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Sarah's New World

Started by sarah1972, January 25, 2018, 12:39:32 PM

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  My last check engine light has cost me just over $500 to replace the pressure sensor in the gas tank and they said the ECM module wasn't talking to their diagnostic equipment and had to be replaced. They of course needed to order one. I okayed the future $500 repair and waited for the callback to bring it in again. It never came. Since the check engine light was now off and I had to get smog tested for registration, I took it in to the test station and it passed and the registration renewed. I did not get that call from the dealer. So I went ahead and did my visits before the road trip and then went on the road trip itself. To my knowledge I still have not gotten that call.
  On a side not my 4 wheel drive still has not been fixed either. It has been almost a year now. I procrastinate sooo dang well.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Yes PIA all this electronic stuff, emissions (smog) test is part of what I do and we get a lot fail due to (on diesels) chugging around town or never getting full wellie and clogging up with soot. Petrol's as well can carbon up if not driven hard enough, EGR valves stick, throttle bodies gum up etc and if its French then the wiring corrodes
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


May 7 - New week, new challenges

Only a quick update this morning, maybe more a little later.

Kiddo has been sick all weekend, some ugly stomach bug. I'll spare you the ugly details, but it included several loads of laundry and a Costco size pack of disinfecting wipes. Now I am waiting to shuttle my two girls to the doctor, then more house cleaning / disinfecting. I ended up taking Family Sick Leave to help care for everyone.

The doctor visit will be interesting, it is the doctor who thinks I am my kids' mommy, so he will be even more confused since he sees two mommys today.

So, the weekend was mostly shot.

On the fitness front:

I have to admit that gym three times a week when I have business trips will be challenging. I still made it two times last week and according to my fitness tracker had the most active day since I got the tracker two years ago.
Weight, unfortunately, is stuck. I do however notice the general improvements since I started.

24 lbs to go

I did sign up for a 4 week 10,000 step challenge at work starting today. Given my history, this will really be a challenge but I am very motivated to make the challenge.

Swimming is a few days out, water still needs to be fully balanced, I am waiting on a few replacement parts and I need some sunshine for the water to get warmer. It is only 17 C / 63 F and I do prefer 27 C / 80 F. Not sure I want to fire up the heater yet but I know latest in a week from now, I am done waiting. Also, have to dig around to find a cute bikini.  :icon_help:  :angel:

A pretty funny story when I went to had the water tested yesterday at the place I have been going to for 10 years now. The owner called me "Mam" when I walked in and directed me to the counter for water testing. I did chat a bit with him while he runs all the tests and pretty much told him (as I always did) what I expect his tests to reveal. Then another customer called and while on the phone, he looked at me and did seem to recognize me after all. It did take him a good 15 minutes and he clearly was not sure. He kept treating me like a woman and I had to get a ton of explanations how to apply the chemicals.

Then I did get the female perks of him carrying all the stuff to my car. I am really starting to enjoy these perks. I spend so much time looking pretty, they can at least repay by carrying my stuff. ;D ;D ;D Little do the poor guys know that I just prefer women, but they get a nice smile and thank you. >:-) Hope that is enough to make them continue doing it. Men are just so predictable... (Evil me).

OK, we will get ready to see doctors now.

Have a great week everyone, stay classy!

Hugs, Sarah


Northern Star Girl

Sarah:  Well your detailed update calls for an equally detailed reply.
Good to see your interesting update this morning.
~So sorry to hear about your kiddo... stomach bugs are not pleasant things for your daughter and for the parents...  lots of Lysol wipes and lots of chlorine beach....  clean, clean, clean, and more cleaning.. You gotta stop this awful bug.  You mentioned that you are taking "Family Sick Leave to take care of everyone"  .... is the rest of your family sick with the bug too?   Yes, please spare me the ugly details, I think I have an idea of what the details are.

~Interesting about the doctor visit.... mommy #1 and mommy #2. ;D   Unless your doctor lives under a rock, I am certain that he or she and the nurses have "seen it all" ...and with the privacy rules they have to abide by, I can't imagine that they will bat an eyelash at just about any situation that they see as far as transgenders and all the various alternative life styles.

