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My transgender feelings are at a clash with my alpha male identity.

Started by Ultimus, September 30, 2012, 09:37:36 PM

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Quote from: edderkopp on October 03, 2012, 01:08:18 PM
Coming from the other side (FTM) you actually see yourself living, fully, as a woman? Other than outside of fantasies? It doesn't mean you have to engage in "traditionally" female activities. It just means, would you be comfortable doing EVERYTHING as a woman? Married as a woman, lesbian or not. Parenting as a mother, not a father. Going to school as a woman.  Working as a woman, even if it is in a male dominated field (a lot of girls do). Walking down the street as a woman. Every little mundane task in life, as a woman.

For me, although picturing myself having my body finally line up with the man I am inside does make me happy, at the end of the day, it is characterized by a normalness. When I get seen as the man I am, I don't feel a lot of pleasure now that I am actually there. For me, it's just how it was always meant to be and I embrace the boringness. The dysphoria wasn't replaced by a euphoria, just by normalcy and contentment. Would you feel those things as a woman? would it be simply routine and simply the way things were meant to be from the start?

"For transpeople, using the right pronoun is NOT simply a 'political correctness' issue. It's core to the entire struggle transpeople go through. Using the wrong pronoun means 'I don't recognize you as who you are.' It means 'I think you're confused, delusional, or mentally I'll.'. It means 'you're not important enough for me to acknowledge your struggle.'"


I went through the process of re-evaluating my ''male'' activities. I have practiced and taught various martial arts including mma my whole life. I hated the locker room talk and never felt like I fit in too. I also still watch the UFC (although to be honest my interest is starting to dwindle). About 1 year ago I stopped practicing and teaching it when my transitioning became a priority for my well being. It took that time to understand that there is no such thing as ''male'' activities...only activities that I want to do or don't want to do. Your allowed to be (if you feel you are) a woman with a strong and authoritative character who enjoys fighting sports.

I'm surprised to hear that all those therapists didn't suggest anything to help you sort things out. I guess like a few have posted sometimes experience is the only way to get some clarity.


Quote from: Isabelle on October 03, 2012, 01:28:28 PM
Yes, you're a transgender person by definition. Transgender is an umbrella term though and, includes all aspects of behavior that transgress/transcend "traditional" gender roles in the culture you identify with. Of all the various types of people lumped under the transgender umbrella, few actually transition from one gender role to another perminantly. Transsexuals are one of these types. It's like the terminology used to describe vehicles. Imagine if everything that had wheels was transgendered but only bicycles were transsexual. In other words, all bicycles have wheels but, not everything with wheels is a bicycle. The area of the forum you are posting in, is identified as being a resource for transsexual people so, many of the responses you get are going to come from that perspective.

I thought it was obvious that what I was intending to say was, "Am I the point of transitioning." I'm trying to determine if I am transsexual. I know that I'm somewhere on the transgender spectrum.

Quote from: PaigeMtl on October 03, 2012, 03:03:27 PM
I went through the process of re-evaluating my ''male'' activities. I have practiced and taught various martial arts including mma my whole life. I hated the locker room talk and never felt like I fit in too. I also still watch the UFC (although to be honest my interest is starting to dwindle). About 1 year ago I stopped practicing and teaching it when my transitioning became a priority for my well being. It took that time to understand that there is no such thing as ''male'' activities...only activities that I want to do or don't want to do. Your allowed to be (if you feel you are) a woman with a strong and authoritative character who enjoys fighting sports.

I'm surprised to hear that all those therapists didn't suggest anything to help you sort things out. I guess like a few have posted sometimes experience is the only way to get some clarity.

Did I mention mma in my OP? I think I forgot. Because I am a HUGE MMA fan. I watch every UFC, Strikeforce, and Bellator, plus I post on MMA forums, and I compete in wrestling, boxing, and BJJ. Just won 3rd in the state for BJJ!

How have you found transitioning to affect your practicing of mma?


