I did get my insurance pre-approval. Completed the first pass of bottom electrolysis and now have to wait for new hair to show up. This also means I did get my second letter without a problem. Lots of additional planning to do and I have started shopping for all the supplies I need. All the remaining pre-op appointments are scheduled and I have all the funds I need in my savings account. I have to pre-pay the entire surgery and get reimbursed later.

    Work and family life has been really busy and I can barely keep up. Still no progress on the Dilation Dungeon.

    I m putting a lot of energy in getting fit prior to surgery and lose some additional weight. Bikini season is not too far away.  ;D
    I have joined a women's only running group and a subset is going through a 12-week beginner training under the leadership of two experienced runners. So very awesome and affirming to be part of a women's group and there is quite a bit of other social activity to attend with the women and I am looking forward to it. I am also at the gym a lot again. So far I am down 3 lbs. Want to get at least 12 more gone before surgery.

    Overall I am marching ahead. Can't really wait to wake up after surgery...

    So much in short. I hope all my readers are doing well!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 30, 2019, 02:44:37 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 30, 2019, 09:32:15 AM
    Jan 30, long time... quick update

    Oh... I just realized I have been absent from my thread for 15 days. Well, I have been really busy.

    Dear Sarah:
    Wow, your timing is impeccable....  I was just in the middle of posting my reminder on your thread... AND... sending you a PM to let you know that your update are very much missed by me and probably the rest of your followers.
    QuoteSo here is a quick summary update:
    Mammogram came back negative but they did note the dense breasts as expected. That is good, at least no recall for added screening.

    Surgery planning is moving along, I did get my insurance pre-approval. Completed the first pass of bottom electrolysis and now have to wait for new hair to show up. This also means I did get my second letter without a problem. Lots of additional planning to do and I have started shopping for all the supplies I need. All the remaining pre-op appointments are scheduled and I have all the funds I need in my savings account. I have to pre-pay the entire surgery and get reimbursed later.
    This is terrific news....  the way ahead for you is clear!!!   I bet that you are getting excited.
    Work and family life has been really busy and I can barely keep up. Still no progress on the Dilation Dungeon.
    I will reply with my statement that many Forums readers have heard from me before...
    .....  "Busy People are Happy People"
    I m putting a lot of energy in getting fit prior to surgery and lose some additional weight. Bikini season is not too far away.  ;D
    I have joined a women's only running group and a subset is going through a 12-week beginner training under the leadership of two experienced runners. So very awesome and affirming to be part of a women's group and there is quite a bit of other social activity to attend with the women and I am looking forward to it. I am also at the gym a lot again. So far I am down 3 lbs. Want to get at least 12 more gone before surgery.
    This is wonderful news...  12 more pounds... roughly 3 pounds a week should do it.  I am rooting for you.
    Overall I am marching ahead. Can't really wait to wake up after surgery...

    So much in short. I hope all my readers are doing well!


    I am so very excited for you and this big step that you will be taking in your transition journey.
    Thank you Sarah for your update... a little late but I am happy that you found yourself back at your thread....  I don't like to issue warnings to my good friends that I reguarly follow... but it was very close!!!   
    As our friend @Jessica is aware, I have 3 stages of "warnings"  ....   
    ... stage 3 is when I come to your home and knock on your door to check up on you.!!! ;) :o :-*

    I will be looking for your next updates, wishing you well as always, thanks for posting.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 30, 2019, 03:20:17 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on January 30, 2019, 02:44:37 PM
    Thank you Sarah for your update... a little late but I am happy that you found yourself back at your thread....  I don't like to issue warnings to my good friends that I reguarly follow... but it was very close!!!   
    As our friend @Jessica is aware, I have 3 stages of "warnings"  ....   
    ... stage 3 is when I come to your home and knock on your door to check up on you.!!! ;) :o :-*

    I will be looking for your next updates, wishing you well as always, thanks for posting.

    Stage 3 warning sounds very tempting. I may have to try that  ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on January 30, 2019, 03:42:23 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 30, 2019, 03:20:17 PM
    Stage 3 warning sounds very tempting. I may have to try that  ;D
    Ooh, yes, what to I have to (not) do to get a stage 3 warning?  ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 30, 2019, 03:56:47 PM
    Quote from: KathyLauren on January 30, 2019, 03:42:23 PM
    Ooh, yes, what to I have to (not) do to get a stage 3 warning?  ;D

    Dear Kathy:
    I better be careful about mentioning my Stage 3 warning process.   I could go broke visiting all my forums friends around the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc ....  and finding their homes so I could knock on their doors and check up on them.

    I had been near your location 2 years ago Kathy when I took a New England cruise to visit Halifax Maritime Titanic Museum,  and Prince Edward Island, the scripted home on Anne of Green Gables.... it was a beautiful and wonderful trip.
    Just last year I went on a one month January vacation to New Zealand and Eastern Australia and snorkeling on the Barrier Reef up North at Cairns during the country's summer heatwave... over 100+ deg F ( 38+ deb C)  for a week or two in Sydney and other areas.
    In my previous employment I traveled all over the USA, Canada and other spots around Europe and Asia.

    I wish I would have known all my Forums friends back then, I would have indeed tried to knock on their door and introduce myself.... and exchange those famous Forums HUGS.
    Well, perhaps next time.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Anne Blake on January 30, 2019, 04:11:21 PM
    I will have one order of "Stage Three Warning" also. Can that be delivered by Danielle?
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on January 30, 2019, 05:16:24 PM
    @sarah1972 @Alaskan Danielle

    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 30, 2019, 03:20:17 PM
    Stage 3 warning sounds very tempting. I may have to try that  ;D

    I've gotten 3, but I inadvertently responded before she showed up.
    Maybe she will show up if we meet her at her favorite cinnamon roll place she posted a picture of on Hunted Prey?  We know how to get there!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 30, 2019, 05:27:24 PM
    Quote from: Jessica on January 30, 2019, 05:16:24 PM
    @sarah1972 @Alaskan Danielle

    I've gotten 3, but I inadvertently responded before she showed up.
    Maybe she will show up if we meet her at her favorite cinnamon roll place she posted a picture of on Hunted Prey?  We know how to get there!
    Yes! I love this idea!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 31, 2019, 10:13:14 AM
    Jan 31st... ARRRRGH

    Got the official letter for my mammogram... Addressed to "Dear Mr. <last name>". Yeah, I have not changed my documents but it is still aggravating. They screened my boobies. So call me Mrs... Guess their computers are not that smart.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on January 31, 2019, 10:17:44 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 31, 2019, 10:13:14 AM
    Jan 31st... ARRRRGH

    Got the official letter for my mammogram... Addressed to "Dear Mr. <last name>". Yeah, I have not changed my documents but it is still aggravating. They screened my boobies. So call me Mrs... Guess their computers are not that smart.


    Get a move on girl with the name change so this doesn't happen again!

    Did Kiddo make the snowman with you?  It's very cute!

    Hugs and smiles from a California girl
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on January 31, 2019, 10:28:32 AM
    Ha - yes, the snowmen were kiddo and me. She had a blast, especially with the snow colors we used.

    The name change is really a dreaded issue for me. As a German citizen, I have to change everything in Germany first. Currently, they require 3 years of RLE (and a lot of other BS). So I won't be able to tackle this until mid-2020. Then it will be a 6 months process.

    Based on current law, them accepting a foreign name change is very unlikely, but I know a few people are trying and I wait for their outcome. If this works, then there is a precedence I could use...

