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Female elbows?

Started by lilacwoman, August 30, 2010, 12:23:03 PM

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I've just seen this female elbows theory.
stand up with arms straight down and palms against outer side of turn hands so palms face forward.
if the lower arm has to move away from the body its female elbows.
so I tried it. 
I found its impossible to keep my elbows in and arms against my legs with palms forward.
try it and report back please.


Very strange! lower arm does tend to move away, but the wrists more so. Well I can struggle and try to keep it from moving away but that is somewhat rigged as I'd have to rotate my lower arm as well :D

Anyway not sure if I did it right :-\


If this is true I DEFINITELY have female elbows, my arms go straight til the elbow then they go out a LOT! lol made me smile!

I cant even get my wrists to touch trying as hard as I can, only my fingers and then barely.



My arms trace and upside down V when I do that :D

It's impossible to keep them straight without injury to my elbow joint!


I qualify for Female elbows!!!


Sounds like HBS pseudo-science...

Any studies to back this up?


Quote from: pheonix on August 30, 2010, 04:20:49 PM
Sounds like HBS pseudo-science...

Any studies to back this up?

just the replies above.  Plus it really hurts me to try get my elbows to stay in.  how did you do?


Quote from: lilacwoman on August 30, 2010, 04:43:49 PM
just the replies above.  Plus it really hurts me to try get my elbows to stay in.  how did you do?

I can't -- my lower arms behave as you described in your OP, but that doesn't define it as a "female elbows" thing.

It's a dangerous road to travel when using physical characteristics to define gender.  If we made the statement "only women born with vaginas are women," I can guarantee few here would agree.  To cut along these lines is similarly problematic.



well I have to say that if all the people who said they couldn't were telling  the truth then it is obviously a female thing.
the explanation in the article I read was that this elbow design allows a baby to be suckled best.
Obviuosly it would be nice to have some more input from the FtMs and others on Susans but for now it seems a good marker of MtFness.


"You throw like a girl" ... this is why lol!
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



Well here's an FTM's input (I hope I'm doing it right).

Being cursed with a body that is unnaturally feminine in a wide variety of ways (including the index finger:ring finger ratio, I'm the only person I've witnessed that has an index finger about a centimeter longer than the ring finger....apparently excessively feminine....whatever) I was surprised to "fail" this test.

I held my palms flat against my thighs and slowly rotated them forward and the side of my hand as well as the entire arm stuck to my body. If I held my arm freely in the air though, there was a very visible bend of my forearm outwards where my upper arm ended.  However, one thing I did notice is that where the elbow is is also where my waist and skinniest part of my body is so it was just like a jigsaw where the elbow was unnaturally bendy but my waist accommodated for this by getting skinnier. Perhaps this this small-waist and bendy-elbow is all connected?

Hope this helps, if I did this wrong please let me know D:


Has a natal guy tried this? maybe it is the same for almost everyone  ???

Personally, I am a woman, so my elbows are womans elbows, regardless of how they bend.


Quote from: lilacwoman on August 30, 2010, 05:09:52 PMbut for now it seems a good marker of MtFness.

So you're trying to define transsexuality, which is still medically considered a psychological and not biological variation, by physical characteristics?  This is a "Harry Benjamin Syndrome" argument, and one which has never held any water medically.  Declaring something arbitrary like elbows would likely exclude women who are transsexual.

Could transexuality be tied to intersex conditions?  Potentially.  But  I doubt the dividing line will be whether arms behave as described.  The number of us on the board who are diagnosed with intersex conditions are proof that biology is rarely clean or absolute.  Expect the answer to be far more complex and nuanced.



Quote from: Meepit on August 30, 2010, 05:25:32 PM
Well here's an FTM's input (I hope I'm doing it right).

I was surprised to "fail" this test.

Perhaps this this small-waist and bendy-elbow is all connected?

Hope this helps, if I did this wrong please let me know D:

Ever wonder why I asked for medical studies supporting this?...  ;D


It is kind of fun thinking about such things,

but it would be hard on those that don't have those characteristics.

Considering most trans girls were born with a penis, yet still consider themselves girls is testament to how our biology is not our defining factor.



Quote from: Meepit Perhaps this this small-waist and bendy-elbow is all connected?

Hope this helps, if I did this wrong please let me know D:
the upper body length of GGs does vary an awful lot so I'm not sure of any significance of what you state.
if the small waist and bendy elbow is a design feature of a woman in what situation does it have an advantage?
And as I type that line I picture women carrying a small child with it sitting nicely on the hip bone.  :D


Quote from: pheonix on August 30, 2010, 05:38:16 PM
So you're trying to define transsexuality,

it's no use getting all huffy about something that from replies recieved is so far quite conclusive.


Quote from: lilacwoman on August 30, 2010, 05:45:14 PM
the upper body length of GGs does vary an awful lot so I'm not sure of any significance of what you state.
if the small waist and bendy elbow is a design feature of a woman in what situation does it have an advantage?
And as I type that line I picture women carrying a small child with it sitting nicely on the hip bone.  :D

Well in the sense that it might be more comfortable, which seems to be above procreation. If one had elbows facing inwards and a larger waist, it would be chafing 24/7 and might cause wear on the body. And to do things such as run, the waist would probably allow more swing-room for the bendy-elbows instead of an individual with bendy-elbows and a large-waist having to adjust their arms at each swing. It also factors in the hip swinging which causes a woman's body to swivel slightly while running, possibly jabbing bendy-elbows into their side even more so if there wasn't a smaller waist.

I dunno, that's just my take on it. I can't picture how the elbows would help in carrying a baby (visuals would be nice  ;D). I'd also like to think that not everything on a woman's body is to accommodate babies so I'm just suggesting an alternative D: (could be a personal ftm-thing). My prior post wasn't meant to disprove or prove anything I was just giving my observations from another angle.


Quote from: lilacwoman on August 30, 2010, 05:46:44 PM
it's no use getting all huffy about something that from replies recieved is so far quite conclusive.

Being didactic does not huffy make. ;)

Quote from: pheonixSo you're trying to define transsexuality, which is still medically considered a psychological and not biological variation, by physical characteristics?"



I'm fairly sure that it is the same for everyone male or female and that is just the way that arms are. I first saw this therory on youtube and thoughr that the woman who was saying it was a little crazy then. (she had another video supposedly outlining the differences in a male and female walk and when she said 'men walk like this' and did a bizarre impression of what Frankenstein's monster would look like if he had just shat himself)

I think that we all look for feminine or masculine traits as evidence that we should always have been what we know we are, but some folk look a little too hard.