~Wow, 3 times a week at the gym?  That is great if you can keep it up.  For me, I go once a week with my gym lady friends...  there are times that we might go a 2nd time in a week, but we are all busy and don't want to make a too aggressive schedule that we would be a slave to and then not have time for other things. 
Don't you know by now that the scales are not your friend? ... along with mirrors and cameras... and we are our own most critical critics... we see what others don't see or don't even notice.   
24 lbs to go....  well, for me, if I watch my food intake, portion control, work out at the gym and power walk around town a couple times a week I can drop perhaps 3 to 5 pounds per week.....  so maybe 2 months of determination and willpower will do it??  Dropping weight can be a strange and curious endeavor...  hitting a plateau can be frustrating and seemingly no matter what you do... hard and long workouts, starving yourself, etc....  doesn't seem to help to start losing weight again... persistence and patience and continuing on with your workout and diet regimen usually will eventually overcome the most stubborn weight plateaus.
The 4 week 10,000 step challenge that you signed up for should really help.

~re swimming:   Not ready for that here although Spring weather is finally coming here...  after today the weather forecasters are calling for this week's daytime temps to be in the 60's.  It was above freezing last night and will be in the 50's today.... no more frost and the snow has receded up into the foothills.   
Hmm, bikini pictures coming soon???
I had to cheer for you when you said the owner/clerk called you ma'am and I then chuckled that he thought that he had to manspain things to you, his woman customer....  while some might consider that demeaning I think that you might consider the mansplaining incident an affirmation of your womanhood and a boost to your self-assurance.   
I do kinda balk at the mansplaining stuff when I buy tires or get my truck fixed... they can sometimes treat me like a dumb woman.  I just grin and bear it.

~Oh, and the perks of being a woman... I get to experience that benefit also, often when I buy coffee at the coffee shop, a guy (or a gal in some cases) that I hardly know wants to buy it for me.  ...   and with my suitors (including female suitor #4) even though I seriously offer to pay for my share, they don't want me to pay for anything...  lunches, dinners, movies, etc.  Men are so predictable for sure.  Like you said, we pay plenty in time and money to make ourselves pretty!!!   

***Oh, and along the lines of looking pretty... that reminds me, in a couple hours I am going to close for lunch an go get my hair trimmed, eyebrows fixed and a manicure... wanting to look pretty for my dinner with #4 tonight. :-*

Great update, thanks for sharing it.
****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


I'll just reply to @Alaskan Danielle's reply... might be the easiest...

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM

Sarah:  Well your detailed update calls for an equally detailed reply.
Good to see your interesting update this morning.
~So sorry to hear about your kiddo... stomach bugs are not pleasant things for your daughter and for the parents...  lots of Lysol wipes and lots of chlorine beach....  clean, clean, clean, and more cleaning.. You gotta stop this awful bug.  You mentioned that you are taking "Family Sick Leave to take care of everyone"  .... is the rest of your family sick with the bug too?   Yes, please spare me the ugly details, I think I have an idea of what the details are.

Just got back from the doctor. Kiddo has officially a gastro-infection (also known as Noro Virus). The real good news is: It is pretty much over. The doctor said, latest Wednesday she can get back to day care. Right now she is just exhausted (Like Mommy #1), hence the family leave. Both are sleeping right now so I get a bit of a break.  Seems I only got mildly hit.

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
~Interesting about the doctor visit.... mommy #1 and mommy #2. ;D   Unless your doctor lives under a rock, I am certain that he or she and the nurses have "seen it all" ...and with the privacy rules they have to abide by, I can't imagine that they will bat an eyelash at just about any situation that they see as far as transgenders and all the various alternative life styles.

No blink at all, we just got addressed as plural "Mommys". I am sure they have a fair share of transgender kids and parents, so this should not be anything new to them. I still always cheer / flinch when it happens.

