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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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The fairy is dancing in there in the sky, and sees the wounded one's approach, more than one...She sees her woodelf walking  and is puzzled.  Always emotional she worries, but the instincts of the forest prevail.

She will not drive them away, the one who searches for their core, the other an unknown warrior, even as the fairy can be.

Grace and beauty are here, pain and our history and find the keys to the forest and your core, this is indeed the place of the unicorn, preserve it, and be free.

The wind blows gently, who knows where it goes, the forest waits, holding its breath.

A fresh start for the vamp, and New ones from the wilderness, let's see where it goes.

Keep the ways of the forest my dears, look at its history, and make yours...

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


sensing dawn coming, the vampire fold's in their wings and dives into the center of the forest. the vampire walks to the spot where they placed their staff. sensing something, the vampire raced through the words to the spot. looking in the middle, the vampire sees a sword. "what happened here? when i left, i placed my staff here, so why did it change into a sword?" walking over, the vampire sees a gem on the hand end. "i see, my gem regained its color." feeling a vibration, the vampire pulls out the unicorn's horn, which is now glowing again. the vampire suddenly remembers the melody and begins to play. sudden the sword lifts into the air. "whats going on here?" looking around the forest, the vampire's creatures appear. with a half smile, the vampire beckons the creatures over and huddles under the sword's protection, and with a single tear, the vampire whispers to the creatures "i love you forever",  and with that the vampire folded their dragon-raven wings around them and they all fell into a deep sleep.


The fairy was pleased and smiled at the creatures sleeping in a tent of a young heart that searches for itself.

She sees the snail on the edge....oh that naughty fairy.

Quickly she flies to her treehouse, and opens the bottom drawer of her lingerie wardrobe, where she had out grown delicious things due to the tree of hormones and it's nectar.

She finds something ...

And silently flies to the sleeping snail.

Moment of decorating, and the naughty one rose into the air to watch.

What did she do to the snail that grants wishes, innocent one of the forest?

She smiles, her dreams are becoming real...


Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


one of the vampire's dark sprites awoke to the sound of rustling in the woods. she quietly slipped of of her master's wings and leaped into the air. she knew she had to find the one thing that would awaken her master. the sprite flew and flew and flew, until she found it. ruins, 10 of them. she pulled out the horn and played a melody. the ruins began to glow, but the center ruin was still silent. she knew if the center ruin would glow, than her master would finally awaken so the little sprite kept playing and playing but the ruin would not glow. saddened, the little one flew back only to see her others awake but her master still asleep. she called out to the forest, "what can i do? my master is still a sleep? what can i do to awaken my master for i miss my master so very much." waiting for an answer, the vampire's creatures huddled around the sleeping vampire, all crying, unable to do anything.


keep it gender revealing,the thread is a serious one although we play with each other, look for the truth you are trying to reveal.  The power of this thread is we reveal things about ourselves and our genders we can't say well elsewhere.  Many are very sensitive about it, and I do appreciate everyone's efforts to be respectful, to have fun, and to reveal their hearts, without complicating it with rules or getting so serious that we lose the meaning.

So please have fun, look at past posts here there are some amazing ones, and see what you can bring in turn to enrich our understanding of living trans in the Nonbinary forest.

Many thanks....

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


From a small but growing puff of dust far down the path that leads from the CIS realm, the snail makes his way slowly back home deep into the cool forest, packed with bags on his shell, from the far away CIS cities where he was buying stock and herbs for his secret potions..

The snail snarls with a tiny voice at the vampire and dragons, being afraid they're huge feet and claws might crush him, then laughs to himself, as he remembers a secret magical potion he knows how to make from his herbs and age old bubbling liquids he keeps, that could turn them all into flying mosquitos buzzing around the trees, in constant fear of being swatted, or falling into a spiders snare..

