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Christine's Adventures on the "Transition Highway"

Started by christinej78, March 29, 2018, 10:48:07 PM

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Quote from: Donna on April 15, 2018, 05:41:10 PM
My urologist told me the Twill bottom out with eligard in about 5 days and stay away for 4 months. He has 4 treatments so that should cover me long enough to get the boys gone. I got my WCB claim to cover it due to other issues that it is designed and fall within the guidelines of my workplace accident. This is a good thing as it's $1870.00 per injection.
BTW my wife and I really miss Texas, we where in Laredo sometime 2 or 3 times a month when we where still trucking.

Donna,           15 Apr 2018

Didn't realize Eligard was that expensive; how does the average TG afford that stuff if they don't have insurance? You are lucky you have it. I'd have to sell my dogs, house, yacht, plane, vacation homes, and my lingerie. I have the dogs, house and lingerie but none of the other stuff. I'd never make it with what SS pays.

If you are ever in the Dallas Fort Worth area, PM, email or call me. Glad you and your wife are together. I wish I still had my first wife, she was a jewel and I messed up. It's my private hell that I live with every day. Long story... let's just say I was a POS.

I better hurry and post this or I'll have to change the date on it.

Best always; Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100

Katie Ellen

Hi Christine,

I look forward to following your journey. You seem so happy! I hope that I can someday feel that good.

I'm 68. I started seeing a gender therapist a little over four months ago. Since about the age of 5 I've known something wasn't right in regards to my gender. But, like a lot of others, I tried very hard to bury it and live a "normal" life. I'm married with a wife that's 100% on board. I'm extremely lucky in that regard. I have 3 grown children who do not know. That's my biggest concern.

I have my first appointment for an HRT consult on 4-24-18. I'm in pretty good shape for my age, but I do have some typical issues that us older people live with. I'm pretty sure I'll be approved to start hormones and I'm starting to believe that this can actually happen after all these years. Honestly, it's a little scary.

I have a great therapist. She recommended the doctor I'll be seeing. We'll see how far I can actually go.

Take care!

Katie Ellen


Well you are never too old to start a new chapter in your life. I think you will love the HRT and all the changes it brings in time. Be prepared to be overwhelmed in a good way.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: Katie Ellen on April 16, 2018, 01:24:26 PM
Hi Christine,

I look forward to following your journey. You seem so happy! I hope that I can someday feel that good.

I'm 68. I started seeing a gender therapist a little over four months ago. Since about the age of 5 I've known something wasn't right in regards to my gender. But, like a lot of others, I tried very hard to bury it and live a "normal" life. I'm married with a wife that's 100% on board. I'm extremely lucky in that regard. I have 3 grown children who do not know. That's my biggest concern.

I have my first appointment for an HRT consult on 4-24-18. I'm in pretty good shape for my age, but I do have some typical issues that us older people live with. I'm pretty sure I'll be approved to start hormones and I'm starting to believe that this can actually happen after all these years. Honestly, it's a little scary.

I have a great therapist. She recommended the doctor I'll be seeing. We'll see how far I can actually go.

Take care!

Katie Ellen,           16 Apr 2018

Congratulations and best of luck. I'm glad your wife is onboard 100%. You have every right to be happy; no one has a right to deny you that. Thank you for posting on this thread, I really appreciate your post and hope you come back and keep in touch; I'd like to follow you on your path to happiness. I believe having your wife on board is the biggest and best asset you could have; you both can share the joy of your transition. It'll be a team effort.

I think your children will surprise you with how accepting they will be. You are ten years younger than me; some members of my generation have a difficult time accepting anything outside their frame of reference; the younger generations are not so hung up on folks who are different from themselves.

If my folks were still alive, they would disown me, which I would readily accept. To their credit, they provided me with food, clothing, a decent house to occupy, lots of toys and junk. To their discredit, they did NOT provide a home.

I divorced my first wife 43 years ago; the biggest, stupidest mistake of my life. I have had to live with that decision ever since; it's my private hell.