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
~Wow, 3 times a week at the gym?  That is great if you can keep it up.  For me, I go once a week with my gym lady friends...  there are times that we might go a 2nd time in a week, but we are all busy and don't want to make a too aggressive schedule that we would be a slave to and then not have time for other things. 
Don't you know by now that the scales are not your friend? ... along with mirrors and cameras... and we are our own most critical critics... we see what others don't see or don't even notice.   
24 lbs to go....  well, for me, if I watch my food intake, portion control, work out at the gym and power walk around town a couple times a week I can drop perhaps 3 to 5 pounds per week.....  so maybe 2 months of determination and willpower will do it??  Dropping weight can be a strange and curious endeavor...  hitting a plateau can be frustrating and seemingly no matter what you do... hard and long workouts, starving yourself, etc....  doesn't seem to help to start losing weight again... persistence and patience and continuing on with your workout and diet regimen usually will eventually overcome the most stubborn weight plateaus.
The 4 week 10,000 step challenge that you signed up for should really help.

We will see what happens when I start adding swimming into the mix. For now I am just happy to get any exercise. Not sure I have a time line in mind. I know it is a combination of diet and exercise and mostly will power. One big factor is not traveling for work so much since it is way too much restaurant or fast food.

I have hit plateaus before, it does then require to change one or two things in my routine and I am back at it.

I know exactly why I am doing this, I have big plans and they need me to be very healthy to better get through them. So there is a lot of motivation. A even bigger motivator for me is hope that I can attend my kids graduation one day. Another reason to start getting healthy.
And of course there is this cute dress which really does not look good with my body shape right now. 

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
~re swimming:   
Hmm, bikini pictures coming soon???

Uh... Not sure. That would scare people away, so most likely not. 

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
I had to cheer for you when you said the owner/clerk called you ma'am and I then chuckled that he thought that he had to manspain things to you, his woman customer....  while some might consider that demeaning I think that you might consider the mansplaining incident an affirmation of your womanhood and a boost to your self-assurance.   
I do kinda balk at the mansplaining stuff when I buy tires or get my truck fixed... they can sometimes treat me like a dumb woman.  I just grin and bear it.

I know, just part of the game. First the guy in the car dealership, now the guy in the pool store. I have to admit that all this is to a good degree affirming. But I also know it may get old and annoying at some point. same thing happened about me catching guys stare at my behind... First few times it was affirming, now it is starting to get annoying.

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 07, 2018, 12:24:40 PM
~Oh, and the perks of being a woman... I get to experience that benefit also, often when I buy coffee at the coffee shop, a guy (or a gal in some cases) that I hardly know wants to buy it for me.  ...   and with my suitors (including female suitor #4) even though I seriously offer to pay for my share, they don't want me to pay for anything...  lunches, dinners, movies, etc.  Men are so predictable for sure.  Like you said, we pay plenty in time and money to make ourselves pretty!!!

I have not had that happen yet. But then I also rarely go out. At work, the highest ranking staff member pays, that makes it easy.



Hi Sarah,
I'm glad Kiddo's virus is almost over. It must have been unpleasant for her, not to mention taking away from everybody's sleep. It's good you have taken time away from work to care for your ladies as well as getting some rest yourself.

Congratulations on being one of Kiddo's two mummies. I know you get gendered correctly all the time these days, but I am guessing it still feels good for you when you are treated as just another woman without any question.

I am happy to see you continuing to make the effort to go to the gym. 3 times a week is a big commitment. Great if you can keep it up. Twice a week is still good. Much better than my zero times a week. You need to keep going so that some of your enthusiasm rubs off on me. It might motivate me to sign up to a gym and start exercising. A healthy diet is just as important as exercise. Keep up the good work.

Having experienced life as a man and now starting to see it from a woman's perspective, it is funny how men change their whole demeanour when talking to a woman. You can have a bit of fun listening to guys mansplaning things to you. I do see how it can get old after a while though.

My train stop is coming up, so I need to wrap this up.

Thanks for your update. I always look forward to hearing from you and learning how you are going.