QuoteI thought it was obvious that what I was intending to say was, "Am I the point of transitioning." I'm trying to determine if I am transsexual. I know that I'm somewhere on the transgender spectrum.
Well, I apologize but, I wasn't obvious to me. Based on your description of yourself, you don't sound like a transsexual to me. It sounds like you enjoy transvestic fetishism/paraphillic transvestism.


Quote from: PaigeMtl on October 03, 2012, 03:03:27 PM
I went through the process of re-evaluating my ''male'' activities. I have practiced and taught various martial arts including mma my whole life. I hated the locker room talk and never felt like I fit in too. I also still watch the UFC (although to be honest my interest is starting to dwindle). About 1 year ago I stopped practicing and teaching it when my transitioning became a priority for my well being. It took that time to understand that there is no such thing as ''male'' activities...only activities that I want to do or don't want to do. Your allowed to be (if you feel you are) a woman with a strong and authoritative character who enjoys fighting sports.

I'm surprised to hear that all those therapists didn't suggest anything to help you sort things out. I guess like a few have posted sometimes experience is the only way to get some clarity.

Well even if you say mma isn't a "male" activity it's not gonna change the fact that the people who like mma are like 100% male.

TBH I do not think these threads are very good because people try to talk other people into transition as if it is right for everyone... maybe to feel more secure about their own transition. It is a really serious step and it is not right for everyone.  :-\


Quote from: pretty on October 03, 2012, 06:44:19 PM
Well even if you say mma isn't a "male" activity it's not gonna change the fact that the people who like mma are like 100% male.

TBH I do not think these threads are very good because people try to talk other people into transition as if it is right for everyone... maybe to feel more secure about their own transition. It is a really serious step and it is not right for everyone.  :-\

I strongly disagree. I would say mma fans are 80% male. Women's mma is growing quickly.  Ever heard of Ronda Rousey?



Quote from: Ultimus on October 03, 2012, 06:46:15 PM
I strongly disagree. I would say mma fans are 80% male. Women's mma is growing quickly.  Ever heard of Ronda Rousey?

Lol no I have not  ::)


I believe you are probably border line transvestite/transexual

What you need to know is how would it be to live totally as a woman. This  just means being totally in sync, doing everything on a daily basis as a woman, either in a same sex relationship (girl to girl) or with a man.

Would be totally at peace emotionally doing absolutely everything as a woman. Think about your daily or weekly routine in fact if you have a sister or your mother think about what they do daily. Could you be relaxed and  be happy like this.

For me, my male existence was one of stress, concern, awkwardness, whereas my girlfriends always said as a woman, there was a  dramatic change in my outlook almost like as a woman I had reached normalcy and contentment.

This contentment and normalcy became second nature to me and as I just got on with life as JudithLynn, my confidence grew.

I remember meeting a girl at work and she was breast feeding her recently born baby and I told her  I had always wondered what would it be like to suckle a baby on my breast. A few weeks layer I was visiting her at home and she said why don't I try it. She showed me hoe to position the baby and I did it because through the progesterone I had been lactating. This was in fact a very pleasurable  experience - not sexual, but euphoric.

Would you be be comfortable breastfeeding and living  in completely normalcy as a woman.

If not and it is just sexual then I reckon you are more a transvestite.

Thats where I started, but the  pull towards HRT was just so strong. Now although I haven't fully transitioned and reverted to my pseudo  male self,  having been on HRT for  more than 2years I have reached sort of limbo.




Quote from: Ultimus on October 03, 2012, 05:18:17 PM
Did I mention mma in my OP? I think I forgot. Because I am a HUGE MMA fan. I watch every UFC, Strikeforce, and Bellator, plus I post on MMA forums, and I compete in wrestling, boxing, and BJJ. Just won 3rd in the state for BJJ!

How have you found transitioning to affect your practicing of mma?

To be honest I stopped practicing. My interest in watching UFC etc. has also greatly diminished.  Some times I think I will go back to it again in a year or so with a different mind set / attitude towards it. Time will tell.