She passed away a few years ago; before she did I was able to talk to her and apologize for what I did. She accepted my apology and forgave me, but I haven't forgiven myself and never will. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and I threw it all away. I continually lied to myself about why I walked out on her to try and make myself feel good and try to excuse myself. Eventually, I had to stop the lying, it made me the biggest fraud on Space Ship Earth. I hated myself and there was nothing I could do to rectify or justify what I did.

Shortly after we were married, I started wearing women's panties and some clothing with her blessing. She liked my doing so and would buy things for me. She liked to put makeup on me and see how nice she could make me look as a woman. We had fun; then I started cheating, which is a long sordid story. One day I will write it and post it on this site.

I always knew there was something wrong with me, just not what, and I'm not referring to crossdressing. It wasn't until I was 47 that I found out. My parents were alcoholics and our family was completely dysfunctional in all respects. On top of that they sent me to a parochial school, which further screwed me up. Nine years of that horse hockey and I got myself kicked out. By then I was so messed up I found it difficult to have a relationship with anyone other than my close buddies. I had to find people that were as screwy as I was; we got along well.

In 1987 one of my best friends confided that he didn't realize how screwed up he was until his wife had to call 911 on him. His folks were also alcoholics. It turned out that all five of us guys that grew up together and have remained friends had alcoholic parents. I guess that is what bound us together without knowing the real reason we became friends.

Looking back, had I not been the jerk I was and had remained faithful to my wife, I would have transitioned long ago and I now know I would have lived a much happier life and chances are my wife would still be alive (another story).

Even after our divorce I kept wearing women's panties and whatever else I could get away with. About 6 years ago I realized I was wearing almost 100% women's clothing; slacks, jeans, T-shirts, socks, sneakers, shorts, tank tops, panties and everything in between. I did not try to wear a dress as I would have failed miserably. So I just started living as a woman and didn't bother to tell anyone and no one ever questioned me. I did receive a lot of compliments on my selection of clothing. Sometimes I think you can do just about anything and no one will notice; everyone's to busy with their own stuff.

I don't remember the exact date, though it was close to the first week in March that I decided to see a counselor to find out if I had lose screws, was gay, or whatever. At the end of my first session she flat told me I wasn't gay and that I was a transgender woman and that I like women. Went home and thought about it and came to the conclusion she was right. Fortunately, I had been doing some research on another subject that led me to two Web sites, this being one of them. I started reading everything I could and had an inkling there was more to me than just being crazy.

Two sessions and I had my first letter; started outing myself to my doctors, friends and just about anyone that would listen to me. It even became fun. I started looking for an endocrinologist and found one, after first encountering a real jerk endo, a male. I located the nicest lady endocrinologist I could have hoped for. I called on the 23rd of March and had an appointment for the 27th, four days after I called. She started me on HRT sans AA's that day. In the interim I saw one more counselor and got a second letter, went to my primary doctor and asked him to write a letter, which he did.

I made an appointment with the surgeon that was recommended to me by my first counselor for Monday 09 April 18. Met with him and some of his staff. They made me an appointment for a pre-op visit on Wednesday 11 April 18 and an appointment for Friday the 13th for my orchiectomy. I think I spent 6 weeks getting to the surgery from the time I officially started pursuing my transition. I had what I call my Borchieday this past Friday and am as happy as I can be. I had no reservations about having this done; its irreversible and I am glad those nasty things can never cause me to do stupid testosterone fueled macho crap. Since I've been on HRT, 4 weeks tomorrow, I have been much happier, more relaxed, sleep better, and able to pee better than I have in 20 years. 

I don't know how far I'll go with the transition. I have been thinking about the cosmetic VJ because I don't see me ever being with a cismale so why would I need a vagina; just something extra to maintain. I'm not against full SRS, except for me. I whole heartedly support everyone else's decision to seek it.

