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Small penis size and SRS?

Started by Stella Lunaris, November 01, 2013, 06:30:47 AM

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Stella Lunaris

Hey there. So, I haven't been on estrogen yet, and I'm starting to be a little worried. I'm Asian, and in my case, the stereotype holds true. While my penis is about 5 or so inches in length (estimated) when erect, it shrinks down to only two or three inches (again, rough estimate) when flaccid. I'm really worried that with estrogen shrinking it further (I've heard it shrinks it) and it already being small, I'm not going to have enough for the surgeons to work with when it comes to SRS, or the results from SRS are going to be extremely shallow and unsatisfying.

Am I worrying over nothing? If I'm not, is there realistically anything I can do, or is surgery less of an option? Is there a certain size where surgery is impossible?

Also, I read over the rules, I couldn't find anything about posting measurements not being allowed, but if I missed something, I'm sorry. It's 7:28 AM and I've been up all night. I'm just kind of freaking out and would really like an answer to this question  :-X


Quote from: Stella Lunaris on November 01, 2013, 06:30:47 AM
Hey there. So, I haven't been on estrogen yet, and I'm starting to be a little worried. I'm Asian, and in my case, the stereotype holds true. While my penis is about 5 or so inches in length (estimated) when erect, it shrinks down to only two or three inches (again, rough estimate) when flaccid. I'm really worried that with estrogen shrinking it further (I've heard it shrinks it) and it already being small, I'm not going to have enough for the surgeons to work with when it comes to SRS, or the results from SRS are going to be extremely shallow and unsatisfying.

Am I worrying over nothing? If I'm not, is there realistically anything I can do, or is surgery less of an option? Is there a certain size where surgery is impossible?

Also, I read over the rules, I couldn't find anything about posting measurements not being allowed, but if I missed something, I'm sorry. It's 7:28 AM and I've been up all night. I'm just kind of freaking out and would really like an answer to this question  :-X

I don't think posting measurements is a problem... and you have the exact same measurements as me. For years I wished it would grow smaller . . . and now it sounds like I've found a solution to that ~ but one that could harm potential GRS depth even more!

I'm also curious about the GRS route - though I may also be interested in alternative surgeries like non-cavitating GRS (where it's the same as standard GRS but without any vagina depth). These options may depend on my sexuality after HRT, but I like the idea of being "right" down there without the huge costs and follow-up therapy afterward (I am 35 and will soon be child-support-poor).
~ Tarah ~



It doesn't say anything about not being able to use a computer. OMG! But I'll know in a few hours if they come to arrest me.  :P

But seriously, 5" will be fine. Usually this converts to about 5" depth, which is perfectly acceptable. I was on HRT for 19 years and was also circumcised and got 5" depth from 5" non-flaccid material. You'll be fine.


I can assure you there is no Admin rule concerning size!!!

As far as SRS depending on the surgeon, they use tissue from the scrotal sack etc to extend the graft. Lots of info in the Wiki section BTW. Have a read of SRS techniques in there and that may settle your fears.

Many surgeons do recommend keeping the penile tissue as pliable as possible while on E, so depending upon your sexuality and circumstance it can be a very interesting topic of conversation to have with your partner.

Cindy hands BF gel with the instruction to keep her pliable >:-)  :embarrassed: :o



yeah, there are non-penile inversion techniques. Take a look at the great work by Dr. Suporn for example.

or Dr. Chettawut



For me it wasn't so much penile length, mine was about half of yours, a micro penis, my depth was effected by lack of scrotal tissue, I went the full monte having the scrotal tissue removed with my bi-orchi my testies hung very, very low and at the time I never thought I would get SRS.....


5" is not "small." It is average for natal males; in fact, it's by FAR the most common length.

While I've decided to be non-op, I did a LOT of research back when I was considering SRS for my roadmap. From everything that I read about Dr. Suporn (in Thailand, FYI), his clients get 6" to 7" as standard, practically a guarantee. He was definitely going to be my choice.


