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Degree Of Sexual Preference

Started by misty, September 03, 2005, 05:16:26 PM

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In your female role or natural female state, what is your degree of preference for a sexual partner?

100% Female
40 (23.1%)
90% Female 10% Male
15 (8.7%)
80% Female 20% Male
6 (3.5%)
70% Female 30% Male
12 (6.9%)
60% Female 40% Male
8 (4.6%)
50% Female 50% Male
23 (13.3%)
40% Female 60% Male
5 (2.9%)
30% Female 70% Male
12 (6.9%)
20% Female 80% Male
8 (4.6%)
10% Female 90% Male
9 (5.2%)
100% Male
27 (15.6%)
8 (4.6%)

Total Members Voted: 37


if you had numerous partners (even if this is against your principles) what percentage would be female and what percentage would be male........or you could put it another way ......what is your percentage inclination towards female or male?

misty xxx


Damn, I just start putting my mind back in order and you have to go and shake things up again Misty, I have been missing some possibilities or something? Pardon me while I take my wanna be lesbian butt out for a walk to think about this .....  and numerous partners?    I've only had two in my lifetime! and damn me if I didn't marry both of them.  I can't believe such a sheltered life I've lived.



Looks like lesbian's 3 bi's 1 and hetero's a no show so far. I voted 100 % female. I'm not very comfotable with men and have 0 attraction to the things.



Hey Cassie, I've heard that there are advantages to dating men,  They make excellent Speed Bumps when your done with them, so they tell me ....




Don't forget that we do have FtM members at Susan's.  And while I know that  remarks about "the things" and "speed bumps" are made in jest, I don't think all FtM members here would feel the same way, and share in the remarks.

Chat later,



I voted 50/50. the person counts more than the gender.


Quote from: AllisonY2K on September 04, 2005, 12:02:14 AM
I voted 50/50. the person counts more than the gender.

Only if you are bi.  Try selling that statement to a lesbian, a gay man or a str8 woman or man!


Quote from: misty on September 03, 2005, 05:16:26 PM
if you had numerous partners

I have.

Quoteeven if this is against your principles

Its not.

Quotewhat percentage would be female


Quoteand what percentage would be male




This is such a hard topic for me lol...

I've been mildly attracted to other women before, in the "it makes good porn and its a nice fantasy" sorta way....  I never considered myself bi before, I was straight, I found men attractive mostly exclusively... save for the aforementioned .....   Then my male partner isn't male anymore... (really she never was?)  And If I love her differently at all, I love her -more- now than  before.... She is my wife... But I'm not really bi....

???  on with the mindjob...  lol


QuoteI don't think all FtM members here would feel the same way, and share in your remarks.

Am well aware of the FTM's Steph, and while I would think they know a joke when they see one, my feelings won't be hurt if they never ask me for a date either.



it's 100% female for me of course, but i have to add i am only attracted to gay women and not heterosexual women, not that there is anything wrong with them, just that i want someone who feels the same way i do,



Yeah, I think most FTM's, having lived as female for some of our lives, can empathize completely with the man-bashing and don't take offence. I think the only thing that would be offensive is if you excluded us from it, as though we weren't in the male group. Although some of us may be different from bio men, many of us are not. And some bio guys are different from the flock too.

I actually found myself watching sports in my boxers and undershirt, can of beer in my hand and overflowing ashtray beside myself once. Thought I was turning into a stereotype before my very eyes.

I do try to avoid grunting behaviour in public though, and sexism of any form, but that would probably be more my English middle class roots than any gender thing.

[note to self: do not ask Terri out on a date]



Thanks Dennis, I don't mean to be a basher, but humor is humor and like I said, FTM's are perfectly capible of recognising a rather common joke among women in one of it's many forms..  As far as it goes, I'm perfectly happy and interested in sharing conversation and mutually enjoyed activities with men that can be respectful, but as to anything closer then that, It just doesn't grease my wheels.



QuoteOnly if you are bi.

that's why I voted 50/50!
for me, the person counts more than the gender. sorry I wasn't more specific earlier.


Good one Teri.

Quoteremarks about "the things"

Who said I was talking about the whole man. I was just talking about the things. You know the "things". Not that I'm saying all men are things....or am I...mmmmm. :-\  ;D



Hey there Terri.

QuoteAm well aware of the FTM's Steph, and while I would think they know a joke when they see one, my feelings won't be hurt if they never ask me for a date either.

Terri, I didn't intend my comment as a person smite, just as a general observationof the thread, sorry if it seemed that way. I know that you know, I was just trying to prevent the thread turning into a male bashing affair.  I've modified my reply  :)

Chat later,

Steph :)


WOW!!!    beautiful picture Steph!



Hello Beth,

Thanks so much, my wife took it this evening just after supper.  She's very sneaky that way  :)



according to the polls at the moment 70% would like to give birth......but approx 52% would choose a female partner only

to fill this would you choose to conceive

misty xxx