This ended up being longer than I had planned; your post triggered something in me to start talking (typing) and that's an interest in you and your wife's journey. I hope to read about it and hope you both find great happiness and long lives together. Don't worry about what others think and say; you're not hurting them so they have no right to say anything negative.

Best wishes and God Bless you, your wife and children; Love,

EDITED: 05 August 2018 - cj78
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Hope the surgery went well. I sure hope I have an answer on Thursday afternoon about my boys being gone soon. Can hardly wait.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: Donna on April 16, 2018, 11:23:51 PM
Hope the surgery went well. I sure hope I have an answer on Thursday afternoon about my boys being gone soon. Can hardly wait.

Donna,          16 Apr 2018

Everything went well, thank you. I hope yours goes even better. I didn't have a moments hesitation in getting rid of them. I couldn't wait until they did the surgery. I was originally supposed to have the surgery at 1030 CDT but more necessary surgery required rescheduling about four times that day. I think I went in at 1430 and the rest is history. Haven't had any real pain, just minor discomfort at times. The strongest pain reliever I used was Tylenol and very little at that. Still haven't experienced a testosterone crash. If your doctor is correct, I should hit bottom about Wednesday.

My procedure was a bi-lateral, radical inguinal orchiectomy. Don't understand the use of the word "Radical" in this context. I didn't create the terminology so who am I to say anything. I just know I liked having it and I am happy.

I'm sure you will be happy once the "boys" are on their way to the path-lab, never to cause problems again. When I was a kid I didn't know what they were for and hated them. They were ugly and when they got hit by something, the pain was excruciating and was a common occurrence; probably why I never had kids.

Take care Donna; Best always, Love

Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100

Katie Ellen

I grew up in a typical post World War II middle class family. Dad worked, mom stayed home and helped out at school. We walked to school and came home for lunch every day. It was the "Ozzie and Harriet" days. I was the oldest of three children. With a brother and sister each a year apart.

I was always envious of my sister. I was a sensitive boy and my father pushed me into defending myself. My neighbor friend always pushed me around. At age 8, my dad signed me up to participate in his favorite sport. Baseball. It became my diversion because I became pretty good at it and at other sports also. I knew my dad was proud of me.

At age 12, when home alone, I stumbled upon some of my moms clothes. Basically a bra. I have no idea why, but I tried it on. I then found and put on a pull over top and looked in the mirror. I can't describe the feeling I had seeing myself. I knew right then I was not "normal". Honestly, I thought that I must be the only one in the world like this!

The rest is history. No one ever caught me. I buried it deep. Unfortunately, a few years later I started having panic attacks and constant anxiety. Both of my parents died when I was 20 and I hardly left the house. This continued until I was thirty and met the woman that would become my first wife. She never knew.

All of a sudden I was happy, popular, and successful. Thought that's what I needed and was cured. Little did I know what was to come.

To be continued (Don't mean to steal your thread!). I'll start my own soon.

Katie Ellen


Quote from: Katie Ellen on April 17, 2018, 06:58:06 AM
I grew up in a typical post World War II middle class family. Dad worked, mom stayed home and helped out at school. We walked to school and came home for lunch every day. It was the "Ozzie and Harriet" days. I was the oldest of three children. With a brother and sister each a year apart.

I was always envious of my sister. I was a sensitive boy and my father pushed me into defending myself. My neighbor friend always pushed me around. At age 8, my dad signed me up to participate in his favorite sport. Baseball. It became my diversion because I became pretty good at it and at other sports also. I knew my dad was proud of me.

At age 12, when home alone, I stumbled upon some of my moms clothes. Basically a bra. I have no idea why, but I tried it on. I then found and put on a pull over top and looked in the mirror. I can't describe the feeling I had seeing myself. I knew right then I was not "normal". Honestly, I thought that I must be the only one in the world like this!

The rest is history. No one ever caught me. I buried it deep. Unfortunately, a few years later I started having panic attacks and constant anxiety. Both of my parents died when I was 20 and I hardly left the house. This continued until I was thirty and met the woman that would become my first wife. She never knew.