Red Leicester

Quote from: Cindy on November 01, 2013, 10:00:11 AM
I can assure you there is no Admin rule concerning size!!!

As far as SRS depending on the surgeon, they use tissue from the scrotal sack etc to extend the graft. Lots of info in the Wiki section BTW. Have a read of SRS techniques in there and that may settle your fears.

Many surgeons do recommend keeping the penile tissue as pliable as possible while on E, so depending upon your sexuality and circumstance it can be a very interesting topic of conversation to have with your partner.

Cindy hands BF gel with the instruction to keep her pliable >:-)  :embarrassed: :o

How do you keep it pliable when you can not stand to even think about it?

Ms Grace

I'm the opposite of well hung, a weeny wiener (with matching set of tiny testes) if ever there was one. Makes tucking really easy (I can even wear tights or a swimming costume and get away with it) but I was concerned it wouldn't invert much in GRS. But then I'm not trans hetro inclined so not all that desirous of sex with a man, or any form of penetrative sex even with a lesbian partner so having a GRS that constructs a deep vagina is not high on my list. Just as long as I get a functional "clitoresque" and great looking vulva I'll be happy. To be honest I keep hoping my incredible shrinking wiener will invert itself one day, pop inside and save me the trouble and several thousand dollars! ;D
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Grace. I also have very small things so not much to tuck away which is nice. However I love to have anal & oral sex with men & always have. I've always dreamed of nice normal hot vaginal sex with a man inside me. Mabye a miracle will happen one day for both of us.
mtF, mid 50's, always a girl since childhood, HRT (Spiro, E & Fin.) since 8-13. Hormone levels are t at 12 & estrogen at 186. Face lift & eye lid surgery in 2014. Abdominoplasty/tummy tuck & some facial surgery May, 2015. Life is good for me. Love long nails & handsome men! Hopeful for my GRS & a nice normal depth vagina maybe by late summer. 5' 8", 180 pounds, 14 dress size, size 9.5 shoes. I'm kind of an elegant woman & like everything pink, nice & neet. Love my nails & classic Revlon Red. Moving back to Florida, so excited but so much work moving


Have you thought about cosmetic only down there? It's high on my list if I don't go hetero... but I don't know much about it. There's so much less info - and not as many surgeons, but I hear the cost is less than half.
~ Tarah ~


Jenna Marie

I went with Brassard, and the only person who had trouble was a woman who said she was less than 1" hard... and she only had to have a skin graft. It was *still* doable with "primarily penile inversion."

Plus the non-inversion techniques that other people know more about. :)

Also, this might be just me, but I found that when I had to stop taking estrogen for 3 weeks before GRS? The full size came BACK. Within less than a week. It kind of freaked me out, actually...

Ms Grace

These are all good and interesting things to hear! Any form of surgery down there is still some way off but it's nice to know I might be able to keep my options open.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


I am cursed the other way on the down there business as it is in the double digits in inches. Makes me cry :'(
Always hatted it and how I want it gone forever. I wont loose sleep worrying about it ever before SRS.
Very hard, no impossible to hide. I could have been a Male star rivalling Dirk Diggler!

I suppose there will be more than enough donor tissue when the time comes on a positive side.

So long and thanks for all the fish


Quote from: Jenny07 on November 01, 2013, 08:32:35 PM
I am cursed the other way on the down there business as it is in the double digits in inches. Makes me cry :'(
Always hatted it and how I want it gone forever. I wont loose sleep worrying about it ever before SRS.
Very hard, no impossible to hide. I could have been a Male star rivalling Dirk Diggler!

I suppose there will be more than enough donor tissue when the time comes on a positive side.