    Quote from: Jessica on January 31, 2019, 10:17:44 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 31, 2019, 10:13:14 AM
    Jan 31st... ARRRRGH

    Got the official letter for my mammogram... Addressed to "Dear Mr. <last name>". Yeah, I have not changed my documents but it is still aggravating. They screened my boobies. So call me Mrs... Guess their computers are not that smart.


    Get a move on girl with the name change so this doesn't happen again!

    Did Kiddo make the snowman with you?  It's very cute!

    Hugs and smiles from a California girl
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on January 31, 2019, 12:24:05 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 31, 2019, 10:28:32 AM
    Ha - yes, the snowmen were kiddo and me. She had a blast, especially with the snow colors we used.

    The name change is really a dreaded issue for me. As a German citizen, I have to change everything in Germany first. Currently, they require 3 years of RLE (and a lot of other BS). So I won't be able to tackle this until mid-2020. Then it will be a 6 months process.

    Based on current law, them accepting a foreign name change is very unlikely, but I know a few people are trying and I wait for their outcome. If this works, then there is a precedence I could use...

    You should, in most jurisdictions, be able to change your legal name without changing your birth certificate. 

    I have a similar situation in that my birth certificate is British and requires 2 years of RLE to change my gender (not name).  I went ahead and changed my legal name locally anyway, with zero hassles.  I'll do the birth certificate later, once I meet the requirements.  I could get the name on my birth certificate changed now, but that would mean updating it twice, and it is not worth the hassle.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on February 19, 2019, 01:22:00 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on January 31, 2019, 10:28:32 AM
    Ha - yes, the snowmen were kiddo and me. She had a blast, especially with the snow colors we used.

    The name change is really a dreaded issue for me. As a German citizen, I have to change everything in Germany first. Currently, they require 3 years of RLE (and a lot of other BS). So I won't be able to tackle this until mid-2020. Then it will be a 6 months process.

    Based on current law, them accepting a foreign name change is very unlikely, but I know a few people are trying and I wait for their outcome. If this works, then there is a precedence I could use...

    Get a move on girl with the name change so this doesn't happen again!

    Did Kiddo make the snowman with you?  It's very cute!

    Hugs and smiles from a California girl

    Wow Sarah! I had no idea you had to wait that long to change your name. Is that because of a gender change with your name change? It seems cruel to make a person wait that long. People change their name all the time for marriage. I understand and agree with the need to be full time for long periods for GCS. But for name and gender change? It is what it is ???

    Yes I was wondering where you were too. It has been awhile since your last post girl. You almost had Danielle going to stage 3 on you, as much as it would be a delight to see her smiling face at your door, she would be showing you her concern.

    Please let us know when you go in for surgery. Big hugs.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 19, 2019, 02:18:39 PM
    My Dear Sarah:
    Where art thou dear Sarah ???
    You have been missing in action on YOUR THREAD  3 WEEKS
    I am hoping that all is OK with you and that you are just very busy... I get that way sometimes and I have difficulties keeping my own thread updated as often as my followers would like.

    So, please tell us if you feel comfortable doing so, how your life endeavors are going with family, with kiddo, with your work, with your transition journey, with your running group and running training, with your weight loss and of course are there any further updates regarding your upcoming surgery?

    Your followers and I are a curious bunch, and we want to follow your life events as you feel led to share them.
    No "warnings" ;) coming from me this time, just a friendly reminder that I miss you.
    Hugs and hugs and more hugs... and as always my best wishes to you. [emoji176]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on February 19, 2019, 02:27:35 PM
    Yes Sarah, tell us of new adventures!
    Tell us of your hopeful future.
    Tell us of love and life!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on February 20, 2019, 06:33:00 PM
    Feb 20 - busy life

    Oops. Thanks for the nudge @Alaskan Danielle and @Jessica.

    Danielle is very much on track, I have been quite busy. Between my new running friends, work and family my days are packed. I try not to let my new running hobby affect family time, which means I am doing this early in the morning or late at night. This week I am actually taking a bit of a running break after I noticed last Saturday that my body told me to. I could not keep up with my running buddy (funny thing, she kept asking about my husband... Guess she did not notice anything.)

    We do have a social gathering of the running group this weekend and I am very much looking forward to it. A soccer mom rarely gets a chance to go to a bar for a few drinks.

    It seems the increase in anti-anxiety meds is making a huge difference. I am certainly in a really good mood in recent weeks. I also switched Therapists which is making quite a difference. I had outgrown my old Therapist.

    Surgery prep is moving along, still busy with all the work related paperwork for my leave. In some twist, my doctor now recommends I take two months off. Sounds like a good idea to me after watching a few videos of girls having gone through surgery. There is a youtube video of a girl who had a very intense video about her surgery and all the pain related. I had to adjust a few of my plans based on that. It still will not stop me at all.

    My wife has been sick in recent weeks with a cold she could not shake. I did try to get our baby girl out of the house as much as possible to give her time to recover.

    With everything going on, I have barely had time to be on any of my usual social media places (except for my running group).

    Upcoming will be finalizing all the surgery preparation. I also have two more work trips to Kiev and New York ahead of me. I will continue my fitness in a hope that this helps in recovery. I am already planning to take my running shoes on the trips.

    Guess I will continue to be very busy until I am rolled into surgery...

    Thanks again for checking up on me.



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 18, 2019, 12:33:50 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    What do you think you are doing by not making recent postings on your thread ???

    Do you realize that your last posting below is dated February 20th ... that is almost ONE MONTH AGO!!!!
    As one of your stalwart and devoted followers I am starving for your updates....   
    Please post something new here, even if it is just a sentence to let all of know that you are alive and kicking!!!

    I am certain that you are aware what my "warnings" that I give out to those member's threads that I regularly follow... and when I don't see updated postings for a while.... you really want me to get to the point of my 3rd warning???

    I hope and trust that all is OK with you and that you are staying in your happy place....
    Please don't make me worry about you much longer.. please post something!!!! :)

    Hugs and more hugs,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 18, 2019, 08:45:55 PM
    Oops... Has it been that long already? Thanks for the warning @Alaskan Danielle and also thanks to @Faith who pointed out the warning to me.

    I have to admit that the possibility of a "level 3 warning" is very tempting. Especially considering that rumors have it, they get personally delivered with a nice tray of cookies. But I do want to save you the hassle of travel.

    What happened in my life? It remains very busy. I just returned from a work trip to Kyiv where we kicked off a major new project. Given that I had received several warnings from our corporate travel office about the lack of LGBT acceptance I was a bit nervous. As usual, I first observed everything and then quickly adapted. I took a larger suitcase so I had some selection of clothing. I also took (and used) my running gear. My strategy of adapting to my surroundings helped a lot and I could move freely without any issues. I made a new great friend, one of the girls working there who also took me a bit under her wings and even decided that she needs to make sure I am safe using restrooms (well, girls always go in groups). Fun fact: It turned out to be a mixed gender bathroom anyways.

    We had a very productive week with great results and we are far ahead compared to previous projects. Of course, we also had a few "team building" events. Given my special status, I was very cautious with the adult beverages and was always the one with the clearest head. But I needed to make sure I never lose my situational awareness.

    Except during the last night.  I think I drunk posted on this forum about dancing in a club. Yeah, that happened. I was about ready to leave when they started to play several of my favorite songs and I ended up dancing. I am sure you are asking about pictures... they make good blackmail material, let's leave it at that. I just felt free and happy and hot, all at the same time and I had an awesome evening. Not realizing some dysphoria building, given that all other women were in their mid 20's with picture perfect bodies. That hit me on the plane back home and I had to cry for a little bit. I am better now.

    I am still in contact with my new friend and we keep playing a fun little game where we give each other five words and then have to write a short story containing these five words. We do learn a lot about each other from these stories.