All of a sudden I was happy, popular, and successful. Thought that's what I needed and was cured. Little did I know what was to come.

To be continued (Don't mean to steal your thread!). I'll start my own soon.

Katie Ellen,        17 Apr 2018

You're welcome here, you are not stealing anything, you are participating. I love it.

I used to sneak my mom's panties, they made me feel great. I envied all the girls, they had pretty clothes and all I had was drab ill fitting slacks and shirts. Then going to a catholic grade school didn't help; most of the penguins (nuns) were meaner than junk yard dogs. I hated the place so much that any time I got anywhere near that school, my stomach would be in knots. How bad was it? That lasted until I was around thirty. I finally had to talk to myself and tell myself they couldn't hurt me anymore. It finally went away. I'm amazed that I didn't develop ulcers.

You weren't the only one trying on mom's clothes; most boys have done it or tried on their sisters clothes. My sister was too little so there wasn't anything she had that would fit. Besides, it wasn't silky.

I'm from the state of Ohio; been gone for most of my life. I'm in Fort Worth, Texas and this is home and where I should have been from day one. Took me a while to get here (another story), best place I have ever lived and I have been all over the US and many foreign countries. Have lived in several, I enjoyed my stays but wouldn't want to be there on a permanent basis. Spent five years in Japan. Also lived in Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia. I did enjoy Mexico (another story).

Thank you for being here, please join me as you are very welcome. If you'd like to stay I'll ask Susan to change the name of the thread to something appropriate. You and I have some things in common; I think it would make a more interesting thread.

Gotta run, have to take the pups out then get myself ready for an appointment.

Best Always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: Katie Ellen on April 17, 2018, 06:58:06 AM
I grew up in a typical post World War II middle class family. Dad worked, mom stayed home and helped out at school. We walked to school and came home for lunch every day. It was the "Ozzie and Harriet" days. I was the oldest of three children. With a brother and sister each a year apart.

I was always envious of my sister. I was a sensitive boy and my father pushed me into defending myself. My neighbor friend always pushed me around. At age 8, my dad signed me up to participate in his favorite sport. Baseball. It became my diversion because I became pretty good at it and at other sports also. I knew my dad was proud of me.

At age 12, when home alone, I stumbled upon some of my moms clothes. Basically a bra. I have no idea why, but I tried it on. I then found and put on a pull over top and looked in the mirror. I can't describe the feeling I had seeing myself. I knew right then I was not "normal". Honestly, I thought that I must be the only one in the world like this!

The rest is history. No one ever caught me. I buried it deep. Unfortunately, a few years later I started having panic attacks and constant anxiety. Both of my parents died when I was 20 and I hardly left the house. This continued until I was thirty and met the woman that would become my first wife. She never knew.

All of a sudden I was happy, popular, and successful. Thought that's what I needed and was cured. Little did I know what was to come.

To be continued (Don't mean to steal your thread!). I'll start my own soon.

Hello Katie Ellen

I think we first "met" in February on your thread here in TT "Finally realized something last night". So already have your own thread. Nice to hear from you again.

I am in UK and from a typical post war middle class family also. I was born in 1955 and "knew" I was trans in 1959 when I told my grandmother I wished to have been a born a girl and started crossdressing at 7 and have bodyshaved all my adult life. Like you I buried and suppressed and only last year sought therapy and as you see started HRT 10 weeks ago and already feel some emotional benefits and look forward to the physical ones.

I just thought you may like to read on the MTF Transsexual Talk board the thread "The long Road to HRT" as so many of "late bloomers" have commented there and useful to know our contempories.

I wish you the best on your transition journey.

Hello again Christine

I just thought you may like to read on the MTF Transsexual Talk board the thread "The long Road to HRT" as so many of "late bloomers" have commented there and useful to know our contemporaries.

Hugs to you both




Quote from: pamelatransuk on April 18, 2018, 06:20:12 AM
Hello Katie Ellen

I think we first "met" in February on your thread here in TT "Finally realized something last night". So already have your own thread. Nice to hear from you again.