Only you know how important it is to you and the reasons why you keep doing it. Don't let any one tell you it's a guy thing. Those who do are the same people who limited freedom of expression (hence the fear of experimenting with gender or sexuality) and created a gender binary. lol that sounds cheesy..but it's kinda true.



Quote from: Ultimus on October 01, 2012, 10:31:55 AM

Well yeah, time will tell. But I'd rather have time tell while I'm 21 then when I'm 41 and married with kids. I've been in therapy since age 18. So when am I ever suppose to know for sure if I'm transgender or not?

You're so honest to yourself AND others....your future wife. Not dragging an unsuspecting and unknowingly partner into the hellhole of a transitioning husband AND inflicting an identitycrisis on her. AND your future children.

You're so honest by just admitting your interests etc ARE just masculine instead  of denying it and shouting down it's butch lesbian.

I really wish (future) lesbian MTF were like you.

Non-egoistical and full of consideration for others causing no harm.


Quote from: pretty on October 03, 2012, 06:44:19 PM

TBH I do not think these threads are very good because people try to talk other people into transition as if it is right for everyone... maybe to feel more secure about their own transition. It is a really serious step and it is not right for everyone.  :-\

Most MTF aren't feminine in the slightest....I'm not talking about appearance but their (very!) masculine nature.

Very often I think....this TS'ism of very masculine, straight men/biological fathers must be a completely isolated deviation within a completely masculine nature.


Quote from: Ultimus on September 30, 2012, 09:37:36 PM
I identify with the alpha male lifestyle. All of my hobbies and interests are those of a man.  For instance, my favorite hobby is watching and participating in mma fighting. I grew up with all male interests. I was in the boy scouts and became an eagle scout. All of my heroes are men. I don't have a feminine bone in my body. I'm not gay either.

Alright, let me explain something to you. Just because you have hobbies and interests that society would view as "male hobbies" (which in itself is silly, as no hobbies are male or female, we just make them that based on which is more common) doesn't mean that it clashes. There are PLENTY of women who like what you'd consider "male hobbies" and plenty of women who have much more male friends that female. Just because you are a woman doesn't mean you can't like MMA fighting, want to be a scout, have male heroes and so on. You don't have to love make-up, wear heels and watch chick-flicks every night to be a woman.


Quote from: Dahlia on October 15, 2012, 12:32:14 PM

Most MTF aren't feminine in the slightest....I'm not talking about appearance but their (very!) masculine nature.

Very often I think....this TS'ism of very masculine, straight men/biological fathers must be a completely isolated deviation within a completely masculine nature.

I'll just say that transition isn't for everyone and I sometimes see this message getting drowned out by support that can sometime cross the line into encouragement.

If this is of a sexual nature for you OP, then from what I've heard the sexual "high" doesn't last long. Not to mention that even a few months of hormone usage can leave you sterile, and then you won't even have what you originally had.
I can see me
I can see you
Are you me?
Or am I you?


Quote from: Dahlia on October 15, 2012, 12:32:14 PM

Most MTF aren't feminine in the slightest....I'm not talking about appearance but their (very!) masculine nature.

Very often I think....this TS'ism of very masculine, straight men/biologicalwomen must be a completely isolated deviation within a completely masculine nature.

As much as I don't want to, I kind of agree. Its very, very common. A friend of mine who is around a BUNCH of trans women day after day told me that I'm the first one he could see me as female by personality. he went on to say all the ones he has met are more interested in sex, money, and violence. Now, he is one of those 21 year old straight guys that are like "women dont have penises" so his opinions are rather ignorant or new, but if I'm the first trans he could see that in, that's a indication of how masculine the mtf community may be... at least in my area.

If you are masculine and plan on transitioning, I think its going to be difficult gaining respect from cis males. Maybe I'm wrong... hope I am, but it just seems they kind of reject the idea of gender expression more than cis women.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



Quote from: Alainaluvsu on October 15, 2012, 01:02:31 PM
A friend of mine who is around a BUNCH of trans women day after day

Now, he is one of those 21 year old straight guys that are like "women dont have penises" so his opinions are rather ignorant or new,

Just curiousity...but what is your  'ignorant' straight 'women don't have penises' friend doing around a BUNCH of trans women day after day?