    Today marks the begin of the  "final countdown": I had my first pre-surgical checkup. Everything went great, now waiting for my blood tests so I can hand everything to Keelee MacPhee next week when I see her for my second checkup. Still a few things to do in the next 30 days before V-Day. I have started a box with all the supplies on my list. Most will come from Amazon, but there are a few things I will get locally. About time I stop the Spiro, my Potassium levels were a bit increased during my annual checkup.

    Besides that? Kiddo turned three years old earlier this month, I am still active in my running group and even signed up as a volunteer for a local race a few weeks after my surgery. I will not be able to run but I can help out. I will have my last training session for a while this Friday and hair removal will take a break after the end of the months. I am almost fully cleared in the bikini zone, the rest will come off with a follicle scrape during surgery.

    Time for me to finish up my five-word story for today and then go to bed early since I am still jetlagged.

    Thanks again for following.

    Hugs, Sarah

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 18, 2019, 12:33:50 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    What do you think you are doing by not making recent postings on your thread ???

    Do you realize that your last posting below is dated February 20th ... that is almost ONE MONTH AGO!!!!
    As one of your stalwart and devoted followers I am starving for your updates....   
    Please post something new here, even if it is just a sentence to let all of know that you are alive and kicking!!!

    I am certain that you are aware what my "warnings" that I give out to those member's threads that I regularly follow... and when I don't see updated postings for a while.... you really want me to get to the point of my 3rd warning???

    I hope and trust that all is OK with you and that you are staying in your happy place....
    Please don't make me worry about you much longer.. please post something!!!! :)

    Hugs and more hugs,

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on March 18, 2019, 09:29:58 PM
    I want to read the drunk post! How did I miss that??
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 19, 2019, 08:58:56 AM
    Quote from: Faith on March 18, 2019, 09:29:58 PM
    I want to read the drunk post! How did I miss that??

    No worries Faith, it was just a one-liner...,176526.msg2236293.html#msg2236293

    I know I sent some embarrassing pictures to some members here...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 19, 2019, 09:03:49 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 19, 2019, 08:58:56 AM

    No worries Faith, it was just a one-liner...,176526.msg2236293.html#msg2236293

    I know I sent some embarrassing pictures to some members here...
    Dear Sarah:
    Hopefully, you kept your clothes on...... ;) ;) ;) ;)
    But if you can recall, did you have a good time? ???
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 19, 2019, 09:23:01 AM
    SNIPPED quote from Sarah1972
    I have to admit that the possibility of a "level 3 warning" is very tempting. Especially considering that rumors have it, they get personally delivered with a nice tray of cookies. But I do want to save you the hassle of travel.
    Dear Sarah:
    You are not the only member that gets very close to my "Level 3 Warning" that I regularly and faithfully follow... 
    It does get expensive for me to execute such a warning, I personally show up at your doorstep to give you my plate of cookies and a warm hug... and a stern talking to....
    ....and during my busy tax season I can't afford the time off, so thank you for coming back to your thread to post your update again.

    It sounds like your business trip went very well, and it was so good to read that you had no issues with being "Sarah" ... and new friends, and fun included.

    I imagine it was very nice to get back home to your family... there is no place like home.
    ... and your kiddo is 3 YEARS OLD ....  a very fun age, an energy filled jumping ball of JOY for sure.

    So very exciting to read that your "V-Day" is just around the corner....  all of your followers and I will be eagerly following your V-Day journey!!!

    It is now Tuesday, I suppose that your jet-lag is starting to wear off.
    I hope that your day at work goes well for you....  lots of coffee may be required.

    Well Sarah, in conclusion, another "Level 3 Warning" averted!!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on March 19, 2019, 09:35:49 AM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 19, 2019, 09:23:01 AM
    SNIPPED quote from Sarah1972@sarah1972
    Dear Sarah:
    You are not the only member that gets very close to my "Level 3 Warning" that I regularly and faithfully follow... 
    It does get expensive for me to execute such a warning, I personally show up at your doorstep to give you my plate of cookies and a warm hug... and a stern talking to

    I haven't had a chance to post in a while. I'm so looking forward to those cookies!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 19, 2019, 10:45:03 AM
    Hi @Steph2.0 - I have an idea which could help @Alaskan Danielle:

    All of the east coast members could stop posting. Then @Alaskan Danielle only has to take one flight and then drive up or down the east coast to hand out her warnings. To save her some time, we may have to find a pilot to fly her up the east coast in small increments... Oh wait, we have that ;)



    Quote from: Steph2.0 on March 19, 2019, 09:35:49 AM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 19, 2019, 09:23:01 AM
    SNIPPED quote from Sarah1972@sarah1972
    Dear Sarah:
    You are not the only member that gets very close to my "Level 3 Warning" that I regularly and faithfully follow... 
    It does get expensive for me to execute such a warning, I personally show up at your doorstep to give you my plate of cookies and a warm hug... and a stern talking to

    I haven't had a chance to post in a while. I'm so looking forward to those cookies!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on March 19, 2019, 10:56:23 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 19, 2019, 10:45:03 AM
    Hi @Steph2.0 - I have an idea which could help @Alaskan Danielle:

    All of the east coast members could stop posting. Then @Alaskan Danielle only has to take one flight and then drive up or down the east coast to hand out her warnings. To save her some time, we may have to find a pilot to fly her up the east coast in small increments... Oh wait, we have that ;)

    Okay, I'm not posting any more.

    Wait. I just did. Dang it!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on March 19, 2019, 04:00:36 PM
    HA!!! I'm not on the east coast. I can still post all I want. Na.. na na na.. na...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 19, 2019, 09:31:11 PM
    Hm... I think you where actually one of the members I sent pictures.

    In all fairness, I was a bit buzzed but not drunk. I am all about situational awareness and on top one of the guys reporting to me was there too, so was my boss. These two had at least double the number of drinks and behaved accordingly.

    Also, the clothes stayed on. I did get a couple of flirtatious looks from men, one was especially persistent but they were all easy to resist. Given the competition, I was not worried.

    It really felt incredible to be me, have fun and just enjoy the night, a magic feeling of freedom. My pantyhose had holes on the feet... I had way too much fun and I know I will be back there on my next trip.

    Thanks for your concern!



    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 19, 2019, 08:58:56 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    Hopefully, you kept your clothes on...... ;) ;) ;) ;)
    But if you can recall, did you have a good time? ???
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 23, 2019, 02:28:17 PM
    March 23 - We'll always have Vermont -  24D17H

    Before I run risk of another warning, a quick update.

    The week has been filled with a turmoil of emotions. Good emotions. Happy emotions. Emotions, I did not know I had. It took a few days to sort everything out with a more than positive result.

    Besides that... not much new. Busy work schedule.

    Today I started a box for "Sarah's V-Day supplies" and went to buy a few things for the box. Almost everything has been ordered by now and I am waiting for the packages to show up.

    Still waiting on the blood test results from last week.
    Next Tuesday I will see my surgeon for another checkup, sign a bunch of papers and pay all the fees.

    The week after will be my last business trip before going on leave.

    Hope everyone is well!



    PS... bonus points who figures out where the title comes from...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on March 23, 2019, 02:37:49 PM
    I am glad things are going well.  It is exciting that your surgery preparations are nearing completion.

    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 23, 2019, 02:28:17 PM
    PS... bonus points who figures out where the title comes from...
    Too obvious: Casablanca: "We'll always have Paris."
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on March 23, 2019, 05:52:53 PM
    Dear Sarah!
    Good to hear you are doing well and enjoying the real you.

    Whoohoo! Your surgery is coming up fast. I hope you can keep us informed as to your recovery progress.


