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Finasteride help?

Started by Horizon, June 11, 2013, 10:54:40 PM

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Can I pls has some? :kitty face:

I saw my psychiatrist last week, and he was happy to write me a prescription for Finasteride - I have yet to actually take it, however.  Today was my first hormone related appointment, and I've been told that I can expect to start HRT on July 18th (YAY!), but I'm getting more and more paranoid about my hairline and wanting to immediately start treatment for it/ensure its safety.

So, are there any side effects that a transgirl would be concerned with (things not related to erections)?  I can't remember the source, but I've heard discussions of slurred speech and a slowed thought process...things that do concern me greatly!
Is the initial shed really as bad as others claim, and will the lost grow back?  Since I'm only 20 and any hair loss has been incredibly recent, is there a chance my hairline will return to its former state?  (tbh, I'm not entirely sure if I'm actually being affected by mpb.  I've always had a higher hairline, and growing my hair for a year and a half probably made me forget just how much I hated it to begin with   ;) )
Once I've been on Spiro long enough, will I be okay to quit Finasteride?
Most important of all, did it work for anyone pre-HRT?

Thanks for any and all answers in advance!  I always spend hours thinking of what I want to type, only to mash my thoughts at the screen in a fit of impatience with myself  ;D

leet ninja admin edit: dosage

Edit:  Sorry, leet ninja admin!  I didn't realize fin dosages were a problem.  My bad!


In general once things are settled hormones wise fin. isn't needed although some people find it helps for that last 10-20 total testosterone (and there may be some initial shed before regrowth, best to wait a month and see what needs to be done from there).

and yes, since the hair loss is recent there's a good chance of it regrowing.
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.

Jamie D

With respect to your question, Horizon, you should know how (Propecia, Proscar) works.  It was first developed to treat enlarged prostates (BHP), and it was found that, by blocking the conversion of testosterone into dyhydrotestosterone (DHT), it helped reverse male pattern baldness (MPB).

Finasteride also has an "off label" use in MtF hormone replacement therapy.  It is derived from progesterone.

There is a similar medication, dutasteride (Avodart), which like finasteride, is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.

I would suggest you discuss drug interactions with your doctor and/or pharmacist.  And there is always minoxidil (Rogaine) for treating MPB.



I have to tell you that Finasteride doubled my hair in only six months!!!! I love it!!
My hair starting growing again in places where I had been bald for 10 plus years!!!

GO FOR IT!!! :-)

Antonia J

I think it has been shown to cause depression in some studies.  Get the the larger dosage tablet and split to save money.  Like someone else said, check with the pharmacist for side effects.  They are the experts.



The best summary I've found so far of the available information on the potential side effects is this article:

Trost, L., Saitz, T. R. and Hellstrom, W. J.G. (2013), Side Effects of 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors: A Comprehensive Review. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 1: 24–41. doi: 10.1002/smrj.3



I took Finasterid  for three months without much side effects. I just saw a decreased libido. I now take Duasterid only with the deecreased libido too. I see some regrowth of hair now but not too much in the bold spots.
I also take Minodixil without any side effects.

For sure it helps, there are proofs about it, especially for the combination of Fin/Dut and Minodixil. I just try Biotin out. I measured my hair growth before taking it and I just measure my hairgrowth now. In a few weeks I will see if it helps to increase the hair growth speed.

KET shampoo can help for some people too. For many people it helps to make the hair more thicker. Some people also see some regrowth in bolds spots.


Modified to remove dosage information
Happy girl from queer capital Berlin

Jamie D

Folks, although we are talking about medications that have an application for blocking DHT and helping stop, or reverse, male pattern baldness, we need to keep in mind that finasteride and duasteride are also prescribed as anti-androgens for the purpose transsexual HRT.

Consequently, an Administrator has advised that the dosages for these two medications be redacted in conformity with Rule #8 of the terms of service.

Thanks for your cooperation.


I am really sorry it was my fault to forget this rule.

Happy girl from queer capital Berlin

Jamie D

Not to worry, Lara!  The purpose of Rule #8 is so that we do not help self-medicators, or put the website at liability of someone hurts themselves by self-medicating, based on information they got here.


Thanks for all the advice, ladies!  I'm glad to hear it helped out so many people  :)

Quote from: Lara1969 on June 12, 2013, 03:48:49 PM
KET shampoo can help for some people too. For many people it helps to make the hair more thicker. Some people also see some regrowth in bolds spots.

Have you personally tried any of them out?  I looked into Nizoral, but for a reasonable price, I could only find counterfeit bottles.  Everything else was in the several hundred range for a tiny bottle  ???


Been on finasteride about 6 months. Not had any negative side effects. Had no shed, but my hair was not far into balding. Just at adolescent->adult M hairline shape. Some of which is growing back.


I had been on finasteride for 3 months then 20 days on dutasteride and I just got a script filled for finasteride for $17.60 cash. The list is $$80.00 but because I go to the Mazzoni Center and Walgreans ( next door) allows a discount for cash sales for Mazzoni patients.

1st 90 days was male order (with doctors knowledge), the dutasteride was through the doctor and my insurance rejected the payment ($140.00 out of pocked) then the Doctor prescribed finasteride and the discount route. Dutasteride is not offered due to not having a generic (so I was told).

I have seen some regrowth and have been on HRT for 2 weeks. So, with luck, I will see some more regrowth soon.

With the fin and dut I had minor gonad sensation that went away in a week. With HRT I have had moderate gonad sensations, softening and some size reduction ( very happy :) ).

HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call

Antonia J

Quote from: Jamie D on June 12, 2013, 04:16:22 PM
Folks, although we are talking about medications that have an application for blocking DHT and helping stop, or reverse, male pattern baldness, we need to keep in mind that finasteride and duasteride are also prescribed as anti-androgens for the purpose transsexual HRT.

Consequently, an Administrator has advised that the dosages for these two medications be redacted in conformity with Rule #8 of the terms of service.

Thanks for your cooperation.

My bad. I know the rules and just did not connect the hair loss medication with HRT. Won't happen again, and thanks for the reminder!

Jamie D

Same thing, Antonia J, it is not a problem.  When we are talking about  "off label" usages, it can get confusing.

I need some sort of help with my own thinning of the hair, and was really surprised at some of the side effects of finasteride (Procar, Propecia) and duasteride (Avodart).

When you think about it, these medications are designed to upset testosterone's ability to convert into DHT.  It makes sense  that it could be used in MtF hrt.


Quote from: Horizon on June 12, 2013, 05:26:15 PM
Thanks for all the advice, ladies!  I'm glad to hear it helped out so many people  :)

Have you personally tried any of them out?  I looked into Nizoral, but for a reasonable price, I could only find counterfeit bottles.  Everything else was in the several hundred range for a tiny bottle  ???

Seems a litte bit overprized to me. Shampoo with 2% Ketoconazol is prized around 10 to 20$ here in Germany. A bottle is good for maybe a two month usage. I used it first and it made my hair thicker but I did not saw any regrowth. Ketoconazol can reduce locally the DHT in your skin. There are some studies which shows some effects. It is maybe the mildest of all working chemicals.


Happy girl from queer capital Berlin



Hi, Are you German, by any chance?


Jamie D

In her Forum Profile, Lara1969 states her location as Berlin, Germany.


Quote from: Jamie D on June 13, 2013, 08:17:33 PM
In her Forum Profile, Lara1969 states her location as Berlin, Germany.

Oh, thanks Jamie D!!! I should start looking at them profiles, instead of embarassing myself as usual!!! LOL



Yes I am German and I live in Germany 8)
Happy girl from queer capital Berlin