About to call it a day.

getting 10k steps done is quite a challenge for someone usually sitting in front of a screen all day long. 11,537 so far, but I had to add a brisk 30-minute walk after Dinner to get there.

Sweating in the gym too (no pictures this time).

A good day for my fitness. Mostly. There was the Haribo Temptation again...

@Jayne01: My offer still stands if you are looking for a virtual gym buddy (or me returning the gym poking issue)  ;D

Sleep well everyone! Stay classy internet!





Quote from: sarah1972 on May 07, 2018, 10:00:06 PM
About to call it a day.

getting 10k steps done is quite a challenge for someone usually sitting in front of a screen all day long. 11,537 so far, but I had to add a brisk 30-minute walk after Dinner to get there.

Sweating in the gym too (no pictures this time).

A good day for my fitness. Mostly. There was the Haribo Temptation again...

@Jayne01: My offer still stands if you are looking for a virtual gym buddy (or me returning the gym poking issue)  ;D

Sleep well everyone! Stay classy internet!


Well done with getting your step goal today. 10k does take some effort to achieve in one day. I have a Garmin fitness watch. The daily step goal started at 10k and then the watch automatically adds or subtracts to that figure depending if you achieve your daily goal. If you achieve your goal, it increases it slightly for the next day and if you don't achieve it it reduces it slightly. Today my goal is at 11020, but I am currently only at 4642. My wife has been making sure to get her goal every day and it is over 15k!

A virtual gym buddy sounds cool. Maybe I should start by getting on the treadmill we have at home.



May 11 - changed plans

The plan for today was to give Mommy #1 a break and take Kiddo to the Museum. Hot Mommy #2 was all dressed and ready to go when we discovered, Kiddo has a nasty and quick spreading rash and blisters. So Museum got replaced by the doctors office. Second time in two days. Turned out to be not a gastro infection but Roseola after all... Hence the fever spikes over the weekend, the miserable feeling and now the rash. 
Good news is - it is no longer contagious and she can be back in Daycare tomorrow.

Just in time, since I have a short term trip to our company headquarters north of Boston Wednesday and Thursday. Still have to pack a few things and set the alarm to 4:45 AM...

Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D. Lawn mowing (no sweaty pictures), shower (no shower picture either) and I just returned from a 45 minute walk / jog to get hit the step challenge.

Somehow these night walks always make me a bit uncomfortable. While I do live in a very safe area and I do avoid a few streets, there is always some level of fear being my companion. Maybe also due to my nightmares about getting beaten up after some idiot tries to grab me and gets a surprise. Nothing I can do about it besides being strong and confident. Certainly nothing which stops me from being out.

12,843 steps today.

Somehow this thread turned into a "Mommy Thread" - Tomorrow I will review the Baby Brezza Formula Maker (Kind of a Keurig for Formula)  ;D ;D ;D

Hugs - Sarah



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 08, 2018, 09:15:35 PM
May 11 - changed plans

The plan for today was to give Mommy #1 a break and take Kiddo to the Museum. Hot Mommy #2 was all dressed and ready to go when we discovered, Kiddo has a nasty and quick spreading rash and blisters. So Museum got replaced by the doctors office. Second time in two days. Turned out to be not a gastro infection but Roseola after all... Hence the fever spikes over the weekend, the miserable feeling and now the rash. 
Good news is - it is no longer contagious and she can be back in Daycare tomorrow.
I do hope Kiddo is feeling better. I had to google Roseola, I didn't know what that was.

Just in time, since I have a short term trip to our company headquarters north of Boston Wednesday and Thursday. Still have to pack a few things and set the alarm to 4:45 AM...

You seem a little tired, but still looking great! Waking up anytime before 6am is uncivilised! I often have to get up at 3am when working a day shift. Do you think these employers have any idea that we would rather be asleep at that hour than preparing for work? I think it deserves some kind of beauty sleep disturbance penalty added to our income. Do you think they would go for that? [emoji12]

Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D.
Now you are just teasing me [emoji12]

Lawn mowing (no sweaty pictures), shower (no shower picture either) and I just returned from a 45 minute walk / jog to get hit the step challenge.