Quoteand violence.

Especially the violence thing is something ehm, appalling to me. How many times I've read here on Susan's about liking 'to shoot big guns' or about 'army girls'.....I've lost count!


Quote from: Dahlia on October 15, 2012, 01:27:07 PM
Just curiousity...but what is your  'ignorant' straight 'women don't have penises' friend doing around a BUNCH of trans women day after day?



gotta <3 ya for this stuff.
I can see me
I can see you
Are you me?
Or am I you?


Quote from: Dahlia on October 15, 2012, 01:27:07 PM
Especially the violence thing is something ehm, appalling to me. How many times I've read here on Susan's about liking 'to shoot big guns' or about 'army girls'.....I've lost count!

So, do you have a problem with weapons and veterans? I am not trying to single you out, I am just trying to better understand what you wrote.


Thank Susan for this amazing forum. The varied array of responses from trans people on trans issues found in this and every thread on this website - is an invaluable resource, and I would suggest not taking any of these people's experience lightly.

Of course we ought not urge you toward our destination. You can only ever know if transition is right for you. But understand that should you choose to transition, it will be distinct and unique for you. None of us go to the same place, all of our transitions are custom made to fulfill a personal inner peace.

This doesnt mean everyone can transition happily. It certainly doesn't mean you Should. You have carried this with you for a lifetime. How can you unburden yourself?

Isolate your sexual fantasy to be a woman. It is far too risky to consider total life alteration based on a sexuality. Especially because the process to transform into your sexual fantasy will likely redefine sexuality as you know it today - and the fantasy you set out to realize will be gone.

There are no rules. You are doing the right thing asking questions, you obviously spend a lot of time on this issue.

HRT can be diagnostic. If medical transition is right for you, the changes HRT brings will give you a sense of peace and joy. If they do the opposite...that being said, I don't believe your 20 days on HRT should be seen as evidence against your transsexualism necessarily. Hormones are scary. They are a game changer, and should be taken with incredible caution and clarity. You may need hormones but perhaps were not ready.

This is a long and slow journey. If you don't know if you want or need to transition now, it's OK. There is no rush. I know you want to figure this out before you're 40, but if you remain present and active on this area of your will.

Get back on therapy.
Devise a plan to find out what this is all about: go out dressed, try dressing at a time you're not Horny! If that means jerking off and then getting your dress on, do it.
Keep talking. Reading is great but nothing beats discussion like this.
Be patient....everyone on here will tell you that - listen.

Also! Consider working with your doctor and therapist on this idea - taking Testosterone blockers alone. Taking only T blockers for some time will cause the sexual side effects of HRT to begin. In this way, you would see if your sexual urges were the driving force behind it all, without growing breasts (probably) in the process. Of course being only on tblockers has its risks, and is obviously only possible in safety under care of a physician.

Join a support group so you can build relationships with trans women. I did this immediately because I wanted to see if I related to them at all. I learned that we are all different, but I did find a commonality that is hard to always define.

Be gentle on yourself. HRT is something that works better the younger you are, but there is no major difference between starting at 21 or 25. Take your time. X


Quote from: Dahlia on October 15, 2012, 01:27:07 PM
Just curiousity...but what is your  'ignorant' straight 'women don't have penises' friend doing around a BUNCH of trans women day after day?

He's a stripper at a gay club where LOTS of trans girls frequent, and dance. Plus, this is New Orleans, I've met more in 1 week than I've met my entire life anywhere.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



Quote from: Alainaluvsu on October 15, 2012, 02:35:09 PM
He's a stripper at a gay club where LOTS of trans girls frequent, and dance. Plus, this is New Orleans, I've met more in 1 week than I've met my entire life anywhere.

oh, so he's one of those straight guys who works at gay clubs for the higher tips?

In other words, he's "str8". *yawn* Gay guys eat up the "str8" act.
I can see me
I can see you
Are you me?
Or am I you?