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Female elbows?

Started by lilacwoman, August 30, 2010, 12:23:03 PM

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Quote from: MillieB on August 30, 2010, 06:14:10 PM
I'm fairly sure that it is the same for everyone male or female and that is just the way that arms are. I first saw this therory on youtube and thoughr that the woman who was saying it was a little crazy then. (she had another video supposedly outlining the differences in a male and female walk and when she said 'men walk like this' and did a bizarre impression of what Frankenstein's monster would look like if he had just shat himself)

You realize without links hilarity cannot ensue, right?   >:-)


Quote from: MillieB on August 30, 2010, 06:36:52 PM      Enjoy :D

LOL was I the only one that felt awkward at the bickering between the camera-person and her? Oh well, I think it helps me somewhat being an FTM with a feminine walk  ::) Note to self: walk like Frankenstein would. Thanks for that link  ;D


Got the 'bows as well. It's fun to check out traits like this until you don't read too many things into it.



What about the washing basket and the hips? I can carry my washing basket on my hips, held by one hand, leaving my other hand and arm free, lol. Its female isn't it, lol. Just another theory I've just made, lol.

This was just a thought for some more funnnnnnn, lol.



Quote from: lilacwoman on August 30, 2010, 05:46:44 PM
it's no use getting all huffy about something that from replies recieved is so far quite conclusive.
The problem with your test is, you've so far only gotten answers from MTFs and one FTM. The answer seems to be that almost all follow this pattern. But you haven't tested the one group you'd expect not to have female elbows, i.e. cisgendered men. So you can't know if this is truly a female characteristic, or something that holds true for pretty much everyone.

Let me demonstrate my point: Stand up straight with your left hip and ankle pressed towards the wall. Now, lift your right leg. Can you keep your balance? If "yes", you have male hips.

The problem is, you can't keep your balance. Nobody can; it is, as far as I know, completely impossible (unless the wall slopes or something). But ask a forum of MTFs that question, and they might conclude that none of them have "male hips", and the theory therefore holds true, nevermind that no cis males would then have "male hips", either.

That is why this test needs scientific backing.


I tried it and I apparently have "female elbows", but I think it's the same for most people regardless of biological sex.

Quote from: stardust on August 31, 2010, 05:16:41 PM
What about the washing basket and the hips? I can carry my washing basket on my hips, held by one hand, leaving my other hand and arm free, lol. Its female isn't it, lol. Just another theory I've just made, lol.

This was just a thought for some more funnnnnnn, lol.


I sometimes do that and I'm male-bodied. I would actually like to have wider hips than I have now (they're around 43inches, and I'm 176cm tall - my waist is about 41inches and I would like that to be about 35inches).
I have no concrete idea of my gender identity, but I believe I am an Androgyne.


Quote from: stardust on August 31, 2010, 05:16:41 PM
What about the washing basket and the hips? I can carry my washing basket on my hips, held by one hand, leaving my other hand and arm free, lol. Its female isn't it, lol. Just another theory I've just made, lol.

This was just a thought for some more funnnnnnn, lol.


Birthin' hips!


Maybe I'm just lost but I don't get it at all. Bianca and I neither one had any issue with this test (at least not by using the basic directions given here) and can't even figure out what the heck it has to do with elbows. When I turn my palms forward I feel it in my shoulder, not my elbow.

I personally find it very easy to keep my arms completely pressed against my body and turn them from palms inward to palms forward. Bianca also had no problem with this.

While I do think this is all absurd I now wonder, are we doing something wrong? lol

Also, this is not meant to be offensive, but in reference to how this test would prove accurate including cis men and cis women along with FTM and MTF people... anyone on this site or in this thread who is not yet transitioning would qualify for the part of cis male or female in this type of study. Physically if you have not changed your body at all through hormones or surgeries it would still function as any cis genered person's body functioned. So if even one person who responded is MTF who has not began to transition that would physically cover the same requirements you'd need from a cis man. For clarity, once again, I am not saying they are men, but physically the bone structure, muscle structure and weight distribution would all be there for the purposes of a test that requires only a physical male body.


Aw man, no way, I have female elbows. There goes my masculinity. Either that, or I need elbow surgery to fix my girl arms. And finger surgery, lop off some of the index for a more masculine ratio please :laugh:

Got to get rid of all those tells, you know?


Quote from: Silver on September 01, 2010, 02:11:57 AM
Aw man, no way, I have female elbows. There goes my masculinity. Either that, or I need elbow surgery to fix my girl arms. And finger surgery, lop off some of the index for a more masculine ratio please :laugh:

Got to get rid of all those tells, you know?

Seriously! If I could do something about these hips that would be a blessing. I'd also love to be taller, considering all of the men in my family are 6ft or above and I'm like 5'5... I kind of stick out at family gatherings lol.


I feel that this is a nother grasp at the straws that aren't there moments.


Quote from: Cowboi on September 01, 2010, 02:15:00 AM
Seriously! If I could do something about these hips that would be a blessing. I'd also love to be taller, considering all of the men in my family are 6ft or above and I'm like 5'5... I kind of stick out at family gatherings lol.

Oh yeah, same here. My father's like six feet and here I am at 5'5.5" I suppose leg lengthening is an option, although not a recommended one, but there's absolutely nothing you can do about female hips.


Quote from: Binks on September 01, 2010, 02:17:19 AM
I feel that this is a nother grasp at the straws that aren't there moments.
Unless someone puts up an article about this "theory" (sorry I'm a science nerd and don't take to that word too lightly  ;D), I'd probably have to agree. It actually seems like it's going backwards by the looks of the posts seeing that both FTM's who tried (myself included  ::)) managed to keep their arms stuck to their side while turning them with relative ease. However, if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure you're not going to hear anyone going around all "There's no way she's female! Look at those elbows!" It just doesn't happen  ;). Confidence seems to rule above all.


Quote from: Meepit on September 01, 2010, 02:26:32 AM
Unless someone puts up an article about this "theory" (sorry I'm a science nerd and don't take to that word too lightly  ;D), I'd probably have to agree.

OMG, someone after my girls heart! Bianca is a huge science nerd too. You should ask her about her upcoming tramp stamp tattoo sometime... it's so geeky it even impressed me, and I can be hard to impress.


Quote from: Cowboi on September 01, 2010, 02:43:31 AM
OMG, someone after my girls heart! Bianca is a huge science nerd too. You should ask her about her upcoming tramp stamp tattoo sometime... it's so geeky it even impressed me, and I can be hard to impress.

You've made me curious.


Quote from: Cowboi on September 01, 2010, 02:43:31 AM
OMG, someone after my girls heart! Bianca is a huge science nerd too. You should ask her about her upcoming tramp stamp tattoo sometime... it's so geeky it even impressed me, and I can be hard to impress.
Do tell  :o. My personal favourite nerdy pickup line is: I wish I was DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.  ::) cheesey I know.


Quote from: Meepit on September 01, 2010, 02:50:08 AM
Do tell  :o. My personal favourite nerdy pickup line is: I wish I was DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.  ::) cheesey I know.

LOL - scary thing?  That line would work on me no problem LOL.