I am in UK and from a typical post war middle class family also. I was born in 1955 and "knew" I was trans in 1959 when I told my grandmother I wished to have been a born a girl and started crossdressing at 7 and have bodyshaved all my adult life. Like you I buried and suppressed and only last year sought therapy and as you see started HRT 10 weeks ago and already feel some emotional benefits and look forward to the physical ones.

I just thought you may like to read on the MTF Transsexual Talk board the thread "The long Road to HRT" as so many of "late bloomers" have commented there and useful to know our contempories.

I wish you the best on your transition journey.

Hello again Christine

I just thought you may like to read on the MTF Transsexual Talk board the thread "The long Road to HRT" as so many of "late bloomers" have commented there and useful to know our contemporaries.

Hugs to you both


Hi Pamela, Katie Ellen,           18 Apr 2018

It kind of looks like the three of us share a lot of common ground in growing up. Being a bit older I was born before the US became directly involved in WW II. I had lots of fun in those early years though they didn't involve fun with my family, it was my playmates. One of them was a girl a bit older than me, don't remember exactly the difference; I was about 5 and she may have been 7 or so. She liked to play doctor so she would have me go with her into her parents garage. I was the doctor and she was the patient. I got to see a lot of her anatomy at an early age and loved it. I envied he VJ as it didn't have those goofy dangly things. I still remember her name, how the heck could I forget her when she provided me my first, sort of, sexual experience. Unfortunately I didn't know what I was doing, all I knew is I liked it, liked her, and liked girls and wanted to be one. And now here I be, 73 years later. Don't think I'll try to find her, she still might want to play doctor, and I'm not "UP" to it these days.

One of the good things in life is the ability to remember the good times; we can live them over and over. Fortunately, we also have the ability to shove most of the bad time into the dust bin of history.

Take care mis amigas. Best always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: christinej78 on April 16, 2018, 11:56:43 PM
Donna,          16 Apr 2018

Everything went well, thank you. I hope yours goes even better. I didn't have a moments hesitation in getting rid of them. I couldn't wait until they did the surgery. I was originally supposed to have the surgery at 1030 CDT but more necessary surgery required rescheduling about four times that day. I think I went in at 1430 and the rest is history. Haven't had any real pain, just minor discomfort at times. The strongest pain reliever I used was Tylenol and very little at that. Still haven't experienced a testosterone crash. If your doctor is correct, I should hit bottom about Wednesday.

My procedure was a bi-lateral, radical inguinal orchiectomy. Don't understand the use of the word "Radical" in this context. I didn't create the terminology so who am I to say anything. I just know I liked having it and I am happy.

I'm sure you will be happy once the "boys" are on their way to the path-lab, never to cause problems again. When I was a kid I didn't know what they were for and hated them. They were ugly and when they got hit by something, the pain was excruciating and was a common occurrence; probably why I never had kids.

Take care Donna; Best always, Love

Don't worry about the radical part. It just means total and complete. I had radical prostatectomy which mean they took everything including the nerves and as close to the margins of surrounding structure as possible. Unfortunately the cancer had traveled beyond that and I needed radiation. That went very well and here I am 11 years later happy and healthy.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: Donna on April 18, 2018, 05:53:26 PM
Don't worry about the radical part. It just means total and complete. I had radical prostatectomy which mean they took everything including the nerves and as close to the margins of surrounding structure as possible. Unfortunately the cancer had traveled beyond that and I needed radiation. That went very well and here I am 11 years later happy and healthy.

Hi Donna,          18 Apr 2018

Eleven year, that's extremely good; glad for you.

Don't know who comes up with the terms the medical profession uses. Guess they want to make it sound complicated so they can charge more.

The orchi is healing up fine; still a lot of bruising though it is dwindling. The penis looks like a vandalized barber-pole. The nut sack is shrinking as is the penis. Fine by me, it's just a water spout. Hopefully by the end of the month the healing will be complete and the bruising gone.