Jen, It's a blessing & a curse no doubt for all of us. The only positive side is that if you complete SRS it will be nice not to worry. It seems so many girls have to dialate so much to ever have a nice decent depth vagina. My little thing shrinks to almost nothing sometimes, especially if I tuck the other things away for a nicer appearance in tight pants or shorts. Any way, take care girl friend. 
mtF, mid 50's, always a girl since childhood, HRT (Spiro, E & Fin.) since 8-13. Hormone levels are t at 12 & estrogen at 186. Face lift & eye lid surgery in 2014. Abdominoplasty/tummy tuck & some facial surgery May, 2015. Life is good for me. Love long nails & handsome men! Hopeful for my GRS & a nice normal depth vagina maybe by late summer. 5' 8", 180 pounds, 14 dress size, size 9.5 shoes. I'm kind of an elegant woman & like everything pink, nice & neet. Love my nails & classic Revlon Red. Moving back to Florida, so excited but so much work moving


E will not shrink your penis length. That is an old wives tale. 5" is close to average. 5.5"-6.0" is the average length of the male penis. Don't worry, you have plenty to work with.
"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
-Dolly Parton


Hmm while everyone is worrying about having nothing to make a vagina with, I suppose I will in my usual fashion, ask the logical question....

So AFTER the surgery, how vitally important is it going to be to you, to have something that a man can shove HIS manhood into?

I mean, that is basically what it comes down to eh, are you looking forward to being female on your back legs wide open with a guy being a guy inside you?

Because this is where you need to be reminded why it is not vital for a man to be hung like a horse. Men only need the first 2 inches for the penis to do what it does, the rest is just a lot of thrust that might as well be not happening. And thus, if your vaginal length is not able to accept much more than 3-5 inches, well you will simply not need for them to use more than 3-5 inches any more than any cis female really doesn't want some 9 inch monster insisting he has to put all 9 inches inside.

In my case, I don't see any man in my future :) so I am not concerned about my very totally average gear providing a very limited vagina option. I'm not planning to take well hung men to bed :)
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


:D Good point there, too. . .

Personally... just for me... I'd be more than happy if it just looked like a vagina from the outside... anything more than that is a matter of sex only, and as you said -- not all that big a concern, really.

I don't even know if I'll find love again. I have it now and lost it. I want nothing more than to have another woman by my side: a friend, a supporter, and a companion... (possibly a man, but emotionally I'm leaning to women). What I have between my legs is the least of my concerns for any sort of loving companionship.
~ Tarah ~


Jenna Marie

Lesley : Well, I'm in a same-sex marriage, no intention of having men put anything in there, and still appreciate having a vagina. :) There are plenty of things I and we can to do enjoy things without a man. I'll admit, though, that to some extent your point is exactly why depth didn't matter as a *top* priority to me - I cared about sensation and looks a lot more, and "average" depth is just fine for me.

Francis : You have to dilate to keep the depth you're given, regardless of what that depth is...

JennX : Mine shrank, at any rate. Not permanently, it turned out, so you're probably right that it's usually reversible. But I lost length and girth both (and glad of it!).


Quote from: Lesley_Roberta on November 02, 2013, 08:11:03 AM
Hmm while everyone is worrying about having nothing to make a vagina with, I suppose I will in my usual fashion, ask the logical question....

So AFTER the surgery, how vitally important is it going to be to you, to have something that a man can shove HIS manhood into?

I mean, that is basically what it comes down to eh, are you looking forward to being female on your back legs wide open with a guy being a guy inside you?

Because this is where you need to be reminded why it is not vital for a man to be hung like a horse. Men only need the first 2 inches for the penis to do what it does, the rest is just a lot of thrust that might as well be not happening. And thus, if your vaginal length is not able to accept much more than 3-5 inches, well you will simply not need for them to use more than 3-5 inches any more than any cis female really doesn't want some 9 inch monster insisting he has to put all 9 inches inside.

In my case, I don't see any man in my future :) so I am not concerned about my very totally average gear providing a very limited vagina option. I'm not planning to take well hung men to bed :)

I'll bite. Yes, I'm really looking forward to some heterosexual sex with a fairly well endowed man. I will be seeking the surgical expertise of either Suporn or Chett for the aesthetics as well as the extra depth that they typically provide so that my man doesn't "bottom out", and so that I don't get injured during the passionate stuff. I tend to be a bit wild ;)

My car doesn't NEED a big, powerful engine to get me where I am going, but it sure is fun having one  ;)