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ReelMagik Prosthetic Penis

Started by Tyler90210, March 07, 2011, 02:29:13 AM

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To Ratchet...they do look different in must be the angle I took the pics at, cause the 8" is def bigger. The 6" one I've had for almost 2 years...still looks pretty good.  A few spots look a little lighter, i guess where the color faded or wore off a bit, but not so bad that u notice it  I clean it pretty regularly though since I wear it every day.  You can see in the pics that it still looks good (one on the right). The 8 " I've had about 6 months.

To Frenchy...The regular glue did not work as good for only stayed on me for 3-5 hours at a time.  The new extra-strength glue they have now is awesome, and it holds the prosthetic on me all day.  I would get the extra-strength stuff if you want to keep it on longer than a few hours.


Ok, good to know for the extra strength glue!

Dantheman (sorry about all those questions!!) do you take showers/bath with it? Do you go swimming with it or is it not good for the color? Do they stay in place with the extra strength glue? I'm asking this because, I had a lolajake a year ago and it was kind of fragile.


Quote from: Dantheman on July 03, 2011, 12:46:41 AM

Here's some pics of my 6" and 8" I bought from them:

photo 2-1
photo 4-1
hey dan why is there a difference in color in the two in the first picture? and are these the basic or advanced prosthetics?


They look like the basic.
I'd guess the color variances are because the pieces are not every one looks identical.


The extra strength glue holds it on all day.  I have worn them in the shower with no problem, but honestly I prefer to take them off before I do cause washing the adhesive off is easier while in the shower so I just remove it beforehand.  The water doesnt seem to affect the silicone at all, I doubt it would hurt it.

There is a difference in color because I chose 2 different colors.  The first one I bought I went with the standard Caucasian color, but it was just a little too dark, so I decided to add the color match chart with the order and go a little lighter with the 8" ( I think it was M5?), which matches my skin tone better. Both of them are the basic ones, yes.


Dantheman, why did you buy the 4.5" one since you already have the 6" and 8" ones? Is it because the 6" and 8" are too big to wear them all day long?


I sent an email to Reelmagik a few days ago asking them if they were working on an STP, if the flex rod was likely to lose some of it's stiffness with long term use, and if they could give a basic idea of how long the prosthetic should last. This was the reply I got:

QuoteWe appreciate your interest in our products.  At this point, we are not working on STP devices, but this does not mean we won't incorporate that option into our prosthetics in the future.  The flex rod should not lose it's effectiveness.  The rod is made of a number of small ball joints that bend and twist in any direction, and can never kink.  Silicone is very durable, and should last quite a long time.  We cannot give an exact estimate, as each person will use the prosthetic in a different manner. 

So very mum on the durability of the prosthetic, that was no help at all. :( It's also sad they're not working on an STP device that could be added, but I suppose you can't have everything.


Quote from: MaxAloysius on July 07, 2011, 06:57:15 AM
So very mum on the durability of the prosthetic, that was no help at all. :( It's also sad they're not working on an STP device that could be added, but I suppose you can't have everything.

Thanks for posting that.  I was also curious about the durability of the product.  You mentioned two of my biggest fears about buying a prosthetic--how long will it last and will they come out with an stp model after I buy the old one. 

I'm really afraid of purchasing an expensive prosthetic that can't be returned and it look like crap or it tears within a month or an stp version comes out.  Or it's too big, my other huge fear.  I think I might get the GV/Sailor soft packer just to see if I can deal with the added weight and length before paying for something significantly more expensive.


I have a Reel Magik 4.5" without the flex rod that I got about 2 months ago. I got the extra paint job/colorization choice & I also got the attached hair. I have not posted any reviews online, because whether it is right for you is so deeply personal. However, I am very happy with my Reel Magik, and I want to share some answers/comments to the questions I most commonly see asked.

(1) How realistic is it? - Very. This is the best part & my main reason for going with Reel Magik. I can & have stripped naked (I have had top surgery) in front of cis-men and no one can tell I am trans. I wouldn't start doing naked gymnastics or even move around a lot in a communal prison shower environment, but the look and feel works. Choosing the right color/skin tone & also getting the hair likely helped me a lot with this.

(2) Does the adhesive work? Yes, for me, the extra-strength is very reliable. The regular was adequate, but had some shifting when I was doing athletic activity. The extra-strength stays put - even in sports, even with showering, even through sleeping, and it can stay on for multiple days (though I wouldn't recommend doing this often - your skin needs to breathe). I believe that this works well as a combination of both the quality of adhesive AND the light weight of the prosthetic. This was super important to me, to be harness-free, and I'm very happy about how it works. It also goes on in a matter of minutes. I don't spend a lot of time getting it glued.