    P.S. How about Canadian bacon instead of pineapple on pizza? ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 25, 2019, 04:25:22 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Wow-whee!!!  only 22 days until "V" Day !
    I am excited for you...
    have no worries and please don't have too much anxiety....
    any pain and discomfort will soon be forgotten.

    I will be eagerly looking for your updates as time goes on.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 26, 2019, 01:29:09 PM
    I just left Dr. MacPhee's office for my final checkup...

    All looks good heath wise, no major blockers. I need to go on blood thinners pre surgery since I have a fairly high DVT risk.

    As I had already suspected: there is not a huge amount of skin to work with and I had to decide between definition of the labia and depth. We agreed on a compromise and she is confident she can get about 6 inches of depth.

    Then of course, we went through all the pre-surgery preparation and I had to sign a ton of papers...

    Final signature was for a check to pay all the surgeon fees. The hospital bills the insurance directly.

    And that was it... I see her again in 3 weeks! The only shocker was, I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM!!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 26, 2019, 01:38:05 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for keeping me and all of your followers updated with your progress as you are
    going towards your V-Day.... in just 21 DAYS !!!!!    Exciting for sure.

    Hmmm, usually before surgeries the doctors don't want a patient on blood thinners but with the DVT risk that is understandable...   certain blood thinners like Warfarin can be reversed quickly in case of excess bleeding but there are some that can not...  your doctor knows best!!!   Have you had DVTs in the past? ???

    Please try not to have too much anxiety over all of this upcoming "life changing" surgery  but rather enjoy the excitement!

    Hugs and best wishes to you...

    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 26, 2019, 01:29:09 PM
    I just left Dr. MacPhee's office for my final checkup...

    All looks good heath wise, no major blockers. I need to go on blood thinners pre surgery since I have a fairly high DVT risk.

    As I had already suspected: there is not a huge amount of skin to work with and I had to decide between definition of the labia and depth. We agreed on a compromise and she is confident she can get about 6 inches of depth.

    Then of course, we went through all the pre-surgery preparation and I had to sign a ton of papers...

    Final signature was for a check to pay all the surgeon fees. The hospital bills the insurance directly.

    And that was it... I see her again in 3 weeks! The only shocker was, I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM!!!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 26, 2019, 02:27:07 PM
    Dear Danielle -

    Thanks for your quick comments! There are days where I wonder how you manage to respond so quick [emoji2].

    The blood thinners will only be administered on the off the surgery and the day after as a precaution.

    I am not particularly anxious. My emotional turmoil caused a few moments of uncertainty if I do want this, but then I remembered that I have been waiting for this day ever since I had joined Susan's and read that this is even a possibility...

    Now there is nothing else to do. Two more electrolysis in the bikini area, pack my suitcase (lots of comfortable clothes) and wait... good that work is keeping me busy until then.



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 26, 2019, 01:38:05 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thank you for keeping me and all of your followers updated with your progress as you are
    going towards your V-Day.... in just 21 DAYS !!!!!    Exciting for sure.

    Hmmm, usually before surgeries the doctors don't want a patient on blood thinners but with the DVT risk that is understandable...   certain blood thinners like Warfarin can be reversed quickly in case of excess bleeding but there are some that can not...  your doctor knows best!!!   Have you had DVTs in the past? ???

    Please try not to have too much anxiety over all of this upcoming "life changing" surgery  but rather enjoy the excitement!

    Hugs and best wishes to you...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on March 26, 2019, 02:29:11 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 26, 2019, 01:29:09 PM
    I just left Dr. MacPhee's office for my final checkup .........I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM!!!!

    WHAT??  I'd reschedule ........ no I wouldn't :D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 26, 2019, 02:49:39 PM
    Quote from: Faith on March 26, 2019, 02:29:11 PM
    WHAT??  I'd reschedule ........ no I wouldn't :D
    Hahaha!!! I was about to ask for a later hour...

    You are an early bird Faith!!!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on March 26, 2019, 02:54:19 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 26, 2019, 02:49:39 PM
    Hahaha!!! I was about to ask for a later hour...

    You are an early bird Faith!!!



    yeah, most days I'm at work at 6-6:15 am
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 26, 2019, 06:50:48 PM
    Quote from: Faith on March 26, 2019, 02:54:19 PM
    yeah, most days I'm at work at 6-6:15 am

    @Faith   @sarah1972
    I usually roll out of bed before 5:30AM and get to my office by 6:15AM or so... 
    ...the next door coffee shop opens at 6:00AM so there is no need to get to work any earlier!!!!

    The early bird gets the worm...
, Sarah, if you want worms like Faith and I do, you should try getting up a little earlier!!!   ;) :o

    Hugs, and best wishes to you both.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on March 26, 2019, 08:15:35 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 26, 2019, 06:50:48 PM

    The early bird gets the worm...

    Yes, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese! (Can you tell that I'm not a morning person?)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 26, 2019, 09:02:18 PM
    You make a very valid point @Steph2.0...

    The good news is: If I wake up at 6:00, I can still be at my desk at 6:15, given that my commute consists of one flight of stairs. Also no one - except me - cares if I am still in my PJ's by noon...

    On the bright side: I now work with a few international teams and that means I have to get up a lot earlier. Kiddo starts pre-school in June and needs to be dropped off at 7:00... so I need to shift my days. I am however a night owl.

    and this morning, I rolled out of bed at 4:45... but that was to catch a flight to see my surgeon...



    Quote from: Steph2.0 on March 26, 2019, 08:15:35 PM
    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 26, 2019, 06:50:48 PM

    The early bird gets the worm...

    Yes, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese! (Can you tell that I'm not a morning person?)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on March 27, 2019, 10:23:31 AM
    Yes they always want you to check in by 5:30 or so. I had to get @AvaNovum at the hospital for her FFS by 5:30 but we had to leave her place at 4:30am to be on time. It's about a hours drive. It's not really a big deal for of us because I usually roll out of bed around 4:00am anyway.

    I would certainly want the labia to look normal too. It seems like most people get around 6 inches of depth so it sounds like your decision to compromise is a good choice.

    Hugs Sarah!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 27, 2019, 12:04:26 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Your special and exciting day is coming soon!!

    V-Day in 20 days ! :o

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 27, 2019, 01:02:18 PM
    OMG!!! YES!!! I know... time is flying...

    exactly 21 days from this time, I will be waking up from my surgery and I will see my wife, kiddo and my BFF! I remember when I made the appointment, it was well over 100 days to go. Now we are down to a few more days.

    Thanks for your good wishes @Alaskan Danielle !



    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 27, 2019, 12:04:26 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Your special and exciting day is coming soon!!

    V-Day in 20 days ! :o


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on March 27, 2019, 01:15:24 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 27, 2019, 01:02:18 PM
    OMG!!! YES!!! I know... time is flying...

    exactly 21 days from this time, I will be waking up from my surgery and I will see my wife, kiddo and my BFF! I remember when I made the appointment, it was well over 100 days to go. Now we are down to a few more days.

    Thanks for your good wishes @Alaskan Danielle !



    Wow Sarah, just wow!

    Hugs and smiles with a topping of luck, Jess
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 27, 2019, 01:40:02 PM
    I should mention another big SQUEEEEEE and Wow-Whee moment...

    When I picked up all the prescription for the surgery, I did for the first time ever receiving medication with a label stating "For Vaginal Use Only"...

    No use for it yet... but SOOON!

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 27, 2019, 01:43:12 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 27, 2019, 01:40:02 PM
    I should mention another big SQUEEEEEE and Wow-Whee moment...