Somehow these night walks always make me a bit uncomfortable. While I do live in a very safe area and I do avoid a few streets, there is always some level of fear being my companion. Maybe also due to my nightmares about getting beaten up after some idiot tries to grab me and gets a surprise. Nothing I can do about it besides being strong and confident. Certainly nothing which stops me from being out.

12,843 steps today.
I'm sorry you are having these nightmares. It's always wise to keep your wits about you and be aware of your personal safety. It's good not to get too complacent about your surroundings, but you should also feel comfortable going out for a walk. I'm glad you are not letting this stop you from getting out and living your life.

You are ahead of me with your daily steps, I am currently at 11,734, but I still have the rest of the afternoon ahead of me. I might just get ahead of you. Nah nah na nah nah! [emoji16]

Somehow this thread turned into a "Mommy Thread" - Tomorrow I will review the Baby Brezza Formula Maker (Kind of a Keurig for
Awesome! I have always wanted one of those formula makers. Don't have kids, but it is always good to keep informed![emoji16][emoji16]

Take care,


Northern Star Girl

Quote from: sarah1972 on May 08, 2018, 09:15:35 PM
May 11 - changed plans

The plan for today was to give Mommy #1 a break and take Kiddo to the Museum. Hot Mommy #2 was all dressed and ready to go when we discovered, Kiddo has a nasty and quick spreading rash and blisters. So Museum got replaced by the doctors office. Second time in two days. Turned out to be not a gastro infection but Roseola after all... Hence the fever spikes over the weekend, the miserable feeling and now the rash. 
Good news is - it is no longer contagious and she can be back in Daycare tomorrow.

Just in time, since I have a short term trip to our company headquarters north of Boston Wednesday and Thursday. Still have to pack a few things and set the alarm to 4:45 AM...

Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D. Lawn mowing (no sweaty pictures), shower (no shower picture either) and I just returned from a 45 minute walk / jog to get hit the step challenge.

Somehow these night walks always make me a bit uncomfortable. While I do live in a very safe area and I do avoid a few streets, there is always some level of fear being my companion. Maybe also due to my nightmares about getting beaten up after some idiot tries to grab me and gets a surprise. Nothing I can do about it besides being strong and confident. Certainly nothing which stops me from being out.

12,843 steps today.

Somehow this thread turned into a "Mommy Thread" - Tomorrow I will review the Baby Brezza Formula Maker (Kind of a Keurig for Formula)  ;D ;D ;D

Hugs - Sarah

Sarah:  It was great to see your update.... however it is NOT May 11 as your Update Title Header states... yet...  Here where I am tonight at almost 9:30PM and it is still May 8th Tuesday, May 9th is Wednesday, May 10th is Thursday, and finally, May 11th is Friday....   it must be the hormones!!!  Or I could be confused because of my hormones and the unexpected change in weather here from winter to spring in ONE day.... or perhaps the afterglow of my dinner date last night with female suitor #4 ???

So sorry to hear about you sick kiddo.... but she seems to heal fast and will be ready for preschool tomorrow???

Oh no, another business trip and waking up in the weee hours of the morning.... better you than me...  my trip to my office from my home is less than 5 minutes... in warmer weather I usually walk instead of drive.

Ahhh, chocolate in the fridge....   I know that you are on a weight loss plan so for now you might want to keep the chocolate in the fridge and not in your mouth!!

Oh my, your picture looks terrific... hot Mommy #2

I am glad for you that you are sticking to your plans for walking/jogging for the 10,000 step challenge.  Keep up the hard work.

Oh yeah, I hear you about walking alone in areas that don't have a lot of people around and outside... it is certainly scary for all women and in particular trans-women...  like you say if an idiot perpetrator grabs you and finds more than they bargained for you could be in big danger.

Be safe on your trip tomorrow... Wednesday the 9th of May.   I hope that you are really supposed to travel tomorrow on May 9th instead of Friday May 11th....  As my dad always told me, "If you can't be good, at least be very careful"   He is a wise man.