(3) Is it comfortable? Absolutely. I basically forget it's there in the regular course of doing stuff. And I never got used to having an Stp-packer, because I found it too uncomfortable or bulky.

(4) Is it too big? Not really, BUT I am conscientious about wearing supportive undergarments when I'm going to be moving around a lot. And I don't feel comfortable wearing boxers and gym shorts, for example. It does make you seem like a bit of a "shower" in certain clothes. I had wanted it a little smaller (3.5 to 4 inches), because I'm short and those are the size packers I had, and the 4.5" is what I wound up with. I suspect it had to do with them combining what I wanted with what others were asking for and also making the proportions WORK (the penis versus the balls). The smaller you want the prothestic, the harder it would be to make it realistic and proportional. What is interesting to me is that I don't find that it sticks out more than a smaller packer + Harness did - it lays a little flatter. So if you are already packing, it's not really all that different.

(5) Can you use it with an STP? It doesn't have an STP, but it doesn't BLOCK you from using an stp. I am able to use another stp device (e.g., p-style, spoon, etc.) while wearing the prosthetic.

(6) How durable is it? I've only had it for just over 2 months and I don't wear it every single day. However, I have worn it for high intensity sports and I have slept and showered with it. I also take care to clean it after and before every use. So far, prosthetic shows pretty much no wear in the shaft or balls, and the tab back is still as strong as ever. There is some adhesive build-up, but it actually helps for future applications, so I'm not trying to strip it down.

The hair piece does show some wear - probably because I've showered with it and I'm also not super careful about never getting adhesive on the hair on the edge.

My hope when I bought it was to have it last 2 years (min) and maybe need some maintenance at the 1 year mark (paint touch up, hair, better adhesive removal, etc.). So far, I see no evidence that it would need to be any sooner. I did ask about touch ups and maintenance when I bought it, and it sounds like this is something they will do for reasonable price as needed. They don't offer a formal warranty, but they are a small business & stand behind their products. I was comfortable with that.

(7) How is customer service in general? Very good. One of the other main reasons I went with Reel Magik is that they reply promptly to inquiries and seem genuinely committed to doing right by their customers. I had heard mixed to negative reviews of other companies. I only have good things to say about working with Reel Magik.

My order was significantly delayed, but they responded to questions about it, and even offered me a discount when the actual delivery date was not remotely close to when it had originally been scheduled for (I suspect the new order policy is meant to alleviate issues that occurred this past year when they had several emergencies cause widespread delays). It was more important to me that they deliver a high quality product and one that matched what I ordered than to give me "something" by a specific date, and they seem to feel that this is the best policy as well.

Just remember that you are working with a small business, with all the ups and downs of that. Prosthetics are only one small part of what they do, so you should be aware of their busier and quieter times when you are ordering (e.g., halloween = big business!) & delays can happen. I hope their new order system streamlines the process, but since each order is still hand-made, this is NOT the item to buy expecting it to come quickly.

(8) What about the flex rod? I don't know. I didn't get one. For me, the goal was something I could comfortable wear all the day & blend in, even with my pants down. I didn't see the point in getting a flex rod in a 4.5" packer. I only penetrate men (not women), so the size and firmness were suspect. Plus, I was worried about cleaning it (even with condom use) & having it wear out faster. That's only my opinion though. Someone else may find it works for them.

(9) Why don't they make an STP version? Probably because there is no way to integrate an STP design without compromising the realistic look and light-weight nature of the prosthetic or ensuring that the adhesive/tab would still stay glued on properly, even with a placement that works for an STP. Having used many different STP devices, including STP/packers and just old stps, I do not think the science works for them to be able to create a functional STP that still feels, looks, and wears like the device they have now.

(10) What are the negative aspects of the device? As I stated, I'm happy with my Reel Magik. I knew exactly why I was getting it (wanting to blend in for sports, even in lockerrooms or camping), and it works great for my intended use. However, there are still some "negative" or parts about it that I would prefer not to deal with:

- Cost of the adhesive: when you are figuring out how much the device costs, you are pricing out your specs. Note, though, that the adhesive is very expensive. I haven't had it long enough to have a per use/application cost estimate & I may be using too much as I'm learning how much is enough to stick. That said, my best guess so far is that it may be almost $1 (US) per use. I'd be surprised if it is less than $.50 per use. If you are taking it on and off daily, this really adds up. (And you can't just leave it on indefinitely - that's not healthy). I've noticed that I wear it less than I otherwise would because of adhesive cost.