He thinks back to his days shopping in the CIS cities, and is troubled by his thoughts there.? The snail passed many storefronts there, as usual, but felt a strange attraction this trip, one he'd rarely felt before.? The snail was mysteriously attracted more than usual to the feminine things in the windows, colorful beautiful things that filled the shops he walked past.. The snail actually bought a few small trinkets from the shops, but hid them at the bottom of his bags, not wanting them to be discovered.. The tiny snail felt odd thinking about them, but was excited and intrigued to admire them once back home, within the safety and privacy of the unicorn forest..
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."

♥︎ SarahD ♥︎

Quote from: Satinjoy on October 21, 2014, 11:48:21 AM
keep it gender revealing,the thread is a serious one although we play with each other, look for the truth you are trying to reveal.  The power of this thread is we reveal things about ourselves and our genders we can't say well elsewhere.  Many are very sensitive about it, and I do appreciate everyone's efforts to be respectful, to have fun, and to reveal their hearts, without complicating it with rules or getting so serious that we lose the meaning.

So please have fun, look at past posts here there are some amazing ones, and see what you can bring in turn to enrich our understanding of living trans in the Nonbinary forest.

Many thanks....


Acknowledged ;)  Abstract metaphor is ok though, right?  I hope so because I like using lots of it lol :P ♥︎*Hugs*♥︎

The woman ascends into the dawn sky, the scars from the recent battle still fresh and tender, her two small passengers still clinging on.  The creatures of the forrest have seen them approaching, curiosity burning bright in their eyes.  "Go on girls," the woman says to her two small friends, "show them our song!".

The entities break off, immediately falling behind the winged woman.  In a sharp burst of light, they transform into small blue and red fireballs, which rocket up past her and on to greet the flying creatures of the forrest.  They look startled for a moment, concerned perhaps that this is some kind of attack.  Fears that are quickly put to rest as the two small meteors reach the ensemble and begin spiralling around each in turn playfully, giving off a pleasant and heavenly cacophony of sound as they do.  They seem particularly attracted to the dragon, likely due to its large and iridescent aura.

The winged woman smiles as she continues to approach at her somewhat slower pace, but suddenly becomes conscious of something.  The resonance from the song is somehow.. "different".. from normal.  Different in a way that defies the ancient teachings.  It's a good different, a different that strikes a deeper chord in the strings of the soul, but it shouldn't be, not according to everything she's learned.  The woman looks down, and realises the obvious truth - "It's the forrest.." she whispers quietly to herself, intrigued by the new emotions washing over her.  "The forrest is changing the resonance... how interesting..!"  She feels an energy she's never felt before surge up inside her, a sense of freedom she never believed was possible.  Memories of the eternal battlefield faded and - for a while at least - were all but forgotten.  Everything felt like it was in phase.  For the first time since she could remember, everything just felt *right*.  But how could this be?  This defies all conventional wisdom.  Could the old ways be.. *wrong*?

She pressed on with renewed vigour, and quickly came to join the main group.  As she came up level with them, she flew in a huge circle around the group at an almost impossible speed, showing off some of her impressive flying skills as she did so.  The two balls of fire joined her, and the whole display seemed to make some of the creatures a little woozy, which amused the winged girls a little.  Finally, they made a full circle and pulled level to properly greet the group.  The two smaller entities landed back on the woman's shoulders, their fiery cloaks evaporating into thin air as they did so.

"Well hi there!" The woman said enthusiastically.  "Do you mind if we join you?"
"You never find the path to your true self, but rather - you find your true self along the path"


The snail was watching the winged women, mesmerized by the flying flaming balls and transformations he saw. Welcome he said, you certainly are an amazing creature.! Are there other creatures anywhere near he asked, taking advantage of the flying woman's ability to see far in all directions from high above the trees almost touching the clouds.?

I'm feeling hungry the snail says, and he must constantly search for food.. The snail also hungers for knowledge and understanding about himself, and his floating gender and interest in all things both male and female..