I didn't have any real pain, just some discomfort and swelling. Used a few Tylenol, maybe 8 caplets total since day one. Now it's almost discomfort free. I'm doing much of what I always do except I'm not climbing trees; that'll have to wait a few more weeks.

Best Always, Love,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Quote from: christinej78 on April 18, 2018, 10:05:13 AM
Hi Pamela, Katie Ellen,           18 Apr 2018

It kind of looks like the three of us share a lot of common ground in growing up. Being a bit older I was born before the US became directly involved in WW II. I had lots of fun in those early years though they didn't involve fun with my family, it was my playmates. One of them was a girl a bit older than me, don't remember exactly the difference; I was about 5 and she may have been 7 or so. She liked to play doctor so she would have me go with her into her parents garage. I was the doctor and she was the patient. I got to see a lot of her anatomy at an early age and loved it. I envied he VJ as it didn't have those goofy dangly things. I still remember her name, how the heck could I forget her when she provided me my first, sort of, sexual experience. Unfortunately I didn't know what I was doing, all I knew is I liked it, liked her, and liked girls and wanted to be one. And now here I be, 73 years later. Don't think I'll try to find her, she still might want to play doctor, and I'm not "UP" to it these days.

One of the good things in life is the ability to remember the good times; we can live them over and over. Fortunately, we also have the ability to shove most of the bad time into the dust bin of history.

Take care mis amigas. Best always,

Christine,  Katie Ellen

Indeed. It is always wonderful to recall the happy events in life especially those early childhood days perhaps the happiest in my life up to this point.

Three things I did in those days aswell as crossdressing was playing tea sets with the girls, playing with them in a Wendy House and skipping.

I said above "up to this point" as I have so much to look forward to after HRT produces some physical results hopefully. Then I shall at last properly "live".

Love to you both


PS: Just out of interest in the US did you in 1950s and 1960s always say "Wendy House" just like here in UK? Here some still use the term "Wendy House" but some younger people use "Play House". Thank you.



Quote from: pamelatransuk on April 19, 2018, 06:18:28 AM
Christine,  Katie Ellen

Indeed. It is always wonderful to recall the happy events in life especially those early childhood days perhaps the happiest in my life up to this point.

Three things I did in those days aswell as crossdressing was playing tea sets with the girls, playing with them in a Wendy House and skipping.

I said above "up to this point" as I have so much to look forward to after HRT produces some physical results hopefully. Then I shall at last properly "live".

Love to you both


PS: Just out of interest in the US did you in 1950s and 1960s always say "Wendy House" just like here in UK? Here some still use the term "Wendy House" but some younger people use "Play House". Thank you.

Pamela, Katie Ellen,              19 Apr 2018

Play house is what I remember. Several kids on our street had them in their backyards. There was one in a vacant lot that everyone used though I never knew who built it or owned it. It was just there all by itself. I'll have to remember this and write about one of the nasty incidents that occurred there. No one was killed but one person went to hospital (I have been to the UK... long ago).

Best Always; Love you,

What a great place Susan's is!
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100


Went to the urologist today. My T is down to half of what it was in October. Got my injection today and in 5 days I should hit 0. The doctor wants me to go the next 3 months on the injection and when I go in in three months for the next injection to make sure I am handling the 0 ok and that this transition is what I really want( it is).
At the 3 month visit he will book the removal if I'm happy with the 0. It's done outpatient here so it could be as little as a week later. He figures within a month of the next visit.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍


Katie Ellen

So, I'm only 4 days away from my HRT consult. I'm not nervous about it, except I'm not sure how to dress for it. I've gone to my therapy sessions dressed as Katie, but minus the wig seen in my avatar. I've been growing my hair for about 9 months and it's about 4.5 inches long. Unfortunately, it's quite fine, fully grey, and a little thin at the crown. Hopefully, HRT will help fill that in some???? If not, I'll need to go with wigs.