Hugs, Danielle
****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Awwww the poor kiddo must be miserable. I hope she and mommy #1 feel better very soon.

12k steps? Well that beat my walk today. I may have done 9k. about 4 - 4.5 miles. That's good enough for me. I understand the nighttime vulnerable feeling. I felt it the very first time I was out at night in an area I don't care for during the day. # blocks and back after a meeting. I haven't gone to another there yet.
Have a good business trip Sarah.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



May 9th - Out and about

Ups... Thanks @Alaskan Danielle for spotting the date! Unfortunately I have not (yet) invented time travel, maybe just my personal hope it might be Friday  8)

Arrived at the Airport this morning at 6:30, quick throughs security. Off to a pretty good start. I also realized.... I am only a few days away from being full time for one entire year!!! More about this later on this channel, but I am counting down!

Not much more to report, flight seems to be packed, rental car is arranged and I will see one of my work girlfriends tonight. The 3rd person I told about Sarah.

Quote from: Laurie on May 09, 2018, 12:38:45 AM
12k steps? Well that beat my walk today. I may have done 9k. about 4 - 4.5 miles. That's good enough for me. I understand the nighttime vulnerable feeling. I felt it the very first time I was out at night in an area I don't care for during the day. # blocks and back after a meeting. I haven't gone to another there yet.

I have to admit where I am coming from: Less than 4k steps per day, no exercise for years, aside from a bit of swimming, and generally out of shape. I need to ramp up carefully.
I guess the vulnerable feeling is something any women would feel. I know the area I am in is very safe but there are still a few incidents per year. And given my pre-op status, the danger is even higher.

22lbs to go!

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 09, 2018, 12:36:19 AM
Sarah:  It was great to see your update.... however it is NOT May 11 as your Update Title Header states... yet...  Here where I am tonight at almost 9:30PM and it is still May 8th Tuesday, May 9th is Wednesday, May 10th is Thursday, and finally, May 11th is Friday....   it must be the hormones!!!  Or I could be confused because of my hormones and the unexpected change in weather here from winter to spring in ONE day.... or perhaps the afterglow of my dinner date last night with female suitor #4 ???
I can see the glow from here! It fills me with so much joy seeing you so happy.

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 09, 2018, 12:36:19 AM
Ahhh, chocolate in the fridge....   I know that you are on a weight loss plan so for now you might want to keep the chocolate in the fridge and not in your mouth!!
Chocolate is for the mere purpose of luring a genie @Jayne01 into my area. I lost my desire for sweets with HRT. Got replaced by a new vice:

Yes, it is a 5lbs glass. And there are 3 more where this came from  ;D ;D ;D

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on May 09, 2018, 12:36:19 AM
Oh my, your picture looks terrific... hot Mommy #2
Awww, thanks, you are so sweet [emoji173] - I was a bit worried that it may be too much party but was assured it looked fine, even for going to the museum (that was still the time I was planning on Museum)

Today is a bit more conservative: light blue blouse, pencil skirt (love those), and pumps. Going to HQ after all.... Dress for tomorrow....

More later today, only a few minutes till boarding! Stay Classy Internet!

Hugs, Sarah



Quote from: Jayne01 on May 09, 2018, 12:27:29 AM
Besides that? Cleaned some space on the fridge and put chocolate there  ;D.
Now you are just teasing me [emoji12]

Busted! Just trying to earn my hooligan badge...  ;D ;D ;D



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 06:40:01 AM
Now you are just teasing me [emoji12]

Busted! Just trying to earn my hooligan badge...  ;D ;D ;D
As Vice President of the Susan's Hooligan Club, I hereby officially welcome you as a Newby Hooligan.

VP Jayne SHC


May 9th - evening update

Mostly uneventful day. Some interesting work meetings with good progress and a bunch of homework for me. Met one of my coworkers and girlfriends for dinner which was a really nice evening. We talked for almost 3 hours and she was asking a lot of questions on the progress of my transition, my future plans and how I was feeling. Somehow better than my therapist and I do feel a bit guilty for spilling all my puberty drama.