Believing that his answers are here in the unicorn forest somewhere, and that all of the creatures here have magical insights and thoughts to share, that will make the snail feel more whole and complete, he waits.... Hoping to find answers soon...
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


with a will to give the world a second chance, the vampire finally awakens as the tenth ruin glows. the vampire looks around and see's their creatures, who are jumping and howling with joy. with a smile, the vampire leaps into the air and grabs their newly formed sword. with this sword, the vampire shall cut through the barrier that block them, and finally fly higher until they reach the edge of the world. the vampire spreads their wings, which have now gained a shiny new coat of black. they than run through the woods along with the following creatures. the 3 wolves have now become 3 hunters and the 3 sprites have now become maidens. running and running faster and faster, the vampire flaps their wings and took flight. "what will i see since i've been asleep. what new things will i encounter and what new worlds will i discover." with that, the vampire flies higher and higher along side the creatures, who now took on the parts of the vampire's soul. one day they will become one being again, but that is left to be discovered for the forest still awaits to answer the vampire's one and only true wish.


Kel the dormouse sees the snail return and chatters happily..  She runs off to her stash and grabs a nice acorn for the snail.. With the acorn in her mouth, she scampers across to the snail and presents the acorn to the snail with a bow.. She sees the snail has changed some and smiles..


i m not non binary , but can i be a "dead" dark rotten tree in a corner of the world where nones comes  surouded by torns , tree that was flooded with toxic waste (but maybe it was her that made it come)and a bit toxic to the life around her,  with  just little "life" left inside trying to rekindle herself   , as she was before, a regular tree amongst others  ,but lost and in despair at times to the task before her , yet with time maybe it might work .


The fairy chuckled... evidently the snail did not realize what she put on their shell...

And she wanted to thank the genderless one for encouraging her to stay in the wonderful unicorn forest, home of the androgyne and the free spirits of trans, celebratory of the unique and seekers of truth and the authentic.

She looks at the snail, hoping she did not offend.  That was some hot stuff there, would the genderless fairy go after it?   Bet it would fit and it would steam up the place.

Oh the joy of flying free, living trans, living true.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Quote from: Sosophia on October 21, 2014, 04:45:14 PM
i m not non binary , but can i be a "dead" dark rotten tree in a corner of the world where nones comes  surouded by torns , tree that was flooded with toxic waste (but maybe it was her that made it come)and a bit toxic to the life around her,  with  just little "life" left inside trying to rekindle herself   , as she was before, a regular tree amongst others  ,but lost and in despair at times to the task before her , yet with time maybe it might work .

Perhaps the tree can revive here.  Rest in this place, see how the winds of trans move you, heal.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


sitting on top of a tree, the vampire pulls out the horn the forest gave to them. the vampire begins to play, but the melody seemed sad this time. the vampire's hunters and maidens sat at the bottom of the tree. they looked sad. the echoing sound of the melody played throughout the area. the moon above looked like it was crying to. suddenly, a glowing white light appeared and began to speak. "why are you so said winged one". the vampire speaks in a sad tone, "i miss my home. a place i once knew but longed forgot. a place i could fly all day without fearing that i may turn to ash." saddened still, the vampire began to play again, but the melody was softer this time. more lights appeared and started to dance in a circle. the vampire stopped playing and watched the lights around them. the white light spoke again, "i shall now give you a gift." a pendent appears and drops around the vampire's neck. "this necklace is one of 7 gifts that will help you find what you are looking for. " the lights disappear living the vampire to ponder. "i think i get it now, but for now, i will continue to search." with that, the vampire leaps into the air, their wings shiner than ever and heads north under the moon's watchful eye. the 3 hunters now gained  the flying horses, Pegasus, and the 3 maidens have become mermaids.