    When I picked up all the prescription for the surgery, I did for the first time ever receiving medication with a label stating "For Vaginal Use Only"...

    No use for it yet... but SOOON!

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
    Dear Sarah:
    These kinds of small happenings can be so very affirming for sure!

    HMM, did you ask for your pharmacist "consultation" when you picked it up? ???    ;)

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Finding Lauren on March 27, 2019, 03:54:45 PM

    I love the idea of a website determination of gender.  At 16 I felt I was cute, and just nicely girlish for a boy.  I should try some of those pictures.
    I got dysphoric after 16, seeing what testosterone was doing to me.  It would be so nice for a program even to get my gender right.
    My best shot is with a blue sweater.  I'll submit that in black and white, just in case blue marks me male.
    Wish me luck!
    I'm sending you positive energy for your big day girl.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on March 29, 2019, 03:34:23 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 27, 2018, 12:14:59 PM
    Mar 27 2018 - 2 years, part 1

    What I never thought is that some of my dysphoria shifted. When I embarked on that journey, I was very convinced that I could not be bothered about using wrong pronouns and name. Well, now I am. And most recently I started correcting people and state clearly how I want to be addressed. Same applies to Genital Dysphoria. Given how much time each week I spent looking at surgeons, I know I need to take a next step in the future.

    Wow... this was a post one year ago. Me talking about looking for a surgeon... 19 more days!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on March 29, 2019, 03:44:31 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on March 27, 2019, 01:40:02 PM
    I should mention another big SQUEEEEEE and Wow-Whee moment...

    When I picked up all the prescription for the surgery, I did for the first time ever receiving medication with a label stating "For Vaginal Use Only"...

    No use for it yet... but SOOON!

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    I have sooo much to learn. 19 more days. Wow-Whee indeed!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 29, 2019, 04:31:35 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    You have highlighted one of the best things about keeping our personal transition threads active, and this also goes for my personal pen and paper journal I keep up to date with current entrees.

    On cold rainy nights, many times I find myself looking back at many of my first Hunted Prey postings and the wonderful reply comments that my followers have posted...  it is amazing how everything has changed in just a short time.   My personal pen and paper journal goes way back many years long before made my transition decisions so it provides me with a lot more thought provoking and interesting reading that reminds me of where I had been and the place that I have now come to.

    I am wishing your well with your upcoming surgery and happiness and satisfaction with your "new" life as the new "surgically enhanced" Sarah.   (hmmm, I hope that "surgically enhanced" did not come off badly, if so, please forgive me)

    You have my HUGS and well wishes,  thank you for all that you share.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 08, 2019, 08:28:52 AM
    April 8 - 9 days!!!

    Wow, I am down to a single digit countdown. It started sinking in when I prepared my weekly pill box. I did take a picture of the very last Spiro I took to commemorate. Estrogen is also phased out over the next 3 days until the week after surgery.

    I am crazy busy spinning faster than a jet engine to get everything done, work handed off and making sure I have everything prepared to be out of commission for a few days.

    Many people ask me, how I am doing and if I am excited or scared. I am not, I am just plain busy. The ToDo list still keeps getting longer and longer.

    I keep this short...



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on April 08, 2019, 08:41:23 AM
    Good morning Sarah. We know who said it, A busy girl is a happy girl. As I have read, Things won't sink in till the last day or two when you have all the time in the world to think about things. Whoohoo!!!

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Michelle_P on April 08, 2019, 10:49:21 AM
    I hope you have a couple days just before the big day set aside for quiet, and relaxing.  It can help!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Rachel on April 08, 2019, 11:02:16 AM
    Congratulation , I am excited for you.

    The last week will fly by very fast.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 14, 2019, 08:14:32 AM
    72 hours to go before my surgery starts and I am finally starting to get excited. Still super busy between laundry and packing.

    Tomorrow we will drive to North Carolina, Tuesday is preparation day and then I have to check in at 6:00 am Wednesday morning!!!!

    Not much more to report right now.

    I will try to post once more before and then of course as soon as I am of somewhat clear mind Wednesday afternoon...

    V-Day is coming!!!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: LizK on April 14, 2019, 08:24:27 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 08, 2019, 08:28:52 AM
    April 8 - 9 days!!!

    Many people ask me, how I am doing and if I am excited or scared. I am not, I am just plain busy. The ToDo list still keeps getting longer and longer.

    I keep this short...




    That had to be the most frequently asked question I got...and for the longest time I wasn't....until about 6 hours before my op then I got excited and scared and excited and scared and emotional...and then the last emotion as the gave me the jungle juice was relief and I cried

    Tick tick tick

    Take care

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 16, 2019, 06:37:22 PM
    11 H to go...

    Arrived in NC and starting all the "fun" preparation. Talked to my hospital today, and completed the mandatory pre-treatments....

    Pro Tip: Buy the softest TP on the planet... ;D ;D ;D

    More soon!!!



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on April 16, 2019, 06:40:43 PM
    Good luck Sarah. We're all hoping for the perfect outcome and speedy recovery.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on April 17, 2019, 06:52:55 AM
    Good luck, Sarah!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 17, 2019, 07:45:06 AM
    Hello everyone,

    I know I have been MIA for a long time now. I will start a new thread to tell you about my absence a little later.

    Right now, I am here to give an update on Sarah. I came to the hospital with her this morning. It's amazing how calm and relaxed she has been. I was with her in the pre surgery prep area and it was easy to see how happy and at peace she is with having this surgery. I also briefly met her surgeon who seems like a very lovely lady and made me feel comfortable that Sarah will be in good hands. It was very tempting to ask her if she could do a two for one deal while I was here, but this is Sarah's day today [emoji846]. About 90 minutes ago, a nurse rolled her away in a hospital bed through some double doors where only patients and staff are permitted and on to the OR. By now, Sarah should be comfortably asleep and the doctors doing their what they do best to make Sarah's lifelong dream a reality.

    There is not much else to say for now. It's just waiting time until the surgery is complete.

    It is a wonderful privilege and honour to be here for Sarah on this amazing part of her journey.

    More later.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on April 17, 2019, 09:42:02 AM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on April 17, 2019, 07:45:06 AM
    Hello everyone,

    I know I have been MIA for a long time now. I will start a new thread to tell you about my absence a little later.

    Right now, I am here to give an update on Sarah. I came to the hospital with her this morning. It's amazing how calm and relaxed she has been. I was with her in the pre surgery prep area and it was easy to see how happy and at peace she is with having this surgery. I also briefly met her surgeon who seems like a very lovely lady and made me feel comfortable that Sarah will be in good hands. It was very tempting to ask her if she could do a two for one deal while I was here, but this is Sarah's day today [emoji846]. About 90 minutes ago, a nurse rolled her away in a hospital bed through some double doors where only patients and staff are permitted and on to the OR. By now, Sarah should be comfortably asleep and the doctors doing their what they do best to make Sarah's lifelong dream a reality.

    There is not much else to say for now. It's just waiting time until the surgery is complete.

    It is a wonderful privilege and honour to be here for Sarah on this amazing part of her journey.

    More later.


    Crossing my fingers! 🌸💕🌸💕
    Title: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 17, 2019, 12:50:34 PM
    Sarah is out of surgery and out of recovery. She is in good spirits and now resting in her room. I spoke with the surgeon. She is happy with the result and told me the procedure went well. Sarah is still feeling the effects of the anaesthesia which will take a little while to come out of her system. She isn't feeling any pain at this time.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on April 17, 2019, 02:33:49 PM
    Quote from: Jayne01 on April 17, 2019, 12:50:34 PM
    Sarah is our of surgery and out of recovery. She is in good spirits and now resting in her room. I spoke with the surgeon. She is happy with the result and told me the procedure went well. Sarah is still feeling the effects of the anaesthesia which will take a little while to come out of her system. She isn't feeling any pain at this time.