She was the third person I told and she was always there to listen and give advice or even help.

I also know that it will be some sort of catalyst helping me to unwind a few things, but I am also afraid that I will not sleep much tonight and I do feel a bit sick tonight.

A few more meetings in the morning and then I am on my way back home.

Unfortunately I did not bring sneakers and it is pretty cold outside, so I will not make my steps today :-( 8,123....

Tomorrow is a new day :-)




Northern Star Girl

Quote from: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 09:57:08 PM
May 9th - evening update

Mostly uneventful day. Some interesting work meetings with good progress and a bunch of homework for me. Met one of my coworkers and girlfriends for dinner which was a really nice evening. We talked for almost 3 hours and she was asking a lot of questions on the progress of my transition, my future plans and how I was feeling. Somehow better than my therapist and I do feel a bit guilty for spilling all my puberty drama.

She was the third person I told and she was always there to listen and give advice or even help.

I also know that it will be some sort of catalyst helping me to unwind a few things, but I am also afraid that I will not sleep much tonight and I do feel a bit sick tonight.

A few more meetings in the morning and then I am on my way back home.

Unfortunately I did not bring sneakers and it is pretty cold outside, so I will not make my steps today :-( 8,123....

Tomorrow is a new day :-)



Dear Sarah:  That was certainly a neat thing that the girlfriend of your co-worker was apparently so supportive and interested in your transition journey.  I suppose, as you hinted, that you perhaps provided TMI with your puberty drama... but consider it an education for your co-worker and his girlfriend that you spoke with at your dinner.

Oh no... you are feeling a bit sick?  Left over bugs from your family's illnesses maybe? 
I hope you get a good sleep so you can beat the sickness issues and do have a safe and uneventful trip home.  Maybe pick up something at the train station shops for your kiddos... stuffed animal, book, toy, candy ????... and of course with Mother's Day coming up on Sunday, you need to really step up to the plate and honor her with anything and everything she would like.... and actions that affirm your love for the woman that you married and the mother of your children....   I think that is good advice, especially coming from a single, never married trans-woman. :)

Yes, tomorrow is a new day.
Hugs and well wishes to you... and your family.
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I started HRT March 2015 and
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I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: sarah1972 on May 09, 2018, 09:57:08 PM
May 9th - evening update

Mostly uneventful day. Some interesting work meetings with good progress and a bunch of homework for me. Met one of my coworkers and girlfriends for dinner which was a really nice evening. We talked for almost 3 hours and she was asking a lot of questions on the progress of my transition, my future plans and how I was feeling. Somehow better than my therapist and I do feel a bit guilty for spilling all my puberty drama.

She was the third person I told and she was always there to listen and give advice or even help.

I also know that it will be some sort of catalyst helping me to unwind a few things, but I am also afraid that I will not sleep much tonight and I do feel a bit sick tonight.

A few more meetings in the morning and then I am on my way back home.

Unfortunately I did not bring sneakers and it is pretty cold outside, so I will not make my steps today :-( 8,123....

Tomorrow is a new day :-)


Hi Sarah,
Pretty cool your coworker's girlfriend is supportive and interested enough to ask lots of questions about your transition and how you are doing. I can see how that can feel better than talking with a therapist. Your "teen dramas" may possibly have been more info than most people want to know about, but don't feel too guilty about it, she would not have asked you so many questions and talked for so long if she wasn't interested.

Sorry you are feeling a bit sick. Is it something your Kiddo passed on to you?

Note to self: remind Sarah to take sneakers and other exercise clothes with her next time she goes away on a work trip so that she doesn't fall behind on her fitness goals!

Hope you are feeling better.



May 4th - MIA...

Sarah's World Is Back!

I guess a few noticed. Sarah and Sarah's World have been MIA for a few days. And you are right. Sarah had to work out a few things and in that process had to re-think a lot of things. I do want to thank one very special Lady here who kept on top of me to make sure I am getting through this. Thank you so much! Also thanks to all the other ones reaching out.

