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Professions and Majors

Started by tomthom, February 23, 2013, 07:32:06 PM

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I'll be getting my Associate of Arts in a few weeks, then off to a four year to major in Computer Science and minor in Game Design.  If time permits, I might try to dual major with them, but my schedule is already pretty intense.


Quote from: suzifrommd on July 04, 2013, 07:40:22 PM
Well, I'm in process. You can read about some of my adventures here:,131762.0.html

Other teachers are NJade and Niamh.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I miss teaching sometimes and if I think there is still room in the profession for me I might return to it. Or maybe my future is in teaching nursing. Who knows?

It's difficult for anyone to find his or her way in the world - even without the added complications of being transgendered.  Still, we all move forward with courage - or at least try to.


I have Ph.D in theoretical physics... yea, totally useless and absolutely no jobs in this field, so I am currently self employed and loving it.


I'm an overachiever - Master degree, LLB and CPA. Have my own Private Equity Firm funding Media and Entertainment, Oil & Gas. I look for new deals all the time ...
When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015

Emily Aster

Software engineer. No degree.

Zoe Snow

BS in Computer Science, I work as a software developer.  I also run my own server cloud out of my apartment, hosting things for myself and some friends.  I'm also involved with a startup, creating an RFID based timing system for Cycling events (I wear all technical hats on that project).  Needless to say, I keep rather busy most of the time.


I have an MA in Theological Studies

and am a web developer and IT support.
no it doesn't make sense. XD


I used to be an Analyst in a MIS/Operations Planning team. Now I'm just trying to get any job to pay the bills.

I've studied business management for my bachelors degree. I'm doing my masters in commerce.
Sometimes when life is a fight - we just have to fight back and say screw you - I want to live.

Sometimes we just need to believe.


Quote from: -Emily- on July 05, 2013, 01:47:53 PM
No, it does not :). Unless, You are working on some super secret "artificial intelligence" or other "deux ex machina" project. Devising SkyNet perhaps? :P


haha nope. I was just never very good at deciding what I wanted to be when I grew up. XD

Quote from: vibes6 on July 05, 2013, 01:56:45 PM
Now I'm just trying to get any job to pay the bills.

Oh I know that feel.
Went through a phase where everywhere kept saying I was 'overqualified' and I felt like screaming. I don't care. I just need money.

Zoe Snow

Quote from: Cas on July 05, 2013, 02:18:45 PM
Oh I know that feel.
Went through a phase where everywhere kept saying I was 'overqualified' and I felt like screaming. I don't care. I just need money.

Me too, I took a job working at Target (Retail Store) about a year and a half ago for a few months while I was working fulltime on a startup and ran low on money.  That was an interesting time to say the least.  I was surprised though at the amount of people who were working there with BS and MS level degrees.  I'm glad I've since moved on to another job in my field though.  Big difference in pay scale...


Quote from: Yukari-sensei on July 04, 2013, 07:34:10 PMAny teachers that successfully transitioned here while working?

I've worked in elementary/middle schools the past couple years while during the early stages of transition (I was already out as a guy, but pre-hormones and most of the legal changes when I started out 2 years ago). I haven't run into too many issues. There have been a few awkward moments, but mostly just a lot of answering "Yep, I'm a boy!" to the predictable "Are you a boy or a girl?" questions. Most of my supervisors/coworkers have known about my transition and been fine with it. Some of my students (mostly the older ones) figured it out on their own, but they didn't make a big deal of it beyond some expected middle school chatter.
Top Surgery Fund: $200/7,000


Quote from: Blaine on April 17, 2013, 10:35:28 PM
I used to be pre-med, but I've switched over to emergency medical services. I'm getting my EMT-Basic right now and want to eventually work toward my paramedic certification. I'll probably go into dispatch for a while until my surgeries are over with and healed up, though. I've got the time to spare.
I think you will like being a paramedic. something new every day


Quote from: Yukari-sensei on July 04, 2013, 07:34:10 PM

Any teachers that successfully transitioned here while working?

