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Started by cryan91, January 03, 2012, 02:08:22 AM

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Sara Thomas

Mine have been in my sights for the last coupla weeks: they are very full and frowny (giving me something of a perpetually-peeved look...), and I'm not quite sure how to shape them yet.

I should probably just begin to believe the things I see, hear, and read... perhaps the furrowed brows would go away. ::)
I ain't scared... I just don't want to mess up my hair.

Ms. OBrien CVT

Mine are so flat, that I wax most of them away.  And then I redraw them on with a thin brush and black eye shadow, one hair at a time.

Elizabeth Taylor had her make artist draw her with no less than 200 strokes per brow..

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Mine are just Bulgarian - I like 'em the way they are :).


I dig up this ole thread and cast resurrect!

First up- Cryan91 -in your best brows pic you have a supercute Sarah Silverman thing going on... gorgeous!

I desperately want to shape my brows, but have to wait until my SO has had time to prepare her side of family for coming out.  My side knows.  Being a tad subversive though, I have been creeping mine into shape with a little pluck a week...  sneaky.
Body... meet brain.  Now follow her lead and there will be no more trouble, you dig?


big kim

I get them threaded for £5 every 3 weeks as I cant see them without glasses,also there's a lot of white ones now!

Jamie D



My wife and I went to a spa and I got my eyebrows done. I am not in transition yet and don't want to be out of closet, so there is that fear factor for me. All I did was get them cleaned up and they look great... without losing my masculinity


I really like this, I might just print out those pictures next time I go to get my eyebrows done.  I still have trouble trying to get 'make me look like a normal/attractive woman' across to someone in a crowded mall.  'Make these look like this' might just be easier for everyone concerned ^^;


Kate G

I recommend using an electric razor to shorten the individual hairs, either that or taking the time to do it with a scissor and comb.

Thin eyebrows make women look older and hard.  Thicker eyebrows make women look youthful.  Long individual eyebrows can create a heavy look and accentuate the brow, better to trim the lawn than to create artificial shapes.  Also once you trim down the eyebrows you can be much more objective and pick out hairs that don't belong around the periphery.
"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did." -Unknown