    Yay! Send her our love!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on April 17, 2019, 03:12:00 PM
    Great news Jayne! Thanks for being there for Sarah. A true friend indeed. I'm guessing Sarah will probably be out for most of the day. We're awaiting to hear more new.

    P.S. Don't let Danielle get wind of your absence. You know how worried she gets.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 17, 2019, 05:44:49 PM
    I have a very very special BFF who took the time to come here all the way around d the world to be here with me and to update everyone on the progress.

    It has been a few hours and I just saw Dr MacPhee- everything went well, over 6 ich bit a bit on the narrow side.

    Tolerable pain right now...

    More later
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jayne01 on April 17, 2019, 05:49:56 PM
    So happy for you girl. I'm so happy that I was able to get the time off work to be here with you for this.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on April 17, 2019, 05:50:47 PM
    It's a girl!
    Congratulations Sarah 🌸🌸🌸[/size]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: KathyLauren on April 17, 2019, 07:31:10 PM
    Congratulations, Sarah!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Cindy on April 18, 2019, 04:19:19 AM
     Congratulations Sarah,

    Much Love and Many kisses
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: HappyMoni on April 18, 2019, 09:29:24 AM
    Very happy for you Sarah! Glad it went so well! Now rest up and heal!  ;D
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 18, 2019, 09:48:52 AM
    Wonderful news.  Thanks for the update Jayne and best of luck in healing Sarah.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 18, 2019, 10:23:56 AM
    Look who cam by for a surprise visit...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Mariah on April 18, 2019, 10:25:57 AM
    Yep something I dealt with very early on and haven't switched back since. Hugs
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 16, 2019, 06:37:22 PM
    11 H to go...

    Arrived in NC and starting all the "fun" preparation. Talked to my hospital today, and completed the mandatory pre-treatments....

    Pro Tip: Buy the softest TP on the planet... ;D ;D ;D

    More soon!!!


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Mariah on April 18, 2019, 10:28:35 AM
    jayne01 thank you for keeping us all updated. Sarah congrats. It only gets better from here, but I'm so glad to here everything has went well. Hugs
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Michelle_P on April 18, 2019, 11:20:52 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 18, 2019, 10:23:56 AM
    Look who cam by for a surprise visit...


    Wow!  Congratulations, Sarah!   On both your very successful procedure, and on finding something that could lure those two into a visit and even posing for a photo!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: mm on April 18, 2019, 11:42:26 AM
    Congratulations and keep us updated.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: steph2.0 on April 18, 2019, 01:04:25 PM
    Quote from: Michelle_P on April 18, 2019, 11:20:52 AM
    Wow!  Congratulations, Sarah!   On both your very successful procedure, and on finding something that could lure those two into a visit and even posing for a photo!

    Oh my gosh! Why didn't I hear about this meetup?!! You girls are getting so sneaky.

    And look, everyone is smiling - even my lovely southern neighbor... sorta...

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on April 18, 2019, 02:42:23 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 18, 2019, 10:23:56 AM
    Look who cam by for a surprise visit...


    Wow!!! Look at all those cute ladies. I'm impressed! They already got you out of bed? You look great Sarah.

    Oh! I think somebody forgot to tell Steph about the meetup :o
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 18, 2019, 10:58:07 PM
    Wow, what a beautiful group you three are!   I'm impressed that you're up Sarah.  Sarah Strong!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 19, 2019, 08:18:18 PM
    April 19th - post op report

    Thank all who have taken time to congratulate and comment on these incredible few days.

    Last I remember is my bed being pulled through a door to the OR. Then I remember waking up and wondering why they woke me up... Well, they were already done. 3 hours on the OR table. I stayed for two nights in a local hospital and have been discharged since. Now I am in a hotel close by. I could not lay in bed anymore, I had to get up and walk around. The pain is well controlled and absolutely tolerable.  I am very tired and could constantly sleep, but that is expected. Some light bleeding but nothing to be worried about. One of the nurses took a picture of it... Now I have proof.

    Jayne and my family are here to help out in an incredible way. Getting in and out of cars or the bed/chairs is an amusing experience, but I can say that all the strength training I did beforehand comes in very handy.

    I am already walking quite a bit, but I also know that I need to catch some sleep...

    More later... Oh and here are two more pictures... Me about to be discharged..


    And of course, I did get some sweet "It's a girl" balloons. Thank you @Jayne01 !

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 19, 2019, 08:32:40 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    I am so glad to see the updates that describe your special days and special procedures at the hospital.
    Thank you for feeling free to share so freely with all of your readers and followers. 
    .... and.... your HAPPY PICTURE that you posted on your last comments is a picture of a beautiful and very happy woman.

    As with most of the members here on the Forums, I have been closely following your "transformation" over the last year or more and I am rooting for your success and happiness in your life as you continue on.

    I am very envious of @Jayne01  and  @Faith that they were able to be with you during your "special" days.   I am most certain that you much appreciated their in-person support.   

    Of course Jayne gets a special prize for coming all the way from Australia to be with you!!!!!... and thank you Jayne for keeping us updated during the times that Sarah was not able to post on her thread.

    Many HUGS and best wishes as always,

    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 19, 2019, 08:18:18 PM
    April 19th - post op report

    Thank all who have taken time to congratulate and comment on these incredible few days.

    Last I remember is my bed being pulled through a door to the OR. Then I remember waking up and wondering why they woke me up... Well, they were already done. 3 hours on the OR table. I stayed for two nights in a local hospital and have been discharged since. Now I am in a hotel close by. I could not lay in bed anymore, I had to get up and walk around. The pain is well controlled and absolutely tolerable.  I am very tired and could constantly sleep, but that is expected. Some light bleeding but nothing to be worried about. One of the nurses took a picture of it... Now I have proof.

    Jayne and my family are here to help out in an incredible way. Getting in and out of cars or the bed/chairs is an amusing experience, but I can say that all the strength training I did beforehand comes in very handy.

    I am already walking quite a bit, but I also know that I need to catch some sleep...

    More later... Oh and here are two more pictures

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Linde on April 19, 2019, 09:19:35 PM
    Someway I missed this thread!
    Congratulations for you, and I hope you will have a very speedy and event free recovery!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 22, 2019, 07:17:15 AM
    5 days!!!

    Wow, it has been five days already since I had GRS... Amazing how fast time flew. I am still down in NC, spending most of the time on a couch with ice packs. They have helped to keep swelling down but. am still pretty bruised up and there is all this healing sensation which can get quite overwhelming at times. I need to watch my hydration and it is easy to just stay on the couch all day, but a girl has to also care for herself.

    Thanks, I have my dear @Jayne01 around to keep me moving and motivated. 2 more days until I can start E back up and 3 more days before I get the packing removed and meet "my 3 new friends" for the first time.

    All I can say is that there is a lot of new and interesting sensation going on down there... ;D ;D ;D

    So much for now...



    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Linde on April 22, 2019, 08:25:33 AM
    This sounds very positive Sarah, just watch the wound and mention any unusual warm/hot sensations to your doc to make sure that you can catch any possible wound infection or UTI as early as possible!

    I wish you a continuous easy and event free recovery!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 22, 2019, 11:27:47 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    I am continuously thinking of you and wishing you well with your recovery from your surgery...
    ... this is all very exciting for sure.   New sensations, new appearance and the "new you"
    Soon you will be able to wear tights, leggings, swim suits, and any clothing that you wish without worrying about hiding any "unusual" bulges!   ;)

    How much longer before you can go home?   Oh, and long will our dear friend @Jayne01 be able to stay with you before going back to Sydney?  I am so very glad that she is able to be by your side during all of this.