I took early retirement from teaching in March. In my final two years, without hrt, my appearance changed somewhat. Firstly, previously I had short hair with a receding hairline and a "Polar ice cap". When I left I had long thick hair following a hair transplant. My nose had also been feminized through surgery as had my eyes. I wore woman's trousers, feminine blouses, earrings, make up and nail varnish. The pupils were extraordinarily good about it (mostly) as was the head teacher and the rest of the management team. My immediate boss however was an absolute bastard. She went to a head of dept meeting for the whole county and made nasty sneering remarks about me. Basically 26 schools heard about me at one sitting. She was the reason I quit. She was vile.Two of us in a dept of 6 quit just because of her in the space of 9 months.
Put me under a microscope what would you see?
A question where a kiss should be.


Got a BFA in illustration 2 years ago and now I'm a 2D artist working for an indie game dev, doing comics and other projects in my spare time. I don't think I'm out to anyone in the company... I implied it pretty heavily in a big group email discussion we had a while back about how to handle nonbinary gender for character avatars in the game, but I'm not sure anyone really got the hint. :P


Quote from: Bailey on July 06, 2013, 06:02:15 PM
This is the telltale sign of a post-secondary education bubble.
I prefer to think this is a sign that the Keynesian bargain between management and labor has been broken.

But I probably shouldn't be making what could be construed as a political statement here...

So how about the possibility that transgendered individuals have a greater statistical probability of having some form of post secondary education? I see a psychology thesis in the research! Where are the psychologists here?  What do you think?


Quote from: tomthom on February 23, 2013, 07:32:06 PM
I'm curious as to the sort of talents and occupations some of us have here. Any rocket scientists? Doctors? Store Clerks? Movie makers?

who knows, maybe we can even network a bit to alleviate the stress of transgender unemployment. That's always a noble subtext to have some extra banter.

I'm an art major, currently studying to be an entertainment designer (concept art among other things)

Corrected typo in title

Hey there :)

I'm a doc of psychobabble -- D-Psych, Forensic and Clinical psychology.  13 years practitioner, recently returned to do second PhD (after the ceremonial bonfire of burning journals after submitting and passing first thesis in 2003), and have undergraduate majors in biochemistry, immunology and psychology.  Did Honours in psychology.  Got four publications of journals.  About to submit my fifth (methamphetamine one) and three more for my current PhD....I love science.  A lot.

I'm a google-scholar and EBSCO-Host crazy--did big research, solo to trace origin of term 'homosexual' in the Bible.  Ancient Greek work 'arsenokoitai' is the closest there is.

I'm a geek. :)

Courage is fear that hasn't said its prayers yet
You don't have to forgive others because they deserve it.  Forgive them because you deserve peace

Fear of others is reminding you that you are in danger of becoming what you hate
Fear of self ensures that you don't become what you hate


Quote from: Bailey on July 07, 2013, 02:28:23 PM
It seems to me there is an over supply of people with degrees that aren't useful to industry. It's simple supply and demand. If things were left to their own devices, they should balance themselves out, but things aren't left well enough alone, now, are they?
Are we certain it is not an oversupply of degrees and not a demand gap caused by too much capital in the hands of people with a lower propensity to consume?

As to leaving things well alone, I might be inclined to agree.  Current US fiscal policy has encouraged this siphoning of money to a smaller group of people who consume a much smaller percentage of their income, thus exacerbating this demand gap. Perhaps if we stopped these policies, demand would increase?

And Bailey, we better stop before we find ourselves dragged into the politics thread instead. ;D


You could always get your AS in radiology technology and fine work with me. Good money and fun too :)


Quote from: Bailey on July 07, 2013, 05:48:07 PM
It's not a demand gap. If you wish to discuss this more, I'd be willing to do so in a new thread on the Politics board.
Actually that would be very interesting. Please do.


I've been working in the engineering department of a nuclear-powered submarine.  Instead of taking that experience to enter the lucrative field of nuclear energy, I plan on pursuing a degree in journalism - a bad field that is only getting worse.  :-\
"Choosing to be true to one's self — despite challenges that may come with the journey — is an integral part of realizing not just one's own potential, but of realizing the true nature of our collective human spirit. This spirit is what makes us who we are, and by following that spirit as it manifests outwardly, and inwardly, you are benefiting us all." -Andrew WK