I will not share more of my drama for now.

So what happened in-between?

I did keep up with my exercise!! Yeah me! One day I ditched the 10k steps - by the time I could go for a walk to catch up, it was almost midnight and I knew I did not have a chance. Did attend Zumba Friday and did my usual cardio / back strength routine this morning. Also peeked in one of the other group classes to see if this could be interesting. Unfortunately scheduling may not work out on those, so I just keep my routine for now. Still thinking of a couple of trainer sessions to improve what I do compared to my goals. Not having "gym friends" means I need to get my motivation and knowledge another way - keep in mind I have not been doing any planned exercise since I graduated middle school and left the swim team. (well I did swimming in the summer but that is it, nothing in the winter).

I am starting to get more at ease about the ladies locker room - This morning I realized I could never change in a mens room anymore, just do not want to show off my breasts in a mens locker room. One day I may actually be confident enough to also use the showers (private stalls).

It finally starts showing on the scale too:
21lbs to go

The only catch is... I lost almost a cup size. back to almost nothing...

Kiddo is pretty much back to normal, still a bit exhausted and sleepy which is not all that bad since it allows Mommy #1 to relax a bit and regain some of her strength.

Had a pretty busy weekend, Music Class, Farmers market, catching up on sleep, laundry, a visit to the Air and Space Museum and a nice dinner with friends.

Now back to work...

Sorry again for all the worries I have caused.

Hugs - Sarah



Quote from: sarah1972 on May 14, 2018, 11:36:58 AM
May 4th - MIA...

Sarah's World Is Back!

I guess a few noticed. Sarah and Sarah's World have been MIA for a few days. And you are right. Sarah had to work out a few things and in that process had to re-think a lot of things. I do want to thank one very special Lady here who kept on top of me to make sure I am getting through this. Thank you so much! Also thanks to all the other ones reaching out.

I will not share more of my drama for now.

So what happened in-between?

I did keep up with my exercise!! Yeah me! One day I ditched the 10k steps - by the time I could go for a walk to catch up, it was almost midnight and I knew I did not have a chance. Did attend Zumba Friday and did my usual cardio / back strength routine this morning. Also peeked in one of the other group classes to see if this could be interesting. Unfortunately scheduling may not work out on those, so I just keep my routine for now. Still thinking of a couple of trainer sessions to improve what I do compared to my goals. Not having "gym friends" means I need to get my motivation and knowledge another way - keep in mind I have not been doing any planned exercise since I graduated middle school and left the swim team. (well I did swimming in the summer but that is it, nothing in the winter).

I am starting to get more at ease about the ladies locker room - This morning I realized I could never change in a mens room anymore, just do not want to show off my breasts in a mens locker room. One day I may actually be confident enough to also use the showers (private stalls).

It finally starts showing on the scale too:
21lbs to go

The only catch is... I lost almost a cup size. back to almost nothing...

Kiddo is pretty much back to normal, still a bit exhausted and sleepy which is not all that bad since it allows Mommy #1 to relax a bit and regain some of her strength.

Had a pretty busy weekend, Music Class, Farmers market, catching up on sleep, laundry, a visit to the Air and Space Museum and a nice dinner with friends.

Now back to work...

Sorry again for all the worries I have caused.

Hugs - Sarah
Yay!! Sarah's back.[emoji16][emoji16][emoji16] Missed ya girl!

I'm glad you have kept up with the exercise. Yes, it takes extra effort to get motivate without a group of gym friends. I'll give you s gentle poke if I notice you slackening off.
<<<POKE>>> just testing the poker is working. [emoji12]

I am also glad Kiddo is getting back to normal. Just so I'm clear, which of you is Mommy #1?

I loved visiting the Air and Space Museum when my wife and I visited way back in 2006. If we ever get back that way, I'd like to visit it again.

No need to apologise for worrying us, just don't do it again! Got it!!!!

Happy to see you back