    Thank you for keeping all of your followers up to date with your exciting life changing endeavors.

    Hugs and as always my thoughts are with you and I always am wishing you the best.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: davina61 on April 22, 2019, 04:15:43 PM
    Woops missed this (have been busy) congrats , have a speedy recovery and WELL DONE XXXXXX
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 22, 2019, 04:35:01 PM
    Thank you @Alaskan Danielle, @davina61, and @Dietlind.

    I will be leaving this area for home on Saturday, I will get the packing removed on Thursday and then also instructed how to dilate.

    You are correct, I am looking very much forward to being able to wear a few additional articles of clothing I had to be very careful within the past. It is pretty amazing, I can see under all the bruising and zink cream how it will look in the future and one of the nurses was kind enough to take a picture before it started swelling.

    @Jayne01 is still here with me. She is so amazing and always there to help me out. She also takes me out on walks and makes sure I do get to walk a little bit every day. I am sooo grateful for her taking the time and hang out with me,


    We are already at a stage where we start hanging at the mall :-)

    I will report more later,

    Hugs - Sarah

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on April 22, 2019, 11:27:47 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    I am continuously thinking of you and wishing you well with your recovery from your surgery...
    ... this is all very exciting for sure.   New sensations, new appearance and the "new you"
    Soon you will be able to wear tights, leggings, swim suits, and any clothing that you wish without worrying about hiding any "unusual" bulges!   ;)

    How much longer before you can go home?   Oh, and long will our dear friend @Jayne01 be able to stay with you before going back to Sydney?  I am so very glad that she is able to be by your side during all of this.

    Thank you for keeping all of your followers up to date with your exciting life changing endeavors.

    Hugs and as always my thoughts are with you and I always am wishing you the best.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 22, 2019, 05:16:12 PM
    @sarah1972   @Jayne01
    Dear Sarah and Jayne:
    Wow-Whee ... what a wonderful and beautiful picture of you two gals!!!!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Hugs to both of you  [emoji173]   [emoji173]
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Linde on April 22, 2019, 07:06:30 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 22, 2019, 04:35:01 PM

    We are already at a stage where we start hanging at the mall :-)

    I will report more later,

    Hugs - Sarah
    You better be careful, if one is a chronic shopper like I am, the mall can be more expensive than the surgery!

    Hope everything continuous on this positive path!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 23, 2019, 06:19:26 AM
    Woke up this morning and for the first time, I noticed that swelling had gone down quite a bit. It felt nice. It seems the pain and discomforts are primarily caused by the packing and the catheter and they will come out Thursday. I constantly keep ice on the area which seems to help a lot.

    Best comments so far:

    - "Welcome to the club" (my sister)
    - "Yea u should def always sit on the toilet" (a cis friend after I asked about a user manual for the new parts)

    I am starting to get back on Hormones today :-)

    It still feels amazing to finally have the (mostly) right body.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: CynthiaAnn on April 23, 2019, 06:50:42 AM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 23, 2019, 06:19:26 AM

    I am starting to get back on Hormones today :-)

    It still feels amazing to finally have the (mostly) right body.

    It's wonderful feeling taking the first dose post op, I know it was for me.

    Heal well

    Cynthia -
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Anne Blake on April 23, 2019, 08:36:15 AM
    Remember, you have had major surgery and it will take time to get back up to full speed. For me it seemed to take forever.....but, it is so worth it. Girl, it just gets better from here!

    Best wishes,
    Tia Anne
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on April 23, 2019, 01:36:52 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on April 22, 2019, 04:35:01 PM
    Thank you @Alaskan Danielle, @davina61, and @Dietlind.

    I will be leaving this area for home on Saturday, I will get the packing removed on Thursday and then also instructed how to dilate.

    You are correct, I am looking very much forward to being able to wear a few additional articles of clothing I had to be very careful within the past. It is pretty amazing, I can see under all the bruising and zink cream how it will look in the future and one of the nurses was kind enough to take a picture before it started swelling.

    @Jayne01 is still here with me. She is so amazing and always there to help me out. She also takes me out on walks and makes sure I do get to walk a little bit every day. I am sooo grateful for her taking the time and hang out with me,


    We are already at a stage where we start hanging at the mall :-)

    I will report more later,

    Hugs - Sarah

    Whoo-hoo! What lovely smiles Sarah and Jayne. SQUEEE!!! Yes indeed. Think of all the great clothes you can wear now. I love the colors on your dress in your previous post.

    You are recovering much faster that the other girls I've followed. I hope my GCS goes this well. Kudos girl.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on April 26, 2019, 11:27:29 AM
    Apr 26 - 9 days post op

    Time flies, and it has already been 9 days since my surgery. Yesterday was my first post-op appointment with Keelee MacPhee. Everything looks OK, there is a bit of separation and some swelling. I am still keeping the entire area cold using ice packs in hopes that the swelling does subside soon. Pain is tolerable but the right labia is so swollen that it hurts without ice on it. Also, the nerves re-connecting is causing a bit of discomfort. Nothing which cannot be controlled using ibuprofen.
    I had the packing and catheter removed and did get an introduction into dilating. About to start my first official session soon. Oh... And she managed to give me more than 7 inches of depth! It will be a bit narrow due to my bone structure but certainly usable. I am still very happy with the look of it. There is a little bit of separation on the bottom part, but she was not worried about it. I think it happened when I tried to pick something up from the floor.

    She also made me insert a finger and clinch some muscles... It was a bit strange a first, but then I realized... OMG... I can insert a finger into my Vagina!!! SQUEEEEEEE... It did feel about as I had expected, which is good.

    I am still somewhat weak and spend a lot of time laying down, but I already had days with over 10k steps, so I am moving around and of course, have been to the mall shopping for new outfits.

    Tomorrow morning, I will be leaving North Carolina for home. @Jayne01 will drive me home, so my kid does not have to sit in the car two days in a row. BFF road trip!!!

    Still, a lot to get used to. Peeing was about as expected in the beginning, a big mess. It is getting better now and I am sure in a few days I have it fully under control, the swelling needs to go away a little more. Also still getting used to a very different feeling. I caught myself thinking I need to scratch my scrotum... Which scrotum? 😂😂😂

    Overall very happy with lots of smiling. A friend of mine said, that I look much more female than before...
    And I am glad I decided to take two months off for recovery. This will take a lot longer than I thought...

    I am extremely grateful that my BFF @Jayne01 was here with me and helped me get through this time. It did not only help me but also my wife and kid greatly to get through this time. Thank you, my dear Jayne!!!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on April 26, 2019, 11:53:54 AM
    Dear Sarah:
    I am so very happy to read your "good news" update.
    It sounds like your recovery is going about as good as it can get.

    I had to smile when you mentioned about the depth... and about testing things with your finger and clinching your muscles down there.... certainly new and strange and very wonderful feelings for sure.

    Yes indeed, our mutual very good friend  @Jayne01  is a sweerheart for being by your side during your big life changing events.

    Thank you for keeping us all updated... I will be eagerly looking for your new updates as you post them.

    HUGS 🤗
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on April 26, 2019, 08:55:07 PM
    Sarah I am so glad to hear your recovery is going great.  Many thanks to Jayne for being there with you (quite the drive from Australia), Faith also visiting, and your family.  Irreplaceable memories and a wonderful future. 