- The opposite of a pack & play: as I explained earlier, I didn't get the flex rod. One thing to remember, though, is that as realistic as the Reel Magik looks & feels, it can get in the way for having sex. You have to use solvent and remove it & clean up BEFORE you can then wear a harness & strap-on. It also can block some (though not all) access to your own junk. Depending on what kind of sex you like to have, it is more cumbersome than helpful. I d

- Hair removal: Like with any glued on prosthetic, you need to shave or wax the area you are adhering to. It's a minor inconvenience.

All in all - The 4.5" Reel Magik is the best prosthetic out there if you want something that looks and feels real. Just don't expect it to DO anything. You can't pee with it. You can't use it for most sex stuff. It just hangs there, you know, being there. That was enough for me & I'm glad I got it. If I was not interested in blending in while naked (let's say I didn't have top surgery already), I'm not sure I would see the point in getting it.
In Soviet Russa, Zero Divides by You!


Fantastic review, thanks Sean.  You answered a lot of my questions and helped alleviate some of my fears.  I'm still concerned about the durability of the prosthetic long-term.  Any type of "big" purchase I make, that's one of my issues. 

Your point about the adhesive is a good one.  I thought about how much it would cost, month after month.  It really does seem to add up.  Which is why I think I'll wait until I have a steady job.  That way, I can afford to keep buying it.

That's interesting about the "touch ups."  I had wondered about the hair because that's an option I want to have (either that or wear a merkin! LOL).  I can see how it would easily be damaged or pulled out.  If/when I buy a prosthetic from them, I'll definitely ask about maintenance prices.


Quote from: Dantheman on July 03, 2011, 12:46:41 AM
Here's some pics of my 6" and 8" I bought from them:

photo 2-1
photo 4-1

These look AMAZING. 

So Dan...just to clarify, on the 8" you got the custom color matching but not the enhanced detail paint?  I'm saving up for one of these and definitely want to do the color matching, but not positive if I'm going to pay the extra $95 for the enhanced detail paint, so just trying to get an idea of what it would look like.


Frenchy - I basically ordered the 4.5" cause of the 3d balls, it just looks so real and seems like an ideal packing size as well.  I've used the 6" for packing and it wasn't too large if I wore briefs to hold it in place. 

Jxpx - I got the enhanced detail paint on both and they are amazing.  Up close, there is so much skin detail and little veins...they look very realistic.

I completely agree with Sean.  You hit on all the good and bad points of them.  I know another guy that must have ordered the 4.5" one right after you did, cause he just got it about 2 weeks ago and he loves it...part of the reason I ordered mine right away.  Regarding the flex rod, I have the 6" with flex rod and it works well for sex, at least for me.  The stronger adhesive does hold it in place well, but I agree getting the 4.5" with it probably isn't as practical.  I have seen some posts on other forums from Asian ftm's that specifically were talking about wanting a 4" with a rod because they are naturally built smaller. 


Thanks for the awesome review Sean!

I think personally this will end up being perfect for me, since I don't have (or plan to have) much intimate contact with people, that's not an issue for me. I more or less just want it there so it's there. The added cost of the adhesive though is a big worry, especially since I would want to pretty much wear it every day. Does anyone know anything about mixing/making your own, or of any other adhesive that would work the same but be cheaper?


i am VERY interested to hear comments on how the 4.5" works for sex if anyone can offer them


I emailed them to ask if they plan to make a 5" or 5.5" they replied:

We appreciate your interest in our products. We do not currently have any plans to make a 5" prosthetic.  That may change in the future, but at this time that size model is not in the works.


Wil Najera

wow. i'm just starting out with my transitioning. but all this stuff is so helpful. lets me know how much money i have to save for it.


update- the official reelmagik youtube page says theyre developing an stp




(Okay where does it say it? I can't find it :( )

Let's be logical about this, it will take them a loooooooooong time to get it done if they do stick with it, but judging them by the standards of their work, I'd say once it's done it might actually stand a good change of being the most amazing thing ever! I doubt reelmagik will be satisfied with a simple spoon or funnel. Fingers crossed this goes ahead!

Da Monkey

The story is the same, I've just personalized the name.

Da Monkey

I don't see it on the YouTube page? I just see a comment they wrote 4 months ago saying they had an STP option and a smaller prosthetic in production but they only just made the smaller prosthetic and took down 'STP coming soon' off their website since then... ?
The story is the same, I've just personalized the name.