I don't think that I'm going to dress the same for this appointment though. Thinking about just wearing a pair of girl jeans and a neutral pullover top. I'll have to wear panties, but no bra. This doctor see's many trans people so I may have my toes painted. Any thoughts?
Katie Ellen


I love being fully dressed all the time. Why not go full out to the appointment. You won't be judged for it. I've notice my crown hair getting fuller since starting on dutatriside last fall so best of luck for you hair growth. I keep my natural hair short and love having wigs to chose from. Yesterday I wore a skirt and blouse, stockings and knee boots. Full make up and my wig and this is the first time in a year that he has seen me. He actually complimented me on the changes and agreed without argument to remove the boys. Present as you wish to be and it shows you are committed to your new life is my mindset.
Good luck
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍


Katie Ellen

Well I'm not out yet, so going full out is not happening.

The doctor knows my therapist and my therapist knows I'm fully committed. Not worried on that front.

Just concerned about moving through the university to get to her office. I'm not worried about being at her office.
Katie Ellen


Well you have to do it as you feel comfortable. I've live in my condo for 15 years and I was the building manager here for 6 years. I can wander thru the building now and people don't even recognize me. It's a great feeling and being out in public has been no different. Once you go full time you will love it.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Quote from: Donna on April 21, 2018, 10:14:20 AM
Well you have to do it as you feel comfortable. I've live in my condo for 15 years and I was the building manager here for 6 years. I can wander thru the building now and people don't even recognize me. It's a great feeling and being out in public has been no different. Once you go full time you will love it.
Quote from: Katie Ellen on April 21, 2018, 09:31:46 AM
Well I'm not out yet, so going full out is not happening.

The doctor knows my therapist and my therapist knows I'm fully committed. Not worried on that front.

Just concerned about moving through the university to get to her office. I'm not worried about being at her office.

Donna, Katie Ellen,            27 Apr 2018

I love both of your Avatars, you gals look fabulous.

When I went to my 1st counselor I was dressed 100% female; what I wore was jeans, t-shirt and a pink, blue and white plaid shirt. I wanted to make a good impression; I think I did. I have gotten so used to wearing women's clothing that I don't give it much thought. I hardly have any men's clothing except old stuff I use for dirty-work. Granted, most of the bottoms I wear are slacks and jeans which could be considered gender-neutral, but I almost always wear something pink, my favorite color. No one around here gives me a second look so they either don't care, don't suspect, or think I'm a kook. At my stage of life, soon to be 78, I don't care; I just want to be who I want to be so I can be happy, which I am.

Orchi update: Almost all the minor bruising is gone; Willy's helmet still has a couple remnants of the hematoma but it should be gone in a few more days. Today is the second week since my surgery, no pain, I like the fact that the sack-o-nuts is empty and is shrinking rapidly. Tested my libido... none, which is good. Tested it with some porn, Willy didn't even drool. My "T" must be at zero or less. The two incisions, about 1 inch in length each right and left side, are completely healed and barely any noticeable scar. I'm glad I chose the inguinal, which is the only orchi the surgeon I used will do. They try to minimize scaring.

Monday I see my Endocrinologist for a checkup and blood test. I'm wondering what she will do to my Estradiol dosage. It's now a patch twice weekly. I'll let you know Monday. I thought I might be developing boobs but nothing much seems to be happening on that playing field. Maybe I need to quit thinking about them and then one day they will just pop up compliments of the "Boob-Fairy," which would be welcome. If and when they pop up, I think I'll just let them poke out as much as they want; no bra, just free standing (I hope) or sagging (whatever) some. It will be interesting whatever happens.

I've been on HRT exactly one month today. I don't seem to have lost any upper body strength or stamina. I'm working on my mower today so I can mow the pasture tomorrow. Also have a couple of trees that need to be wrecked out (taken down). Finally getting some decent weather on a weekly basis rather than a day or two at a time. I cannot handle being cold.

Gotta go, have to get the mower fixed so I can be productive tomorrow.

Love you gals, best Always,
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
Friend                                                          Bum, Bumett
Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100