    As time goes on, everything will feel natural and just right.  No owner's manual needed.  ;)
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on April 28, 2019, 11:49:21 AM
    Yay!!! Congratulations Sarah. SQUEEEEE!!!!!. Have a safe trip home.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 01, 2019, 08:51:31 PM
    May 1 two weeks

    Time for a two week update...

    I am back home with my family and Jayne also left Monday back home to Australia. Her help during the surgery was so incredibly valuable and I am eternally grateful for her having taken the trip.

    Healing is slow and was impaired by a UTI which I most likely contracted from the catheter. I hope the antibiotics do their job.

    Swelling is almost gone. Still some pressure in a few areas but I keep it cool.

    There is still some bleeding, mostly around the urethra and the separation I had at the lower end.

    Dilation remains a bit of a problem, I am not at the size I should be by now. But I keep trying and it slowly gets better. At least the 7 inch depths remains so far.i hope once the UTI is gone, that it does get easier.

    I am still amazed by the look. Even though it is still swollen, I can see some really nice definition of everything.

    Hope in another week or two all the starting issues are gone and normal life can slowly return.


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 01, 2019, 10:21:15 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    Thanks for your update... overall it reads like fairly good news except for your UTI.
    Wishing you well in your continued healing.

    I will be looking for your next update and am trusting that all will be OK.
    Based on what your stated it sounds like you are happy with the results.

    Hugs and more hugs,
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: mm on May 02, 2019, 09:55:35 AM
    Sarah, glad to hear you are progressing nicely, hopefully your UTI will clear soon and nicely.  Nice you still have 7 inches and hopefully you can keep it with dilating regularly. Keep us updated.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on May 02, 2019, 01:54:08 PM
    Welcome home Sarah! You really have a good friend in Jayne. Wow! I had no idea she was from Australia. That was awesome of her to make that trip. Wishing you continued success through your recovery.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 02, 2019, 02:15:54 PM
    I know... @Jayne01 is fantastic... Even though it may not be enough but I will attempt to make up for all she went through with me later this year when it is her turn (and of course make a lot of jokes when she is enjoying her four liters of Gastrolyte). I will be with her for her surgery...



    Quote from: Donica on May 02, 2019, 01:54:08 PM
    Welcome home Sarah! You really have a good friend in Jayne. Wow! I had no idea she was from Australia. That was awesome of her to make that trip. Wishing you continued success through your recovery.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Faith on May 02, 2019, 03:49:32 PM
    I can't scroll back due to unfortunate triggers (unfortunate for me, great for Sarah!!), I did skim real fast.

    YES!! Jayne is AWESOME!! I'm glad I got the chance to meet up with her (and Sarah). If my car hadn't broke down I would have visited again :(
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 23, 2019, 01:27:58 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    HEY THERE !!!!     :icon_wave: :icon_wave: :icon_wave:
    What's up girl? ???.... have not posted on your thread since May 2nd, almost a MONTH AGO!!!! :(

    Please post something here, let us know that you are still alive,  and update me and the rest of your followers.

    I trust that all is OK, and that your post op dilation is going well with no complications.

    HUGS and best wishes... hoping to see your thread update soon.
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on May 23, 2019, 01:51:37 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle @sarah1972

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 23, 2019, 01:27:58 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    HEY THERE !!!!     :icon_wave: :icon_wave: :icon_wave:
    What's up girl? ???.... have not posted on your thread since May 2nd, almost a MONTH AGO!!!! :(

    Please post something here, let us know that you are still alive,  and update me and the rest of your followers.

    I trust that all is OK, and that your post op dilation is going well with no complications.

    HUGS and best wishes... hoping to see your thread update soon.

    I agree Danielle!
    Sarah!  What up??
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 23, 2019, 02:14:08 PM
    Thanks @Alaskan Danielle and @Jessica -

    Yes, everything is good. I was planning an update for a few days but I always got sidetracked. I will post more in the near future. Need to work through a few things first.



    Quote from: Jessica on May 23, 2019, 01:51:37 PM
    @Alaskan Danielle @sarah1972

    Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 23, 2019, 01:27:58 PM
    Dear Sarah:
    HEY THERE !!!!     :icon_wave: :icon_wave: :icon_wave:
    What's up girl? ???.... have not posted on your thread since May 2nd, almost a MONTH AGO!!!! :(

    Please post something here, let us know that you are still alive,  and update me and the rest of your followers.

    I trust that all is OK, and that your post op dilation is going well with no complications.

    HUGS and best wishes... hoping to see your thread update soon.

    I agree Danielle!
    Sarah!  What up??
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 23, 2019, 07:05:35 PM
    My dear readers -

    I did receive a nice reminder that I have been MIA... not intentionally but sometimes life happens. Somehow it feels like I have been really busy even though I do not accomplish anything, but I also know what takes my attention.

    It has been a bit over 5 weeks since my surgery and I am starting to get used to the new me. My last video consult with Keelee MacPhee did go really well, she was very satisfied with the healing so far. There is still one spot with some drainage / oozing it she did not seem to be worried about it. It still bothers me to see this white area oozing.

    I did finally get some sensation back in the outer labia which is good. Everything else is still completely numb.

    Dilation remains a struggle, I am still one short of the entire set, but I know I need to be patient and keep trying.

    Wearing clothing is now such a nice new feeling, being it tight  jeans or leggings... next weekend will be swimsuit.

    I am cleared for light activities and technically could also start running again. But I also know that after a more active day, I do still get swelling and need an I e pack so I continue to take it slow.

    I have about 4 weeks left on leave from work and I do want to use this time to reorganize my office. As long as I take it slow, I will be fine.

    This weekend will be my first activity with my running group. I stick to walking, but still. (Well the second one but on the first I did not do anything).

    Besides that - my personal life is in a bit of turmoil.

    I have been really doing very well for over 5 months but every now and then it hits me. The good thing is that these episodes are short lived and I manage to get through them fairly well. It's also very new to me, that there is absolutely no thought of self harm anymore. I call this a very good sign.

    As usual, tomorrow will be a new day, the sun will rise and things will be good again

    What is everyone planning for Memorial Day Weekend?

    We will dip into our pool for the first time and invite friends over for some backyard fun. We also have a big festival / carnival in town every year and I am sure Kiddo wants to go there a lot.

    So much for now.

    Hugs everyone...


    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on May 23, 2019, 07:12:00 PM
    Thank you Sarah for this great update, though I do hope you find happiness in your personal life.
    Turmoil doesn't breed happiness.

    Take it easy with the running girlfriend.
    Hugs and smiles, Jess
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Kendra on May 23, 2019, 08:24:11 PM
    Sarah, hope your personal life calms down and best wishes for continued recovery.  We are here for and with you. 

    And go rock that swimsuit!  You earned it girl. 
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Donica on May 24, 2019, 03:58:29 PM
    Good to see you back Sarah! I too hope your personal life gets better soon.

    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: sarah1972 on May 31, 2019, 11:53:44 AM
    6 weeks post op and finally bought a bikini... [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] good to be able to use it immediately...
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Jessica on May 31, 2019, 11:59:09 AM

    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 31, 2019, 11:53:44 AM
    6 weeks post op and finally bought a bikini... [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] good to be able to use it immediately...

    It didn't happen if there are no pictures.
    You know the rule!
    Title: Re: Sarah's New World
    Post by: Linde on May 31, 2019, 12:19:06 PM
    Quote from: sarah1972 on May 31, 2019, 11:53:44 AM
    6 weeks post op and finally bought a bikini... [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] good to be able to use it immediately...
    There you go.  Congratulations!
    I probably could wear a bikini, too, because I have hardly anything left down there.  But that is not what would keep me away from a bikini, I would be afraid that people who see me, would think that I am a beached manatee, or a baby wale!