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Started by tomthom, February 23, 2013, 07:32:06 PM

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Quote from: JLT1 on February 25, 2013, 09:13:39 PM
PhD X 3 - Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Molecular Toxicology.   I started in the medical field doing NMR and MRI research and then decided I didn't like the thought process of most MDs where they speak of probabilities but do not have a statistically sound data set.  I just don't like that.  Now, I'm supposed to be doing environmental research but I think I just answer questions.  Lots and lots of questions.  I did actually get to do some chemistry today when someone had a good question.  ^-^

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, look me up!  ;D


Quote from: Brooke777 on February 25, 2013, 09:18:58 PM
If you live in the Pacific Northwest, look me up!  ;D
:D ;D
Great Lakes area of US.  I do get out to the Pacific Northwest every couple of years
To move forward is to leave behind that which has become dear. It is a call into the wild, into becoming someone currently unknown to us. For most, it is a call too frightening and too challenging to heed. For some, it is a call to be more than we were capable of being, both now and in the future.

Brightest After Dawn



Quote from: Keaira on February 25, 2013, 03:46:04 PM
Oh awesome! :D I use Lightwave myself. I've not tried Cinema 4D. I've not done any professional 3D work. Although I was told by one Animation Supervisor  that he wished he had a hundred people like me because apparently most modelers and animators have an ego(?)
I'd rather be doing graphic design, modeling, animation, etc. for a living. The lightsaber in my signature below is all Lightwave with no post work done.


I know a few Lightwave users in the industry, but they are pretty far and few. If you want to learn C4D though, there are countless opportunities here in LA :D I'm busier now than I have been in the 5 years I've been freelancing. Hundreds of shops.


I'm a marine engineer. But I have degrees in biochemistry and mechanical engineering.

crazy at the coast

Quote from: Brightest After Dawn on February 26, 2013, 12:20:12 PM
I prefer to call myself a retail mastermind. ;)
Oh, I only said it that way for the benefit of those that tend to think less of us because of our job. I'm actually pretty happy with it, it pays the bills and its less than a mile from my house and people here mostly think highly of me and know me by name.


I'm a Computer Engineer by degree. I work in video games, mostly writing AI. But I tend to do other systems as needed as well :)

I've also dabbled (since high school) in 3D. Lightwave mostly, and some Modo, XSI and a tiny bit of Blender. I wouldn't say I'm on the level of the guys at work, but I love modeling stuff :)

Recently I've picked up Unity3D, and will probably write my own thing there.. as soon as i become motivated -_-


you guys are all incredible and seeing this I don't think my career will be impeded at all. well, maybe by misogyny, but perhaps not by trans status :)
"You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two."
― Hayao Miyazaki
Practicality dominates me. I can be a bit harsh, but I mean well.


I currently have a premedical degree and now working towards speaking and interpretation of ASL.
Watching the birds made me feel like taking a journey. The people, the landscapes, everything was imperfect but beautiful.


Quote from: tomthom on February 28, 2013, 10:16:04 PM
you guys are all incredible and seeing this I don't think my career will be impeded at all. well, maybe by misogyny, but perhaps not by trans status :)

Well I am not out :D

However, there are a few Trans people in my industry :)


Quote from: AllieM on February 28, 2013, 10:02:45 PM
I'm a Computer Engineer by degree. I work in video games, mostly writing AI. But I tend to do other systems as needed as well :)

I've also dabbled (since high school) in 3D. Lightwave mostly, and some Modo, XSI and a tiny bit of Blender. I wouldn't say I'm on the level of the guys at work, but I love modeling stuff :)

Recently I've picked up Unity3D, and will probably write my own thing there.. as soon as i become motivated -_-

Glad to see another Lightwaver here ^_^

Quote from: Jennygirl on February 27, 2013, 04:57:30 AM

I know a few Lightwave users in the industry, but they are pretty far and few. If you want to learn C4D though, there are countless opportunities here in LA :D I'm busier now than I have been in the 5 years I've been freelancing. Hundreds of shops.
I have no interest in moving to LA. Sorry but CA is a tad expensive to live in. Plus the ground is more stable here in Indiana :P But that doesn't stop me talking shop with you and learning C4D. ^_^


With the way digital media is these days too, you dont really have to be in one of those big hubs to get some work.

Granted its probably a little harder :)

Anyway recently I have been playing with Sculptris. Its a free little app that Pixologic picked up when they hired this programmer. But its basically a sculpting app that is way easier to use than ZBrush and you can make some pretty fun doodles :)

You can probably find it on Pixologic's site still.


I'm not out yet but I originally trained to be an Industrial Electrician then retrained as a Pedorthist.  Now with 20 years in the field I am the head of the Lab I work in.  My job requires a background in Kinesiology and knowledge and preferably experience in manufacturing and fabrication.

Oh how I wish for wings that work.


I'm a college student. I'm majoring in philosophy and French. My parents/"everyone" wants me to go to law school but I think I'd rather go to grad school and study history. Law wouldn't be too bad if I could do international law or something. I certainly don't want to practice law in my city, though. We already have too many lawyers.


I plan on taking astrophysics. I am unemployed so figure now is the time to go to college. I have to catch up on the math and such, but hopefully will be enrolled in Fall classes or Winter classes. I thank Neil Degrasse Tyson for getting me interested in this. It is too bad he wasn't the rockstar he is now when I was in high school so I could have focused on this then instead of having to catch up on all the math and such.


B.A. in Sociology, M.A. in Psychology(pending),(partial BSN education) paralegal/auto/diesel/small engine tech by schooling, and work in a local gov't agency, lol.

To know thyself is to be blessed, but to know others is to prevent supreme headaches
Sun Tzu said it best, "To know thyself is half the battle won, but to know yourself and the enemy, is to win 100% of the battles".



Previously professional student but now I'm in nursing. Was seriously considering medicine but I like my freedom! (not to mention my remaining youth, what's left of it!)


I know I would love to go back and get some  degree's in a science or psychology. I'd love to be able to counter my Brother-in-law's "I'm an Engineer" with "Well I'm a Doctor."


I have grade 11 and a certificate from a small business course that demonstrates if anything the only degrees that would matter to me, would be the ones my employees possessed.

My work history (that mattered) revolved around furniture. I have built by hand solo, and I have built it custom for a small business, I have made it enmass in a factory and I have refinished odds and ends. Spent most of my time though delivering schlock made to sell in large chain stores in my case for Leon's. My life has always been about making something in wood.

And then life told me to piss off and I was labeled disabled in 94 and poof that was the end of that.

So now, I am a retired parent in that my son is now 18 and an adult and I am now just a 'consultant' to him on life :)

My independent studies make me abnormally well educated, and without a shred of evidence to back it up.
But I'm 50 now, well past the usual time for starting off, and I live the life of a senior citizen.
What I do in my day, is mainly think of ways to fill it up.
Not easy.

My advice to those here below retirement. Plan for when you are 80, not 65. Because you won't really want to 'quit' until you are 80 and simply can't push yourself any further. 65 is still too young to condemn yourself to a life of too much effort to fill it up, when you could have just stayed at work hanging out with your daily mix of friends keeping busy.

It'd not about the cash at 65, it's about the boredom if you don't retire particularly rich.
Forget 'making way for the young', if they want your job, make them earn it.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


High school English teacher who's changing careers.  Going back to school to pursue Master's in Psychology and become a licensed therapist or counselor.