Kova V

A refreshing night breeze sweeps over the warm forest floor,  dances through the thorned defences of the dark worn tree to say hello with a silent welcoming hug.


the winged one and the following ones sit on a cliff. they 're waiting for something. than the lights appear again. " its time you fly out of these uninhabited parts of the forest and met the others. maybe there you'll find another clue." the vampire smiles at the guide and spreads their wings and dives down, than flaps the powerful wings, slicing the watars as they all take flight, heading towards the other side. the vampire chuckles, " wonder what beings i will met on the other side. hopefully i can find a clue." the sun begins to rise so to hurry, the vampire chants and turns into a fast moving black ball, rushing to get to a place to sleep on the other side.


Quote from: Satinjoy on October 21, 2014, 06:20:05 AM
The fairy was pleased and smiled at the creatures sleeping in a tent of a young heart that searches for itself.

She sees the snail on the edge....oh that naughty fairy.

Quickly she flies to her treehouse, and opens the bottom drawer of her lingerie wardrobe, where she had out grown delicious things due to the tree of hormones and it's nectar.

She finds something ...

And silently flies to the sleeping snail.

Moment of decorating, and the naughty one rose into the air to watch.

What did she do to the snail that grants wishes, innocent one of the forest?

She smiles, her dreams are becoming real...


The snail feels bad for not seeing this before, his journeys into the CIScities often cause him to miss the important events happening in the forest.

But how could the snail have not noticed the naughty fairies surprises left during his sleep? In his hurry to travel, he must have not looked into the shiny stone he often checks his reflection in.

Now the snail realizes that the fairy's naughty surprises and decorations are the reason the snail felt so different in the city, strangely attracted to beautiful female things that he could not explain.?

Being thankful and happy his friend thought of him, the snail goes to his hiding place, and pulls out a shiny silk scarf he had gotten in the cities, and he gave it to the fairy for theyre kindness.. He also presented a special wish for them, that can be used at anytime and forever..

The snail runs back to Kel the doormouse, as he is still hungry, and they both sit by the pools as the day ends, eating and laughing like last summer.. The snail is very happy...

The snail also looks towards the skies, for the vampire's, dragons, and other new creatures here, and wishes they will come and sit with us also..

The snail sighs, and falls asleep nearby, feeling safe and cared for by all the forest creatures..
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


after arriving, the vampire lands in a tree. "is anyone here?" the vampire calls out. "well it is nighttime, so i'm guessing everyone is asleep. but for now, i need to find a good place to hide before the sun comes out.


The great dragon circles as the three winged women sing and dance in the sky alongside her. She smiles and flows into her human dragon form, and her two tiny passengers squeak in surprise at the change, but are safe and secure, nestled behind the horns that protrude through her copper hair. Kel and the sootball look at each other, they remember the willowy women with elfin features and green eyes, and they can still see that person in Cerys, but the dragon and the human are in harmony now, and she is beautiful in a way that transcends both forms.

Unaware of the contemplation of her two passengers, Cerys arches her wings to catch and hold her in the wind, and she seems to float almost effortlessly to the three circling women. She hangs impossibly in the sky for a moment, grace and strength flowing from her, before cracking a wry smile.

"well I'm done with showing off, do you mind if we soar while we talk, I need a rest. And what was that music, it was... Beautiful"


sitting on a shore, feet in the water, the vampire just stares at the sky. a gentle wind blows. "i'm enjoying the quiet, but sometimes its depressing." after a while, the vampire gets up, but decides to leave their shores and just go barefooted. "i'm not a monarch anymore so i may as well wear clothes instead of royal attire." with the notion, a slight ping hit them. "how i miss my home. all my books, and other things." the vampire shakes of a tear. after changing, the vampire leaps in to the air. "maybe i'll head to town an get some directions." suddenly, the vampire's guide appears, but this time, in the form of a pixie. "hello there. glad your just enjoying yourself, but its time you continue your journey. i suggest you find someone who can give you a little word of wisdom. oh i'll be riding in your pocket. finally got the ok to stay." with a smile, the vampire continues to fly towards town.